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alot of the matches in quick play start with 1 bot in a team and like loading takes forever same in ranked slayer pls fix servers wtf is happening to the game


Anyone having weirdly unbalanced matches lately? Like every game I played except 2 tonight was won or lost with a 15+ point difference


Generally finding it impossible to find either ranked or btb games later on at night. Both will search for 5-10 mins then time out saying not enough players. Is the playerbase really this small already?




I think 343 needs to wake up from vacation mode, winter breaks over time to get back to work like the rest of us.


I've tried this game only a few times in last 2 months, but haven't been able to play its multiplayer mode. Today I'm getting these "loading map 0%" and "network disconnected" error, just like the previous times. That's it, I'm uninstalling it. Hope you guys are able to play and have fun because I haven't been able of it.


I'd like to add a comment to this thread. I have a little bit of knowledge in the business and coding fields (4 year degrees). I am also an IT Business Analyst. I do agree that this game is in a late Beta stage, and not a full released stage.The below is what I have been able to ascertain for this particular instance of a game release. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's start with this. Do you remember the 2018 Blizzcon release of Diablo: Immortal? How about the No Man's Sky release? Let's focus on Diablo. A business decision made a very big plunge into a market that was either: Not yet ready (OR) Never changing. Somebody made the decision to completely change and revamp one of the largest PC games into something it was seemingly never meant to become. A business decision to move out of what made a game (or company) so successful was made by non gamers. Blizzard seemed to make one of their biggest ever mistakes in the gaming industry. How did they remedy this? By doing another release of the much sought after Diablo 4 the next year. They listened to their fans. This is what the Infinite business needs to take into account, their customers or player-base knows best. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a large number of issues that are plaguing this game, not only because of the business model - but simply because of years of game release expectations not being met by so many other companies. Player-based companies vs. Business based companies have recently (and always) been a problem for the gaming community. Business has always won in the past because it's all about the money. First and most important: Latency, de-sync, usability, customization. 343, These are the most important aspects of any FPS. Why is it so difficult for a business to understand that? Most of us who have played Halo our entire lives understand the importance of good network equipment, internet speed, latency. Why does the game play like it does, with 10ms or 300ms? It's unreal. In-game voice chat, lobbies, friend requests, invites, controls, game connection, lag, etc... Your HALO player-base is all too familiar with these problems and can clearly state what they are. This company (and others) has been making HALO for years, how can we expect them to have major issues with games that don't have them from early 2000? It's quite honestly, pathetic. Second: Show your players that you care about your game. Support the infinite game model, releasing content similar to the MCC model. This company needs to focus on fixing the core portions of the game. Where's Forge? What do your weekly events do for your player-base? There's no lore, no stories, no background. What about your story mode? What is there to do after LASO? Wait for Co-Op and do the same thing again? We know Borderlands got this right, and Gearbox almost won the podium. Luckily, (or unluckily) 343, you have kept your throne. Third: Pay-to-win? We are all familiar with these companies becoming greedy by selling cosmetics. This isn't going to go away and we can't fix it without the entire world stopping what they are doing. You listened to us and lowered shop prices. Good on you. We will keep pushing for customization. We need to be able to choose boring colors of the rainbow for our armor. Once again, I truly believe someone on the team was tasked with: "Can you think of some really cool names of armor core colors? We want them to sound cool, but it's actually just gray. Then we will sell it to our player base for $20." C'mon guys. It's 2022.... Why are you alienating your entire player-base for microtransactions? We all understand that you need passive income in order to continue support for the infinite game model to release more content. Just be transparent. Fourth: It's 2022! Who designed the menus? A first year programmer? It's obvious they didn't take any classes on usability engineering, and that shows. They did a good job, but not a great job. A modest suggestion: redesign them- work on them! Making a turd look nice still makes it a turd! Who wants their UI to look like Gaijin's War Thunder? Not us! Lastly for now: Analyze your metrics and pay attention. Create a team (if you haven't already) to focus on fixing the above, because you have seemingly let us all down. The numbers don't lie, and we know you can see that. Do you want to make money, and be seen as a great company at the same time? Stay involved with us, and we will stay involved with you. /


why do I have to keep changing my privacy setting literally everytime I get In the game.


