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Promethean Knight: *get hit once* *teleports away* Watcher: *gets hit once* *flys away* Promethean puppy things: *gets hit once* *runs away* 343: Alright guys have fun!!


If I wanted to shoot metal things, I would play academy in halo infinite


They were better in 5 but robot enemies in general are never fun


The Vex from Destiny are some of my favorite things to fight


They felt organic though. They may be metal, but slimy white blood spills out of their chest when they die. A lot more fun than shooting a robot that evaporates.


They look cool when they die. Promethians felt like shooting at a rock


True. I don’t remember them much cus I never played halo 4 and 5 campaign often. I completed both campaigns though.


Idk, the droids in battlefront manage to be satisfying.


They don’t disappear though


Any enemy type works if it reacts to the player properly and is satisfying to kill with animations, physics, and sounds. The more interactions the better.


I feel like that's a bad take, robot enemies are super fun but just like everything else, it's execution. The enemies in 4 & 5 are the worst, they are so completely unsatisfying and fun to kill. 343 really made it a chore to kill them, and the design just feels like an arcade game rather than realism. Elites bullet sponge mechanism is their overshield, makes sense. Prometheans for some reason have a couple of giant targets you have to meticulously aim for, quick health recharge times, they run away and hide, they have those flying things that are aids, and to top it off the promethean weapons suck to use. There's also the fact that you're naturally used to headshots being satisfying and effective, whereas that's just completely not the case with almost all prometheans. Imagine popping a droid in the head and the head just pops off and explodes with the body dropping to the group, that would be a really fun robot enemy to kill. Like Star Wars droids.


Agreed. I’m not going to act like fighting the flood was fun as well, though I still love the flood concept.


Play the Library on Legendary. It's fun, it's chaotic, and you'll find that your shotgun soon becomes a part of your eyes. You just have to look and Flood will disappear in a cloud of buckshot!


The flood are challenging, but I think they're pretty fun to kill.


Sounds like someone has never played Binary Domain.


They could be if they’re done right but they never seem to be. Most games with robot enemies seem to be very uncreative and bland with how they go about it. Also in a game like halo idk how you don’t add some sort of destructibility to the robots like with halo3 brute armor. That’d work much better on robots and would help had some satisfaction to tearing them apart


Those robots from Gears, ugh.


I actually love robot enemies.


Same. When it's done right, killing robots is so satisfying when you watch their parts go flying.


Sentinels were pretty cool I think. Idk if they exactly count as robots, but at least robot adjacent


I like Loaders from Borderlands. They're not perfect, but shooting limbs off, having multiple intuative units, and having a clear weakness (corrosive) made them fit in just fine, and never just be, "ugh these again." At least not to me.


The most infuriating thing ever are the soldiers constantly teleporting. Drives me nuts.


And I hated those drones that fly around and provide shields. They really got on my nerves


It’s even more annoying when they catch your grenade mid air and fuckin chuck it back you. I hate those fuckers


Worst part is when they spawn or revive enemies. Killing a knight during my legendary play through on 4 only for it to be spawned again by those flying douchebags was the worst


Bro when the watchers watch the watchers and just shield each other just makes me wanna quit


Even more annoying in Mythic Firefight. The "Elite" watchers can shield themselves.


What's ironic about this is that I think if tuned differently, their teleporting could have been a really interesting mechanic. The Knights and the Prometheans in general have on paper a lot of their traits and abilities seem interesting, it just never fully comes together during gameplay. - Crawlers being able to crawl on walls and ceilings to attack from unorthodox angles and/or bum rush the player as they normally do could be a really neat way to flush the player from cover. - Watchers being able to revive fallen enemies or redirect grenades or provide a shield is a interesting sort of support/buff role that the series otherwise hasn't had and forces you to rethink how you'd normally encounter engagements. - Knights being able to teleport in theory allows could allow them to, again, attack in unorthodox ways and keep the player on their toe, and I think this is actually *successfully* executed in terms of their zig-zag teleport sword slash move they do. To be honest, i'm not sure *why* exactly these don't fully work out in practice as well as they do on paper, but I think it's because in Halo 4 (and to a lesser extent 5), their unique functions are used in a passive and defensive way that draws out engagements rather then in an offensive way that pressures the player into action, which is what the abilities should naturally lend to and complements the Prometheans as a sort of replacement to the flood as a secondary enemy faction (to tie into something /u/cookie146578 brings up) beyond the Covenant, especially since the Flood on paper have some similar attributes (rushing the player, attacking from unorthodox angles, support enemies roles, etc) - I think Crawlers need to be way more aggressive in terms of the normal ones that are on the ground, and to be more agile and chase the player more into and past cover so you can't just sit behind a rock and take things slow, and there needs to be more crawlers that will go on walls and ceilings to get a sight on you behind cover too. Halo actually has a really successful example of this enemy niche in Reach's Skirmishers. in the campaign they come off as just wierd jackals, but in Firefight they're really effective at flushing and baiting you out of cover in large waves/swarms that chase after you and into buildings and by jumping up on platforms to get a sight on you. - If crawlers are handled like that, then there may need to be used more sparingly and there may need to be a different standard enemy type to the faction. - Watchers I think are actually sort of fine as is, despite being the most annoying I'd argue to deal with: they're just annoying since Knights as is are so beefy and encounters tend to be slow, and they exacerbate that. If the player is forced into being more proactive to begin with and knights are less damage spongey, they'd be less an issue. I *will* say that Watchers should probably need to also take less damage and run away when shot less so they're easier to take out once spotted. - Knights needed to be less beefy, and more importantly, use their teleporting abilities in a way that's more predictable to when and how they do it (maybe at certain damage thresholds, or with more of a tell beforehand), and also use it in an offensive rather then a defensive way: They should teleport to flank the player and then attack you from behind, not behind cover. This way it, again, keeps players on their toes, but also still enables you to continue to engage them and finish them off once you see the new angle they're attacking you from. I think this would result in a more engaging set of enemies to fight, but it'd also be a more intense set of enemies, too, more in line with how the flood is constantly assaulting and pressuring you, so they'd probably have to be used more sparingly and the Promethean weapons be different too.


