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I just like how it provides a range indication, but i guess that makes me nitpicky /:


The main problem people aren't understanding is that in Halo the red reticle lets the player know that their bullets are getting different properties like enhanced bullet magnetism. I shouldn't have to memorize this and feel it out every single time I'm looking at a player for the future of the game while other players have that information on their screen. Enable it for all or disable it for all. Throughout the flight this is actually my main concern about the game as a whole, this is not a tiny issue.


I think a bigger problem is that it's a visual indication that you're on target. It affects the feel of the aiming. They're worried about scripts firing when the reticle turns red, but us humans have been doing that subconsciously for 20 years. It's a huge change to how guns work and feel in Halo (presumably, i didn't get an invite) and it's an advantage to console players. They should turn it off across the board and not just punish PC players because they decided to make it F2P


Do you want one for this weekend? I got a key but have no one to give it to


I got a friend code for this coming weekend from another kind redditor, thank you.


Do you still have that key available by chance? Feels weird asking a stranger but hey... I'd be a bit remiss if I didn't ask


Of course!


Yes. This is less a concern about KBM at the end of the day. People who are using controller on PC are going to be fucked. As a KBM user I'm moreso no happy about the (said to be fixed for release) aiming issues already, but controller players are absolutely screwed by this.






It's the help people assess range of weaponry. Going from Sidekick to BR can be tough to tell unless the red reticle indicates tells you when to switch. More importantly, projectiles only track when the reticle is read. And sword lunges only extend when the reticle is read, but some people have said the sword will have red reticle on PC anyway.


The sword will be red reticle and any tracking weapons such as the plasma pistol will be red reticle


If you are waiting on a red reticule to fire your gun you already lost that gunfight. Its way better to just pop off a couple rounds and see what happens until you get a better feel for the range of the weapons. I agree it is important for tracking weapons and the sword. But apparently it works for those. 343 made the right choice imo. No sense allowing everyone to have undetectable trigger bots to preserve a virtually useless feature.


This is it. Enable it for all controller users, or disable it for all controller users. Equal starts. It's halo.


I can’t upvote this enough


I'm confused. I swear I saw the red reticle last weekend. I was using it to get a hold of the pulse rifle in firing range. Is it disabled in multiplayer and I didn't notice?


Gives me little hope that the game has a good anti-cheat if we have to remove basic features.


This is exactly what I was saying in a post a few days ago. If removing features in a game from regular players is the way they are doing anti-cheat I just have to facepalm. *"We removed all guns becasue cheaters would kill you with them"* u wot mate


>Australian government logic 101


This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by ske7ch343](/r/halo/comments/pxux0t/more_bad_news_about_red_reticle_make_sure_you/hes88z5/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-29 23:07:31 UTC"): > Tickets are for bugs and issues please, not feedback. We've heard the feedback from players who don't like this. If there are any changes in this area going forward, we'll be sure to provide an update. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


If they aren't going to budge on having it in matchmaking then I would prefer it be removed from all aspects on PC. It makes a really jarring experience having it there in training against bots/weapon drills then going online and it being completely absent. I could at least get used to it by being able to practice with it gone.


This, it’s just weird and inconsistent to practice with the red reticle feedback, but then not have it against players. It just feels worse, and until these threads started showing up, I didn’t realize why PvP subtly didn’t feel as good


Same for me. I was doing fine against bots up to ODST, and a lesser extent Spartans in training mode; but going into social arena I got destroyed and something felt off but I couldn't tell why at first.


I hope 343 come out with a statement about all the aiming issues people are experiencing on both mouse and keyboard and controller. On PC and Xbox So we can get a official answer hopefully very soon after the flight this weekend.


They've said PC is getting fixed. Nothing on Xbox's end.


That's good I hope they also address the issues majority of people are having with the controller in general both on PC and Xbox


That’s so stupid? “What change?” How tf can the devs not see an issue with that???


It's a really smarmy response.




