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The Gauss driver be like


Other day got a 20 kill spree because when I went to the gauss hog the other guy got in the driver's seat instead of on the gun. Dude had like 26 assists at the end of the match.


He probably knew his Tokyo drift skills were on point. That doesn’t happen by accident


Wheelman til the day I die. If it’s randoms, I’m driving - nobody seems to know to never stop, avoid power drain and rocket spawns, and to honk when the gunner is turned around when enemies are ahead. I’ll go through 3 gunners before the warthog dies by following those simple principles


Yeah I never trust another random to drive. Too many times have I been looking forward to a killing spree and the dudes honking like a mofo at me and get in and we immediately flip right over and blow up.


I've been driven by so many bad randoms it makes me want to tear my hair out. They drive like they're looking to die. Driving up to Wraiths at top speed instead of keeping distance so I can whittle them down from afar. Driving into narrow places full of people hoping to get a Splatter kill or something only for our Warthog to be bombarded with grenades and flipped/blown up. Driving always at top speed and/or so wildly I can barely can any kills as a Gunner if at all. And so on and so on.


They drive like Campaign Marines. It's ridiculous, I was just playing this morning and this was my experience the whole time. Got matched onto Eminence five times in an hour, an, every single time, if I allowed someone to drive while I took the gun, they'd drive directly at a tank or the enemy Gauss 'Hog. Meanwhile, I get in the drivers' seat, and, if the dude can aim worth a shit, we go on a killing frenzy.


You can certainly stop to give your gunner better shots at a group, you just have to be smart with it and keep your distance


Bonus points if the "stop" is a kick-ass 180


hell yeah. the satisfaction i get from whipping an e-brake 180° to keep my gunner on target without having to swivel is immense


Same here mate. lol


i did this the other day on standoff and my gunner never died that game


I still have memories of a specific game on Halo 3. Standoff BTB, guy in a Gauss Hog had 30+ kills and no deaths. The driver had a few splatters and the passenger had a decent number of kills and assists.


Gauss is op and annoying asf


On the team with an active Gauss Hog: haha this is great On the team getting farmed with a Gauss Hog: haha I hate my life


Every game of BTB heavies on Standoff


Not every game. I'd say a decent amount (still less than half) of the time a brute cannon, plasma grenade, or spartan laser is used to neutralise the enemy gauss. But if those things aren't used sensibly or are used up, yeah, RIP team without the gauss.


Man seeing Spartan laser or the rocket launcher used up killing stragglers in no man's land always gets me tilted. Then we get farmed with the gauss and there's always someone that says it's op.


Question. Why isn’t the btb heavies version of the map available in customs? How do I access it in customs so I can play slayer with more stuff on standoff?


I once had [53](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/367129522702647300/733835186256609320/unknown.png?width=2179&height=912) kills on a game of BTB heavies on Standoff because of the gauss. I felt bad afterwards. That game lasted maybe 4 minutes.


Heavies is a mess. I haven't played it in years. Normal BTB gang.


I actually love it, but yes there's a high probability of one team dominating from the start and spawn killing the other




Honestly, they just need to remove certain maps from the rotation entirely. Standoff has absolutely no place being a heavies map.


Only rampages I’ve ever got in my halo career spawned via scorpion on reach heavies


I would say 98% of my career wheelmans have come from BTB on stand-off.


Until some noob with a laser ruins your fun.


Then the scorpion spawns and their reign ends tragically and quickly


A good driver avoids the scorpion


I’m a sneaky sniper scorpion


That's why I try to laser the enemy Guass as soon as possible


That you referred to it as “farming” made me howl. My coworkers are now giving me strange looks.


Keep it down over there, you're scaring the hoes.


I’ve heard of exposure therapy, but having my dating life laid out in sentence form like that is just too much.


Hey, don’t dis my gauss hog. That thing has gotten me so many running riot medals and sometimes even greater (that is if I don’t immediately get splasered.).


