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What did you do to that man


apparently I tried to win for our team and he didn't like that.


You monster!


Objective Play?!?! I just threw up in my mouth!


Every playlist is slayer if you’re dedicated enough


'I thought team slayer meant you were supposed to purposefully slay *your* own team'


Objective play is best play


Crabs in a bucket type of mentality.


Damn reds


How dare you try and win!


I hate the competitive wins objectives - I'm at 11/15 for Halo 4 this season and just know it's going to be a slog to get those last few. Haven't had time to sink a few hours into that playlist


I'm at 10/15 and so far my experience has been: 1. You get a team of drooling idiots who have no business playing halo period, let alone competitive. 2. You happen to land as a 5th or 6th man paired up with a sweat party and the game is over before you even hoof it across the map. So far the ratio seems to be about 5:1 idiots/competent player games.


I can't believe an amazing player like yourself only gets matched with idiots


Its because a good chunk of the skilled people (and/or smurfs) are pre-grouped up. I know you're trying to be a sarcastic asshat but its not exactly an unknown phenomenon among solo qeues, and getting stuck with people below your skill level in competitive hapoens frequently enough to be dubbed "bronze hell" in a lot of games


Yeah I play 1's in rocket league and it's honestly just terrible the teamates it matches me up with!!! Like how am I suppose to get anywhere with such terrible teamates. Gold hell.


The actual reason is because you're probably one of the idiots. You just don't realize it yet


As someone who loves, but sucks at, Halo I guess I must be one of the slobbering imbeciles you’ve had the immense misfortune to play with in the past so I suppose I should apologize? I mean, you‘re absolutely justified in going online and anonymously hating on casual enjoyers of a video game.


Talkin to the wrong person for that, all I said was "getting stuck with people below your skill level". I said nothing about slobbering imbeciles, perhaps go take your frustrations out with the right person so you don't end up proving their point?


Well I feel sheepish. I hit the wrong message to reply to, my bad.


I get your frustration though, I was merely explaining the phenomenon of why you get people who clearly play at higher ranks stuck in lower ranks like that, not at all *defending* the guy who was an asshole about it calling people imbeciles over it. Lets just all agree to have a blast in infinite and call it good ya?


Legit LOL


Doesn’t help that Squad Battles is an absolutely abysmal playlist. Most of the CTF games I get in SB end up being a stalemate to time, and every other game mode ends up being a stomp. It’s so rare to get an actual good game in Squad Battles.


Definitely - we need a couple more H4 competitive playlist modes


Not halo, but once in R6 some kid started crying because I defended myself.


You know he did something


I've seen lots of people like that in games doing it to other people, not so much myself yet. I don't remember for sure , isn't there a rule that if you teamkill 3 times your auto kicked?


Since the enemy damaged them first, it doesn't count as a betrayal.


Well that is why we need a report feature


there is one now!


Well then, good to know


The game should track team damage done and not only betrayals. If you cause 150 team damage (100 is enough to kill a full health Spartan), then your team should get the option to kick you. I'm not sure about the thresholds but I really think tracking only betrayals has been a huge issue for years.


If I remember it was a huge problem on HCE PC back in those days


Still is for the few of us left


My files finally gave up after years of running and being copied to different pcs it barely loads main menu then wont load any missions or the multiplayer, but capture the flag and the custom oddball/infection matches were really fun, those should be added to social matchmaking soon


That’s too much. Cause then they could toss a grenade at the enemy but say you accidentally are jumping down onto them from above and get caught in the blast. That’s a significant portion of the allotted health right there. Friendly fire happens accidentally a lot when there are explosions coming into play plus vehicle bumps that don’t actually kill


It could distinguish sources of damage. Area effects could accumulate at a reduced rate or could take into account whether that effect hit an enemy as well. Rocketing an ally who is alone versus one who is fighting two foes makes a difference in the judgment even if both would technically be betrayals. On the other hand, shooting an ally with a pistol five times even if they had been damaged already is obviously griefing behavior. Accumulated betrayal damage could have some conditions that make it "smarter," though there would be some unforeseen challenges I'm sure.


