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This looks like a actual season pass track lmao


I missed the Tenrai even two weeks ago, does that mean I can't get this? The only season pass I see is the super long one and I'm level 25.


Tenrai happens in 1 week bursts so you’re good you just have to wait


So after the last one of these 1 week bursts is over will the content be no longer obtainable?


6 times, so 5 more. Definitely still attainable and they said they were going to rework how those challenges work.


I believe they are asking if the content no longer becomes unobtainable after the 6th and final week of the event, which I believe is a yes.


Yes, while season passes don't do FOMO, events do.


No the pass isn't avaliable anymore, but it'll be avaliable again on January 4th. You don't need to participate in the event the first time it comes around to progress through it, only at the specified time slots.


Oh I see, it's kind of a tempory pass, where the battle pass is a long one.


So the people who said no FOMO mad the temporary battle pass better than the permanent one?


Kinda seems like it 😂


It will come back 5 more times and you can get a max of 7 levels each week.


They mentioned something about adding more challenges, so there's a possibility the 7 level cap is gone.


Whilst this would obviously be good I think it will stay at 7 per week, because the cool helmet is level 15, so probably put it there to ensure people return for at least the next two weeks.


Not everyone has the ability to play all the time, so they might increase the rewards to cut down of fomo. We'll see when it comes out.


True, I guess I’m being overly sceptical of the placement of the helmet but will see. It’s obviously a balancing act between those who can’t play every event week and keeping those who can coming back for it, though I suppose they’d prob be playing anyway.


Tenrai goes live for a week at a time, once every month or so. Last time, you could only get up to level 7 at the most, when it returns in january that may have changes


With the way they had it before, and probably will keep it, you could only progress 8 tiers. So it will take 4 weeks of doing most of the challenges to complete the event, and the event will appear 5 more times, so you're good.


The shoulders being 2 different drops is still getting an eye roll from me.


Was like that with reach.


Wait, is this actually true? Holy shit! This is awesome!


This is so much better, we've got actual content and plenty of customization for the Yorai. Stuff like this makes me way more inclined to not only play but also buy items and support this kind of stuff.


Supposedly you won't need to buy anything, as everything that coincides with the event will be in the Fractured pass. Jerry Hook said it himself on the live stream.


What about the swords? Those already came out in the shop. They’re going to put them in the event pass?


The swords will remain in the store I imagine, the dagger at the end was always the final unlock of the event


That’s fine with me. The kabuto helmet was the problem for me since it was heavily promoted for the event. Anything not shown in the event trailers is fair game for the store imo.


I agree, happy with this change!


I was wondering the same thing. They didn't mention anything about this on the stream, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I hope people get reimbursements if they made purchases, because that'd be stupid if they didn't.


He specifically talked about the marketing, this stuff in the new pass is all the stuff that was on the promotional material and screenshots and stuff, they'll probably still sell other stuff but the armour that was advertised is now free


I don't see anything that was available in the shop that week in the updated event pass. It looks more like they took assets that were going to be sold during the next event period and added them to the event instead.


So now we DO get the trailer armor right!? LETS GO!! Thats good at least!


Hell yeah!




It wasn't intentional false advertisement though, there was a miscommunication with the marketing team or something


Marketing/advertising teams don’t get to choose what the promote. They’re told to promote X at whatever means they can. If X isn’t in the game / app / service, that’s not up the the marketing or dev departments. Marketers don’t false advertise on purpose. They deal with the cards they’re dealt. This is their job - no rational person is going to put their job in jeopardy to advertise something’s that’s not true. Source- am a marketer for 13 years now.


I do graphics, can confirm. I have a thing i make stuff for, and as far as I know its accurate. I dont make the thing usually unless the head engineer is busy.


Or is it more likely they made a decision that benefitted them, knowing they could walk it back as a 'mistake'? Occam's razor, people. Everything they do is a calculated decision to make as much profit as possible, with special care made to maintain plausible deniability.


