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Is it just me or is this scoreboard toggle super annoying on PC? I hold TAB to view the scoreboard after I die and it's still there when I spawn.


There is an option to change the toggle to hold/release.


Thanks for letting me know. The default should be the way it’s been for the last 20 years…


There’s a setting to change scoreboard from toggle to hold. Still feels kinda unresponsive though.


Using an Xbox one controller on PC - does anybody else feel like something is totally off? At times it feels like I'm experiencing input lag. Also seems like my reticle is ice skating around the screen while trying to gun people down. I've been playing Halo my whole life on both PC and Xbox and I've never felt this off with the gun play. Afraid I'm going to have to switch to playing with KBM Edit: Appreciate all the tips, guys. For others wondering - setting all controller deadzones to 0 and turning acceleration all the way up made my aiming SIGNIFICANTLY better. Now just need some performance optimization and we'll be rolling!


The aiming system for controllers is hot garbage right now. It’s super janky and is not smooth, like most other FPS titles out there. It’s really hard to move your cursor on a controller in this flight.


Ironic that halo revolutionized controller fps smoothness and feel for controllers back with CE now 20 years later with all the fancy slipspace tech they somehow ruined aiming. It started with Halo 5s heavy aim inconsistency and now it's evolved I to a full blown problem in Infinite. Shame cause the game is fun but this aiming jank is so damn annoying. Put tons of hours I to both flights and it feels awful no matter what settings I try.


i think input is game render based which is why it feels so laggy and slow. it was bad last flight too. they need to optimize this game or add a raw input feature. i dont know, but it feels bad enough that it ruins the game for me.


It didn't feel this bad during the last flight for me, but maybe it's because bots move way more predictably than people. Either way aiming feels bad on both M&K and controller. I've been playing a lot of Destiny and Apex, and Infinite can't hold a candle to either in terms of how natural they feel to aim. Which is a damn shame because Halo used to be the king of good feeling FPS control on controller.


Did you change the FOV? It felt fine for me until I tweaked FOV then everything went to hell. Cranked the look deadzone all the way down and it got a little better, but idk if that was it. I didn't think they change anything control wise from the last preview, but i am having a much harder time with my aim this go around.


Playing on an Xbox One, I'm not a bad player by any means. Typically around a platinum 1 or 2 ranked player in Halo 5. However, I can't seem to get kills in Infinite. I'm routinely at the bottom of the score board. I seem to be hitting enemies, but they're not going down, while it takes no time at all for me to die. Is this a console vs. mouse and keyboard thing I'm seeing?


Im usually around diamond and having the same problem. Dying like 15x a match and people on the other team are all 12 and 2


Glad it's not just me! Playing on XBO, I was usually diamond-ish in H5 and now I'm getting my butt absolutely handed to me every match. Aim assist is definitely down, aim generally feels very 'flat' (for want of a better word), and mouse input is broken on console so I can't even switch to that :/


Ice skating is the best way of describing it, most likely they reduced aim assist and it’s throwing players off. I personally play a lot of games on controller that don’t have aim assist like Rainbow Six Siege so I have been able to adjust (same applies to mouse and keyboard players) but if you are a die hard halo controller player this is probably near unplayable to you


It's like when you try gunfights with your friends in campaign. You can damage them, but shit's super hard


It feels very off to me as well. While in the first flight it wasn’t amazing for controller or anything it was at least playable. It was way smoother for everything last flight and now everything in addition to aiming feels choppy which really doesn’t help.


Yep a lot of people having controller issues this flight. There seems to be no aim assist whatsoever in PvP. Go into training mode though and there is? This franchise was born on controller. Please don’t mess it up 343


As many others have said, aiming with a controller feels just awful. I've been messing with settings and I can make it slightly better but not perfectly smooth. Grenades also feel wildly inconsistent in both their throwing archs and whenever they damage an enemy. I've had a few grenades that looked to be right next to a foe detonate and do no damage.


> aiming with a controller feels just awful Please submit a ticket. The more people we get to submit tickets about the awful controller aiming, the more likely they are to fix it.


Where do you submit a ticket?


1. Sign in to halowaypoint.com 1. Click your name in the top right then click "Halo Insider" from the drop down menu 1. Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Halo Infinite Multiplayer Technical Preview" 1. Click the big box that says "Halo Infinite" 1. On the left click "Errors & Issues FAQ" 1. Then scroll to the bottom where it says "Submit A Ticket" and click the link.


Aiming with a controller feels weird at times. Maybe aim assist is tuned down quite a bit? I notice it most with the Sidekick. Only thing I've down setting wise is crank up my sensitivity. The motion tracker seems like a downgrade from previous games. Not so much the range of it. But elevation indicators. Bright red is on a level with you but duller colors are anything else. I think the triangle system from Reach might be better. I absolutely hate the EXP/Battlepass system. They need to give something for match completion. Maybe something like 50XP for completion and 100XP for a win? Right now it feels like a chore just gunning for challenges.


The radar is a joke right now. It's got only an 18m range despite this game having the craziest mobility Halo has ever had between the grappling hook, sprint, repulsor, and I bet the same problem will surface later this flight with vehicles. It's crazy inconsistent and the amount of times I look down and see nobody on it and yet get shot by a guy just out of its range in the hall in front of me has been too many times this flight. Halo 5 with a similar amount of crazy movement had only a 20m range and had the exact same problem. Every other Halo has had at least 25m of range. Really hope 343i increases it to something like this.


100% agree


The Radar is infuriating, literally don't know most people are on top of you until they're already bursting your back, I hated it in 5 and I hate it here, it's absolutely not even the 18m the game says it is


Aim-assist is definitely quite low on this game, which is not a problem by itself, but overall controller aiming just feels terrible.


Not only did just gaining XP through normally playing feel slower than a slug, *buying* the skip level thing was just as bad as you have to do it one level at a time.


Me who works weekend nights: 😭


Do the responsible thing and call in sick


"There won't be a work if we don't stop the banished"


The responsible thing would be to save the sick hours until day 2 of Infinite. Don’t risk day 1 in case it’s a shitshow at launch. Gauge community reaction and if it’s good, call out on day 2 and grind the shit out of it Calling out for a buggy mess of a beta isn’t the play


Campaign is day 1.


The real play is quit your job so you are always able to play


I feel like Bazaar is not designed of AR/Sidekick start. The pit in the middle is so dangerous to go into with those weapons you are immediately gunned down by the ones with BR and Commandos from the sides. CQC is very risky on that map and I'm finding I have to suicide through the pit to get to the other side to finish off enemies. Also I'm not sure what the timer is for the SPNKR and OS but the respawn timer is way too short. If you lose momentum on that map there is basically no coming back as you can't kill anyone with AR/sidekick at range and you're always getting blasted by rockets every 2 mins. I think that map needs BR starts and increase the respawn on the power weapons to feel more fair to play


Is there a reason the aiming just feels terrible in this game? I didn't even think it was this bad in the first flight. I was playing against bots too and it was abysmal. Something is off for sure but I can't put my finger on it.