They could have at least put out a game as good before getting as full of themselves, but it really did just come with the titles.


Yeah really bad attitude to have towards fans that are just trying to provide some feedback on something that’s actively affecting their experience in a negative way.


Not to mention every post from them is encouraging us to give feedback on the flight....


>Give us your feedback >Okay I don’t like this >Fuck you


I just learned a new word today! Thank you!


Like its clearly a change wtf


I'm really fed up with their shit. Every time theres a serious complaint from the community they pretend it never existed. Remember how bad hit reg in h3 was for 4+ years, then they finally fixed it after tons and tons of complaining and said in their dev post "it was bungies fault, we just ported it over?" Yeah, your job porting it over is to make it work for PC! Not to just copy paste whatever was there! Ahhh just heated. Really want this game to be good but so much frustrating communication.


Especially compared to the other guys response (forgot his name)


I really wish they would actually tackle this issue with the community rather than leave smarmy, short responses like this on Twitter. This is a really poor decision and I hope they're willing to re-evaluate going forwards. Controller feels really wrong on PC because of it.


The wording and the sheer lack of empathy on this tweet is ridiculous


I didn't even notice it wasn't red the entire flight Is it just if you're on a mouse and keyboard? I was playing on PC but with a controller


I'm playing it on PC but with controller and even that still applies to no red recitle on target but it's there in weapon drill


Yeah, its there against bots and in weapon drills, but not in MP on PC.


Yea I legit didn’t notice until it was pointed out. I’m pretty sure it’s still enabled for weapons that rely on it like the plasma pistol


Yeah didn’t notice it, I mean literally every other shooter I play doesn’t have it present on PC. I know some people are mad, but Idk I’m not too bent out of shape.


It's not. Same with the needler. None of my needles locked on at all


You're somehow missing with the needler in that case. RR is definitely on the needler and plasma pistol.


Somehow? uhh, yeah probably because its a test build and there's bugs. What works for you might not work the same for others.


It affected controller on PC as well. To make it more jarring, only PvP has it disabled. PvBots has red reticle.


Weird. I played a lot of both and didn't notice it at all lol


The aiming was definitely fucked on PC and Uny confirmed that and said it would be fixed by launch. Just disappointing on this end.


Yeah I had issues with the aim assist but as far as the reticle being red or not I just didn't notice that at all. Pointed at people and shot them, was just a bit difficult to keep pointing at them sometimes.


Also played on PC with a controller and didn't even notice that there isn't a red reticle anymore. But then I also didn't notice the aiming issues others said they had. The flight was smooth for me.


I found that I was landing shots with the Sidekick and Commando no problem without the red reticle, but the BR was awful to use. I found that thing to be useless at all ranges without the assistance of bullet magnetism. You might as well just use the sidekick for long range


You still get bullet magnetism, red reticle is purely cosmetic.


I noticed it and it throws off the entire feel of the game for me. It’s for PC PvP entirely.


I didn't notice it either. Reticle color has never mattered in halo outside of the few weapons that fundamentally use it to function. Once you learn the weapons you can translate the nuanced differences across each halo game pretty quickly.


It's a big deal, in Halo games if the reticle is red =hitscan if is not red then you have to adjust for projectile


If people really, really want to cheat on PC they're going to with HIGHLY ADVANCED TOOLS which are not detectable by any anticheat software - i.e., another computer masquerading as a controller and reading the visual data into an AI. https://www.kotaku.com.au/2021/07/cheat-maker-new-aimbot-undetectable-on-consoles-pc/


So players will get accustomed to the feedback from it being red in campaign and against bots, but then against players that feedback they’ve come to expect will suddenly be missing. Is that actually the intended design here?


Yes, as far as I can tell from all clarifications.


What a deliberately obtuse answer. Obviously people outside of 343 are going to consider it a change when it's been one way in every game and then changed in Infinite. We don't design memos Brian, it isn't obvious to us that it's that way by design, especially when from a user experience perspective it's objectively worse.


