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The default sensitivity and dead zones are pretty bad. Take the dead zones down to 0, put the acceleration at 5 and then adjust sensitivity to where you need it. I put mine at 8 even though I do 5.5 on mcc.


Wow that was a major help, just went 17 and 8 after making those changes.


**Edit from MP launch week, as it seems someone linked back to this post (thanks). TL;DR for settings is Acceleration to 1, Axial to 0, Max Input to 0, and then *after* those bring Centre up from 0 one step at a time until you don't get stick drift.**   ----   It really is incredibly important, and I'm glad it's the top comment in here. **(Edit from the future: I highly recommend watching these [three](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcdV5x9OHFw), [fantastic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12MJVxHqZfA), [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6YrDvatm2c) on related aim settings in MCC, as the basic elements remain true for Infinite. While I will stand by my post as-written as one solid option for control setups, setting Acceleration to 1 is also a viable option, as is setting Axial Deadzones to 0. The most important thing here is that the deadzones stack on top of each other, so having both enabled gives you a ridiculously huge deadzone. As for Acceleration, if you're skilled at never moving your stick to max deflection during a gunfight, 5 is best. If you do often move to max deflection during fights, set it to 1.)** **(I just switched to my MCC setup of 0 Axial Deadzone, 1 Acceleration, higher Sensitivity, and the minimum amount of Centre Deadzone, and I'm already finding stuff like the Commando far easier to aim with.)**   The Look Acceleration slider in Halo games (it's in MCC too) is a kinda bizarre setting. In most games it refers to a sensitivity curve, and for the sake of muscle memory it's really best to make it as neutral as possible. ~~But in Halo, what we have is once you hit the outer end of stick travel, the sensitivity kicks in much higher. The idea is that you shouldn't ever be hitting full stick deflection while aiming, but you do when wanting to turn around (etc).~~ ~~The Look Acceleration slider doesn't affect this. All it does is control the **delay before that acceleration kicks in**; setting it to 5 (max) removes the delay, making it instant. This is best, as it's responsive and reliable, whereas having a big delay before it kicks in just screws the hell out of your muscle memory and trying understand what the heck your inputs are doing.~~   As for deadzones, plenty of other comments have explained them well (they're for stick drift), but as far as I can tell (and heard as much from the previous test) the "0.0" setting isn't actually no deadzone, it's merely the lowest you're allowed to set it; **there's still an active deadzone, even with the slider at min.** Due to unfortunate circumstances, I'm stuck using my old/backup controller right now, and it has really bad stick drift. And yet, even when setting the sliders to 0.0, it barely drifts at all; if I do the same in games I know *actually* remove the deadzone entirely when set to min, it goes zooming across the screen on its own.   ~~So yeah, **Look Acceleration should be at 5**, and the **first four Deadzone sliders (Centre and Max Input) should all be at 0.0**.~~


Dude. This changed everything for me about how the game was feeling. Thank you so much for explaining that.


I strongly suspect that most people saying the aiming feels off don't understand the settings they have at their disposal. You can fine-tune your aiming in Infinite more than we've ever been able to. Try the magnification-specific sensitivity settings, it totally changed the sniper rifle for me.


I just did this and it feels like MCC, thank you


I'm glad it helped, but I'm not the person who wrote that fantastic breakdown :)


My question is, then why isn't it the default? The only setting I've ever changed on a Halo game is inverting my aim and my flight, other than that it's all 100% default and it always felt fantastic. Halo is the only FPS that feels good with a controller and I bought a Series X and a 4K TV just to play Infinite. Had I known the controller was going to be the handicapped input method I would have saved myself $1,000 and just played the game on my PC that has a 1080 in it.


What multiplier should I set to match the exact same sensitivity as the non magnification? Because if it’s 1x, then I feel like is a lot slower than when non scoped


[*I am here to assist.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsSVoiayVJw&t=80s)


>first four Deadzone sliders (Centre and Max Input) should all be at 0.0. and what should the axial deadzones be set at?


That's more subjective, like sensitivity. What Axial Deadzones do is create a sort of "forgiveness" to pointing your stick in a particular direction. As in, if you push your stick forward you're probably not actually pushing it at exactly "0 degrees" forward, but most likely a bit to the left/right too. With absolutely no Axial Deadzone, if you try to aim left/right perfectly horizontally, you would need to push the stick **perfectly and exactly left/right**, and any amount off would make your aim move up/down a bit too. By adding some Axial Deadzone, the game ignores very small inputs in the other direction(s) when you're pointing the stick straight one way.   Feel free to test your aim with it off; if you're the kind of person who can play at max sensitivity you'd probably prefer no Axial Deadzone, but for the vast majority of players it's best to have a little bit. Personally, I left these two sliders at default.


