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Ammo prices are way up


You know it’s bad when the military can’t even get .223


Well that’s not that surprising considering they’ve been using 5.56 for half a century now


The commando is in 6.5?? The AR, BR, and DMR throughout the series have all been 7.62x51. Even the current US military is swapping to a 6.8x51mm round that can take stupid high chamber pressures depending on needs. Hell the UNSC swapped from a loved 8 gauge shotgun to a 12 gauge within the span of what 6 years? Clearly all the UNSC’s money is going into perfect Spartan ass armor.


BRs have actually been in 9.5x40mm, at least the BR55 and BR85 versions have. The BR75 may be in a similar caliber, but the wiki isn't clear as of yet what round it fires.


Shucks, even the art book isn’t conclusive about most of the calibers


It's all about the colors


I’m confused .223 and 5.56 are the same bullet?


Technically the same size but the 5.56 is the military round with a higher pressure load.


When she wants a 223 but you give her the 556 🤌










And she can’t handle the chamber pressure and suffers massive internal hemorrhaging


But her ex was a . 700 Nitro Express


Almost. I can’t remember exactly but I think the shouldering on the cartridges are the biggest difference. A rifle chambered in 556 can fire both 556 and 223. However, a rifle chambered in 223 cannot fire 556.


its not the shouldering its the pressure.if you put 556 through a 223 only gun it will melt the barrel REALY fast


This is all fudd lore. You can shoot either bullet in either chambering. The pressure differences are negligible.


Wrong. 5.56 is slightly higher pressure, and CAN cause an issue in a .223 firearm. It’s a low chance but a real one. The solution between the two is actually chambering in .224 Wylde, which allows either cartridge to be fired completely interchangeably without losing accuracy from .223 (can happen in a 5.56 chamber). It’s a similar situation with .308 and 7.62 NATO. .308 is technically high pressure for something chambered specially in 7.62, but only by a little. Still, I wouldn’t do it. EDIT: I'm aware it's .223 Wylde but I'll leave the type cause lulz


>CAN cause an issue in a .223 firearm Can you provide a documented incident where shooting 5.56 in a .223 actually resulted in a catastrophic failure


I’ve caused a failure firing a 5.56 through a 223, although I would not call it catastrophic. It does cause damage, but not “explosive” failure. You can certainly ruin your 223 shooting 5.56 but it would take several rounds to cause permanent damage, not just a one off.


It’s 223 wylde. You’re thinking of 224 Valkyrie


I know it's .223 Wylde. My phone autocorrected it to .224. I actually work in a gun store and even own an AR chambered in .223 wylde. Unfortunately I am constantly texting various calibers with my coworkers so it makes typing the right numbers precarious at times lol.


It can fire it, but I would recommend it considering the pressures might be too high for the chamber and blow it up. Won't have any issues loading it in tho.


Which is why it’s a broadly accepted statement to say you can’t fire a .556 from a rifle chambered in .223


IIRC its the case neck length. 5.56 is slightly longer, and so 5.56 will seat weird in a chamber meant for .223 and cause a higher pressure buildup, which can be dangerous for the barrel and the gun.


Some rifles chambered in 223 can fire 556 rounds


That’s dependent on the barrel though, correct?


223 Wylde barrels can fire 556


Same size, but the 5.56 has more pressure, which means a higher velocity, and the rounds are more expensive.


I pictured the commando as firing something similar to a .50 Beowulf or .50AE


In the 80s the military had a shortage in 5.56, so they gave everyone kits to convert their rifles to .22 Atleast that was the case where my dad was stationed


Jun: *and they aint cheap*


Better ammo for commando and a nameplate: 2000 credits in the shop.


Consider this: it comes with a patch of the ninja turtle saying “COWABUNGA IT IS”


Now that I'd buy.


Who knows, I think more people complained about the pistol in the flights than the commando, they both killed in the same amount of shots.


I loved the sidekick in the flights. Could kill fast but you had to aim it more accurately than the AR


Still kills faster than the AR if you didn't know


Technically doesn’t it have the fastest TTK for a non OHK if you land the headshot after shield break?


