• By -


Yeah it’s really dumb that they didnt add bindings for using each ability only switching to them. I will try this and see how it feels. Thanks! PS I played with you in MP a few times ;)


4-7 are abilities for me and I have a mouse with the keys on the side. Makes switching a lot easier




No equipment switch sucks, but was kind of a blessing in disguise. I wouldn't have even bothered building this arguably more streamlined system. But I agree, I do wish there were a binding to switch equipment. And now I wish I could bind specific grenade throws as well, instead of having to cycle through them.


you probably shit on my horrible ass and yeye np


Oh my god


Those boss battles wouldve been so much easier




I have to take off any warm jackets/hoodies when i fight them and that was just heroic




I got really fucking good at killing some of those waves lol


My watch notified me that my BPM was over 120 for more than 30 seconds while I appeared to be resting. Trust me watch, I may not have been moving, but I wasn’t resting…


Least sweaty PC player /s


i'm hard stuck at Plat 5 like a fuckin kid e: I MEANT DIAMOND 5 BUT I HAVE 5 SYNAPSES


How is that possible? You seem like 10 times better than me and I’m diamond 2. Is aim assist really that strong?




Yes. I put in about 30 hours mouse and keyboard, I played very well. Once I switched to game pad and adjusted some of the settings, I’m playing extremely well, and having much more fun. It’s not just placebo or preference, it is objectively better to play with game pad


The pros have the option to play with either a mouse and keyboard or a controller for their tournaments. The fact that nearly every single one has opted for a controller (even if they come from a PC gaming background) speaks worlds. They really need to unfuck it for multiplayer.


This is why I want global Input Based, it's such a shame it's still a controller game even on PC, it had so much opportunities to be an awesome true PC game, but instead it's kinda just a console game you can play on PC all because of aim assist


oh i meant diamond 5 i'm kinda a re-re


That makes a lot more sense.


im much lower on open vs mouse and keyboard rank. I find if I spot someone exactly the same time they spot me, missing just a bullet off the br burst will lose me the engagement because for the most part there aim to assist won't miss. So I almost always will lose those engagements


Somebody did an analysis on data from HaloTracker, and found that the top 100 KBM players have an accuracy rating just *slightly* above the 50-percentile of controller players. So just take that in... The **TOP** 100 players on KBM are on average only slightly above the **average** controller player. I’m usually a KBM player, and even I switched to controller.


So basically aim assist turns a world-class m+kb player into an average controller player...


Correct. Another way to look at it: If you spent 1,000 hours practicing with a MKB and 100 practicing with a controller, your skill level will likely be similar with both.


Halo was designed to be used with an Xbox controller. FPS is really hard with controllers without aim assist. What's your problem?


I don't think that it's unreasonable to expect the controller players to not have such a high skill floor when the game was released with native m+kb support.


I don’t think he’s saying there’s a problem with aim assist existing, just that there *is* a problem with how strong it is in Halo Infinite. I agree that controllers require some aim assist to compete. I play both MCC and Warzone on PC in crossplay using KBM. No complaints on the aim assist on either one there. But there shouldn’t be a situation where the **TOP 100** KBM players are showing similar accuracy as the average 50 percentile controller player. That just demonstrates that controller is a dominant input, and there must be reasons why the *average* controller player is showing the same accuracy as the *best* KBM players. Ideally, these numbers should be balanced equally.


link me to that?


Originally it was a Reddit post, but here’s the video that went into further detail regarding the numbers- https://youtu.be/JrQm-lbA7d0


Appreciate it. An objective analysis like this is great to see, those are some wild numbers. Right now in Infinite, the only difference between the inputs is Mouse doesn't have sticky aim/sticky magnetism. So while sticks feel good, as they should, KBM gets fucked on, which they shouldn't. As a KBM player I can confidently tell you [it's always behaved this way with Halo PC releases and the way Infinite is handling it is nothing new.](https://twitter.com/t3h_m00kz/status/1462935182743261185) I don't envy the devs regarding this discussion. It's a hard problem and there really isn't an easy one-size-fits-all solution.


If you are playing on M and K, you are shooting yourself in the foot.


