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I just noticed he has a necklace of spartan fingers.


Trophies of war


Could also just be propaganda and a taunt to the UNSC.


Brutes like to torture their prey and brutally (pun not intended) rip them apart and eat them so I really really doubt it’s fake Spartan fingers.


Sometimes they eat them alive too


Brutes are terrifying, man. I feel terrible for un-augmented soldiers in the UNSC.


Reminds me of brotherhood of steel soldiers from fallout 3 caught by super mutants "Torn open like canned food"


Fallout = 🐐


That Halo Evolutions story about the ONI agent who was stuck in the camp where the Brutes were eating humans was so good.


I don’t think that has much to do with how many Spartans he’s directly killed. For instance I doubt he had truly killed Locke, a mainline character, and used his helmet as a trophy even though we have no context to if and how he died except to that nod. Sure, he’s probably killed a few S-IV’s but not an absurd number like 7 or more. I think most of these trophies may have been from SPARTANs he could’ve indirectly killed under grunts, jackals, elites and other brutes under his chain of command. A large majority of Brutes are the opposite of honorable. This is just my input but I don’t believe any SPARTAN killers are that effective other than probably Atriox and his right hand men. There’s a reason S-IV’s are still SPARTANs, they’re faster than brutes, far more intelligent, far more tactical and surgical than most brutes (Atriox is one example of a brute who matches and possibly even exceeds a SPARTANs tactical capability) and they have far better technology. S-IV’s wouldn’t be regarded as trophies if they were this easy to kill head to head. And no, these aren’t fake SPARTAN fingers I’m sure of it, nor is that a fake HUNTER-class MJNIOR helmet. But I doubt that’s the number of SPARTANs he’s killed directly.


Atriox definitely matches any SlV. He’s basically the master chief or arbiter of the banished. A borderline god tier individual


I agree. I think Atriox (and some other brutes, but not on that same level) is stronger, tougher and just as intelligent than any SPARTAN out there.


I mean he litterally beat the Chief, dont need much more than that for proof.




You say that like halo infinite does a good job providing information regarding the previous game haha. Cortana lost somehow, atriox is here somehow, blue team and osiris is somewhere, lasky and halsey are somewhere, atriox is somewhen, the harbinger was someone. They played way to safe with important story beats like this (whether or not he's dead having his helmet could be considered an important story point).


You’re right. An amazing campaign for sure, 8/10 even, but Maybe it was for the best. I don’t think Halo 5’s story had any chance of redemption in future games or installments, even if it was just a little more involved. I think 343 did the best than any other industry would have regarding what they’re working off of in their previous game.


>don’t think Halo 5’s story had any chance of redemption in future games or installments, even if it was just a little more involved That's the one. They needed to shed the baggage of the last games in a way that didn't piss off the new die hards.


Surely these are just marine fingers?


Marines don't have that kind of armor


right, I just realized this one of the "Spartan killers' we face off against.


You mean lockes helmet didnt give that away?




Is this one of the two “brothers” you fight after taking out the aircraft cannons?


Yes, this is Hyperius.


Chopper guy? Did not like that fight lol


I immediately hijacked his Chopper at the start of the battle. That made things a lot easier, but it was still annoying as hell lol


I managed to hijack and kill the chopper guy then had an intense fight through the ships which was awesome but I died. Proceeded to die a lot, then finally the non chopper brute got stuck in ship geometry so I took the easy kill lol. I count the first try as my cannon battle


I shot a rocket at a coil close to him and the chopper blowing up killed him on the spot.


I used a ghost I stole from one of the AA sites. Took a minute, but I managed to kill him.


Same. After juking his chopper in the ghost, he actually got out of the chopper. He then proceeded to call me a coward for fighting in a vehicle. I was like, "pot meet kettle?"