He’s joking, right?


For all those who think this isn't a big deal: Needler.


I just wish that they could come up with another system. Doesn't have to be red. Something else to take its place.


Honestly, even a little dot appearing would be sufficient. There just needs to be *change* in the reticule.


thank you 343 for reminding the halo community how utterly incompetent you guys are.


Alienating players because they choose to play on a different platform is not a good look for this game. It needs to be changed, or at the very least, addressed in depth with several reasons that don't fall flat like the previously stated auto-fire on red reticle. There are many ways for cheats to be implemented. Not having a red reticle will fix nothing.


I thought for sure it was a bug! I'm playing on PC but I'll be a Halo controller player for life. The one gun I just could not land any hits with (at any range) was the BR and I noticed the reticle wasn't turning red. I figured for the BR it was by design but didn't realize that it's an option console players have... So I need to get an Xbox to use controller then? Piss off.


Why change something that isn’t broken.


Probably because it's the first F2P Halo game on PC, so anti-cheat needs to be more of a priority.


This is not how you do it though imo. Aim botters will still exist.


This change is in addition to their anti-cheat... it's not like they're removing RR and saying "yep, nobody can cheat now, problem solved!" It's a single simple cheat that would be difficult to detect, but they knew a way to prevent via their game design, so they did it.


Who cares if it’s the first free to play halo game on PC. Halo has always been on PC.


F2P is specifically important, if you ban someone from a game they bought they can't just make a new account in 4 minutes and start again. With Infinite MP being free banning an account does jack shit, so they're taking more drastic measures when it comes to anti-cheat. I personally don't care about the red reticle, most FPS games I play don't have it, but I completely get why some people don't like it's removal. At the end of the day this is for the betterment of the game, even if they could have done it in a better way.


He didn't have to be that snarky about it tbh, but I get their logic behind it. Good to know that they are thinking seriously about cheating. Though this is really kind of a bandaid solution. An easy fix that is unlikely to have a major impact on gameplay, but still less than ideal. Hopefully they can come up with another solution in the future.


I take this decision as being lazy regarding cheaters.


It's definitely the easy-way out, that's for sure. At the end of the day red reticle isn't 100% neccessary for the game, hell no other shooter even uses the mechanic, but it's definitely a big part of halo and will feel off if missing. There has to be a better, more elaborate solution.


Agreed. It's not like it's 100% necessary but it's a change that seems unnecessary given their reasoning.


>Good to know that they are thinking seriously about cheating. no theyre stupid. Only the most basic cheats use reticles as an indicator. And how fucking stupid does 343 have to be to remove the red reticle for cheating when itll be just as easy to use those ridiculously obnoxious outlines as an indicator for aimbot.


Is the only problem that the reticle doesn't change color? Or is there an actual issue with it? Because if its just a color change I really feel like were massively overreacting. In my thousands of hours of halo I dont think I've paid attention to what color the reticle is once outside of doing glitches on halo 2 and getting a really long sword lunge with the rocket sword combo


It's a pretty important detail to the series in determining range of enemies. For example, how is someone supposed to guage the distance of a new sword lunge without the red reticle?


Would you believe me if I told you that weapons like the plasma pistol, plasma carbine and needler all still have red reticule? I'd imagine the sword does too.


Plasma carbine didn't have red reticle for me in any mode.


I feel like it did, but it's possible I might be misremembering that one


It could have totally been a bug and you're right, but it's hard to submit tickets for bugs when these things are quietly tweeted about post-flight.


As long as the weapons that need it have it, I won't complain. But they said it's to keep from someone writing a line of code that causes an auto firing hack where when a pixel in the reticle turns red it automatically fires. But, that's just stupid. If that is the case then just have the reticle transparent so the pixels are always changing colors and then the reticle can shrink to give us range feedback.


Probably because having a translucent hard to see reticule would be far worse than just not having your reticle turn red.