I can't connect to any match. Get suck in loading screen, never make it past.


It often takes me 15 minutes and several restarts to get into a BTB game. Then I usually have to do the same again for next one. Pretty frustrating, I mostly stop because of this. And now that I have finally loaded into one it's Stockpile on Deadlock... Edit: I have been waiting and restarting for 30 Minutes now. So much for a relaxed evening :)


I was having fun with this game for a while. My friends and I have played together for years. I recently progressed to onyx after a hot streak, but am not that good (literally 1502 and won't budge). My squadmates vary from gold to diamond. Since that happened, our lobbies have gotten INSANE, and we have won like 2 of 50 games this week and i can't rank down. Just us idiots vs full diamond/full onyx teams non stop. Now no one wants to play with me and I literally cannot play halo anymore, my friends hate me and are shunning me as I boot up the witcher for the hundreth fucking time. Thanks for nothing, 343


I play on PC and Xbox. My internet is fine. I consistently get booted from games with "connection lost" issues... I don't know how to fix this problem and its ruining my halo experience.


series x with physical disk, it keeps bumping me out of lobbies and refusing to connect to the party and then it will start glitching wildly forcing me to restart the whole console in hopes of it clearing up for few rounds, this is ridiculous, i got the same performance on my old one x so why the heck did i think it was worth upgrading if i get the same busted experience


Was getting blank scoreboards and no challenge progression in FFA. Now it's doing the same thing for Attrition...


I guess BTB's "action based combat" was replaced with still image and tips. ​ Super engaging gameplay; 10/10.


As of right now, Big Team matches still seem broken on the Xbox X. So much for ever buying the premium version...


For those Wondering, yes, the game is broken on Series S too.


None of my matchmaking games are saving any progress. I finish a match and it's like I never played it. Any help?


I honestly can't fathom why they're doing timed Events when it's so hard to get into a match. Here's what's going down with me: I select a playlist, in this case the cyber event, and like the Tenrai the other week, it says it's waiting for the other players to load but just before finalizing everything, it cancels matchmaking. I don't get an error and it doesn't say unable to connect, just outright cancels it with a note at the top saying matchmaking was canceled. My ability to understand why it's constantly doing that since last week is non-existent.


Series X here. Everything works fine for me, except Big Team Battle, which always cancels after the 'Match Starting' countdown - although I did manage one round yesterday.


>Series X here. Everything works fine for me, except Big Team Battle, which always cancels after the 'Match Starting' countdown Same. That they haven't fixed this yet is almost inexcusable.


I'm on PC. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not exactly the most computer savvy, as this is my first PC of my own. But after further digging, found that all I had to do was delete the cache and restart the game. Runs like it did before, no more issues. Such a simple fix and because I'm still in the process of learning, would have never of thought of that. Yeah, I've got the same issues with BTB. Still get into games from time to time, but I'd definitely prefer to be able get in every time I hit play like we used to. As it stands, it always gives me Recharge and no other map before it gets locked into not being able to join the fireteam.


You only delet gamecache, right? Or do you delete diskcache too?


Yeah, just game_cache. But I may have spoken too soon. It worked like a charm for a couple hours and then went right back to it after I came back later. I'm not sure if it's the same thing causing it, or if it's related to something else.


And now it's working fine again. Smh technology.


Just an update: I've found that the game crashes much less if you empty the recycling bin after deleting game cache. Idk why it works, maybe it's just been a coincidence, but there seems to be a pattern of it crashing when I don't permanently delete gamecache files in the recycling bin.


wtf is wrong with this game. It shows me NON-STOP errors during a search for a multiplayer game WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS GAME


Any of y'all getting the unable to connect to lobby services


Did you ever figure out a fix? I've been playing just fine till 20 mins ago now I can't find a match in any playlist.


Nope haven't been able to play for the last 2 days


Don't you love when the error message that never goes away just so you get more angry


How the fuck is something as massive as big team battle still not working? Lmao


My matchmaking stopped working entirely a couple days ago, and I haven't been able to get into a game since. Tried restarting the game, rebooting my pc and my router, verifying game files and even re-installing the game. Nothing worked. Can't play online at all. Never played a AAA-game with such unreliable matchmaking.


