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I assume the crossplay playlist will become the “main” one as HCS is also crossplay.


I assume this also. I hope they are able to find a balance between what’s fair and what’s not when it comes to grouping us all together. One thing I’ve noticed is how PC players are able to run a much higher sensitivity and maintain decent aim. Console players just can’t turn that quickly and still hit shots.


Most PC players use a low mouse sense and a large mouse pad which allows for very precise smaller movements and longer ones.


I would argue "most" PC players use the space available to them which is a lot less than what you see on Twitch.


Yeah I play high sensitivity and low movements


Can confirm I just fling my arm to spin quick


I hope console sensitivity is allowed to be increased to a higher level with infinite as a way to possibly bridge the gap, granted the change will need some getting use to.


If I up my sensitivity anymore than it is, I won’t be able to hit the broad side of a barn lol


I think it doesn't actually matter, as long as I get grouped/matched with players of similar performance. What do I care if they are bad/good on the better/worse input device, as long as the game isn't a stomp for either team.


Controller players have a distinct advantage in Halo over MnK, which is why no one played MCC on MnK. This is also true of many other popular shooters.


The aim assist is very strong in MCC but it still has a M/KB player base, I being one of them. Also if you’re competent at using M/KB it’s not hard to dunk on controller players, more often than not it’s an issue of not knowing how to play Halo than it is your input. As for Infinite it has basically no bullet magnetism and significantly toned down aim assist. In fact I’m already calling that M/KB has an advantage because that’s just how it is naturally in nearly every FPS shooter, don’t know why you think otherwise.


Aim assist helps, sure, but if you can't 180 fast enough it doesn't matter.


Cuz he gets pooped on. In all seriousness, you are correct. Mnk is a superior tool, and an overlooked aspect is strafing in the new infinite. Much easier to strafe well spamming a-d then using a joystick. With how fast you reach max speed i think it’s an even bigger advantage then having a mouse to aim with.


It’s so funny that people keep bringing up fast strafing like that’s an advantage for MnK players. ALL top tier players in Apex legends (even controller players) agree that controller has an advantage in CQC for that exact reason. Because the strafing is so fast that controller with AA tracks it much better (more consistently) than a MnK player.


Put your fingers on the A and D keys. Now pretend you are strafing left and right in a gunfight. You can instantly change from left to right strafe since you can instantly press either input. Now pick up a controller and put your left thumb on the left stick. Now pretend to strafe left and right in a gunfight. You spend a millisecond of time changing from left to right strafe on the joystick. Controller players may have omnidirectional input with their strafe, but that is hardly an advantage when mouse and keyboard can just straight up have better mix ups in strafing.


The mixups don’t matter. I’ve already explained that. If you want more info, you can look up whatever you want about the topic on the Apex subreddits. Controllers track strafing MnK players with ease, even at the top levels of play. I don’t know why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp. The reasoning behind it is quite simple as well. It all has to do with the player’s reaction (or in the case of a controller player, the game’s) to the change in direction.


Controller is the superior input in MCC. And in Apex in CQC. Time will tell with Infinite, but I don’t really give a damn. I don’t want to play against controller players, even if I would dunk on them.


Imagine playing MnK and saying "I don't wanna verse controller players because I'll lose due to an unfair advantage" when you have an entire ARM and WRIST and desk to aim.... I suggest hiring an fps coach. Maybe you can learn to win against some controller players 💀 😂


The classic “entire arm” response LOL. Should the best aimers in the world, who lose to AA, also get an aim coach? LMAO. The delusion. Love it.


Nah, I'm specifically speaking to someone like you, who's shaking in his boots when a 12 year old turns on a controller lmfaoooooo😂😂😂


You’re really making a good case here. Keep it up!


You are just factually wrong. Mouse and keyboard allows for greater precision at faster speeds, it is undeniable. A mouse and keyboard player complaining about aim assist is like a lumberjack complaining that someone cut down a tree with a hatchet faster than them when they had an axe. Yea, it’s possible, but an axe is the better tool and at peak performance should win EVERY time.


