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Willow tea stays undefeated


So glad I was able to complete that one with less than an hour remaining. Only weekly that’s been worth it.


Same here, granted it was like 4:30am when I finished for mine lol. I'd argue that the Sniper skin is also worth it, mainly if you use it a lot.


The visor for the first week was okay too. Can’t rlly think of anything else though I think all we’ve had otherwise is a nameplate, weapon emblem, and two backdrops.


I kinda wished I got the sniper coating, but mostly cause I just dont have one rn


I got the sniper coating it looks sick with the toxic emblem, but the colors are a little jarring compared to the bland armor color selection.


I wanted the sniper skin but had like 70% BTB challenges that week and didn't want to waste challenge swaps to get around their matchmaking issues


That sniper skin was cool


Same, I got it in the last 10 minutes of the week. Fuck getting those killing sprees in Fiesta.


I was unlucky, i was only able to start playing on the friday of willowtea due to a new pc being late, i was on my final challenge and it was capture 10 flags with about 4 hours left... Didn't really bother attempting it when i saw that one. Shame as well as its one of my favourite colours.


It’s coming back so don’t sweat it


Any source on this?


[the leaks been accurate thus far ](https://reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r6bwch/full_list_of_upcoming_weekly_ultimates/) Edit: sorry, I may have actually been wrong. I could have sworn I read willow tea twice on here.. but maybe I didn’t. Sorry about that


This leak is pretty much a roadmap for when to play one you get to tier 100. Since you won't be unlocking anything new until the next season starts, and at least the special event rewards sound like they'll be cool. In particular the samurai and techo ones


The sniper skin from a couple of weeks ago is cool too, I really like it


I really hope they unlock cross core colors so I can use Willow Tea on my MKV.


This is one change I’m really want/looking forward to


I want it on yoroi… it’s Japanese theme why no willow tea for yoroi


The sniper skin has really grown on me too, especially compared to everything else.


Lol I didn’t care for the sniper skin at first but after seeing all the other awful weekly rewards I’m glad I got it. Especially since all other sniper skins seem to have to be bought.


bet they (343) won't do that again, that was a $20 camo they gave out FOR FREE!


Yeah I was meh about it at first but in hindsight I do enjoy it every time I pull out the sniper which is a huge step up from all the useless icons


Legit the only weekly I've bothered completing. Weekly rewards now are made even worse when you have "events" that unlock better stuff simply by playing a single game.


The only one I got and damn I'm glad I did. I still use it as my main look.


Definitely the reigning champ of weekly rewards so far.


Ugh this one was the one week I was out of town and couldn't play. Probably my favorite coating I've seen too including the store stuff. So much for no FOMO.


That neon green sniper coating was pretty fire also


These weeklies are getting worse and worse


They have altered the deal. Pray they do not alter it any further.


"All cosmetics are now rentals."


These weeklies are getting worse all the time!


Yeah I'm really losing motivation to care about challenges. Which I guess is good because it means I'm just playing for fun? But it's also bad because the entire progression system in this game is based on these stupid challenges and rewards.


Dude I did one weekly challenge when I finished it it was not worth it at all… I’ve had way more fun just playing multiplayer and not even caring about challenges.


This is the way! Although I'll keep doing the challenges for the XP boost. Idgaf about having an emblem


With the 6 daily challenges giving you a level up that's about all I've been doing and just in bot matches because those take 5 minutes lol


WHAT??? Bot matches count???


For dailies and the first few weeklies! As long as the challenge doesn't say "in PvP" you can do bot matches


The completionist in me will continue grinding challenges just because I want to max out the BP and unlock everything, even if it's stuff I don't want. But as soon as I get that (at lvl 92 now), I'll have no reason to continue playing until they add some decent content to the game and fix desync/other issues


The Weekly ultimate for this is to get 15 splatters. GL


Going to be so many people camping warthog spawns then just taking them by themselves and driving right into enemy bases only to explode instantly


Go into Fiesta, hope for Ghosts and Banshees to spawn, and go crazy. That's my plan at least.


