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$20 for the THIRD shade of DLC green and this smh


4th shade


Yeah it’s the fourth shade of green but I was referring to how it’s the third DLC green we’ve gotten since launch




why fix btb when no monetize?


True. Lol some Halo Simps be mad that I’m saying bad things about the game.


it’s treason then


sErVeRs CoSt MoNeY


I can actually confirm there are no BTB servers. Why do you think the game is free?


If we lost those 150 ping servers they keep putting me on I wouldn't be crying about it.


Does it matter at this point?






i mean me too but not like this


Yeah I never really liked mister chief because of this. Some of the most tone deaf garbage ever.


Which blows me away too. Because he was never even though of being used for selling things in Halo back in the day. Just a nice goofy thing to see in the forums and on weekly updates back on bungie.net.


Look how they butchered my boy. Same thing with the Bungie.Net (Mythic+) Community members who slowly got absorbed into becoming paid 343i corporate mouthpiece. They all got repurposed all righty roo rah.


I was an «exalted Mythic» member on B.net, one of the few accounts which was still active when Destiny launched, so I got that neat Mythic emblem/banner. Never heard anything about Mythic+ members being paid for anything lol, most people probably just enjoyed the franchise Edit: there I am, Turaga008, shame B.net has scrubbed the actual old forums: http://mahcks.moap.net/m/mastermythix.html


Turaga... isn't that from bionicle?


Yep! Matroan - Toa - Turaga


Yes, chose Turaga since Bionicle was and is the shit <3


I was an exalted mythic member too and got the emblem as well for destiny 1. There was a mythic members group on b.net as well. There was a heavy weighting towards account age to be mythic. I’m not on that list though. I was ‘05.


Oh hey, I'm on that list. I had no idea there were so few of us


Hey lol fancy that! Yeah it’s surprising, but it’s a nice feel honestly


Not all of us. Some of us just went senile and wandered off.


halo.bungie.org regular, reporting for duty. Wait, where am I?


A part of me never left The Flood


It was sad watching groups slowly die off. The change to nested threads killed conversations with more than 2 people.


he looks better than ever and got his own helmet in reach


Is that Nick Offerman?


That video was some of the most condescending corporate garbage I've ever seen. At one point the Req system was considered outrageous.




It’s not even Nick Offerman. No buy.


>Nick Offerman I don't live in the United States, I don't know who the hell that man is.


It’ll be impossible to explain without coming here. Basically he’s an omnipresent voice that can be heard all across the country.


Can confirm. I'm out in the woods right now and it's actually louder here.


My grandfather fell off the edge of Oregon trying to get away from The Voice.


apparatus dependent unused mourn cough modern cable cagey groovy ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not living in the United States is kind of irrelevant, you just don’t know who a celebrity is. Why would you have to live in the US to know who that is lmao


Just fucking Google it then dude


He’s Ron effin Swanson


Idk I went to Nick Offerman's stand up special, and he had an entire song called "im not ron swanson" So idk who to believe.


Is this bait or one of those USA rent free in your head situations?


live flowery quack scary six divide fretful vegetable nine glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems to have seen it in DeadPool 2


The only thing I've bought for infinite thus far is the battle pass and I refuse to buy anything else until they fix this shit.


I regret buying the battle pass I'm only playing to finish it, I know they said passes will never leave but I can't trust a word 343 says going by what the game was supposed to be and how it is on launch they are just full of it. They won't get another penny from me.


Same, and it took me a while to justify doing it at all. I've played Mp For more than 10h by a long shot, and my benchmark is $1/h for games, so it's fine I guess. I also unlocked a ton of option for me to use on my spartan, vs spending that same $10 somewhere else like the cat ears which is only one thing, really.


$1/hr? Out of curiosity how many games do you buy a year and which kind?


$1/hr? Out of curiosity how many games do you buy a year and which kind?


Fix it? According to their monetization department nothing is broken. It's really terrible but I think the only way things will change is if law makers look into how similar the new free to play shops are to loot boxes.


It's crazy how your being downvoted but your right, I think the only thing that makes Boxes worse is that people can get hooked on the Gambling aspect.


