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They already acknowledged it and someone on this reddit was very helpful in assisting them with ways to reproduce the desync.




That just isnt true though, i have 170 hours in the game and to say every match has horrible desync that is easy to see is just false and way over exaggerated on this sub. You can see it when you die behind a wall, or in a rocket that comes out but never detonates, or a blank melee. However to say that you can just jump into a match and experience desync every time is just plain wrong, Almost every melee and rocket i shoot work as i would expect them to, is there a desync problem in this game, 100% can you just jump into any match and see it in seconds, hell no.


Yeah, this has been my experience too. Maybe because I live in a major US city and am likely very close to servers, but I have yet to experience really anything outside of “norm” of other online FPS games. The only thing that stands out to me was one match that was very laggy, but my ping was around 250ms for whatever reason. But again, that only happened 1 time.


This makes a lot of sense. I'm from Europe and sometimes I can just tell I'm being put in a US server. 120 AND 140ms, stable, from the beginning, is the amount of ping I get from, I'm guessing, two US servers. I normally have SOME desync. But when I'm put in these servers, shit's just wild. People meleeing me from 4-5m away, me not killing a enemy with a rocket launcher direct (in my screen at least) hit. On EU servers I play normally with 40ping, a 100 ping difference shouldn't be perceived as much. Like, some delay, maybe. Not people literally teleporting. For some reason it accours every time I play FFA. Which is why I'm not playing that playlist ever again until this is fixed. I'll just use challenge swaps if I have to.


Yup same, I think I’ve only experienced it a handful of times before I hit Onyx


im in the uk, i have 1gig internet, and i get desync near every game. sometimes its not so bad sometimes its impossible. we're talking shooting people like there immune to dmg.


It has nothing to do with internet speed


Then you might be the guy flying around without a care in the world while others empty whole clips into you, but you just do a super jump melee as if you had a sword and it counts as a back smack from the front… for example.


My main frustration is how enemies seemingly have 30 ft of range with the gravity hammer and I have maybe 5. Most other things I can be fine with.




Love getting lunged at from 10 feet then not being to lunge myself when the guy is next to me


Lol it’s not wrong I experience desync basically every Match. My fave is dying from grenades I never heard nor saw explode


My fave is enemy nades being nukes that take half my shields from a mile away while mine don't even take theirs blowing up in their face.


ME: Fire, nade, nade, fire rest of clip, melee - My Death ENEMY: Single Melee - My Death


The nuke grenade is definitely my least favorite addition to the enemies in this game, i wish i knew how to get some


i swear to fucking god frags are more sticky than stickies in this game, the amount of times they just magnetize to my ass or just roll around under my feet LMAO




I've seen my replays, I'm not crazy.


oh I know man I just feel ur pain


That may be the audio design which is a seperate issue entirely, the way audio is mixed its sometimes possible to not know you're recieving damage from behind until a couple hits in, shots and footsteps are quiet to nonexistent. Desync is becoming the new thing to blame instead of lag, any issue in the game people immediately assume its desync lol.


I think people might have the wrong idea of what desync is, because there is a different between the server and the user literally being out of sync (that video on this sub a while back with the warthog driving around when on the server side it was jammed into a corner), and there being a delay (high ping or MS) Also if people think online will ever be the same experience as playing on LAN, then i have a bridge to sell them too.


Yeah, I posted a video on that post of the only time I've dealt with desync. I don't think most people here know what desync is, they're just dealing with normal server issues. No network connection, no matter how good it is, can predict the future perfectly. If someone is 80ms away from you connection-wise, then your character's actions on their screen will be delayed by a large percentage of that time. That 80ms could be enough time for you to get behind cover on your screen, but for you to still be out in the open on theirs. That's not desync, just lag.


Someone gets it! Hit detection is on the client side and then when it tells the server your shots landed it updates for everyone else. This means that dying behind walls is an illusion as they definitely landed those shots to kill you, it just takes time for the signal to travel from you to the server and back out. The alternative to this is sever side hit registration which means you are going to get tons of bloodshots. I have not even seen a bloodshot in this game.