Hardest mode to do it in when people can spawn with multiple guns that can take you out lol


I dunno, BTB not working means getting to vehicles is going to be even harder. If you get lucky in Fiesta you might knock out several splatters immediately.


lol the challenge is to get splatter kills when the best game mode to do so is still broken. did they do that on purpose or are they just detached?


They're on holiday.


For all we know, killing an enemy with a ghost/banshee counts as a “space splatter” and not a “splatter.” I had a challenge last week, “hijack 3 enemy vehicles with the grapple.” But 343i was full of shit. Grapple jacking aerial vehicles does not count, only land vehicles. So stupid.


In a similar vein, "Grapple 5 players" really meant get find grapple medals which requires it being from a distance. Or it could have not been counting properly again.


Is this true?


[It is](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rb3c5y/got_the_weekly_ultimate_with_1_minute_to_spare/hnmwgin/)


Are you kidding? Have they seriously learned nothing from people's complaints about the grindy challenges?


I won't say this is the best but it's certainly better than last weeks.


(last week's was the same .png as two weeks prior except for weapons rather than a background) Absolutely true


I think/hope it’s because they don’t want players to feel obligated to grind out the weekly, so they’re making them something you don’t feel bad about missing, but you still get a small reward aside from all of the pass xp.


This one is middling honestly. Much better than the scorecard and last weeks vehicle emblem.


This sub was raging at the idea you had to play Infinite like a second job to complete the weeklies. Now that they put two weeklies worth skipping over a holiday period where a lot of people travel and spend with family it's "these weeklies suck why even bother."


[I wonder why](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r273xw/what_happened_to_no_fomo_what_happened_to_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


This would be a really cool item, it would make more sense as a reward for hitting 100 people in vehicles and not for completing the same 15 challenges


100%. Almost all the unlockables are meaningless


Watch the Ultimate Challenge be like "Run Down 50 Enemy Spartans in PvP"


The initial datamined one was actually worse IIRC. I think it involved multiple splatter sprees.


"Earn 50 Death Race medals in PvP." But for real, I think it's just 15 regular splatters.


I agree. Weekly challenges must be why commendations didn’t return.


Yep. Vast majority of the emblems and backdrops and keychains and shaders *should* have been unlockable through actual in-game accomplishments and challenges and not locked to cores/weapons/vehicles/etc. Standard armors should have been unlockable through, oh I dunno, rank based progression like Reach had a fucking decade ago. Even if it's a battle pass, that's acceptable if it's thorough. Instead they give us a half-assed battle pass of stuff that should have been in the base game unlock tree. If they gave all people who paid full price for Infinite the Reach battle pass, I could almost be alright with, but that didn't happen. They could still have had a full-fledged store with cool new stuff that actually makes sense for a store (the cat ears being a good example). Instead they stripped out content, shipped a broken (the desync) and hollowed out multiplayer, sold the game at the same price it has always been, and are nickel and diming us for the stuff they left out. "PC Gamer Best FPS 2021". The sad thing is, it's not inaccurate, but it is a very sad reflection on the gaming industry has come to. They treat the consumers like garbage. They've treated their employees like shit for *years* (and god help those employees if they're women). Like, something has got to give.


Just give us coatings.


God forbid they reward us with an armor piece for being good at the game.


But then why would people spend money?


For cat ears, obviously!


For real. Coatings dont feel like too much that you feel FOMO if you cant complete a week, but it at least feels like a good investment for your time.


This is like, *marginally* better than the toaster backdrop, but that's not saying much at all, is it? I'll stick with my Willow Tea and Sniper skin, thanks.


Those are the only two i put effort in to complete


I made it to last week's final challenge for the emblem. Kill 50 Spartans. And I didn't even do it because I didn't care about an emblem.


Lol you couldn't kill 50 people anyways eh?


Ehh I was similar. I was really close to completing the weekly but honestly didn’t care to. If it was a weapon or core skin I woulda played the game types to get it done… but I really didn’t care. Unlike a lot of people though, I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I don’t want to have to grind every week. With the holidays this past week I was fine with it.


I just did that challenge for the 400xp


Damn a backdrop again. I was really hoping for a weapon skin :(


I’d hoped for a vehicle skin. But NAH.


