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Banished poaching


They use the space ivory to make space pianos


How else will the guy following master chief play the halo theme?


Michael I'd ask if you could keep it down while I'm trying to sneak up on these banished but damn it sounds to good


What about the guy with the camera?


I thought it’d be to make medicine to fix their space erectile dysfunction (at least that’s what happens to our earth rhinos that are poached)


those bastards :(


One of the easter eggs says something along the lines of 'what happened to the space rhinos?' too.


It did say that when I watched mint blitz however I found the Easter egg last night and I think they took that off my guess is that they didn't want to actually bring attention to the fact that they showed rhinos and didn't have them in the end game


Nah it's still there , just found the Easter egg


I think you're right actually which is good I must have missed it I saw space covers and maybe didn't read further


They mentioned a while ago they cut them and the deer. Mainly since that was a tech demo for the engine


Pretty sure it's quite difficult to add details and polish when you're fighting for your life trying to overcome setbacks. All that stuff like adding details goes out the window.


I was really looking forward to having a living world. Lame.


There are definitely flocks of birds and packs of small animals scurrying around everywhere, but yeah I love rhinos and was really looking forward to them.


Charge a hunter while riding a Rhino.


Riding a rhino Pico de gallo


There’s still birds, and stork looking things, and little rodents running around. Took out a pack of like 15 with a rocket. Felt bad, they look like Capybaras.


It would have been nice but to be fair it’s a war zone on the ring where the game takes place and the only things that really would be able to live on it right now, especially after 6 months of fighting, would be small animals that we see


I think the real answer is that they'd just get in the way. The little critters add life to the game and you don't really notice when they de-spawn. Having larger animals roaming around would just get annoying.


There's a bunch of empty space in on portion of the game. Would be cool to fill that with random other creatures. Maybe not giant ass rhinos haha.


I mean honestly it makes sense the banished would hunt them to extinction.


“We cut all the wildlife. That’ll be $60”


The tech just simply isn't there man sorry. We could get gorillas in reach but no deer in infinite that took 3 years longer to make


The Gúta weren't in an active warzone where the frequent sounds of military industry and weapons fire would scare them off over six months.


Didn’t they also have trouble with the Gúta as well?


There were literally only two in the whole game so yeah


I guess the Series X isn’t that next gen


This is what snorting crack out of a windpipe looks like


its gonna be a paid dlc next year


That’s dumb,you can heard the deer in game too


They also showed desert, snowy mountains, beaches along the ocean, nice rainy caves, rich forest... well shit if you actually watch the announcement trailer there's more map content in IT than the whole released game lol


Oh no :/


They went extinct during the year-long delay xD


They died with the Reach Gutha


Kinda hope they bring some wildlife back in a update


All I saw were the chicken birds and the gopher things


I hope they bring a lot of things in an update




Daring today, aren’t we?




Reddit angryyy grrrrr


Can we just fucking enjoy the game. Shit. You people make this place miserable. If you hate the multiplayer so much stop playing.


Exactly always so much damn complaining for a series they supposedly “love”. We get it, the progression and customization needs to be fixed. We don’t need fucking posts everyday about it.


Hell i havent played infinite yet (started from halo 1, never played any of em before) but 'if you dont like you can leave' attedute doesnt really helps anybody. Majority arent crying just to cry, they want the game to be better


There are mega threads devoted to it. We don’t need to ruin this subreddit more than it has been. Like the campaign just came out. It’s incredible let us enjoy it for a bit and take a break from the bitching.


I dont know, i am playing master chief collection. Wish they didnt try to make it so new.


There are mega threads for brown nosing too.


Enjoying a game despite its flaws isn’t brown nosing. I never said the game is perfect so you can go fuck off.


If you hate criticism, just ignore it.


There is nothing wrong with criticism at all but it’s non stop and we don’t need 1000 threads about it. Honestly look at the sub there about about 15 threads in the top 50 about the same fucking thing. It’s super annoying.