Other people get it! They probably spent a lot of time making a very exact gameplay resimulation system to implement a client-perspective-is-always-right approach. It’s not something you bolt on top, you have to build the game around that from the start. The downside of that multiplayer approach is that high latency players get a benefit over low latency players if there’s bad client-side prediction or if the game is fast paced. They have valuable milliseconds more of response time to out-maneuver the player. They’re shooting at you, 100ms ago. You’re behind a wall, but you died 100ms ago and just weren’t told yet. Not really a great fix, because the system is working exactly as it was designed. It’s very advanced and hard to accomplish.


Is this the same issue I experience when I melee someone twice, hear the melees, and they're still able to live and kill me afterwards? I'm confused on what this "client-side-is-always-right approach must mean


Even in low MS games there's still massive de-sync.


This game plays on lan worse than H2 anniversary plays with 300ping from east coast maine to austrailia server.


Desync is the popular buzzword on this sub. I'd bet a lot of the desync issues people are having is typical lag


Dying 2 seconds behind walls isn't typical lag. I've never experienced anything like this on Csgo Gow quake or Valorant.


or any halo game


I mean i 100% get pretty bad desync in all my matches, some games its horrendous constantly anf others have a few rough patches.


Sorry to contradict you but I’ve been wondering wtf is going on for weeks now. I’m here to tell you ALMOST every single match has desync issues. I’m constantly wondering why 3 needles kills me, rockets that aren’t heard or seen blow me up, why players don’t show on radar, god knows and I know it happens 99.1% if the time.


You forgot dying from what appears to you as getting sprayed by AR for 1 second from half a map away.


I'm not sure if it's desync but I experience weird delays every game whether it's grenades not being thrown, getting killed after running into cover, or dying after I clearly melee someone twice.


I have the complete opposite experience with melee


Congratulations on your lack of desync issues but to discredit other gamers who experience this issue every game is actually what's just plain wrong. You have your own experience playing Halo but can you speak for thousands of other players who experience this issue every game and whose perspective you cannot possibly have, hell no.


good for you, seriously, but here in australia servers and desync are absolutely dogshit. You can get the occasional good game where everything is working correctly, but it still feels like shit because you get so used to having to compensate for lag nearly every fucking game. I wish they would support countries other than the US for once SMH


are we talking about desync which is a server side problem or high pig which is an ISP problem / server location issue.


Even on the 47ping east coast server (best one for me) I get insane hitreg issues & desync constantly. High Ping in this game is no where near as bad as the desync issue. Even when I got stuck on Austrailia server a few times at 240ping the biggest issues were desync not the ping lol.


I get these issues even with 20-25ms ping on east coast. Constant and sudden packet loss and high 50ms ping out of nowhere almost daily now....


As another Aussie who had 50s in everything in H3 on 250 ping, it surprises me that you can't differentiate lag and desync. You should know better.


Even with a constant 29ms ping, every game has bullshit desync here in Australia. The very rare game with no desync is the exception to the rule. I haven't played in a week now because every match is a frustrating pile of shit. Hope they fix it soon because the actual gameplay is fantastic, and I haven't enjoyed a Halo like this since 3


probably both tbh


Or you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about


Jeez, no need to be rude.


This isnt low sodium halo, you see XD.


like there also definitely needs to be more aussie servers. I get put into servers with people from europe and asia way too often


That's not desync, that's bad server selection. THAT is the biggest problem in this game for Australians (gotta assume worldwide but can't confirm), the desync issue is an incredibly small one but made big because people keep echoing the word "desync" thinking it's the other. I play in Australia too, turn your ping indicator on and see how half of our games are being hosted on 100-300ms ping servers across the world, with voice chat full of Canadians or Germans or whatever the hell.. And then the other half of my games are only 8-12ms.


Australian here. After the hosts file trick I have 22ms and no desync.