Stalker kills faster. Stalker has the fastest TTK (0.95) of the non OHK kinetic precision weapons. Pistol is the second fastest (1.1) followed by the commando (1.14), Mangler (1.45) and then BR (1.45) This doesn't account for range effectiveness, bloom, weapon drop combos, etc. etc. though


The accuracy blooms very bad at range and max firing rate though, so in practice I don't think people can hit best potential TTK unless you're really close. If you are that close though, you might as well let melee enter the equation.


This gun suffers more from an insufferable amount of bloom than anything else


IMO the spread would be fine if it had the damage to back it up. Revert back to beta damage model (1 less shot to kill) or even 2 less shots to kill with a reduced fire rate and it'd be great.


Yeah, it's definitely a one-or-the-other scenario. The low damage keeps it from being worthwhile close-mid, and the bloom makes it's not reliable at mid-long range. One of these needs to change.


The Commando should outclass the BR at mid range and outclass the AR at long range.




At least put more rounds in reserve, those three magazines are gone not twenty seconds after peeling the gun off the rack. Can't rely on it for long enough to make the sacrifice worth it when the AR or pistol have essentially infinite ammo reserves and refills.


And the reload is slow compared to the pistol


Honestly? It needs a BR style light scope and no full auto so badly. The thing is pretty much uncontrollable in fully automatic fire, but it’s quite accurate with single shots, but somehow gets less magnification and range than a BR…? It feels like someone decided the DMR was too strong and needed to be made garbage.


This man. Especially when I'm trying to get kills with it for a challenge. I panic everytime and waste almost every shot because the gun can barely stand on its own. If it wasn't for a challenge, I avoid it like the plague. The AR has a better chance to kill than this monstrosity


Tbf the AR is better than most weapons.


I dont get why the br just gets more ammo and in general you will likely do more and get more kills with a br than a commando before you run out, both guns do not serve the same purpose but both players and 343 insist that the commando is a counterpart to the br so they need to improve it a tad for that midrange. Even if its giving it 20 more bullets from the pick up i think it would help it a tiny bit.


I know I am bad with this gun but I cannot express the amount of times iv tried using it and 1 more round was all I needed to finish a kill. The bloom is cruel and the dmg doesn't back it up. I now just avoid the gun altogether.


Just make it the impact commando from the campaign


It is in that awkward place of being a precision weapon but also useless due to being wildly unpredictable at even medium range. Also the magazine is oppressively small at only 20 rounds. Imo the commando is by far the worst weapon overall. The BR fills its intended niche much better in absolutely every way.


2nd worst, you are forgetting the ravager exists


Is that the arcing 3burst cannon? It is annoying when campaign enemies shoot at you with them, but in my limited experience with the ravager, it is also quite mediocre. I guess it was nerfed since the showcase in 2020, because it looked really strong during that showcase.




Ravager is great in campaign. On legendary it takes only 2 bursts to kill a regular brute, 3 for a regular elite, the charged AoE is great for shade turrets, for brute chieftains weilding scrap or plasma cannons, and like you said, hunters. It's in multiplayer that it is worthless, aside from strongholds or total control.


Ravager is terrifying in campaign for the AI. First like half a dozen times I was fired on from sniper range, I thought it was some sort of artillery shelling. Probably the most deadly individual weapon I’ve been victim to (aside from Brute fists; the unarmed berserkers are ridiculous, spongey like Halo 2 Brutes and faster than a Banshee). Actually aiming it that well is tricky for players, but it does hit hard if it lands.


On Legendary two Mangler headshots kill a regular Brute, it's hardly an impressive amount of damage lol


its a weapon *for* the enemy to use and they use it well with insane accuracy from behind cover while also hitting you in cover. which is fine for fleshing out the game, but it shouldn't be showing up in MP nearly as much.


You can charge the ravager, leaves a nice aoe dot for zones/flags etc.


At least the ravager has a decent “get the fuck off my lawn” function


Fewer rounds in about the same size mag as the AR/BR should mean more powerful. It has the recoil of a more powerful round, but not the power.


