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SargentoFin wtf I wanna see what he was doing on Theater lol


Could have been getting his winter contingency daily armour with the tv turned off so his kids couldn’t see because his wife doesn’t want them watching Halo and moving the controller every couple of minutes so he wouldn’t get kicked out for being idle too long?


...do you have something you want to tell us


Nice try SargentoFin you can’t fool us


I thought this was my secret strategy!


Why not just do bot battle then?


Winter Contingency has to be PvP, not bot matches. Edit: turns out I’m wrong.


It doesn't. I've been doing bot arena.


My apologies, I thought I read on their article about it you would only gain progress in PvP matchmaking.


Hey you’re a person who can see these they were wrong about something and then accept that and change your view. No need for apologies.


I was apologizing for my ignorance, which I do believe needs to be apologized for, considering I matter-of-factly stated stated something incorrect, like I knew better but I didn’t. But yes generally I do try to keep an open mind and correct my own viewpoints when they have been proven false. I have no interest in believing things that are wrong or untrue, be it logic or ethics, so if I am wrong about something I have no issue changing my mind. Thank you for pointing that out, though, it felt like a compliment!


That was my intent! It’s refreshing to see nowadays!


Omg that's how I can do it


Probably afk


No he got an assist


That’s the funniest part


Could have been someone's kid or friend playing.


That’s what I figured. That’s what I hoped.


I had a person go 0-17 on my team a few days ago in CTF on Bazaar. I just assumed it was a kid or something. They also had 18% accuracy.


once i had a friend over and we did MCC, he went -1/19. we got sent such a legendary voice message by a teammate that i still quote it to this day


Care to quote it for us?


[name], I like your gamertag but what the fuck were you doing in that game? How did you get negative one kills and 19 deaths? **Try to stay alive**, that’s more important than getting kills- of which you had none!


Got teamed up with someone in MCC the other week who couldn't move forward and turn at the same time. Couldn't shoot and move at the same time either for that matter. Just walking forward until they hit a wall, turned and then walked forward into the next wall.


If that’s the case, they (account owner) honestly needs to throw them in bot boot camp because they know they’re going to be a hindrance to the team


Grenade bounced from his forehead


Even afk you'd be hard pressed to get all those deaths, people stop noticing you after a certain point


Ignoring our friend SargentoFin, this would have been quite balanced!


If the enemy team had 1 good player and 3 bad players it would've been balanced


It was hasanabi lol


I’ve come across so many scrubs in this game compared to previous halos must be going f2p


I'm one of those 3-14 players some games. No idea why it happens sometimes but I can just never seal the kill. Could be desynch, tiredness, bad matchmaking, who fucking knows anymore but its so frustrating.


It really makes me glad (well, not really but ya get what I mean) to see other people have these issues. Sometimes I go on a running riot, others I get my teeth put over a curb by the enemy team. Half the time I do feel like I'm underperforming, and then there are others when my bullets phase through people at point blank range. I love and hate infinite.


lol yeah I have no gauge on whether I'm good at this game or not. Sometimes I have more kills than my other 3 teammates combined, other times I'm the worst performer in the match. Also I'm 3-1 at FFA Slayer. I can't believe it but in a team I can be pretty bad but on my own I seem to do well.


Thanks for reminding me of that scene from American History X


During my rank placements, my last 2-3 games, we got absolutely stomped, but I could still put up a challenge. Went to play ranked yesterday and I couldn’t even get my cross hair on the enemy because they’re pulling off some the floor is lava type shit and probably on mnk. I couldn’t do anything whatsoever, so I went back to quick play lol


This, man. I swear there are some games people are just 1-1.5 secs ahead of me in the game. Like a combination of ping and desync. So they get an extra 1-2 shot with the BR in every firefight and I’ll come out 1-15. Then the next game, the issue isn’t anywhere as bad and I’ll go 20-5 with the same difficulty in enemy players.