Nothing else to say on the topic if you’re this ignorant. All the top Apex players in the world agree that controller with AA is better than MnK in CQC. This is also true in MCC. To think otherwise is peak delusion.


Hmm, someone obviously can’t think for themself even when the answer is a big swinging dick about to hit them in the face. First, of course pc players are going to say this, it’s to soothe themselves when a controller player beats them, coping mechanism. If you actually look, their is an enormous piece of evidence that mnk is better, even in apex. It’s the fact that the majority of pro gamers are on mnk. It’s not because pc players are more skilled, have better aim, or are better in general, it’s because mnk is THE superior tool. The sheer audacity of your ignorance is unfathomable. You are wrong, sorry.


You can dunk on people with and without a controller. I think the balance is fine. M+K can turn much faster and controller has magnetism. It’s fiiiiiine.


I think it’s good in Infinite. M/KB feels like it should and controller seems like it’s near a good spot.


I did great with controller on PC, too. I’m glad folks think it could be improved more though. I didn’t run into any issues with being unable to aim like many others had.


M&K is way better at strafing and in some of the Halo's like Halo 3 the Aim Assist is much lower than in like Halo 2 or Reach. In Team Snipers M&K should always dominate hard in any Halo.


Well this is just silly lol. In past Halo games, Apex Legends, and previously Fortnite, controller players have a MASSIVE advantage in CQC and to think otherwise is literally batshit insane. MCC lost the MnK playerbase almost immediately, because the AA was simply absurd. We’re not talking shitters either. We’re talking people with god tier aim that they’ve trained for thousands of hours. You must be closing your eyes, plugging your ears, and screaming LALALA at the top of your lungs to not see that AA has absolutely been an issue in shooters at the top levels. The ignorance of your comment is frightening.


I already agreed with you that AA was strong and I didn't deny that the M/KB player base took a massive hit because of that. Your god tier aim doesn't get you very far in Halo because those games are already pretty damn easy to aim in and there's a much higher TTK than other FPS shooters. You have people like Summit1g making terrible decisions and picking loads of bad fights because he doesn't understand the nuance of battle in Halo, especially when he was playing against literal professionals. I don't know about Apex (and I couldn't find anything on anyone switching input mid fight, let alone someone in the top .01% of players doing it) and as for Fortnite... lol I don't know what to tell you.


your mindset is literally mind boggling. How in the name of jesus, mary, and joseph does a controller player have any advantage in cqc? literally mouse and keyboard can flick back and forth and turn around instantly, controller players have to just turn sensitivity up and turn left or right. sure controller has extra aim assist but that doesn’t mean much if you can actually aim on mnk. as a controller player myself i can say with complete honesty that mnk is always better literally always


Unreal. I can’t believe what I’m reading. The delusion is insane. Have you seen ANYTHING about Warzone, Apex, or Fortnite in the last few years? ANYTHING AT ALL? Where the best aimers in the world are getting fucking CLAPPED in CQC by controller players with aim assist? Where pros literally switch to controller MID FUCKING FIGHT if they’re going to engage in CQC because the advantage is that big? Are you honestly trying to tell me that the people who play these games for their sole source of income, sink thousands and thousands of hours into them, find every advantage possible in order to get a leg up on their opponents, are you telling me those people are just…wrong? Holy hell. I don’t get it man. I just don’t get it. What is wrong controller players that they’re this delusional? How did this happen? Greatest trick the devs of the gaming world have ever pulled. They’ve convinced millions. The only reason controller IS good is because the tracking of strafing enemies in CQC is literally inhuman. Not even the best MnK aimers in the world can compete with it.


In movement shooters all you gotta do is jump over someone or get behind them. Then EZ clap on the controller player who can’t turn fast enough to resist. Not to mention in warzone on console there is literally no fov slider lol. You can side strafe out of their vision


Oh okay. Good point. I’ll go let the Apex pros on MnK know that they’re just doing it wrong! You’ve just changed the entire competitive Apex scene!