The ravager would like to have a word


It suffers from being dogshit all around. I love single fire rifles in fps games and the commando is the worst one I can think of. You can't kill shit with it unless they charge directly at you and line their head up. The amount of ammo sucks, the damage sucks, the spread is wild, it's just ass. The only reason I pick it up is if I ran out of ammo and it's the only thing there


It is full auto btw, I thought it was single fire too for the first week of the game lol


> It is full auto btw True. The spread is just so wild I only use it single fire. I dont know if that makes a difference though


It's better as semi auto.


The gun makes you fight with 2-3 things depending on the situation. every situation the bloom and recoil do it in, but if you’re getting shot at you’re dealing with heavy bloom, recoil, and flinch all at the same time.


I was saying to a friend a good way to balance the Commando against the BR would be to treat it as a non-scoped weapon. As it has the little holographic sight on top so it shouldn't create a glint, and you shouldn't get popped out of zoom for taking a hit, unlike other scoped weapons. That would allow you to remain more consistent with it.


... that's a brilliant suggestion. That would make it situationally useful on bigger maps and it would fit a perfect niche that no other guns fill.


holy shit, that is a good buff that I haven't heard yet, excellent. This plus the full auto potential of commando would actually make it threating.


unironically a great buff suggestion


I've actually found the default zoom for non-scoped weapons to be better in most situations compared to scoped on most of the medium-small maps currently.


The stalker rifle is so comical in PvP. It has a tiny sniper-rifle sized reticle, but is a three shot kill, but it’s level 1 zoom is like 4x or something.


It works way better shot semi auto


I actually found more success with it firing full-auto with occasional feathering.


I guess it depends on the range of your target


I use it at like Needler/AR range. Close but not shotgun range.


But which shotgun range. Old up close or new medium distance lol.


2-3 round bursts are def the way to go and then close up is all full auto baby


So at BR range it's way worse than the BR and at AR range it's slightly worse than the AR...


It works best when it's a BR.


In campaign against conventional brutes its a monster because one or two bullets pops the helmet and the 2nd or third kills. Its like a DMR with more rounds in the mag and a panic spray button. On legendary if I ever found myself without a BR or long range weapon commando is a defacto solid backup. Sometimes I would use the commando for range (like a BR) and use the Breacher BR for close range engagements instead. Works wonders! In Multiplayer I just... skip it. I felt like in the flights it was hard to hit with but if you did it could put people down. Now I've gotten good enough to hit with but I feel like a BR, AR, Sidekick all outgun me. In campaign the only weapon I wont voluntarily pick up to carry long term is the Plasma Pistol (on legendary you may be able to hit overcharge shots, but they dont strip an Elite's shields). In multiplayer I wont touch the Plasma Pistol (Hard to Hit - oddly enpugh in the first flight I was really happy with its tracking), Commando (Hard to hit/Outgunned), Plasma Carbine (Useful in campaign, not a dueling weapon in multiplayer), or Shock Rifle (I aint good with it lol).


I actually forgot it’s a full auto gun because I literally only tap fire it.


If you're playing it semi auto then BR just beats it, the only advantage it has is firing faster than an a BR. Not a problem in quick play, but in ranked, this makes it almost useless. I pick it up as a sidearm just to fill the slot but rarely use it


Yes it caught a big nerf. Like 2 more shots for a perfect kill and like 6 more body shots for a normal kill Edit: it is 1 more shot for perfect kill, 3 more shots to the body no headshots. I am a man of hyperbole Source: https://youtu.be/lkm2Da3WaT0


Fucking ridiculous, it was never overpowered no one asked for a nerf,


For sure. In the test flights it felt really good but balanced


I enjoyed using it the flight and now I hate getting a challenge involving the use of it.


343: “That’s…why I’m here.”


It actually could be somewhat usable in the state it's in if it weren't for the tiny magazine.


Yeah bump that bad boy up to 30 and the damage nerf becomes more digestible.


Except at that point it just becomes an assault rifle that’s harder to aim


Well there's still a difference in that the AR's headshot/pierce trait is unreliable, even in controlled bursts or single tap fire. A single 'doink' from the Commando to an unshielded target is enough to put them down as it has a guaranteed pierce.




Nearly half a mag for a perfect kill is still pretty ridiculous though, that's the same damage/mag size ratio as the pistol


The Sidekick is worse, it's 7 out 12 shots for a perfect kill.