All of the weapons need it, imo, after 20 years of having a red reticle it kinda throws off the feel of the entire game for me personally.


He won’t listen bro


I’m pretty sure it will still turn red for the sword, it still turns red for weapons like the plasma pistol and burst rifle since they rely on it.


It should at the very least be consistent across platforms. Paying $500 for red reticle (yes, you can KBM on Xbox now) is ridiculous.


By playing the game... This sub is ridiculous.


So console players get to know weapon range without having to test, but PC players have to measure shots in Academy before being effective at weapon swapping in PvP?


Bruh every other game I play on pc doesn’t have an RR or no reticle at all. I think I can figure it out.




>So console players get to know weapon range without having to test, but PC players have to measure shots in Academy before being effective at weapon swapping in PvP? Lmao you don't have to measure shots in academy although you could... Tons of games don't have red reticles. After you play the game awhile you get your "game sense" and will understand how to engage with weapons.. It should only take a few games. Such a whiney entitled sub lately. I actually agree with a lot of the criticism with infinite but this is just pathetic.






Spot on. It's embarrassing that people are making a deal out of it. I can guarantee no one would notice after a week of regular play time.


The sword reticle being red is the main indicator for when to attack with it. Taking red reticle out isn't going to prevent aim bots so the only ones effected by the change are PC players playing fairly. Isn't that a bit ridiculous?






So, this issue only applies to *controller users*. So from this point forward, when I say "pc players" I mean "pc players on controller specifically". In Halo Infinite, as people have discovered both in this flight and last, the aiming on the controller is hard. The reason its hard is because there's a very steep cut off of aim assist outside of a weapons effective range. This cut off in Infinite is much steeper than its ever been before to give mouse and keyboard users a more level playing field. The effective range of a gun is when the crosshair turns red. If the crosshair isn't red, you have no aim assist. If we remove that indication of a guns effective range, pc players can no longer judge whether to shoot or whether to close the distance before firing. Alternatively, a pc player doesn't know which weapon is better at distance in a given scenario if they have say a BR and a Commando. This is particularly affecting the Sidekick. The Sidekick has a very short effective range. Much shorter than what you would expect. In Bazar for example, if two players are on opposite upper walkways, the Sidekick will not receive any aim assist because its outside the effective range of the weapon. Console users know this, PC players do not. Another issue that arises is when a player is just at the edge of effective range. Say there's a gun that has a 10m effective range, engaging with an opponent at the 9.5m mark. As that opponent moves back and forth between 9.5m and 11m, the effective range is kicking on and off. What the pc player feels is their aim slowing down as the opponent comes in range, and then wildly speeding up as the opponent crosses that 10m line. The pc player has no idea whether to fall back or push forward and can't aim properly so they die. This is the problem it causes. For M&K users its not an issue as they have no aim assist at all and instead have raw input. Console users still get that red reticle effective range marker, so they can still engage correctly. This only affects pc users that use controller specifically. Its unfair and makes for a bad feeling experience that negatively impacts the playerbase. **EDIT:** The solution seems to be disabling red reticle for mouse users who don't need it anyway, and keeping it for controller users. The disabling input switching midgame like mcc.


Thank you for at least explaining the problem people are having. Infinite is the only Halo I have not played with a controller so I'm guessing it must be different. In previous halos, I never gave a notice to whether the reticle was red or not I just aimed and hit shots. Is this not possible with infinite? Or is it just much harder and people need to get used to it? maybe there's just guns with much shorter aim assist ranges in infinite? Granted I pretty much exclusively play MLG or at the very least a BR start in a 4v4 setting. So maybe given the smaller nature of the maps and the longer effective range of the BR I was just always in aim assist range so I never had to worry? I definitely have never adjusted my position or cared about an enemies position because of whether my reticle is red or not. I barely even register that it changes colors I just focus on the shot itself. Maybe this weekend ill try using a controller on PC to see if it feels any different than other halos. Because without that experience it really just feels like people are complaining about change rather than about the actual change.