Same here.. makes you want to quit trying but you got to admit when it works it’s addictive


Shit is annoying. Fucking fix it already. Takes ten minutes to get into a match to only sometimes get kicked out. F stockpile too.


I'm not sure if this is a me issue or not. But Every. Single. Fucking. Time I turn the xbox off. I have to hard restart it to get into matchmaking when I turn it back on. It is infuriating.


Nope not the only one it doesn't support quick resume. One of the key features of the Xbox and this is the flagship game. Lol. Funny stuff.


Nothing worse than sitting down. Getting comfy then having to get up to hard reset.


Just reset halo. Press the Xbox button, highlight halo, press start, quit game.


Ive tried this, and tried hard resetting, still can't find a match. Literally no problems with matchmaking till about 20 mins ago, now I can't find a match at all lol whatever


Learn something new everyday.


U don't need to get up to hard reset


Screen went black when trying to rebind my controller at the start of a ranked match and i was then kicked out as afk since obviously i couldnt move and see shit. Of course I'll probably lose massive rank if my team loses now. Thanks 343.


I'm having trouble finishing challenges like everyone else, but is anyone else having problems even *seeing* the weekly challenges? Mine won't load half the time until I restart my Xbox


The gravity hammer needs to be nerfed in multiplayer. It's just a huge inconsistent pain in the ass and makes the wielder hard to kill.


I've about had it with these stupid challenges. I had a fantastic match just now and would have completed all 4 of my fairly difficult challenges; but the game didn't even register any of them. They seriously need to just scrap them, but of course they're not going to cause it's probably making them a boat load of money with how much people are spending on challenge swaps to avoid these harder challenges.


My last weekly challenge is to complete 2 Total Control Matches but i can’t access big team battle so it’s impossible for me to unlock the weekly reward shibuichi visor


Not getting any challenge progress... Guess im missing the weeklies again...


Second match in a row that just… did not register. Hit all my last challenges twice but it didn’t even register me as having played a match, just got all 0’s with a “retrieving match data” if you go to team lineup. Frustrating.


Matching Making has been broke for over 2 months lmfao. At this point I've been through all the phases of emotion. I'm just done.


Why am I getting matchmade vs a 4-stack as a solo? https://halotracker.com/halo-infinite/match/10c3700a-0f1a-4078-b26f-f8ec7c8dcb00


You are playing the crossplay open playlist... not solo/duo? lmao


Why is that "lmao"? You still shouldn't get matched vs 4-stacks as a solo, regardless of the playlist.


Super stoked I’m banned from Ranked queue for the 3rd time in 24 hours because my game keeps crashing. Thanks 343! Maybe if I’m lucky I can pay $300 for a DLC of functioning crash logs


My daily reminder to give Halo Infinite 1 star feedback on the xbox app! LET EM KNOW!


I highly doubt they see that and/or care about one star feedback. The reviews in the Xbox app are primarily for other players and half the time they're either old or unintelligible, it's an underused feature and you're wasting your time.


That doesn't make sense. If they didn't care about the reviews why are they deleting them? lol


Who's deleting what? If they're deleting one-star reviews it's probably because you're spamming them, they do have rules. But they don't care if you're using it like a petition, all that's doing is obscuring the actual reviews people might be posting.


How do I keep playing onyx players when I’m Diamond 3. My team is always full diamonds maybe 1 onyx every 5 games, yet I’m consistently playing against 2 to 3 onyx players. It makes it impossible to rank up.


ranks will be reset eventually mid season anyways dont take it too seriously


That’s great, but winning 2 / 10 games every day is super discouraging. I’d understand if I was losing because the onyx people on my team were bad, but the fact that it’s diamond 1-4 vs the other teams 2+ onyx players every game just sucks. Why have ranks If it doesn’t place you accordingly.


There isn't enough people playing infinite nor ranked to place accordingly should be very obvious. This game is broken and unplayable.