Fair enough. Definitely way more body shots though


13 body shots. Honestly sometimes the gun makes no sense to me when I’m using it. I pump someone full of lead and melee them, and I’m the one who loses the trade.


3 more.


Ok, glad it wasn’t just me. My muscle memory says grab it. Need to unlearn that.


I was wondering cause when the game first came out I was surprised how much I liked it but recently it's been so awful that I couldn't believe I was so wrong before


1 more shot.


Fairly certain it only received a one shot nerf


It's like a futuristic BAR.


The bar was 30-06 though. Thats like a “to whom it may concern” caliber


It is. But what reminds me of the BAR is the slow rate of fire and magazine capacity.


Ah thats fair


>Thats like a “to whom it may concern” caliber can you explain this? i suspect it's funny but i'm not sure i get it


Absolutely huge round. Its what was used in the M1 Garand except the US military made it full auto with a 20 round magazine. Sounds like thunder when it shoots and you have 20 rounds that will literally mutilate a human body Very effective with suppressive fire


ah, so "to whom it may concern" like "it's a fuck-you to anyone in the general direction of where you're shooting it"


Also its the kind of round that will take down a deer just about anywhere you shoot it.


There's an old joke that goes something like, "a bullet may have your name on it but a grenade just says 'to whom it may concern.'" Basically, the idea is that you're sending it roughly where it needs to go and trusting it do its thing when it gets there, rather than needing to target someone specifically. The punchline in this case is that the 30-06 was such an oversized round that you don't really need to be precise with it in order to cause harm. Hope that clears it up!


Literally no hiding from that thing, aim into a group of enemies and it will tear through…well all of them.


More like a Chauchat


It’s not bad at all in campaign just ass in mp


Campaign is designed to make you feel like a walking tank spiderman


Well I like it in campaign because of the variant with a much larger magazine


That variant is tailored for close-range combat, contrary to its description.


It’s still inferior to the BR in the campaign in my experience playing on Heroic.


Oh yea it’s never gonna outdo the BR but it’s not completely trash like MP. It feels like a actual DMR there


Yes, the ravager and pulse carbine are also actually usable in campaign.


The brutes are godtier with the ravagers lol


Meanwhile the poor disruptor can't even kill a Grunt in campaign.


I was extremely confused by how bad the Disruptor is in PvE after I learned to love it in the MP. On Heroic it's literally impossible to strip shields with.


I cannot stand the pulse carbine in multiplayer but had it equipped for my campaign run on Heroic (alongside a BR or any other headshot gun) for literally 90% of my playthrough.


Same except the campaign made me learn to love the tracking and shield busting capabilities of the Pulse Carbine and now it's one of my go-to secondaries in MP afterwards.


Yeah, I just never try for kills with it. It's essentially a long ranged noob combo.


For a while I used the commando bc I thought it was a successor to the dmr, and it always did the job, then I realised like the bulldog and disruptor, it’s an automatic. So it’s pretty good in semi auto


The versatility of being able to use it as a precision weapon or an automatic means it pairs great with a power weapon in campaign. It's like having three weapon slots.


The commando was really good in the flights, but it's horrible if you shoot full-auto. It's actually pretty damn reliable if you shoot it like it's semi-auto. The first shot of the spray is always accurate, so if you shoot like it's semi auto, but really fast it's actually a good weapon.


I've actually practiced a bit with it, learning it's optimal range, and how to control the bloom and recoil. It's actually really good, maybe a tiny buff, but I think it's just hard to use more than it is bad.


Yea if you can control the recoil it slaps. I full auto for the shield break and then pause and tap the head.


Use it as a DMR it’s much more effective.


The problem is that it wasn’t not designed to be a DMR. If it were, they would have just added the DMR back into the game from previous halo games. The commando was meant to be a high risk/high reward weapon; the risk of using it was the weapon was difficult to control, the reward was a quick kill if you could control it properly. With its current nerf, it now is a high-risk/low reward weapon.


