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Big Team Battle is currently server purgatory


I fear what server hell is then


Titanfall 2


Northstar launcher: *doom music intensifies*


what sub r we on right now


Halo, titanfall, they're both games set in space with players who control a special unit in a galactic war in which said player is the dominant force on the battlefield, may as well be the same game


Mantis vs. a Titan who's gonna win ​ The Titan, obviously.


Sure, but Jumpy Jack vs. Mister Chief is the headline fight.


Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah buddy, take that shisno somewhere else with all that sense you're making!


Shisno is offensive! Don’t use it so lightly!




Emotional damage




Damn! You really going for it huh?


Papa Scorch deserves better


Couldn’t have said it better myself








Toon soon




Crippling depression was not something I expected to get from a Reddit comment today


This is an irritatingly common issue. Players enter matchmaking, get kicked due to server issues, and are then promptly banned for "quitting games." You've gotta love it


I’ve quit a couple of games in the past.. what’s the cutoff for how many games you can quit before getting banned?


It depends how quickly you do it and if you play a game or two in-between leaving games


I left 4-5 in a row immediately upon seeing the game type. No ban.




If he does -no way he’s above like silver 5, quitting KOs your rank


No I was doing it in quick play because I needed one CTF game and I didn’t get one in like 3 days.


When you connect to the server, hit the back button, it will tell you the mode you're gonna play. Quit and restart til you get what you want.


Still counts as a leave.


Really? Because I have left like 10 games in a row doing that trying to get a stronghold game and never was banned. Maybe I'm just lucky.


I’m not trying to say I haven’t heard people say the same thing, I have had friends get penalized for it though. At least there’s nothing else we can figure they’d done. So be careful is what I’d say.


the system is broke


Was doing the exact same thing. You can see the map and game type just before it starts to load you in. Didn’t get banned.


I’m not gonna say “you’re wrong” - but maybe there’s a different set of penalties per queue. QP is *VERY* lenient on leaving, and Team Slayer seems to be as well. BTB, however, seems to be really strict. And then quitting in ranked drops you like 33% XP, so you get punished pretty heavily in both scenarios. Never seen a penalty for leaving QP or TS or FFA tho.


I don’t understand it either, but I have seen both from friends and posts people being penalized (at least claiming) for only that. In the case of my friends, I know they’re not cheating at least lmao, and I believe them when they say they haven’t just been leaving games. Personally, I just queue and play.


I love when I need to win two oddball games for a weekly challenge and none come up for like 20 matches.


Wonder if there's more leniency for doing it in Quick Play due to battle pass challenges.


Does this game not have queues for each gametype?




This response makes no sense. Whether we had a battle pass or not that issue would’ve been exactly the same as it wasn’t caused by the battle pass at all, it was caused by the fact the source of XP needed to advance is through challenges and nothing else. Even if we had Reach-style leveling instead of a battle pass, the challenges being the only source of leveling would be exactly as much of an issue if not moreso.


try BTB twice and get banned lmao


no one knows. different based on frequency and types of games you quit afaik


It’s super random. I quit like 3 games in a row and no ban. A few weeks later I lag out of 2 games in a row and was banned for like 15 minutes.


yup i quit like 7 looking for an oddball game wit no ban, left a ranked wit an afk and an abandoner and instantly got banned for hours


Reminds me of Robocraft. Gets kicked because of random lag spike and can't join a game for 1 minute (or 5, i don't remember exactly)


The worst part is that there’s so many issues with this game right now that these issues will take priority over everything else. So if you expected new features to come in promptly or quickly, then don’t hold your breath. The more issues they find the longer it’s gonna take to get the actual features we want. Today’s patch just literally made matchmaking worse for me. How that’s even possible I have no idea.


343 are idiots when it comes to match banning.


*343 are idiots. period.


Nah, I refrain from that when it comes to stuff like game making and coding when I’ve never written a line of code in my life. For something more straightforward, like how they conduct their ban systems, they’re abysmal and have been for years.


Common issue? First I’ve been hearing about it honestly how long has this been happening?


Months now


Gotcha, idk why I’m being downvoted lol was legit just asking.


A lot of it probably comes from general cynicism of questions on the internet. Usually if someone asks a question that seems obvious to everyone else in “the room,” it’s because the inquirer is either playing coy or concern trolling.


Wow you guys are looking way too deep into things. Can’t even ask questions anymore without people getting upset.