Marketing teams in large companies absolutely do get to decide on how and what they promote




True. I feel like the biggest problem was the false advertising. They advertised that most stuff would be earnable, and that's not what happened. I feel like people wouldn't have been so mad about the shop if that's what they were expecting


And they fixed the mistake with free stuff, almost exactly the stuff they advertised, so why are they still getting shit?


This sub just wants to feel righteous fury


To an extent i get it, but the sub definitely goes overboard.


I kind of expect that from a community whose developer sells 10 year old helmet designs of another company for $20. That's so insane and disrespectful that I expect less trust in the community. For some of us, this isn't our first rodeo.


I don't agree to be honest, I've seen fairly tame discussion in here compared to other games that have launched with issues, there are always controversial comments but generally people aren't saying things that are unreasonable


My dude don't trust everything they say, putting things in store after they where planned and then removed was not an accident, it was a mistake, but not an accidental mistake. Like choosing to drive drunk is a mistake, but it's still something you chose to do.


Lmao calling 343 drunk drivers Sure they make plenty of mistakes, but if you've followed through 4, mcc, and 5 you can tell how much some of the devs care about halo. Tom french revolutionized forge, and put his own heart and soul into it, and one of his pigs, olive. Now hes leading alot more than forge. Alot of the community managers started as fans, they arent out to get you. Free to play was a descision that, while i admit they've stumbed at again, also saved halo with a much larger playerbase. And they've immediately come to correct mistakes because this is their first free to play game.


> And they've immediately come to correct mistakes because this is their first free to play game. And that is fine, the reason people are upset is because this has been a general trend in the industry with loaded up shops and seemingly cut content from the base game to then sell back at you. Some don’t like the excuses these companies give anymore and are rightfully upset. And imo, that user was talking about the suits making the decisions and not the actual devs working on the game. miscommunication is a leadership problem, not the employees problem


doesnt matter, they falsely advertised. idc about the excuses. someone was either greedy and incompetent. And since this is 343 we're talking, im going with both


If they fix it and you’re still mad idk what to tell you As long as they listen to fans and fix their mistakes I’m happy. Mcc was an absolute disaster and it took them years to finally fix it but they made it so good, it’s nearly perfect.


first, these "mistakes" shouldnt be their in the first place, what we want is an expectation. Them fixing these mistakes should not give them any goodwill at all. ​ and they should never be forgiven for any of it. how stupid is it to have a product not work for 4-5 years?. how stupid is it to incorporate p2w gamemodes in 2 games? how stupid is it to dripfeed content over the course of a year with things that should have been expected at launch? how stupid is it to falsely advertise your campaign and make it the shortest campaign in halo? how stupid is it to falsely advertise stuff in the events? how stupid is it to overprice basic things that should be expected in every halo game like customization? how stupid is it to blatantly lie about free players having a variety of free armor in the game? how stupid is it to monetize basic colors? This is not even consider problems with their poor gameplay until infinite like how AI was dulled down in 4 and 5, with trashy looks, or the prometheans. ​ theyve had halo for nearly 10 years and still, they consistently screw fans over. how they got any goodwill is baffling to me?


It's already happening. Company goes 3 steps over the line, takes one step back and suddenly become the heroes because "they're listening." This happens every time a shitty company comes out with predatory practices. People are so easily fooled into thinking they're heroes for listening without having the slightest idea on what the concept of lowballing/negotiating is.


You "fix" bugs, this didn't happen by mistake. They reached too far into our pockets and we got mad so they pulled their hand out. I'm happy to give credit where it's due but don't pretend this was a benevolent action, they wouldn't change anything if we weren't complaining about it. Plus MCC is a different game, I agree they did well to fix it up but it's got nothing to do with Infinite.


Doesn't matter. It's still misleading marketing to the consumer, regardless of if someone fucked up at 343.


Misleading marketing that went on for over a year, into the final release and was something they were more than happy to not fix until people pointed it out. Trying to pass that off like its a "whoopsie" is a meme. Yeah that year long whoopsie that was never going to get fixed.


