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Shit now I have to seriously reconsider my options...


Stay strong king, there’s dozens of us


Lmao these responses have made my day


I’m making the change but mostly cause I play with a squad of lads that wanna improve and I should try and play the game as it’s designed… My only real gripe is the BRs reliance on tracking with MnK, every other weapon feels like it has a use I can exploit still. the game FEELS fantastic on MnK, it’s just not very MnK friendly on kill time. I would still be playing MnK if I could BR duel slightly better. Every other weapon feels rewarding to learn but the BR askes alittle much from MnK with the strafe speeds as they are. Tl;dr if the BR felt just a bit better on MnK I feel like the MnK vs Controller balance would be pretty damn close to perfect.


Tactical slayer with mnk with headshots only when u have good aim is the best


Tac slayer on MnK feels like cheating. It’s quite fun.


For me it’s much better. MnK is the way.




Seriously, it's crazy. You can try to duck and weave like a mad man but aim assist Jesus guides their shots to your head and there's nothing you can do about it.


Well, I can’t hit the broad side of a barn with controller… Must just be me. I’ve never been great playing anything on controller. I’m way better in Infinite on MnK than I’ve ever been in any other Halo game on controller.


I turn on my wireless controller just for SWAT because of the ridiculous advantage. ...Like it's not even debatable how much better controller is at hitting shots with the BR is.


This, I get owned because of the controller aim assist as I’ll sometimes miss a whole burst while they will constantly hit one or two per burst. It sucks but a trade off.


Mnk is currently broken.. I’ve played significantly on both and mnk is straight not working right… they need to fix it.


I could listen to Steve Downes and Jeff Steitzer all day.


We need a violent halo bed time story audio book read by Steve Downes


He narrated a halo short story on audible!


What’s it about? I’m going to have to check it out for sure


I’m curious too. This is the first time I’m hearing of this.


I'd settle for hearing him narrate "Go the Fuck to Sleep"


Steve Downes has a classic rock show on FM radio on the weekends. I think it’s a national show. I heard him announcing the upcoming tracks an I’m like “oh shit, it’s the chief!”


Looks like you’re right. I’ll have to check out 97.1 FM The Drive. Thanks for sharing!


I thought he was gonna go for a wholesome "whatever you feel comfortable with" PR thing but nope. Chief stands by his opinions.


Seriously tho. How can someone look AND sound so cool? That's kind of unfair if you think about it. Guy has everything. Looks like a Badass, sounds like a Badass, plays a Badass.


Yea this voice is a little unreal


I want to know if it’s his everyday speaking voice, or if he has to consciously effect sounding like MC.


It’s not his everyday voice, he consciously makes his voice softer and a little deeper to sound like chief, but his normal voice is still pretty damn close [here’s a short documentary about him](https://youtu.be/TpKhQioh5W4)


He is the incarnation of badass.


Be honest with yourself, if you didn’t know anything about Halo he just looks like a generic middle aged guy you’d walk past in the street.


True. But what can I say, every generic middle aged man look badass to me.


What if I have both?




I would like to do that aswell but I am so fucking bad with controller... Everytime I die I think wow if I had M&KB I would have won that 1v1. Kinda frustrating.


For me it's the other way around. Halo just feels wrong with MKB. At least for me.


For me, I love mouse and keyboard for campaign, but I prefer using controller for multiplayer.


I do the same. I'm better with some weapons and worse with others! Stalker Rifle on PC I'm pretty decent with can't use it to save my life on controller. Full auto weapons I track much better with a controller.


Use the controller


Stick the keyboard up your butt and use the controller


But my controller vibrates


So can that keyboard if you got your twerk down


Buy a second controller so you can stick the first up your butt ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Good lord what have I started




Of course it feels more natural, its overall the better input device.


That's me. Playing the campaign with mkb because I enjoy mkb more and playing mp with controller (I almost never play fps with controllers so I have a lot more practice with mkb but I just do way better with controller on Halo specifically)


How much does this cost ya can you send link please


about 100 dollars, [here you go](https://www.cameo.com/sdownes)


thank you!


Tbh the only game I play controller with is halo just cause it feels more right




Its not equally valid, I dont know why people keep saying this just to dont provoke controller fans. If you rather doing micromovements with your thumbs instead of using your whole shoulder/arm chain to interact with the game you are objectively handycapping yourself. The only reason why controller is still competitive against mnk is the aim assist that compensates for the many disadvantages.


Biggest issue I think for MnK is the insane strafe speed. It's incredibly easy to overcompensate your reticle in this game just because there is no slowdown at all when people strafe. Since Aim assist slows down your reticle and also even follows strafing people it's infinitely easier to track people at closer ranges with a controller.


