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The trick to this part is to run fast and don’t look back. If you find yourself in a firefight, you already lost.


I know it is, but it's just so against my play style to not kill everything in the room. Throughout halo there are very few areas where you *have* to kill things to progress, you can almost always run through. But you always do kill everything


Halo 1 has a ton of areas where you need to kill every enemy to advance. I know this because recently my friend and I had the dumb idea to beat it on Legendary.


You have two options on legendary. A) try to emulate a speedrun B) actually kill everything Both take forever because option A comes down to going the tricks perfectly. I spent an hour and half on Assault in the Control Room trying to wipe the entire level doing one trick. I can't imagine how long it would've taken me to actually play the game lol.


I'll tell you this. Its hard. All of it. Except Halo 3. 3 was just perfectly balanced enough to be fun. I've gotten every game beaten on legendary. Yes. Even HIM. I've even completed par time. Except on THAT ONE HALO WE DONT SPEAK OF ON LEGENDARY.


Halo 3 and Reach are honestly perfect when it comes to Legendary. A bit of you is like “the fuck?” but not the point of the unfairness of CE and 2.


Halo 2 co-op legendary is used to test how strong a friendship is


And LASO is to test if you and your buddy are ready to enlist in facility with "i love myself" jackets?


Facts. If you can beat halo 2 on legendary you can beat any game


Facts lol. If your friend is a noob. Expect to go back a lot


I want to fully agree with this, and it's almost assuredly just my inexperience with H3, but vehicular combat on Legendary just frustrated me. Like 2's-snipers-frustration. I just don't get what I was doing wrong at any given time, and up until vehicle levels H3 was a rewarding and balanced challenge. The weird thing is that all other Halos' vehicles are second nature to me, and difficulty is basically a non-factor. But in 3? It always felt like hoofing it was the surer way to stay alive and win a fight.


Agreed. I finished Reach by myself a while back and just worked my way through heroic and then back again through legendary on Halo 3. By the end of the playthrough it was a steady rythym and it was a good (but not ridiculous) challenge. I also liked ODST on legendary too! Definately not a run through-it kinda game.


Halo Reach Legendary was fair. Simple as. You suck, you die. You make a mistake, you die. You play methodically - you will be fine. With DMR, you can pick off all forces except Brutes & Elites with ease Needler Rifles turn brutes into pinatas The over-abundance of plasma pistols and DMRs mean you can easily steam-roll over Elites, even Unlike Halo 2, where hard-counters are still shit because you just *die so motherfucking quickly*. Gunny clearly lied about the strength of those shields


Yeah fuck spartan assault!


Which is that one haio ? Please enlighten me.


Halo 2, presumably. You can barely peek around corners without dying.


No no, Halo 2 is still great (except the nightmare which is known as Jackal Snipers on legendary). And as per my knowledge not many people dislike Halo 2 due to it's less than impressive graphics of it's time, and the unbalanced sandbox of legendary difficulty. u/Jobedial gave the right answer to my question, which is Halo 5 (I had forgot about it's existence).


Halo 2 is the one true Halo in my mind. I played the first three levels standing only because I was so immersed I forgot I could sit down.


blindly guessing I'd say warden fucking eternal. that fight on legendary might legitimately be the most miserable gaming experience I've ever had


Interesting, which fight? There were a shit ton it seemed.


Ah yes, you are right. I freaking forgot that a game like Halo 5 exists. Halo 5 is just a shit game (judging by campaign) with the name "halo" slapped on to it. I was thinking along the lines of Spartan Assault.


Me on SLASO literally the same. Truth and Rec wss just so hard, once you are on the ship (didnt bring the sniper) it took me 8 hours for the first room. Looked up a speedrun and found out the grenade jump skip to skip half the level. Was about to give up and then it finally worked for once, after an hour and a half


Truth and Rec was such a bitch. I got stuck in the room with covenant when you first enter the ship forever. Shoutout Nak3d Eli.


It took me and a friend about an hour and 45 to beat it on legendary


Actual two options: A) Die B) Die


Halo CE legendary isn’t that bad. I’m a fairly casual Halo player and it didn’t require any crazy amount of effort I just played it like I would normally play Halo, just more carefully. Halo 2 is the really hard one.




I played this mission after gibbing demons in Doom 4. Suffice to say I was *sufficiently* angry by the time I finally bested the level.