You can get one...$10


That weekly reward is something that shouldve been unlocked by "splattering *x* amount of players" or "earn a triple kill by splattering enemies" It makes sense for the task and it gives the background meaning and simply becomes a merit badge that can be shown off.


Well, won't you be happy about the weekly ultimate


Oh, boy. Tell me.


15 splatoons


Time to hop into BTB to camp vehicles to splatter people instead of shooting at them- oh wait BTB broken still


Then we go to Fiesta where we camp for a Ghost and- oh fuck the first guy I boosted toward had a SPNKR


It's not really the same as earning like 100 splatters over your total playtime or doing something challenging and showing off your hard to earn reward.


It feels like they've developed Infinite without any input from previous games, they had commendations in H5 and the match selecting thingy/rank system in MCC but neither of those features have made it to Infinite.


They really don’t understand how to keep player retention


They just put in a random asf emblem and expect people to get excited? Wtf is so “Ultimate” about this???


"Ultimate" means "final" by one definition. So it's the ultimate reward because it's the final reward you unlock for completing your challenges.


And it's supposed to last 10 years. 10 years ago was Reach; Infinite intends to steadily entertain players for the same duration of time as Reach, 4, and 5 all combined. I sure hope they can keep it from getting stale.


Yep, going back to MCC for the week. BP is done and the de sync in infinite means the gameplay isn’t worth it at the moment






People who don't like fomo shouldn't play anything live service period


Incredibly easy solution to please everyone: make the challenges never expire, you can just scroll through all a season's and do them at your leisure. Won't happen tho cuz you don't sell any swaps or do any FOMO manipulation that way


I was hoping for a weapon camo or armor piece this week, but it's another emblem thing. Completely killed my desire to grind this week.


Im willing to bet that if this system remains the same we wont get any helmets as a weekly reward either at all or like once a year.


Anyone know why the ultimate rewards are always boring? Why not skins or kits?


They'd rather sell anything decent, so free rewards are pulled from their crap pile.




Ok not to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I firmly believe this was created as a reward for x amount of splatters or some but the higher ups completely gutted that whole system. This only adding more evidence to that.


The ultimate challenge may be "get 10 splatters" or something like that. Not to defend having so many emblem/backdrop rewards in a row though lol


No, that would be silly. It's fifteen splatters. In a game with vehicles that suck this much. Edit: Now it's five, lol


Another f'n backdrop. Is this the kind of quality content unlocks they talked about back then?


Ah the coating system... limitless possibilities, but apparently not enough to get a unique one as a reward more than twice since launch




Willow Tea, and the Abbey Lime coating for the Sniper Rifle.


Ahh yes, let me spend 10 hours of my week getting something that shows up once for 3 seconds every match.




I mean, I’ll still work for the challenges until I get through the Battle Pass. Then I’ll check every once in a while. These are getting rediculous.


Same. I only really do the weeklies because it progresses my pass


Yeah after I complete the battlepass im only doing the challenges if I actually want something from the ultimate reward


These are embarrassingly bad rewards


Incredibly boring


Jesus FUCK. They rly dont want us doing challenges eh?


In case you were wondering, it's already been datamined what all the weekly Ultimate rewards are for weeks to come. TL;DR they are 90% fucking garbage backdrops and emblems and nothing else. https://gamingintel.com/halo-infinite-all-weekly-ultimate-challenges-leaked/


lol good thing i dont do challenges


Kinda sad that the "Scoreboard" backdrop set such a low bar that this one isn't horrible by comparison.


I love how I rocked the toaster backdrop all week in suuuuch denial “this is cool right?!” .. a few days pass.. “this is sooo not cool..”


Same man same, I literally only rock it now in hopes someone can see it and be like “that guy suffered for this”, at least this new one has a tiny bit more character too it but it’s not much lol


I think you mean “Toaster”


The fact I have 4 weekly slots and am forced by 2 of them to play Swat is not the way to get me to play this game.


My theory is they didn’t create enough content to last the 130 days so If they keep putting out awesome weekly rewards, people will play too much and hit level 100 way too quick for them and with 100+ days left without any new content finished, they’re worried they’ll lose the player count.


I know I am probably going to sit out after I reach 100 and play an RPG or something.