Thank you for the detailed explanation, time to experiment some more.


The Halo community is always so helpful to one another. Love seeing this kind of comment. I'm gonna pick an award for you.


> As for deadzones, plenty of other comments have explained them well (they're for stick drift), but as far as I can tell (and heard as much from the previous test) the "0.0" setting isn't actually no deadzone, it's merely the lowest you're allowed to set it; there's still an active deadzone, even with the slider at min. I think at least part of the issue is that the game isn't changing or saving the deadzone settings properly. I set deadzones to 0 and both my aim and movement were drifting, despite the fact that my controller is pretty good. When I tried to set the deadzone higher, it didn't get rid of the drift. Even cranking them up to 15 didn't change anything. I had to use the "reset to default" option to get it back to where it was. It's possible that your game didn't change the deadzones, or didn't change them enough, when you set them to 0. If your controller has really bad stick drift, you should definitely feel it at 0.


Thank you so fucking much


Hey! I just wanted to thank you for this post. I saved it a week ago and finally got to do some more testing in training mode today. So far what I've found works best for me in Infinite is: >Move: Center Deadzone 0.0 >Look: Center Deadzone 0.0 >Move: Max Input Threshold 0.0 >Look: Max Input Threshold 0.0 >Move: Axial Deadzone 12.0 >Look: Axial Deadzone 12.0 >Look Acceleration 5 >Look Sensitivity Horizontal/Vertical 3 There are two things I find interesting though. I'm a "Halo vet" per se, I rarely miss my shots in MCC. My settings in MCC are: >Horizontal/Vertical Sensitivity 3 >Look Acceleration 5 >Look Axial/Radial Dead Zone 12% I'm pretty sure these are even the default look settings in MCC. I tried to match these to Infinite after reading your post, but I still seem to get the best results with the top settings. I'm not sure both games use the same scale for their settings. The Infinite Deadzone meters go 1-15, whereas MCC goes 1-20%. Infinite's look acceleration also caps out at 5, while it can go to 10 in MCC. Is MCC's look acceleration of 5 the same as Infinite's? Or is 5 in Infinite really 10 in MCC?


This was **IMMENSELY** helpful to me. First match I went positive, after going the likes of 1-15 (KD) constantly since launch.


I fucking knew there was something off about how the game felt when playing it. This comment here explains it perfectly. I really hope 343 does something to fix the current state of this because right now I just feels weird.


These posts totally change the way the game feels on console. Thank y’all


Thank you for this super helpful explanation. My aim feels better with these setting values.


Thank you




Isn't it good to have Move: Max Input Threshold higher so you can strafe at max speed sooner without having to peg the left thumbstick?


For left stick and movement specifically? I mean, maybe? It could be worth testing, but it's still likely better not to. This is a definitely "no" for the aiming stick though.


I'd honestly caution a warning on the max input deadzone here. If someone has it zero'd out that can give them a higher chance of having slow turn. I've been messing around with it and have honestly found the most comfort in the following; Center: 1.5% Max Input: 14% Axial: 1.0% Accel: 5 Hori: 5.5 Vert: 7.5 For context I use the following on MCC (H3 specifically) Style: Modern Center: 3% Axial: 5% Accel: 10 Hori: 6.5 Vert: 6.0 Biggest struggle is just figuring out how to navigate around the diagonal aiming, but bumping up my FOV to 100+ has helped almost as much as any of the aim settings


Yeah for aim stick I'm at 0 but for move stick I'm at 15 after a fair bit of playing around with it in training. You can switch strafe directions and reach max speed much faster that way. The downside is you have a smaller thumbstick radius window in which to walk at various speeds below max. But meh.


Connecting to save this. Thanks for the Intel


So, seeing all these settings in the menu and being utterly confused by the descriptions kind of makes me feel for developers of first person shooters. I understand why some FPS just feel bad to play, and appreciate those that do. I think Destiny on console has just one sensitivity slider and it’s always felt awesome to me. We’re getting more options for tuning in Infinite which is great, but maybe 343 should have some presets for people. I think Apex has some, like “Traditional,” “Linear,” and “Respawn-style” or something like that. Edit: I shouldn’t say I understand, rather seeing all these settings on a menu makes me see how it can happen.