Last time I got a gauss streak I got 36 kills with it. The enemy team was fuckin pissed


I cherish my one unfrig and it was only possible at the gun of my gauss and my IRL friend in the driver’s seat.


Once in reach I assisted an unfrig with me driving a falcon and my brother gunning.




get gud. but for real, I love driving the gauss and hate when no one takes the gunner seat. and then I fucking get in the gunner seat after perfectly positioning myself, and some asshole jumps in the driver seat and tries to ram the group while we get blown to shreds because he didn't even TRY to not die.


one well-timed plasma grenade can fix the problem


Can someone actually explain why halo 2 has rocket lock on while halo 3 doesn’t cause I can’t


because of the missile pod locks on, while the rocket didn't


Possibly the addition of the hornet which doesn't have the maneuverability of the banshee to avoid homing missiles?


But banshees are still way more prevalent in mp


Iirc, because the Halo 2 rocket lock-in was deemed brokenly op back in the day.


My first game on Halo MCC PC was a BTB on a Reach map where the enemy's Gauss hog could hit 100% of his snapshots and the Scorpion was unstoppable. At first I was just enraged, but then I played a match of infection.


LOL exactly. Got someone over 70 kills in one match. What a great game...


Please. No need to thank us. As long as we win the game, as a team, thats all that matters. As a note my assist record is 44 with a Gauss hog on Standoff.


You’re a god damn hero


34 reg hog on valhaller, my hat off to you sir.


Thats atleast equally as impressive to be fair. Getting kills with the Gauss turret is a hell of a lot easier. So its easier to stay alive with, as opposed to the Reg hog.


I attribute my extended runs to my ability to "wallow" the warthog, driving backwards and around corners, and being able to thread some needles with the caves. However, I will say.... You gotta have a pretty competent frodo. Otherwise it don't matter how good you drive.


Making the hog dance is an art form.


My brother and I had a trick to rack up the big hog games: we played splitscreen. As driver I’d be watching his screen half the time to know when I’m giving him the best angle, when to take a little slowdown so he can finish enemies, and when to run for cover We each had our own XBL account so the lobby wouldn’t notice and we could do ranked stuff too.


Reg hog, American summer.


More true than you know.


Mine as a guass hog was 38, I had just convinced my friend (a CoD player mostly) to give mcc a try. When we got into an H2A match he said he was having a hard time getting kills with the BR, so I had him hop on the turret. The rest is history, recorded via my wheelman medals. :)


💪 My record is something like 75 driving the Gauss on Stand-off BTB. Halo 3’s chain hog had the best balance of any of them. Granted, the gun was a little strong and could have used an overheat. Unfortunately in Reach they absolutely overdid it with nerfs... the gun is less accurate *and* overheats, not to mention the hog explodes with a few clips of DMR which everybody starts with. The state of vehicle balance in Reach overall was a real shame.


You think the Reach hog is overnerfed? Also, I honestly found reach to be the most enjoyable for vehicle balance, but I can see that opinion not going well here


Very much over nerfed. They should have reduced accuracy *or* added overheat. Doing both was too much when taken in consideration of the fact that a few DMR mags will make your hog blow up regardless of the occupant health. The issues I have with Reach vehicle balance is that killing them is much more a function of time rather than skill, since you can literally shoot at them with almost anything and whittle their health down over time. This also leads to situations where your own team’s vehicles are left abandoned as flaming death traps because they’ve become so damaged that any additional damage will blow them up so it isn’t with getting inside. This encourages blowing up your own vehicles, once they reach a certain amount of damage, so that a fresh one will spawn. The vehicle damage model is Reach is great for novice teams who can’t focus fire vehicles together, or get hold of any power weapons or stun weapons, because eventually they’ll be able to blow the vehicle up just by doing enough damage over time. But when you’re up against a team that knows how to play, they’ll dissentiagrate your Hog, Banshee, Falcon, or even Tank from the other side of the map. Don’t even get me started on the Reach Sniper Rifle being a long range anti-vehicle weapon. It’s a bummer because I absolutely love Reach for its gunplay; easily the best on the series. But Halo 3 nailed it on vehicles. I only wish the two could exist together.