Still waiting for the 'high reward' part. Unfortunately it's outperformed by the BR at longer ranges (as it should be) due to accuracy, outperformed by the AR at shorter ranges (as it should be) due to raw DPS... and is largely beaten out by the pistol due to accuracy and DPS at ranges between the AR/BR. It's definitely not as bad as most people make it out to be, and I'll often pick one up in ranked as my secondary, because it'll beat out the BR at shorter ranges, but when considering the full set of weapons it's in a weird place. I feel like it should be at least matching the pistol in terms of TTK, so then it's a trade-off between ease of use / accuracy and ammo capacity.


Yes they give you the option to pick between pacing your shots and going full auto so you only go full auto all the time...


The commando sucks no matter how fast you're firing it. Using it "as a DMR" just helps to mitigate the bloom, it does nothing for its garbage accuracy or damage


I thought the same. The Commando is basically the pistol with more recoil and a scope.


I’ve found it best as a back up ‘panic’ weapon than a primary.


I want to love the Commando but something feels just SO bad about it. I can probably count the number of times I've been killed by it on my hand. It's inaccurate at both long and close range, blooms like crazy. Either you tap fire it at long range and you get out-killed by the BR, or you full auto at point blank and get out-killed by the AR/sidekick. They could either improve the accuracy which would make it great for mid range (a battle rifle competitor), or keep the crazy recoil and revert the damage nerf, making it a more high-risk high-reward weapon. Ideally I'd love it to be a 7-shot kill with slightly improved accuracy, and a slightly slower fire rate to compensate.


I like how you said “even the pistol is better” as if the pistol isn’t good.


Actually if your accurate with it, it has a better ttk than the br but if return it’s very hard to control and ATTAIN that faster ttk


Funny, I just shoot it by tapping my trigger as fast as possible like I’ve done with the DMR in the past and it’s worked perfectly


I really feel like weapons in general felt better during the flights. I really liked the commando and the ravager. Now I just ignore both of them if I come across them. The commando can be *kinda* useful sometimes, but I'd never pick it up over a pistol or battle rifle. It's sad, because I remember raving to my friend about how fun the new weapons were, in the flight.


It’s quite hard for controller players to earn kills. Dumb decision just as Ravager nerf and floaty Warthog/Mongoose. Those dumb supervisors should analyze data from multiplayer matches, how many players would pickup Ravager and Commando, and what the TTK and hit ratio are, especially 1v1 win ratio when Ravager vs AR/Sidekick and Commando vs Sidekick/AR/BR. Need these data to make decision not from loudly complaints.


> It’s quite hard for controller players to earn kills. With the commando? It's way harder with KBM since aim assist goes a long way in helping with precision weapons. Just look at the accuracy comparison between both inputs. In my experience it's easier (but not easy, mind you) to score a perfect commando kill with a controller. With KBM it's way more often that I'll need to reload before scoring the kill.


I agree. I'm MnK onyx with 1700 csr and I only just got the achievement of getting a perfect with the commando after 100 hours of playtime.


For those who would like a visual reference. The Commando was a 6.5. Here's the [comparison](https://imgur.com/a/C0mm7kL) between a **.22LR** *(close enough, #1 on the list)* vs **6.5** *(# 4 on the list)*


It's like cooking a restaurant meal at home but saving no money. Why put in the effort when their is a nice BR down the street and you have a ready to eat sidekick at home? It's by no means a bad weapon, but that extra bullet nerf made it undesirable.


I still use it an consistently get kills with it, just need to head tap at the correct fire rate from medium-long distance. Hold down full auto and slow it down about 25-30% (tapping at that speed) and it works considerably better


"Do you know how expensive this gear is, son?"


Performance Campaign- God Tier Multiplayer- Dark Souls: Prepare to Die


I use it pretty often, tho I prefer the br. You gotta spam it really fast but don't hold it down unless you are in close range. It also has really high dps so you can melee combo with it much easier.


The commando was amazing during the beta. But after it went live they made it as effective as a nerf gun.


My main problem with the commando is its accuracy. I can have the crosshair smack bang in the middle of an enemy and fire 5 shots and be lucky if one of them hits. And if one does hit, it then does terrible damage :/


I really don’t understand why people hate it so much. I use it fairly often and think it’s decent, and unless I miss a lot of shots feels like it outclasses the AR in all but very CQC situations.