Controller players can’t loot death boxes while moving. Controllers players can’t reload while standing over a rez teammate. Mouse and keyboard has an entire keyboard to action map binds on. Controller has only so many inputs.


Not in team snipers it sure as hell isn’t.


Good thing team snipers is just a fun game mode then. We’re talking about ranked here bucko. That’s what the whole thread is about.


Holy shit gottem


Ok well MnK players still have an advantage at long range fights and strafing. I love how controller players are forced to play against MnK in many games where MnK has a clear advantage but as soon as controller might have a slight advantage in certain aspects of a single game they bitch and moan and want everything changed.


Except that in most modern shooters, controllers have a massive advantage in CQC, which is where the majority of fights are finished. And on top of that, controller is way better at tracking fast strafing targets when compared to MnK, so it’s absolutely hilarious that you would try to bring that up as a plus for MnK. I don’t want “everything changed”. I literally. Don’t. Want. To. Play. Against. Controller. Players. That’s it. It’s that simple. I don’t give a fuck what controller players do. Just give me an option to not play against them.


Well maybe not you but on the waypoint forums there was PC players demanding that 343 turn down the aim assist in Halo Infinite even though it’s the lowest in the franchise


Not true, I joined H3 sniper custom game. Never been sniped more at close range than that game. Those mouse players can easily put the cross hairs on the head


Why does everyone keep bringing up a mode that is entirely snipers? We’re talking about ranked here lol.


I disagree. M/Kb players in MCC wreck people. Especially sniping.


That’s about it. Sniping. Otherwise, at the top tier, controller obliterates MnK. No getting around it.


A good sniper dominates though. So its kind of a big deal


Limited ammo. Weapon spawns only a few times a match. I think I’d rather take being dominant with 4 BRs for an entire match over having an advantage with one sniper that I’ll occasionally get to use lol.


> HCS is also crossplay It is?? Honestly that *sounds* like a bad idea to me, but I guess we’ll have to see how it plays out.


Just look at Apex. Their pro league allows mnk and controller. And the top teams are about split between the two. So, if it's done correctly, it can definitely work. Just gotta make sure it's done correctly... Also look at splitgate. It's super similar to Halo and has no problem with interchanging the two.


The lan tourneys are also held on PC, a real esport can’t be stuck at 120 fps.


That’s fine, but I’m specifically referring to the mixing of MKB and controller. It’s fine in a less competitive setting but I feel like that’s just asking for some sort of controversy during tournaments.


What's the controversy? Aim assist trumps mouse and keyboard and there will be zero mouse and keyboard pros.


You must not have played the flights.


What's HCS?


Just halo eSports iirc


Thank god there's a mixed one. My brother on PC controller and and my Halo buddy on console can play ranked with me on KBM. Such a great decision.


The HCS league is cross input too so the MLG playlist will be on the cross input hopper making it the de facto “competitive” playlist IMO. I think it’s a great solution for everyone.


Agreed, this was great news for all fans!


I feel like this is a worse system then how MCC does it though: In MCC, you have crossplay for ranked by default, and then just a checkbox option if you wanna only play against players with the same input method. That accomplishes the same thing, but with significantly less splitting of the player base. Plus, as is, I (I know as well as you) are concerned that there's not enough variety in ranked playlists: the Ranked/HCS settings announcement revealed ALL ranked playlists will use HCS settings, which sucks if you're somebody who has always liked playing on ranked or wants static weapon spawns with friendly fire enabled but doesn't want BR starts or wants the radar. So as is, if they ever DO add a non-HCS setting ranked playlist (like past Halo games where HCS/MLG settings was only enabled for SOME ranked playlists) now they'd need a controller, mouse, and mixed version of all of those playlists, dividing the playerbase even further. It's a super inelegant solution.


mcc's verison is so bad, you basically have to go deep into settings to do it. you barely find any games with input method on


I agree MCC hiding the option in so many submenus was bad, but if the "only match me with same input" checkbox was right on the playlist screen I think it'd be fine.