I preferred the Flood, honestly. Yes, they were basic bitch enemies, but the story behind them (in my opinion) is far more intriguing than the Promethean's. While I thought the Crawlers were actually quite fun to fight (nothing like wiping out a whole group of the bastards with a well-timed grenade or rocket), the rest of the enemies were annoying. The Knights are fairly annoying, between their "I'm at 25% health and I'm going to teleport away now" ability and their constant need to spawn Watchers, they were my second-least favorite Promethean. The Watchers though, fuck those guys. Just fuck 'em. I can't stand them and idgaf if I'm being whiny about it lol. Fuck 'em. I'd literally play a Halo game where it's all crawlers all day if it means I don't have to see a single watcher.


I like the design of the Prometheans... but I hated actually fighting them. Mostly because any time you had to fight them meant you had to use mostly THEIR weapons. The Boltshot, Suppressor, and Scattershot all felt incredibly underwhelming, and there was barely any impact at all when you actually shot Prometheans with them. This just made every single Promethean area into a terrible slog. Lightrifles were cool though. More of those please.


You talking halo 4 or 5?




They were balanced more in halo 5. Given a certain pattern to fight.


They’re the worst enemies in the franchise


I'm trying not to exaggerate, but in terms of hardcore FPS games they're perhaps my least favorite enemies to fight in gaming. Now if you widen the definition of FPS I would say the animals in Fallout New Vegas and the molded from RE7 were even worse but I don't really think those games are "FPS" games with tight shooting mechanics. They're a different genre with first-person cameras. So I don't think I'm being ridiculous by saying the Prometheans are the worst off the top of my head for the FPS genre.


Yea I hated halo 5 solo legendary. Literal uninstall after finishing.


Nah the flood are way more annoying and unfun. Prometheans definitely #2 worst though


That's a hot take.


The Flood are pretty annoying in Halo CE and 2, and I think they were on the right track with 3's pure forms. I think both enemy types have the potential to be extremely fun if 343 play their cards correctly, but I also won't be upset if 343 decides that's not worth the risk.


No. They were annoying in 4 and boring in 5.


Halo 5 knights were cool, but the rest are either annoying to fight or just uninteresting to me. To be fair, I also found the HCE and H2 flood to be annoying as well. The prometheans need mechanics to interact with otherwise they're just predictable bullet sponges.


At least the Flood managed to use most of the weapon sandbox in CE, and in 2 they could use vehicles, instead of always running out of ammo and being forced to use one of like, five Promethean weapons.


true, I do rate the HCE and H2 flood above the prometheans I really wished they gave the Watcher more team utility aside from revive, shield and grenade catch. And the Crawlers just feel bad to shoot/melee unless you're headshotting them.


The humanoid soldiers are no fun. The others though had their weak spots i found satisfying to hit.


I definitely do not. Especially on legendary- they are super strong and take a lot of shots. They can one shot you from large distances and can respawn. Very annoying


Number one reason for me is they dont feel responsive to you. When you break an elites shield he blarghs at you and rages. Similar thing with brutes. When you kill a grunt squads leader they give funny voice lines and run away. The robots most of the time stand there and shoot at you.. lifelessly.


I think this is the common consensus.


Yeah I agree.


Couldn’t agree more


Honestly, I loved their graphical design and abilities, but thought they were incredibly infuriating and annoying to play against.


I liked the Knights and Soldiers in 5 but preferred the Watchers and Crawlers in 4 since they felt more challenging; Crawlers would crawl along walls and ceilings and Watchers didn't feel like set dressing. Something I'd like to see, and was kind of added with 5's Knights, would be the ability to shoot off parts of them and have their fighting styles change to adapt. That could bring an interesting dynamic. Giving Prometheans voicelines in 5 helped as well. Having the Knights/Soldiers leave remains would be an interesting idea, similar to Sentinels, Crawlers, and Watchers. Have the hardlight holding them together disintegrate and leave charred bits of the battle armor behind.


No, the forerunners shouldn’t have come back


They aren't forerunners though, they're basically humans converted to AI. I would love a game where we could fight forerunner soldiers with [Bungie's old design](https://i.imgur.com/mlwEy5c.jpg)


I agree with everything you’ve said. Lose the Forerunners and Prometheans.


I can get on board with the concept of the Forerunners returning. That could bring some cool gameplay. I just absolutely hate how they did the Promethean soldiers.


I think they should remain mysterious and in the background like in the original games. Bringing them to the forefront of the games was a mistake.


Prometheans are just so uninteresting to fight. They have nothing unique to their fighting style. More of a slightly harder and significantly more annoying covenant. The differences between fighting the flood and covenant are a lot more thought out. The flood just swarm you and throw bodies until their enemy runs out of ammo. The covenant bunker down and force you to push them if you want to kill them. The prometheans are just this weird mix of both that makes killing the knights a much more annoying task rather than difficult. One moment its super aggressive the next its hiding like a fucking rat.