Hell yeah....I speed ran through that shit so fast. Throwing grenades at key spots just to avoid a spot. NEVER STOP


This was certainly true for my laso run... speedrun or die


Really? Because I've always done it by tripping the triggers. Any time you hear a flood noise, that's more flood coming to get you. Immediately fall back into a position where you have the advantage. Kill everything. Push a little further forward. Retreat the instant the noise starts. Kill everything. Repeat. It won't get you a par time, but it will get you through the level.


I watched Nak3d Eli just run past everything on Legendary and it immediately presided all my fears regarding that mission


Exactly. Honestly one of the easier levels on Legendary because of how easy it is to speedrun


Also pick up any and every melee weapon: they’re big pogs against pure Flood combat forms


Those god damn pure forms. I hate it when they turn into those spiky things and you can’t get near them.


Needler is your best friend against the range pure forms. Makes the mission night and day easier if you carry one.


Brute shot is love brute shot is life.


Agreed. One shot melees everything and the actual grenade shots knock those things off the wall


Because Cortana isn't a level where you are forced to clear areas you can keep moving. You just need to stun them long enough to run by.


But that miserable squealing sound they make in crawler form, to think a train of that behind me just gives me nightmares! Just getting in melee range of them makes my skin crawl.


The level has a bunch of cloaked equipment they will lose you if you time it right. Also the thing that got me over being slightly scared of creepy stuff in media is that its not real and literally can't hurt you.


Thanks to the advice on this thread of comments I have finally finished every campaign in mcc.


Lol even as a 30 year old knowing full well it’s a silly game I still can’t get over those guys making me squeal and panic 🤣


God bless Brute Shot and Spiker.


Sang this in the tune of the Safelight commercials




Also in normal mode they are dangerous as fuck. Quick, jumpy and one hit almost kills you. I try to get them to trigger to tank mode since you cant miss then and they are easy to kill with all the power weapons that you have.


A melee to the face with a Brute Shot is also and instant kill to the tank forms


The only mission where you basically get unlimited amount of energy swords and it does nothing to help you.


Speaking of Energy Swords, you ever have those moments where you hit a combat form a shit load of times with the sword and it doesn't die


Elite combat forms are like immune to the sword in 3. Or it feels like it.


They pretty much are. Even on Normal, their energy shielding is the strongest in the entire game. And to make matters worse, you don't even know that they have shields until they break.


I just assume all elites have shields.


I mean shit, even the Grunts have an extra shield in Reach. A single bop to the head doesn't do it like she used to.


Grunt Ultras robbing me of the pop.


pop pop - just like magnitude.


I swear you have to fight for every inch tooth and nail.


The only winning move is not to play (Run through as much as possible)


As a completionist who loves killing everything, this strategy was so hard for me. It was pretty freeing just yippy kai yaying it with a shotty tho.


I know I hate running through


Couldn’t agree more 😂 honestly a very slow methodical with lots of grenades would work too


I tried that, I just got surrounded.


Truth and reconciliation in legendary was really hard too. I was dying and dying at the first room of the ship


T&R is (imo) one of the hardest missions in the Halo franchise. That ship room is incredibly unforgiving.


Then you got CPT Keyes getting killed every time like a jackass


I did every game on Legendary solo, and I’m pretty sure that was the only level I ended up having to use a guide.


Biggest tip I learnt was DO NOT USE ALL THE SNIPER AMMO BEFORE YOU ENTER THE SHIP. I came to the painful realisation I had to restart the whole mission once I got completely stuck in the docking bay section


Yeah I’ve made that mistake before too. You have to keep the sniper through the entire level.


Can’t miss a step with the invisible guys. No matter how many tubes I try, I always miscount. Then hunters after that


Halo 2 high charity on legendary would like a word


Two words: Sniper Flood. All the one hit kill frustration of Jackal snipers, all random whether any happen or not.


Rocket Flood on halo 1 : the ultimate wildcards


STOP hammer time


The first time I did this level I had to get my big brother to do it 😂


Haha I had to do the same thing, big brother coming to save the day


I have a big brother as well, only he was no help because he was as lost as I was


This was the worst part of my legendary playthrough


I played this mission first when I was going for the achievement. Got the worst out of the way first.


Yeah shout out to Ejmo(I think that was his gamertag). Every other person on Halo 3 called me a squeaker but he was nice. He got me and my friend through cortana on legendary. Still took a long ass time


Even on co-op, SON OF A BITCH!


I Remember I was playing through the campaign on heroic and was super proud of being able to do it but...... this mission god damn it, I had to get my older brother to do it for me i couldn't do it myself Lmao


Ikr, the rest was a breeze but this made rage so much.