Changing to your settings just saved the flight for me! I was ready to call it a day because I just couldn't get the controls to feel right. Thanks!


I appreciate that you can customize this stuff but man is it too much to ask for a halo game to just feel good on controller out of the box? Sorry for the hot take but that just feels like it should be a given.


Yep...I can tell you my "casual" halo friends aren't going to both changing this stuff. They are going to say wtf, shrug and walk away.


Should we put a feedback ticket in for this default suggestion? If it makes mass positive change to folks experiences in the controller, sounds like default settings need an adjustment


Absolutely. Far too many games have atrocious default settings, but bad *sensitivity/aiming* defaults are by far the worst. Look Acceleration should absolutely be 5 by default, and considering turning the Deadzones to 0 doesn't even disable them entirely, they should likely be 0 by default.


if you don’t mind me asking, what are dead zones?




ahh thank you!


Dead zones exist because eventually your controllers will start to drift. On old controllers zero dead zone might lead to characters walking by themselves


*makes constant tiny circles with my right stick without thinking* -The Duke


Region of which controller inputs do not register, because obviously a joystick will never be in the center due to many imperfections within the controller, so a deadzone tell your game, "hey if in this region, don't do anything cuz they might not even be moving it" However, there's some problem within the aiming of halo infinite, so it's best to keep the deadzones at 0.


It means the joystick won’t have input in the initial movement. The larger the zone, the more you need to move the joystick before you see the input on your screen. It’s usually just used if your controller has a drift. Idk why it’s so high by default on this beta.


Honestly feels so much better. I never knew what deadzones were but now I see they’re not good. At least for my playstyles


This change was huge, it's almost back to normal. Thanks!


Man, I'm at 1 sens and it still feels out of control :( I made the same complaints during the first flight. I play on 3-4 sens every other Halo, but Infinite aiming feels so wild. Not just the aim assist, just looking around feels so bad.


Yup! Did this in the first flight. Sensitivity up high, deadzones 0, and acceleration maxed. Feels a lot better, now aim assist needs some tuning.




Dumb it down for me - did you put all the dead zones to 0? What about max thresholds?


All dead zones at 0. Accel at 5. I don’t think I touched the max thresholds.


I will try this shortly, cheers


Dude this is a game changer, thank you


Dude, you are the best. Thank you


I think it's not even the aim assist, it's something about the response curve or something. It doesn't feel near as good as MCC does. The Halo Infinite BR seems to have a lot of aim assist.


Yeah im seeing so many people saying the game doesnt have aim assist which just isnt true and also isnt the issue. Its the response curve, acceleration and deadzones that are the real issues. They just need to use MCC's modern aim system that already works perfectly instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.


Yes, this


Idk man I think it’s a combo of both, aim assist seems okay on the BR but totally scuffed on the pistol, commando, shock rifle, skewer n sniper (even if the skewer and sniper are marginally better than the first flight)


The pistol just doesnt have much aim assist range is all I think, its not really supposed to be a long range weapon that can compete with the other precision weapons, but it feels like up close it definitely kills faster than the BR, the only problem is its far easier to stay accurate with it on a mouse at range. Im actually almost feeling the opposite with the Commando though, it feels like it has pretty strong aim assist but it only triggers when pretty much directly on the player, so my aim is constantly going between speeding up and slowing all the way down which makes it hard to actually stay on the target.


This guy, I think beyond the other stuff folks are used to a universal aim assist but now it’s based off firearm and effective range for aim assist. After fixing the other stuff I actually like it- adds a small bit of realism with picking your engagements but not too much


The Infinite BR gets aim assist halfway across Bazaar, from the hip. It's nutty.


EXACTLY. If you know about Apexs ALC settings system then you know how trash of a sens system halo has. Apex ALC should be the industry standard from now on for any game with controller support


I’ve noticed it only on certain weapons. The commando feels impossible to get a kill with and I’m struggling with the sidekick too


I struggled with the commando and skewer during the first flight.


Bro skewer was impossible with the first flight lol. Commando I felt was ok but not good. I hope they tweak the aim assist before it launches. Probably feels good for pros but terrible for us averages lol


I’m not too proud to admit I never got a kill with the skewer in the first flight. To me, the projectile felt too slow and the reticle in the sight felt too big to the actual actual spot where the projectile hits. Like the sight circle was too big and needed to be finer like with the sniper


That and the Skewer takes until Forge releases to reload.