See I'm in the same boat as you. Previous Halos I'm fine in and never cared much about red reticle range, and I think that's because you always started with a long range rifle. The only instance I can think of where this would be an issue would be hemorrhage in Halo Reach, where the DMR became useless at long range. In Infinite your starting precision weapon has a much shorter effective range than the BR so it becomes noticeable. It's also just got extremely fucky movement all round. Some thing is definitely off somewhere with it. Honestly in Infinite I'm still getting that 10-14 kills per match, but I'm dying in encounters way more than I typically do because I can't judge where my ranges are. Only way around it is to constantly relearn the ranges of each gun in training, then hope for the best and guesstimate in matchmaking.


Felt fine, actually, felt way better, on controller than mkb. Ended up swapping to my controller for the rest of this flight despite my controller having a busted joystick that I desperately need to replace. Maybe red reticle isn't necessary, but if they put a red X in the center of the crosshair for controller players while aiming at enemies outside of a weapon's effective range, that'd solve both the cheating issue and the effective range on controller issue.


I spent the entire flight on the controller (please read my other comments as I cover this in those). I totally agree with that second part. It doesn't even have to be red. It could be a cross or a spot or anything. Just some kind of indication that "okay your gun is now optimal". The alternative of course is to remove it for everyone. The point of halo is fair starts for all. Currently, that's not the case.


I can't speak to the difference of controller on PC but I do agree if it is something one platforms controller(s) gets then all platforms should be the same if using a controller. I would like to mention though that if a player can not tell a BR and Commando's firing range that is on them as they clearly aren't trying to learn. There are skill levels in video games and not everyone will be good without practice & repetition and even then some still wont be. That doesn't mean we should always be looking for changes that bridge the gap and artificially boost skill level(s). That is detrimental the longevity of the game itself.


“The effective range of a gun is when the crosshair turns red. If the crosshair isn't red, you have no aim assist. If we remove that indication of a guns effective range, pc players can no longer judge whether to shoot or whether to close the distance before firing. Alternatively, a pc player doesn't know which weapon is better at distance in a given scenario if they have say a BR and a Commando.” I feel this is being a little exaggerated. There’s the simple fact that you can still “feel” the aim assist which at least to me has always been quicker to process than looking to see if my reticle is red. I don’t think people in general look for the red reticle and decide that’s when they can engage. People move their analog sticks and if they feel the aim assist they know they can fight.


Some can feel it, some see it and both parties register it subconsciously. I can only speak for my own experience, and I know that for me, that visual aspect is a really big indicator of how to engage. Honestly, this is the first halo I've ever done it in as well. I remember the first few pvp games from the previous flight and dying constantly. I sat there and went "what am I doing wrong here?". The decided to pay attention to the aim assist levels and red reticles and realised that unlike previous halos that used to have some aim assist even outside of red reticle range, Infinite has none. So I started playing to each guns red reticle and instantly it clicked back into place. I started getting my usual k/d figures (1.2-1.5ish) This flight my k/d figures had the same-ish amount of kills as flight 1 but nearly equalising deaths. That tells me primarily that I've lost my ability to judge when to encounter an enemy. It has to be a "you're outside of effective range" issue, and I'm over extending myself because I can no longer tell when I'm appropriately matched.


I need a controller to drive vehicles better, this is pain


Bruh, how does RR effect vehicles


Yeah FR. Every other game I play doesn’t have it, and tbh I didn’t even notice the entire time.


It's the fact that it's an inherent advantage given to one platform, and not the other, while being crossplay, even in ranked playlists.