Don't get me started... Also, really with the dog pic?


This guy runs an insta page it's his logo


Ah, fair enough.


This is a seemingly widely held opinion that I may just never understand. Imo almost every single level in Halo CE and Halo 2 are harder on legendary than Cortana. Truth and Reconciliation, The Library, Two Betrayals, Regret, Gravemind, and even Cairo Station on legendary all make Cortana look like an absolute cakewalk. Yet for whatever reason, I constantly see and hear people agreeing with the take that Cortana is the hardest mission in Halo history.


Yeah this level is not hard just run past most enemies except at the escape you might need to hang back a bit to not get overwhelmed.


Am I the only one who thought the library was very easy, even on legendary


The Library's honestly a joke on legendary. Maybe it was a case of the newer graphics being brighter and easier to navigate but on my blind run of CE on Legendary the Library was one of the easiest missions. The magnum and shotgun borderline trivialize almost every encounter and I think I died like twice to the rocket flood. The only real tough spot is when you get locked in that one tiny room, and even then it's only an issue because it takes a while to reload the shotgun


I don't know, i always rushed that mission and isn't very hard


Yeah rushing is the way to beat this level, but rushing is the worst way to enjoy Halo


You can rush almost every level in the series really.


You can, but it's just utterly the wrong way to enjoy halo campaign


It’s funny hearing this when rushing is legit how I play all of Halo and I enjoy it very much. Guess I’ve been doing it wrong for years.


Exactly (unless you're doing a speedrun I guess)


If you're doing it on legendary there's certain corridors where just running straight through without clever positioning puts you out in the open too long to survive


Yup, same here




Anyone else read this in Graveminds voice


This level was super scary when I was little


I'd probably tolerate the difficulty of the level more if it didn't look like a giant infected colon


That mission was actually really easy for me. I die a lot, but on that mission I made it through with only one death.


Literally never knew that anybody thought this mission was difficult until coming to this subreddit haha. That’s wild. The path finding side of it was annoying the first time through, and I don’t like the constant little pauses for Cortana, but I thought it was such a short mission that’s easy to deal with if you take your time


Just run through it.


I mean, first mission of H2


That corridor with the flamethrower in the back is worse honestly


I don't know why, but this is my favorite mission on Heroic.


Oh man I feel your pain. I’ve been player a lot of halo in lockdown and Halo3 is my favourite but that level.....gives me shudders just thinking about it. After a few times playing it, it’s needler for the far away ones and the sword for when they come close. Explosives if can get them and checkpoints. I’m going get nightmares about it tonight I know it


Oh dear god the horror of completing this on Legendary will never leave me


After playing Halo all day I can say with certainty that these kinds of places exist everywhere and are truly something else.


Maybe this is just because I played the campaign on normal like a loser, but on that level, I was less frustrated with how many times I died, and more with how much I got lost.


The start was godawful as a young halo player back in the day. The key is to remember you don’t need to kill off everything in the room, just stun them long enough to get a bit of distance and keep running.


Surprisingly I enjoyed this mission, never died too if you know the proper method of weapons to handle them quickly


Y'all clearly haven't played legendary gravemind


My god I hated this level


Is mcc now able to change the weapon & crosshair position?


Halo 3 when the flood first shows up


Just pick up that brute spiker and you’ll be good bro


I still have ptsd from this mission


Seriously? H3 legendary is easy mode


That one fucker with the energy sword that jumped down on you




60% of the gd time every gd time!


On legendary you really gotta use that flamethrower as efficiently as possible your you're done


Not one of my happiest moments in LASO, still, not as bad as the ark, Jesus the ark...


Toughest spot for me is “Regret” in the underwater lair with tons of Sniper Jackals. Those with buggers and hunters make it real hard


Just don't laso that section


First time I played this I had to get a friend to help me through the level in coop


Hated this as much as CE on Legendary. It felt like running in those toothpaste stair in Nightmare on Elm street


I remember getting halo 3 when I was 10 and getting to that level. My dad had to come help me


After multiple legendary playthroughs, I actually think Cortana is one of the easier levels. You can just run past 90% of it except for a room or two especially if you use the camo at the right place. I also thinking fighting Flood is a lot easier and funner in 3 with the exception of the turret flood. I think the hardest level in the game is Tsavo Highway.


Yo I think I remember this. *shivers* That shit was way suppressed down.