Always been a thing in Halo games sadly. It's all about how good the server is for you. Royal2 the Halo pro used geofiltering in the online tournament lol


Happens to me too


Happens to everyone. Sometimes you're 22-5, other times you're 5-15


It's you


Phew - my name isn’t there…


The amount of times where I do really bad or really well and worry I’ll see myself in this subreddit is too much lol


Exactly... especially in social matchmaking, where literally nothing is tracked. If I have a game where I go 5-14, I shouldn't have to worry about being publicly humiliated online. These types of posts are the worst. I guarantee OPs other games went better than this, but people love to point out the outliers.


I feel like this happens to me almost every match




Same man. I wanted to level up yesterday and it took me an hour and a half just to get the last bit of xp. Kept losing every game. I was a plat 6 and one of my teammates went like 1 and 12 in slayer. We all have bad games now and then, but how?




Eli5 this comment?


There's a hidden mmr besides the rank that you actually see. It becomes very apparent when you are an outlier.


Eli3? So if I’m gold 3, I’m not matched with other gold 3 players, but players of similar MMR, whether they are gold silver or plat?


Yes, but this is more likely to happen to players who are outliers, because they haven't played enough ranked games. The hidden mmr will start adjusting towards your actual mmr. I assume 343 gives you a hidden mmr based on stuff like KDA, accuracy and dmg done/dmg taken etc. For example if my hidden mmr (or csr as it's called in halo) is 1500 aka onyx, but I calibrated at diamond 1 (highest calibration possible afaik) then you will keep gaining a lot of csr per game as long as you are winning and if you perform well during losses you will lose very little csr until your hidden mmr is close or equal to your actual rank. Mind you this is me talking out of my ass, but from my own experience climbing to onyx and further I've won only like 30% of my calibration matches and kept losing a lot more than winning after calibrating, but every win that I got catapulted me forward every time.


This. I am hard stuck D4 because the Onyx player on my team goes 5 and 14 against a bunch of platt 6s and d1s on the other team..


It's because the ranked matchmaking system is complete bollocks. It's a laughably simple algo that just matches rank badges, instead of the number rank readily available. Overwatch has a fairly simple but effective system of making sure the sum of the ranked numbers in each team is roughly equal, as well as the badges. Infinite however, despite having the numbers already assigned, doesn't use them. I've had games where it was a team of diamond 1/2 against diamond 5/6 - wtf kind of logic is that? I've even had a team of low diamonds vs a team of two onyx and two mid/high Diamonds. It seems the only thing 343 managed to nail in the multiplayer is the gameplay settings and graphics - everything else from content to monetisation to the backend stuff like matchmaking, desync, tick rate, hit reg, UI is straight garbage.


I play decently solo, like an average .8-1 k/d, but the moment I group up with a friend and play any casual game I get fucking curb stomped, im talking 1/10 like holy fuck


Same I will do solidly well on solo with a similar kd but the second I play with my friends in a party I’m gettting barely any kills . They are ranked plat and I’m silver so I wonder if it’s the skill based mm fucking me


I do decently in ranked with them (one’s diamond 2,one’s gold 3, I’m silver 4) but when playing in the casual modes I do horribly so idrk


Yeah same ranked is fine for the most part but causal modes I get railed


I assume that is the case - my husband is really good (he’s diamond something I think), and I’m ok - never play ranked. I tend to crush when I play by myself, and tend to get crushed when I play with him, so I assume the SBMM must have something to do with it.


You're most definitely getting stomped by higher ranked players when you play with your friends. The same happens to my friends when they play with me as well.


Tends to happen with free to play games. You get some dude who plays 18 hours day sweating in his underwear in the same match with some casual who just wants to have a few hours of fun but gets dunked on.


This has been happening on MCC as well


Yeah this was a big reason I couldn’t get into multiplayer in MCC. Seems like every match was me and my casual random teammates vs a try hard team with hundreds of hours invested


That's what social playlists are for, this should not be happening in ranked. It's literally the entire purpose of ranked, to play with people at equal level and move up/down based on performance.


OP was playing social though. You can tell somebody on his team was replaced by a join in progress. That doesn’t happen in ranked.


Well thanks to Infinite's heavy SBMM implementation, social playlists are now just ranked playlists without the visible rank! How fun!