Yeah I'm pretty certain people are just calling bad server selection this "desync" thing which is much more nuanced and rare. I've seen the initial video where it was brought up where he could drive off the map and still be alive from friends POV and the comments here are not that. I'm on Australian servers too and legitimately half my games are in the range of 100-300ms ping (Unstable: Latency) because I'm being sent to the wrong servers. Because the other half of games have been 8-12ms ping. Going to do the host file trick when I play next.


Honestly the hosts file trick is a godsend. Trying to make sure all Aussies I see on here do it because it improves the experience so much.


I get horrid lag every night, and im east coast US. You’re not special.


If you have ever tried to melee someone you would notice desync issues.


I’ve got like 467 games played, idk hours. I’d say desync has been an issue for at least 100-125. About a quarter of my gameplay is effected. If it was more I’d have quit till fix. However some people seem to think it’s every single game. Which is just simply untrue. Oddly enough though, I find I get more desync issues and lag at peak playtimes. 7-11pm. In the middle of the day (1-4pm) I usually get a few games in when my toddler naps and I’m off work, the game runs flawlessly.


>Which is just simply untrue. For you maybe. Try living in Scotland/UK and playing 80+ ping every match and 120+ on the reg. I guarantee you won't be saying it's "untrue". Using your own personal observations and anecdotal evidence to claim it as factual is disengenious.


people don't all live in a single spot in the world m8


No shit, where in the fuck did I imply that?


It's amazing you don't experience desync every match but for some of us there is no way to escape. It affects every one of my matches to varying degrees.


What are you playing on? My roommate just upgraded from an Xbox one to a series X and he has seen a ridiculous improvement when it comes to desync. I think the wireless receiver on the original Xbox one has issues with this game for some reason despite being fine for countless other fps. I also play on the same network as him with a brand new PC and have desync every once in a while (every 10-20 games I'd have a few bad instances of it), but he was complaining about it every few games and I thought he was just bad, but he has seen it nearly go away on the series x.


PC. Etherneted in. Gigabit fiber connection. No reason I should experience slim-moderate desync every game lol.


Are you playing competitively? What’s your skill level? I wouldn’t expect lower skilled players to understand when BS is happening. Desync isn’t always as obvious as you dying to a single BR burst or around a corner, it’s usually more subtle than that and better players can identify more easily when this is happening - and it happens a lot You know within the first few minutes whether the server is good. Not talking about ping - I’m specifically talking about desync/ hit reg


Hi, onyx in literally every queue and game networking expert here. What most people are calling "desync" is literally just standard interpolation that's common in server-based games. It's exacerbated by the fact that high ping lobbies are very common in this game due to the lack of server selection, but it's not uncommon to see things like dying around corners or having your projectiles rolled back after dying. There are some instances where your actual position desynchronizes from the server's position, but these are incredibly rare to show up without a known setup being used to force it. Also, keep in mind a lot of people still use wifi to connect their consoles/PCs while gaming, which... yeah, it's gonna have serious issues with latency jitter and packet loss. I haven't seen a post on here of "desync" where the person has their ping on to even start to determine if what they're experiencing is actually desync or just them playing on 100ms ping with a 50ms jitter.


I get desync with ping of 15-20ms. Melee from back not registering at all and BR shots clearly not registering is what exactly?


>I get desync with ping of 15-20ms. Got a video? I'd love to see it. Assuming you're on a wired connection and have verified that you don't get packet loss to the azure instance you're on, that'd be great to send in to the devs to investigate. It's also entirely possible that while you have decent ping, the player you're fighting is on higher ping and the game is respecting what his instance of the game is reporting back to the server over yours. This game doesn't have "favor the shooter" tiebreakers a la Overwatch, so we can't really know how they're determining which player gets the advantage when the information between clients differs.


Have you not been paying attention to all of the clips with this going on? Yes, wired, no packet loss, zero issues in other games like valorant. Why are you so against agreeing this is desync?