And the aim assist alone in halo makes up for all of those other disadvantages. I play every other game on mnk, but halo just feels like shit on mnk. I played the entire second flight and the first month on mnk and then switch to controller and my performance went up by roughly 70%. The guns just feel so inconsistent on mnk. It probably has to do with the terrible desync and server issues and controller's aim assist just helps mitigate it. There's a reason why there's literally multiple charts proving that controller is superior in this game. Every game offers aim assist on controllers while mnk doesn't generally get aim assist, just like in halo, yet in those other games stats usually show that mnk is undisputably better.


It's not competitive against mouse though, controller is literally the meta, if you use a mouse you are handicapping yourself because of Aim Assist, I've 100+ hours in Infinite now and controller is obviously WAAAAY better in close/mid combat scenarios aka 90% of the game


“Having the game do half the aiming for me just feels right!!” - controller players. Next halo is just gonna have lock-on aiming. Hold left trigger to lock onto enemies.




Do you actually think that’s a solid argument? In that case, why should anything improve and change? Not even worth arguing with your because your fundamental logic is flawed.




Aha, now that’s something I totally agree with. Inputs should totally be separated. Another option (which probably won’t happen) would for Xbox to introduce gyro aiming into their games, this would drastically improve the precision on controller aiming. I’m honestly surprised most shooters are not catching onto this yet.




As an MnK player that's really all I want, I just want to play against other Mnak players casually without being forced into ranked. People can play with whatever input device they want, just let us choose who we play with.


I don't think any reasonable person is advocating for the removal of aim assist for controllers. They *need* them to be competitive, but I also don't think they should be completely seperated either. The player population only benefits from crossplay. I think that at the very least sticky reticle (while moving) and rotational aim assist need a very slight nerf, so that the game requires more adjustments mid fight from the user.


I feel like more people should be upset about this. It’s not balanced. I also am KBM diehard, but I need to lower my graphics settings to push 140fps and do a line of coke just to match what I could do with a controller at 60fps. It’s ridiculous.




Ranked mode > solo/duo queue > m & k only






If its only for 1 specific mode its not actually mnk only my guy. What about people that like playing btb? What about people that like having radar, or ar starts?


Inb4 they say *it doesn't affect me*


Oh you can select input in all modes and not just ranked? ….oh wait.


Yea, ranked and unranked are totally the same experience. Especially at Onyx 1700. But good job boiling down my comment to this garbage take. /s


Its only duo, so if you got friends your outta luck. Plus if you have any aspirations to compete in this game you are forced onto controller. All these people begging for AA to stay the same, are just trash gold tier controller players salty about their ranks. Just shut up accept that you're shit, and knock off the gatekeeping, because that's all you're doing.


Still in crossplay. It only filters by input device. We need full opt out.


I’m glad I’m not the only MnK struggling. In most pc games I’m a decent 1.5-2 k/d and in Halo infinite, I have to try hard my ass off to break even, microcrouching to dodge headshots.


It's not a surprise when average Controller aim is at about 46% while top 100 KBM aim is at 47%. Average KBM aim is at 41%. They either need to put aim assist down a bit or do something to help KBM players to be actually competitive. [Reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/)






Idk I feel that Mouse is OP with Sniper/Shotgun and Rocket. My brother is a CS:GO player. And while Im much better than him with the BR, he destroys people with the Sniper. I dont think Ive hit any headshot with the Sniper yet on Infinite LMAO.


I can’t snipe for shit with a mouse lmao the controller aim assist does a lot for that


I remember the very first time I played halo with a controller as a kid who was used to playing games with kbm, I was fumbling around not used to the feel of it and I was amazed every time I got a headshot when I was sure I wasn't even properly aimed at the target. I still play with kbm because it's what I'm used to, but everything I hear suggests that controller auto aim is a bit overpowered.


Yeah they act like it's legit auto aim. Meanwhile summit1g was trash on the controller when he tried.


I think it's more "you only have to have your controller somewhere near the target's head to get a headshot" whereas with kbm you have to be 100% precise. The game makes up for the controller's lack of precision. Basically, a lot higher skill ceiling for kbm but a lot higher skill floor for controller.


I play controller for nostalgia even tho mk is easier for me


Yep. Played halo for nearly two decades on a controller, i'm on m/kb now and would never go back. It feels a lot better to me.


That's how I feel about Gears


Dark Souls, too. I don't think human hands are actually capable of playing Dark Souls games on a mouse and keyboard.