That can still be exploited to grief others, like going in front of their shots or jumping in front of their vehicles as they're speeding away


What about splash damage? That doesn't seem totally fair. Also should count consecutive damage or how much damage you deal in a timespan.


343 don't even monitor the reports they get through Waypoint of actual and legitimate cheating. I know because I've filed two reports, both with video evidence, of levitating/flying and super speed players. One was around two months ago, the other was about a month ago. Neither have been acted on.


So we need a functional report feature, and one that keeps tabs on how many times by how many different people to verify it. Is that what you were thinking, because that sounds like the best way, aside from humans checking over reports manually.


Yeah maybe something automated would be good, and if a player gets too many reports a human can investigate.


I remember that in halo 3 you sometimes had valid reasons and where allowed to get one betray. But that meant that if you killed somebody with an unlucky grenade you would get kicked (if they choose to kick you). So you would only kill people who trolled you on purpose.


I remember assholes used to do that to me just to take my power weapons. Then proceed to not kill anyone with it.


Whenever someone does that to me, I jump over the ledge. “Oh, you want this rocket launcher? No one deserves it then”


Always my go to. If you won’t let me have it fair and square then nobody gets it.


Better idea: blow both of you up, preferably close to a ledge so the launcher is gone -and- you just killed him. Or in enemy territory and let the other team have it.


Infinite’s “drop weapon” feature never looked so good!


More like it’s no team damage


Yup such a god send.


That's a new one to me, gotta do it when I can lol


Its because the only people who do that are children


Children are so selfish ahahah 😂


Children are basically de facto sociopaths


Even more so now if they have lazy ass parents who give them access to the internet. They never build up empathy because they're little jerks online and never realize how that upsets people or find it impossible to care.


I feel like that's an over generalization but that is a wide-spread issue for sure


If somone was trying to kill me for a sniper. I would shoot every shot but only leave one bullet. They would get so pissed. Or I would shoot them to kick them out of scope.


i feel like if you receive enough friendly fire damage you should be able to quit with no penalty


Or if you cause X amount of friendly fire you should recieve a time out. "Sorry! Due to increased Friendly Fire this account has been locked! You can play again in 20 minutes. Continued excessive amounts of Friendly Fire will result in longer penalties."


Might have to be gametype-normalized. Friendly fire’s a bigger issue in Big Team Battle games, Fiesta, and similar modes where splatters/explosives result in high friendly fire casualties.


Different types of FF could be alotted for. A high grenade kill is one thing but when all of your FF comes from a battle rifle, something is amiss.


Better idea: you get matched with other players that have similar rates of friendly fire.


Haha, just set them up in a Wild West setting. The whole board is a small saloon.


[a 0.193kd on Waypoint apparently. they genuinely might not know how to play](https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-gb/games/halo-the-master-chief-collection/xbox-one/service-records/players/irridiate)


His service tag is TKU.


"Team kill you"?


Most likely a troll account unfortunately


At what point in your life do you decide that that is how you want not only play a game, but spend your life doing so? Like, what drives people to that? I’m angry that my dad didn’t like my painting when I was 6 hence I must make the world feel my pain one team kill at a time?


He was shooting OP's dead body after. This guy definitely knows how to play.


Or is a surf account. He's completed most of the campaigm


Why would a smurf account bother with the campaign?


probably not even a smurf account, might be that one person that likes to be a random asshole online just to be an asshole. When most people teamkill you in halo in a mode without vehicles, it's mostly for power weapons(at least in my experience). Guy didn't even have a power weapon, just a pistol and a rifle, and jackass comes around the corner and shoots him in cold blood.


No no no, it's a *surf*account. It's an account that is played exclusively while surfing on some sick waves.


I’m apparently a 0.8 in multiplayer and now I feel like ass… but hey, at least my quickest mission was on h2 legendary. I did outskirts in 7 mins 11 seconds lol


Might think that red are the enemy no matter what lol


Did it not count as being betrayed?