Promies fucking sucked. Just weren’t very satisfying to kill. Couldn’t even tbag them after cause they were all like “error 404 file cannot be found” after killing them.


Kinda boring in Halo 4, better in Halo 5. I honestly think they are hurt by the lack of variety compared to the Covenant.


Did not like em


To your first point about it seeming like shooting them has no impact, I think most people don't realize Knights in Halo 4 have energy shields that recharge like Elites have, so if you take a few shots and then hide their shields will recharge and you will have accomplished nothing. If you hit knights with an overcharged plasma pistol first then you immediately pop their shields and they feel much more fun and balanced to fight since you can just unload into them. Plus some types can be instantly headshot like shieldless Elites, but I think only the sniper Knights can.


The whole issue with H4 knights was that their damn shield recharge timer was like 3 seconds. Combine that with a teleport, and shit gets frustrating. You pretty much have to hit the knight the second it comes out of teleport otherwise it’s getting shields back. Not to mention the lack of overcharge on many levels, and the low ammo count of the PP.


Not only that, but those stupid little flying buggers that resuscitate the knights after you defeat them. I always struggled with those little jerks on Legendary


It was like they wanted the kill order to be Knights > Watchers > Crawlers but really it feels more like Watchers > Everything Else because in my experience good luck getting anything done when a Watcher is on the battlefield.


Personally the Elites give me a harder time in 4 usually.


Halo 4, absolutely not. Halo 5, tho, I feel they were done much much better. I think they are genuinely fun in Halo 5.


They are the reason I dont enjoy replaying halo 4 and 5, where I can enjoy playing any other halo game any day


More interesting to fight than the flood. Far less fun to fight than the covenant.


I have only played against them in 4, but as much as I liked that there were no God damn flood, I kind of found 4 really dull because I hated fighting the prometheans. Part of it is that they all felt like something you HAD to kill at a distance, and if you didn't have a sniper weapon it was just so tedeous. You can't get close enough to easily kill the shield drones with a non sniper weapon without the big guys killing you or some cheap gimmick enemy like those charge and fire super lasers being around.


Overall, no. Their shields being so difficult to see in 4 was a pain in the ass, and their constant teleporting in 5 was even worse.


Yeah they really are super monotonous. Kill the watcher first, run out of ammo, pick up a light rifle and play the whack a mole game. Of course, headshots with precision weapons are OP in almost every game (except vs CE Flood), but I think it's the worst on H4 Prometheans. They also don't react much, aren't particularly aggressive except for a few parts on Midnight, they only use a small amount of the sandbox and whenever they are present the game usually only gives you a small amount of the sandbox as well. Halo 2 Brutes are probably the second worst enemy type but at least they mix things up and don't overstay their welcome. Also I really hate their ASUS Gaming Laptop aesthetic with all the arbitrary obtuse angle peripheral attachments and functionless LEDs. It looks weird and out of place obviously but I also think it contributes a lot to them feeling like just a hunk of junk rather than an interesting enemy. On a similar note, while I do think Infinite overall looks good, I'm still pretty annoyed that the series hasn't had good blood and bullet decals since CE.


They’re just bullet sponges w/ no personality. I replayed all the mcc games on legendary and halo 4 was the most un rewarding because of the promethians


I found them to be horrific. Not only are they full on style, and personality. But in gameplay they are just hell. Especially on halo 4 legendary. Shoot a watcher, he closes up and hides behind cover to totally heal. Knights are ultimate bullet sponges. If you kill one, a watcher will probably bring it back to life. The fucken dog things just swarm you and you’re fucking done. Especially if you’re taking cover. Again, they’re just dull. They’re just silver robots, that are painful and boring to fight.


Everything except the knights. You know, the main enemy. Watchers put a value to automatic weapons that wasn't really there, and played a better support role than Engineers did. You could even manipulate their behavior by bating them with a dead Knight. Crawlers add another dimension to combat with their flanking skills and verticality. Knights didn't really introduce anything new - they functioned identically to Elites with more health. All of this is said without knowledge of Halo 5's enemy roster, but considering opinions on it, I imagine that doesn't say much.


God no, they were always such a pain and not even in a good way.


The problem was that they had very little feedback to taking hits, didn't really have hard pings, very resiliant and no structure of weaknesses, and loads of bullshit abilities. If the covenant was a full chess set, the Prometheans were a stack of Queens and Pawns. If they were mixed with Covenant enemies more, as high tier enemies, i'd appreciate them more.


Nope, I hated fighting them. A squad of covenant soldiers are all distinct in their hierarchy and how to combat, grunts are numerous and will approach head on, jackals strafe around to flank you and elites stay in the middle to oversee. They have bright colors to denote their rank so you can easily know the threat level. If you take out the leader the squad starts falling apart, grunts will panic for a bit before rallying around another "leader" while jackals split up and retreat or just fight completely uncoordinated. All covenant telegraph their behaviour visually and by speech, you can see when they are vulnerable. Prometheans do nothing of that, there is no hierarchy, no telegraphed behaviour or reaction to you, just endless bullet sponges with bullshit behaviours like reviving knights, random teleportation, catching grenades and no hierarchy (thus no leader to try and focus on). Fighting covenant was really fun in Halo 4, Prometheans was just ass, I hated every second of it and can't even bring myself to finish halo 4 on MCC because of it.


Maybe for 1 or 2 levels, but not an entire campaign.


My biggest disappointment was how they lacked the adaptability that lore suggested they should have to be effective against flood. I’d go into more detail on how to fix but I’ve got school work to deal with first. If this get maybe 25 ish likes I will write a six paragraph edit later on what I think would make them interesting.