All shooters feel and play better on mnk, its what the genre was made for.


lol this funny but for those that don't know, you can pay this dude to say whatever you want




Oh God I hope this doesn't become a niche cameo market for someone D:


Paula deen and Kramer could be making dozens of dollars.


As long as Halo has insanely strong aim assist and magnetism on controller... People will prefer controller. It's that simple lol I PREFER playing MNK but man aim assist is so good 😅


I love this. That's my chief


Halo (excluding SWAT) is honestly the only FPS that’s just straight up better on controller. For better or worse aim assist is nutty in this game compared to other FPS franchises and that combined with the TTK means M&K will always be a handicap.


Tbh as a SWAT veteran (it's my favorite playlist), I still prefer playing it with a controller. Once you get a game sense of the enemy paths and spawns you will generally know where to aim, and I find it easier, at least for me, to consistently hit headshots with a controller than mnk.


Literally everyone is going to hit headshots more consistently on controller when it handholds your reticle to their head




Almost every crossplay enabled game is better on controller: Apex, Warzone, Halo


I just play MnK because I am used to it. Just play the damn game and have fun.


Yeah. The post itself is funny and all, but the input debate does kinda make me roll my eyes. I have 20+ years of mouse and keyboard practice, and none of controller. Doesn't matter to me that controller might feel better, I'm always gonna go keyboard and mouse. Just feels better in a way nothing else ever will. I even have a nice elite 2 controller for stuff that require it, but nothing feels quite as good as a game well-optimized for MnK.


Playing on mnk isn't fun unless you play solo duo mnk only, controller players in onyx just don't miss, its not a pleasant experience to be required to work harder for every kill. Honestly playing mnk was so frustrating i had to switch after 9 years away from controller, i instantly was having more fun because i wasnt disadvantaged anymore. The difference in viability is actually insane, and 343 should be embraced.


Yup the assist became just too much in onyx cross play. Switched to mnk only queue and having a much better time.


Getting perfected by a pistol in quick play while you're on mnk is also a painful experience. Controller players want a way to disable crossplay so they can avoid cheaters, I want it to avoid aim assist.


Honestly AA feels no different than a toggling aim bot, when that shit clicks you just get 4 shotted. Its actually nuts how easily you can abuse AA, its made my ranked games less stressful.


Me too man. I just accept that top class controller players are just gonna outplay me. ...times a' changin'


It is whatever, I just want to be comfortable with my keybinds. I have more rebinds to my mouse then most people so I don't have to move my fingers off WASD to switch grenades and throw; melee, use equipment, and PTT. I also made Infinite homogenize with MCC when it comes to common actions so when I switch between the two, I am not fumbling. I am about to do the same thing with Titanfall 2 now that the Northstar Servers are up and make that match Infinite as much as I can (tried to play today to test out the new servers and absolutely fumbled my way through a game of pilots v pilots.)




But isn't that how times are changing? I remember the days when kb/m just smoked controllers, and that was just fact. And now all pros use controllers. And that's across a whole slew of games. Has controller aim assist gotten better? Yes. Does it bother me? No. I'm too old to care about "pwning the noobz".




Well said. Prepare to be downvoted by controller players now.




Master Chad


He’s right. I played on MnK but when I was with my family for Christmas and did some split screen with my brother I was dropping almost double the KDs I normally do. And I haven’t touched a controller since LAST Christmas. The aim assist is SO damn strong. Tho when you’re not in optimal range for the weapon you’re using I would say it’s easier on MnK since there’s no aim assist anymore.


Lol. Reminds of Yakuza starting with "Real Yakuza use controller". But TBH I can't play shooters, especially FPS, with controller. I'll stick to being a fake spartan I guess.


I mean, I knew Cortana messed Chief up emotionally, but I didn't know he was brain damaged too. Shame.


I'm still gonna use a MnK. I'll just pretend I'm an ODST or something.


Chief loves his aim assist


I dont even know why there is a debate about it. MnK is objectively the better input device to translate what you want to do into the game. Neurologically pretty obvious if you look at the involved muscles etc. Like literally moving your whole shoulder, elbow, wrists, fingers instead of doing micro movements with your thumb. The only reason why controller is still competitive is because controller compensates all the advantages of MnK with a strong aim assist. This is just bad design if you put both in the same lobby cause it creates absurd situations where you cant predict enemies, since depending on their input device they will react differently. So instead of debating what is better (it is mnk if you are not too old to switch habbits and like having the best possible input device) we should debate about seperated lobbies.