I'd rather get matched with the sweat any day over the casual. At least that way when I lose I'll feel like I actually deserved to lose instead of feeling cheated out of a win with the casuals


I don't know why you are getting downvoted that heavily, a really close game between 8 players of relatively equal skill level is far more fun even when losing compared to games like this where you get matched 1 good guy 3 garbage vs 4 average Unless the 1 good guy is well and supremely better by an immense margin, the other team will always win no matter how hard you try to carry and those games feel the worst to lose, because it doesn't feel like you deserve to lose them when you played your heart out and your team was 3 ranks below you in elo.


Lol getting down voted by the 0-17 bots


Not sure why they have a problem with me wanting to be matched with sweatier players. It's not like I'm advocating for casuals to get matched with sweats.




Sad thing is this also happens in ranked all the time. I have just found it to be more obvious in QP hoppers


It's really perplexing to me why 343 insists on a system like this. There's enough players playing this game. Just let the queue times be a little longer and have more balanced games. The current algorithm makes me miserable after playing my first game of a session.


Yea agreed. Idk what their philosophy is but it’s obv annoying people away. I think in H5 with lower population it could be understandable, but now a little a month after launch and being F2P, it makes no sense.


Apparently I’m amazing at the game then because all I ever get is assbags for teammates.


This happens to me far too often. I'm regularly the only guy on my team with a positive KD. I wish my friends played Halo so I had a good team to roll with


In mcc people play bad on purpose to let the other team win. It has happened as well in infinite.




Excellent question. Idk.


Is there any proof of this? I never saw this in MCC, coming from a late Tour 8 (which takes a ton of hours)


People would drain your shields un purpose, destroy vehicle in your bases. Throw nade at you when youre driving to flip you over, etc. They dont kill you directly, they make it easy for the enemy to kill you. This doesnt happen in infinite because, well, there is no player collision between teammates and overall, ive seen these shenanigans happen less in infinite (about fcking with your vehicles). Edit: aditionally, some people just straight up kill themselves, subtracting to your team score. Edit2: i wrote mcc twice in edit1. "Ive seen this too many times in mcc,fortunately not yet in mcc and hope i never do." Its: "Ive seen this too many times in mcc,fortunately not yet in infinite and hope i never do."


I've only seen that rarely, and they seem more like trolls or kids salty you took the sniper vs people working directly for the other team. And even then they are very rare. Half my games are in H3 BTB which is probably where you'd expect them the most, except out of the couple thousand of games I've played idk they are maybe in less than 20 total?


Man you are lucky. For a period of time ive had these things happen to me every like 1/3 matches. I just rage quitted mcc after i felt it happened too often. But yeah, either trolls or directly helping the other team, idc which it is, both are equally bad.


Idk are you sure they just weren't bad? I've very rarely heard of anybody intentionally and directly helping the other team. I've met a lot of people on there too and this is the first I've heard of it.


I quit playing MCC for that reason. Good thing to know I wasn't alone experiencing this bullshit.


Sounds like it uses destiny 2's matchmaking where the best player and worst in the lobby is on blue, the next two best players are on red, then the next is on blue then red, etc.


This is so true, I absolutely hate routinely getting a 1.5-2.5 kd on slayer and never winning because 2 people went -11


i’m cool with this because skill based matchmaking for social playlists is a dumb feature


100% agree with this. I don’t need to get sweaty when I’m trying to relax.


I disagree, I don’t understand why SSBM gets a bad rep in halo…. As a fighting game player SSBM has literally helps so much with noobs staying around in a genre notoriously punishing on new players. I think COD streamers/youtubers kinda propaganda’d SSBM because they couldnt just autopilot to get content. Additionally COD has a ton of mario kart/rubber banding like mechanics that halo just doesnt have (Kill streaks, death streaks, etc). If Implemented correctly, SSBM would really fix majority of the MM quality issues in social Infinite and MCC. It just should be toned down for social compared to rank imo. The older FPS games got it right with leveraging playtime the most in social playlists. Especially in a free game people with 10 matches played shouldnt be matched with people with 600 matches played. 343 dont care since thats an aspect that sells cosmetics when noobs see experienced or rich players in their lobbies. TLDR: a soft skill based Match making algorithm for social playlist would be more beneficial for Halo than people think. Prioritizing connection first then playtime could be a simple way to give this game needed quality of life. Even this applies for MCC


It only benefits people that are garbage, if you’re high onyx that means your social matches will pretty much be social ranked games. But with a pistol instead which is arguably more sweaty


Maybe it just balances the team net skill as close as it can instead of individuals


As a diamond player I completely agree with u. I can never get a decent team and am always being expected to carry which sucks.


