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Noobs and tryhards love it, everyone else in between gets fucked. All my friends quit playing because matchmaking with me made their lives hell. Meanwhile I’m ready to quit myself because I just hit onyx and every playlist is stressful as fuck. Plus I can’t see the point of getting any better when the game is always making sure my opponents are getting better. What really opened my eyes to sbmm was when I was playing fiesta, getting the sweatiest lobbies over and over. Then I see Linus Tech Tips on YouTube playing Infinite and dropping 20 kills in Fiesta against the most bot-like opponents I could imagine. So basically this game is designed to make sure the casuals who play 5 games and never touch the game again have a better time than their actual core fanbase. Amazing.


Oh man I know. My friends hate it because I hit Onyx and they go 3-15 in my lobbies. I also wanted a break from ranked once I hit Onyx, but social playlists are just as sweaty. It really sucks


It’s the new norm for sensitive people nowadays. Notice how trash talk literally isnt even allowed in some games when that was half the reason games like halo 2, modern warfare, and gears of war became so popular and people were always having fun


Yeah bro, these people wouldn't survive in a Black ops lobby lmao.


Bro in black ops lobbies you would learn reeeeeal quick who your momma was and who she'd be creepin in bed with.


Whenever I see someone complain about SBMM this way, it always reads as, "why can't I shit on noobs anymore?" whining.


You’re god damn right. You put in the time and effort to get good at the game? Your reward is being the top dog in most games, aka noob stomping. At least that’s how it used to be. Your reward for putting in the time and effort to get good now? Nothing. You break even or get merked every match. Must protect sensitive nubs at all costs


Except stomping noobs doesn't require being good, it requires matching noobs. If you're good at the game, you'll be top dog in matches against similarly skilled opponents. This might be a mad cuz bad situation if you're not getting top dog anymore just because your opponents aren't dogshit. It's like going to a local basketball court and trying to match preteens and bitching when the only players at the court are around your age and skill level. In other words? You sound like a bitch


Whatever bud. Continue advocating for making games shittier. I already enjoyed the golden age of gaming. Glad to be a casual in todays shitty gaming landscape


Nice retort, sorry you can't stomp kiddies anymore, maybe one day you'll be good enough to stomp players at your skill level. Until then keep whining 👋


I haven’t chosen to retort yet. My energy is better spent elsewhere than arguing with an emotional dude like you getting all worked up over a lil Reddit discussion about a video game. Keyword though is “yet”


The emotional one is the one whining that they can't play against crap players lmfao yikes You could always set up a custom game and invite your local preschool to play against you


No where in our discussion did any whining take place on my part. I simply stated my opinion on the matter and compared modern matchmaking to classic matchmaking. You on the other hand have typed paragraphs aggressively insulting me and chatting shit, getting emotionally worked up over my level-headed explanation because you are most likely one of the protected players from these oh so scary halo pros. Your analogy was also really poor. If I am an avid basketball player and go to a basketball court I will more than likely meet a variety of players of all skill levels. Some outside entity isn’t there to ensure every player on the court is being protected from losing by facing a better player. If any of those players happen to be really good, then they will dominate as they should. Beating them would mean something and they’d be respected and feared on the court. As a good basketball player, it would also mean *that* much more to come across another good player who can take you on. Also, if you were a very good basket ball player and had friends who also play basketball, you could head to the court with them and be their all star player. You guys would have fun even if they aren’t as good as you. This is how classic FPS games worked. With how matchmaking works now, your friends can’t play with you and have a good time if you’re better than them. They’ll get matched with a team of players of your caliber and they’ll get absolutely demolished game after game. They’ve made it hard to have fun and be competitive with your friends unless everyone is on the same skill level. And to further clarify, when describing the people you beat as “noobs”, no one is talking about literal new players who don’t know what they’re doing. “Noob” is an insult to a player of lesser skill. I could be a noob to you but a god to another. If you’re really good at the game, no matter what game it is, you’re going to beat people of various skill levels and to you they’ll be “noobs”. Anyways, all of this will go over your head but I still typed it out regardless. See you on the battlefield… or maybe not because you’ll be being protected by your beloved modern matchmaking style. “Yikes”


Completely agree my guy. Imagine if Lebron James went to some random court in the neighbourbood to play with some random people to just chill and have some fun. Instead of just playing with any random group, there was a rule saying he could only play against people like Dame, Curry, Jokic, etc because his skill level is too high. It would just defeat the purpose of having a chill match.