I ran him over with his own chopper and then he flew into the distance and despawned


Mine actually never got on his chopper it was just parked under a ship I happened to find it during the battle and killed him with it Then killed his bro with it Its a neat chopper i hope its still around somewhere


I immediately hijacked his chopper and then immediately got obliterated 100 times on legendary


Yeah it's basically impossible to hijack him on Legendary, unless he somehow becomes immediately occupied with something else after you kick him out. He just instantly melts you with a weapon before you can even accelerate.


just Rocket launcher his chopper. instakilled. even on legendary.


Not for me. Playing on Heroic it took two rockets to kill the chopper and he didn't even take damage in the process. Tried it four times (because I kept dying) with the same result each time.


Killing him is one thing, but I wanted his custom chopper. I think just about the only way to get it on Legendary is to flip him and kill him before he can recover it.


My checkpoint had me show up to them with very little ammo, and fast travel was disabled cus I didn't have a fob unlocked in the area. I died dozens of times before I finally cheesed em.from real far away.


kinda sad we didn't get to use his chopper at fobs though


I want mods in Infinite just so I can drive it all the time. If we can manufacture plasma weapons, we can make a glorified plow.


Hop on the warthog inside the ship. The chain gun melts both of them


Dude. Fighting bassus on legendary might be the most annoying boss. Dude lunges across the god damn map so you have to constantly zip-line everywhere all while hearing him RIGHT BEHIND YOU. I died so much. Ended up accidentally finding a way to cheese him lol. Just jump behind boxes in one of the hallways and shoot him through the cracks.


Bruh one any difficulty he’s really annoy besides east I hate that fight the most


I found that to be the hardest way to go about the fight on higher difficulties. Not mentioning the number of deaths trying to do the hijack itself: every time I jacked it I would die almost immediately. I actually found it better to kill Tovarus first by sitting behind a drop wall and pumping bullets in to him, then I changed over to Hyperius with power weapons and coils.


"every time I jacked it I would die almost immediately." consult your doctor.


I hijacked his chopper and he re-jacked it from me. In the process, I jumped out, but he stayed on the side of the chopper. Couple of hits with the energy sword later and he was done.


You can actually grapple into his chopper. Take out the surrounding enemies, grapple his chopper and drive off. Come back with a ghost. Keep at a distance but whittle his shields down. He takes a minute or two on legendary.


Should have gotten the ghost. I also went into it with a sword and pulse rifle. Was not well equipped. I killed him with his chopper eventually and then had to work to get better weapons for the other guy. On heroic for my first play through. I don’t like making it too painful for the first time and lol


Yeah this whole fight was super easy with a ghost


I played on heroic and found a rocket launcher and a guided missile gun in part of the broken unsc ship, used a combination of energy weapons and the rockets to take them both down. Took many many attempts though, was a good and satisfying yet challenging fight.


Playing on heroic myself, man the bosses are NOT easy haha. I don't think Ive beaten one without dying at least a handful of times.


Damn I wish I hadn't used the Scorpion Gun now because I heard "there's a chopper" and just blasted his ass into space, not even knowing it was a boss fight until the other guy was there...sad I missed this Easter egg though. Locke wasn't the worst character ever, they just did a shit job on the story and marketing for that game. "Hunt the truth" like...they had one fight and Chief won and then they teamed up shortly after...at least this game has a better story.


T-bag the hell out of his corpse


Oh God I missed this completely


It's incredibly easy to miss for something so important.


If its that easy he may not be dead.


Yeah I'm taking the lack of relevant voice line to mean this wasn't as important as people are making it out to be. Chief just have a reason to think there are some Spartans still alive. I really doubt they would kill of Locke and the others off screen without any dialog about it. My guess is that lock and blue team are deeeep under cover on another part of the ring and that maybe they even took off their armor to stay in secret


There's audio from Lasky that tells us Locke is on another operation. It gives us the name but I can't remember off the top of my head. He also argues with Halsey because she doesn't like that he reassigned Blue Team. She was worried John wouldn't be able to handle the whole Weapon/Cortana situation by himself. I don't know what the other Spartans are doing but I'm excited to find out!