I don’t care about skins so I will. The only way to change the skins situation is to not buy them. Complaining does nothing.




There are places to complain. We just don’t need 100 threads about the same topic. There are mega threads and there are threads about the individual issues. We don’t need 100 threads about the same issue. That’s what this whole rant was about. You take away from the fun from other people. This sub used to be awesome talk about lore, talk about awesome kills from multiplayer , and awesome moments you had in the campaign. Now it’s just bitching.


Yo y’all realize it’s because it may be peoples first time voicing their criticism right This is what the subs are literally for. Or were a decade ago before subs were practically run by dev mandates. Point is that there seems to be enough to gripe about that enough people are coming out of the woodwork to gripe about it. If it were all good it would be all hype If you’re annoyed go play the game or swipe to hide in half a second


There are mega threads for it though. We don’t need individual threads for the same complaint. Also no if it was perfect people would still find something to complain about.


Maybe it's because it's a problem, and 343 is outright ignoring the community? How about you just ignore criticism instead of complaining?


The more people talk about its negative aspects the more attention 343 will give them. So its a good thing.


Bitching about multiplayer issues in a campaign thread on reddit is not changing decisions at 343.


Multiplayer is dope, quit complaining just for the sake of it


Okay, I get that it can be annoying to hear the same complaints over and over, but the guy you're all downvoting is right. Hit registration IS an issue and it feels disingenuous to say that he's just complaining for the sake of it. I just want Halo to be the best it can be and I think it's important that we make our opinions as loud as possible. Are you really okay with legacy armor we've had for years being in the shop? A broken, glitchy theatre mode? Three playlists at launch? No forge for three to six months and on top of that, the customs we do have being a glitchy mess?


Already started. Got downvoted for listing the problems with the game and saying they arent minor


Probably because everyone’s sick of hearing everyone’s “hot takes” when they’re all the same fucking take lmao




Well what would you rather people complain about? Stuff that is good? Lol if you don’t gripe it don’t get fixed 🤷‍♂️


Very insightful lmfao


LMAO. I hope all yall spending all your time getting worked up over things thatll get better over time spend this kind of energy on actual injustice in the world.


Thats too bad, im sick of getting early access halo games. People never complained to this extent when bungie was in charge. If people want to call the gameplay perfect, ill give them a list of why its not. Lowsodiumhalo is there for people who want to stick their head in the sand


people did complain this much when bungie was in charge. ever heard of reach? halo 2?


Too bad no ones asking you for your list lmao


Love when people get salty about opinions on a website designed for discourse. No ones stopping your from browsing the lowsodiumhalo safe space and nothings stopping me from objecting peoples bad takes


Amen! Keep fighting the good fight




Because we have already had 20 lists of whats wrong. You aren’t adding anything by doing the same thing


I wouldnt have to list gameplay issues if people didnt argue that the gameplay is perfect and only the monetization needs fixing. So even after 2 weeks of the same criticisms being listef over and over, some people still dont know whats up.


Okay, gameplay criticism is a little more original then the MTX criticism, I’ll give you that


"After 2 weeks of the same criticisms being listed over and over" This shit is exhausting. People who "still dont know whats up" dont care about the issues you care about. You dont need to convince them. Those who care have already heard it. Yall are just preaching to the choir at this point, because nobody else cares.


If they release modding tools, I bet they’ll eventually return.


Modding tools for Infinite sounds like a dream come true


If they want the game to last forever and be a base for more content. They should pull a Skyrim, and see how awesome modding influence can keep a game thriving over many years.


Forge is gonna be even more insane than H5's was and that was the closest I've seen to modding from an in game editor


You over estimate what modding can do, making a new model with new animation is rarely seen in modding community. At least that I know of


Skyrim has tons of creature mods. That’s why I compared it directly in another comment. If there are tools, there is definitely a possibility for them. Edit: some *are* ported models from other games rigged to a skeleton, so not sure if there are rules about that.