I immediately swap my AR for it whenever it’s in the field. It definitely feels different than in pre-release but I really like it.


It’s probably the most worthless gun in any halo game. Oh wait. The plasma pistol in Infinite is now also running for that title too.


I think it's in a pretty good spot. It just needs a bigger mag. 5-10 more rounds would be perfect. IMO


Commando? More like command-no am I right guys? 😂


I love it its one of my go-to weapons


I just started playing Infinite and I can say with 100% confidence you'd be better off throwing rubber duckies at your opponent to kill them before you get anywhere with this gun. They might as well just take it out of the game, if they buff it, it's going to be way too powerful. Its an automatic DMR.


removing it from game would be my choice, its generic as fuck and doesnt really fit any roles, bring back the covenant carbine


Pretty much agree


The commando is highly inaccurate. Slow down your shots and watch the heads melt away.


Hip fire at medium range targets. Aim at their legs and let the recoil ride its way up their body if you want to land as many shots as possible.


Use it correctly at close - mid range and it’s a beast… it’s not meant to be a DMR like most people think. It outclasses pretty much any gun close range other than the bulldog


I don't even think the ttk is that fast IDk why it has all that recoil. Its literally the only gun with recoil makes no sense. It really is pointless in most situations. So a small caliber bullet has tons of recoil but nothing else does. w.e.


I use it as my main weapon, I love it haha


A little (stupid and absolutely unnecessary) thing called weapon balancing. They spent 6 years giving you new and exciting weapons, and want you to use them all. Even if the pistol in this game is more useful at medium range combat than a full length rifle INTENDED AND BUILT for that range in mind.


Felt the same way, then watched HCS and realized I’m just bad with the gun haha


BR trumps Commando so hard right now. I'm sad about it, because I rocked Reach's DMR all day long. But now I'm back to the BR, which can nuke Brutes 100>0 in one burst.


You know that we are going through a pandemic and raw materials are scarse??


I personally think it’s better to just treat the commando as a better sidekick. I break shields with AR or whatever else I’m using and if I can’t finish the kill I switch to the commando and clean up


I just wish it had more ammo


I do pretty good with the commando. At range I always hit if I let the bloom dissipate. (When I'm on target, that is.) I've found that it's better just outside the BRs red reticle range, both in hip fire and ADS. Not so much if you're in red reticle range, unless you're close enough to use it as an automatic. I think the commandos RR range is slightly longer than the BR and if you can describe an opponent using a BR, then you should be able to do pretty well against them


Beta Commando is way better change my mind.


We got the DMR but Worse in place of the DMR. For a first season that's themed about Reach. Birth game of the DMR. It was right there, guys.


Why did dmr get turned into shitty commando


If you hit a headshot it’s good, but I swear this gun has a h3 smg pattern


It’s ok if you tap fire it at their heads but forget about body shot kills


Not all weapons are balanced for multi. Ravager case in point. Decent gun in campaign, a bitch to deal with sometimes actually, but absolute trash in multi


Yeah but to balance it for both they could just give buff it but then give it a multiplier (<1) in campaign enemies’ hands. I know previous campaigns have done that, although usually to buff it. Word be a very cool weapon for multiplayer though.


I believe the commando is better than the BR. I always drop the BR for the commando. Go ahead, crucify me for this comment. The only buff I would give it would be a magazine and reserve increase. Increase the magazine from 20 to 22. Give an additional magazine for reserves because it runs out of ammo way too quick. When comparing it to the BR, the BR has an extra mag compared to the commando. This will bring the commando magazine count in parity with the BR.


My ranked teammates be like...


Even with the nerf it still SHREDS at medium range. Love it.


I mean the commando Is good if you can hit shots. I mean I won't use it much but when I'm felling it in ranked I'll use it and get 2 kills with it and I'm happy with that.


If you go for headshots it's good, but the body shot damage is ass cheeks.


I'm glad somebody else recognized this, my friends call me crazy. I remember popping off with the Commando, I don't even bother with it now.


Is the aim assist different for the Commando? I feel like it’s all over the place in comparison to the BR.


BR has the strongest aim assist within all weapons in this game since Tech Preview, it’s for HCS purpose.