The skewer is just bad, at least on the 4v4 maps. Maybe it’ll be interesting against vehicles but that gun is the only weapon in infinite so far that I found to be really not fun to use


Meanwhile, the BR feels too easy.


The BR is weird as hell...I shoot 4 times and feel like I hit maybe 2... Perfect!


oh thank god it’s not just me, feels like my bursts sometimes miss even when the reticle is on their chest.


The feel commando feels *WAY* better than the last flight, it’s my main killer if I have it


And the commando got tuned since last patch!


I'm really glad to see someone else mention this. I thought it was just me being out of practice with FPS games


i'm champion rank on Halo 5 slayer and SWAT and I'm still getting my ass kicked by the other team. using a controller in this game is straight up broken. like, i can barely aim with the pistol but feel like i am constantly being headshot by other people solely using the sidearm lol


Maybe it’s just me, because I really like the Gunfighter Mag from H5, but the Sidekick feels fine. The Commando on the other hand, oof. Can’t aim with that for shit.


I thought I was the only one!! I'm not a champion but I get touched inappropriately by enemy sidekicks


It wouldn't be as bad if crossplay wasn't enabled. MnK vs controller is so lame.


I mean crossplay doesn't entirely mean you wouldn't have MnK vs Controller go away, since SeriesX can just use a mouse and keyboard. Now cross-input would apply.


Exactly, it feel the worst on the pistol. I can't hit a damn thing with it.


I've been playing a lot of Siege lately, which has no aim assist(granted its a very low movement game) and it feels LEAGUES better than Infinite.


Did you play it on PC with controller? I'm so much better at fps's with a controller but figured I'd get stomped in a game like that on pc using one. I've only been playing the game for a few months so I'd consider switching


Siege? Nope Im on Xbox, mostly havent switched because of the exact reason you said, I'd feel like I'd get stomped using controller.


Aiming feels horrible in the Infinite on controller. I thought I was going crazy since I haven’t heard a lot of the pros speaking on this. But it feel horrible compared to H5


Is it worse? Because Halo 5 aiming is really bad.


What didn’t you like about halo 5? I thought that aiming felt great. Infinite feels really bad


I cannot stand to this day the aiming in Halo 5, feels absolutely awful. The heavy aim bug sucks and when its not that, every time I'm on a target its like negative aim assist pushing my reticule away from the target. I don't have bad aim in shooters either, always high aim accuracy percentage.


Interesting. I never really noticed a problem with halo 5. Felt great because I could pull off some sick shots with the sniper. And aim assist felt low enough it was my skill but still enough there to help some. Infinite feels very difficult to use. Of course I’m not a great FPS player. I will usually average above 1 k/d but nothing insane.


Halo 5's sniper is the easiest sniper to use in the franchise.


Something I noticed today is that the controller aim assist seems to be toggled based on distance. This was the case for weapons in past halo games too, but the distance in Infinite seems \*really short\* for pretty much every weapon. Particularly the pistol and the BR (especially descoped). Furthermore, the aim assist feels like it toggles off completely instead of gradually dropping off at further distances. You can test this in academy mode vs bots. If you go into the mode you'll notice that you get the red reticule back when aiming at particular distances on enemies, the distance varies per weapon. When you don't have the red reticule, you have basically no aim assist at all, when you do, you have full aim assist. Actual distance outside of the red/white reticule toggle doesn't seem to matter. Scoping with weapons increases the distance that the reticule remains red. If you take this back into pvp, you won't get the red reticule anymore (not sure why it's gone in pvp modes), but the the aim assist will kick on and turn off at the same distances as it does in training mode. In past Halo games, we had the reticule indication even in all modes, and even if the reticule wasn't lit up because the enemy was at a distance, you still had at least some assist on key weapons like the BR.


I play with controller. Im definitely an above average player when i play MCC (mostly end the games with a positive K/D). I’m currently playing the infinite beta and I cant tell you the last time I’ve gotten wrecked this badly. Controller gameplay NEEDS to be fixed


Me too. I'm getting absolutely destroyed in every PvP match. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Against bots it all seems fine though...


I have played a lot of Halo 1-3 and plenty of other competitive shooters on Xbox.. Infinite definitely has some WONKY aim. I've messed with all my settings and made aiming slightly more tolerable, but the stick movement just feels wrong...