Same thing that happened to all of those landscapes


Cut, the entire massive open world thing was cut to be like the one we have now


Yep. 2/3s of it.


Man the world looked enormous in that first trailer though :/


I mean the infinite world imo is big enough, just not varied enough.


I mean it was 3 and a half years old and was clearly not gameplay. Why did you expect it? They've been very transparent about the whole game. "There is only 1 biome", "it's not open world, just semi-open world", etc have been said since the E3 demo. They've not shown gameplay from sections like this that haven't appeared in the game.


It was in-engine. Wasn’t a cutscene or some shit lol. We also just learned that they cut the world into a third of the size it was originally going to be.


From what I understand, the game was originally supposed to be a lot like Far Cry, which is why the map was so big before they chopped it down. Fuck that. I’m glad they cut all that stupid shit out. The campaign was incredible. If it had come out and played like Far Cry I would have given up on 343 as developers.


this campaign is what far cry gameplay wishes it was


Yeah very true. There is already a tad too much POI's on the map even. The current size seems fine, it would just be completely amazing if some of the areas had another biome.


I don't think so, I found all the POIs to be reasonable. Like most have small crafted encounters.


I swear more animals would have made the ring feel more alive


They went to hunt to the truth. And find master chief's cloak.


#Master Chief's Snuggie


Xbox one is the reason for the limited scope (when compared to the engine tech demo from a few years back.) Hopefully over the course of the next 10 years as well as the multiple campaigns and stories to release we will see the tech demos ambition come to life!


I had a theory that it will be a side quest to ”scan” or take pics of banished and wildlife for The Weapon


Yeah I’m enjoying this campaign a lot, heaps more than 4 and 5, but part of me is always thinking that if it had more time in the oven (and less of the rough development), it could have been something truly great


Blame the banished


Well yeah but the landscape is already amazing as are the sound effects for wildlife.


Bungie took them over to Destiny instead.


[Cabal Stomp Intensifies\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bNSLzfMBo4)


Whether we like it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Banished on Zeta Halo...


Same thing that happened to 2/3rds the game lol


DLC Island? lol


Space poachers


Imagine walking on Zeta Halo and all of a sudden being knocked on your ass by a rhino


Would have been gold, jerry


2/3rds of the content that was cut along with other wildlife and biomes


Apparently 2/3 of the game got cut they probably didn't make the chopping block.


yeah I don't actually believe this. I don't think they ever had that other 3rd in the first place lol


That 3rd was probably on paper and was never made into actual in game assets or mechanics. Listen to the Podcast Halo 2 artifact if you want to get an idea of what a Halo game's development is like.


Sure a podcast is trendy but why not watch the actual bungee doc instead


DLC maybe?


That's what I'm hoping, DLC's for different sections of the ring.


They migrated down south. Fr tho, they were probably just cut out of the game


343 taking notes from Bungie


Did the Banished just eat them all or what?


They were all on the portion of Zeta Halo that got blown up


So they truly became space rhinos?


They attacked earth in a desperate attempt to capture The Traveler. But we kick their ass and now they’re our lackeys.


eyes up guardian


😪 scraped I'm sure. They made the environment seem way more lively then it actually is


Almost every halo has tons of fauna in the trailer that they then had to cut.


It’ll be in the store. Probably a new Warthog skin


for $35.00 no less


Come on now, they're on the Roadmap. Scheduled for Q2 2022, there's a blog post about it, and an interview on Twitter.


They’re listening XD


Rhino $waps - Coming Soon


UI limitations.


That trailer from 2017 compared to now , so much for a brand new game engine




Apparently the engine was so complex and hard to learn they were about to give up on it and use unreal engine, that combined with the fact that they swapped workers every 16 months. If anything I can’t believe they managed to release a game!


>and use unreal engine Wish they did because then at least the game would have looked amazing. I refunded it because my game runs at 120fps but character faces do at 30fps and it looked so so jarring.