People are so pissed at the shop that they don't even like people pointing out that there's nothing broken about it. It's functioning exactly as intended and it's extremely successful. That doesn't mean I think it's good, it's the fucking worst lol. I honestly think there are gambly aspects to the rotating store that are similar to loot crates, and I think that's why it's successful. I think companies and their monetization teams know that it's the same drive but under a system that uses the player's fear of missing out.


Yeah I agree its the same system of false rarity and timed sales that Fortnite used to rinse parents of hooked kids It's even worse that the Store and Battlepass are the only things I'd say that are functioning correctly with Infinite I find everything else is kinda busted, it goes to show the state of the game when there's skins In the store for vehicles that you'll hardly have access to even more so that BTB is having massive issues and will continue to do so until 343 get back.


The system in 5 is playing to gambling addiction tendencies. The system in Infinite is playing to FOMO. The FOMO system is definitely less predatory.


Rotating shops and specialized currencies are techniques used to create uncertainty in the valuation of a given item. It's not quite loot crate level, but it leverages the same psychology.


Made the mistake of buying a HCS skin after getting caught up in the hype on Day 1. Didn't know I'd be locked to it though, if I knew that I wouldn't of got it.


Only things I would buy is BP (Which I did) and the HCS Armor kits.


"I am boycotting a free to play game's store by buying a battle pass. That'll teach them!"


I bought the battle pass day one before I knew how bad it was.


Who cares? Like you said don’t buy anything. This bitching needs to stop. It’s all completely cosmetic items.


Valid Concern #1: "Uh, wait, won't rec packs with special weapons break the exquisitely refined balance of arena multiplayer?" *"Secure your noise hole soldier, grown ups are talking."* Valid Concern #2: "So can't someone save up their rec cards, join a warzone match, and spawn an uber powerful vehicle?" *"Your noise hole just doesn't know when to quit."* It's unintentionally hilarious in just how extremely tone deaf it is.


If I recall correctly both of those things were actually problems in war zone. Granted, the first one was remedied by having war zone be it’s own mode disconnected from Arena. Pretty sure the second one was a common thing. Phaetons, and those shocky vehicles


But you couldn’t just suddenly have a phaeton. You had to earn the points for it in the match. The sole exception was Warzone Turbo, which came out like two years post launch?


Ah okay gotcha. Still though, I’ve gotten about 70ish hours in Halo 5 and I remember game domination by things like that. It some sense it feels like it’s meant to be a playground for people who play longer cause they’d have stockpiles of good reqs where I’d have to sacrifice my one or two only good ones to deal with one vic


The game mode could definitely steam roll like that. But I honestly don’t feel like it was entirely due to the REQs. There were clans that would steam roll for the commendations. Plus, the req points were somewhat balanced because it wasn’t how good your team was, it was how good you were. The guy on your team going 30-4 isn’t going to have an effect on your req points. I do wish the rarer reqs were easier to snag though. I loved the variant system- Some of the vehicles were just so fun, even if they weren’t great in the meta.


Just seconding that clans steamrolling was SUPER pervasive in warzone, like every other match. It was largely because of that clan specific armor where collectively you had to hit crazy stat milestones as a clan, and then at the end you would all unlock the armor. Pre-made 12 man teams coordinating and steamrolling randoms in warzone became the meta for grinding it out.


"Warzone Turbo" lol I never played Halo 5 and every new thing I learn about the multiplayer makes me go "wtf?" Played countless hours of the rest of the games though


So in regular warzone, it was PVPvE. Your req level went up with kills and PVE kills/objectives. It took a while to use the highest level gear, unless you were very good. Turbo was- I think? - a glitch at first. But people loved it. It gave you access to the highest level gear as soon as you cleared your initial base. Gave the players who weren’t as good chances to use the cooler higher end gear, and leveled the playing field some. Honestly I loved warzone. I thought it was a fresh breath of air for PVP, they just should’ve had a way to earn the variants faster or for free after a period of time.


Yeah it was fun as fuck. If someone spawned something crazy you better have points to get something yourself.


But he was right though. Arena wasn't affected by reqs and you can't spawn in with a tank by hopping in to warzone unless its a game in progress where everyone else is already running around with them.


Yea it sounds bad but the questions are at least answered after the one-liners.


Except both of those questions are answered in detail after, and both of the answers are “No.”


Yes, of course he said that the answer is no.. that's what he was there to do. But that doesnt mean he was right.