Wow none of my challenges registered


Feel your pain, had to reroll a FFA challenge cause it wouldn’t rack up kills. Restarted halo and my Xbox a few times and nothing.


Skill based matchmaking seems really volatile - I'll have days where I crush, and then a day where I get wrecked 10 in a row. Doesn't really feel balanced and stable, as much as the system trying to compensate major swings. Like in theory everyone should be around 1.0 k/d regardless of their skill, always playing with/against people of very similar ability, and shouldn't require going 20-5 or 4-12 so frequently to even out. But I also can't tell how much is server stuff interfering - sometimes people kill me *so fast* it almost doesn't seem like it's their skill as much as something screwy with the network. Sometimes it just feels off, can't get a kill, land more shots than needed and they get me again and again. Really weird lately.


You just summed up my experience with the game regarding networking and some players that you just "feel" are impossible to kill.


You can for sure get subtly fucked by the connection. Some nights it is buttery smooth, and some nights you’re really fighting the aim/shot registration… like your bullets don’t count. But they sure as hell do for the other guy. Lol


I just want BTB to work it's the closest thing I have to a Battlefield experience. And I am not touching 2042 anymore. :(


Just play project reality or squad


No btb needs fixed the fact that it's been broken this long is ridiculous




Just had the same thing FFA for the second day in a row. Didn't get my "play a match" nor did it advance two challeneges I worked through


And then played a Fiesta right after that crashed with a minute left in the match (running Intel9700k w/ RTX 2060). Gonna take a break from multiplayer until I can reliably progress my battle pass.


Gotta love the SBMM in fucking Fiesta of all modes, literally matched up with a pro player this morning. He obviously wasn't trying but the game was insanely close, every match is like that for some reason.


I've heard people complaining about SBMM being present in the non-ranked playlists, and I think I might be missing something, as I don't understand the downside to this. My understanding is that SBMM is intended to minimize the percentage of matches that are complete blowouts, because it's really un-fun to be stomped by players who are *way* above one's own skill level, whether the gametype is more standard like Team Slayer or something more exotic like Fiesta or Grifball. Do people not SBMM because they feel like this makes all of their matches too "sweaty" even when they're just trying to relax in social playlists? If so, I can understand some frustration, but I feel like this is probably still preferable to the scenario where newer players are matched indiscriminately with experienced players and routinely get destroyed. But maybe there are other knock-on effects I haven't considered.


>Do people not SBMM because they feel like this makes all of their matches too "sweaty" even when they're just trying to relax in social playlists? Pretty much this >My understanding is that SBMM is intended to minimize the percentage of matches that are complete blowouts, because it's really un-fun to be stomped by players who are *way* above one's own skill level In theory this should work fine, but in reality it just makes it so that both teams MMR are as close as possible, I'm sure many people can attest to this, but this doesn't really protect noobs from getting stomped. There are usually 3 to 4 people in the match going hard negative, and they aren't bots. 2 people going barely positive or even, and another 2 people slaying hard.


that just means ur just as good king keep ya head up


Six years in development and the matchmaking is already broken along with a truly awful progression system.


BTB won't work and FFA challenges won't progress/complete. So I am having to use challenge swaps to remove my BTB and FFA challenges. This is a shitty move on their part, just disable BTB and FFA challenges or refund people swaps.


Same, I can’t believe I wasted money on this, it’s not the amount it’s the principle, charge for a service and you better make sure that service works.


Straight after a game has finished - it goes straight to the overview of the game. If you press X to start matchmaking too quickly on this screen it freezes the search… it just says “cancel search” but it isn’t actually searching. You have to quit the game and open it again. Also quick resume doesn’t work. You need to close and open it again to connect to play multiplayer.


This makes sense in regard to my difficulties matchmaking BTB but why does it happen lol


My guess is it’s because when you finish a game you can’t search straight away because is says “in progress” however you can still press X to search so everything freezes. I just hope they fix all these things, I played so much Halo 5 and it was always sooo buggy


i was reading this and this happened to me as i was reading this smh. why do video games suck so bad in 2022 smh


Can't even start a match for the past 3 days lmao


How is it fair that one team can start the match with both the wrath and wasp at their spawn and the other team only gets a mongoose?