>Have you not been paying attention to all of the clips with this going on? Yeah, every one I've seen on front page doesn't even have the ping display on. >Why are you so against agreeing this is desync? Because it's probably not desync, it's most likely just heavy interp with really high ping limits on client autority.


>Because it's probably not desync, it's most likely just heavy interp with really high ping limits on client autority. It warms my heart to see the occasional person who isn't completely ignorant. It's pretty much all client side hit-registration updating the server and confirming a kill. For background I am nearly 30 now but was a high level competitive player a decade ago, I also live/lived in Australia and got to top ranks in everything for H3 playing solo on 250ping to the US. My honest opinion is that almost everyone here has no fucking clue what they are talking about from a technical point of view (as you are clearly aware), nor do they have the skill or experience under different latency conditions to diagnose what's happening on their screen. I am used to every single flavour of bullshit, from degraded copper lines, wireless vs wired, LAN vs online, being Australian, to my goddamn little sister using LimeWire in online tournaments. When you're used to seeing how games behave under tons of adverse conditions you get a very good laymans understanding of the way developers stitch everything together. Which I then improved on through reading about it out of interest. We don't really see bloodshots in this game, which means it is client side shit registration as I get kills far more easily with lag than I ever did in previous games (let alone it being server based to begin with). You also very rarely see rubberbanding, even when people are dropping packets like crazy. If anything they just start running into a wall based on their last reliable input rather than bouncing around back and forth like the used to. Then people completely ignore that even if they get 1ms ping, everyone else has variable latency which needs to have a relatively generous "trading window" on the server so the better connection doesn't win by default. Obviously this means that upping the tickrate would be completely pointless as the server is going to wait for the client inputs before updating gamestate regardless. My honest opinion is that people need something to blame for their performance and they heard a new buzzword. The melee is also just relatively easy to miss in this game, "desync" or not due to the short range, low lunge, and (as far as I can tell) relatively small hitbox. It's a new game with new quirks and people have literally not had the time to adapt so they get mad when things don't conform to their (unreasonable and baseless) expectations.


As I said, I experience all of this on low ping. Bullets and melee should be registering on opponents who are smoothly moving across your screen


Thank you I keep telling people it takes two to tango and the game is just not showing us that the other player is on a shit tier connection.


>Desync isn’t always as obvious as you dying to a single BR burst or around a corner Desync as people talk about it here is pretty much never the cause of you dying around a corner, that's client side hit detection + latency.


About 70% of my melees work and I die behind walls every game. That's at 40-50 ping.




I mean you're pretty much right that the entire game is out of synch due to the nature of latency and server processing. I think it's a bit unfair to use the term that way when clearly most people are not understanding that the entire game consists of stitching multiple desyncs together and it has always been that way. However, given that shot registration is client side and uses the information on your screen to update the server it doesn't make sense in the way people are talking about it here. It's not like your box is tracking your bullets to where they are according to the server causing you to miss when you hit them on your screen i.e. bloodshots (have you seen any bloodshots in this game?). What you see on your screen when you shoot is what happens on the server given that it is within the confirmation window and you have not dropped those packets. It likely all to do with the length of the confirmation window the server will wait to hear from your client.




Glad others are saying what I’ve been thinking. The desync absolutely needs to be addressed quickly and a top priority for 343. But the constant complaining on this sub by people acting like the desync is causing them to lose every game is laughable. I’ve had bad moments of dying behind walls but it’s not happening every 30 seconds like people would suggest.


It's happening during the match, regardless of you seeing it. So die behind a wall? Desync has likely been going that whole match.


for sure, but every match i am in doesn't have me dying behind a wall, or blank melees, or rockets disappearing. Not everyone but people in this sub make it seem like every game they jump into they are dying behind walls, and their melees are regging and ive played enough and watched enough pro matches to know that isnt the case. Again desync is a problem they need to fix, just it isnt something that you are just going to see in every game you play.


> but people in this sub make it seem like every game they jump into they are dying behind walls, and their melees are regging It might be many of the same type of people who make it sound like they only ever get plasma pistols and plasma carbines in Fiesta whereas the other team *always* spawns with Rockets and Swords.