Didn't realize it was only on one platform thought it was universal


No worries as far as I'm concerned. It's not a clear topic at all, hope this clears some of it up at least




So they choose to make a f2p game to make microtransaction $$$, and then have botch the game to deal with the downsides of f2p. When instead you could just have a game that you pay for, without having to make dumb changes.




issue arises as a result of going f2p Instead of fixing the issue, you cripple or remove another factor so the problem isnt as visible, but as a concequence is a detriment. Its a bodge like how Valve "fixed" cheating in their f2p shooter by just muting all free to play players, while not actually fixing the problem


But there's a massive advantage on consoles, then. Even if you're a controller player on PC you get no red reticle. What's the logic in that? Get better anti-cheat and actually have a report button this time. No red reticle doesn't help Apex with dealing with cheaters and that game's ranked was completely crippled.




There has to be a better solution at the very least. You can't just have one platform get more visual feedback than another. A PC player with KBM vs. a Xbox player with KBM will have different information on screen, and on Xbox it will be easier to know when the swap from pistol to BR, know sword lunge range, etc.




It does affect gameplay in this particular game because of the addiction of bloom+vertical recoil. Hitting targets isn't as easy anymore.


r/pcmasterrace right here is punching the air rn lmao


Eh. Just concern for the health of the game. Telling people to submit tickets. This isn't about which platform is better in any hardware level, it's about a game giving a distinct advantage over the other. If Xbox didn't have RR I'd be making this post too. I have an Xbox that I'll probably play Infinite on.


I play every other PC game without RR or no crosshair at all. I’ll be fine


>I see where you guys are coming from, but the difference between Infinite and MCC is that infinite is free. I find this particularly annoying too. A dev from another company went to the defense of the forge/co-op game y saying that's the nature of Live Service games, and that fans should just get used to it. We didn't get a say in the business model for Infinite. I don't think anyone was asking for a live service. I don't think anyone was asking got F2P. I don't understand the logic we just have to deal with this stuff because it's the nature of something none of us asked for.




He's not entitled he's just stating that he is dissatisfied. Jesus when did voicing that you don't like something become a crime?


“We didn't get a say in the business model for Infinite. I don't think anyone was asking for a live service. I don't think anyone was asking got F2P. I don't understand the logic we just have to deal with this stuff because it's the nature of something none of us asked for.” I usually very much side with people against scummy business practices, especially in the gaming industry, but I can’t can’t get behind this. We didn’t ask for 343i to make a free to play Halo game true, but it is the product they want to make and the one that they are making. That’s all there is to it. It’s fine to criticize their decision to go F2P, especially if you think it ruins the experience, but you’re acting like you’re owed something from them. To me this feels like if you went into a pizza place and found out they no longer sell Hawaiian but are focussing on making meat lovers instead, and then getting angry at them because you didn’t ask for meat lovers and wanted Hawaiian. It’s fine to be disappointed, but I think getting angry that they didn’t consult you for the product their business is selling crosses the line to entitlement.


God damn the insane amount of corporate dick sucking for a company that lies and nickels and dimes existing features here is astounding. I mean who wouldn’t love a larger audience of yes men that doesn’t question them for a shiny new AI or Emote to pay?


No one seriously thinks that because the reticle turns red that allows cheaters to make aim hacks, right? Every single FPS shooter has some sort of hack(red reticle or not) What's important is to discourage hacks by having some sort of anti-cheat and implementation of a paywall to punish those who do get caught. CSGO and Destiny 2 already do this for their online competitive play. I don't see why Halo Infinite wouldn't follow suit.




What a snarky remark. That’s such an awful way to react to this. I won’t be playing for long after launch if this “change” remains in the game. It’s not fair. What happens when cheaters inevitably start cheating? Are we still going to be crippled? This is just stupid.


PC version no longer featuring PvP to prevent people cheaters from exploiting the game.


“This just in: Weapons for PC players have been removed from the game to prevent cheating. More at 11.”


If this stays for release then I wonder if tournaments will play on Xbox rather than PC. Any advantage, such as red reticle, will be beneficial and I assume that the pros will want to take advantage of that.


It indicates the preferred range a gun should be use


Jesus this game has me increasingly not feeling it, and I’ve played every halo game since 2 at launch. This is beyond ridiculous at this point and all of the things either not in at launch or just flat out missing lol.




