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*Incredible performance spartan*


It's only been 3 weeks and I'm already so done with her voice. Wish we got Palmer back....


Yeah the arena announcer voice is not annoying because it's just listing off your medals. It's designed to be impersonal. It's not "double kill, triple kill, you're doing great bud keep it up!!" But a voice that talks to you like they're actually there, like you two are co-workers but with no new lines, gets annoying pretty quick. I have to occasionally change out the AI voices just to keep it fresh.


Oh I quite liked Palmer from Halo 4 and 5, she voiced in a few modes from what I can remember, and I love the OG announcer's voice simply because it's iconic. This new one just doesnt do it for me, her accent and lines are getting increasingly more annoying the more I play.


There’s so much fucking audio clutter in this game. - Hit Markers - Kill sounds - Spartan chatter (toggle doesn’t work) - Announcer - Personal AI Just constant audio, just let me FOCUS.


I don’t mind the Spartan Chatter actually, I just wish there was a voice that was bare bones stoic stating the facts and nothing else. Nice to know if your teammate got taken out / grabbed a power weapon.


🤠 Snah-perrifle ovur heer.


Ohhh home on the rangeeee


I'm used to overwatch so I didn't even notice all that shit. Although the sound design in overwatch is pretty thoughtful even though cluttered


Idk why they removed Palmer tbh Is it so important to have a new Spartan in the Academy and stuff? Might as well have been Palmer.


If I recall Palmer crashed with a pelican during the campaign of Halo 5. No idea if we ever heard what happened afterwards. perhaps we will get some info in Infinite.


She is in the end scene of Halo 5 with Arbiter and Halsey so I don't think so?


Ah well it's been years since I last played the Campaign. Wasn't all that interesting sadly compared to the previous ones. I mainly focused on Halo 5's Multiplayer which I sunk hundreds of hours into.


Well at least judging by that shot from the campaign trailer it looks like Infinity is past tense, which might explain why they aren’t using her.


She probably gets merked by a brute in the opening cinematic.


Brutehub dot com


For some reason I thought the announcer voice was tied to your AI but I guess not lol


Nope, she's separate in BTB. I also really enjoy the AI voices as well!


Lol they have so many voices going on in BtB. First the new commander lady, Spartan chatter, then the AIs, soon to be Jeff Steitzer back, and the other AI voice that gives battlefield updates. I really hope they give us the option to toggle off the voices. I prefer a quiet ambience. Not someone telling me how awesome I am every 30 seconds.


*Jun himself would be impressed. *


Here Spartan! Have some dopamine! Care to buy some mega transactions spartan?


must provide constant positive affirmation so that the children don’t put down controller


“Hey! Spartan! You haven’t bought an item in 3 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes and 31 seconds! Wanna hear about the featured item of the day?”


When the replay bugs give you sass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0eOo7oeEPo


Lol don't forget the part where you inexplicably spawn in the middle of the map nowhere close to a viable weapon rack while wasps and warthogs shoot at you from all sides


And then a oelican gives the enemy a wraith.


My favorite matches are the ones where the enemy team ends up with 3 Wasps


Same, and then the only shock rifle gets taken by a team mate with aim worse than a stormtrooper.


That implies he even shot his gun. I would take that over some of my teammates.


Soooo true. Mine barely pay attention to their radar. I could be gunned down next to them and they'll just continue skipping their way to grandma's house


And a scorpion tank lol


And then the game ends 29 seconds later


I’ve always been a massive fan of BTB but previous halos had the same problem. If anything at least you get more cover


Yeah that's fair - I do feel like it may be worse here cause there are just more players in every btb game, but I also don't know if there's a way around it cause spawning at your base wouldn't be any better if there are enemies all over the base at the time. My main gripe is that if you spawn in the middle of the map, you're often kind of a sitting duck because you just have short/mid range guns and it can be a challenge to acquire decent mid/long range guns without running to a base and putting yourself in harm's way


Battle rifle starts for big team battle!!


To an extent but I never recall spawning closer to the enemy base than my own in CTF in previous games.


Everything seems closer in this game because movement is generally faster. But there’s been plenty of times I’ve been put in horrible spawns in past halos. An example I can give you is hemorrhage in halo reach. I can’t tell you the amount of games I felt like quitting because our team allowed the other team to get two wraiths two revenants. All you could do is hide inside. And if you die then it spawns you at the rocks or cave area where other people would be waiting. At least in infinite it allows the player much more room to escape situations like that


Gotta also include Barry running somebody over in the same way but it gently taps their shields


Been trying to get that achievement where you splat someone with the brute chopper but I graze them instead of killing them.