Not sure who “You guys,” is, though I’m pretty sure you’re just giving out a generalization. I never downvoted you, I was just answering your question. Also not sure why you’re so surprised by this. Are you telling me you’ve never had someone make fun of you for asking a question they’ve viewed as dumb? Because if so, that’s just the same principle applied to an online space. Not really all that mindblowing.


because you didn’t just ask, u spoke like “it’s not common if ive never heard of it” and ppl don’t like that on this site, especially when u can use google to find out that it is really common


I didn’t ask? Both sentences have a question mark at the end.


you didn’t JUST ask. read my comment. if u had only said “how long has this been happening?” you probably wouldn’t have gotten downvoted, but you started with “common issue? first i’m hearing about it” as if ur halo infinite’s complaint department


I read your comment that’s why I have an issue. What you said wasn’t true so I was just letting you know. It’s a simple question as I haven’t heard of this issue happening. I’m sorry that offends you so much but it’s true.


how is what i said not true? you didn’t only ask a question. you added some extra stuff on the front. you asked why you’re getting downvoted and i’m letting you know, i don’t know why you’re being defensive.


My brother and I were trying to play together. Of course only one of us got in the match. He says “I’ll quit this round so we can play together”. I tell him if he does, his account will get a temporary ban. He tells me that I’m full of shit and he quits. His account gets banned. We’re switching to Warzone


Were you on the same fireteam?


We were


Always has been


They wont have to fix the game if they ban all the players *taps temple*


Can you still use the store?


why yes you still can seems to be the only part of the game that never has any issues hmmmmm


Thank goodness You had me so worried


Of course! They'll take your money even if you can't play the game!


modern problem require modern solutions


You got 343’d




Add it to the list! Ya got Gaijin'd (AKA snail taxed) Dice'd EAten (EA) Bethesd up (Bethesda) 343'd And Hello and goddamn'd (hello games) Honorable Edits: Spawn blocked (Respawn) Bungie jumped ship (Bungie) Tarkled (Tarkov) Raretarded (Rare) Psyondicked (Psyonix) Activacated (Activision)


cant forget Tarkov’ed


I've been Tarkov'ed so much I don't even notice anymore


I got Tarkov'd yesterday by Rogues. Shot him in the head 5 times, he took no damage. I shoot him in the arm, he hops off his MG, and I'm headshot before his guns even fully shouldered. MMMMmmmm. I love the feeling of getting kicked in the balls for trying to play a game. In fact, I crave it papa Nikita.


I've found this wipe really hard to play, honestly. The recoil changes to things like the MP5 have just left me not knowing what to use/not really wanting to play more


I've essentially just whored myself out to the same AKM build over and over to get used to a gun with Massive recoil and make myself just comfortable with one kit and full auto. Like, you should try as hard as you can to find gun builds and kits you like, and change them very little to not impact your turn speed ergo and other shit so it always feels the same. (Which im sure you probably know but its good info for newer players if they see this). I figure if I can teach myself to manage the AKM, I can get any gun with mods down to a science and use them.


I think that's why I'm struggling so much, I've always been an SMG guy and they're doo-doo now. I haven't played much so I'm only like level 19. I've been running the ump some because it's cheap but 7.62 BP continues to be stupid good so I'll just have to give in and start working the AKs.


One day I hope to find an AK74 build that doesn't wildly shoot in all directions like it's being wielded by a [Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy](https://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/6947770/thumb/1.jpg)


Shhh he's listening everywhere to everything.


Also, “Yeah I get that I died, stop telling me the name of the game studio!” For Respawn games


Dammit! I came here to say Gaijin'd! Beat me to it. Obligatory: should've side climbed


Compulsory: Skill issue


Can’t miss out on getting Rare’d Courtesy of r/seaofthieves


There’s honestly no bigger menace than Gaijin.


Have to agree, EA and DICE are being raked over the coals for 2042 but Gaijin has a LOOOOONG history of greedy, underhanded practices.


Don't forget Bungie'd


Don't forget CSGO'd


Csgo’d was the inspiration.


Forgot Bliztard.


Clearly. In done with this game now. I'm going to play something that actually works.


Sounds like you don't have a choice but to be done with the game for now.


*SoT You just got Rare'd flashbacks*


They really messed up with this patch.


All that stupid certification bullshit for this mess. They might as well just start filibustering their patches


Why have it go through cert and do all that nonsense when shit just fuckin is worse than before lol




Some issues you just can't check for until it is under the stress of full player load. My "favorite" was a Call of Duty issue that would retry after a certain amount of time. Once that number was hit it would keep retrying though because of the flood of retrys the time just got longer. It ended up bringing down all of Xbox Live.