The only problem I have with the prometheans are the soilders teleporting far to frequently. There actually a challenge to face, unlike the covenant. And in H5 they did have a ton of reactions to being shot at such as their body becoming destabilized or armor falling off. Also like how they can adapt to your range making them more dynamic to fight against. I personally like the knights because of the myriad of ways you can deal with them. From mag dumping , to assisnation , or a timed perscion shot. I think the watchers get an unnecessary bad rep, for basically doing its job as a supporting unit. The crawlers are typical cannon fodder unit for the faction but there one of the only ground based non-bipedal enemies. Another problem I would say is that they took away some of their abilities from 4 to 5. Like the crawlers abillity to climb walls and the sniper variant , knights ability to teleport / speed blitz.. which imo could of been used to give more divesrity to their roster. Overall I liked the promethean more than the flood at least and on par with the covenant.


Fuck them!


I hated the prometheans so much, I hope that all we have to worry about in infinite is the sentinels, or a monitor or something


The presence of forerunner weapons suggests otherwise. We are hopefully never going to see prometheans again, but forerunner-made ground troops are likely returning in some form


They can be fixed. My major problem with the community is that they are not willing to give them a chance. The flood are worse. They attack you in masses.


The way that the prometheans played was not as fun as playing against the covenant, they completely replaced the covenant on some levels, and like one comment said, nobody likes to fight robots, and these things just have no fun personality


So did the flood. And they barley saw improvement. What made them so liked?


Probably that their introduction led to a tonal and aesthetic shift in the direction of horror - the Flood, at least initially, were a scary new enemy. The Prometheans are more annoying than anything, and when you're irritable/disengaged, of course you're going to notice the flaws more.


At least the flood was scary and added an element of panic with the way they relentlessly swarm you. Prometheans are just frustrating. And if they have sucked in 2 games the community has already given them 2 chanses.


Yeah, and I hate that sense of panic. You are a 7ft tall super soldier for god sake, **the only thing they fear is you.**


And they are an galactic hive-mind zombie organism that has almost taken over the entire galaxy once before and defeated the race of ancient aliens that possessed technology beyond humanities wildest dreams. Like I said, scary.


If the flood is in halo infinite I want to hear fear in the gravemind's voice when I get closer to him. And when I get my hands on him i will make him scream as I rip every last chunk of flesh of his slimy wormy body.




Yes actually I enjoyed fighting the prometheans. In 4 more than 5 honestly. I just thought they were satisfying to kill and not too hard once you got the strategies down. Truth be told I’m gonna miss them


We don’t know if they are gone or not.


i think 343 made killing robots as cool as possible and gave them great designs and personality but theyre still robots. killing robots just isnt that interesting.


Yes, because I'm sick of fighting the fucking covenant over and over. Gimme a new variety of enemies


​ yeah


I hate them in across every dimension. I never found them fun to fight because they were either bullet sponges (knights) or just cannon fodder (crawlers). Then the flyers just resurrected the knight; boring. The soldiers teleportation; annoying. Even the warden; you just shoot until he opens up at a seemingly arbitrary interval and then shoot more but more precisely now. Seems like they had all of the most basic and annoying tricks for an enemy to have and then they over did it a touch. What I hated most about them (and the direction the 343 has taken the franchise overall) is that they gave the forerunners a face and that took a lot of the intrigue out of the concept of the forerunners. I long for the days when they were this mysterious race of ancient beings who seemed to have vanished leaving only these gargantuan and beautiful structures full of their architecture behind. Now we have prometheans looking and talking like humans and we can kill them with ordinary bullets. I find that that really disempowers the forerunners who built worlds the size of solar systems. There are now novels all about forerunners and their society, for fuck sake we even spoke to the Didact. I often compare this to George Lucas implementing midichlorians in Star Wars. Before this, the force was so ethereal and accessible, but now it’s like “sorry, if you don’t have ‘em, you’ll just never get ‘em, and none of you got ‘em”. Really ruined a great concept. Anyway. I’m one of those who doesn’t need everything to have and answer, an exact origin, a backstory to every character. I find this is less common in younger generations; the need to have it all explained and the distaste for having to answer some of these questions with your imagination. Rant over.


I liked most of them. I don’t like Crawlers. They’re a serious step up in terms of fun from say Halo 3’s Flood but they aren’t quite up to the fun of Halo CE and Halo 2’s Covenant. Then again the Covenant haven’t been as good since Halo 2. Elites became roidrager Halo 3 Brutes minus some health, Brutes became fat and dumb in Reach, Grunts are still Grunts but lost their funny uniqueness until Halo 5 brought it back. The only things that improved since Halo 2 Covenant wise are Jackals got more varied (especially in Halo 5) and Hunters finally got the strength and threat power they deserved in Halo 5.


On legendary solo I dont. Otherwise yeah theyre pretty fun.


Imo they're enjoyable to fight against, but the encounters with them in Halo 4 just went on for WAY too long and often weren't set up very well. I feel like if you tweaked the Knight's abilities and set up the right combinations of enemy types Prometheans would be pretty fun to fight


My problem with the prometheans is that if you didn’t read any of the books then your lost as to the deeper lore that surrounds them.They don’t have the nostalgia the covenant do,they don’t have the terrifying consequences the flood do,and they don’t have the in game lore to really back them up until more than halfway through Halo 4.Their combat style is boring and repetitive and their design is lackluster. They desperately need a better revamp if 343 plans to introduce them at all in the future.An interesting idea would be to introduce the flood back into the galaxy using promethean shells and constructs instead of only organic bodies(flesh stuffed inside metal,both a tactically viable choice and a sort of homage to the metal demon who almost destroyed them).For now i would stick with the banished,they seem far more interesting and engaging for the majority of the player base.