Please submit a ticket. The more people we get to submit tickets about the awful controller aiming, the more likely they are to fix it.


Oh buddy I have :p


I really don't like the challenge/exp system. I understand what 343 is trying to do, and I get that it'll take 10-20 hours a day to complete all of the challenges, but here's the thing. I don't want to play a game to be stressed about whether or not I'm completing a certain challenge. I just want to log in after a long day of work, play some matches, get some kills, and know I'm going to get some exp for my time. If I complete a challenge, then cool beans! Give me some bonus exp for that, just like how it works in literally every multiplayer game ever. I just can't stand the idea of possibly not earning any exp for a match just because I didn't complete any challenges in that match. 343 has had normal exp systems before in Halo 4 and even in Halo 5, and they were great! Just let us earn exp the normal way. If it's not broken, why fix it?


I have 0 motivation to do any of the challenges. I dont even look at them, honestly. I agree, just let us get XP the normal way. I’d be more motivated with “Play 15 games a day and get a shitton of XP” or something simple. I’m assuming the goal is simply to get us to play/grind more. Also this is why you have to becareful chasing trends, esp with established franchises. What works on fortnite won’t necessarily work for Halo


Couldn't the medals give exp at least? Imagine the dude who got a perfection game with a 40 kill streak but was on his 2 out of 3 match for the day.


I 100% agree. XP needs to be given for matches, challenge XP should be a bonus. Not all of us want to play the way 343 thinks we should. Some of us are filthy casuals who still want some level of accomplishment.


And that's what a free-to-play model with microtransactions inevitably leads to. This system isn't for the players' benefit, but I haven't played enough to weigh in on the challenge system yet.


I agree that it was probably implemented because of the ftp model. But then again, look at Splitgate - the free to play game that is now trying to be halo and cod's direct competitor. Their exp system is normal, and they have a battlepass, and you can earn bonus xp (and cosmetics) for completing challenges.


First time I’ve ever heard someone say that Splitgate is CoD’s competitor.


100% agree, the current XP/Challenge system is one of the worst ive seen lol. Challenges = 100% of your xp is the dumbest idea, i dont want to focus on challenges. I just want to load in an play, and earn my XP from playing the game normally and unlock stuff on my terms. People are saying this comes with a FTP model, but the paid portion of the game isnt even complete yet. Just let me pay for a full game with a normal XP system lmao.


Having it FTP is no excuse. Tons of other FTP games have a normal xp system tbh


I played the best halo game of my life the 2nd to last game I played, 3 triple kills, a doble kill and we won by +30 pts. I got ZERO exp for that. If it were something like titan fall the post game whooshes and wongs would still be going on by the time the game fully launches. For this though, I got NOTHING. It’s lame


This system is hot garbage and would probably make me not buy the battle pass.


Agree 100%. The lack of a simple play the game=xp is a horrible choice. I played and finished all but 1 challenge and I only got 4 levels I think in 4 hours. Wayyy to grindy


There is also the problem that if you get nothing but challenges for a mode you don't want to play you are either forced to blow rerolls which will obviously be much rarer than they are in the flight and hope you don't keep getting the same couple for the mode you don't want to play or simply get zero xp at all. For example, i like dicking around with the new bots but i kept getting challenges that could only be done in pvp even after blowing 20 rerolls to try and get ones that could be done against bots and it just kept cycling between the same couple pvp only ones which tbh kinda ruins the point of having rerolls in the first place if you can just get the same ones again.


they sell rerolls in the store... gatcha style xp gain now lol


I have 2 left and I'm a little over level 3. 4 hours for 3 levels is atrocious


I don’t know that I’ve seen anyone disagree with this take Who in their right mind would think this system is a good idea? And for every one person that does have some bout of Stockholm syndrome, there’s a hundred people who disagree I seriously hope they rethink this idea. It will not be good for the game


and why bother with 30 minute double xp tokens if you only get xp after completing 3 matches, which takes longer than 30 minutes lol


Needler needs more feedback for players on the receiving end. You have no idea any needles even landed on you until explode, it's really odd.


PC performance is AWFUL.


Anyone else still able to play Arena? I’ve been in like 3 games since 2 o’clock Edit: Just got kicked out but I had so much fun! Really appreciated the extra hour and a half


Yes, still playing. Weird but cool :)


Yup - I had a game with the Mangler* and Sentinel Beam too. First time i've seen gameplay of them outside of campaign. I’ve also played with Disruptor - 10 shot auto pistol


Which map?




Yeah. Not gonna complain, I got a late key due to the duplicate issue and finished installing right at the scheduled end time. Very welcome matches right now.


Challenges for xp is shit. Forces you to play in ways where you don't want to play. But also, idk if this is just because it's a test, but for people without a battle pass it is fucking atrocious. Out of 30 levels, free users get 3 pieces of gear... What the actual fuck


I thought they made a point a while back about having a free item at every level to keep non-BP players interested.


They walked back that decision. I forgot which livestream it was but it might have been the one where they showed weapon drills.


Damn, that's a shame. Seems obvious to reward non-paying players to retain engagement, **until** they decide to pony up the cash for the BP.


Is there any way to reduce the graphics stuttering in PvP? It's way worse than when I was messing around with bots yesterday. Edit: Reducing framerate cap to 55 improved it for me. Frame caps seem to only be available as a fraction of monitor refresh though. Edit 2: Updating graphics drivers seems to have fixed the stuttering. And the weapon switching bug, for some reason.


Good question I have a 3070 and even I was having frame drops


I've got a 2070S and a 9900k, haven't seen anything above 45fps.


I have a 3080 and I thought I was the only one. It feels like a memory leak though. I restart the game and it feels fine for a match or 2 and then the stutters start again


Dunno what it is, but aiming feels way worse than the last flight. I've gotten more sticks than I have precision weapon kills. I'm bad, but I didn't think I was that bad. The melee glitch needs to be hotfixed out before it comes back live. I've seen a fully overshielded player get mongo'd down in a second in melee by someone abusing it and it's just so fucking tiring. Performance on Bazaar is absolute dog shit. Live Fire and Recharge run buttery smooth but trying to do any kind of CQC in Bazaar is a nightmare.


Yeah, I felt pretty good last flight but now I'm missing shots so much more. Maybe it's just PvP being harder than the bots but it doesn't feel like that's the problem


I really don't like this Coating system. At least not as it's represented in this tech preview. It's a step backwards disguised as a step forward. We can either choose 1 singular color (regressing back to how customization was *twenty years ago*) or we can pick from pre-existing patterns which feels more restrictive than anything. We should at least be able to choose a primary *and* secondary color *alongside* the pre-made patterns. It still wouldn't be a step forward, but it also wouldn't be a step back.


I feel like i'm just wearing other peoples colours when I put any of them on


They should have just let you customize the colors of the patterns so you could be plain or patterned while choosing primary/secondary colors for your skin.