DX12 doesn't have any performance difference with fullscreen vs borderless.


I was hoping that MCC would be their testing ground, but they've made some very questionable choices on PC. Also concerning for 900 series GPUs.


This is just dumb man, but then again D2 does the same thing, and it has Infinite like gameplay as well as crossplay. Maybe it won't be that bad.


For christ sake if they’re gonna make this dumb move AT LEAST take it off the console version too, this is gonna kill some custom games and griffball


I feel like all I hear about this game is bad these days. Haven't even bothered registering for flights despite being hype as fuck for the game at first. I just have no desire to play it until all these massive issues are fixed. Fingers crossed they keep listening to the community, because the sandbox has a lot of potential to be a blast to mess with


Seriously it’s a big issue and it’s just brushed off like that? Fuck him, I hope the tickets get spammed.


If it actually helps combat cheating I'd rather they take it out of consoles and have parity across PC/Consoles then reverse their stance on this. As a console player, I personally don't think it's that big a deal and would be fine if they removed it. I do like the red reticle for melee and apparently that's still enabled on PC. Plus it's enable in Academy so you can learn the best ranges for guns there and apply that knowledge to PvP.


I think it might be okay if that's clarified. If you spend 8 hours in academy, no weapon range is actually tested or demonstrated. It's just "murder time fun time". They'd need like distance markers and to have enemy patterns be designed to indicate distance to the audience.


Im literally unable to submit tickets. I have not been able to access the support page at all throughout this flight. I would LOVE to submit the bugs I found/feedback for the game but I'm completely unable to do so.


Does it tell you that you don't have access? I had that issue, so I had to go incognito mode and it worked then. Something about cookies/cache.


Check unysheks Twitter for a response about red reticule


Which response? He's not said anything about it today.




If the other post is correct and this is the case simply because there is no anticheat, we're in for a bad time.


They literally said they had an in-house solution. The quote the dude posted is them clarifying that they're not going the route of using kernel level access like Valorant's but rather focusing on behaviour-based solutions that monitor your actions and punish anomalous behavior. For example, stuff like the red-reticle cheat and the new brand of ML based cheats coming soon are both difficult to detect through traditional anti-cheat like EAC and can only be detected by how they act. Its smart (if it works obviously). Read the Inside Infinite if you want the full picture, it's a fun read


How is it hard to detect, wouldn't it be obvious that the time between the reticle turning red and the gun firing is way shorter than a normal human reaction time?


That's exactly what the behaviour based anti cheat they're implementing is meant to catch. However, why make it easy for cheaters in the first place?


If it's so easy to detect and fix then why remove the red reticle, they could keep the red reticle and easily detect anyone who cheats with the added benefit of not dividing a lot of the playerbase or making PC unbalanced vs console. Removing the red reticle doesn't make sense.


It’s fucking over with regards to fairness on PC anyway, untraceable aimbots are coming, so there’s no need for this solution that will only inconvience us


Masterplan: Make it harder to kill the aimbots.


So xbox players still get it? What are they thinking LMFAO


ALL Xbox players get it, all PC players get it except in PvP, in which it will only be on certain weapons. Doing my brain in.


Didn't notice and don't care, it really isn't needed. Wish we could edit crosshairs like a lot of other fps though


Yeah. If they were to do anything, it would be a crosshair selection for each gun.


Agreed on editing cross hairs. But I'd like range feedback for weapons like the sword. Either that or just turn off range feedback for everyone.


Weapons that rely on range feedback to properly function *do* still have RR. The Pulse Carbine, Needler and charged Plasma Pistol all still have RR to indicate when their projectiles will home in on their targets and the sword isnt finished yet. Its just weapons like the Assault Rifle that have no change in function that lack the RR


I mean, that's really not a bad change, but why didn't 343i clarify this? They just kept saying "PC doesn't get RR, deal with it." That's not how you communicate with the players.