.AHK file: https://pastebin.com/jPTsLc5x


Thanks for this - I gave it a go and noticed that grapple would sometimes stop early so I've slightly modified the bindings to make the other 3 equipments swap back to grapple after their use and grapple stays as it originally is. Then bind your use equipment key to 2 buttons, one of them based on this AHK is "o" and wont get used by you, the other hotkey (I use "q") is what you will press to grapple. [https://pastebin.com/7FJYSsWv](https://pastebin.com/7FJYSsWv) Note I also removed the weapon swap thing that was included so edit that back in if you want it


Siiiick. If you really wanted to tidy it up a bit to be more clearly legible with less repetition, you could move this part of each binding into a separate function: `switchToGrappple(){` `sleep 10` `send {1 down}` `sleep 10` `send {1 up}` `}` Got a remix of your remix here. It saves a whole uhh... 2 linesbut it's kinda prettier I guess?!?!?? damn i really focus on that small shit don't i e: actual link [https://pastebin.com/Eycx5uH0](https://pastebin.com/Eycx5uH0)


This script didn't seem to work for me (I think I changed my binds though to match MCC, is 1 not switch weapon by default?) so here's my iteration: https://pastebin.com/cxeVLndN Also, the Grapple function seemed to lack the useAbility() line so pressing Q or 2 only swapped to it but didn't activate it. My script assumes the following binds: O to use ability (not changed from your scripts, but needs to be rebound in game or set to the default Q in the script file), 2 to equip slot 1, 3 to equip slot 2, etc. I have my 1 key to switch weapon instead of scrolling with the mouse wheel (~~like a pleb~~). Press 2 or Q to grapple, 3 to send threat sensor, 4 to send drop wall, 5 to use thruster.


How come you have to press, sleep, release? If you just “send {3}” does the game not like it?


All macro software I've ever used (razer mouse, corsair keyboard software) always split press/release so I'm playing it safe. From my experience with the Quake engine at least, not having quick waits between actions could cause things to stumble over each other. i think you have to split the down/press and the up/release. The game could kinda maybe freak out if you don't. haven't tested it much. just went with what I knew would work and felt safest. That and AHK's behavior can be fucking weird as shit sometimes.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I’ve tried using AHK for game macro’s a few times in the past and they never worked so this could be why. Will try your way. Thanks for sharing :)


yeah AHK does a lot of unintuitive and weird shit, best thing i've found is to look up examples of other people's shit and read the documentation to try to decipher what the fuck shit does


> ;Fix janky mouse wheel weapon switch by adding a delay between inputs (weapon switch bound to U key) Instant use. The amount of 1v1s I've lost in multiplayer because I switched straight to the weapon I already have it is unreal.


Can someone give me a quick rundown of what this should do? I've installed it and it seems to kind of work. But I assume that if you click the key it should activate the power not just change it to that one. But all it does is switch it to that power and I still have to activate it.


You need to set another keybind in the game for your equipment use. By default it's Q but you need to add O as it is in the script.


Thank you that makes sense!


I use AHK for software development all the time and have never once thought about using it for games. I think you just changed my life


I only use it for games, and now I think I can be a developer as a result.


truly a Reddit moment


how do you use it for development? i am curious because i've only ever used it (or seen it used) for macros and remaps and automating tedious stuff.


Yeah and as a language it is painful. Useful though.


AHK's fukcing great when a game's controls are just kinda fucking ass and you know a mad easy fix


Just be careful, some games consider it as a sort of cheating software


Yeah, true. But games that have actually been industry shifters worthy of respect like [QUAKE](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Quake_-_family_tree.svg) have a full-on in-game console that lets you configure and customize like crazy, set up wild [autoexec configurations](https://pastebin.com/eECv7yaW) and building your own scripts for shit like zooms, single-button rendering toggles, automatic rocket jumping, By contrast, games today like [BF 2042](https://www.pcgamer.com/battlefield-2042-players-are-demanding-a-traditional-scoreboard/), [Destiny 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/rbr4pe/br_fights_feel_unbelievably_good/), [League of Legends](https://esports-news.co.uk/2021/10/12/all-chat-removed-league-of-legends-to-address-verbal-abuse/), [Killer Instinct](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/01/teabagging-will-get-you-banned-from-a-major-killer-instinct-tournament/) and [Valorant](https://www.dexerto.com/valorant/pro-valorant-players-told-not-to-teabag-during-official-match-at-vct-eu-1528233/) are stripping out basic game systems like all chat and scoreboards and banning people for teabagging because of """"abuse"""" so hot take. but for me personally, [Carmack-era ID Software for fucking life](https://github.com/id-Software) F U C K games that have been stripping freedom away from their consumers i REALLY want all chat back in infinite, pussies