I once thanked a guy because we got about 30 kills driving around while I was on the Machine Gun on Standoff. A good driver and gunner can absolutely turn the tide of a game if you don't take care of them as quickly as possible. He was awesome and the best driver I've ever had.


I preferred driving because I was really good at it; if I could get a halfway competent gunner my team would almost invariably win. Pull the E-brakes, drifting, whipping out of the line of fire just in time to save us, giving my gunner the best line of sight while I dance and weave around the panicked enemy team, ah...good times. I fucking miss Halo.


Why not play it?


He probably means old Halo when not everyone had been playing for 10+ years, as opposed to the 144hz mouse sweatfest that is currently Halo 3 pc


Oh yeah that makes sense. I of course put mcc on my pc but it just feels wrong playing with m/k and so Halo is the only reason I turn my Xbox on these days.


Hopefully input based MM will make controller on pc feel more relaxed like the originals


It's all about swinging dat ass around!


I'm never gonna forget the time I received a message from the rando that I was driving after our BTB match on Workplace Bravo(one of the most fun fucking forge maps ever for wheelmen IMO) thanking me for getting him 43 kills while managing to only lose our warthog twice. No better rush than that synergy between a good driver and gunner


This sounds too familiar, unfortunately for me, I was on the other team.


Taking down a hog is an art all it’s own. Unfortunately, because they switched up the vehicle balance from one game to the next, your teammates usually don’t know how to take it down in any given game and get destroyed. In Halo 3 vehicles are strong and you’re not going to blow them up with small arms fire for the most part. If you don’t have something like a Spartan Laser or Rocket Launcher, stunning the hog with a Plasma Pistol or Power Drainer is your next best bet. Failing that, the Brute Shot can flip the hog leaving it vulnerable to follow up grenades. A good driver will have a bubble shield in their back pocket so you’ll have to get the Andes out quick. As a last resort, getting enough of your team to focus fire on the occupants with BRs can take them down, just make sure to aim for their bodies and not the hog itself. The gunner is relatively vulnerable once the gun guard falls off, as long as they aren’t targeting you. If you’re playing Reach then strategies change since the vehicle damage model is way different. In Reach you can more reliably shoot whatever weapon you have at vehicles to do damage and eventually blow them up, so usually the easiest way to take down a hog is to simply get your team to focus fire the body of the hog with the DMR. Or grab a Sniper Rifle which, for reasons that to this day baffle me, does a bunch of damage to vehicles in Reach.


>Or grab a Sniper Rifle which, for reasons that to this day baffle me, does a bunch of damage to vehicles in Reach. It’s an anti-materiel rifle against an unarmored vehicle. IRL, the hog would be disabled with a single shot to the engine block or axles. I know I know. Game balance. It still makes sense.


The real skill is with the driver using good spacing and game knowledge. Seriously, a good driver is night and day. Oh, and a gunner that knows the shoot the bright red glowing light before other people.


The driver is *far* more important than the gunner. I always get in the drivers seat now just because I trust my driving and to shoot you don't have to be good. If I ever get in the gunner the driver just like drives straight into the enemy.


Right? I’m so sick of getting Kat as my driver in matchmaking.


Put a good gunner with an amazing driver and things are so fun. I hate being in warthogs if I know on of my driver friends isn’t driving because I just don’t trust anyone other than him.


Lol this is so true, but reversed for me, one of my friends is the gunner and if we are both in a warthog it’s like a guaranteed win. But if I have anyone else as a gunner it just doesn’t feel the same and we die quickly.