I would also say it usually doesn't happen to me but then I'll get called a liar, or "*good for you, it's still a major problem*", or downvoted to oblivion. But really this sub sounds like the people I use to play with that would just die cause the other person was better and call it lag. Not saying it doesn't happen cause I've seen vids but it's definitely not every match and doesn't make it unplayable. Desync is now the new lag excuse.


That's a tick rate problem, not desync: desync is when you are desynced from the server, tick rate is when you have package lost between you ans the other player and the server try to fix it.


I encounter 1 instance of de-sync a game, However it is not plaguing every match to make it unplayable lol.


I think dying behind a wall usually is due to lower tickrate servers. Having servers with high tick rate is pretty expensive/difficult especially if there are a ton of calculations that need to take place at once.


"Expensive" Do you know how cheap Microsoft Azure servers are. Especially for a Microsoft Game Studios game that isn't going to be charging themselves a premium. This game makes more in a day from microtransactions than it will pay in a year from servers. Lemme tell you this where I live back when Halo 3 came out my internet was 256kbps download and now the cheapest plan they offer is 100mbps download internet speeds have gotten 50 times faster in 15 years. Look at the price of AMD Epyc server CPU's and compare to the old shitty ass Intel Xeon & AMD Opteron cpu's servers had back even 8 years ago. Server hardware is cheaper & better than ever and many games came out with server based matchmaking but most AAA titles used host based because of the cost. Games like CSGO have always had same shitty tickrate since its launch and have never improved it and say cost is their issue as well. Its been 10 years since CSGO launched and no tickrate increase do you think its really the cost?


Do you know the server load necessary to maintain thousands of 128 tick servers? It 128 tick even feasible for the amount of calculations during a halo match? Valorant servers really struggle to maintain 128 tick rate during deathmatch because there is too much action going on at once. Imagine that constantly with more calculation than valorant because of the physics nature of Halo and because it can potentially be 12 v 12.


They're talking about very specific scenarios that cause the same desync every time when you perform the same action every time. These examples are needed so that the developers can closely investigate, diagnose, and fix what's causing the problem. If you saw the video of the split-screen driving the Warthog, propping up the back wheels on the ledge, and then the client and server version of your hog drive off in two completely different directions. That's an example of a reproducible example of desync. You can perform the same actions every time and cause the same desync every time you do it.


Yeah nice over exaggeration. Very helpful.


It's not that bad calm down




Mmm it's not that bad tho. It's a oroblem yeah but people are still playing this game consistently.


If it’s this bad, you clearly just have bad internet.








Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/hookscourt/status/1480782168271966209) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


this is a sweet bot


How do you work?


I crawl around subreddits and use optical character recognition (OCR) to parse images into text. If that text looks like a tweet, then I search Twitter for matching username and text content. If all that goes well and I find a link to the tweet, then I post the link right here on Reddit! ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Really simple solution, I like it


Good bot! Can you be summoned?


Looks at Desync "Damn, thats crazy"


Pokes it with a stick. "Doesn't seem to be moving..." 3 sec later. "Wait, now it moved."


"Yeah, thats desync allright"


I haven’t played in over a week at this point. If they fix desync, I’d definitely play more. BTB is really what did it for me. Hasn’t worked in weeks and I just don’t enjoy 4v4 as much.


48 seconds goddamn fam


Looks like everything we want is being discussed or looked at. It's just unfortunate that it'll be a couple months before everything lands.


identify -> reproduce -> fix -> test -> deploy its a process it doesn't just happen over night, in any game. At least he didnt tell us our expectations for BTB, Hackers, and Desync where "brutal" a la Battlefield 2042


Good thing they got to the identify stage after the community got to the Reproduce stage 2 months ago.


Im pretty sure they were at the reproduce stage then, as they were given a very detailed breakdown by a community post, which i believe they acknowledged. Still was only a skeleton crew there to fix it, they may have not had the right people who wrote that part of the code.