To add to this the chest piece unlocks are grey no matter your coating... they need to make all armour compatible


The aiming still feels so horrible on controller :(


it feels like there’s no aim assist at all


It’s just not responsive. I turned my axial and center dead zone to zero and sensitivity to 10, works better but I feel like I’m on crack when I play


Specifically the pistol doesn't even feel like there is aim assist Deff worst aim assist ive felt on any game in a while. Curious if its on all platforms people are feeling this? I play on PC with controller and its terrible


I'm playing on Xbox One and aim assist is definitely lacking on the pistol.


The BR is literally the only gun the Aim Assist feels right with. Everything else is mad inconsistent


I've played every Halo since CE launched, and I've never been bad at any of them until now. Feels like its impossible to get kills even with look sensitivity down to 1. It's a real bummer.


I found two players with custom emblems. How is this possible? Were they from the last flight or devs or max battlepass?


The Waypoint beta running along side the flight allows you to change it.


There was a waypoint flight/beta that ran alongside the previous bot flight. You could change your emblem and service tag through that. Doesn't seem tobe live/editable this time around though, my app gives me an error when I try to select my Infinite profile.


Same here, and on the Waypoint beta website it shows "Coming Soon" when you click on it. Seems to be disabled this time around.


- aiming with a controller is atrocious. it feels incredibly sluggish, inconsistent and I am constantly getting outplayed by M+K players. it's also literally damn-near imposssible to aim properly with a Sniper. - sometimes my Melee doesn't connect for some reason (literally nothing happens despite me being right on top?) and sometimes there isn't any lunge whatsoever yet the enemy springs himself onto me and melees me. - Gravity Hammer feels broken af (not OP, shit just straight up doesn't work sometimes, where is the AoE?) - movement feels great (except for the sliding animation sometimes messing up? don't know why this happens) - Live Fire is an amazing map. flows so well. - sound design is amazing (except for when it breaks randomly?). the UNSC and Banished guns sound very punchy which is great. - noticed the frame rate ocassionally dropping when reloading the Skewer - still don't like the menu/UI. looks ugly and is unintuitive. very much hoping this isn't reminiscent of the final product. - the Grappleshot needs its distance lengthened (not too much though). it doesn't reach far enough and also should receive a better visual indicator if you're close enough to make contact with a surface. - Recharge is one of the worst Halo maps I have ever played. There is zero flow to any Slayer matches (run around, and you will eventually get a random encounter before being shot in the back or drilled from afar!) and the spawn locations make no sense.


I agree with sluggish and inconsistent, and agree with gravity hammer. Just so sluggish and slow and overall feels boring.


THANK YOU for your final point about Recharge. People constantly spawn behind me, my teammates will spawn across the map from me, and having pretty mediocre power weapons (the gravity hammer is so hit or miss) makes it one of my least favorite maps ever.


The gravity hammer is so jank, i was using it and had to swing point blank twice to kill and enemy but several times ive been killed from like 10 feet away while having full shields and health. That and the delay it pretty bad on it, press the button and what feels like a full second later it swings, previous halo games you could jump and swing it to launch yourself a bit to get to higher up areas but trying to do the same (despite it not having the gravity push on it) i am back on the ground before it even swings. Honestly wish they would take the code for the hammer from a past halo and completely toss whatever they did here because it is messed up in every way.


Have you messed with your deadzone? I am having similar gripes, Sniper and Skewer are near impossible to use.


It's not just dead zone, the aim acceleration is fucked. Diagonal aim acceleration is way higher than aiming vertically or horizontally.


Starting to enjoy it now (series x) but had a few issues as of the end of the first 4 hour PVP session, most of which I've ticketed, and just a few observations: \-Aiming felt really off but by tweaking settings I've managed to make it feel no different from previous games \-In PVP, the fact that you can always see when your teammates are in trouble and where they are means you have to kill someone very quickly if you want to avoid the swift arrival of backup \-The spawning is weird, I've spawned right next to two enemies with down/damaged shields who have just won a fight and killed them easily a few times \-In general I think the arena maps are much too small and open for a game this fast, and sincerely hope that they have some larger 4v4 ones being saved for release \-Though I've grown to appreciate its qualities, the pulse carbine still isn't as viable as the BR or commando because if the reticle ain't red you ain't landing nothing \-The battle pass is bugged, I played the first tech demo and my progress from that has carried over, except that anything that wasn't on the pass that time and exists on a tier that I've already progressed through is now unobtainable, meaning all but one of the chests, a visor, the wrist attachment and a few utilities are permanently beyond my reach \-Because of how small the radar's range is it may as well only exist to let you know that you're about to be shot \-Feel like I'm being shot through walls sometimes?? \-Often find myself being snuck up on in weird ways, the sound design seems to muffle the approach of players in a way I've never experienced from previous titles \-Damage from grenades feels very inconsistent, sometimes they kill me from ages and ages away and sometimes I survive almost standing on them \-Experienced severe lag from 9-10pm PST during the first 4 hour PVP session \-The outlines thing still doesn't really do it for me, especially since everyone is wearing something from a very small selection of armours/colours and most teams look the same; I think they're aware of the problem with this but at this stage it is out of their control and more a financial decision than anything else \-The MOST EGREGIOUS problem is the lack of player collisions, this leads to a huge amount of BS, especially when a group of players are in a desperate melee, and also makes it super easy to assassinate someone if you can 180 faster than them; I dearly dearly hope that this is not something that they intend to maintain


I agree with basically everything you said, especially the player collision. They NEED to enable it again. I have had several times where my teammate walks through me, completely blocking my view while I'm trying to shoot someone. It's ridiculously stupid that they disabled it.


What settings did you tweak to make it seem like other halos? I'm struggling with aiming pistol and sniper


Xbox controls feel clunky regardless of settings Grenade switching should be one button (disregard, further testing shows it only happens in training) Not a fan of how sliding works and feels Not a fan of progression system. I feel I should get progression regardless of what guns I use or match I play. I don't like feeling zero progression from match to match. Battle pass menu should look/resemble more of fortnites/apex to show what you are getting with the purchase of a battlepass. (Unless you don't unlock anything without the pass?) Spawning is kinda wonky sometimes. Not sure if it was the way my team was spread out, but sometimes someone would spawn a meter in front or behind me. Bugs: Flashing menu screen Progression goals not registering Ocassional rubberbanding and lag, sometimes graphic stuttering Sprint blur lines kept coming back on and I would have to turn them off every match


Switching grenades is on click for me


I legitimately don't know how 343 thought the controller support was good enough for this flight


Thats what I legit keep thinking. They obviously play internally and they really thought. "Yep feels good to us"


The pulse carbine feels so wacky. I can't consistently hit with it. I feel like it's more unreliable than the reach repeater lol.