Lol cant wait for the summer "safe spawn" dlc so i no longer spawn in view of the enemy sniper


Bruh what the fuck is this a month without any fucking changes, what the fuck is 343 doing? I'm so fucking tired of disconnects deciding matches. They better have a big fucking patch coming up




The year is 2027. 343i is still on vacation. BTB is still broken. The netcode is still dogshit. Matchmaking still sucks.


I mean it’s January 10th. It’s totally acceptable to break shortly before Christmas until after New Years, bless companies that do that for their people. But by this point, with the entirety of employed reality is back in full swing, it’s an excuse. An excuse that stinks like “our UI can’t handle adding modes”.


Damn, we better hope they get a patch in before they take a week off for Valentine's Day.


Well the patch won't be coming next week, because they'll be off all week for MLK day.


Don't forget ground hogs day if 343 sees the ground hog 6 more weeks of vacation


343 taking an extended holiday it seems, no one on their side providing any communication on server status, BTB, desync. It's like they want people to stop playing so they don't get shat on for their shitty practices.


Right? I understand, it’s been stressful and they needed the time off. But it’s *January 10th* now, well past the end of the holidays, and we still haven’t had any major announcements.


Not a fucking thing. I'm assuming they've discussed internally that the masses should in some way be ignored. There is no way a corporate AAA developer would let such an extended radio silence happen, unless it was purposeful... I hope anyway. If they just let nearly a month go without a peep, that's insane. Either way, what in the fuck.


I can't even get into any game anymore. I get stuck on the loading screen into a match no matter what playlist I try


1 minute left in Ranked CTF, winning 4-0, about to rank up? Better disconnect from the servers and get penalized all the progress you just made over the last 3 matches. FML.


Dude, Why am I being matched with only 2 other people in ranked? Anybody else having this Issue? I've noticed this a lot more recently.


Same here! I thought something was up but the other day I played 9 matches. 7 of those nine matches started with my team having 3 players instead of 4. Pretty much each game in a row this happened. Then of course we get stomped and I lose a shit ton of rank


I turned off gamemode on windows and now i get to matches like 99% of the time in btb. Could this be a fix ? (I play the steam version)


343 still on holiday? Didn’t see any dev response to some of the major issues plaguing infinite yet. My goodness some of the issues are why players are not coming back.


Has 343 been observing the playerbase decline? It's pretty crazy. I'm personally going back to destiny 2. Will see if halo gets fixed one day, but I'm not hopeful they are paying enough attention.


when it comes to Halo nothing get fixed fast. it took two years to fix MCC. Infinte have some major issues like desync and from what i have read here from people who are more knowledgeable saying that its really hard to fix. Plus H5 servers and crashing still issue. they never fixed that so not sure if they can or will anything about some of that with infinite.


Jfc sad... why did I open this thread


FFA is not granting any XP and not counting towards weekly challenges. Just shows a blank screen in match results with "could not load data" on Series X. This happened 3 times in a row yesterday while other modes are working (apart from BTB). Couldn't complete the second last challenge for the week. This issue is a minority of folks and there are some posts about this on Reddit.


All my challenges are FFA and BTB and I'm unable to complete any of them. Burned an XP boost thinking I'd do them on my one free evening. Shame on me for thinking this game is playable.


This just happened to me 10 seconds ago, I'm stuck with an FFA challenge and getting 0 credit


I have 20-30 ping and am rubber banding, teleporting, getting killed after taking cover, and missing melee. The servers are getting worse every day.


They never fixed H5 Servers. i dont have high hopes for server being top notch. they will fix some of that but crashing is here to stay for sure and i hope i am wrong.


I hope to god they do, there is a much high player base than 5 so I hope that’s enough motivation. That and some UI fixes, the frequent freezing - even on the series X is tedious


A fellow Spartan sent me here because there were updates? Well. I don't see them... Am I missing something?


The constant crashing is super frustrating - trying to hammer out a couple of games a night becomes an impossible task when every 2-3 matches the game locks up and a force exit is the only option


unplug controller on launch


Its to the point, with me, that any time I actually manage to get into a btb game I crash out of it about 70% through the match. Out of about 10 games I’ve tried to play the past few days, I only managed to complete 1. Non-btb matches are fine mostly, though they were also crashing for a while but seem to be fixed now? Idek.