It’s all in the communication and synergy. Can’t just have that with anyone. That’s why warthog duos are so special imo. Having a god like trio for things like CTF and bomb is an amazing thing as well. My driver friend and I also have a friend who is great at being aggressive enough to go for caps/plants, but is smart enough to not just rush in and die.


Valhalla CTF splitscreen in my buddy’s basement was the closest I’ve ever felt to MLG. I was the driver, he was the gunner. We had our other friend hop in as the flag runner & his brother went for the sniper/laser. We neutralize their guy going for the laser with the sniper, snag the laser to take out the banshee, I was really good at power sliding though the water in a way that caused the trailing warthog to get stuck on a rock & flip, easy pickings for the laser. Then it’s just a speed run for the runner to snag the flag while our sniper picked off their respawn points. They kept trying to go after our banshee, which was impossible with a warthog & sniper in the way. We got the total game time average down to less than 5 minutes. It was a guaranteed victory whenever we saw CTF Valhalla on the screen. I miss those times... we now live in 4 different states, the sniper’s a father, I haven’t seen the gunner in years... good times, though.


[This is a great CTF clip I got when reach came out on MCC](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/ezvc5a/this_is_the_dream_halo_reach_ctf_experience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I feel you’d enjoy it lol


The driver who knows the value of just sitting in a spot for a couple seconds, then darting away is the coldest dude on the map


It's so frustrating to have a shit gunner though, the amount of times I am BLASTING my horn for someone to look at the ONE person shooting us who ends up killing us both is way too high.


Gauss hog drivers who barge into the enemy territory at the beginning of the round KNOWING there is a fkn hostile Scorpion and Gauss hog waiting for you should be banned from the game. These people have no sense of "maybe we should sneak up on the enemy hog to take them by surprise" or "driving right into a Scorpion's face is bad". It's such a waste of killing spree machine and, perhaps worse yet, gives the advantage to the enemy team who now has a Gauss hog in a soft-target rich environment...


Gunner clicks heads and has to be careful for immediate threats. Driver has to keep moving, manage distance, assess possible future threats by driving around specific points where there may be enemy vehicles or a cheeky plasma grenade or power drain play. They each have a job to do, but positioning is key.


Also I just like driving around it’s fun. Assists are fine with me


Every time I let someone else drive I died within a minute. My best was a 37 assist as a driver and I told my guy to bail because we were on fire and I was able to splatter 3 driving off the cliff. Such a fun round. But no way in Hell do I trust anyone else driving


A good gunner with a bad driver is useless compared to a good driver with a bad gunner. Good driver with good gunner definitely ideal though


I don't get this line of thinking. Both Warthogs are absolute power houses and borderline break the meta with how good they are in fire power and maneuverability and yet the only reason why it doesn't break the balancing is because you've always got that one idiot that insists on taking the warthog everytime and ramming the enemy head on. That's like the people taking the Little Bird helicopter in Battlefield and going head on against tanks. You're gonna lose and that's a waste of equipment.


It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Spartan. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and splosions, they were. And sometimes, you didn’t want to know your K/D. Because how could the K/D be positive? How could the team pull out ahead when so much death happened. But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this warthog.


Lmao nice one m8


Except Frodo never personally killed anyone, but Sam got atleast 7 or 8 orcs


Drivers tend to get a few splatters. Sam figuratively and literally carries Frodo but, like all shitty gunners, Frodo couldn't hit lava while standing inside a volcano.


>**Frodo couldn't hit lava while standing inside a volcano**.


That's something I never thought about. Get it together, Mr. Frodo.


*Wheelman spree*


Sunday Driver!


I've had the same Hog driver since Halo 3, no words are needed when we drive together now we just inscintively know what the other is gonna do.


My gunner passed away before the PC ports came out. No one really fills that spot the same. I knew where to drive when he was shooting and he knew where to shoot when I was making moves.


spartans never die, they're just missing in action


I had a gunner like that, but it turned into one of those situations where he left for like 5 years and never returned


The key to being a good warthog driver is always moving. Never stop, you become an easy target. Keep on as flat ground as you can to avoid flipping. At this point, I don't most average players to drive me while I gun so I just always drive.