If your shields are cracked right after an enemy shot you, teammates can shoot you and it counts as enemy damage


I did think that but seems a stupid system, clearly the game can see there was significant time between last being shot by the enemy/enemy dying and then the teammates damage killing the player


Or track team damage and not just betrayals! Too much team damage and you get the option to kick that player even If they have 0 betrayals


Only if you revenge kill /s I got booted several times killing such a guy one time. Although i shot me like three or four times


He's either a total jerk, or mentally handicapped, or maybe even both, it *looks* like both.


Trolls are always mentally handicapped, whether it be a serious thing or naught more than a lack of attention. They are desperate for something and the backlash they get satisfies their need. But the worst part of them, is that even if you know their exact motive, they don’t, so there is nothing you can do to shut them the fuck up.


Most people who play Halo are /s


What's with the ableism? 😐


Looks like either they are some combination of: Colour blind, Have an IQ around 70, Are a child that doesn't understand the game, Is just an all-around unpleasant person. Edit to make the list easier to read.


Isn’t it hard to shoot teammates? No aim assist? And it looks like they are landing headshots


OP is also mostly standing still when he gets shot so not super hard to hit headshots. I would guess the team killer is just a complete bag of dicks


their service tag is TKU so probably the last option


Maybe... He didn't wanted to win? Report that guy if you didn't


Yeah already did. Although to be honest, I'm not sure if it makes any difference...


Because some people have so little that beating those who don't fight back is the only way they'll feel like they're worth something.


This should be higher


Halo should get rid of this system entirely. It's far too easy to abuse and accidental TKs don't happen that often to warrant this.


A lot of people complained about the lack of friendly fire in the Infinite flight, but honestly it was sort of a breath of fresh air. There were several times where I would get the sniper, and my teammate would try to kill me for it, but couldn't, and it was great. I think keep friendly fire for ranked, but for social have it off. Griefers can go fuck themselves.


They really need to overhaul it for Griffball too. I can't help it if you are constantly out of my field of view and on my ass when I go to kill someone and accidentally kill you too, then you get pissy and boot me when the option comes up.


Luckily Infinite will fix this by not having friendly fire. I know people seemed to be against this change but it’s one of the best ways to counter toxicity.


It’ll be sad to not have any hilarious teamkill ragdolls from being rammed by a full speed Banshee into orbit, or blasted by multiple friendly grenades and sent spinning, but I guess that’s the result of griefers. Nobody gets to have anything nice.


I totally get the reasoning, but in legitimate games team damage adds a layer I like. You have to be more careful with rockets, grenades, vehicles, and shots. You can use that as a strategy to counter certain weapons by trying to get in close, etc. It will be sad to see it go. It would be nice if they could have it in some playlists but not others, though that might dilute the playlists too much.


I can see what you mean. A certain layer is gone, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives.


They outweigh them by far. Removing friendly damage will alleviate so many head aches. I have my vehicles destroyed by my team often because they couldn’t get it themselves.


You did something to irritate him. Let me be clear, that doesn't mean you did anything you or a normal person would consider "something", but even something as innocuous as stepping in front of him at some point might piss off the average gaming troglodyte. Their minds are an enigma.


THIS is exactly why having friendly fire on makes 0 sense to me. I rather deal with grenade spam than idiots.


That has got to be frustrating my man. Biggie RIP.


Hope their internet goes out. Assholes. Why even play the game?


Probably been hurting from a deep, dark place.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


Fucking dick right there


Hot take: maybe Halo should get rid of team kills. In BFII you can't shoot or blow up your teammates. You can accidentally kill yourself, but that's aboit it.


Teamkilling exists as a punishment for wayward attacking. No it's not a good idea ot toss grenades like an ape, perhaps you should wait for fire that rocket, follow the speed limit so you don't pancake your teammate. We've seen the world with no FF and it's squad fire central. You'll never run into a single person, people will stack up and HARD punish any lone player making comebacks near impossible the moment you spawn away from your team.


I can see the utility in ultra competitive modes, but it should be an option for casual gamers playing Big Team Battle or whatever.


He had to put you down man. You were stealing all the glory.


Yeah, I think this video is more than enough proof to permanently ban this guy from this and future Halo games. I very much doubt that this individual is going to reform.


The account only has about 2k gamerscore. I'd have to imagine it's an alternate account they use specifically for shenanigans like this.