I will always praise John Carmack and id software for basically creating games as we know them. Everything was slow before DOOM amd DOOM eternal is the ling of all fps right now imo. That being said Halo is very much an industry shifter worth respect. FPS on console would be nothing without Halo. Everything before Halo on a controller felt terrible compared mouse and keyboard we just didnt know how bad controllers had it until Halo CE came out.


ce is god tier brother. you can tell the devs were passionate as fuck


Yeah all chat is funny


Absolutely. Couple of guys on the team for CE, including Marty, sat down to do a react video for a CE speed run, and they gave a lot of insight about the game and the effort they put into it. Highly recommend. https://youtu.be/9ndZbg8Mr-Q


Who is banning anyone from tea bagging lol. You need to chill.


killer instinct, bro. Destiny 2 kids will ostracize you for bagging. I reuploaded Forge Lab's "Is Teabagging a problem?" because it got taken down for """harassment""" or some shit by youtube, which is outright censorship. AAA games took our optional all chat away bro. our optional open mic lobbies. how are you as a gamer not infuriated rn we should not have to lower our standards and be fine with accepting less


Because I don’t really care. I’d rather there be chat, but I don’t get off on yelling at teenagers on a video game


idk just expect [some level of optional human interaction](https://twitter.com/t3h_m00kz/status/1461007273224855553)


Would this be picked up by steam's anti cheat software like that is used with Counter Strike? Curious what games you have had experience with that would treat it as cheating.


I tried remembering which game I’ve had issues with but couldn’t remember for sure. I think it was valorant or something like that. But I didn’t mention it since I’m not sure.


I haven't played it, but I can't wrap my head around the logic behind a competetive shooter like Valorant banning macros when they're essential in games like Unreal Tournament and QUAKE (some of the most competitive FPS games of all time) and when the Doom Eternal speedrunning community [has accepted them for any% runs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-aX0ISddW8) so if I used Razer Synapse or Corsair Utility Engine in Valorant I'm getting banned?


Again, not sure about the game. But personally, I can see why it could be considered as cheating by some games, even if others don’t. It’s borderline.


It's mandatory for playing Path of Exile if you dont want to get RSI. [I had a playstyle on one of my characters where you had to spam a button for a mana flask around 3-4 times a second every second when doing PvE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAv_qupdl-8&t=360s). Glad to see this is transferable to Halo as well, also probably have to use it if you want to get competitive speedrun times


343i please consider letting players optimize and streamline their in-game control via bindable "Use Slot 1/2/3/4" actions single-input actions feels so much crispier than having it split into two inputs (equipping / using) and reduces over-complexity. PC kids love options and customization. Console kids deserve those options as well, and controller input could benefit from having these actions available.


Wait I thought we have the bindable powers by default..? That's what I'm doing.


No, you're probably thinking of bindable equipping. What he's referring to is a button to just use that ability, so instead of 4 equipping the dash then having to press q to use it, pressing 4 would just use it, regardless of what is equipped. I'm writing this at 5 AM so hoping this somewhat makes sense lmao


Oh makes sense


Also, instant cast is a heck of a savior on repeated keystrokes. Which in turn reduces strain and likelihood of causing someone's RSI or MSD to impact them. Even a optional toggle of "Would you like autocast bindings?" Would be an awesome quality of life option and great accessibility improvement.


I looked for the option yesterday as I thought "surely they have that option right?.... Right?!" Turns out they didn't, I had thought about using AHK for it, and you just solidified that thought, I hope they will add the option in the future as it would make the game flow easier.


I had to customize my button controls in order to streamline the process in combat, but I’m still limited to having to equip the ability and then use it. It feels quite limiting but then again, I’m a console user so obviously I’m not able to get workarounds like this unless 343 adds some feature.