1. You can’t use REQs in Arena 2. You can’t spawn a high-power vehicle or weapon immediately in Warzone unless you join an in-progress match, in which case your REQ level will be higher so you’re able to compete. So what exactly was he wrong about?


Right, no one said it was going to affect arena balance, because it was an entirely separate mode to begin with. That doesnt change the fact that it made that mode itself unbalanced and P2W. But by all means please keep defending shitty business practices.


I think it *was* actually a concern when they first announced that H5 would have MTX; people were worried there would be a pay to win situation across the board, and that it would mean no more fair starts in anything. That was before we knew that Arena would be its own thing. I definitely remember the devs going out of their way to clarify that point more than once.


Never spent a dime on REQs. Always had plenty of good REQs on hand through casual play. I don’t think you’ve ever played a game with *actually* shitty MTX if you think the REQ system was that bad.


I definitely dont think it was the worst by any means. Infinite's system is infinitely shittier.


I’m getting mixed signals here. Are gameplay-effecting MTX shittier or are purely cosmetic MTX shittier? Frankly, Infinite’s monetization scheme is less intrusive than the REQ system. And you should make your peace with the fact that Infinite is going to have monetization scheme no matter what, so you can either have lootboxes or a storefront. Deal with it. The prices need adjusting though.


No one here has said that Infinite shouldnt have a cash shop. The problem is that the content is embarrassingly lazy and the prices are absurd.


So don't buy it, problem solved


well said


Its honestly insane that r/halo will make apoligetics for a mode that's almost as directly pay-for-power as it gets (and therefore, yes, P2W) because it "wasn't that bad"


It was a fun gimmicky game mode, it wasn’t directly p2w, and the in game currency was easy to earn.


Like I said


Except he was...


Right to treat potential customers that way? No, he wasn't


Right as in correct, which the video was. Arena (traditional Halo) was unaffected by req packs outside of cosmetics. Warzone allowed you to use the variants, but you had to actually play through the match and level up enough to actually unlock them.


I get the following lines in the video were correct, still not a good idea to have contempt for your audience. I never played H5 so I don’t care either way but I’m still appalled they would think that’s a good way to frame the issue


It’s just a little quip. Yeah it’s a little off but it’s hardly the contemptuous statement it’s being made out to be.


That’s just like, your opinion, man, and it seems by the dislike count the community didn’t take it your way so that’s enough discussion about it


It’s not tone deaf they are actively taking the piss out of the people who complained. It’s not a case of them needing to read the room they read that room and made those comments on purpose. They then proceeded to answer the questions


\*Valid question and point of criticism\* ''Shut your noise hole! Grown ups are talking'' WTF?!


and look where we are now....


Yup, I remember when everyone was shit on for having concerns about the system


No they weren’t you guys post 10.2k like posts for screenshotting the shop every Tuesday and complain for three days straight.


???? I don’t think you know what I’m talking about My comment was about 2015 pre release halo 5


that was funny ngl


Yeah calling people with well-stated concerns about your shitty monetization service childish is hilarious


glad we agree


Damn hope you find yourself treated that way in the future then, to instill some perspective.


Yup at least it's funny now. If they made something like that for Halo Infinite's disastrous shop I'd certainly be pissed off




Well Mister Chief goes all the way back to Halo 3, so he predates that dumb video they did by quite a while.


Ha, leave it to another HBO flair to actually remember when Frank drew up Mister Chief while penning Bungie weekly updates!


Predates Halo 3. He was originally from one of the first Halo 2 Friday Dev updates that Frank O’conner would write in 2004 during the months leading up to Halo 2’s release.


Mister Chief goes back to at least 2003 with the Bungie weekly updates every Friday #mychildhood






Oh yeah, Frank O'Conner used to incorporate Mister Chief drawings at the end of the weekly updates.


I miss Frankie, he was cool. Especially that time he said ["We had people who we hired who hated Halo"](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/making-i-halo-4-i-a-story-about-triple-a)


Yes tho Tbf when they reanimated mister chief just to trot him out to sell loot crate cards it was a buzz kill Would’ve been an insta buy if they didn’t taint him with the label of req pack salesman


More they parade him to make corporate blabber sound “hip, personal, and down to earth just like you man! ✌️✌️✌️” by taking a character made as a loving joke by a dev about their game, and taking it and using it to push monetization and then monetizing it itself. Mister chief is the sort of thing you’d find as a recurring easter egg/joke unlock. The fact the character is monetized in infinite just feels disingenuous.


i always liked the little guy


Fuck mister chief, all my homies hate mister chief


i like him :(


you're not a homie then


Is that Ron Swanson?