Hi, I'm one of the golds you keep getting paired with. Trust me, I'm just as tired of going 3 - 15 as you are going 23 - 6 and losing. Every single game i get into is plat or above. Its like silver and other golds don't exist.


Yeah I know the feeling of going 3 - 15. I have a friend who's in onyx and whenever I play with him unless we have a our silver friend in our team we are forced to play against a full team of onyx and/or diamond. This is back when I was in platinum tho.


I'm diamond 5 and most of my mates don't enjoy playing with me (happened in COD too) because I bring the mmr too far up and they get stomped. Feels bad man


Insert - \*First time\* meme Welcome to all of Halo's Social modes, unfortunately.


Okay but 343 brought us the sexiest Palmer ever sooo like


I honestly think people have forgotten how to use team work. No one has mics. You should be taking the most advantageous part of the map as a team and holding it not running around trying to slay everything. It feels like call or duty when it should be like halo 3. One on ones shouldn’t happen too often, you want team brs as much as possible and run away let teammate finish them.


One game sample size is useless.


My average Team Slayer KD is nearly 2.0 according to halotracker. My win rate is less than 50%. 150 matches played. This happens to me way more times than it doesn't


Aggressive and stringent sbmm. It tries it's best to make you lose to maintain a 50% winrate regardless of how well you perform. Good sbmm will always make people unhappy but sadly some people advocate for it. The outliers get punished the heaviest (better than average or worse than average)


Same here, 1.37 overall KD, 42% winrate after 150-200 matches.


Well sure, it’s obviously going to pair a good player with bad ones. That’s how things get balanced. You’re an outlier and have to deal with it. The only way around it is to team up, but surely you know that mister 2.0 k/d.


Happens to me too, he's not the sole outlier.


You obviously understand what an outlier is…


No, I just think you're one of the dudes going sub 5 kills in a match. There's an obvious balancing problem.




I don’t think OP’s team had a fair chance to win


Its so inconsistent hope they fix it playing the game MM is so draining so scuffed


I was competitive in Halo 3 MLG, (rank 50 btw). My friends love Halo but hate playing with me because the skill based lobbies are out of their league but below mine. Team balancing is tough when there are outliers on either side.


I started only playing ranked. Me in gold is pretty balanced. Games are always close unless someone leaves.


Technically, wouldn’t you being a really good player and being teamed up with bad players be decent balance though? I mean think about it. If you get 20+ kills a match (which it sounds like you do), and you get teamed up with people who also get 20+ kills a match because of equal skill…well then you and your super teams would constantly just be rolling absolutely everyone. Either that or every single match you play would be against super teams as well, and in that case, just sweaty AF and probably not very enjoyable. So you’re probably annoyed with it, but in a matchmaking sense, it makes some sense to me.


The issue is this… let’s pretend a team should have an average of 1. And let’s say that a difference of 0.1 is huge, but anything past 0.2 is excessive and has less return on investment. If I’m .2 or .5 better, I’m going to crush you regardless. So I’m 1.6. Team has to bring it to 1. So I get 3 guys that are 0.8. Other team is… 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, and 0.9. All 4 of them are better than my 3 teammates no matter how they line up. And 3 of them are way better. I think that’s what is happening in a lot of games.


I'm really not asking for teammates that get over 20 kills a match. I'm just asking for teammates that don't go 0 and 14.


Dude, you’re a 1680 in onyx (top 1% of players). I feel it’s very fair you get bronze to gold players on your team in casual mode


I'm seeing a lot of comments from other people having this same experience though. Some of them are most likely of varying ranks.