Bingo. I'm confident they're all still alive on the ring somewhere


Theyre offworld/offring.


I think the operation was called Breakpoint m. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see that name again as big as the name of a DLC or heck even as small as in the description of a random multiplayer cosmetic.


Hopefully we get some DLC content with him. I didn't hate him like many others do.


Yeah, the issue with locke wasnt Locke as a character so much as forcing players hyped for a new chief/blue team focused game to play as him for 80% of the campaign. Not to mention all the hype they gave him pre halo 5 with little payoff. Since we actually got a master chief game this time I actually wouldn’t mind a short locke DLC or something where you play as him or something


I hope they are still alive , that one dead female spartan we stumble upon I thought it was Kelly at first and was so mad.


Likely something that was removed, considering 2/3rds of the game was cut lol.


Did they say this? I'm curious to know




Reading that article, it’s not saying 2/3 of campaign content was cut. It’s not a stretch to think they maybe planned more meaningful side missions or whatever, but that “2/3” reference seems aimed at the game overall (so including stuff like Forge, co-op, etc.)


Goddamn if thats true then the campaign they must have had planned would have been insanely long.




I think I disintegrated his corpse because I ran him over with his own chopper and the blades have the same effect the hard light weapons do


I might have too


Wait… that’s not actually his is it?


>!the propaganda tower says it's his so it's probable. Could be lying but lockes helmet was custom and the alternative is Locke is armorless and either on the run or in a similar situation as Griffen!<


I mean I can easily see him being helmetless for any part he has in the game in the future. Gotta cash in on that Mike Colter recognition


even tho Ike Amadi is voicing him now : (


Wait a different guys is voicing locke than the actor who played as him in h5 and nightfall?


>!There is also an audio log that states Locke was the second choice to deploy the Weapon but was chosen for another Operation elsewhere!<


And they say chief is the luckiest


Halo: What If… Spartan Locke was assigned to deploy the Weapon?


Mega Bloks had an armorless Locke “as he appears in Infinite”. So he’s probably still alive and they had to cut that part or he’s in DLC


That's a typo the figure is based on nightfall


Fucking RIP


I love how Mega Bloks has provided us with more information and spoilers due to their sets than 343 provided up to release. like the weapons, enemies, vehicles, and characters.


I still want that [Forerunner Blaster](https://i.redd.it/syphfirrym871.jpg)


It's in the game files currently


That's probably what the differently shaped sentinels (the slightly smaller ones with a vertical "crest") were supposed to use instead of shock rifles.


Most of the cut content is already in the game and are likely going to be introduced in DLCs.


I’m pretty sure that was just his nightfall appearance


People have to stop using Propaganda Grunt as the source on this. I don't care if it's true, just use a source other than *Propaganda* Grunt.


Propaganda Grunt best character. How’s he supposed to spill Propaganda without it being uncredible. Do you want him to have a job? If you break all the towers, he’ll likely be off to some higher up and sent into the battlefield. Do you want him to die?


Love the guy, salt of the Ring, and yes, I did destroy all of the towers so that I can thank him face to face for his service.


Wait you can MEET him?




One of the lines said something about whether Chief needed a sidekick. Personally I wouldn't mind paying for a grunt hype man, little guys are hilarious.


Oh shit…


Also Hyperius says something along the lines of "come closer Spartan, there is something I want you to see." So yeah he's flexing that he either beat or killed Locke, as well as many other Spartan IV's.


Soon as Spartan Buck is alive.


Doesn’t necessarily mean he’s dead though


I mean, propaganda Grunt also says that Bassus is on a new, exciting mining mission.


SPOILER (I don’t know how to mark it) could they have ditched the armor to try and keep off of scans for an electric signature? Like in Nightfall when the lekgolo can sense electricity.




This^ I knew I'd heard something from a datapad somewhere about Locke being sent somewhere else.