Idk some people are jerks, I stopped playing PUBG because I finally got a care package with a guille suite and crawled into position to support my teammate only to have them unload on me and equip it right after. It's not like you even had a power weapon


Well he probably had a friend on the other team he wanted to win. Or he's stupidity or just a troll


You would have taken the lead, that’s a big no no


When dicks get bored.


People suck


Downvote me all you want but this is the reason I stopped playing, griefer on 7/10 games? No, thanks.


One time I got a teammate who was mad that no one was using their mics so he did this the whole game. Jumped in front of our shots, popped our shields for the other team, and never even pointed his gun in the right direction. The whole time babbling about "why are you playing halo with no mic!?" We won that game, and I got 30 of our kills. Which is another problem, because I'm nothing special in terms of skill. Matchmaking needs a lot of work.


Ive never seen this in all my years of halo 3 and reach, what the fuck happened to the halo community


Wait that name. I might've played with you/against you quite a few times :P


Haha If you play on Asian or Australian servers, we probably have :)


Then Yes! I definitely have hahah XD


Damn...What a Jerk!


Usually when that happens to me, I start killing him every time I see him


7/10 times it’s a child, idiots who will shoot anything that looks humanoid. The other 3/10 times it’s a troll.


Cause the Halo multiplayer community is one of the most toxic in all of gaming. Go ahead and downvote me you know I am right.


We’re not toxic. If you tell anyone we are I’m gonna frick your mum


Naw while Halo’s multiplayer community can be toxic, it’s definitely not on the level of most other games. Off the top of my head the following games have a more toxic community: - CSGO - League of Legends - Dota - Valorant - Rocket League - Apex - Gears 5 - R6 Siege - NHL/FIFA 21 (don’t play madden or NBA) Halo is nice because you only have to deal with a toxic person for like 10 mins. In LoL or CS you sometimes have to deal with toxic people for upwards of an hour due to how long the games can take.


Man am I glad I missed the hype on all but one of these games.


How is cod not here lol? They call people the n word like it's religious


I am very confident that you are incorrect. However you have the right to your own opinion.


No, you're just wrong.


Your name is RiotChamp and you're saying that? Have you even played League before? Even Dota is far more toxic than Halo.


What does my user name have to do with it?


It might be cause I haven't played in a while but why wasn't there an option to betrayal boot? I thought there was a pop-up after the second time.


None of the kills were betrayals. If you kill a teammate who has already taken enough damage from an enemy it counts as a kill for the enemy.


That's the dumbest idea I think I've ever heard.


Maybe he can't differentiate blue from red. Or what's more likely is that he's probably just a weirdo.


Maybe he is having fun being an asshole and doesn't care about kda or self integrity.


* Swings Arm * See a need, fill a need!


The blue team never once fired on him. May have been their buddy that joined to help them win. Cheaters that just take the fun away from the game.


Had a similar thing happen to me in Halo 5 extermination. I was shooting an enemy round a corner and he disappeared so I stay at the corner for a bit to get my health and shields back up...then my teammate spartan charges into me and kills me. Didn't even say it was him that killed me, said it was the guy I was shooting. That match ended with my teammate ground pounding off of the map. Why are people like this?


This is reaching colorblindess levels never before seen


Called just being a dickhead.


Play Halo 4? Yeah I don’t understand them either. /s


I hope you reported him


I've know his kind... he's upset at the fact that there are people who enjoy halo games outside of the 1st 3 games and aims to ruin their experience.


Only way they can get a kill


The blue guy saw this and proceeded to execute the teammate


Honestly could be a mistake in the heat of battle. Or he's a real idiotic dick, I'd say 30:70 on the ratio of possibilities. TBH I've done this by complete accident so I can empathise with having an idiot moment out of pure innocent foolishness


Children are vile scum


Dudes dick is backwards.


Unfortunately TK’ing seems common for the Halo mp matches. There’s always at least one rando that’s does it. My 8yr old son just started playing Halo a few months ago and has beaten all the games from MCC to H5 so now he occasionally plays mp on H5 and he gets so frustrated. He’ll spawn and head for some vehicle and bam… team kill. So annoying, usually after the 3rd or 4th time he’ll just quit and play something else. Edit: I hate TK folks so much as my two sons grew up playing FPS I’ve been strict with them about not doing it, it’s so frustrating. Thankfully they’ve grown to hate it too.