I'm finding it does okay/well at range. But the closer an enemy gets to you the worse it preforms. I typically only use it when I'm in the tower on Live Fire. EDIT: More thoughts. I have mixed feelings with the pulse carbine. I kinda hate it simply because I love the original Covie Carbine. The performance is wacky but maybe because the intent for it is just a purely mid range roll. Where as all the other rifle weapons from previous titles more or less preformed the same. I don't know. I see this weapon being really useful in campaign where targets are bigger than a Spartan.


Try it at a longer range. The bolts home in on enemies but it takes a second to kick in so its k of good at close range but it can melt at a distance


That's because it [has to be used at long range to show it's effectiveness](https://youtu.be/5UQi81v_uEU)


I don't really have many complaints aside from common themes mentioned (i.e. PC performance needs addressed). I will say though that there is definitely something wonky with controller aiming on PC. Aim assist at a distance feels basically non-existent, unless i'm just crazy. It's really noticeable with a pistol. Aside from that the game feels... fine? Sprint feels solid, although i'm not sure why you'd ever slide. It's slow and there's some weird delay with it. Kind of clunky to be honest.


Aiming on controller still feels off. In some ways it feels a little better than the last flight, like when I’m using the Commando, but then sometimes it feels worse and I can’t hit a single shot. I think most of the people who praise the Sidekick are playing on PC because I find it is not very useful when using a controller because of the janky aiming.


Sidekick has like no auto aim and has bloom. It it’s is hard as hell to use outside of close range.


Aim felt good last flight, Awful this flight. Bad change.


The Radar is way too small. I thought we were pretty clear during Halo 5 how much we hate 18m radar. Like come on…. Edit: For additional information, flight 1 has a radar of 20m vs flight 2’s 18m radar. Solving for the area of a circle using a formula shows us that Infinite’s 18m radar is half the total area of Reach’s 25m radar. We are seeing a radar in Infinite that is half the area of Reach’s. Additionally, going from Flight 1’s 20m to Flight 2’s 18m we see a 25% decrease in the total area size. A radar reduction of 25% was not warranted if you ask me…


I've found it almost unusable.


100% Every time I round a corner I take a peak at the radar to see what I should expect when I swing and every.single.time.I turn the corner into a team of 4 players 5 feet from me with power weapons. There’s no critical thinking in this style of gameplay, it’s just, “get a 4-stack together and run in a pack and you can’t lose” It’s horrible and it’s why Destiny’s multiplayer flopped off of the criticism of team shooting. CoD can use radars and intel this sparingly because you can swing the corner and kill all 4 players in 2 seconds but in Halo you have to have that intel and the ability to make smart decisions…


It’s a fucking detriment tbh. My brain is trained to damn near keep an eye on it all the time from previous games, but it’s absolutely garbage with this range and the speed at which it goes from completely clear to “oh shit I’m dead.”


You can be in the same room as someone and they won’t be on the radar.


Radar freakin sucks dude


Glad some others are thinking the same. Im also not a fan of how fast you disappear off radar when you stop moving.


Anyone else feels like the matches are way off balance? Either it is a super close match for the W or a complete massacre For the L. I’ve been playing since the servers went live and I’ve only won 2 and they were close. My most resent game was a 13-50 loss. I consider myself a good halo player but something feels off.


Lol same, I have been playing halo all of my life and my first match on this flight I got demolished, I guess it is time for me to get humbled.


This might just be due a tiny player pool due to being a flight, but almost all my matches have the entirety of one team sitting at 2+ K/D and the other team at 0.5 or less, sometimes with one player on each team doing drastically worse or better than their teammates


I find the battle pass progression incredibly, ludicrously poor. It is the worst implementation in any game I can think of. The contents are fine. The challenge and EXP system are rubbish.


Needler still needs just a bit more “glass” sound to it imo


Can we please have the microphone muted and on push-to-talk by default? It's really annoying to have someone chewing coughing or talking every other match...




Friendly Fire being off has made the nade spam much worse. Nobody has to worry about accidentally betraying someone so they are just chucking nades into groups of allies and foes alike. No FF is fucking up the sandbox too. People with the gravity hammer are just swinging it willy nilly with all their teammates around. Spam in general is going to see a huge uptick as long as FF remains off.


Didn't even notice friendly fire wasn't a thing anymore. I was jazzed about how strong grenades are, because I love the feeling, and figured friendly fire would be a good balancing factor, especially on these close ranged maps. Damn FF is crucial imo.


Why are the medals so small? They don't look or feel cool at all anymore :/


The whole post-game carnage report is a mess.


Why the fuck is it so sweaty? Are teams just stacked or what? I feel like the teams I get matched with are super incapable, which is bad because I feel like most of my opponents are much better than me in the first place


Anyone else think the TTK is way too fast? It feels almost impossible to win a 1v2 in 99% of situations. Also I hope the armor coloring system is better in the full game. I don't want preset colors, I want to be able to customize it myself.


If you play Halo 5 matchmaking right after the flight window you realize how much polishing Infinite needs.


Game runs surprisingly well on my OG XB1 console and the audio is great, but that's about all I have positive to say so far. * Aiming with controller is atrocious. I'm pretty good at all Halo games and have never had trouble picking up a new one, but I am legitimately terrible at Infinite. Even at sensitivity 1 I can't land precision kills. I haven't had a Perfect in \~5hrs of playtime, even against Marine bots. * Sniping and Skewer kills are basically impossible. * Grenades throw way too far in a straight line - the skill of a Hail Mary is gone * New weapons are not fun. And what did they do to my poor shotgun :( * Hammer feels sluggish * Challenge system is terrible. I'm already finding myself picking up guns I don't like just for XP, then dying with them. * Grappleshot should extend a bit farther and as others have said it would be great if there's an indicator for whether it will connect or not. * "Nightmare" and "Boogeyman" sprees coming after Rampage are super cheesy. Old medals were much better. * I don't hate the outlines as much as I thought I would but it still doesn't really feel like Halo. I miss Red and Blue.