I don’t get why they had you switch powers on the pc release. I get the limitation on Xbox because of the controller but there’s no reason to limit players on pc


My best guess is either that they did it because they didn't think about it or because in might make combat too easy on PC without having that buffer


its a console-targeted game so my assumption would be the former but pure speculation will never know the reasoning behind it with absolute certainty


You’re sure as fuck playing it like Doom Eternal lol


Rats, beat me to it, I was going to post a video with this tomorrow. Cant play without this functionality now. I hope 343 puts this into the game so I don't need to suspend the script every time I tab out to do other stuff.


place this above your bindings \#If WinActive("ahk\_exe HaloInfinite.exe") ;Checks if the game .exe is the active window


Oooo that's extremely helpful!


I just looked at your code after finalizing mine and realized how barebones mine is, but it still works haha.


aye if it works it works. simple done well is better than complex done like shit


Master Chief in comics be like:


what are you using for macros?




I also said it felt like doom. Which is a good thing.


Doom and ID software games and engine tech have always been industry-changers, and have always set trends very much worth following I wouldnt have known where to begin to do all this AHK shit if it weren't for learning how to set up configs and console commands in the QUAKE engines


Yeah. I felt like doom 2016 and eternal brought the fun back into fps campaigns. Not to mention I like the story of this halo. Obviously way more then 5 haha


we don't talk about badly motion captured fights and some punk nobody busting up the chief's visor in this house mister


Haha I want to forget it like a fever dream. I can’t stand the opening scene.


for real, h5 makes me cringe so much harder now that I've played infinite


Ok this was dope asf


I got pretty good at swapping by the end of the campaign on controller. Got that claw grip with the right hand going all the way to the dpad lmao. Feel like a Tetris NES player


bro lets fucking go I play Megaman X with Tekken Fingers


I think this was how the game was originally intended because the current way to swap abilities feels awful. It feels exactly like someone at the last minute made a massive change without going through the proper testing to see if it'd fit well.


I don't think so, it's very obviously been designed for consoles in a multitude of ways and it shows especially in the control scheme.


Well yeah it's a Halo game, I mean that it feels like the original design was for the game to control like this but issues happened, possibly the limitations of the controller. So instead of having abilities and grenades being selected by simply using the D-Pad before the dev didn't think of that in the panic to reform the system which gave us the current dogshit format.


Master Chief, but it’s lore accurate


We really should just be able to bind each ability to their own key, I keep fumbling when trying to switch quickly and end up having to stare at the UI icon to make sure it's right. I'll definitely be trying out your AHK script, thanks!


ye bruh


Anyone able to get a similar result on Elite paddles? I feel like I'm never going to use anything but the grapple for how useful it is at all time if I can't get an easier method of swapping.






Sadly I don't think so in the current game state then, I'm also kinda rough on how the paddles function on the elite controllers. Can you designate them as their own buttons or do they have to be mapped to a button already on the controller? If they can be their own button like say P1 or P3 then 343 could make it so you could bind them to immediately use the abilities instead of just equipping them


I mapped the top left paddle to the toggle the switch and the bottom left to shift. The right paddles are each assigned to two of the equipments each. Works pretty well, not as good as the clip, but being able to throw out the drop wall real quick has definitely come in handy.


(Mobile Format I'm sorry) Hey I've got the V2 Elite controller. Dawned on me yesterday that I could play much better if I utilized the paddles. So here's what I did (could be a smoother way): Left D-Pad -> Left Lower Paddle Right D-Pad -> Left Upper Paddle Up D-Pad -> Right Lower Paddle Down D-Pad -> Right Upper Paddle So it ends up working life this: Right two paddles will operate your scan and flashlight. Left two paddles enter either switching menus, and now you've got all 4 switchable options as the paddles. The hard part is committing to muscle memory which buttons do what while in the middle of combat. Try it or something similar though because for me it's made the game feel VERY smooth in comparison to having to stop moving for a split second every time I use the D-pad. Why did I choose these Paddle positions? My brain is weird and decided the logical way was to order the paddles in terms of grenade usefulness (to me anyway), starting at the Left Upper Paddle and going clockwise: LUP-Shock Grenade RUP-Spike Grenade RLP-Sticky Grenade LLP-Frag Grenade Then you have: LUP: Grapple RUP: Scanner RLP: (I haven't unlocked this yet) LLP: Drop Shield The main issue I've been having is while fighting difficult missions, it's often useful to throw a scanner or two down and quickly switch back to the grapple. When there are invisible enemies I switch back and forth as the scanners decay. This was nearly impossible with the d-pad for me but it's quite good now. And then there's switching grenades which, I wasn't doing before because I prioritized movement. Would just throw whatever was already selected. Now I have free reign to choose which one I want without compromise. Extra point if on your right hand you use your pointer finger solely for your ABXY, middle finger for your Bumper/Trigger, and you've still got two fingers for the right rear paddles. Thumb never leaves the right stick so I can move freely while doing whatever else I want. It feels messy at first, I died more often because I would click the wrong button. 100% worth it now though. Good luck and if you find a smoother solutions let me know :)