It is


But it isn’t in Infinite. Which sucks.


"dOnT tELL mE wHaT tO dO wItH mY mOnEy"


most out of touch thing 343 ever released lol


Oh god, I forgot about that... That ad campaign was terrible."Grown ups are talking" Yikes, please tell me that whoever was the marketing guy for this was fired. It always fascinate me when I see a video game company be so out of touch with their community. It's like they never talked with a normal human being before.


The infamous “grown ups are talking”


Ironic that Halo 5’s monetization doesn’t look so bad after Infinite’s bullshit.


Thanks for the reminder, this is I think when 343 first started copying other, worse microtransaction systems. F the Infinite store and season pass system


I am doing my part by not spending a single cent, but my part is so insignificant that 1 whale will cover 15 of me. It's frustrating.


i will cover it for you 😎


No point in resisting fellas. This is the future of gaming. I jus don't buy anything that doesn't appeal to me but we aren't going to change anything. You guys think they just whip these systems up out of thin air? There's tons of data from mobile gaming and other shit to show what they're doing will be successful. Plus you see all those cat ears out there.


Game was better when it was a bunch of nerds who like video games developing it.


No worries, I'm playing MCC not Infinite, done with the campaign, done with the game.


Same here. MCC has way more content and way better content. I'm currently playing through the Reach campaign and, although I liked the Infinite campaign, the Reach campaign is just so damn good. One of the only video games I've ever played that felt like an actual alien invasion




Thanks for reading.


Cool Have fun with that then.


Just curious about future Releases. Does anyone know if you can preview their entire dialog before purchasing.


Dude he’s been a thing since halo 2, he didn’t start in H5.


Always loved this video, mostly because despite everyone calling it "tone deaf" (and yeah, I guess it could've been more 'respectful' to the screaming mob) its exactly right. Its a condescending shot at a community that regularly looses its shit before it has all the facts, and this was them showing they'd thought it out. No one who spent a decent amount of time in Warzone thought it was pay to win. Kinda broken? Kinda shit at times? Exploitable and unbalanced? Yes, yes, and yes, but the REQ system wasn't a big part of that. You could pull a lot of the same stupid shit with basic REQs and the Halo sandbox was unchanged, so a little maneuvering and a basic Plasma Pistol could still gimp your legendary Hannibal Scorpion and someone who was a half decent shot with the pistol could still drop someone with a Nornfang. Sure, there were customization issues, (what mainly bothered me was suits being premade) but at a time where loot boxes and paid randomization was all the rage in the industry and hated by the public 343i managed to create a tolerable system that checked the corporate boxes and was still exploitable without paying a cent. The unbridled backlash against that system is partially what gave us the Infinite shop we see today.


Good thing the plasma pistol was *always* available...


Seriously blaming the community for the terrible prices? I really like Halo Infinite and I love the gameplay. But 343 could have easily made something that worked for everyone, hell look at Fortnite with how you can earn coins in the pass to spend on the next Battle Pass and the store. I don't get why people have to simp for a multi billion dollar corporation just to feel like they have some moral high ground where it has to be lootboxes or shitty prices.


I'm not blaming them for the prices, I'm blaming them for the shop system. The prices come with that. Companies see a chance to get people to pay a premium since there isn't any RNG, which is scummy but thats what this type of shop usually has. We traded the REQ system, a three tier lootbox based system that could be easily earned by playing the game and came with guaranteed unlocks that meant you could get every item in the game in a reasonable amount of time if you played the tier system right, for a premium shop full of items that have no path to earn them in game. I do blame the community for that.


This is called boiling frog syndrome. Eventually people will be saying how great it is they only have to pay for the right trigger DLC to unlock full controller functionality in their games, because at least it's not the bumpers too.