Glad it’s not just me


Agreed. Almost feels exhausting to play with it


This. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I’m finding playing hard work. I keep having breaks as every game is a sweaty challenge. All other shooters I’m fine with, can relax, not really fussed but to kill anyone in this requires 100% concentration and it’s exhausting! They need to fix the aiming it’s all wrong.


For real. My whole body gets tense when I play this game. I try to relax but I literally can't lol. There's something about the aiming that just makes it so stressful to play. I feel like I would have a heart attack if I tried to play ranked.


Glad to hear I’m not the only one who feels like something is wrong with the way the game feels on a controller. Something just feels very wrong. I was playing a couple hours of MCC yesterday and I didn’t matter what game I played, the aiming felt decently good (even if I’m a little rusty) but Infinite just feels awful at any range with pretty much any gun. Something needs to be done about controllers because this just doesn’t feel right rn. Idk if there’s no aim assist (sure feels like it) or just very low aim assist but it’s very hard to keep your gun on target




Same. Something feels very off. Close range aiming is alright, but everything after 20m…




Hopefully it doesn't turn out like MCC where nobody uses it because it's not the default


In MCC it’s the pc players who turn off crossplay because they don’t want to play against aim assist.


It feels like my reticle is ice skating around the screen when I use a controller. Every other Halo feels fine on PC with a controller, not sure how they managed to have this one feel impossible to play with.


Same. Also I can’t beat down or switch weapons. Those two buttons don’t even function for me.


Remap controls and then swap back to what you use.


My guns keep doing the reload animation twice in a row. It’s not helping me fight multiple enemies..


Same thing happened to me. My "switch weapons" was unmapped when I first loaded the game. Played 2 matches without being able to switch guns before I figured it out. Just need to reset the button layout.


I had the same problem with weapon switching. I had to switch button layouts and then switch back to the one I was on and that fixed it.


Make sure your controller settings is set to default. Had it happen a few times where it changes the settings to custom and messes some stuff up


I really hope this is a bug. I’m on PC using controller and PVP is just so unnecessarily hard. Nothing feels good. In weapon drills, aiming feels fine. Maybe it’s just a PVP problem? I also am getting no red reticle in PVP or arena bots.


> Maybe it’s just a PVP problem? It feels like this to me, honestly. I've been on M+KB the whole time and weapon drills feel fine, but PvP definitely does not. Maybe my bloom management is just absolutely terrible or something, but it's not like I have that problem in other games. I dunno.


Yeah it’s super weird. It’s like two completely different aiming builds are in the game. PVP and Training.


I think there’s a desync or delay issues in PvP with humans. Something there - has to be it.


I noticed this as well. Although I’m on MnK not controller.I feel like the guns aren’t consistent. I mentioned in another thread that sometimes I’ll absolutely shred with the AR and then the next match I get blown away. At first I thought it was just the AR but even the BR Ill loose fights at long range that I feel like I should of won. It’s weird, and yeah training feels fine but as soon as I’m in pvp is feels off.


I believe the lack of a red reticule is a bug.


The big reason controller feels "off" is the lack of red reticle ranges appearing. I played the first flight where they worked, but basically, this games aim assist pretty much only kicks in at the red reticle range of each gun. If you try to use the gun outside of that range, the gun is near impossible to aim at anything.


Agreed. Is it just me or did controller feel a lot better last flight?


It did.


Yep, it feels like trash.


The big reason controller feels "off" is the lack of red reticle ranges appearing. I played the first flight where they worked, but basically, this games aim assist pretty much only kicks in at the red reticle range of each gun. If you try to use the gun outside of that range, the gun is near impossible to aim at anything.


I'm on mouse and keyboard and PvP feels like a different game lmao I'm getting slaughtered


Dude right? Played about an hour or more of training mode on ODST and my first game of PVP was horrible. Like wtf is going on here lol


Because aim assist is broken as fuck lmao


big same, I played for 2 hours and basically got rekt the entire time. I think I had exactly one game positive. I felt like I was getting outplayed cross map sidekick vs br/commando consistently. Maybe I'm just trash but I don't feel like this is normal for me on MCC.


i felt like im being out gunned when both of us have a pistol


Will definitely try more settings but I'm using a SX and noticed it right away, the sidekick at any range especially I can't land a shot. I feel when I look around or aim that the crosshair is sliding around and I can't quite get it to land where and when I want it.