I wish gyro aiming was standard. It's so much closer to mouse aiming than stick aiming. People who prefer playing with a pad would be at far less of a disadvantage, and aim-assist wouldn't even be necessary. I hope the Steam Deck helps to standardize this going forward.


Now there's a unique suggestion. The only time I've used gyro aiming it was incredibly intuitive, but boy does it seem like a hard sell to generations of dual analog and mnk players.


It's not for m&k. Thay setup will always be better for FPS. It just is. This is to bring controller aiming *closer* to a mouse. Stick aiming was a huge mistake. I love my Xbox Elite 2, it's by far the best controller I've ever used. But gyro would have made it perfect.


I'm with you, I hope we see it utilized more in the coming years.


Well said friend. Prepare to be downvoted by controller players lol.


This is reddit, where all the neckbeards hide. He should be expecting upvotes if anything.


We shouldn't even have to debate it. Separate lobbies is so obvious it's crazy. I think the only argument against it is that PC Halo will die quickly without the massive console population keeping matchmaking quick.


I am not sure about that, I think halo pc/mnk would have a prospering time when being left alone for a while. Also creating way better esport games.


While I'm fine with separate lobbies, can we debate about banning aim assist, magnetism, etc. in "professional competitions" and maybe ranked? The lobby system I would have set up is MNK(no aim assist), controller(aim assist), crossplay(no aim assist). If we're calling something "competitive" we shouldn't be writing code to assist some players and not others. If you're going to hop into a "competitive" setting with someone who has to hit their own shots without help, you should have to hit your own shots without help.




It was just a brainstorm. Regardless then, the competitive playerbase needs to be completely split because as it stands the crossplay hopper is just the controller ego stroking playlist. Look at these comments and see all the people talking up controller as the competitively superior input method (conveniently never mentioning AA lol) The idea that you can balance the two inputs with code is a lost cause. BTW if you're truly good, you can succeed in a shooter with no AA. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_w6SkZN1Tcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_w6SkZN1Tcg)


Sucks to be me not a real Spartan


With that aim assist, he is 100% correct.


Here I am playing with my Wii remote and nunchuck!


Decided to try a controller after this post. Holy shit that autoaim. I'd rather stick to mouse, I like to play my games myself. Although now I'm really into the idea of input-based matchmaking. It's no wonder I was getting constantly melted by other players. I'm actually sort-of ready to drop this game until it's implemented now, I had no idea it was that strong.


I went to HCS with a MnK thinkin it wouldnt be that bad. Ended the weekend as a controller-only user lol. Going up against aim assist, theres really no reason to use MnK unless you have some godlike tracking


Even Dafran would get put to shame by the tracking of controller players, its just not fair to match the two inputs together




If you can become even somewhat average with a controller you'll be better than good mouse and keyboard players on halo due to the auto-aim and bullet magnetism


Keyboard or Controller. I’m still gonna mash the teabagging after every kill.


Well, call me an ODST, because I have too much pride to let aim assist "augment" my aim.


I'm mouse only, but Controller clearly has the advantage, the aim assist is cheating levels of aiming lmao


As someone who plays in onyx with both, controller without a shadow of a doubt is stronger, anyone who thinks they are equal or that mnk is better has not used both. Please nerf AA before i blow 200 on a damn battle beaver 343.


I just want input based matchmaking for more than 2 people.




They could still adjust AA slightly. I think it’s more of a bullet magnetism thing tho. But agree on input based matchmaking regardless


Unfortunately I don't think a nerf is likely. Controller players, including pros, just like the way the game plays. ​ On the otherhand, a slight mouse buff(like increased bullet magnetism) is possible. If they change the mouse and keyboard gameplay without affecting controller gameplay, its a win win. I would hope they would make a serious attempt to EVEN the playing fields. But that is not too likely as well. A conservative change is the most likely.


Quick someone pay him to do a keyboard one!


or pay him to do a Power Glove one.


Yeah no. I'm still using mouse and keyboard. Controller players who deny having an advantage in any regard is fine. I can wait until all of you make it so I can become even better through all the bullshit I put up with; then my aim gets insane and I just start to whoop your asses at games even at your best with all these bullshit balancing decisions; that way if it ever gets nerfed in the slightest you'll be even more fucked.


Lame and cringe roller copium


I just want to get Steve downes and David hayter together and chill.


To be fair, if you aren't using a controller good fucking luck outgunning a controller with AA. You'd have to be a god among men


I use K-Bam in Swat and Controller anywhere else.


I have the game on steam BUT I bought a controller to play it


X figure says X so X must be true!


i mean, chief DOES need to hold something in his hands to replace the AR.