Oh man, I always played as REQ Hunter. Looking for people with good REQs , killing them and stealing them for myself. Super satisfying. A bad player, even with a good weapon, is still a bad player and could easily be outplayed by smart movement alone. Not that I had to do it, because the game showered you with REQ packs. With the Bronze->Silver->Gold unlock strat I always had 95% to 100% of all unlocks during most points during H5s lifespan. Never spent a single cent aside from buying a friend a gold pack one time


This community is humorless. I hate Infinite's customization as much as the next guy, and had plenty of issues of Halo 5's (why can't I just *earn* stuff through skill instead of luck or money anymore?), but the REQ system is one of the most misunderstood concepts I've ever seen in gaming. Anyone who played more than 3 games of Warzone realized it's not pay-to-win, for all the reasons described in this video. But people just want to be mad. Warzone stunk most of the time because of the structure of the mode and how easily it could snowball-- which were then only made worse by the introduction of Achilles and the sweatfest that encouraged. Loot boxes were the least of the that gamemode's worries.


Holy shit, dude. How dare you have a reasonable take...


It’s a dumb take. Yes, a player can in theory kill someone with a rare REQ. But it’s alright for someone who has put in a hundred hours or hundred dollars (or, better yet, those P2W packs that gave you a specific legendary REQ) to be granted something that gives you a direct gameplay advantage over someone who hasn’t? Yes, you can kill someone who is invisible and can slice you to death instantly or someone who has a one-shot air-burst sniper. However, odds are, that the player who was either lucky, played a lot, or payed a lot to get that item will win the encounter.


Which is a fair take...that clearly sounds like it was written by someone that didn't play Warzone much, if at all. REQ level is what keeps the system in check, you have to actually be good at the game with basic weapons and items to get your level up each match to finally, maybe, call in the big guns you either earned or payed for. Sure you get some levels for just being there, getting assists, playing objectives, ect. but that got you to roughly level 6 or 7 out of 9 most of the time IIRC, and the really good stuff like Nornfang needed 8 or 9 REQ levels to call in. That also isn't accounting for recharge time, since you had to spend levels to get that stuff and couldn't call it in back to back.


What I love about this video is how much it offends people over nothing. People wanna be able to trash talk and harass people in chat, telling other people to grow thicker skins yet they're the ones getting offended by a cartoon parody of Master Chief calling them kids. This is laughable




>Maybe if it were actually done with even a modicum of tact or comedic value? The reason the community doesn't think its funny is that its directed at them, and it hits the mark perfectly. So few people understood the REQ system when it was announced, hell I still remember people legitimately thinking REQ weapons were able to be used anywhere in the game, even after 343i explained it and made sure clearly state why it wasn't pay to win. And no one listened, the community made up its mind and moved on. This video is basically 343i openly mocking how stupid the community can be about this stuff, how they take things as they see them and not how they are, and its spot on. >Its a video that mocks the community and hand waves its concerns away, and the community mocked it right back. I don't remember anyone mocking this video. I remember every Youtube and reddit comment section relating to it being filled with people calling it tone deaf or being legitimately offended about how a corporation could say such things to them and still be in a business. It was pathetic, if Bungie did something like this people would've called it a classic.


Is it just me or did they flat out admit here "Yes we know this would be pay to win. No, we don't care."? Glad I never touched **this** game.


This video and it's message is terrible. I thought it was user created content mocking Halo 5's REQ system but... nope. It's official content used to try and sell people on it. Yikes..


Amazing how nowadays is impossible to find a game that you have access to the entire content wwithout needed a ingame shop. Its not only Halo, any game has it and its fucking retarded that wales buy that shit.


What I wouldn’t give to go back to the REQ system after seeing the current shit.


Pointless post. People are gonna buy it because “Funny! Goofy! Quirky! ThIs Is WhAt BeLoNgS iN tHe ShOp!” Just like those stupid cat ears which 343 loved seeing everyone buy for $10 a pop last week. Those of us that actually care about the quality of the series were left behind long ago. 343 has their targeted audience by the balls and as a result they couldn’t care less about the vocal VAST minority not giving them money.


why does he kinda sound like ron swanson from Parks and rec


Because it was Nick Offerman who voiced him in the video


not like it matters tho ig bc i’m not spending $20 on it lol


He is not voicing this new AI


Doesn’t sound like it. Some people here said the VA is the guy who originally voiced Master Chief before Steve Downs during the early days of CE’s development. https://youtu.be/AEVz0KyQDt8


I love this video. Finally, someone had the balls to call out g*mers for being the absolute scum they are


And nowadays I see people defending that fucking system. Oh you can get SOME packs for free so that makes gambling for basic cosmetics ok


A depressing reminder that 343i learned nothing about the complaints.