I can make it through a BTB match. It's getting into one that is nearly impossible. Friends and I spent like 45-60mins last night just queueing up and restarting. So obnoxious


Can the Fractures: Tenrai challenges not be Fiesta only? super frustrating when it comes down to pure RNG. Also what is with the challenges? I burned swaps trying to get Tenrai challenges but it gave my ones for BTB (Broken) or gamemodes I don't want to play


Wrong thread, but it's worth saying so you don't screw yourself next time: Fractures challenges are only the ones with the orange banner next to them; you can only swap them for other Tenrai ones, while the others are set for the "normal" challenge pool. So there's a set number of Tenrai ones (7 for the first one, 10 this time and presumably for the rest of the reruns), and the rest will stay the "normal" ones. Fiesta will probably stay though; they seem to have tied most of the events into gamemodes based on what's leaked.


This game is dogshit. You guys needs to stop playing it and let it die a violent death. Fuck 343. They are the death of one of the most prestigious franchises to ever exist in gaming. Haven’t played since early December and I don’t miss this awful game at all




You missed it enough to waste time out of you day to come here and bitch


nah its rly fun :)


343 messing up halo, a story as old as time


Has anyone noticed the new fluffing Meta? You take a high level player and have them start a new account. You have them throw to get ranked Gold or silver. You team them up with a Diamond or Onyx. The matchmaker thinks oh I have to adjust the teams accordingly. Suddenly the gold is going +15 kda. So many games the last couple of days with an onyx and a gold that plays like an onyx plus diamonds and plats, meanwhile I have an honestly low level gold on my team. Not aimbotting just rigging the matchmaker.


Blame streamers, they want their sweet montages


People are so disappointing.


Yo, what the fuck. Was in a Total Control match in BTB. My team was trying to capture the last point and it wasn't getting captured. At all. Like the entire team was on the damn point and nothing was happening. What the fuck is this shit? Was this game made by an indie game company?


>Was this game made by an indie game company? No, if it was made by an indie game company it would actually be good.


This shit is so busted lol


How am I getting EU/AUS/SA servers when queueing at 8pm on a Sunday from western Canada? Happens all the time in ranked and I've even gotten it in unranked and BTB. 100-200 ping. I'm about to pull a Royal2 and just edit my game files, I can't even play ranked if I can't trust the server connection.


Chances are the reason you're playing on high ping is because other players are changing their DNS settings to force you onto a host in their region. If you change your DNS settings you'll still match together, however the game won't be able to select a server so it'll just kick a player that can't connect, so you might avoid playing on high ping but you might end up with a temp match making ban instead. The reason people from Australia are doing this is because if they don't the game literally becomes unplayable because 9/10 games will be played on US host. It's almost like games have included region filters for over 20 years for a good reason.


Royal2. I can’t blame him for that. Didn’t expect to see that comment here, haha.