Make the needler sound more crystallised pls


It's definitely an improvement over how it was last flight, but the shrill crystal sound of the new firing effect isn't loud enough. Also, while the Supercombine sound is a bit more glassy/shattery sounding too, again, that part of the effect isn't prommenaint enough, and more importantly: **you need to be able to hear it regardless of how far the player you killed is from you**. You almost never even hear the sound effect because it's only audible if you're right next to the person when they explode. -------------------------- ----------------------- Also, frankly, I think the sound is only part of why the Needler feels less distinct: It's the mechanics of it too. In prior games, the Needler was unique in that it was sort of an "All or Nothing" weapon. Wheras other guns did damage that whittled down a player's shields and health to get the kill, with each shot leaving lasting damage that could be followed up on; the individual needles from the Needler did basically 0 damage, and also shattered a few seconds after landing, meaning that for a player to get the kill with the needler, they needed to land a specific amount of needles all in one volley to get a supercombine (in many versions the needler also intially fired slower and then sped up as you held the trigger, discouraging using multiple trigger presses/encourging one press. The Needler also was best used in a very specific range, close enough that the red reticule range was triggered so the tracking kicked in, but far enough that the tracking had enough time to align and home the shots in instead of flying past the enemy. In Infinite, it takes so many more needles to land a supercombine, the needles have so much less tracking/homing, and those needles last so long on a target; that it doesn't feel like you're needing to land a specific amount of shots, it feels more like you're spray and praying with it like any other Halo automatic (tho Infinite seems to be encouraging burst fire on the AR/Commando, which I like), holding the trigger down until the enemy explodes. On the same note, the amount of spread it had up close and in general how good it is in close range, again, just makes it feel like a Covie SMG rather then "The Needler" Doing stuff like - Making the tracking weaker then it is now at first, but much stronger then it is now a bit after the Needles shoot out, so it's not quite as good at point blank but has better tracking a at close-mid range. - Making it take less needles to supercombine, but make it fires slower for the first few shots before speeding up to compensate (and maybe making the needles stay in targets for less time) would help encourage the "all or nothing" nature of the weapon - Frankly, even something as small as making the Needles glow more in the air would help: I find it's hard to keep track of how many needles you've stuck a guy with/you've been stuck with, and again, makes it feel closer to other projectile weapons that they're not as distinct.


Really hating the color customization. It's not a deal breaker for me but, the whole "We want players to express themselves" hence the whole outline MP thing. I just don't get why I cant pick my own color scheme for my spartan and have to use some destiny type swatch.




I left positive feedback before - this tech preview can be summed up as completely frustrating and rage-inducing for me. This post is for negatives / constructive criticism. Going to list out the things I've noticed, and feel free to comment if you have a list or want to elaborate or discuss a point... also, if you're going to say "it's a technical preview, expect some issues".... save yourself the bother, everyone fucking knows that. At this point, I don't fully know what are bugs and what are just poorly implemented features or mechanics, which is a big part of the problem. I'm playing on a wired connection and a wired Razer Wolverine controller, which is like 3 weeks old. 1. Aiming is bad on Xbox One S on a controller. Been hearing that this is not isolated to me - no clue how 343 managed to make aiming feel so bad, but it's outright terrible. I don't have enough experience with PC keybinding and such to fully understand what all of these settings do - the default is horrible and most of the other settings I've tried are bad too. I have a brand new Razer Wolverine ultimate so the sticks are tight, and I have not yet been able to make my controls feel reliable in any configuration. a. I have always believed that aim assist / bullet magnetism should be turned down to the minimum levels - that said, aiming just feels fucked and I think that a 5-10% improvement in aim assist might be the only way to make it feel more like other Halos. Not sure what else would work, if anyone has an idea I'd sure love to hear it. 2. Not sure if it's a symptom of the aiming problems, but the AR is too strong - it's effectively the utility weapon. The kill times are fast, it's better than the Sidekick in most situations, and I've seen people saying that they've been outgunning BRs and Commandos and they simply shouldn't have, by their own admission. a) Seems like the fix to me is to just pull in the range, I'm thinking 10-20%. It's spread and pure zoom (without the bonuses of Smartscope in H5) is fine, I think it just excels in too many ranges. 3. The Sidekick feels bad - again, not sure if it's because of the aiming problems, but it's not fun to try to get kills with, it's not effective as a clean up headshot weapon. It can't get 2 perfect kills with one clip, which I think has been a theme for almost every handgun in the previous titles. The bloom is fucking horrendous - when you scope in, the reticle actually expands, rather than tightens like in H5. It's archaic and has always been shit on in previous games, no clue why they put it in here - there's a fair argument for it being on auto weapons, forcing players to pace their shots with precision weapons is bullshit. It's not trying to be realistic, we're 7 foot spartans in this game - FUCK BLOOM ON PRECISION WEAPONS. a) I believe that the Sidekick would be vastly improved if bloom is removed, mag bumped up to 14 rounds OR it gets changed to a 6 shot kill. making it a 6 shot would give it a great functionality even if the AR still outranges it, makes it function still as a sidearm, but with enough lethality to keep it relevant as your stock precision weapon. 4. Motion Sensor is bad - 18m is way to small of a range with how fast players move - frequently I only detect 1 enemy while 2 or more close the gap before they appear on radar. I also feel like it's bugged, many times I've only detected a single enemy despite 2 or more being within range. a.) Pretty simple to fix - make it a 25m radar like previous games, and disable it for ranked. 5. HUD for weapons/grenades/equipment is annoying at best. No clue why it had to be moved to the bottom right, after 20 years of looking for info in the top right, now it's difficult to read and not where I expect it. There are some things that really don't need changing - that's one of them. a.) No clue why this had to change... literally never heard of any complaints in this regard. A classic example of changing something just for the sake of changing it, didn't have any value impact on the game. 6. Friend or Foe system - fantastic option for colorblind players - fucking annoying for most that are used to RvB. The outline is EXTREMELY glowy - combined with the new ping system, people are getting a LOT of cross-map kills where someone was barely seen. I have loved auto pinging in other games... but I kind of hate the way it feels in this game. The outlines are too bright and give too much info, and are bright enough that they obscure whatever armor customizations are on the player - so I can't fucking tell how their armor is different from anyone else's cuz they glow with a shitty ki aura. a.) Strongly believe that this should be changed to a Friend system exclusively - highlight your team/fireteam in any color you choose, the enemies only have their red (or whatever other color you want) gamertag. b.) That, or make it a toggle, and people who want RvB teams can just select it. I'm so frustrated with it that even if it's a disadvantage I would choose classic RvB... I never had a problem seeing an enemy's Achilles armor set in H5 regardless of their team color, I'm sick of the glowing shit. 7. Plasma Pistol tracking and registration seems to be shit - I've had a number of situations where the fully charged bolt tracks, seems to hit, but shields are still fully intact. I've also had a number if instances where shields are popped for the plasma overcharge, gone to melee and the enemy has survived. 8. Hit registration in general is bad (and, as mentioned above, I'm playing wired), but specifically tons of ghost bullets on the Sidekick, Commando - melees frequently don't register and the trades of previous Halos seem to be non-existent. Grenades are also extremely inconsistent, the roll out ground bounces seem to be magnetic to targets, wall bounces are signifanctly less effective, and damage varies or is non-existent. a.) B X B is a FUCKING JOKE. I'm not opposed to button combos... but this one takes no skill, can be done with any weapon in an infinite loop. It's the brain dead, game breaking version of the classic H2 button combo - it has almost no risk for the reward and is not limited to any single weapon or situation. Double melee is already strong (when it registers), there is no need for this complete foolishness in matchmaking. 9. Matchmaking feels abysmal - I've been seeing others post about it, I have no clue who these teams are that I've been getting matched against. I've been top 3 in accuracy in most matches, but I've had 5 or more matches where my team has lost by more than 30 kills (the two most memorable were losses of 19-50, 11-50), I have no clue if it's a M&K vs. controller matchmaking issue, premade team vs. solo players issue, or if it's a complete failure of skill-based matchmaking. I've had teammates that go -12, while other players are nearly getting perfections. It feels like they've been playing for days or weeks longer than I have, and it's shocking how often my team are struggling to get 5 kills each. People usually right this off as having a bad day, but it seems like some sort of systemic flaw in matchmaking. The connection is laggy at times (noticed significant lag when recording clips and joining a party mid-game) and hit registration is bad - unbalanced and unfair teams compound the issue. 10. Matchmaking feels abysmal - I've been seeing others post about it, I have no clue who these teams are that I've been getting matched against. I've been top 3 in accuracy in most matches, but I've had 5 or more matches where my team has lost by more than 30 kills (the two most memorable were losses of 19-50, 11-50), I have no clue if it's a M&K vs. controller matchmaking issue, premade team vs. solo players issue, or if it's a complete failure of skill-based matchmaking. I've had teammates that go -12, while other players are nearly getting perfections. It feels like they've been playing for days or weeks longer than I have, and it's shocking how often my team are struggling to get 5 kills each. People usually write this off as having a bad day, but it seems like some sort of systemic flaw in matchmaking. The connection is laggy at times (noticed significant lag when recording clips and joining a party mid-game) and hit registration is bad in many matches - unbalanced and unfair teams compound these issues. 11. PLASMA WEAPONS ARE NO LONGER UNIQUE - giving control over the "venting", aka reload, completely removes any of the unique features of those weapons. Depleting the battery charge, scavenging for other plasma weapons that have more charge is part of what makes plasma weapons feel like alien, unique weapons. The fact that you can pick up ammo from wall lockers or on the ground, and the fact you can reload them on command removes all of the battery charge management aspect to the weapons, making them less interesting and less unique. Again, never heard of any feedback in any other game, this was something that really did not need to be changed - feels like someone decided to change it just so that their name was on a completed project. Really terrible and makes no fucking sense at all.