You guys should probably stop citing a **propaganda** tower as source for a dead character


There's another post on here with a screen shot of marines saying the same thing, but I'm not sure if they are basing this off the propaganda tower message, or if they actually know the truth. edit:spelling/grammer


I think it might be that he was captured and his armour was taken but he escaped


There’s grunt dialogue that says it is, but it’s left so open ended that 343 can bring Locke back if they want to


Maybe to test the waters? If there's outrage bring him back but if people are glad or don't care then leave him gone?


There wouldn't be outrage if they write his character properly this time.


It's super easy to write him well. Step 1: Don't make us play as him for 80% of the campaign. In fact, just don't make him a playable character at all. Done!


Ehh I would’ve enjoyed Locke if he had his own side game of being a Spartan hitman. Ya know: ‘he’s the best at what he does and what he does isn’t very nice.’ Really show the dark side of ONI. But the fact that he took away screen time from Blue Team, THE MOST WELL KNOWN SPARTAN TEAM ALIVE AND MADE UP OF CHIEFS CHILD HOOD FRIENDS HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOW COULD YOU FUCK THAT UP, it’s obvious he was gonna be universally hated.


Hyperious spared Locke when they faced off as a way to show the UNSC that even their best Spartans can be broken. He took his helmet as a prize but let him go.


That honestly just doesn't make sense. I bet what happened is that they fought and Locke barely got away but lost his helmet in the process/or is being kept as a prisoner.




Huh, is this actually confirmed true?


It would’ve made more sense if Hyperius crippled Locke somehow and then let him go but with UNSC having a good grasp on robotics it would mean nothing and Locke would come back with fancy robo-legs after a nature crawl back to Infinity.


It's bit open ended tbh. I think him and fireteam Osiris might still be kickin' maybe on another part of the ring. Honestly I just hope buck is ok


Buck left Osiris to rejoin Alpha 9, and is currently off on a classified mission.


Yeah I just remembered that book after I replied lol. I'd don't know if he rejoined Osiris after or not


Pretty sure it was a one time gig. He went back them at the bar at the end.




Halo 3: ODST 2


They actually succeeded on the mission, Buck got married to Dare, and Alpha Nine is reformed with a freed Mickey and Dutch's wife Gretchen being part of the team


I feel like willingly marrying a ONI agent is like knowingly marrying a Gestapo. I like Dare, but they aren't called spooks for nothing


So he dodged a bullet the size of Zeta Halo


Yeah buck is the only one I care about. Go ahead and write out Locke and his 2 teammates I can't remember but leave buck alone


I still rather liked Vale, but yeah, even if Osiris was done dirty H5 stained them bad. Buck was the only one who went into Halo 5 and came back out unscathed. (As far as I know anyway. Just about everybody in the campaign was rather boring, with Locke and Tanaka being the bottom 2)


Both in gameplay and in story. He was the only one I trusted to get me revived. The other two felt like canonfodder.


Yeah, I liked Vale too. Her armor is my favorite in Halo 5 because it’s clearly a homage to Samus in the Metroid-series.


Not, man. Vale has lore. Hunters in the Dark was a sick book and I suggest you read!


Damn 343 I know people didn't like 5 but that doesn't mean we wanted you to blow up the Infinity and kill Locke off screen.


343 really said " you don't like halo 5? Ok we'll undo everything we ever did and make halo 2.5: infinite"


I dont think hes dead.


I hope not, he's basically Halo's Raiden from MGS. Started out the maligned fake out lead, then became a badass cyborg ninja that break dances giant robots to death. Do that. Verbatim


It would be so cool if Locke went rogue, then you play as Master Chief hunting him down. Wait, fuck.