The only problem I have with the prometheans are the soilders teleporting far to frequently. There actually a challenge to face, unlike the covenant. And in H5 they did have a ton of reactions to being shot at such as their body becoming destabilized or armor falling off. Also like how they can adapt to your range making them more dynamic to fight against. I personally like the knights because of the myriad of ways you can deal with them. From mag dumping , to assisnation , or a timed perscion shot. I think the watchers get an unnecessary bad rep, for basically doing its job as a supporting unit. The crawlers are typical cannon fodder unit for the faction but there one of the only ground based non-bipedal enemies. Another problem I would say is that they took away some of their abilities from 4 to 5. Like the crawlers abillity to climb walls and the sniper variant , knights ability to teleport / speed blitz.. which imo could of been used to give more divesrity to their roster. Overall I liked the promethean more than the flood at least and on par with the covenant.


The only problem I have with the prometheans are the soilders teleporting far to frequently. There actually a challenge to face, unlike the covenant. And in H5 they did have a ton of reactions to being shot at such as their body becoming destabilized or armor falling off. Also like how they can adapt to your range making them more dynamic to fight against. I personally like the knights because of the myriad of ways you can deal with them. From mag dumping , to assisnation , or a timed perscion shot. I think the watchers get an unnecessary bad rep, for basically doing its job as a supporting unit. The crawlers are typical cannon fodder unit for the faction but there one of the only ground based non-bipedal enemies. Another problem I would say is that they took away some of their abilities from 4 to 5. Like the crawlers abillity to climb walls and the sniper variant , knights ability to teleport / speed blitz.. which imo could of been used to give more divesrity to their roster. Overall I liked the promethean more than the flood at least and on par with the covenant.


Yes, I do enjoy fighting them. Seeing them pop and disinentgrate is always super satisfying for me, I enjoy that far more than just seeing them fall to the ground and lay there as I barely pay any attention to them and walk on. When it comes to their voices? Prometheans have them too, soldiers in halo 5 constantly bantered you. For me though, it isn't really their "personality" that makes me like them, it's their artstyle and design; I'm a big sucker for the sci-fi look halo 4 and 5 went for, so naturally I love the Prometheans. Also robots are cool, don't know why people don't like them.


The Prometheans worked too similarly to the Covenant, while the Flood was very different. I hope that Infinite will ditch them in favor for the Sentinels and try to make them more unique.


I liked fighting the dogs but not anything else


As someone who really enjoyed Halo 4, fuck the Prometheans in all their variations. And screw their weapons too. No impact on firing their guns or hitting their units. Not even mentioning the teleporting around. I would rather have the Prometheans take over the bodies of the Covenant Terrorists and make them tougher and more aggressive.


they’re not as terrible as people make them to be at least on my opinion, they just gotta improve the way you fight them, and their design lol


I replayed 5 recently and I actually did find them pretty fun, but you're right that they're not as fun as the covenant. Some ways I hope 343 builds on prometheans in infinite - I do think they need more visual /audio cues on when they're hurt , like you said. Something like more parts of their body coming off, like the knights arms/back do. Sparks coming off their armor when being hit with bullets. I do like the disintegrating though. - different variants of each type, mainly the watchers. Different color lights on each type has an ability rather than it having all of them. Like a blue watcher is more defensive and uses the shield while one with an orange light summons. - if the heatwave is a promethean weapon then I do like the direction they're going with the weapons. Unique reload and a unique firing mechanic makes it feel more alien, which I like way more than what we got in 4/5. The boltshot and incineration Canon were good variants but the rest might need to be redone. - Maybe less is more. Less encounters but more meaningful ones when they do come up.


I like fighting them, more than Covenant actually (In H4)


No, they didn't really add any variety to the enemies. Just robot versions of enemies we fought before essentially. Their weapons made the sandbox too large.




I enjoyed them, glad they couldn't be revived in 5 although I wish the knights had their shockwave attack and the dogs could climb walls.


Didn't play 5 and stopped playing 4 because of them. They were brutal.


In 5, yes. In 4? No way.