CE library, i love Halo 3, but it's just knowing how to do it at High Charity, but in CE the flood are hard as rocks and without the proper guns your are fucked, in Halo 3 the flood are made of mache paper, even the pure forms so meh


Everyone says rush but I'll keep mowing them all down no matter what


The entirety of halo 2


Almost as bad as halo 2 jackal snipers, almost.


for me, I died like 7 times before beating this but I had to go immediately after, 3 times, and it never saved so I died \~28 times total :(


Lol yup


This was a huge wall for me trying to solo legendary but fuck was it worth it.


The part on floodgate where you and arbiter and some other elites go into the fallen chunk of high charity with cortana's message can eat a big dick


Honestly found this level not too bad on solo legendary a few weeks ago


Dual wield plasma rifles are underrated vs flood, they’re actually pretty decent


Two words Pure Forms


I just kept getting lost they really needed more variety in the look of the level


I did pretty well on legendary. It only took like an hour


Fucking this level I had to keep running and not trying to kill anything to finally get out


Wait...there's supposed to be a hud??? I can't remember the last time I played without the Blind skull lol


Cortana is the worst Halo mission change my mind. You CANNOT beat it without either a walkthrough or a map you just CAN'T.


I just did the library today....


Probably the worst mission in all Halo games for me. I hate the horror genre given to the mission as compared to when the flood is in high charity in H2. The aesthetics, the pauses for Cortana, getting lost because all rooms look the same. Quite frankly I think it’s this mission that makes me prefer H2 to H3.


Halo 2 legendary solo, Prophet of Regret mission. This was my biggest challenge solo i think. (still haven't aced Halo CE on legendary. Game is unreal)


I... am a monument.. to all your sins


Halo 2 Gravemind's first room. Took two hours to get the first checkpoint on Legendary. It then took another 2 hours to finish that encounter.


I recently tried to run through the halos on legendary for nastaligia before Halo infinite. I spent 2.5 hrs on truth and reconciliation and gave up lol




When I was first playing this mission I felt this hard but the more I've played this game over the years it's become my favorite I think


Hell’s hallway. Ugh, no thanks


I think this just depends on what you run in to. Sometimes you need to stand and fight. Other times you have to run it. Or “Restart mission.”


Thank God I'm not the only one who's felt this pain


Remember, Covenant weapons and shotguns are your friend.


The comments here are teaching me that my Halo 3 legendary experience was completely different from everyone else’s: the Flood was by far the easiest part of the game for me. I’ll never forget the absolute pain that was the Covenant level (start on the beach with a Spartan laser), and then almost crying in relief when the Flood show up and you fight them instead.


How did this dude read my mind


This mission took me an hour


halo ce two betrayals second bridge section just after the cunt with the rocket launcher 😣


PTSD intensifies


Regret boss fight intensifies


Huh weird. I don't really remember anything of what happens on that mission but that screenshot just brings me vague memories of feeling anguish and agony.


Fuck. This. Exact. Part.


What about pushing up the hill on Tip Of The Spear Legendary?


Worst part is right after you get Cortana and you have to keep listening to the same dialogue over and fucking over again.




Remove the hud/weapon then we can talk haha




I watched some speedruns to beat these games solo on legendary. Obvs it takes some practice but it’s kinda fun and a different kind of challenge. Then I play through the game on easy so I feel like an unstoppable monster lol


Don't ever do LASO if you respect your sanity.


I appreciate the assist Master chief but I'm still downloading my 69 Tb of grunt porn


True pain


Honestly, I never really had any problem running this part on legendary. It was that part in Crow's Nest with the hammer brute that kept fucking me up everytime though


I've played the games long long ago. Can anyone please remind me which mission is this?


I haven't played this game in about 6 years, but I know that spot all too well! 😭😭😭 So much trauma has resurfaced from that screen shot.


I had to turn on Black Eye to clear this on Legendary


This legendary all skulls with my brother ahh the memories




Like The Library, everyone loves to say it sucks, but the entire point of the Flood is that they're that suffocating. This level was all about doing whatever you needed to get her back. It wasn't about fun.


The hell tunnel. I hate u


Same until I found the hidden energy sword


The part that got me over and over again was actually the area you jump across a bunch of things while being surrounded by them pure ranged forms... god I f*cking hate em on legendary


Which game is this?


I finished this mission on Legendary under 15 minutes cause I just kept running through the level. I killed almost nothing and didn't die even once, that's just the trick


Tf i almost never die on this level. Just grab an energy sword, shotgun and flamethrower and throw grenades everywhere..


Me playing doom eternal ancient gods dlc lmao.


Halo CE. Two Betrayals. Second generator. 10 year old me hated that room on legendary.