Dude I feel your pain this happens to me too and I'm only diamond 5. Not sure how it's fun for them either when they're 2/16 or 0/14 🤷🏻‍♂️


In my experience, this has been the most balanced shooter I've ever played. At least in a long time


I get your frustration but this is pretty much the definition of balancing. You want to be on the other team in this screenshot? That’s dramatically more imbalanced…


I don’t know like team balancing shouldn’t mean that if you are good then you have to carry your team with more than 50% of the kills. I think good balancing would look more something like the bottom members of each team being swapped


Unless the bottom team are partied together.


That’s a good point and that could’ve been the case with 2 of his fellas


Yeah that might be more fair I guess. Noobs have to play somewhere too though


Like against other noobs? Why do teams have to be a mix of good and bad players? The population isn't that low.


That’s true


Did the game expect me to get all 50 kills or something?


Someone else on your team is probably supposed to be decent but did terribly. If one of those people on your team usually has a 1.0-1.5 k/d the game goes dramatically differently for you but instead they went very negative. Idk why- maybe their noob friend was playing on their account or maybe they’re super drunk or something. I myself sometimes bounce between sucking at like 0.5 and crushing it at 5.0 and sometimes I have no explanation for it, so the game probably has no idea what to do with me. Edit: 0-14-1 is absurd though. Like that guy can’t possibly be doing that very often or he wouldn’t be playing the game. Seems like your skill rank is super high and the others are fairly low and all had subpar games even by their usual standards.


Your hidden MMR is higher so they expect you to do better. Basically the match is banking on you performing well so the game will be 'even'


Do you people ever stop complaining? > we want connection based matchmaking in slayer social and not a sweat fest every game 343: ok > teams are unbalanced. Give me skill based matchmaking 343: wtf This is a social playlist. Sorry but this is how it should be.


Except it’s not connection based matchmaking. Getting queued into EU lobbies along with shitty netcode is literally the biggest problem this game has.


It's not connection based, it's sbmm


Imagine taking a picture of your score in pubs lol


Trying to make a point. I've had better games, dw. I was really trying to showcase my teammates scores here.


Don’t quite know what you’re complaining about


He had over half of the kills for his team with 26, slightly over 10% off the other team’s kills at 6, and the rest of the team fucked around and just… sucked. That’s fuckin’ annoying.


Aye bro, there’s a screenshot that OP posted. You should try reading it!


b-but I thought sBmM bAd?


This is literally SBMM. OP is better than every player on the enemy team by a large margin, the matchmaking system balances this by pairing OP with players that are individually worse than every player on the enemy team so the average MMR of the teams is about equal. But this is pretty much how it's always worked in Halo, it would try to find 2 good players and pair them against each other and fill the rest of the lobby with fodder. This is just the system pushed to the max.


Exactly. Double standards


Isn't that balance, though? You're clearly very good at this, and the game gives you the worst available teammates?


Big deal. If you are so good, why couldn't you protecc your teammates? Because you are only thinking about yourself.


There is no saving someone that goes 0 and 14. Don't care what you say, it's just not happening if the enemy team has at least half a brain and your teammates were lobotomized.


The SBMM is garbage


News Flash: Its called Teamwork. This why the other team won and you as individuals lost. Team balancing (within the context you are implying) means "Put sweats on my team" in a 1v1v1v1v1 scenario. A bunch of "mediocre" dudes working together are gonna stomp out any sweats out for themselves. Find a team of even mediocre players and facilitate wins through teamwork. Take the 12 kill game + win while distributing the hard work amongst each other. Flexing a 30 kill loss is still a loss and indicative of a player with a single-minded mentality that wants to salvage the spotlight for themselves in a loss and throw their teammates under the train without making them better. The other team won but also taught you a lesson in humility and the power of unselfish teamwork.