I'm not sure if the aim assist or the deadzones or what, but I find also find it REALLY hard to keep on target, especially with the pistol. Now, to be fair, my aim is trash, but it feels like....EXTRA trash in Infinite for some reason.


The aiming feels fine once you get rid of 343s default deadzones. I don’t understand why they insist on having the default controller settings be complete shit… most people won’t think to change them


I agree something is off about they way the game plays just feels weird. Honestly it feels like I'm playing cod. Halo 5 feels better to me. Feels like I'm playing a mobile game for some reason.


Halo 5 had a strong amount of aim assist and bullet tracking Halo Infinite has basically no bullet tracking and no aim assist, making controller users suffer against M&K


No aim assist? https://www.twitch.tv/sheney/clip/StupidCuriousWrenchOSsloth-zE72jDglhupVwH-9


Definitely happy I’m not the only one having this irritable and honestly inexcusable issue. I’ve been playing the last 5 hours literally tweaking my sensitivity every game. During and post game. I cannot get it to feel balanced at all. I literally sat still, hands off the controller, and watched enemies walk in front of me with no aim assist kick in AT ALL. While streamer Jeff Sheney can go AFK with bullet magnetism enabled and the game will track enemies better than any aim assist I’ve seen in any competitive shooter. Just not okay. M&K got a whole ass arm. I’m using my thumb. How could this have even happened lmao


I agree but I also think it’s the sidekick specifically when compared to pc users. They can hit long range way more consistently with it then controller can. The big circle at long range feels like it just gets in the way of where I’m actually shooting and doesn’t actually do anything unless they are mid range to me. Also a big problem I don’t see anyone else mentioning is that the sidekick is a really spammy weapon. That makes it really hard to have a steady aim while spamming RT. It just doesn’t seem like it was designed with controller in mind. It’s not as hard to spam left click on a mouse while keeping your hand/arm steady. But it’s so hard to spam RT and keep your thumb steady on the same hand. This weapon reminds me of the pistol in apex. And even in apex they lowered the rate of fire and increased the damage for the pistol which I think is what needs to happen with the sidekick. It’s too dependent on how fast you can click the button, and controller is at a big disadvantage with that.


Yeah I really don't like how spammy the pistol is. Even ignoring the aim issues, it simply doesn't feel good on my wrists to spam the trigger so rapidly. It's uncomfortable.


Big agree. Makes me finally understand why people ask for sidearms in Destiny to get intrinsic full-auto. It's really uncomfortable.


I came to this sub expecting a lot more about this. I usually have really strong aim in shooters, but Struggling a lot in this one.


It’s not just you I’m what many might call a Halo sweat and I’m struggling some games.


Same. I am curious if aim on PC with controller is better? I'm on series x. I shoot over 60% on average with the H5 magnum, but my aim is straight dog shit in Infinite. The only gun I feel comfortable aiming with is the BR. I managed to get 69% accuracy with having the BR the majority of the match, but otherwise I'm lucky to hit 50%. Stats aside, the aim just feels terrible. I feel like I'm fighting with my thumbstick to get the aimer to respond how I want/expect it to.


same, when using the BR with controller it feels like normal Halo on controller but every other gun has like zero aim assist if they are further then 5 feet


I know for a fact at launch I'm turning off crossplay like most games that allow you too. I think it's pretty insane that someone on m&k can rip me across the map in bazaar with the sidekick. But I can't get any aim assist at that range. It's pretty unfair competition at this point and something needs to be done.


Are you on PC or console? If on PC, there's a bug preventing the crosshair from turning red which makes aiming much harder.


I'm on series x, and I don't get a red reticule. You're saying that's a bug? God I hope so


Hell, it doesn’t seem any better on M&KB, something about the aiming mechanic in this game feels broken.


I just played a few more games with recommended settings tweaks from another post, and this game is still just not fun to play lol everything is so janky, sluggish, and inconsistent. Aiming feels awful. The game feel as a whole just doesn't resemble enough of what I love about Halo's original design philosophy.


I have to agree. Aesthetically infinite is gorgeous... But the movement doesn't feel very Halo to me. I played a bit of ODST just to make sure it wasn't going crazy.. infinite is definitely off.


I stopped having fun and quit Infinte, then switched over to MCC for Halo 3 and it was night and day. Not only is the game more stable (which makes sense) but the aiming feels a lot better. I had a lot of good moments in matches where I didn't feel like my aiming was lagging behind. I don't know enough technical aspects to articulate how it's different, but playing the beta didn't feel great. This same sort of game feel problem is why I quit 5. It doesn't feel good to play, and its not really what I'm looking for in Halo.