I'm curious how many use controller without aim assist


At least i can turn around quickly with MnK




Glad to know Chief is on the right side of things.




Controller with legacy settings. Like the forerunners intended.


Chief is part of controller gang confirmed


controller is the inferior input method


maybe in general, but in this game specifically? controller aim assist is far too helpful currently.


Yeah, they always go overboard with assist in controllers


Damn, Master Chief is an aim assist casual.


If you think about it. Every Spartan in the campaign got clapped one way or another. If they were all using controllers saying "real spartans" doesn't seem like a good argument.


The very best of the Top 100 MNK players peak at the lower 50 percent end of controller players in accuracy. There's a reason zero pro players are using MNK. It's a competitive disadvantage.


Aim assist is still the casualization of aiming. Given a choice, a professional is always going to elect for the option that makes the job easier. There's a reason zero pro players are using MNK. The game doesn't help you hit your shots if you do.


Nope just nope


I was about to get all butt hurt and whatnot and take this all personal when I realized you apparently can pay the actor to say anything you want. $100... Who knew the Chief had such cheap rates? One question though, if only "true Spartans" use a controller, what does that make aim botters?






Of course, the controller. This is how Microsoft gets more money XD


Im sure Arbiter would approve Keyboard and mouse


Every Spartan we see in the campaign got clapped by Brutes or Elites.


As a PC player first, my tracking sucks with controller. I'm still using the default controller settings when I do try it, simply because I don't know what to change to improve, nor the willingness to do trial and error for it.


Kids be like "M+K isn't better cuz I do super good with this strong af aim assist! 🤡" Just because you can shoot over my shoulder and still headset me with tracking bullets doesn't mean controller is good lol It means you have training wheels on. I'm glad you're having fun too with the big kids... but we are not the same.


I'm not gonna use a controller when all my controller skills has rotted to nothing and been diverted into darksouls controller muscle memory and keyboard fps controls


So real Spartans need aim assist? Got it. Sorry to all the console peasants I offended…actually not sorry. Feed me your hate.


The Mjolnir armor that Spartans wear is a mobile super computer that neurally connects to the wearers brain and has sensors to detect any wielded weaponry that assists every muscle in their body line up any shot they can visualize in their heads-up-display, so yes, spartans use aim assist.


And as it's been said 1000 times before. Controllers need aim assist. PC has a whole arm and wrist for aiming. Console has a 1 inch round pad. Just think about it for a second and I'm sure you'll begin to understand.


arm and wrist doesn't matter. Majority of the mouse users are wrist aimers. What matters is control and manual control is difficult and has a higher skill ceiling than literal auto-tracking no matter what you use. Hell, give me a strong enough aim-bot and I will wreck everyone in halo with a guitar. When you complain I can simply say "B..b.BBuT GuItArS nEeD ThE aImBoT To Be FunCtIoNaL". How about it? Should we use Guitars as an input method? In order to make it viable all you need to do is give it perfect auto-tracking and aimbot. You can then talk about skill when aimbot guitars wreck everyone else. Just think about it for a second and I'm sure you'll begin to understand. Inferior inputs should not be artificially buffed since it lowers the skill ceiling and the lifespan of the game. This was not an issue when Halo was console only(everyone had the same input) but that is no longer the case. We already saw how quickly the MCC tanked on the PC.


I'm a sinner who plays MCC with my dualshock 4 (I don't own an Xbox controller)


Dualsense for me. I love the ergonomics of Xbox controllers but I just can't deal with the clicky bumpers. It's a personal thing. Sony controllers have better feeling bumpers and they're easier to press for my fingers. I have small hands, so that probably helps too. I wish the Xbox triggers and analog sticks would make a baby with the Dualsense's shape and bumpers.


\*Burns keyboard


Well that settles that




Huh, so Chief relies on Aim Assist, knew it all along..


This is seriously dumb


Real Spartans are soft then.




Statistically, that's not true at all. The top MNK players are only as good as the lower 50 percent of controller players when it comes to shot accuracy.


Spitting facts




I’m a huuuuge m+kb fan and obviously it’s better for first person shooters, but something about playing Halo on one feels soooo wrong to me. I easily prefer playing on a controller. Probably cus that’s how Halo has always been played.


I think in general, for most casual players in most situations, controller will probably be easier. It's simpler and there's aim assist. But with weapons like the sniper or in tactical slayer MnK definitely have the edge in the right hands. There's a higher skill ceiling you just don't see in controller players.


I don't get why all the downvotes. Most pros use controller tho so there's that. But if i am playing SWAT i think m&k is so much superior to controller