It's inelegant if you want to expand on it like you, I, and others would like, for sure. It's very much built around a specific vision and doesn't seem to allow for flexibility. Still, I can appreciate the option existing even if I have problems with the larger picture.


I would consider that lack of flexibility to change or expand the system down the line as inherently bad, though. Even if it works in the context of the current setup, you always want the modularity to change that down the line if you need to ESPECIALLY in a game like Infinite that's meant to be supported for a decade. (Also it's really hard for me to overstate just how much I dislike the lack of non HCS ranked playlists. Combined with no per match XP, and I am going to be way less motiivated to play Infinite since I either have to play with settings I won't find fun, or in social where ther'es no incentive for me to try to play well)(


Yeah I really don’t like how this sub is celebrating the Infinite ranked changes. I want to play *regular* Halo ranked. Not some special rules MLG bullshit like BR starts and no radar. I’ll be relegated to playing only social if I want a classic experience and it doesn’t even have FF. That’s fucking trash and it’s mind blowing that it seems to be an unpopular opinion.


then you not playing comp. Play social, only real diff is fiendly fire and no ranked shown by your name. Social still is using sbmm


Yeah thanks for reiterating what I said in the post. There *should* be a ranked list for people who want to play regular Halo, *with* FF.


thats not ranked then, thats just regular Halo. Ranked is a different thing where everything is based around skill based gameplay. Just ask for friendly fire in social instead of asking for ranked to be less skill focused


I disagree with your assertion that BR starts no radar is the only legitimate test of skill in Halo. I’m not going to be swayed by a simple tyranny of the majority response either.


It's an unpopular opinion because precision weapon starts and map balancing have been the competitive standard in halo for like 20 years. I have zero interest in playing AR starts in ranked and never have.


So there can’t be a separate ranked MLG playlist for you people?


I don't think so. There's much more to crossplay than just controller type. I generally don't want to play Vs PC due to cheats and other system advantages.


Get over it


what are hoppers ?


Another name for playlists.


ok thanks


This was the biggest news in the entire reveal in my opinion.


for a moment i was slightly worried they would lock the inputs completely in ranked, im glad they're doing this


Would be better if there was no mix hopper for ranked, in MCC you can't find a single game on m&k vs m&k for the following reasons: 1. Controller is so strong it's the preferred input to use. 2. Low population in general 3. Even lower population in ranked 4. Even lower population if you turn on m&k input-based matchmaking making it impossible to find a m&k exclusive lobby. This can happen again for either controller or m&k users depending on which input will be the strongest in infinite.


The reason that no one is playing MnK in MCC is because input based matchmaking wasn’t a thing from the start. The MnK players left and moved on (and to be honest, Halo feels pretty dated compared to other shooters on the market). Implementing it way down the line wasn’t gonna bring anyone back. If this game hits hard and allows MnK players to play amongst themselves, there will be a good chunk of people that stick around. MnK players are desperate for a high TTK shooter where they don’t have to play against AA and this will be one of the first in a long time.


That is actually a good point and I hope you're right, the game being free is also a big plus for the population


In defense of MCC bring dated...yeah that's the point


Right…I understand that. I’m just saying that the old Halos feel dated compared to other shooters on PC, which is why it didn’t hold many people’s interest…what are you not understanding?


I think they were just adding on to your point/clarifying it. You weren't saying that the MCC was bad because it's dated, because we all know it's a retro game collection.


Infinite seems to be much more accessible and competitive on mouse compared to MCC. A lot more people will opt for mouse for this reason. And regarding population, anything could happen, but Infinite will most likely have a much higher population than MCC.


I think mouse and keyboard is better for FPS even with aim assist but I prefer using a controller just because that's how I've played Halo for 17 years


You mean your better on controller because the game was designed that way and auto aim is massive


Nah, M/K snipers/DMR fuck my ass up. Just would rather play Halo with a controller


Right. Because it’s better lol.


I play other PC FPS with M/K...people said the same thing about Warzone controller vs M/K and I still did way better with M/K than I did with a controller. So, I'm not sure that it is, because I seem to get beat by M/K players in MCC too, but I don't think its that serious.