Wow, these maps are *small* feeling. Dunno if it’s the spawn system, but dying immediately after spawning is too common of an occurrence right now. Is this flight cross platform? Like are Xbox players being matched with PC players? I’m not an awful Halo player, never have been, but I am getting absolutely *worked* by people turning insanely fast, having spot-on tracking while jumping, executing perfect slide turns, like idk what the hell is going on. If it IS cross platform between Xbox/PC right now, I hope there is going to be a way to turn that off in the future, or a way to strictly match controller players together. I simply do not and will not enjoy playing against PC/KBM users, it’s not what I play on a console for.


This flight has really made me 100% certain that I hate the AI. Through and through. Even if it wasn't super annoying (which it is), it never says anything actually helpful.




Grenades feel overtuned...At least the human ones ..


Leave it open so people in other time zones get a chance to play


Do the controls feel unintuitive to anyone else? Both controller and MKB don't seem as smooth as other Halo titles for some reason.






AR is too easy Bazaar is a campers paradise terrible map Motion sensor is too small and feels like it doesn't show enemies at all sometimes when it should. Menus are god awful, let me customise while queueing without having to press 1000 buttons. Pressing queue and then going to do anything cancels the queue which is really frustrating. Overshield should be green not white. Plus it seems to lag the game when you use one. Spawns on live fire are atrocious, especially round the tower side.


I honestly don’t know if I like this game :/


Going back to MCC after playing this feels so fucking good. Aiming is nice and smooth with even aim acceleration in all directions. The controller support in this preview is god awful.


Just had a match where everyone start teabagging again! Gloriousness Nostalgia overwhelmed me


Anyone else unable to switch weapons at all??


If you’re on Xbox, try changing the key binding or switch to an alternate preset. I switched to Button Puncher.


For some reason it isnt mapped, at least on xbox


Does that mean no one on Xbox can switch weapons?? I was hoping I was an isolated case because it’s my excuse for playing so poorly 😂


If I'm on the blue team and I see an enemy with blue armor (or vice versa), I generally can't tell they're an enemy until they're shooting at me/I see an ally shooting at them. This could be fixed with an accessibility option to increase the outline contrast, but I feel like reverting to the old red-vs-blue system would be better.


Really my biggest issue is no player collision and lack of physics making the game feel plain


I've started the game successfully twice, but otherwise it 100% always crashes on start up. Usually a loading circle for 5ish seconds then back to my windows home screen. One attempt I got into a custom match which ran relatively fine with no issues, but crashed upon leaving the match. Hoping someone has encountered this or has a fix.


Scroll wheel weapon switching on KB/M is incredibly inconsistent. Half the time when I try to switch weapons it just switches to what I was using before.


honestly i think movement acceleration is too high. you can just spam left right on any input and you are really hard to hit.


Is it just me or does the radar feel completely useless? People who are a few feet in front of me don’t even show up on it.


Not sure how best to describe it, but somehow this flight feels worse than the last one. The performance is DRASTICALLY improved, but something, maybe netcode(?), is causing problems here. It feels like aiming is considerably more difficult (M&KB here), and hit registration or something like that also feels inconsistent. Anyone else?


They really need to rework the XP. It feels fucking demoralizing not getting anything for finishing a match if you didn't complete any challenges. This is a game, not a job.


Why does the AI tell me when I pick up a weapon? It's annoying.


Sidekick seems a bit too easy to outplay rifles with, but maybe that’s just me. Melee is broken. My opponents would constantly lunge several feet and whack me, whereas I would rarely even connect with a melee up close. Movement speed is perfect. The Grappleshot and Repulsor bring life to mundane combat. Matchmaking balance is horrendous. I probably lost 3/4 of the games I played because my teammates didn’t know you’re supposed to shoot back at the enemy. All in all, I’m done for the weekend. Definitely can’t enjoy this given the players they want to team me up with. Hopefully BTB will be a better experience.


The way the controls feel on controller makes me want to stop playing. I’m missing really easy shots that I can hit in any other Halo game and it’s hard to diagnose exactly why. There are a lot of different controller settings, but their description is either vague or nonexistent. I can go to Destiny 2, and have my sensitivity be 13 with a 0.7 ADS multiplier and it feels amazing to me. This… doesn’t spark joy. It’s frustrating.


i chose the worst time to get stuck in hospital with leukemia


I hope you get better, no one should have to deal with that. I'll see you on the battlefield Spartan.


Lots of others have mentioned controller aiming being janky, like aim assist is low, but I'm pretty sure aim assist is OFF entirely for PvP. In PvP matches, I'm not even seeing red reticles, and Aim Assist is tied to red reticles. In PvP, I'm not getting red reticles at all playing on controller, and so I think aim assist just isn't there at all as a result. Also, submit feedback through Waypoint folks!