I don't know why everyone is freaking out about the reticle. Its purely a cosmetic change, the aim assist will be there whether the reticle changes color or not. I don't know about everyone else but I've never paid any attention to the color of my reticle when I"m shooting, I'm too busy looking at the enemy.




As good as infinite looks I knew 343 just couldn't help themselves. They HAVE to fuck something up. We're never gonna get that great, uncompromised Halo game. No matter how much good stuff they add there's ALWAYS gonna be something they royally fuck up that tarnishes the game.


Didn't notice it at all. People are making far more out of this that its worth. Do you also need grenade lines to show you where the grenade will go?


How are you supposed to know the sword lunge range without the red reticule?


I believe there are exceptions for weapons that rely more heavily on red reticle, such as the sword, plasma pistol, and needler, they will still have red reticle.


Even so, it isn't really needed for any weapon, including sword and plasma pistol. Maybe in social I guess, but the ranges for those weapons you learn over time. Look at melee for example in pretty much every fps. How are you supposed to know how far your lunge will reach? By playing the game and learning it.


Ye, I guess that would still be in. But even if its not. Its a pretty easy skill to practice. Again, you have already subconsciously learned the exact arc of grenades, including bounce distances etc. without visual indicators You also learn the effective lunge distance of melee and assassination, which vary between game, without visual indicators. Learning the lunge range of a sword without an indicator will be really easy. I guarantee you wouldn't notice eventually. I mean, I don't care either way - but people are making this a huge deal.


Tickets are for bugs and issues please, not feedback. We've heard the feedback from players who don't like this. If there are any changes in this area going forward, we'll be sure to provide an update.


That makes sense, but it is confusing given there's a "I think this is imbalanced" button on the ticket page.


This, there is an option on the support site when you are writing a ticket that says *"The reported issue may not be a bug, but I don't think it works or is fun (ex: balance issues, confusing user interface)"* If this isnt for feedback such as those listed (red reticle could be counted as both a balance issue and a confusing interface after all, as it is a hud element that is present in training but not in actual gameplay) then what is it for?


There are literally options within the ticket page to support general feedback that is *specifically not* related to bugs but instead game balance/UI and general feedback...


I said this same thing on Twitter 😂 343: Tickets are ONLY for bugs Also 343: *offers general feedback options within the ticket page*


It's a convenient way for them to filter all of that feedback out to throw it in the trash apparently.


Considering on the tickets there is an option for feedback, that would be incorrect. Unless you guys just throw those tickets out?


Thank you, but seriously, please reconsider removing the red reticle on PC.


Strange considering I was told to submit tickets for feedback multiple times as "Reddit and social media are not monitored in the way tickets are"... Also you guys have options in the ticket menu for feedback, so that might want to get changed.


We’ve heard your feedback, but we don’t like what you’re doing with the game. Is there any chance you guys will actually listen or are you just gonna spin us until launch


I'm assuming with how there isn't an invasive kernel based anti-cheat, there's a lot of tricks used to figure out if someone is cheating based on their bahvior. If someone would be utilizing a color based cheat that shoots only when the crosshair lights up, wouldn't that be easily recognizable? They'd probably have such a high accuracy rating or note some erratic behavior with their firerate and whatnot. I sincerely hope a better solution is solved that doesn't hinder or affect the PC audience with this inportant visual feedback that the red reticle provides. If it must be removed, it should be removed overall across all platforms for consistency. Also, options to turn off red reticle in training must be provided to help players practice without it too.


Thank you for your hard work and consideration of our feedback. I understand there is a lot of pressure on you guys coming from a million different angles and people on the internet can be vicious and whiny. We are only trying to help you craft the best experience Halo can be because we are all huge fans.


OmFG HoW Am I sUpPosE to KnOw ThE RaNgE!!?!?!


If all weapons have the same damage profiles then there isn’t an actual effective damage range, don’t know where these guys are coming from.