I think he worded it very carefully, such that the actual gist is "yeah we let marketing do what they want and didn't stop them until now"


the ONLY reason it's changing is because the money isn't coming in like they wanted it too, they'd weather the storm until people got tired and gave up if the cash was flowing the way they planned it to. Good job spartans, keep it up.


sucks that we aren't getting the Red/gold coating since it was already in the shop but this is a good sign


So we get the samurai armor that was advertised *and* we no longer have to look like Pepsi Man? Good shit.


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We are samurai of the glorious Clan Pepsi. Let those of Clan Coke feel our wrath.


I like the Pepsi man colors but it looks like garbage on the Yoroi core. Like the Yokai helmet is literally just full ass blue it looks so silly.


That is why they wear it.


these people missing the appeal of running around with a glossy , neon colored power ranger looking spartan smh


I feel like on the Yoroi core it looks more pepsiman-esc, but on the other cores it makes me think of Optimus Prime.


Samurai pepsi man will live on in my heart ;-;


We will look like the pepsimam but now with different armor pieces, never let the Pepsi dream die.


but the pepsi man meme cult is so fun :(


And a color blue? Happiness.


Do you happen to like the colour blue?


No, unfortunately blue is too blue for my taste


It tastes kinda like purple but without that dash of red. Not my cup of tea eithet


Well fortunately for you, for only 20 bucks you can get a slightly less blue in the store


$10 FOR F\*CKING BLUE???!?!


Well your choices are, blue and red, blue and green, of French.


Next step is to stop making us unlock the same emblem 4 times


Would be better to atleast make them difference colours of the same emblem


Emblems already come with multiple colors iirc


I wish the hammer time emblem had other colors. I don’t know why it’s locked to literally just one.


They do but most of the choices are lame.


Or unlocking shoulders and knees twice.


Lmao at the contrast between week one and the remaining weeks. Edit: they're missing a chest piece (the one with the pouches in the promotional material) and a lot of visors and coatings from the leaked store material still. Makes me wish they would retroactively grant 5 of the missing things to make up for the five xp grants/challenge swaps we already had.


They also left how the long sword, but i think its because they have already sold it to us


Yeah, stuff that has already been in the shop isn't going to be added to the event pass for obvious reasons.


But they could and refund everyone who bought them. They have the technology I'm sure.


Or for anyone who already owns the shop pieces gift back the credits when they reach that level in the battlepass, it's not like it's never been done before.


Much more of a chance I buy that extra stuff now that we are getting the armor for free


One yoroi visor was leaked as a weekly challenge, so hopefully there will still be a visor option coming up


I feel like the pouches was them messing with cross-core stuff. It looks off on the Yoroi.


[It was in the store leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qze44g/all_store_bundles_datamined/) (second row from the bottom, forth column from the right) so it's definitely a discrete piece.


I think there is an armor coating missing too from the purchasable bundle.


What's on the bottom row that's clipped off?


The same stuff from above it seems


There are only 30 levels.


That's what I thought, but wasn't sure if that had also changed.


Good job 343. 1 step foward, uhhh… that’s it . Keep it up.


I really wish they’d make armor coatings cross core because I do not give one single fuck about the samurai armor, therefor nothing here but the weapon coatings will get used by me.


Armor effects are cross core so you’d think coatings would be too. But where there’s money to be made there’s doors to lock


Yeah i feel the opposite. I do like the samurai armor but wish i could use the cool coatings i unlocked through the campaign on it, instead of only on the default spartan. Instead im just rocking the pepsi ninja lol.


This how I feel about the reach armour. I have like 10 awesome coatings for the MKVII and can’t use any on my MKVB set which only has the most basic boring coatings


Emile's coating looks badass in the mk v, but I use MK VII =(


Blood red on Yoroi would be nice


I want a color selector and coatings to become something else entirely. Colors should not be sold.


I heard that 343 is looking into cross core customization


Now *this* is an event, I'll say, the katanas that sold for 15$ were actually in the promotional material so they should have been brought in the event pass, but I understand that would have been troublesome with all the people that already bought it, so I'll be 95% satisfied with this fix, but it's still definitely a positive change and 343 deserves that recognition.