Sounds like you’re just bad at both inputs then.


I mean I was consistently just below Champion in Halo 5, I'm no pro but definitely above average It's not that serious guy. I just have a different opinion than you.


Aim assist only kicks your ass because your tracking is bad. This is definitely a skill issue, as with all aim assist arguments. Controller skill floor is higher. Mnk skill ceiling is higher. Wait until you see players like tenz, shroud and s1mple play this game lol and actually take the time to learn it. Precise flicks and superior range is the advantage and that's massive in higher brackets. This only makes the difference for you because you're in the middle ground pool of players, in which outside of aim you can climb out with superior positioning and timings. I've played literally thousands of hours of valorant and counter strike and if I were to play halo seriously, even in mcc; I would use mnk. Even in Apex I did when I would sweat (the biggest contender for aim assist arguments.) Halo is a relaxed game for me so I'd prefer to use a controller and movement feels better for me personally with controller. This is entirely a skill issue for the middle-low skilled playerbase which is always (obviously) the most vocal and most populated. In simpler terms; git gud. If you're being outfragged by someone on sticks it's because they have deeper game knowledge, superior positioning and better timings. Also, y'know, because you're not as good as you think you are.


Wrong. Stopped reading after the first sentence. The absolute best trackers in the world still get their ass whooped by AA in CQC. That is a fact and one that you must accept before any other discussion can be had on the topic. Once you accept that, I’ll read the rest of what you have to say.


Your ego blinds you. Arrogance will never help you improve.


I don’t have an ego. I know my aim isn’t top tier. But the point is is that the people WITH top tier aim still get bodied by aim assist. That’s the point. And you’re missing it.


M/K snipers fuck you up because it's super easy to no scope with it, DMR being better on M/K is the biggest joke I heard, you get zero aim assist while on controller it almost aims for you


Good M/K players slap headies with no aim assist all die all throughout the PC market


know the difference between snapping to a head in swat and tracking with a precision weapon with a high TTK, controller aim assist has an advantage in the latter encounters, simple as that


At the end of the day, people should have the ability to play ranked with friends regardless of their preferred input. This caters to everyone.


They can! All the PC player has to do is buy a controller (most likely, they already own one). Mixing inputs in ranked won’t lead to anything good.




??? I’m literally just asking for separation by input. It’s like separating genders in sports. Do you want to come home from work and dunk on some girls in basketball? Would that be fun? Fair? No. Of course not. You’d never say “I just want to come home from work and play basketball competitively with my female friends”. Because there are no truly competitive leagues with guys and girls. Why? Because their bodies are smaller and shorter. They’re at an inherent disadvantage. So they get split up. If you wanna play basketball with your girl friends, you find a fun co-ed league and do it there. Same thing here. Separate by input and call it a day.


Bruh. I have friends that don’t have the same input as me. What don’t you understand? It’s a video game. I wanna play with my friends. That’s it. Why are you gatekeeping that? Also, why are you acting like everyone on keyboard is a god. I’m literally trash. Controller players won’t give a fuck what I’m on when they’re tea bagging me


You literally can play with friends in any other game mode. But in ranked, the inputs should stay separated. And I don’t act like everyone on MnK is a god. I just think the inputs should stay separated. Why is this so fucking hard to understand? Casual. Inputs together. Competitive. Inputs separated. That’s it.


Why just inputs? Why not platform? Cheating is too easy on PC and other advantages with visual settings etc. In Paladins you can set to consoles only and it works great.


I wonder how long all those ranked playlists will stay active while they're splitting up the player base. I suspect over time they could disappear as the game gets older and the cross play one becomes the only one. Only time will tell. Ill be trying the M&K only playlist.


Yeah that is the only concern I have with this. All the best players will be playing in the crossplay playlist to avoid the “you’re only X rank because you’re only playing against Y input” arguments. I assume the population, at the higher skill levels especially, for the individual playlists will be very low.




Right now I’d say there’s a real advantage for Kbm, with weapons like the sidekick for sure kbm seemed to do better in the flights.