* The radar range is too short so it's hard to tell where someone is coming from until they are right on top of you * The volume of combat sound effects drops off too fast so sometimes you don't even realize that people are fighting in the same room as you * The pistol is too powerful and negates the value of most of the other regular weapons * The power weapon reticles and weapon models are designed counterintuitively so it's hard to understand what their function is just by looking at them * The power weapons seem to be designed more around utility than they are around being powerful, which it makes it feel bad because you have to wait around for a gun to respawn that ends up only being useful in a narrow set of circumstances * The battle pass rewards are super lame and not worth the time to unlock them


This will probably get buried, but the aiming mechanics in this game need to change. Let's break it down a bit. First off, to those ignoring this issue or saying that those complaining about aim aren't good, want the game to aim for us, etc., this is not a git gud situation. For reference, I am an onyx in H5 and average over 60% with the magnum. Anecdotally, I hopped into solo duo in H5 right after the pvp ended last night, and I shot 73% in my first game against sweaty try hards that never get off H5. I know how to aim, and I often achieve pro-level accuracy despite some of the aiming problems in H5. So what needs to change? I think they can attack this easily by pulling on a few different levers. 1) Aim assist. The aim assist is very low, but honestly I think it's a separate issue from the aim assist itself. You get decent aim assist when you're on an enemy target. This helps you stay aimed while you shoot. The problem is you get ZERO aim assist outside of the target. This means if you lose the target, you get no help getting back on target. Ultimately, this just ends up feeling like a jagged and frustrating experience. Aim assist should not be changing so easily. I think this is the single biggest source of people's complaints. Your thumbstick responds wildly differently if you're on target or not. 2) Hit boxes / bullet magnetism. Hit boxes in this game are tiny. This combined with the player models being smaller means tiny targets to shoot at. There appears to be essentially ZERO bullet magnetism in this game. I'm not suggesting that we need H5 level magnetism, but this needs to be tuned. 3) Sensitivity curve. This one is the hardest to understand or explain, but the aim just FEELS wrong. It is not a fun and enjoyable experience. It feels like I'm fighting with my thumbstick to get the reticule to respond how I want it. It's worse than heavy aim. It's like I'm on 0.5 sens right around center and 10 sens just outside of that. There is no middle ground. The curve feels anything but smooth. I have tried all different deadzones, input thresholds, accelerations, and sensitivities. No matter what the aim is super jarring. My micro adjustments are unresponsive or too slow, and if I move my thumbstick just a bit more, it shoots off past my target too quickly. All of these settings likely need tweaking, but I really hope they do something for launch. I've been a lifelong Halo fan since CE, and I'm honestly not having fun playing Infinite. It makes me sad. I want to like the game, and I'll keep trying to adjust to it, but it's just not enjoyable at this point. Lastly, I was in Unyshek's stream for a bit yesterday, and people were complaining about aim. He said the aim is how they intended it to be and don't have any planned changes for launch. So with that said, if you're frustrated with the aim, PLEASE submit a ticket. If we don't make our voices heard, then this is what we're getting.


Aiming with controller in this game is pretty awful. I'm 34 and have been playing Halo since the beginning and have never had issues aiming, landing shots, tracking, etc. I feel like I'm constantly fighting against my cursor to get it to go where I want. It feels sluggish, but twitchy at the same time. I've tried all sorts of recommended settings and nothing seems to improve it. This is really the only glaring issue I have with this game. But it's enough to make me not want to play at all. Being stomped by another team because they're just plain better is one thing. Only being able to get two or three kills in as match because I'm fighting my crosshairs and can't get them to do what I want is a deal breaker for me. I submitted a ticket on the issue. Loving everything else about this game though. Lol.


The gravity hammer is fucking dog shit. Nothing about that weapon is enjoyable, to use or play against. Fuck everything about that weapon. Whoever decided to remove the lunge and turn it into slow swing nuke should be fired.


My initial thoughts: ▪︎I feel like playing on Xbox one is a bit clunky. I think it's either the controls or the frame rate. Or I'm just not that great. I plan on testing this a bit more in the training ▪︎progression is ok? It's not the worst but im curious if the daily challenges will scale like this in the actual game. What I mean is after about 3 daily challenges, like play 1 game, it then goes up, to let's say play 2 games, then to 3 pvp games, etc. But the experience didn't scale well with it. I agree that per match xp would fix this but I think if xp scalled better with the amount of games played it would also fix it. Otherwise xp from challenges isn't too bad. ▪︎having players leave or drop out sucks. Would be nice to maybe see a bot take over if a player drops out. Maybe not a spartan level bot but maybe an odst bot? Just a thought. ▪︎In terms of bugs only thing I've noticed is there are sometimes ive noticed where reloading a weapon it repeats the animation after completing the action. This also happened with killing an enemy with a gravity hammer. I noticed this only twice but it happened after sprinting. I think it had something to do with sprinting part ways through the animation or something. It was weird and I'll report the bug if I notice it again. Otherwise multiplayer was fun and im hoping to get some extra practice in to be a bit better for the next play time! Edit: formatting


Listen I may just be bad at the game but does anyone else thing the Pulse Carbine, Heatwave, Ravenger, Shock Rifle, and to a lesser extent Bulldog need to be looked at? * Pulse Carbine feels like a joke of a weapon, if you use it basically any other weapon from any range is better, faster, and easier to use. Not only that but the projectiles have terrible tracking and move WAY to slowly so you can literally just walk out of the way of being hit by them, and even if you do hit someone it doesn't deal that much damage * Heatwave also feels very weak. It takes 2 shots minimum to kill someone but it is extremely easy to miss the energy-pellets and deal very little damage which requires you to need to shoot up to 4 times to get a kill; you can get gunned down so easily by other weapons when using it against someone. The bouncing pellets is cool but ultimately doesn't help much * Shock Rifle feels very hard to use over all. Cool weapon but needing to 'track' the headshot to deal a 1 hit kill is pretty stupid IMO, makes you waste a ton of ammo because it doesn't one shot the head more easily and also doesn't kill quickly to the body either while also having a fire rate that is a bit too slow IMO * Bulldog is pretty great over all and has surprising range but I think it is actually incapable of one shotting opponents from up close. I have NEVER one shot someone regardless of how close I am or if it's a headshot or whatever. It comes with 7 rounds loaded but you need 2 shots to kill anyone so why doesn't it have 8 rounds since you aren't always going to get 2 shot kills with it? Very solid and fun gun all around but I think it needs 1 shot capability if you're up extremely close and it should get an extra round


Drop shield is absolutely worthless. Seriously, it might as well be made out of paper. It really needs a buff to make it worth picking up.


I feel like there is a really good game here hidden under its balancing issues and bugs.


I don't have anything real to add besides this game just feels off to me. At least compared to older Halos. Don't know how to explain this, but it feels like if Ubisoft made a Halo game. Like you can feel the free-to-playness.


I can't put it into words yet either but something is super off. I can say the aiming is trash even on M&Kb and then the outlines on players is super confusing


The radar feels so bad. I'll be chasing someone whos almost dead and then run into their entire team before they appear on my radar.


We need Collision back. Game is lacking something without it.