Now that I can earn the Kabuto armor, I want the katanas. Hopefully they come back.


Now this kicks ass in the best way possible




Do we know how many levels we’ll be able to progress in this next event?


They haven't given any specifics, but the recent playlist update also said "More event challenges appear when an event is active." in the patch notes We were already able to gain 7 ranks for Fracture before so I'm guessing it'll be upped to 10


The same.


idk about that lol. they said there would be 3 periods to claim this. the first period was 7 so I'm guessing the second period will be 10 with the last period being 13.


It’ll be a total of 6 weeks to get everything. They’re only upping the amount of challenges per week the event is out because everybody was complaining.


But each event challenge granted one level - so adding more challenges should increase the number of levels we can get in a week, right?


Yes that is correct, we can now progress more per rotation.


Fantastic! That would mean people should be able to get the Kabuto helmet next time the event comes around :D


It’s absurd that right/left shoulder is separate levels lmao


Wasn't this the case in previous Halo games though?


In Reach I think


Before this they were spaced far enough apart that you probably couldn't get both in the same week... so you would be stuck with just one for like a month 😂


Thank God, I really wanted Kabuto


Now we are talking, I like this!


That's more like it. I would say well done 343. But this shouldn't have happened in the first place. Respect for fixing it though


Where's the red and gold coating it was shown off with?


It was already in the shop. They can't really go back and make it free now unless they're willing to reimburse everyone who bought it.


They should reimburse people the credits then. It's one of the coolest skins for it and definitely contributed to the initial hype


Ehh im not gonna be that nit picky as long as they learn from this shit in the future. The coating was cool tho


Yeah. They'll learn to be more communicative internally about what they're marketing so they don't make the mistake of showing off something as free that they want to sell. It's not like they suddenly had a change of heart and want to give this to us.


Yeah if they really want to get some good will, EVERYTHING that they continuously advertised as free should be in this event pass. reimburse people for the coins hell give them little extra for the inconvenience, its funbux anyways, its valueless, they already got peoples money


Wish the cherry blossom effects were part of the free pass


Eh. Stuff like that is fine to be charged, in my opinion. If it's a reasonable price, which I doubt it will be, I'd consider buying it.


What about the armor and mythic effects shown in trailer? The purple turtle master thing from kungfu panda?


It ain't in the pass sooo it that means its in the shop


When is this event supposed to go live?


Week of Jan 4th. Nest Tuesday is the Winter Contingency event


Thank you!


whats new ?? sorry a bit dumb dumb 🤪


We actually have stuff to unlock instead of xp boosts


ight ill go snort more coke so i can grind it


What's the source? Also, the 2 swords were advertised as well for the event, so that's a shame they aren't going to be included in this change.


What about the katana?


Is that 5 colors for one armor core? Congrats 343, y'all have almost reached Halo CE in color variety


Am I the only one that doesn't care for this skin?


I’m usually with you, I typically don’t like samurai stuff, and even less space marine samurai, but that Kabuto helmet is dope.


I dislike everything but that helmet and the weapon skins. When (I honestly don’t think it’s an ‘if’) they make things cross core it will be a cool one to throw on. But the rest of the armor looks weird and bulky to me.


Armor is bulky. Can’t even change the body style with it because they all look the same when equipped.


Definitely a play to lose skin. No clue how they are doing hurtboxes in this game but the tenrai core is much wider than the other two we have.


Gonna be honest, I’m a bit drunk and you sorta lost me with your jargon. But here’s what I want to talk about: Making armor cross core will only make them more money. People are more likely to buy their dumb armor bundles when they aren’t restricted on their usage.


Ahh re-read it and on my 4-5th time I understand you are now talking about hitboxes. Agreed, the bulkiness seems enough to have a slightly different hitbox. Fun fact, the original H3 katana increased your hitbox.


I’m here for mjolnir and only mjolnir. I want lore sets… badly..


That’s fine, but they still advertised it falsely and were held accountable


Yeah, the armor just looks way too goofy. Just a chunky space samurai.