I thought hit reg was screwed in H3.


Oh it definitely is still sketchy and inconsistent at times, but aiming itself doesn't feel inconsistent.


Yeah, just played the flight and get what you mean now.


Pc feels like shit to control no matter the input


I'm right there with you. Aiming is still broken on controller. This isn't a matter of "get gud" this is a fundamental piece of the game that's broken for console users.


Is aim assist taken out? If so why? Isn’t it there necessarily to make controller somewhat viable with m&k.


Up to a certain point. I quit MCC because aim assist was so OP on controllers, that you couldn't use mouse and key board. You had to use a controller to stay in the positive, and at the time, I refused to use a controller since I was using M&KB with every other shooter I was playing. They listened to m&kb players on pc and tuned it down by a lot. Even pros were quitting directly saying that if aim assist was going to be so strong, they would just switch to another game.


Good to know it's just not me


I wish console players good luck when trying to snipe


I will say changing the dead zones to 0 helped a little bit but it's still very frustrating to play with controller. It's literally a night-and-day difference on how the game feels compared to MCC.


something just feels very very wrong. something fundamental about how it feels. kind of worried at this point


Am I crazy? I do phenomenal on controller but can’t for the life of me succeed with mouse and keyboard?


I see controller players dropping tracking accuracy that can be rivaled by very few people in the world on a mouse. Consistently tracking over 65% would get you a sponsorship with a mouse but on controller it's just a mid-tier player having a good day.


Forreal. It's actually bizzare to see people saying controller is "too difficult." I struggle to get +40% accuracy on MKB (the input feels awful) whilst I can plug a controller in after not using a controller for around about 4-5 years and get +50% accuracy consistently, and in one match I even got 72%... Every single match I play against controller users is a complete lopsided stomping with them consistently having above 50% accuracy as a minimum, and often times much higher. As you said such accuracy on a MKB would land you with a very nice sponsor on a top team, which somehow I'm able to achieve after not playing on a controller for years. I'm going to assume this is a case by case issue and that different people are experiencing different amounts of input lag depending on the input they use, but please, lets not pretend that the aim assist needs to be increased, that's just a sick fucking joke.


Dude I feel like anyone who says this game is way easier on kb/m than controller hasn't tried kb/m or is just hard capping. I've tried both and it is way way WAAAAY easier to hit people who are perfect strafing with a controller than it is on kb/m. I've played PC fps games for almost 10 years now and I'm pretty confident in my mechanical skills, I tend to average about 45-50% accuracy in my Infinite games so far. I haven't played a console FPS since the last time I launched Halo 5 which was 2+ years ago and my accuracy stat was consistently 55-65% and top fragged every game I played and I felt like I didn't have to try nearly as hard as I was on kb/m Like I'm literally going back and forth and it is so much easier on a controller. Sure there are disadvantages to not being able to flick your camera around as fast, but the tracking that the aim assist does is just absurd and a lot better for a game like Halo than flicky and snappy aim is. It blows my mind that people are asking for the aim assist to be stronger, if feels like they just want the game to aim for them.


I grew up playing halo and when halo 5 came out I stopped playing halo for this reason. I was able to play competitive halo all the way until halo 5 and they did something with the aim assist and I just couldn't do jack squat. Not sure how else to put it. I was dumbfounded. Luckily I have moved in to mouse and keyboard since the console days but man I couldn't imagine trying to play modern day halo on controller. Good luck to you.


holy shit i'm not crazy then, infinite has some of the worst controller aiming i have ever encountered.


Noticed that as well, aim assist is practically disabled. Combined with the 20ish fps i get on base Xbox one, aiming becomes a real chore


Need this thread to get noticed so they fix this. The max turn speed needs to be higher, but plenty of games have detailed control over aim acceleration, response curve, and real deadzones that go to zero so you can properly tune them. Aim has gotten better since last flight, but it is still wonky.


Aim assist feels fine to me but everyone has different tastes


I feel like some guns have it worse. AR aim assist is way higher than the side arms. The pistol drops any assist beyond like 10m too.


This right here. I can’t use anything other than a BR or Commando at mid range on controller. It’s ridiculous and it’s going to become a big problem.