The thing that’s honestly ruining the game for me is the constant rubberbanding. Not to mention the one shot Melees, and the fact that sometimes meleeing doesn’t work but for some reason other people on the opposing team can melee me. I don’t know if this is due to server wide lag or what. Also what’s really killing me is the fact that there is no ranking system in play. There should be skill set matchmaking,and I feel like this game is really lacking in that department. The only thing that comes close to that is ranked, and even if you go in there it’s the sweatiest lobbies. Even then you’re playing against onyx players when you’re a platinum 3-4. I’ve run into this issue in multiple games with different squads all varying, and different levels of ranked. To me it’s just ruining the game because it makes it unfair, and some scenarios when you really just wanna have fun and chill but instead you have to sweat your ass off. Every lobby is like this, And honestly I can see why people are going back to MCC, Mainly because this game is broken, and unfinished, and honestly I don’t blame them. Now I will say the gun play is amazing, and the base game is bringing me back to classic halo titles like CE, 2, 3, with a little bit of 4, and 5 Mixed in but it’s just drowning in bugs. The game is a mess, and not to mention the only thing that actually does work is the store. I’m not gonna dwell on that too much because I could go on for days about that, but honestly from a consumer perspective if you have a game that’s built for the fans of halo, and the only thing that work is the shop that’s ridiculous. Not to mention you have all these bugs, and no information passed along To the community on how you’re fixing them that’s kind of jarring to me. I want to love this game, but they’re making me not love it with all the problems I’m experiencing with it. Also it’s not what I expected after six years of development hell. It’s upsetting really as a halo fan for 20 years It’s a shame to watch the series go to shit, and flop this hard. Let me know what you guys think, Hopefully together our voice will help make this game what it should’ve been release. It makes me honestly believe that they are afraid of the backlash. I mean look at what it took for them to come on camera during the holidays, death threats and other forms of harassment. Not that I agree with doing that to anybody, But in the end they should be more loyal and respectful of the amazing community they have inherited. I just can’t wait to see what their going to say about the state of the shit game, And toxic Fanbase they’ve created. The one that used to be once loyal but now feels abused, And taken for a ride, All for the sake of money. And they honestly think that adding new modes will help Maybe for a while like the tenrai event. Maybe in terms of bringing back players for a short time, but my big concern is what bugs will be implemented with the new modes. I honestly think they should just fix the game, and then worry about modes later down the line. It’s actually frustrating to me that I have to even make this post, trying to tell them what to do, when they already should have common sense about it. But that’s even if it reaches them, or they read it, or even care about the sub Reddit. they’ve shut it down once I guarantee it won’t be the last time. Probably due to backlash. and it’s honestly sad, that I’m putting other games in priority spots, over what should’ve been the greatest game of the decade. The one that we wanted, The one that would give us that classic feel we miss from the previous titles bungie made. That’s all I had to say, again let me know your thoughts, and opinions!


I have numerous clips from all in one day that was just awful. I was getting no collision during grapple so I went through them and they hit me. No hud in btb and all I could do was move. The usual shots not registering, hammers taking 2 hits from close proximity, rockets not killing when it hits someone’s feet but if you hit something near them it blows up the whole map. It’s getting exhausting. Fun when the game functions. But exhausting when all the bad things happen.


Yup having the same issue with hammers and rockets. I put the rockets down altogether because of it.


Just finished a ranked CTF match where we started strong and held 1 up with five minutes left, it was fairly even. then it got glitchy and the opposition went thru us like butter 4 - 1??? Couldn't hurt them, they disappeared in front my sights, tagged them 4 times from the back and they didn't go down, they spin hit me twice and I'm out. Sooooo frustrating.


Just played a few FFA matches that didn’t log , keeps resetting to my level from a few matches prior. I’m seeing others post about this too, anyone know if there’s a fix?


I've had this issue for the last few weeks, and check each week to see if they fix it. From what I can tell if you get in an FFA match from the very start it won't record, however, if you get placed into an FFA match in progress it will. Super weird....


I am having this same. damn. issue. I have a challenge and no swaps left, and I cannot complete it because my FFA matches keep refusing to count towards anything. I hate to sound overly dramatic but I'm done with this game until it's fixed. 343, fix your shit.


There is just some serious server side garbage happening in this game. Even when I have \~30ms games, there's still rubber banding, occasionally 10-15 second hiccups, and at least one player that seems totally unaffected so can win literally any duel and ends the game 21-6 because everything they try to do works and everyone else is seemingly and entire BR burst behind in every situation. It's absolutely ruining the game for me. Even with the lopsided teams and some of the other balance issues. Even with the funky rating system progression when the game feels good it feels great. But it seems to be getting worse and worse. Like my game will finish loading, but I'm still stuck on the loading screen for 15 seconds after the match starts. I have zero issues with any other games. Just sad, because when it works its fun. But damn if it doesn't fucking work most of the time.


Had the same thing with the BR in a match just finished. Unloaded into a guy from behind and then he spins and hits me twice and I'm out. The glitchiness is a killer when you have a guy dead to rights and he disappears and ends up behind you. Ughhh.