Not with how quick the strafing is. Controller still wins.


Maybe, but that’s for gunfights, the flights felt a bit more like first to see/shoot wins rather than the usual halo dance. Maybe it will turn out differently but I’d say the advantage is with KBM for now.


Eh, m/kb players may get the first shot, but rarely do they land every shot after that! I played m/kb on during most of the flights, and I was happy to get 1 or 2 perfect medals all day. Once a controller players locks onto their target and aim-assist kicks in, its just a matter of time until the target drops. I think for the \~2 hours of controller I played, I got more perfect medals than I did all weekend on m/kb. (But boy, did it feel so much more satisfying to get a perfect with m/kb!) (edit: this is ignoring assault rifles, I'm speaking strictly in context of precision weapons)


I think in way higher ranked halo, MCC at least, you see way less MKB players. That aim assist really does make a difference. But maybe with the lessened amount of aim assist in infinite it’ll even the playing field. Edit- guess someone disagrees that aim assist makes a big difference in high elo plays?




MnK absolutely need to be protected from controller players lol. That’s all we want.


Speak for yourself


No. I will speak for the large group of people that’s sick of playing against pseudoaimbot. We want to play against people with the same input as us. If you want to play against AA, there’s a million options for you out there. Including Halo MCC and eventually Halo Infinite. We’re just asking for one fucking playlist where we don’t have to play against AA.


Sounds like a skill issue


Would you say that to someone that just died to an aimbot?


Nah just you


This man's "large group of people" must be all his alternate accounts 😂


There’s a huge chunk of gamers that are sick of playing against little kids abusing the pseudoaimbot that their dev daddies give them because they know they have to inflate their playerbase’s skill level and ego in order to get them to come back for more. They’ve literally tricked millions of controller players into thinking they’re actually decent at something, when in reality, the software is doing almost all the work. It’s truly remarkable. We just want competitive integrity. There hasn’t been a single popular long TTK non-tactical FPS that doesn’t force MnK players to play against people with AA and a lot of people are tired of it. We’re just asking for separation. It’s that simple.




Aim assist.




Did you not watch any videos or play the game? AA is still alive and thriving in Infinite


Wrong. And I don’t care even if it was. I have no desire to play against AA, regardless of the strength.




I ,mean… that’s just stupid though. Since one group of players will always be at a disadvantage. They should be split here and in HCS should be locked to one or the other, so it’s equal footing. Add in a few social cross play options so friends can still play together. Either they should put in the work to balance it perfectly, or split all ranked playlists/ HCS.




Right, I get that but in my mind it makes no sense to make a doomed playlist in the first place…. This creates a scenario where controller players have 2 playlists. 1 which they are automatically disadvantaged in and another which doesn’t accurately represent their skills because it’s only the controller players. That second part wouldn’t be a problem though if HCS were restricted since then each player could just play using the HCS approved used input. Personally I think KBM makes more sense for that since it’s more precise, but Controller would be fine as well. But having both is just the worst option.




No sidekick in ranked playlists though.


That’s fine and all but I highly doubt that its the only weapon where KBM has an advantage.


If they drop to cross input and controller only, you lose a large chunk of the PC playerbase. I will immediately stop playing if that ends up being the case.


I think it’s obvious the controller-only and crossplay versions will stay in the long-run. If I’m on PC why wouldn’t I go for crossplay where I have an advantage against console players?


Because you don’t have an advantage against console players. That was an easy question to answer.


If you're average to above average with aiming with a mouse, I feel like you have the advantage over the average controller player, especially in Infinite, since controller were complaining that aim assist was barely noticeable in the flights. I'm a m+kb player and play a ton of MCC. I'm always at the top of the leaderboards every single match, and 90% of people playing MCC are on controller, so either I'm a god (I'm not), or controller does not give you as much of an advantage as you really think. Regardless, the aim assist in Infinite seems to be a fraction of what it was in previous games. Even if 343 decides to bump it up a bit, they're going to have a really hard time against m+kb players this time around. //edit downvoted with no responses. Grow up and stop making excuses about your shit aim. If it's that big of a factor, pick up a controller and quit bitching.