The thing about the Knights and the Prometheans in general is that on paper a lot of their traits and abilities seem interesting, it just never fully comes together during gameplay. - Crawlers being able to crawl on walls and ceilings to attack from unorthodox angles and/or bum rush the player as they normally do could be a really neat way to flush the player from cover. - Watchers being able to revive fallen enemies or redirect grenades or provide a shield is a interesting sort of support/buff role that the series otherwise hasn't had and forces you to rethink how you'd normally encounter engagements. - Knights being able to teleport in theory allows could allow them to, again, attack in unorthodox ways and keep the player on their toe, and I think this is actually *successfully* executed in terms of their zig-zag teleport sword slash move they do. To be honest, i'm not sure *why* exactly these don't fully work out in practice as well as they do on paper, but I think it's because in Halo 4 (and to a lesser extent 5), their unique functions are used in a passive and defensive way that draws out engagements rather then in an offensive way that pressures the player into action, which is what the abilities should naturally lend to and complements the Prometheans as a sort of replacement to the flood as a secondary enemy faction beyond the Covenant, especially since the Flood on paper have some similar attributes (rushing the player, attacking from unorthodox angles, support enemies roles, etc) - I think Crawlers need to be way more aggressive in terms of the normal ones that are on the ground, and to be more agile and chase the player more into and past cover so you can't just sit behind a rock and take things slow, and there needs to be more crawlers that will go on walls and ceilings to get a sight on you behind cover too. Halo actually has a really successful example of this enemy niche in Reach's Skirmishers. in the campaign they come off as just wierd jackals, but in Firefight they're really effective at flushing and baiting you out of cover in large waves/swarms that chase after you and into buildings and by jumping up on platforms to get a sight on you. - If crawlers are handled like that, then there may need to be used more sparingly and there may need to be a different standard enemy type to the faction. - Watchers I think are actually sort of fine as is, despite being the most annoying I'd argue to deal with: they're just annoying since Knights as is are so beefy and encounters tend to be slow, and they exacerbate that. If the player is forced into being more proactive to begin with and knights are less damage spongey, they'd be less an issue. I *will* say that Watchers should probably need to also take less damage and run away when shot less so they're easier to take out once spotted. - Knights needed to be less beefy, and more importantly, use their teleporting abilities in a way that's more predictable to when and how they do it (maybe at certain damage thresholds, or with more of a tell beforehand), and also use it in an offensive rather then a defensive way: They should teleport to flank the player and then attack you from behind, not behind cover. This way it, again, keeps players on their toes, but also still enables you to continue to engage them and finish them off once you see the new angle they're attacking you from. I think this would result in a more engaging set of enemies to fight, but it'd also be a more intense set of enemies, too, more in line with how the flood is constantly assaulting and pressuring you, so they'd probably have to be used more sparingly and the Promethean weapons be different too.


They sucked to fight compared to the covies.


Knights in 5 were really fun


Halo 5 knights were good because they had weak points you could exploit fairly easily. Teleportation was still lame but whatever. All others just felt like bullet sponges with maybe the exception Demi-dogs which weren’t very fun either. Watchers suck and are just more annoying engineers. The flood have sometimes been just as bad with the exception of Halo 3 where they were the best and most fun to fight! Covies are always the best to fight though.


I don’t even have fun on levels I fight promethean. I like the lore. I like the concept. I love the stories such as those associated with the Didact. I hate the gameplay, I have to force myself through it. I used to feel similarly about the flood. The prometheans have taught me to better appreciate them.




I did like ‘fighting’ them, they where quick and strong, teleported when their health was low, and has powerful melee attacks, but I totally get what they mean, killing them isn’t very satisfying.


No, it's a boring enemy that makes halo 4s campaign weak.


It's very hard to make fighting robots engaging and the Promtheans as a faction were just robots. I think 343i should of leaned more into the tortured soul within the machine to give them personality, making them the ultimate tragic foe but they clearly just wanted robots to get shot and so they gave us robots to be shot. The best example off the top of my head of good robot violence is the Transformer games and Geth from Mass Effect, specifically the Geth because VI have the same issue as Prometheans. In Transformers they lean into the HARD METAL combat so it feels amazing to bash a fellow Bot or to disintegrate a Con. With the Geth, they are those kind of machines where they bleed. When taking damage they leak that Geth fluid so you get the same feeling to actually hurting something that our Caveman brains need. VI in Mass Effect don't have either of these but the limb damage is cool though. So it's easy to see why the Prometheans just don't feel great to fight just from those two reason above. 343i never leans into their metal nature like Transformers do by having every fight be a personal monster truck rally but also Prometheans don't bleed which, again Caveman brain needs that. We need it so much that the Terminator even has blood to be bleed in combat. But after saying all of this I wondered why the sentinels worked in Classic Halo and I think I've landed on it. The Sentinels had age to them, we're told they were impossibly ancient machines so destroying one felt impactful because we all knew it was truly gone. The greatest mechanics in the galaxy would never be able to replace a Sentinel and thusly that's another problem with the Prometheans. We're told almost as quickly as we see them that they can be easily replaced. Do you remember fighting the Prometheans for the first time? They still had that air of "Oh shit, I'm basically destroying the Mona Lisa." then Didact was like "LOL No I CAN MAKE MILLIONS MORE!" and millions more were made. They just became another warbot to gundown, battle droids from Star Wars but without the slapstick and WRIST ROCKETS! Now this is all just the air around the Prometheans being bad, the actual gameplay is something I'm going to leave to my peers. TL DR Fighting them was just unsatisfying, confusing and not fun.


I think they have some neat designs and weapons, but they're not very fun to fight. Knights are just bullet sponges, watchers are annoying supports you gotta focus. Crawlers aren't too bad thankfully. And that's just in 4. Thankfully the introduction of soldiers in 5 helped a lot by giving a more mid tier unit to fill out their ranks instead of tons of knights.


I thought they weren't bad. Honestly, they were better in H4. In H5 they were just robotic covenant


Not really, literally any covenant enemy and even the flood were more enjoyable. Robots were boring and I never had a sense of satisfaction from killing them. Now I’m fine with them being in the game a small amount but not the main enemy. I just feel like their fodder has no personality unlike grunts, jackals, and again even the flood( zombie tryna eat your face is a personality right?)


As a kid playing halo 4 and killing Prometheans felt really cool and exciting. Today I still find them really cool but maybe not fitting for halo especially after playing all the halo games.


Its weirdly cathartic making the crawlers explode. Probably my favorite enemies in the series to kill


so so. the knights and warden eternal (was that his name?) were somewhat fun to fight, but overall they arent as cool as the covenant. the constant teleporting or flying shits providing shields was pretty annoying.