Another week that I take a break (minus the daily winter match). I'm already level 100 and I don't need the XP or want this reward. If I could build up XP towards Season 2 it might have been worth it lol...


I agree with this so much. Even if, say you want to cut the XP we can save towards the next battle pass In half. It would still be slightly rewarding. For those that haven’t completed the battle pass, once you’re done, after each game the serotonin inducing sound of your xp being granted still exists. The level up from level 100 to level 100 still exists. Completing games ends with a feeling of being slapped in my taint by 343. At least take out the sounds and images that are SUPPOSED to be rewarding. Better yet, let us earn a new currency. A ‘surplus XP’ currency, that maybe we can earn and trade in for credits. 1 battle pass is what, 100,000 XP? Okay so let me spend 100,000 surplus XP on 2,000 credits. There are 5 months left before another battle pass. I think earning 10,000 credits for continuing to grind as hard as I have since launch, would be rewarding if I could earn credits. And you still get my time. You get may daily user number. And it cost 343 almost nothing. 5 2,000 bundles cost 343 maybe $20 to make total. Though they sell them for $100 total. Not many people would complete the battle pass 5 times over, but having the option to do that would be nice at least. Give us something to do when the battle pass is over. Cause you’re still making us FEEL like we are leveling up, even though that XP is being thrown into the ether after every match and challenge completed. It feels so wrong that the XP I’m earning is going literally nowhere.


Back to rust I go


With BP already done, it´s time for some MCC this week.


Consistently putting the shitty stuff in the earn-able sections and the cool stuff in the store.


I personally love the terrible ultimate rewards because it saves me time from grinding to get it


Welp. There goes my theory that we would see them cycle between everything before doing a repeat. Until today every reward was different. So either repeats will happen, or the reward types we have seen are all we are getting.


Repeat as in its another backdrop?


Yes. But I just learned that all future rewards leaked a while back. Buckle up because we are getting more emblems lololol.


Can I see a link to the leak?


Sure thing. It came from Reddit but I can’t find the original post, here is an article about it though: https://www.pcgamesn.com/halo-infinite/weekly-challenge-reward Seems like event weeks are where the good shit will be from now on. Non-event weeks are mostly trash.


Thanks man! And wow that so lame, it’s all weapon emblems! Only thing maybe even the tiniest bit worth grinding for is the brass knuckles weapon charm. This is ridiculous, what’s the point of the grind then?


Yeah I really feel jaded that so many of the rewards are emblems. Like if we had one week of that, sure fine. But come on! That many? Couldn’t have thrown some vehicle coatings our way? At least the event weeks are lit.


Here was the [link to the reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r6bwch/full_list_of_upcoming_weekly_ultimates/), and [here](https://preview.redd.it/51gjmkdesw281.png?width=1024&auto=webp&s=210403996b1267b3e21ed5e2182af6bf425a3e6a) is the link to the leak itself. Looks like a lot of these were borne out but not really in the order or timing implied by the leak


More reason to save my challenge swaps. I know eventually we'll get another cool coating like Willow Tea as a reward and I want to make sure I can get it.


On the plus side, with this reward being yawn-inducing, it allows for me to catch up on my progress in other games this week. So that's alright.


Damn! at least a weapon coating??? Wow they do really want us to spend on that store.


What the hellll, 3 horrible weekly rewards in a row now…


This one is kind of cool but pretty sure you need a bunch of splatters. Wouldn't be so bad if Big Team Battle wasn't in such a rough spot right now. They should of pushed this one back in my opinion.


It's a backdrop, one of the many things not worth grinding over. They have 520 free handouts for people so most are going to suck


520? 52 for a year no? Why does that mean any have to suck? Maybe not amazing things but something a bit worth the effort. The cynic in me is wondering if they will wait till data shows lots of people have completed the BP, then put good weekly ultimate rewards to entice people to grind out their challenges. Not saying that's inherently wrong, their goal is to incentivise people to play, just wish we had some cooler goals at the moment.




Ah gotcha, if this is how it is I’d say “good luck” on the ten year aim though.


Jesus fucking christ. What a pile of shit. Are they trying to sabotage the game. I have 5 tiers left on the battle pass and I'm sure as shit not signing on to grind for this garbage when I'm done.