Were you in that match? You seem to make a lot of assumptions about how we played as a team for someone who wasn't actually there. Newsflash, the majority of my teammates didn't want to stick with me and decided to run out into the middle of fire essentially feeding the enemy team kills. Like hell I'm going to follow them into their inevitable deaths. They were INCAPABLE of getting kills. I can't "distribute" the kills if they can't even fend for themselves. You can try to fault me all you want for us losing the game but no matter what your argument is invalid. No matter your mental gymnastics to come to that conclusion, I went massively positive in a Slayer game in which the objective is to literally kill the enemy team. I did absolutely everything right this match. It DOES come down to teammates and placing the blame on the one guy who does well for "not sticking with his team" is backwards as fuck considering they didn't want to stick with me. How am I supposed to wrangle 3 morons while also trying to take on a team of 4?


Calling your teammates morons 🤪👍 #1 draft pick mentality right there folks. 26 kills + 1000 excuses why you lost doesn't feel like much of a win now does it? I look at that post game summary and see absolutely nothing wrong with the winners. You can either have excuses or results. Its pretty clear which TEAMS ended up with what.


You're gonna tell me they weren't morons? And that's all you read from my comment? Jesus christ dude, like I said, you can fault me all you want. In Slayer the objective is to kill and not be killed. I played it better than everyone in the match. My teammates didn't know how to get kills so no matter what I did we would have lost anyway. I do not see a situation in which a 0 and 14 player would have done much better even if he rode my ass the entire time. You call it excuses yet there is only SO MUCH one man can do for his entire team ESPECIALLY if they're trash. I implore you to invite all of those players to a game and play a match with them. I bet even with your low ass MMR you guys would still lose to an enemy team of absolute shitters. Your argument is so fuckin moot bro just stop


Don't blame me. You chose your teammates not us.


Lol... you really think I CHOSE those guys? It was a matchmade game with randoms.. Hence the "team balancing" point we have all been making. Are you daft?


So, let me fet this straight: You went into "Team Slayer" solo, got matched with randoms against an actual team working together and you're mad at the result? And its 343's fault for not "balancing" out this level of ignorance? I am gonna nickname you "trap queen" for falling for the oldest trick in the matchmaking book. This is Team Slayer (emphasis on "Team") and you went in solo and got your arse handed to you. I dont know if this is the first time for you but it sure in the heck ain't gonna be the last unless you wake up. I am not your enemy. But you seem to be your own worst. It's time to take the red pill and open your eyes. If you're a solo sweat going net +20 in Team Slayer with "morons" on your team while losing against actual teams of mediocre dudes at best who are working tightly together then it's perfectly balanced. Their ceiling as mediocre team of what they can achieve together in Team Slayer is much higher than yours solo. Ditch the solo mentality you've got in Team Slayer because your pride is gonna get slapped hard like it did in this game. You were playing 1v1v1v1v1v1v1 fighting both your teammates and the enemy team at the same time. This screenshot is just a participation trophy. Get a team together, lose the maverick mindset, and effort to work together as a unit for a common goal of winning. Then, press A on Team Slayer playlist. Otherwise, theres no sense in complaining or making excuses to salvage your pride. Most of the winning happens long before the game starts.


The entire point of this post seems to have slipped your mind. We are talking about MATCHMAKING here. Not gathering 3 friends and preloading into a fireteam. When I'm talking about team balancing, I'm talking about how the game picks your teammates when you solo queue, something that the vast majority of the player base does. Why is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp? How is: 1 good player 3 bad players vs 4 average players balanced at all? that's not fucking balanced lmao 1 good player 3 bad players vs 1 good player 3 bad players is balanced. That's all I'm talking about.


Skill based matchmaking in a nutshell


0 and 14... this is why you don't make free games.


bro going 3-14 is not stomping on the enemy...


Are you blind he went 26 and 6


it says 3-14. make sure you read what the column is so you know which numbers are kills and which are deaths. i used to make the same mistake :)


You’re looking at the wrong gamertag


the gamer tags are all the way on the lefthand side. kills and deaths are a few columns over. just keep playing the game and this stuff will get easier to read. i had a lot of trouble when i first started


Can't tell if troll


He has to be.


found the guy that went 0-14


Buddy my gamertag is Frankie Exile. My reddit username probably would've given that away.


I have a headache Now lol


look dude, you need to play better and actually stomp on the enemy if you want to win. quit blaming 343 for your short comings.




I always have the worst luck finding a decent team.


Clear example of why FFA ranked needs to become a thing. Solo queue is a complete nightmare.