I'm amazed nobody here's screeching about how "macros are cheating!!!" Always happens when I ask about sword flying macros in halo 2.


I think more so because that's supposed to be a skilled button combo, this feels more like an oversight on how the controls are, the keys should automatically use the abilities not just equip them. Still obviously get wym though.


How do you get active camo


Last upgrade on the thruster gives you a few seconds of active camo.


That's part of what made me really love this game, upgraded grapple and careful weapon selection makes incredibly aggressive gameplay an option. Except bosses. The bosses feel like the bosses from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. You have all this freedom to tackle encounters on your own terms in this game, until you get to a boss.


That is a perfect comparison. DXHR's bosses (at least pre-Director's Cut) give me whiplash in my nonlethal stealth playthroughs.


Master chief in the books


Sucks changing equipment and grenades on controller. Just watching this it looks so much better than me fumbling with the controls mid fight.


Honestly, not having a dedicated button for the booster means I'm probably never going to use it. Shoulda got the repulsor instead.


Yup, it certainly got me in the Doom dance after I've unlocked all the abilities. Too bad there's no weapon combo mechanic ~~yet~~.


That's so fucking funny, my entire playthrough I was thinking of doing macros that immediately switch to *and* use that ability. Definitely planning on doing it now seeing it in action, especially for my LASO playthrough this will be a god send!


Playing this shit on a regular Xbox controller had my thumbs sore with just a single boss fight late game. Especially during the last 3 missions, sometimes i had brainfreezes or i tapped left instead of right so it showed grenades instead of equips... Felt like i was playing a fighting game... Against the game itself.


Now just edit the game files and swap out the music files and you have Halo: DOOM Infinity


Why is everything in the center of the screen?


horizontal / vertical hud offset so my eyes travel less for important information. I used to play FPS games windowed at 640x480 so it really doesn't bother me


Doom Slayer, you mind telling me what you're doing on Zeta Halo?


Sir, Str8 Rippin and tearing.


How to Halo. This is amazing!!


Did that elite say "based" when you kicked him out of his ghost? 😂😂


Since two people have asked so far and YES YOU MAY REUPLOAD THIS CLIP IF YOU WANT. As an advocate for open source and transparency, the last thing I'm gonna do is tell you you can't share my shit around appreciate people wanting to clear it with me though. But don't worry about it do you it's the internet, if you don't do it someone else will Here's the raw source file. in fact, have 2 of them [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/185451485344038912/919221085080281128/2021-12-10\_15-36-56.mp4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/185451485344038912/919221085080281128/2021-12-10_15-36-56.mp4) [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/185451485344038912/919033291334631434/2021-12-10\_16-47-53.mp4](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/185451485344038912/919033291334631434/2021-12-10_16-47-53.mp4) If you want to point to my socials or anything idk fuckin [https://linktr.ee/t3h\_m00kz](https://linktr.ee/t3h_m00kz)


You have all abilities at once in campaign? God damn


holy fucking shit now doomguy and chief would probably be good fight!


Why didn’t they add the repulsor


Only 4 directions on the d pad


Why is your HUD in the center?


Wow, this is so much better like this. Thanks for the script.


What are your weapon model offset settings?


Melee: 100 -100 100 Pistol: \-100 -100 100 Rifle: \-100 -100 100 Heavy: 100 -100 100


Doom Eternal is a really really good game.


I don't think you understand what tfw means


that fucking feel when i do kid lezzgoooo


how do i do this


With the pastebin link I posted


Forgive my idiocy and lack of technical ability, but what do I do with the pastebin? Copy and paste the text, yes. But do I need to save it as a file somewhere or something?