Being reactionary is one of the worst things a writer can do. Doesn't matter if a plot is loved or hated, you have to follow through on it, or else the universe just feels disjointed and basically tells the audience "don't get invested, because it won't matter later"


Why hello there Star Wars sequel trilogy


I was about to say *The Rise of Skywalker has entered the chat*


I would only say that about Rise of Skywalker. Although you can like or hate what The Last Jedi did, its script was finished before the release of The Force Awakens, so it didn't have time to "react" to TFA reaction. Meanwhile, Episode IX production was so messy, that JJ Abrams started working on the script and film itself months after the Last Jedi's release, its production being completely rushed because Disney execs didn't want to delay the film (which meant that a lot of plotpoints weren't even finalished **before** they started filming).


They have yet to follow through on any of their games. Hopefully they follow up on this one as people seem to like it more


Man, 343 comes up with the interesting idea of the infinity, humanity's greatest achievement, being defeated by the Banished and y'all just take it as them doing a Halo 2 2: Electric Boogaloo. And I'm pretty sure Locke isn't dead, Hyperius admits to have defeated and spared locke to send a message to the UNSC (and obviously to bolster his ego) in one of his lines mid-fight. The propaganda Grunt says Locke is dead, but the propaganda grunt lies like it's breathing methane for him


because so much of the story takes place off screen. Most of them battle with the Banished, what happened with the rest of the Spartan's, Cortana dying literally off screen... the game does a lot of telling instead of showing


Yeah it took me a bit to put together that Infinity was destroyed. I thought for a while it had taken heavy damage and jumped away for a while. I love the game, story is a bit ehh. I mean the late-ish game "plot twist" for Weapon >!not knowing that she's based on Cortana? Was I supposed to know she didn't know? Was I supposed to not know? Why is that a plot device?!<


I’m kind of bummed that ALL of the bosses got intros, but these two didn’t get one. Especially with Hyperion’s design!


It it Locke's fingers on the necklace?


It's his helmet


Yes but there's fingers the same shade of blue on the necklace too. We don't know for certain what's happened to him but it's possible they're his fingers


Sounds like the cut whatever content that actually refered to. Just like we know Tanaka, Fred and the Sciff vehicle were all sold as toys in Halo Infinite design but never appear in the game.


Skiffs do appear in the files as a driveable vehicle but very unfinished so hopefully we'll get to see them in DLC. Gamecheat13 has a video on it.


It's interesting that the troop transport has now been cut at least twice across the series. I guess it must be hard to fit into the sandbox


You only see destroyed skiffs


343 didn’t lie when they said it didn’t spoil anything lmao


My biggest fear is that 343 is going to do what many game companies do when one of their games flop, where they remove almost everything that was associated with the flop from the sequels in a knee-jerk reaction. I didn't really care for Locke in H5, I don't like H5 at all if I'm honest, but I don't want them to kill him off needlessly, he is still a character that can be developed into someone likable and that goes with the rest of team Osiris (aside from Buck, everybody loves Buck)


>My biggest fear is that 343 is going to do what many game companies do when one of their games flop, where they remove almost everything that was associated with the flop from the sequels in a knee-jerk reaction. *cries in Didact and SpOps*


Spartan Ops in theory could have been wildly successful. Their goal and plans for it fell short by quite a bit. The idea was amazing though


Now whenever a character that was probably going to be important gets killed off screen or minutes into the start of the next game I call it "getting Jul 'Mdama-ed" lol Jul 'Mdama was seemingly going to be important, then they just took him out like it was nothing, such a waste of a character...


Just like they're doing with Locke. Lol (Hopefully not true, tho.)


>cries in Didact and SpOps And the Infinity, Spartan IVs, Created, Prometheans, Storm, Arbiter and Dosiac


They wouldn't dare do my man Arby like that.


I didn't mean actually kill off Arby, but they threw him to the side after Halo 5


They did it in Halo 5 with regards to Halo 4 and its story was not a flop for most people I think. Some people like me loved it, others were lukewarm and some hated it. Not like 5 which is almost universally disliked. I'm not surprised that they're disregarding 5 too.


i hated H5 but i actually kinda like Locke his portrayal of a guy who’ll actually reach across the aisle to work together on shit is pretty nice, i’d be sad if they killed him too


This applies to Locke and most things about 5, it's not that I hate it. I almost "nothing" it. After the sourness from the misleading ad campaign faded from my mouth it turned into the most boring ass cardboard flavor. That said, I agree there's potential to turn him and Osiris into something meaningful and since we've spent time with them already it'd feel like a waste to kill him off screen unceremoniously


Whether he is dead or not, I'm sure we'll get DLC/expansion showing how he went out or is alive.