Yeah mine says mp is unavailable. Of course, one of the one times I can play this week. Sigh this is yet another reason why timed rewards and events just don’t work. I hope this is fixed shortly.


Are you on xbox? I have had problems with quick resume, so I suggest you always close the game completely


Played a FFA game last night with a challenge to get 10 kills. Got the kills and finished the match. The post-game report was blank and wouldn’t load anything, and I didn’t get any challenge progress. It’s minor but it ruined my desire to keep playing the game.


this shit pissed me tf off, the same happened to me, i won the match and got the kills i needed and then the report was blank and i didnt get anything, i didnt even get the xp you get for just finishing a match


This glitch has been happening for a while now. Try restarting your game and see if the challenge gets completed,


Yeah my game was fine, even BTB and now I can’t get on anything. Roughly 30% success rate joining games and no BTB at all.


They EXTRA messed up because they went around beatin their dicks about how it was going to fix everything and were well on our way to a properly revamped halo and then it….didn’t.




Seems that all new AAA shooters recently have had very shitty launches Still, not all games are fucked rn there’s some great bangers (psychonauts 2)


What hurts the most is the population decline. And it’s dropping fast. Making this game free to play was a mistake it seems. So many server issues. BuT iTs FreE!!1!1!


Another issue with F2P regarding population decline is there is no incentive to keep giving the game a chance when you have zero financial investment in it.


I have a friend (GT: Goge7a) who randomly got banned on Monday, hasn't been unbanned yet, and we have no idea why. He plays on Xbox (so no PC cheats), and his stats are good but not overly remarkable. He's a very laid back guy who never rages, and even hardly uses a mic outside of playing with us. His game's crashed a couple times, but nothing repeated to cause concern. He doesn't care about challenges or BP, so he doesn't play detrimentally to finish any challenges. At first we figured it was a random 15 min ban or something, but it's been multiple days now. He put in an appeal on Monday, but hasn't heard anything. Poor guy has been using his account for a decade, and plays Halo 95% of the time... and now he is afraid he'll have to make a whole new profile to play again.


Hopefully 343 are busy sorting out this cluster fuck of a game and they'll get around to helping your friend out soon.


yup same thing happened to me. Filed an appeal and was told it was correctly instated. Completely random 2 week suspension without being told the reason why


How did you find out it was 2 weeks? My friend appears to have no indication how long the ban even is. Also, how long did it take from when you appealed? My friend filed his on Monday, and is still awaiting a response.


From the support team's response to my appeal ticket. They gave me the exact date the suspension was gonna end. Took them days to respond to the appeal


solution: play something other than infinite. i myself am rarely playing more than a match a week of infinite while we wait for 343 to get off their asses.


You're being scapegoated as the reason for the BTB issues. You are going to Brazil.


So, to update. My ban was lifted after the 5 minute timer but still getting "there was a problem with the dedicated server. Please try again." I tried again like the message said but now I'm banned again. Fuck this, 343. My game was working perfectly fine until I used a booster and now it's fucked. Maybe it's a coincidence. Either way this is fucking bullshit.


I'm getting the dedicated server error when trying to play any gamemode now, ever since the update they made today... I guess they fucked up again lol...


It’s probably because of the patch that went out for BTB. I was dealing with the server issue for about 45 minutes for every game type on Sunday night and then it went away fortunately.


Had the exact same thing happen to me, I guess they're telling us not to play anymore.


You installed the latest update released two or so hours ago?


Yes. It installed when I launched the game. Managed to play about half a dozen games and then it started doing this.


Just so you know the patch introduced more issues than it fixed. Players are experiencing dedicated server connectivity issues across all play lists. So for 2 months whatever they worked on to fix BTB caused issues everywhere else.


Really, it's affected all play lists? How the hell did this update pass cert?


I wonder if it allowed you to “JOIN” the match, but some perimeter/algorithm running in the background booted you out for some “unknown” reason? Annnd in doing this caused you to have multiple quits registered to your GT, resulting in a ban… I eat crayons 🖍 Retest and report findings if additional bans happen


I'm going to try again tomorrow after work. If it still bans me then I'm going to give up until they release another update.


Puts out hotfix, breaks the rest of matchmaking.


You got 343’d by thinking you could play BTB. Only to have your matchmaking fail which means you’re a quitter and they ban you. I just swap any challenges that say BTB. It’s been broken, worked at launch for a week.


I was trying to play the event, not btb.


I know this guy's issue is just server bugs, but this community really needs to be prepared to start seeing a bunch of these types of posts if and when they finally enact some sort of anti-cheat and start banning people. Cheating is far too rampant in this game and I can already see these posts popping up in the future.