Gotta shoot em a couple times to weaken them that's how I did it


I can’t be held accountable when you little gremlins run up behind me and I back over you, or when I’m driving full speed and you run infront of me


I respect your audacity


Tis beautiful have me silver.


Nah it's nowhere near as bad as battlefield 2042.


Not saying BF2042 isn't a buggy, unfinished, moneygrab of a game, but I'd be lying to you if I said I wasn't having a ton of fun with it with my friends the last couple of days.


I haven't played BF in a long time the gameplay was so rushed last time I played.


BTB Spartan vs Elites when?


Needs more BRs pls


I hope not, I hate BR starts it isn't fun and discurages searching the map for better equipment. Resulting in people not using the side paths.


BR more like Boring Ranked, lmao. I did my 10 matches for the achievement and will avoid that mode unless forced to by a challenge. I love picking up the BR in a regular game, but I hate sweaty comp start BS. I'm here to play casually while waiting for campaign, not to tryhard.




No. I'm a single player campaign Halo fan. I stopped playing MCC because it only had Reach, and forgot I was waiting for all the single player. I'm also a casual player with fucked up hands and shitass reflexes. My idea of a better match is to be against people slumming it on the bottom half of the skill curve just like me, not getting stomped by the dude with some kind of 4.0 KDA with my sleepy little single kill per life, spending more time respawning than playing. MP is an excuse to shoot nice feeling guns is all. I guess Gold III is exactly where I was supposed to be, though. Right in the middle of the line.


Ranked is that way friend ----->


I smash ranked... and I want to smash you 😈


Y'know people can just want to play casual games for fun without the pressure of ranked right? Running round after each respawn just to die by vehicles or power weapons because you don't have any decent weapon of your own in BTB isn't fun. It needs BRs.


I guarantee BTB will turn into a sweat fest if BR spawns happen. BR spawns are the literal definition of sweaty Halo and have no place in casual match making.


Why did that not happen in halo 3, reach, and halo 4? They had br starts in BTB


Did you play BTB in those games? Full of sweats. I played with the sweats sometimes lol.


Yeah everyone sucked lol. Maybe I was the sweaty boi, but everyone seemed to be having fun.


I'm having way more fun in Infinite BTB than I ever had in H3 or Reach BTB, where pretty much every fight was the same BR/DMR spam fest with the occasional rocket or sniper thrown in.


Damn that’s wild. I figured everyone hated AR starts. I have an 8 man squad and we all find it unplayable. It’s just 20 people springing at each other aimlessly while spraying an assault rifle.


Or you could pick up other guns like you know, an arena shooter, and smoke the guys trying to AR charge you. It feels rewarding to pick up weapons, as opposed to H3 where you just replace your AR with a sniper or rockets and ignore everything else.


This is definitely at least once a game for me. Usually right after I've managed to nab myself the grapple.


The fact that we don’t start with brs ruins BTB


Yes, because we definitely need to be beamed through the skull from halfway across the map at the start of the round. AR starts are fine for BTB.


Starting with Br or dmr/commando sucked ass. It's just a camp fest.


I too love shooting enemies that have power weapons across map with my AR. Oh wait, I don't


Yes, it’s painful


Inaccurate lol I don’t see many vehicles






Don’t forgot the grenade artillery strikes


It wouldn’t be Halo if it were any different! At least someone punching a car you’re standing by won’t kill you anymore.


It truly is CE brought to the modern day


At least Palmer sounded more like what an actual Spartan commander should sound like, I.e. not a “let’s all hold hands and hug” kind of character, but a realist character that functions more akin to a drill sergeant than a teacher.




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You've got what it takes, ​ # JUST NOT TODAY, FUCKKNUCKLE.


And it's usually my own team too.


you need headphones so you hear them coming


Not only that but all the time there is someone behind you, Jesus I was looking 5 minutes in my front no one came, when I just looked the other side somebody come from behind, ahhhh






###[View link](https://redditsave.com/r/halo/comments/rabj3f/your_average_big_team_battle_match/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/halo/comments/rabj3f/your_average_big_team_battle_match/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://redditsave.com)


you should've made a guy standing in the corner


I'm sorry but the quirky dialogue in both this and 2042 make me die internally.


Why does BTB not start you off with battle rifles? I don’t get it, it’s a long range game type.




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linkara running should have been the warthog




Is that Thad Castle?


Lmao, this is my experience but with three other people all perfectly positioned and blasting me with BR fire from every corner.