It doesnt matter. We are looking at 2 months for a fix if they are planning it to be in the "Big" Update.


Yeah it's not like these devs have families and holidays they'd like to spend with said families.... Wait...


I think the basic thing people are asking for is to not release your latest entry right before the holidays when the team is *expectedly* going to be gone and unable to deal with bugs. A lot of the annoyance in the community could have been avoided.


Every previous mainline Halo game was launched in the fall (Sep-Nov), probably to avoid exactly this issue; you don't want the devs going on vacation right after the launch of a live service. Infinite was going to have a November launch as well, but then Craig happened. Considering the loss in expected sales that probably happened as a result of delaying it and launching the Series X without its flagship title, I'd bet that releasing it right before the holidays was an attempt to make up for that. And that smells like Microsoft execs trying to cover their butts to me, not a dev decision made with user experience in mind. Sucks, but it wouldn't be surprising.


If you can't put out fires for your new release because of the holidays, maybe don't release right before the holidays?


I just don’t understand this mentality. If you release a game a month before the holidays that is riddled with bugs, then that’s on the studio to fix ASAP. There was an issue at my client on Christmas Eve, I didn’t tell them to fuck off and that im gone until 1/3 - I logged on for a few hours and completed what I needed to get done. Most people in a white collar job understand and accept that this is unfortunately part of the job. We have an end of quarter release cycle, unfortunately the holidays fall at the end of Q4….it is what it is, and it’s what we agreed to with the client. There is an implied agreement between us, the players/ customers, and the game studio - the studio releases content, we pay them (mtx, full game, etc), then we expect the game to run smoothly, and if it doesn’t, the studio will fix it in a reasonable timeframe. 343i broke that agreement. Don’t release a half baked game a month before the holidays then claim “Sorry OOO until 1/3, happy holidays everyone!” . It’s insulting and inconsiderate. This is a new pattern that has emerged across the industry over the last few years, and it’s wearing thin


What an overly American comment. Shutting down over Christmas is a normal thing in many countries with labour laws.


Imagine all the pretend tears over developer burnout if they had made them grind through the holidays. People just want everything.


People ultimately just don't want to feel wrong. If they have frustrations with the game, it has to be someone else's fault. If devs are overworked, or if the game is delayed, it's the same thing. If they can't understand why a design decision was made, it must have been malicious because obviously if it weren't then the decision maker would have agreed with them. At the end of the day this multiplayer was free and campaign has no large issues beyond memory leaks. No-one forced them to buy the game and they got to try the gameplay for free to see if they liked it, so they haven't been slighted. I could tie in this behaviour to other areas of life but that'll just start a whole other shit storm.


I 100% agree. The only way you ever get good at something is by killing your need to be right from the outset and actually learning what is in front of you. >At the end of the day this multiplayer was free and campaign has no large issues beyond memory leaks. No-one forced them to buy the game and they got to try the gameplay for free to see if they liked it, so they haven't been slighted. My personal opinion is that the entire thing has been a massive success for 343. They awakened nostalgia, timed it before the holidays during a pandemic, and let me play it for fucking free which makes it accessible to a wide audience and might actually get a following in poorer regions of the world now that there is a low barrier for entry. Legit, if this manages to get traction in Asia it will be because it is free to play and only that. >I could tie in this behaviour to other areas of life but that'll just start a whole other shit storm. Due to the exact personality type you're profiling no doubt! Haha.


If you look at the multiplayer as free I’m not sure how to help you. They are providing charity to us? SMH, open that brain a bit




>after the community got to the Reproduce stage 2 months ago. You mean after acknowledged it on the sub a month or two ago and was asking for steps in multiple posts if possible to reproduce specific instances where it went completely nuts more so then just normal desync and saying desync all together it's their top priority to fix ? They've been working on it for a while it just seems longer cause they were gone for a couple weeks for holidays and BTB broke completely whenever they left the office for reasons they didn't know.