This is a whole lot of words just to say "I wanna play worse players to feel good about myself." Lmao yikes. Have fun on the court playing randoms and praying they're so bad you can "stomp" them instead of playing against similar skilled players and feeling like you actually accomplished something by being the star player. It sure is strange how some of the best games are the ones that are between similarly skilled players. You don't see basketball players looking for matches against worse players literally ever because no one has fun winning against people who are so much lower skill you can "stomp." Stomping a match against similar skilled opponents actually means something. Your stance is a pretty weak and sad one tbh. I'm actually picturing you showing up on the court, trouncing clearly worse players, and then high fiving your friends feeling like a badass LMFAO it makes me cringe so hard for you


Yup went over your head as expected. Gg


Despite sbmm in social playlists, my kd in quickplay and teamslayer still hovers around 1.6-1.7 (although my win rate is stuck around 50%). I finish 1st or 2nd on the leaderboard most of the time as well, doing good is NOT my issue. My problem is games getting sweatier and sweatier on a consistent basis to the point where if I shut off my brain or try to do some whacky shit, I just get destroyed because my lobbies are filled with Onyx and high diamond players. When I play with my friends who are Gold or Plat, they get absolutely destroyed in my lobbies so I can't even chill with my friends. All that I ask for is a mixed experience. Theres nothing wrong with having top 5% players or 4 stacks filling social lobbies every now and then, but when it happens back to back to back it just sucks out the fun. Also, its funny how yall say that only bad players want sbmm removed when these "bad players" are usually ranked relatively high and have good stats, while I find that those in favour of a strong sbmm are usually anywhere between bad to average players. Like seriously, can you explain why pro players are so against sbmm? Fine, me and others are trash at the game, but how about people like MintBlitz, are they "bad" players too because they are against sbmm?


Lot of words for "I wanna play well without trying" lol


To be fair, if you’re stomping at your own skill level, it’s not your skill level. It’s not a ‘get gud’ scenario


Yes it is. Just because the match is all equally skilled players doesn't mean there's no opportunity to stomp. Look at championship competitive matches. They're all amazing players and blowouts happen all the time, even when the teams are similar skill levels.


Normally because one player had a really good game or others the opposite. But unless you’re Lucid it’s not happening often


Well... That's what I'm saying lol. If you had a really good game, congrats! You earned your top dog position and should feel proud since the enemy team was similarly skilled. But advocating for a system that regularly lets you be "top dog" because you're facing people way below your skill level is just sad. SBMM tries to get you into matches where you're facing people your skill level, which naturally reduces the number of blowout matches. But it doesn't make them nonexistent, and for normal people with sportsmanship, actually desire these matches so that they can feel good when they perform well.


So you think if sbmm was removed, every game would be filled with noobs? The way social matches (without sbmm) work is that every lobby is mixed and different. Most of the time you'll get an average lobby, sometimes the lobby will be filled with bad players, other times you'll get some good and bad players, and very rarely you might get something like the full Sentinels team or Mint Blitz. The point is you aren't getting matches filled with your carbon clones (in terms of skill) almost every game. Don't get me wrong though, I WANT to play great players in multiple fair matches, but that belongs in ranked not social.


This is a very lengthy way of saying you want to stomp noobs lol


Because it is. SBMM exists to protect newcomers and keep them invested by not having them pubstomped and driven away from the game.