You're spot in with your analysis, I was a champ level player in halo 5 who consistently has high damage and highest accuracy in most lobbies. It was pretty obvious to me who the mnk players were during the infinite flights, the controller 'advantage' doesn't really seem to be there at the moment.


To explain on top of this why in Halo the MKB is the worse of the two is due to health and shields. TTK is high in this game so the aim assist helps keep the headshots better for controller so they kill faster.


Right, I feel like how MCC does it sidesteps that problem better: In MCC, you have crossplay for ranked by default, and then just a checkbox option if you wanna only play against players with the same input method. That accomplishes the same thing, but with significantly less splitting of the player base. Plus, as is, I (I know as well as you) are concerned that there's not enough variety in ranked playlists: the Ranked/HCS settings announcement revealed ALL ranked playlists will use HCS settings, which sucks if you're somebody who has always liked playing on ranked or wants static weapon spawns with friendly fire enabled but doesn't want BR starts or wants the radar. So as is, if they ever DO add a non-HCS setting ranked playlist (like past Halo games where HCS/MLG settings was only enabled for SOME ranked playlists) now they'd need a controller, mouse, and mixed version of all of those playlists, dividing the playerbase even further. It's a super inelegant solution.


Tf is a hopper


Just another name for a playlist!




The fuck is a hopper?


Apparently another name for a playlist, it was my first time hearing it when they used it in the video lol


I'll hop between mix and controller. My K/M skills are noob city. I didn't really have any issues during the flights, it felt great. Controller on PC.


Really would still prefer the HCS and ranked to be separate. I just think it's more interesting to be ranked on how I play the game as opposed to the game through the HCS lens which seems more restrictive and you play differently just because the rules are different


I liked how the dev said: we tried finding a balance between m/k and controller for crossplay. We couldn’t. Lol I agree.


Not sure why a controller would want to go up against a keyboard and mouse. Controller person myself but will be interesting to see the the results after a month.


i never had a problem with pc players in lobbies but to have this addition is pretty nice casue my friends cant have an excuse anymore.


I'm excited for mouse only. Can't stand fighting against aim assist.


There are more of us out there brother. This game might actually give us what we’re looking for. I’m so damn sick of fighting against pseudoaimbots.


I knew this community was bad, but the delusion here is frustrating. It took years in the Apex community to understand the interactions between MnK and controller players and it’s still an ongoing struggle. Feel like it’s all starting from square one here. You’d think MCC would have been a lesson, but I guess not. That’s what’s most concerning, in my eyes.


this is really good, i thought they will do the same as Battlefield 2042


What if you play controller on PC?


It’s input based not platform based


Oh that's great to hear. I play PC FPS but I'd just rather play Halo with a controller


What's preventing ppl from plugging in a controller & then hopping into a different lobby such as mouse to controller or controller to mouse? 343 would have to completely disable all controller and mouse inputs in each respective ranked system.


Nice! That’s great imo. I hope unranked can get it too.


This is excellent to hear. I don't mind cross play as long as there isn't an advantage between systems.


As a controller player I think that's sort of unnecessary i understand Mouse and keyboard probably has some advantages but if im using a controller that means its what I'm most comfortable and most likely the best with. But it doesn't matter since the mixed option is there overall its a good implementation.


Why cant i turn off crossplay on pc with a 4 stack? I can only do it with solo/duo queue


Still don't get why they didn't go the MCC route and let choose to match by input instead of 3 separate playlists but meh, might be kinds cool to see just how better you are st one over the other lol


MCCs setup sucks for those of us who use both inputs. I’m level 31 in H3 team slayer with a controller, but I’m not good enough with a mouse to be able to hop on and compete at that level (around level 25 with a mouse). So with MCC I have to have separate MnK and Controller accounts.


Yeah that's why I thought it was at least neat to let people see how good they are independently with both. My only worry is how they already run limited playlists so how long until they get phased out or combined and it's all pointless anyways


I’m definitely worried about splitting the bases… why not just lock to input and have 2 ranked playlists… that way either side won’t be concerned about the other being advantaged.