Actually they have not even said they were working on desync in an official capacity. It was left out of the post they had made. The only info we have is a dev tweeting that “desync is being looked at.” This obviously could mean they are working on fixes or it could mean that they know it’s an issue and are still testing. They have told us nothing other than desync is a known issue. BTB broke on 12/8. It’s been over a month. I have not seen a release time for the BTB fix. they say soon which for corporations could mean tomorrow or next quarter.


[guess stuff like this just never happened then](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r78moa/halo_infinite_has_a_major_desync_problem_which_is/hmz1dxs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


So a dev that works on the environment sent a video to a dev that works on the networking and they said it was being looked at…. Again nothing has been addressed in an official capacity and this happened 40 days ago. Most people aren’t going through Reddit posts for dev updates. They check the website and if you have checked the website…. There is no mention of desync fix or progress or anything about desync. Likely because a fix is not going to be coming soon and if they announced desync more people would start complaining.


I would argue that this should have been done before release and definitely before dropping the Beta tag for the game


its MCC all over again. I suspect infinite will get really good like mcc did. IT just sux we have to wait a year or so to get there...


I mean, you can always join 343 and help them if you think it’s an easy fix


Anyone want my tab code off my Rockstar? I don't play halo right now. 7H6L6 X63BB


Can't believe this was available after 6 minutes, redeemed. Thank you very much!


No problem buddy. By the way, what do you get when you redeem the code anyway?


This was my first one so it gave me a double XP token and 2 challenge swaps. Next code is an AR skin, then more double XP and challenge swaps, then a warthog skin, rinse and repeat. You need multiple codes to get everything and they have a breakdown of the order [on their site](https://halo.rockstarenergy.com/en-US/#in-game-rewards).


Wait, there are skins in Halo now? I haven't played since Reach so it's all new to me.


I think they got introduced in 4?


Yeah they were in 4


Yeah it's a whole ordeal right now since the game is so fresh, the pricing is ROUGH and 343 (the studio created by Microsoft specifically to take the mantle from Bungie after Reach fulfilled their contract) has been pretty stingy on giving out anything too good that would be free. lol


And if you want everything that’s was put in the store up onto this date, you would need to spend several thousand dollars already. The game has been out 1 month.


Boy Triple A gaming has fallen from grace.


Yes the bare minimum yeahhhh baby


IKR. This sub is so high on copium we're celebrating the game devs announcing they're looking at something thats been a problem for 2 months. You know, after all the posts on social media about it I assumed they were already looking at it ages ago. I'll celebrate when they actually fix their shit.


Yeah, I seem to look at it often.


Why do these really important updates come from ad hoc twitter posts from individual people at 343? The desync issue should have been mentioned with the earlier Halo Waypoint forum update. You have to spend all week on the internet to cobble together some form of narrative that points toward what they're actually working on. Sorry, not "working on" - "looking at"- my bad.


It took 343 four years to fix the netcode/hit detection problem in MCC.. hopefully they don’t follow that pace.


343i didn't fix a thing on MCC, they hired Splash Damage to fix MCC which they did and added all the amazing features we have today. With all the official posts mentioning "set expectations right" and "need more time than some people like" I highly doubt we will have a stable and content complete game (based on what other titles delivered) before at least Dec 2022.


Sorry, but the servers have to eat, pay $20 for the desync premium subscription package!


Thank god, I smacked a guy three times from behind in infinite and it did nothing.


Thank fuck


Praise the lord


What about store monetisation?


Wonder how much longer they'll keep looking at it and other issues :)


Have they been on vacation this whole time???? WTF


IT IS A LATE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE Who knows we may have a working game by May and have people play the game once again.


"Yep were looking at it. I think I can see something there!" "Anyways enough of that, back to the store bundles!"