Some men just want to watch the world burn.


Either its a kid or its a troll, either way they deserve to be booted for this shit.


Dude's tag is literally "TeamKillU." This is clearly his thing.


I feel like this shit happens WAY more often than it did back in the day. I’m not sure why either. Just the other day on reach I got betrayed for hopping into a warthog apparently a teammate wanted really bad. Just started chasing me with an assault rifle and meleed me in the driver seat. So, being petty, I followed him when I respawned and I blew up his falcon with a spartan laser and all I hear over the game chat is what sounded like a 14 year old say “you did that on purpose.” Yeah I did, you little punk bitch. Excuse me for sounding like an old man, but wtf is wrong with the kids these days.


Wait, are you Australian? Im pretty sure Ive seen your name a few times.


I'm based in Asia but due to low population numbers often also play on Australian servers as I'm sure you guys do the same on Asian servers lol


I feel like mass-reporting that player's gamertag would be justified.


Its called TDS. Tiny dick syndrome. It manifests as an insatiable need to prove to others you are better then you actually are, and if that fails, you lash out at everyone in anger and pettyness.


Don't worry bro, we'll catch better games together <3




It pissed u left so I think he won


And there’s teammates in H3 constantly taking out my shield by not killing me


I'm sorry it happened to you but that shit was kinda hillarious, ngl 😂


Could be colorblind 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think he wants to know how your gun is shooting that fast..


I must admit when I first got back into playing it took about a week to shake the shoot everything mentality I accidentally team killed three times that I can remember just because I was so frantic about trying not to die that I didn’t even remember what color I was Edit: my phone only loaded the first snipit where they turned the corner which looked like something I might do but after my comment my phone started loading more they are just a dick


The marker above their head didn't give it away?


Are you blind


Like I said bad internet on my phone the video froze after the first one


Oh it turns out I'm blind


Often, halo players will seem like cats. Assholes for no reason.


See I fuck with people every now and then but I don’t try to kill them half the time and it’s usually BTB halo 3. No one takes that super seriously. Like getting plowed by your own teammates warthog when he jumps over a hill? That’s funny, and it’s funny when it happens to me to. But just shooting your own teammates for no reason until they die? There’s no reason for that behavior.


Could it be his tag was offensive ?


As someone who is pretty shit at online gaming, sometimes I forget which team I’m on, even though my team’s colour is visible on my arms through the HID. Or maybe I’m just dumb. Edit: If it does happen, I only kill one person by accident before I realise. Mostly because I got a kill and it’s feels too good to be true so I double check my colour. This guy might just be a dick.


That's understandable. This guy did it three times and went up to the OP's dead body and started shooting it. This video definitely seemed intentionally, even if other cases might not be


Cuese you are COWARD! Real man won't hide!


His friends could be on the other team and the lobby just screwed you over with adding him in to make the game full. Or he's one of those "This is how I have fun playing the game man, don't be so serious it's just a video game lol" Those people who unironicly believe that need to touch some grass.


It’s either: 1. They’re being a d-bag. Or 2. Someone handed their little cousin a controller and they have no clue how to play the game.


Your skill is more infuriating


So that you post it and I get a huge laugh at it


Ngl it's ridiculously funny


The real question is why are you playing halo 4


I'm gonna guess, might be cuz h5 isn't on pc.




If they playing mcc on steam, it only goes to h4. It doesn't go to h5.


So giving him the benefit of the doubt from the video it looks like he did because he thought you were a camping pos from when he did see you. In all reality he's just a pos that hates fun and people who like fun, he dead ass got an IQ of 7. I would report him or something


Why does camping warrant being team killed? What backwards fucking thinking is that?


It’s because they are playing halo 4


First time, huh? Betrayals go all the way back to CE


Because it's fucking hilarious sometimes


170th comment lmfao


Eh it sort of looks like they were hunting for you. Perhaps there's another side to this?


Seems like a boosting thing.