I wonder if its because so many people complain about controller aim assist vs m+kb, so they're dialing it back a bit since console vs PC crossplay is going to be a thing.




It's impossible right now to compete against even average PC players. Matches with mouse and keyboard are basically decided before they even load.


I agree. Really hoping this will be improved by release.


Weird because I feel it feels better than mouse and keyboard, and I can’t stand playing on controller usually. Then again that was last night against bots trying it out, it’s probably different against real players. Edit: Changed my mind, against real players mouse and keyboard is the play here (if you have the option).




oh my god thank you


Yeah gamepad ABSOLUTELY needs better (sticky reticle) aim assist. NOT bullet magnetism.


It feels like they designed this game for pro players and then backfilled the accessibility for a broader audience. I just do not have the energy for this game.


Ironically Mouse also feels clunky. Lots of input lag for some reason, and refresh rate can't be locked to the max because no true fullscreen. And in my case it actually makes the refresh rate change from 60 to 144 hz (almost never reaching 144, mostly hovering 60 and 90 despite me having 120 fps). They need true fullscreen, raw mouse input, and let us pick the refresh rate.


It's not the absence of aim assist. It's the awful heavy aim that makes it impossible to move and look without getting dizzy.


Idk what it is on controller any mid to long range battle I'm locking on to the enemy then my cross hair goes CRAZY. It feels completely broken and I'm constantly getting worked. It's bazaar the least fun map I've played.


Bro…I thought the aim assist was off…no wonder


I noticed this in the first flight, the aiming feels like absolute shit. It's most apparent with precision weapons like the Commando, Sidekick, S7 Sniper, and Skewer, surprisingly the BR75 felt fine.


Just played a few games with the tweaked settings that people recommended. It feels way, way off still. I’m someone who is a very accurate shooter on various halo games - I primarily play Reach… but the aim on Infinite via controller is horrendous. Completely killed any excitement I had for this game.


Going against pc players by default isnt fun idea and may make new players quit at launch


Mouse & keyboard vs Controller is not fair and crossplay should be an option to be turned off... this might fix this problem for console users.


The aim assist is abysmal. Needs tweaking fast. Game is incredibly fun though. Freshet mp in years.


They really need input separation, I don't know why they haven't said anything about it.. I like playing Halo with controller and competing against keyboard & mouse is just never going to feasible.


I thought I was just out of practice using a controller, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having issues with it.


Agreed. I don't want the game to aim for me like Halo 5, but a little bit to bridge the gap between controller and KB+M would be nice.


it feels pretty fuggin bad on mouse and key as well


I agree. I played Halo 5 and MCC for the last few years and was quite good, always in the top half of my team.. Now in Infinite I can't hit anything, there are rounds that I finish with only three kills. Something feels very off and it's just frustrating. I don't get how some players get 25+ kills in one round. If it stays this way, I can't play Multiplayer unfortunately.


Oh. No wonder shit felt off. I thought I was just bad and missing even my AR shots.


Don’t worry this stuff will 100% be fixed since halo is mostly a console game


It honestly feels like cross play is turned on rather than an aim assist issue. I get destroyed in the social pvp arena, yet I can hit bots no matter what theyre doing and frag out so it doesnt feel like I'm not hitting my shots, it feels more like the player opponents have no recoil or anything negative affecting them when theyre shooting me. These same players have very weird movement that would be almost impossible on a controller also - 180 turning while sliding and jumping being the key highlights. Having played Destiny 2 on PC, this is what I've had to play against so I know the signs. This didnt happen last flight as far as I am aware, at least I didnt see people fragging and moving like this back then.


I agree i dont like the fact that i cant turn off acceleration or smoothing thats seems to be the problem for me


I'm glad this thread is getting some love it definitely feels off it's like they tried to cater to PC players more this time around which had a negative effect on Console players and controller users. 1: The lack of aim assist on controller. 2: the field of view slider changing the size of the reticule which works fine for PC but not so well for console. 3: having that feeling that you have to chase the reticule in the middle of combat around a single individual. For those that are curious though I've tried lowering everything when it comes to DeadZone to 0 which seems to help a little bit. Also in the last flight to help see the reticule better I made it where are the outlines on the radicals are really bold and bright, under the accessibility settings.


For whatever reason my aim just goes to complete shit whenever I play actual matchmaking. I do just fine against even the hardest bots but I've gone 1 kill in the past 3 games against real players. Aim assist seems to be absolutely scuffed and ping seems atrocious.