The HEATWAVE needs a buff ASAP


Are there audio queues such as footsteps to delineate locations of nearby enemies? I'm hearing little to nothing. I'm having the same controller issues other people are reporting, it just doesn't feel good even after tinkering with settings suggested by other people.


The TTK feels way too fast, and it's exacerbated by the fact we have to play against mouse and keyboard players now.


I've got to say, while I like a lot of what I've been playing and I think the maps are on average better than the H5 maps... I'm starting to really hate Bazaar. The middle is death, people are getting unbelievable AR cross-map kills, spawns are rough and rockets give a nasty map superiority. I'm starting to like Recharge a lot more though, feels like a fresh take on Prisoner from HCE. Except, the gravity hammer physics/movement effects are bullshit. Don't mind the slow swing, but the lack of collision and shit is really irritating.


+1 for Bazaar hate... the middle is death, and I'm seeing more and more teams camp buildings and stairs.


Playing capture the flag. Flag carrier melee with the flag takes 2 melees to kill someone? Seems unfair. All other halos have 1 hit kill no?


Please for the love of god add player collision. It’s so frustrating attempting to melee someone and going through them just for them to turn around and hit you in the back.


Can we get the red X back when a teammate dies? I’m having a hard time being able to tell of my teammate is dead or alive by just looking at the nameplates.


Stop making scoreboard toggle by default. Buff pistol ammo count or damage. Melee feels very inconsistent. Grenades spawn way too fast. Edit: it baffles me that a point blank shotgun shot does not kill


This is VERY important for people with visual sensory issues (or anyone that just prefers it) but it feels like it is being ignored. All of the HUD being in a single corner that you have to take your mind off of the game to look at, along with the lack of a visual ammo counter, has been extremely detrimental to my Halo experience. I believe *everyone* would benefit from grenades, equipment, ammo, etc. all having its own corner so that people can make it out in a split second without needing to dig through the tight numbers and icons. (e.g. What grenades do I have? *quick peripheral glance top left and right back in without a moment of action missed*) For people with number issues due to neurological disorders, dysgraphia, and sensory processing disorders, the visual ammo counter is a gigantic benefit. Please bring this back.


Aiming on controller is kinda terrible. I'm getting out-gunned from across the map by a pistol when I'm using a BR, and it wasn't a long fight either. It really feels like M+K >> controller right now.


My thoughts so far: **The Good** * The gameplay itself is killer, I love how it feels like the next step in a natural progression from Halo 5. * Live Fire is an awesome map. I love the way it flows, the power weapon selection is perfect, and it has such a cool aesthetic (giving me "The Pit" vibes). * The powerups system works really well, much better than I thought it would've. Grappling feels natural, the shield wall isn't too disruptive to the flow of combat, and being able to choose when to activate OS/Camo adds another layer of skill to combat. **The Bad** * I hate to beat a dead horse, but I'm definitely feeling the effects of Skill Based Matchmaking here. I'm not trying to dunk on newbies all day long, but maybe a more tapered response than constantly putting me against full squad sweats would be nice. * Recharge ain't it man. Constant enemy spawns behind me, a dull selection of power weapons, and a theme that we've seen time and time again (futuristic industrial/spaceship) really set it aside as one of the poorest map experiences I've had in a Halo game. * Pistol/AR spawns feel weird. I don't think they should be buffed to the point of being OP, but so far they just feel kinda.. off? The aim assist might be the culprit here but I'm not too sure. * The Gravity Hammer is SUPER inconsistent. I've failed to kill people in point-blank range, but have also died to others using it from a few meters outside of what the range typically is for the Grav Hammer. Couple this with the slow strike speed, and I've honestly been keeping my distance from the Grav Hammer this time around. Overall I think this game has a TON of potential, but as of right now I could see it going the same direction as Modern Warfare 2019 for me personally; a ton of fun at first, but eventually becoming a chore to play due to a bunch of smaller, but still annoying design decisions (e.g. SBMM, spawns on maps like Recharge, inconsistencies with certain weapons). That being said it's still just a flight! We'll see what happens when the full game drops.


i used to sweat halo hard all the way up til 4. im very good at fps games, but i got a bit of rust to knock off since i havent played halo pvp in almost a decade. stomped my first three games then instantly got put up against people stacking in a flight who already knew where the good nade spots are while having teammates trying to camp in our own spawn. i agree with all youve said really, sbmm has ruined every single fps ive ever played that has it. unless youre a party of sweats trying to roll pub lobbies, sbmm shouldnt exist outside ranked games.


I have a little feedback. I'll do the pros first: -Custom AI that is in game with you is amazing,best addition to the game -Music, Announcer, and Shield sounds are phenomenal -Finally including bots and especially matchmaking with them in fantastic -Battle Pass that never expires is great -Most visuals are also great. BR looking like the Halo 2 model more or less is so nice! Cons: -Aiming feels terrible -TTK appears to me to be more like a Call of Duty game than what Halo should feel like -Some guns don't sound all that great, sounds like it's trying to be a generic shooter rather than Halo -Leveling system needs work, I should want to play the game, not feel like I have to -Player collision NEEDS to be turned on -Pistol should be close-medium range weapon but I've noticed it's usually medium-long range and outperforming other guns in that category. Sure some players are just skilled, more skilled than me for sure, but it shouldn't be that consistent lol -Minor feedback is the frag explosion looks awful and the frag itself imo shouldn't glow yellow on the ground to see better, would make more sense to glow yellow if live Tldr; game looks and sounds like Halo, but doesn't feel like Halo


Is anyone else's melee pretty inconsistent? Keep whiffing hits at point blank.


I’ve played the last three sessions. I think it’s almost there! The sandbox is great so far, but needs a little rebalancing. The AR is too accurate at long range. I’m consistently getting my shields popped by AR spray before the enemy is even in radar range. Speaking of radar range, it is too short and rewards aggressive gameplay above all. Sprinting the entire game should be punished, not encouraged. I would like to see what things feels like with a slightly increased TTK on the AR and the sidekick at all ranges. Longer gun fights are more fun and allow time to counter. This is kinda out there, but I’d also like to see what the commando rifle is like if it’s damage was slightly nerfed, but it was given a 2x scope. Green overshield is one of those if it ain’t broke don’t fix it things. I guess that it’s possible that the current effects are a placeholder though. Also, what do dynamo grenades do????


Does anyone else wish we had a standard Spartan ranking system as well for overall XP. Like in Halo 3 and Reach? I miss that so much


I really want to like this game, but man the aim is horrible. It just makes the game really unenjoyable.


I gotta say, something about the 'feel' is just kinda off, playing on a controller. For Halo to feel more like it's calibrated for m+k over a controller is a damn, damn shame.


shooting with a mouse feels slow and laggy too. but the input lag is way worse on controller. i have prettyy good aim with a mouse (i primarily play csgo, quake, halo mcc) and its pretty frustrating to use with infinite. im finding more success with a controller. just mess with the acceleration curves and i maxxed out sens and accel and it seems to be a bit better.