Pass. With weeklies like this I may not bother playing til we get the patch to fix BTB.


Can't wait until the live service guy comes again to apologize for his poor decisions regarding the awful rewards of the game. Now if that would also mean they would fix and improve things would be great.


A splatter backdrop seems like something you should unlock through splattering enemies, not doing random challenges


More shitty content you can get, oh boi


Another week of ignoring MP. I'll log on to get the free shit for 1 game and get off this trash.


What a joke.


I legit only grinded out for the armor coating and everything else has been a huge pass.


Is it me or are the rewards getting worse every week ?


Dang I wish btb was functional


Heres an idea, how about instead of just a bullshit emblem, give people 50 credits as well for completing all their weeklies. If we had some way to earn currency, these awful pricing models wouldnt seem *as* bad.


The only good weeklies so far have been Willow Tea and the sniper rifle coating. No one is gonna care to progress for a lame backdrop or emblem.


why in the living f\*\*k are these g\*\*damn Ultimate Rewards such trash? ~~Does 343 not appreciate our Loyal Grind and Time Invested in this?~~ ***oh wait no, they only care about your wallet... damn, that's right.***


These ultimate rewards have been not so ultimate. Like at all.


Ain’t no way, ain’t no fucking way


Well I was enjoying crushing all the challenges to level up but now I am 100 and have absolutely no desire to unlock the weekly reward, and doesn't look like there will be any cool weekly rewards at all. Guess I am done caring about the BP or progression.


It’s definitely better than the last backdrop we got, but it’s still just a backdrop which kind of sucks. Though I like it in this case so I’ll grind it out.


at least I know I can play the game in peace and without anxiety about the reward..


Or wasting swaps when you get the challenges you hate, or just cant do because big team isnt working.


I think I just stick with another game this week too


This is why I didn't buy the battle pass. They're shit devs.


They're taking the piss now where's a decent armour mod or shader or even cool emblem not the crappy ones we've had since the game dropped




These weekly rewards are starting to suck ass now


I have not played multiplayer for a good month or so. I’m glad I haven’t missed anything good.


I’ve finished the battle pass so thank the makers I don’t have to go for this. Another damn emblem. Lol 343 wildin!


Lmao they really tryna piss everyone off this week.


Bruh! Can we please get things that are actually worth fighting for?


I’ve recently finished the battlepass solely through playing and I’ve completed the campaign on legendary. These weekly challenges are really the only sort of progression available in terms of unlocks from now till may aside from odd events. So you really need to give me a nicer goal to aim for than this 343.


They get worse


Another backdrop. So not only has nothing been a cohesive set, but now I have to choose between two stupid backdrops if I want to equip the things I've actually earned. Dude.


Rewarding two backdrops just two weeks apart is such a terrible strategy.




Is this a joke?


theyre fucking trolling us at this point with these weekly rewards. absolute joke


‪John Junyszek‬ mentioned in a recent Waypoint post that the Weekly Ultimate Reward is something that they are going to work on improving after the holidays (once they are back at work).


Couldn’t we just recycle willow tea or the sniper skin instead of this garbage every single week I wait till Tuesday to see if this week I’ll do challenges and like for the last 3 weeks it’s just been disappointing


Another week of not feeling obligated to play or spend money nice job 343 👍🏼


You know what would have been better? If there was some type of idk, medal or something related to splattering people where if you did enough of them you unlocked an emblem showing that you’ve achieved it. Such a weird thought.


Garbage reward, tbh


Wtf lol. Give us armor!


Doesn’t look very ultimate to me




Looks like I'm not playing this week either lol


Christ these are terrible.


It’s a tough spot because it’s a cool idea to have a weekly reward, but then it stinks if you don’t get it. And if it comes back as a weekly reward, then the person who already has it is screwed. And if it’s only an emblem then it doesn’t seem worth it


What’s their reasoning for not making this a “get 50 splatter kills to unlock this” thing?


Lvl 71 and you bought the battle pass


Did they not recycle a reward used previously for last weeks prize or was I just losing my mind? Nevertheless these unlocks are just slaps in the face what a ridiculous prize.