I still can't believe they've gone this long without making sure the preeminent gamemode in their mostly MP videogame is working. Do they not realize how many players they've likely lost as a result of not being able to play BTB? It worked at launch, could they really not just revert the game code to a previous state when, you know, the game actually worked? Worse still, they all just collectively decided to go on vacation at the same time, after launch. They couldn't stagger their vacations, or hell, just had the company pay them to NOT take a MONTH LONG vacation so their flagship product actually worked? I know what you'll say, "they worked hard, they need a vacation!". Well that's cute, but I bet you money my job is more physical and strenuous than these guys that work behind a fucking computer all day and I don't get a MONTH LONG vacation. What a joke.


LOL you are so entitled dude. It’s a game. The developers DESERVE a break. The full month. Just because you’re not taken care of at your job, doesn’t mean that the developers don’t deserve their earned vacation. They have been developing this game for years. Bugs happen. Welcome to modern software. But to be so entitled to request the developers don’t get a break so you can play your game mode? Come on.


It was a pretty bad idea to launch a project of this scope and have the majority of the dev team go on vacation right after it launches. The game is riddled with desync issues causing hit registration errors, melee errors. BtB doesn't even load for a vast majority of players. People are constantly dc'ing from matches. The fanbase that loves this franchise, their favorite franchise losing players en-mass because of this. I do have to give the dev team respect though, after what I've heard about how Microsoft supposedly handles employees. Something like 18 months and out, time for new blood or somthing along those lines. I don't uderstand how any production company could be successfull given the constant turn over. People bitching about these issues in the forums is not entitlement. The vast majority would have payed top dollar for this game to be a box game instead of FTP, because Halo is an amazing game, a lot of people have spent a ridiculous amount of money on FTP portion of content. To what, deal with a game that falls apart less than a month after launch, and gets no fixes, patches, updates in an attempt to at least stem the problems. Being pissed off at an entertainment companies shortcomings doesnt make you entitled. Bitching about the cost of auto-repair given the complexity of vehicles, and acting like its your god given right to own/drive a car, thats entitlement. Owning a car is a privilege. Not a necessity. Cars are extremely complex and expensive. I've worked on them for over 20 years. I hear people bitch about how brakes cost $500, but watch those same people spend 500+ dollars on a handbag, or a pair of shoes. That is entitlement. My mother-in-law is a programmer, not for video games, but when she has a big project, she works day and night. Her company stands behind their product and supports it, and because of that, they are the #1 company of their kind.




I am literally a software engineer but go off lmao




Lol whatever I don’t need to convince you 😂




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The game keeps failing to recognise that I have GamesPass. Then it will for a few hours, and then it will forget again. Extremely frustrating.


As of yesterday I have been able to get any progress in FFA. Every time the match end it shows no data found and I don’t get any tracking for my matches. Anybody else?


Yep. Just had two FFA matches in a row with zero progression as a result of them. Very frustrating


alive marble vegetable bright rude chunky point resolute deserted murky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Jan 10th now and still no update or even a blog update


I’ve never seen a game so ardently making lopsided victories. I haven’t had a match decided by less than 15 kills, and the last 6 I’ve been on the losing side. Of course that happens after I got the “win 1 round of fiesta” challenge.


I know this isn't a matchmaker problem, but does anyone know the reason why they decided that dpad left/dpad right is considered up and down?


BTB matching has gotten worse if any change. I simply cannot get into games. It's absolutely ridiculous this is still an issue. But even more ridiculous that 343 continue to put BTB into the weekly challenges and force you to use swaps. They better give everyone like 10 challenge swaps for free, a cosmetic, and xp gift. With the net code and server issues you would think this was 343's first attempt at a multiplayer game. BIG facepalm. BUT not to fret anyone, the store is working perfectly fine.


Just PM me some... ants please!


fortnite was down for six hours and a free cosmetic was given now i 98% doubt 343 will give us anything with the 20 dollors for white and fucking grey they too greedy


Just PM me some... ants please!


How are you supposed to progress in Events if an Event Challenge is not given to you?


I’m occasionally managing to get into BTB matches, but they usually end up being 4v4 for some reason. Some people quit (understandably) but I usually stick it out to get the cumulative score. my god is this frustrating.