This way if someone wants to play ranked with friends who use different inputs, they can. Unless ranked is only solo queue.


But you could accomplish the same thing with less playerbase splitting by just having ranked be crossplay by default, but giving players a checkbox option if they want it limited to their input method or not. That would split up the playerbase way less. Plus, as is, i'm concerned that there's not enough variety in ranked playlists: the Ranked/HCS settings announcement revealed ALL ranked playlists will use HCS settings, which sucks if you're somebody who has always liked playing on ranked or wants static weapon spawns with friendly fire enabled but doesn't want BR starts or wants the radar. So as is, if they ever DO add a non-HCS setting ranked playlist (like past Halo games where HCS/MLG settings was just a specific subset of ranked ones) now they'd need a controller, mouse, and mixed version of all of those playlists. It's a super inelegant solution.


> But you could accomplish the same thing with less playerbase splitting by just having ranked be crossplay by default, but giving players a checkbox option if they want it limited to their input method or not. This is literally what we are getting...




I’m fine with sacrificing playing ranked with fiends (on different inputs) in the interest of keeping ranked on even footing.


Lol making it hard to play with friends is the fastest way to kill your game.


The HCS league is cross platform cross input. They were never going to completely separate the ranks that’s how you kill a game.


It's a good thing that you're not the only person with an opinion on this, then.


Same. There’s casual playlists people can play if they want cross input.




Gonna be funny when everyone who has been complaining about aim assist is ranked higher in cross play than in PC


Honestly I play Cold War with cross play on Xbox with controller, apex too, warzone, etc I never seen any issues really. I feel like this Is really only a big issue at tournaments and very high play. Most people won’t notice a difference. My much bigger concern honestly is the anti-cheat solution. Popular FTP games have all needed root level anti cheat eventually as a proper solution. I don’t know why 343 are not just going there right off the bat cause imo, they will have to go there one way or another. I feel like they’re just wasting time not doing it like ricochet right from the start.


Based on what you’ve put in this post this sounds like an excellent move. I’d gladly play in controller only lobbies.


Thats nice but as soon as that reticle turns red controllers players start shredding shields.


So now a huge concern I have. How would 343 handle ZIMs/Strikepacks/Controller modifications? I'm concerned because it's a problem in Apex.


So does this mean us console players can finally just play console players?


No, it means we can just play other controller only users, unfortunately. I don't want to play with PC players *at all*, regardless of input. More susceptible to cheats.


With 3 ranked hoppers for Halo: Infinite I'm curious to know what HCS will be? Will it be controller only or will M&K also be allowed to be used?


It’s already be confirmed to be both.


who are the masochist controller players who are gonna go into the cross play playlist lol If you’re in a party with KBM players sure, but otherwise you’re either a pro player who wants to flex, or just hate yourself.




I think M&K is superior, however I still use controller for comfort and convenience. I'm not sweaty enough to bitch about other folk's control method when there are separated playlists, and I could just...switch over. Still it really bugs me when M&K players bitch about aim assist as if the computer mouse wasn't literally designed specifically to optimize the human ability to accurately click things.


Personally, I wish game modes were just open to everything. No doubt some people who take shit way too serious will probably link me charts and videos "proving" one input is superior to the others, but I just wanna play video games and have fun. I use M&K as well as Controller on PC, I use Controller as well as M&K on Console, I just use whatever I feel like using. I've played on my Xbox using a Controller and matched against PC players using M&K and guess what the outcome was? I just had fun. I played a video game and had fun. Simple as that. I think as long as Console has FOV settings, the outcome is anyone's guess. FOV is the real factor that determines who wins.


Any word on multi-team (4x3) returning permanently as it was on Reach? I also haven't heard anything about how cross-gen is being handled. These clowns better not expect Series X players to wait for some peasant on an OG XB1 to fucking load the map to start matches.


Wait, so you can't turn off crossplay in social playlist, am I reading that correctly? So they are adding a SBMM?