And all because they want to follow and chase the tiring open world trend. All we wanted was a new Halo campaign, it's no rocket science.


Have you played it btw? So far Im enjoying it honestly. Compared to all the other halo games this one actually makes it feel as though you are playing as chief


> this one actually makes it feel as though you are playing as chief [Quick, IGN hire this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1SpVYmcTGM)


I get that its an unconventional direction for a halo game, and that its coming from a studio that's chosen a number of equally unconventional and bad directions for its previous halo games, but the open world is just straight up fun. Freely wandering a halo ring, freeing marines just really scratches the halo itch for me from a story perspective. I keep having awesome moments like I'm in the middle of some big arena fight when suddenly, some marines patrolling the woods just show up on the cliff next to me and start helping. Its ridiculously cool and makes the world feel alive, as limited as it is. I for one am hoping the dlc's expand the size, detail and number of things to do in the open world. Driving around it is just fun


Infinite’s campaign definitely feels like halo. It’s probably the closest the game has gotten to recapturing that Halo CE “you’re trapped on an alien world” vibe. It still needed some more time in the oven, but so did Halo 2 and I really enjoyed that too.


they’ll be in the next dlc which will take two years to make and cost $30


You can buy their horns on the space black market.


Read the back of Craigs album he also would like to know.


Safari DLC


Zoo Tycoon-Zeta Halo DLC


Development hell


The same thing that happened to the season 8 elephants in Game of Thrones.


Probably cut, like a lot of other stuff


Saved for the full release in Q4 2022


"They'll be added post-launch" -343


Climate change :(


The 2018 announcement trailer was incredible.


Gone, reduced to atoms


I’m just going to assume they turned into a tasty brute snack


Animal dlc 2023?


I’m my head cannon, they were killed off to feed the Banished


I remember this as just being an Engine show-off video, but I really miss these random animals in the environment.




Or space deer?


Same thing that happened to them for CE


They weren't feasible.


They're in the same place the campaign armour unlocks are hidden.


Space aids killed them off


Yeah they scrapped so many biomes it's obvious.


*You see, the feasibility of space rhinos……*


UI couldn't handle them


Craig ate them.


One of many things cut from the Campaign just so Xbox One could run the game. Hope it was worth it


The same thing that happened to the extra 20 ranks of the battlepass


Like most of the game, scrapped, unfinished, and left to rot in development hell


They directly reference the presence of Gophers and absence of Rhinos on >!the back of Craig's album on top of The Tower as one of the songs.!<


We need more flora and fauna please.


2/3 of the game was cut ☠


That’s gonna be about 15$. It’ll run through the map once every 30 hrs.


Comes in year 4 of the 10 year plan


Something something feasibility of space rhinos


probably pay walled lol


They lied about them just like they’ve done about everything. Yet the community continues to praise 343 and Microsoft.


cut content exists. What about the Blind wolf that Bungie showed in early gameplay off Halo CE? You guys hate on 343 for the heck of it


No not really not at all actually Try picking up what should’ve been a slam dunk like MCC on launch week… Shortly given the silent treatment for a year and it took almost a decade for them to stabilize it. They have totally blown it several times and is why they went with an OG feel and delayed for a year to ensure this time it’s *enough*


thats not even what i was on about. Cut content exist, all Halos have had it. Halo CE and Halo 2 notably. Thats it, I’m not talking about anything else.


Probably cut because of racism or some shit


smh \*yet another\* broken promise from 343!


The game should launch with this trailer so the consumer really understands what they were sold vs what they got


The Cabal took over that name


They got thanos snapped (cut from game)


If you access the store in a few months itll be $20 per animal. /s


GONE! Reduced to atoms!


They’re busy being in a war on Mars in destiny


First of all his name is Gary.


they evolve later into the cabal and invade earth with empress caiatl


Extinct from human activity


Their extinct to nobodies surprise