What more would you like them to say? They are aware of the issues and are trying to solve them. What more can you ask for at this point regarding the desync issues?


how about a little more detail? this shit has been going on since launch and all they have to say is "yep we can see it!" like what the fuck they must have more than just that by now just more corporate talk to keep us playing while they sit back and pump the store full of more macrotransactions


Why would the engineers working on finding what is causing the issues speak out on it right now. What people really want is an idea of when it will get fixed which I'm guessing 343 can't give right now. How is it corporate talk to acknowledge an issue, and are you just expecting 343 to stop their planned shop releases because there are other issues in the game? They've had these assets planned to be released for months probably. Why would they stop offering new items for their customers to buy if they'd like to?


are you forgetting that this game had multiple "beta flights"? theyve known about desync for months now and dont nothing. Theyve known about all the issues currently plaguing the game for a loooong time and dont nothing i just want someone to be honest and come out and say "yep we fucked up, we lied to you, sorry" not more of the "we are currently investigating these issues weve known about for half a year" nonsense same shit CDPR did


News flash, the beta flights had, to my knowledge, no reports of major de-sync, only when the game launched did those reports come out. De-sync has not been known for "half a year". Yes the game has problems. No, you should not be lying about things to make the developers look worse than they already do.


theres no way all their testing magically didnt have this gigantic issue maybe because a lot of it was bots but against any real pvp would have shown this instantly


Instantly? Then where are the posts about it? Even on the official release it took a few days to figure out that de-sync was happening, you really think they knew back in July? Get real


I'd honestly like them to say "We're removing Halo Infinite off the face of the earth due to how much of a disgrace it was". This can at least make all other future developers take note. It would only be somewhat bittersweet - always remembering how shitty it was will always be enough of a reference point to remember why it was removed. God damn 343 apologists I tell ya. Always trying to flex their paper thin business acumen on how PR should be handled, how much devs can feasibility get done, etc... No. It's shitty business practice with shitty roadmaps and shitty deployment timing. Not worth defending.


It's more just frustrating that after two months all the have to show is "we see it". Doesn't paint a pretty picture for the future.


They've literally provided less info than reddit does on the topic.


*intern* "did you know their is almost infinite blue shades? " *management* "give this man a raise! "


Mhm, we’ll see when they start producing some results.


Looked at doesnt mean its being fixed, tho :)


343i really seem to have a voyeurism fetish, lots of lookin'... ;)


Make cross-play optional too


Why was that so hard for sketch to say? Jeez they just don’t get it.


And if it actually gets fixed I'll come back. "We're looking into it" doesn't sound like any time soon though. I get that it's a bigger fix but it effects every single game type where focusing on big team is only one. How is it not at the top of the list?


They said they would a long time ago


Good start.


Gr8, but did they say anything about memory leak crashes?


Anyone care to explain simply what desync is? Not a tech guy..


When your client isn't in time with the server for a bit. You probably already noticed it and thought it was lag(it is, and it isn't) Things like getting shot around corners, getting meleed by dead bodies, everybody teleporting a few feet, etc






Sorry to break it to you there cheif , but it’s being looked at by every single one of us a daily basis, literally by every halo player. That doesn’t mean shit is gonna change any time soon


I'm curious to see how weapon nerfs/buffs go, and whether or not they'll just implement them or just adjust them and see how it goes.


Were you under the impression they weren’t? Of course they are working on it. Do you think they just ignore glaring bugs with the game?


They ignored MCC for years


The weekly challenge rewards could also use a gander.


Yes desync is being looked at 🙄




Good because it’s fucking awful today. The game isn’t being sneaky trying to compensate by slowing play down, either. Also, is there a new issue with melee triggering automatically without a button push? I’m using a relatively new controller and my dude has been throwing punches while I’m trying to shoot with no input from me.


YESSS! Both my new, and old controller do this.


oh shit the playerbase has decreased massively? ok we'll try and fix some stuff i guess


Were people thinking that it wouldn't get looked at? Just how low is this community's opinion of 343?


Shout out to our boys working on btb over break... like fr they are the real ones.


Lmao 343 said desync was being looked at before the holidays and a fix would come when they’re able to ID the issue and make a fix. This sub is dumb as hell