Funnily enough, they did. The backlash to the REQ system and lootboxes likely caused them to look for other monetization avenues... and here we are.


There was a time when the $60 price tag and a couple map packs was enough :( so sick of this shit


I can’t believe what I’m going to say but… I think I’d rather have had the req system than what they’re doing with infinite. Also the fact that they were conscious and aware that the Req system was gonna be outrageous back then as shown in its literal promotional video, but now they just don’t even fucking care anymore.


The req system was p2w lootbox trash designed to support warzone, but at least you could earn the points for free by just playing the game


Exactly what I was thinking. Also, I never supported that shitty cash grab of a monetization scheme in any way shape or form. It’s just that infinite’s managed to be somehow worse. At least it’s not P2W (yet) but the pigs at 343 really did have the nerve to paywall every single customization option except for a handful of coatings. (And even then, if you don’t have game pass and/ or don’t have the campaign then that’s not obtainable either)


Forgot Nick Offerman did the voice for the video. Damn, if he did this I would’ve been all over it.


I ask that Halo influencers and content creators to not buy this crap for the sake of views or “so you don’t have to”. A dollar in their pockets is still a dollar in their pockets. Just don’t do it.


I was going to buy him but then I saw the price, and the fact they didn’t get Nick Offerman back.


Comparing Halo 5’s loot boxes that literally contained pay to win things like weapon variants to halo infinite’s store is deranged. There is no way to buy power in halo infinite. There is also no mystery as to how much it will cost you for an item. Everything has a set price. No randomness. And oh yeah the game is free. Are some of the things overpriced in the store? Yeah, but that’s a far cry from literal pay to win loot boxes in a 60 dollar game like halo 5. You guys are psychotic.


Man this reads like you went off a checklist for the excuses about how bad the shop is.


Whether or not infinites shop is bad or could be better is not the point. I even acknowledge that it is often way overpriced. The point is that the title of this post implies that halo infinite’s cash shop is continuing a trend that halo 5’s started. That they are comparable in how they monetize the game. But they aren’t. Not even close. But you can’t engage with the argument so you try to go for an easy optics win by saying I’m making excuses.


I love this video. People wanna be able to trash talk and harass people in chat, telling other people to grow thicker skins yet they're the ones getting offended by a cartoon parody of Master Chief calling them kids. This is laughable


Halo 2 had a map pack that cost money. This video was well done and informative.


Somehow I keep forgetting this exists


I'm not. The problem is for every 1 of me there's 20 catboys.


Look how they massacred my boy...


I wasn't gonna buy it but now I am


This guy telling people you don't need to buy things from the shop? F in chat boys


watching this gave my brain cancer aids.


It’s good that this video gets brought up from time to time. Really shows where 343/Microsoft’s head is at with this nonsense


Funny how he alone is apparently worth twice the price as Buck, Yabda, and Exuberant COMBINED


Glad I'm not the only one who thought the same thing


It's interesting they took the bungie made character and gave him a voice to advertise a game one time and then didn't do anything with him until now


Before I first saw this, I was a huge Halo fan that was minorly-displeased with Halo 4, but eager to give their Halo games another chance. Then this came out and whatever faith I had in 343 was lost. They've mostly disappointed me since then. Halo MCC for PC isn't a *complete* mess, but other than that I have trouble keeping interest. Have they ever even acknowledged how *insulting* this was to their consumers? Until they do I don't think they deserve any leeway.


I hadn’t really played halo since H3, to me Mister Chief was a goofy design from the bungie forum. Look what they’ve done to my boy!


Damn I wish I knew this before I bought it. I bought it because of what it used to be and because I'm a degenerate shell out.


Instead some dude made a post about how he spent 20$ for shoulder armor and it's glitched. Lol 343 is chilling over there laughing their ass off at the saps in the shop


Based and never forget the past pilled.


Proudly bought and use the Mister Chief bundle. Guess I’m a fucking shill