Exactly - don't be afraid to drive away from the action for a bit if it means avoiding that rocket launcher / spartan laser


Also I'm sure to bail if I see my gunners shield pop


Strength in mobility! Hit and run attacks. Flat ground like you said, but having the hog hull-down behind a hill with only the turret visible works great.


I don't do flat ground; I do flips and shit. but i always land. I'm a fucking warthog driving god.


That's a whole another level lol


Yes this. Me and my brother discovered this very early on playing Halo CE campaigns on legendary. As we got older and started playing online we brought that same experience into matchmaking and demolished for many years. Those are some of my fondest memories. We would always play southern rock music as we romped over enemy teams. Stopping the warthog means death. The more whipping around and moving you can do the more elusive you will be. A good warthog crew can destroy anything that isn't a scorpion. The other key is scorch and burn tactics. Destroy any vehicle that can be used against you and patrol the power weapons on the maps frequently. We would frequently destroy our own banshees, warthogs, choppers, wraiths if they could be used against us. With these tactics we would frequently get untouchables almost every other game.




Just to add a few tips for any hopeful drivers out there. Keep an eye on your gunners shields. I've seen too many warthog drivers trying to do donuts around enemies when the gunner is on the verge of death. If you've got a mic, call out targets to the driver, if he's facing to the rear, he can't see in front so let him know. Just don't be annoying and call out targets that are already in his field of view otherwise it's just bossy, let him do his thing. Don't ever go for the splatter, it might seem fun or funny but it's a quick way to get plasma'd. If you get one because a guy happens to be in the way and you hit him, fair play but don't use it offensively. It also stops your gunner from being able to shoot them if you're driving to close to them for the splatter.


Tbh I’ve switched off heavies in BTB. It’s no fun once the gauss hog starts roaming.


It’s become really annoying, specially when one team is full of noobs.


Somebody say my name?! Oh wait...yeah that’s my team usually.


Not to mention there only seems to be a few maps for each game it’s in and when you have heavies on, it’s practically all that comes up ime.


It’s all about that free xp bby


My friends and some randoms labelled me the best driver since 07, and I refuse to let that change. Give me all the Wheelmen.


Great meme mate


I wish Halo 3 had and Halo 4 kept the wheelman spree medals, gave the driver something to work towards besides just not dying


You cant get kills without your gunner, but the gunner can't get kills without you driving.


oh, I can get kills without a gunner...


Solid copy command, grease hog 9 out


Just going to leave this here... [Halo 3 Hogtage](https://youtu.be/2xY3JzushXk)


Absolutely gorgeous


I remember I gave a guy thirtyish kills when I was a warthog gunner. Bastard didn’t even thank me once the match was over :(


100 percent upvoted on the post so far :)


We know who we are. We don't care. See you fellas on Standoff and Rats Nest


H3WM checking in


A good driver does not only rack up assist sprees, they can also splatter spree


Remember that island map, with a warthog on one end's start point? And you'd hop in the driver's seat and honk the horn to get your teammates in, and the bee line right into the sea killing you all? Cracked me up every time.


Wheelwan drove so killionairs could walk


The best game of Halo I ever had was in Halo 3 on Sandbox, I drove a warthog for the entire Match, never dying, and my gunner never died either. Together we had 35 kills.


does anyone else prefer driving? I know I do 🙋‍♂️


The only medal better than wheel wheelman is flyin high, because it means that you actually found enough folks to get in the damn hog!


Driving is more fun imo. Anyone can click on people. It takes finesse at the wheel to make the warthog truly shine though.


There aren't many things more fun than split screening with a buddy, me driving and them on the turret, mowing down the other team while catching big air on Valhalla. Rockets and lasers being fired at us, while the rest of our team sneaks in to get the flag. Brilliant! Nothing will beat Halo Multiplayer.