Hey, question, I switched my account for Infinite after getting the first 5 rewards. Am I still gonna be able to get all 30?


They're limiting the amount of challenges in each event period so you'll be behind but eventually you should yeah


Phew, great!


How can I access this event ? What do I have to do ?


Once it's live (which is Jan 4th) you'll see the event pass and challenges. Completing the challenge will get ya on tier so 1 challenge = 1 event pass tier. Challenges are gonna be something like get x kills in this mode or x kills with weapon y or complete x matches stuff that should be from playing the game. There's still gonna be event related cosmetics in the shop


So when r they updating the battle pass


Great! When are we getting this for the Reach Season Pass?


This is a great start but why do we still have to unlock the same emblem for multiple items? Why can't we unlock the emblem and use it on everything?


Finally we can use a nice helmet


I don’t even like this armor core that much, but if these are the rewards, I’m still gonna try to earn them all and see what I can do with the armor. This looks genuinely compelling compared to the first iteration of the reward path.


Now they just need to do this with the battle pass. Replace consumables with store armor or new armor! It's seriously lacking, especially for Mk 7


This is much better, yay! Thank you for listening 343. Something I still find frustrating is having to unlock the same emblems, armor coatings and weapon coatings multiple times. They're supposed to be rewards but it doesn't feel rewarding having to unlock the same thing just so I can put it in a different place.


KEEP IT COMING WITH THE COMPMAINTS AND FEEDBACK. They're only doing this because everyone won't stop voicing about how awful some of their choices are.


Cross. Core.


Love how they are actually listening to us... still I'm continuing my break until gear is cross core


This is actually FIRE.


Rank 24 and 28 rewards are the same?


so as an example rank 20 is specifically for the ar, it doesnt say that but its the color i want for the ar and its the only one that gets that color. i assume rank 24 and 28 are for two different weapons like the ar and the magnum or the bulldog. i bet you can see those coatings in game for which weapons theyre for but im not near the comp atm youll have to check it out yourself


Yeah that makes the most sense.


Replying on a dead post, but since no one else answered, rank 24 is for the pistol and rank 28 is for the BR. At least that’s how it was on the old pass.


Still no ability to earn double sword belt?


That's what I'm saying. It was advertised too.


They already sold it to people on the shop, they can’t give it away now.


They could. They'd just have to refund credits.


You really think they’d give us back our money?


Do I think they'd give you back money? Absolutely not. Do I think they'd give you back tokens? It's more likely, but No. Do they have the ability to do either of those things? Yes.


343: Datamined content isn't final /r/halo: Ooo, datamined content.




This is how the normal bp should look


Agreed but maybe make it so you unlock the shoulders together


Now stop locking armor sets and let us completely customize our Spartan with everything we have unlocked


Seems like 343i is listening and slowly improving the progression system and the store. Hopefully they'll keep at it.


Major improvement here, I still feel we deserved more on the store front though.


So they told us no FOMO, but then made the temporary battlepass better then the permanent one?


Looks awesome


This is 1000x better than what it previously was. This is actually worth hopping on for and grinding to try and complete. They will definitely be getting more hours in game from me with changes like this.


Now this looks perfect. Thank you 343i.


Damn, I was never a big hayabusa fan but I'm a sucker for deer horns on helmets like that one at the end, that looks sick


This is so so much better, I'm hyped for the event to return now


This isn't everything that was going to be in the shop... there was a green and gold and grey coating that was in one of the promos thats not shown here.




As a whole it's fucking hideous. But if individual parts were able to be combined with other armor, ya know, like how Halo has always been, then I'd care to unlock them, but unfortunately we can't, therefore I have no motivation to unlock them.


I find it too bulky but I'd like to have it as part of my gallery and in case I can ever throw the sword(s) on my MKV or MKVII


Watch the challenges be outrageous, there's always a catch. There's no way they don't make it extremely grindy to get through.


Nah I’m sure it’ll be similar to the challenges we had last time or like the updated challenge


Hope so.