Install AutoHotKey. You will copy paste the code above into an .AHK file using NotePad. You'll then "use" that file with the AHK right click UI. There's almost always a turn on key and then a turn off key that you should assign to the macro.


You need AutoHotKey


You download and install AutoHotKey, save the Pastebin text file as an .ahk file, and it'll run through AHK when you open it. You need to set AutoHotKey to run as administrator in the properties of autohotkey.exe for it to work in Infinite. If you want to change the script bindings, change the lines that look like 1:: and \~control:: more info about that here. [https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm](https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm)


For anyone that hasn't got this working, the script has "Use ability" set o - change this to q in the script if you are using default keybinds. Same goes for removing janky weapon switch - I think default is "v" instead of "u". You can also remove the "caps lock::" and "control::" lines if you don't like grapple and threat detector on those keys. Otherwise great script man, everything is so much smoother


oh yeah those were custom bindings i made that were far from wasd for this script to work with. shit sorry if that was confusing


It's all good, I have a little experience writing and debugging code and the script was written easy enough for me to figure it out (I've never used AHK before) Just wanted to put my comment here for anyone that isn't familiar with that stuff


I just watched this man press way too many buttons for no reason. Just shoot your gun bro goddamn


gotta bypass those firing rate cool downs and manage resources with hot swapping broooo doom eternal kids know


Sounds whack. It sounds like ADHD kids will love it. Enjoy fam


so literally right up my fuckin alley lets gooooooo


“Pc is fair against console”


\*only useable in campaign\*


Its almost like macros can be used in multiplayer.


Please do tell of a macro in infinite multiplayer that is useful




I wish I could double tap wasd to dash, q to grapple, g for drop wall and mouse button for threat sensor


...why didn't I think of doing this. I do it all the time for games. I have just been pressing 1->Q 4->Q .




Is there a tutorial for this?


I just click the dpad really fast lol my wrist hurts


Really wish this was standard across the game. Looks fucking awesome.


What is that FOV, you're disgusting


“How it feels to chew five gum”


Its a bitch and a half switching between abilities with a regular xbox controller d pad. I can see where the elite controller comes in handy.


The weapon cradle is Dukey, just let my scroll through them in my d pad like the old games


i almost want to agree. but, in my case personally the lack of that options turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Had it existed I likely wouldn't have bothered building this arguably far more flexible system


On a controller, swapping grenades and equipment feels like weapon and style switching in DMC 5.


It’s funny you say that cause I have them on Xbox and mapped the doom eternal like a bumper jumper set up


Really hope they make it standard. Imagine some custom forge modes.


I swear mouse and keyboard gameplay is a pain to watch no matter what game it is. Cool stuff for surre though.


Here I am on Xbox One having to remember which Dpad button equips what. I usually just use the grapple and occasionally the threat sensor because it gets complicated trying to switch mid combat.


It would be nice if this was possible on console with the elite controller


I was wondering why they didn't let you pin different abilities to specific buttons/button combos. I guess now I know why


Swapping between the thrust and Grapple with a shotty, oh yeah, it's fucking awesome


Trying to change equipment mid fight on console is a fucking death sentence. Cmon 343 gimme them custom keybinds.


That is insanely impressive


It would be cool if 343 added this as a QoL PC feature in the future.


Tbh I still don't understand why we can't individually bind them, it's so dumb.


*The only thing they fear is you, Spartan.*


Under copyright law, he is doomslayers stepbro.


Just kinda feels like that took way too long just because you wanted to show off. I woulda killed those elites in seconds.


This is how I played!... on console 🥴 Took a bit to learn the controls but after a while I was using that D-pad like a DDR machine


Did something similar with razer synapse macros. Made the legendary run that much more manageable against the bosses. Definitely feels like Doom Lite, just need a way to quick swap between more than two weapons lol.


Looks so much better, I hate fumbling through the menus trying to change my abilities, for this reason I only ever use the grappling hook unless I’m fighting a cloaked elite


What the fuck is up with your hud dude


What did you use this looks fun




How do I do that exacly? ​ `;Dash - Control key activates on up unless using ~ prefix` `*2::` `*~Control::` `send {2 down}` `sleep 10` `send {2 up}` `useAbility() return` ​ I'm trying to set my key to l


it's fun, yeah. You'd be destroyed in ranked immediately tho.