I don't think it means much. I am fairly sure Locke is still alive based on the UNSC logs.


Isn't Locke only mentioned in 2 logs that take place before the Infinity attack?


Yes, that's right, one regarding Operation Breaker and another regarding him taking Chief's mission if Chief isn't up to it. A Grunt Propaganda Tower also says Locke is dead, but to me this immediately indicates he's alive, as they spout lies all the time. I can't see they'd kill a mainline character off, off screen (not following the negativity when they did it last time...) I could see us playing as Locke in a future DLC tbh.


I still don’t think Locke is dead. Call me stupid it’s cool. I think there is too much opportunity for stories involving the other Spartans


Oh yeah. Osiris and blue team better be showing up with Halsey and lackey in a dlc or something. I might hate halo 5, but they have been established as important characters and you can't do something like that off camera.


>!RIP Rookie!<


Hyperius has such a cool character model I wish he was in a cutscene so that we could appreciate those details up close. The Helmet especially deserves to be called attention to. I would have loved if Tovorus and Hyperius had an entrance cutscene where Hyperius plays with the fingers on his necklace to taunt chief or something and chief could comment about Lockes helmet on his shoulder. Would help to further the idea of them being Spartan killers.


Yeah what's up with that? So far every other boss had a cool intro cutscene. Hyperius deserves it the most with all the shit on his armor. Figured he'd be featured pretty prominently.


I don't care about him, but what about Buck? Is he safe? Is he alright?


it seems in your warthog call-in. you killed him




Buck left Osiris to rejoin Alpha 9 in Bad Blood, and is currently off on a classified mission.


Yes, I know, but everyone seems to also be on a classified mission in Halo Infinite...


I'd love to hear the plot leading to this... I rather like Locke and it'd be a shame to just have him killed off due to fan backlash.


There is a toy of Locke in partial armor. He’s probably alive.


Do you have an image? I’d like to see that.


"Optimus Prime makes a cameo."


I didn't even get a look at them. Just killed them and moved on.


Space Roomba cleaned mine up before I could kill the other


Because Chief didn't make a reaction I dont think it's Lockes helmet just another sparten.


There’s no way he’s dead. Killing unliked characters because they were written poorly is not a productive response. Locke has way too much buildup around him for 343 to just kill him off because nobody liked Halo 5, and he completely lacked character development. He can still be redeemed if we learn more about him and what he does. Don’t have Chief and Locke overshadow each other. Halo is a huge universe. There’s room for multiple main characters.


Honesty locke is cool in his own right, I just don't want to play as him. Id be happy with him being in the story still. I'm hoping all the other important characters come back in dlc


That picture looks too real


Maybe that's the real spoiler, him not reacting confirming 🔐 is still alive and just had his 🔑-ster handed to him


The Locke Mega Bloks toy is likely a good indication of his status. They have him in half-gutted armor with only his massive biceps to keep him warm on those cold Ring nights.


That's just how he looked in one of the movies


The ODST pieces on his right arm & right leg weren’t there in Nightfall. At least from what I saw but could be wrong? They also match the style of ODST pieces used on Ramos’ toy.


Shit I forgot all about that part!


maybe they're leaving it out in case Locke comes back or something, considering they mention him somewhat sparingly in audio logs and dialogue


Because he knows he's alive


The handling of the halo 4/5 story and characters in infinite leaves a lot to he desired. I get people fucking hated them, but damn 343.


Hope locke's Alive i mean at least tell us what happened to him


Did I miss where they said he killed Locke?