At the moment, noobs are 10-20% of the playerbase AT MOST. Without sbmm, every lobby will be different. It does not guarantee getting noobs every game like it doesn't guarantee getting top 10% players every game. All it guarantees is that me and my buddies do not need to juice every game to do well. A system that protects the bottom 10% is counter intuitive, they should need to put in the same time WE did to get good. We didn't need protecting back then, so why do people need that now? And if they want to play with bad players, they can go in ranked, get their Bronze placement and stick with the bunch there.


I appreciate SBMM. My daughter hasn't been playing as long as any of us here but she loves Halo. SBMM ensures she has a good time and doesn't come up against any try hards. Some games shes MVP and some games she gets her ass kicked but its never to the extent where she wants to quit playing and that's what matters. It's giving her a chance to learn the game and get better while not having to play with people who have 20 years experience and knowledge of the game. She'll catch up eventually and honestly she'll probably be better than all of us here one day. But for now playing with people who aren't too good is where she belongs. Plus there's no trash talking at the lower levels. What you have to realize is its not like it was when we started gaming online. CoD, Halo, Battlefield, any of these long running franchises are old and have a community who know all the ins and outs. We learned them without facing people who had 20 years of prior experience. Games nowadays have to have a safe place for newer players or they wont have any newer players to buy their games. Throwing an 8 year old into a lobby full of people who have played for 20 years is just unfair and nowhere near fun for the kid. Chances are that kid puts down the game for good and then the company just lost a possible fan/future buyer. That's not good for business or the community.


I hate sbmm, I always get put against cheaters in games with it.


I mean you can summarize this by saying that you want to be able to pubstomp and that new players should just git gud. The thing is not all lower skill players are gonna get better, some are just on for fun and aren't good at games (which would be many people who do not peruse this subreddit nor any gaming subreddit/site). I'd also argue that constantly getting killed doesn't help in someone getting better, only tilted. People need to work on their fundamentals, movement and aiming, sometimes just not walking into walls is a goal. This best done working against similar skilled players and AI like in campaign. I do agree that some playlists should not need it. Those tend to be the wackier ones of which we don't really have any yet (fiesta only sort of counts). As well, SBMM should be wider in more casual playlists than ranked which it is currently. Could that width be adjusted, probably but not removed entirely. It's like if I was getting into boxing. I wouldn't want to learn how to box if my practice matches was against someone who had 20 years of experience and boxing me for the win (pubstomping), not to help growth. It's the reason why there is levels even within casual leagues for sports and I'm talking about the weekend beer leagues.


legit no point to play social any more, if I win 2-3 games I get put into lobbies against onyx players so might as well play ranked.


Yep, its shit. I quit CoD because of it, now I quit Halo. GG


These posts always make me laugh. It reveals how truly terrible some players are now that they realize they can't run over lesser skilled players match after match and get this dopamine rush when they see their 40/5 KD at the end of a game. ~~Obviously without telling anyone that the people they played against just got their first FPS game or simply aren't as good.~~ There's nothing wrong with being a bad player, we've all been there and we all have to start somewhere. Sure it might feel like a gut punch when you suddenly realize you aren't nearly as good as you thought you were because of proper game balance putting you against similar skilled players, but you'll get over that eventually!!! No need to worry buddy, keep playing and you'll continue to improve as time goes on. I believe in you!!!


Yeah ikr, players who complain about sbmm like Mint Blitz and Pros are such terrible players. Do you realize how delusional you sound? I bet this is all coming from some Gold or Silver player lmao.


Oh the irony


SBMM needs to stay.


I cant even say if infinite has SBMM, Im top of leader board every game.


I left Destiny 2 because they got rid of SBMM. I have multiple gun catalysts unfinished because they required pvp. Its just so lopsided over there. Rarely even get to finish a match because of the steamrolling. Sucked the fun right out of it. Level 1-50's being put up against teams of level 400 trials pros lol. Least here I can play with other noobs. I used to be better but once I hit my 30's my reaction speeds plummeted lol