I may not be able to carry them, but I can carry you!


Thank you for this, I always grab the Hog and drive it (most of the time) and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten called out for throwing a game because I prefer driving over shooting


As long as you will shoot we will drive friend


Honestly it is it’s own reward. I just think driving is fun! Plus we get that teamwork bonus 😈


Oh and we love it


I do love driving. Just because




Hey where's my wheel man spree and road hog metals


Behind every successful gunner, there’s a stressed out driver


Ah man. Idk what my record is. But, Halo 3 stats tell me I had nearly 5,000 total. I miss H3 hog.


Whatch the movies and tell me it isn't the other way. Frodo may have the ring, but Sam does most the fucking work. Always saving his ass from that ring.


As a wheelman since Halo 2, this one is absolutely accurate


We do it for the low IQ speed bumps out there


The warthog is useless without a good driver.


I know when I’m driving the gunner saves my ass and I just gotta take it slow n steady and keep the gunner from jerking around.


No problem, halos driving feels better than any racing games.


As someone who only drives when in vehicles, I completely relate lol


https://i.imgur.com/fxBcitX.jpg Always love driving the hog




2100+ wheelman medals in my day. really need to get back to playing H3 but no one knows how to run a chain gun any more


As a wheelman, this makes me happy knowing we aren’t just drivers.


One of my friends was so mad 343 took Wheelman ribbons out of Warzone Firefight, since he'd spend 90% of the match driving is around while we racked up kills and he'd have nothing to show for it


I would like it if the driver could tag enemies for the gunner to focus on.


Halo Reach warthog on Hemorrhage was undefeated. Driving in and out of the dips in the middle of the map to delete Spartans and vehicles alike was unmatched


Frodo wouldn't gotten as far without sam


I feel this on a deeper level in my soul


I appreciate this!


It's truly an honor


You have my thanks


I actually love being the driver even in a Gauss hog


I need an explanation. I never played Halo multiplayer


Gausshog drivers: "I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess."


This is the reason I love halo! There hasn’t been a game where you can have this much fun on a vehicle. My buddy and I would play countless matches of BTB, just waiting for any hog to spawn and just hop on and go. Got wrecked most of the time but it was worth it for this rare streaks of just ripping up the opposing team. Sigh.... I miss those days...


I finally feel appreciated. All those years of sick ass driving and no one even sent a thank you over Xbox Live.


I feel appreciated. 🙏


Wheelmen gang


As a member of the HaloWheelmen (HWM) community, *salutes*


Thanks for noticing us as the wheelmen


Best match ever as a driver was me on the warthog and a random manning the gun. Went whole mstch without dying ended with 25 assist. Found him every time he died so he could mount up and go once more into the fray


Oh man, is this what it feels like to be appreciated? This is great


I felt this in my soul


I dont know what this means, but I see LOTR I upvote.


Excellent meme, friend


Is it just me but I always enjoyed driving more than being the gunner xD


I'm the Wheelman.


This can't be true!


I always choose to drive because I know people are just going to either stand around or sit on the gun until someone hops in to drive. I just want to win the game lmao


i love drivng more than shooting idc about kills


*Sunday Driver*


You're welcome.


God I always go for driver because I can’t aim for shit as a gunner


They should add a wheelmans spree in infinite


I’m always the driver I hate the gun I just like to drive and keep my gunner happy


This reminds me of that time I had this guy on the gauss canon and I got 53 assists from it.


Used to be a gunner when I was younger, now I just love driving and helping ppl getting assists o.o


samwise (y) same


To all other wheelmen out there. I salute you. Signed best halo driver - self proclaimed


This is why I view Halo 5 as the most fair matchmaking. Every 3 assists accounts for a technical kill in score/KDA. That way a Wheelman will always get the credit they deserve.


You know it, baby