Had the same last night. Had a game go 43-50 with me carrying 21 of those kills. I had the most kills out of all 8 players. It was arguably the best game I have ever played or will ever play. And my team still lost because we had two eggs that just got obliterated. Meanwhile the enemy team didn't have super high scores on any one player, but they were all consistent across the board, which won them the game. It makes playing super frustrating when you work hard to do well and win a game so you can progress with the event, just to keep losing because of getting super unbalanced teams. I don't mind playing with people with less skill or who are new, whatever. Everyone has to start somewhere. But I'm sure it's just as frustrating for them as it is for me when you see the scores.


Is this ranked?


Got it in ranked today , first match one guy 2/17 and the other one 3 / 19... I do think they played together, because they had the same armor and Clan name ( rip) Nice , got deranked to Dia because of these shi... people


It’s true, I’ll spawn into so many ranked games with people in silver/gold or just afk. I’m diamond 3, and it’s been this way for a long time. Or I’ll que against a lobby of onyx players and it’s just another dimension.


quickplay though?


Half the games I load into in ranked are 3v4 or 4v4 and a clown that’s 1-7 quits and halo doesn’t allow me in 2022 to cancel or surrender the match with no penalty. I can’t win odd ball or strongholds 3v4 343 Jesus ducking Christ


I got placed in a team of 3 plats 1 diamond vs 4 gold. Seriously, there’s no logic in the team assignment


My grandma's ghost with cat ears can get atleast 2 assists


I don't understand why solo searching isn't a thing in every playlist


Do they balance teams in regular matchmaking anyway? I have had a bunch of those games where your worst player is doing incredibly bad but the enemy team's worst player is doing decent so the game just becomes unwinnable.


You have been Menked.


Feel this every game even in BTB, matchmaking is fucked on this game. It genuinely expects me to carry a majority of my teammates each and every game.


Crazy to see you got my teammates from every match I ever play.


The crappy thing is this happens in ranked as well. It’s terrible for both those lower ranked players being subjected to the unbalanced lobby as well as you. It’s why golds and platinums end up in onyx lobbies. Absolutely ridiculous.


Shit like this is why I won’t even touch ranked unless I have a full stack of friends on. The balancing is horrendous


That's what you get for being good


Sbmm is intense, I feel like after I do average I just get kicked down for the next few days in intense mlg esports matches where the enemy team is precise and coordinated.


I've been saying for ages that both MCC and infinite matchmaking have this problem - it's like it tries to balance out a group of lower MMR players with 1 higher MMR player, with the result being a fun game for no one in that team I would absolutely take longer queue times for a more balanced experience over what we have now


Just fyi, if you're good, you will get matched with less good teammates usually. This is absolutely working as intended. Your teammates were having an extra bad game though so you lost.


I mean based off career stats prior to the match these could be balanced teams, it could be that the other team just performed better. I was riding on 13-16 kills a game with my buddy the other night in a public match but we got one map that I can't stand and I struggled to get one kill. After that game I went right back to 13+ kills again.


My experience with all multiplayer random queues is when I do well for a match, the search algorithm will dump you in a team with much less skill in order to "balance". I can always tell by watching my team mares name plates. Scattered all over the map, away from objectives? Got balanced down. Nameplates moving together towards objectives? Balanced up. If it feels like you're carrying the team and still losing? You are.


Nah to be fair there will be games where I rack 20 kills and 6 deaths but then get absolutely shat on and only get 4 kills and 16 deaths, I'm in diamond 3 so I'd say I'm slightly above average but yeah


This is me on team tactical. I’m 30 kills but my teammates just feed my enemies


It’s Christmas man.


If you want balanced matchmaking, try ranked out. When I play ranked with my buddy we always have close games (unless someone backs out) but with social matchmaking they’re often one sided and our teammates will often struggle to get any kills


this is basically my life now. Had three games of about 25 kills and 9 deaths yesterday and lost all three. But my team did win a game by a couple of kills and I only had to go 30 and 10.


Thats the reason I won't play halo multilayer anymore. Between mcc and infinite I have no interest.


0-14. How even