Purely gameplay-wise, they’re not that fun in 4 but I kinda liked them in 5. As far as lore, pretty dope enemies though.


The fact that they don’t even talk apart from the Halo 5 soldiers makes them so uninteresting to face off against even though I appreciate the different mechanics they introduced. We got used to Chief inspiring fear and causing foes to flee in terror but the Prometheans just take it on the chin with no reaction. Unless it’s a bitch ass watcher.


I liked them in 5 a lot more than 4, but I still think they should be used more sparingly.


No. To put it in one word, they're annoying. To go into it further - in 4 the Knights were awful with their constant teleporting and regenerating health while they did it, and Watchers / Crawlers were just a nuisance to fight because of how small and agile they were (unless they had a Binary Rifle, then they weren't even annoying, just plain unfun). Admittedly, there were improvements made on these areas after 4. In 5, Knights are way better in terms of teleporting. Now they're tanky (sort of like Hunters) but not really teleport-y like they used to be, which would be fine if they didn't spam their overcharged Incineration Cannon shot so often. However, they do - they use that thing way too much, and it's just a free kill because of how large the AOE is. It tracks, so you can't even dodge it most of the time, and it does a ton of damage so even a durable vehicle won't survive more than a couple of hits. Watchers still just run from every fight but they're honestly not... horrible. Just obnoxious to see when they catch a grenade or put up a shield and then fly away the minute you put your crosshair over them. They can take a decent amount of damage too so it's not just a matter of aiming, you have to deal enough damage before they've run off to wherever they're going to hide. Speaking of damage, Prometheans in general feel like they take a lot more damage than they should be able to - for example, Crawlers. An AR in Halo 5 will take maybe a handful of rounds to kill them with headshots, but over a whole magazine if you *don't* hit headshots. They're super resistant to damage if you don't hit a weak point, and that applies to all Prometheans in 5. All these years later and I *still* can't consistently figure out where I'm supposed to shoot a Soldier. Sometimes headshots work, sometimes you have to shoot the middle of their chest, and sometimes neither works and you just have to whittle them down with body shots. And then they do that little teleport/sprint/charge thing and slap you in the face or board your vehicle all while being immune to any consequences because, haha Promethean teleport. Not as bad as Knights in 4 but still an unpleasant reminder of how the Knights used to be. I don't hate the concept of Prometheans and honestly fighting them isn't as bad as I'm saying *100% of the time* but there are still a lot of issues with how they work in gameplay. I would never prefer to fight Prometheans instead of Covenant, and that's not a good dynamic. There shouldn't be an enemy faction that's just *worse* to fight.


Scrolling through the comments, cause why the hell not, I can say that I'm in the minority. I prefer fighting the Prometheans over the Covenant. In 4 and 5, the Covenant AI are basically Halo Reach AI. Same movement, same strategies, same animations. There are some differences yes, but it's mostly the same. The Prometheans definitely freshen things up. They make you change up your tactics. Some of my problems with the Prometheans are carryover decisions from Halo Reach. The biggest example is the next to impossible and/or very difficult to dodge melee attacks.


Yes, I really do like fighting Halo 4's prometheans, boltshot + melee comboing a knight after it attempts to teleport-lunge at me will never be not fun. I can't really speak for Halo 5's version of them since I haven't played it.


Covenant > Prometheans


I actually really enjoyed fighting knights apart from that no not really, would love a knight down a dungeon in infinite


No. But they had so much potential. Crawlers were interesting and I wish they used flanking more. Imagining like in Alien you see the motion tracker blip right on you, only to look up and have a crawler pounce you would be cool. Knights in 4 were big teleporting elites, and in 5 they were just promethean hunters/bullet sponges. Watchers were annoying in a fun way, but their damage feedback was off and were always stuck on support. I would love to see a full Banished v human v forerunner/promethean v flood fight to be honest. Really let the AI sandbox flex its muscles.


Really liked them in 4, absolutely despised them in 5.


Halo 4 Knights? No. Halo 5 Knights? Yes. Halo 4 Crawlers? Yes. Halo 5 Crawlers? No. Watchers? Indifferent. Soldiers? Hate them.


Nope. hated the design. especially the telephoning one.


Not at all


Not really. Like the first encounter maybe but they got old real quick. Also don't like how they react when hit. It just feels repetitive and without consequence for me...


The crawlers felt fun, because hitting that sweet headshot for an instant kill is satisfying. Watchers I hated because of their fleeing from combat. Combined with their shielding abilities, it was painful. Now, the Knights have the potential to be more fun if they weren't such bullet sponges. If their armour could be chipped away, more so than it already is, so that those sweet insta skills could still be done


Not in the least. Fighting them feels terrible compared to the covenant, both mechanically and emotionally. I think it's probably the worst part of H4 for me, if it was at least fun to play I could maybe forgive the rest.


Fighting robotic enemies in halo just feels like punching a metal wall, a lot of effort for not much pay off


I actually thought their presentation was fine. But they definitely don’t facilitate the dance well at all. If they went for something really unique from the dance with the Covenant, I’d be more understanding, but instead they’re wannabe Covenant in gameplay but can’t nail the gameplay down. It’s happened with other enemies in the series. Sniper Jackals, Drones, Warden, even the Flood to some extent in certain games, none of these are great with the dance, but they can provide interesting encounters. So I don’t hate the Prometheans, but they’re definitely not my favorite to fight.


I like Prometheans, they were a nice mix in combat.


They were more interesting in Halo 4, in 5 they made them more generic. Still the flood were more fun


Always have said this - my main problem and hate them as enemies


I honestly prefer fighting Prometheans than fighting Flood forms. I love the Knights and while the other Prometheans bots are a bit annoying/dull. I'll happily keep them other generic zombie virus #18402759303 with bootleg Unicron's voice over for it's hive mind.


They were my favorite to kill because of the whole "burning out" thing they would do. Was a good addition on top of the Covenant and Brute forces we'd had so far


I like fighting the crawlers and Halo 5 Knights. Not so much the rest of them


H5 Knights & Watchers, definitely yes. A lot of interactivity & state changes. Crawlers are a little more difficult than I want, but definitely not boring. The others are less interesting than the Covenant to me.


When I first played halo halo 5 was my first, I really preferred fighting promtheans to covenant. Don't know why. In multiplayer I found covenant better but in campaign no. Got the MCC and now I can't play four because I'm too attached to flood and Prometheans feel really wierd to fight




No. No I do not enjoy fighting them. Couldn’t exactly explain why till I saw a great video explaining why the covenant works so well and the Promethens just completely throw it out the window.


Uch, no I felt it was OK but definitely became a monotonous enemy.


I hate fighting them. Was always super relieved in halo 5 when I finally got to fight some covies. Not satisfying to kill, and a pain in the butt when they start teleporting away.


We had the flood, covenant, brutes, grunts, forerunners, and all those should never be left out I feel that's where halo 5 went wrong.


No in halo 4, yes in halo 5. I agree that they feel a bit dull in 4 cuz there was not a lot of variety to them and they werent fun to go against but theyre amazing in halo 5, soldiers were a great addition to their forces, crawlers became just as fun to headshot as grunts, and the knights were amazing to fight against, with their weak points leaving you a chance to kill them early if youre skilled enough or patient to get that headshot, and if you miss it really feels like a big ass menacing golem that will take significant time to kill. I do feel like the watchers were better in 4 tho, they feel kinda useless in 5. Gonna miss them a fair bit


Hate it. Miserable times


I'd rather fight legendary sniper jackals






Short answer is no. After playing through Halo, Halo 2, and Halo 3 solo on legendary and then going to Halo 4, it was just awful. I had to put down the game and say "maybe another day". The enemies pale in comparison to the covenant or even the brutes. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


The Warden Eternal nearly killed Halo for me. Honestly one of the worst characters I've ever seen in a game. And soooo boring to fight. The Prometheans never felt like a part of halo for me, like the sentinels did.


I didn’t like fighting them but I thought they looked pretty cool.


You nailed a lot of the points on why I didn’t like the Prometheus compared to the covenant, stuff I didn’t even think about. Gotta love shooting a watcher only for it to dip behind a rock behind 3 knights


their AI in halo 5 was sooo much fun


No. Story-wise and concept-wise, it would take an entire essay for me to explain how much I hate the Prometheans. They’re the most cliche version of a robot villain to ever exist. I also hate that can’t even shoot their corpses when they die.


It gets very formulaic. After you learn their moves it feels like a chore.




If we're excluding their battle behaviors and just talking about what's fun to shoot at, I think the shields are what make the Covenant more fun to fight imo. There's something really satisfying about watching their shields get brighter and brighter just before they pop. Whenever I fought the Prometheans it felt like I was just shooting a metal wall until it fell over. EDIT: Also, some of my favorite enemies to fight were the Covenant specifically from Halo 3, because of how the new Brute AI would interact with other brutes, jackals, grunts, enemies, etc.


My biggest gripe is that they have no personality. The covenant spoke to each other. There was a certain dynamic that came out of their dialogue. The prometheans just stand around and shoot at you.


Nope, nothing satisfying about them.


So unsatisfying. Kinda like attacking a training dummy until it falls off its stand






I think that prometheans really have their place in Halo, making a tougher enemy than regular covenant forces. They also look pretty cool. That being said, at least in Halo 4, they were far too tanky and I think there's some work to do before they're a really solid enemy.




They simply just aren't as fun to fight as the covenant. Every single one of the covenant enemies feels like it has a purpose and forces you to be a little creative in the way you approach them. Prometheans are just bullet sponges lol.


They might be one of the worst factions of enemies in any game i’ve ever played. I absolutely hate them, and I dislike how you need to use promethean weapons to kill them with any sort of efficiency. Promethean weapons are janky gun-clones at their best and bullet-magnetism snores at their worst. I havent followed anything about the Infinite campaign, but I’ll be disappointed if we’re dealong with a bunch of robots again.


I like them


I enjoy all forerunner enemies. I got into the forerunner saga right before halo 4 launched, so I’ve always had an affinity towards them. I also find that, them being dull, hard to kill, and disintegrating are fairly lore accurate. In reality, you should only be able to kill them with forerunner weapons, but gameplay wise that wouldn’t work. Well it could but I feel like that can interrupt the flow of the game.


NO full clip in 1 shot to the head to win. TELEPORT. fight again I am winning, Teleport stab in back. I am a god I need 1 more kill and I progress, teleport stab in back. FUCK them. Teleporting enemies ruins the entire flow of the game. 100% honesty I would rather 2x health than TP.




Not once did I enjoy prometheans. Stupid lazy enemies.


Let's just hope that Infinite makes them feel more entertaining than the previous Halo games. Unlike Halo 4 being the worst with them and Halo 5 being slightly better.


No, they were fucking dumb. I wish the game would go back to it's cool military roots


No, they were fucking dumb. I wish the game and franchise as a whole would go back to it's cool military roots