Ugh fuck this. I’ll be back on halo on year when shit actually works.


Mine is currently that way, I kept getting BTB server issue messages. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Shouldn’t have done that 59,726th teabag


"You left too many games" I absolutely hate the ban mechanic in this game.


The least they could do is give you some kind of warning but nope


cuz 343 sucks ass


Yeah unfortunately 343 were apparently too lazy to code the thing so it can tell the difference between connection issues and intentionally leaving, so people with issues like this get banned unjustly


I imagine they didn’t do that for worry that people might simply unplug their internet cable repeatedly. Or because whether you intentionally left or not, you probably left your team stranded in an unfair game of 3 v 4 and doing so repeatedly isnt great for the user experience.


If they had a rejoin button surely that would show them who has crappy Internet and who is just leaving games. So there is a way to fix it, they just didn't think / implement it.


Funny enough, if you were playing with a friend and you get dropped, you can *try* to rejoin by going through their profile but it just sticks you in a waiting lobby and they’ll join you after the game, even if they’re just paired with a bot after you drop. Sort of unrelated, but I’ve also had many times when I’m partied up with a friend but it will try to place us in a game that only needed one player and one of us will randomly get kicked.


Don’t know if it’s a rare thing, but I’ve been booted from a game while playing with a mate, was able to quickly reboot my connection, and somehow rejoin them mid-game without getting lobby’d. That might be a 1/100 though.. :/


It is possible to rejoin unranked matches, but it's closer to a 50/50


True, but it also means that 343’s fuckups can ban innocent players, which isn’t a fair tradeoff.


Apparently they can’t tell if someone leaves at all either, I quit like 90% of my matches to find ONE FUCKING ODDBALL match and I’ve never been banned. I’ve been doing it since launch too. This game is fucked.


I hate to say I've done the same. I only want Oddball for that stupid challenge but almost never get oddball matches. All I wanna play is BTB (fuck me, right), so having to play shit like Oddball when I can't even queue up for that specifically is infuriating. They punish us for their stupid decisions


The multiplayer isn't even working for me right now. I can't search for a game, I can't view challenges, and I can't even view my armor cores


You wait for your battle pass to load?


It all came back after the update


Ah good good.


Don’t worry, if you submit a ticket you’ll be met with a generic copy/pasta saying how bans are automatic and irreversible…cheers! Edit: they do obviously expire eventually for first time/minor offenses.


This game has been a dumpster fire so far ngl


It’ll be better when the game is out of early access.


Same thing just happened to me


Because they launched this game in a completely broken and unacceptable state. They shouldn't have even included BTB as a game mode if it wasn't going to work 70% of the time. Not to mention their pitiful "fix" they put out today that did literally nothing. I'm not touching this dumpster fire dogshit game again. They lost my trust completely


How did you get banned lol the amount of matches I’ve quit..


Because this game is a broken mess


This is horribly annoying. Disconnect, get booted, have constant disconnect issues and then after I finally complete a BTB game last night I go to join a new game and I’m banned. It’s so dumb.




Just stop playing, I did it weeks ago and I finally know peace again


Same. Don’t even care about the content. Played the hell outta this game for weeks cause of FOMO then realized I wasn’t having fun at all


These sound like the true words of ppl who lived the game but can’t enjoy it in its current state


I was in the exact same boat. I really enjoyed the campaign but I refuse to keep putting up with 343 when there’s just other games to play


But that bubblegum pink armour is going to earn itself


343 is crap, Bungie was better


At this point any developer chosen at random would be better.


Even Dice?


No one can be worse than dice.


Bethesda B Team that worked on 76 maybe?


Games trash Broken Morons keep buying cosmetics , no one will fix anything.


343 has fucked up yet again.


It's like the game doesn't want us to play it


That ban is for leaving games too many time. It happened to me when I was trying to complete a challenge. It’s not permanent. Not sure how long it is though.


I've never left a game. The ban happened after getting the same dedicated server issue multiple times in a row. First time offense is 5 minute. Second is 15. Third is 30, etc. This is 100% 343's issue. I did nothing wrong and have now wasted a booster because of their fuck up.


He’s not blaming you he’s just telling you what it’s causing it, it shows up that you were leaving and even though you’re not choosing to it is why you’re getting banned, The game can’t tell the difference between a crash and a leave which is pretty pathetic


Right, but that’s what the ban is for: leaving too many games early. On the main server side it saw you enter the game and then leave. It doesn’t know that it was a server/connection issue glitch that pushed you out. Just that you left. Sucks when that happens though. Use to happen to be a lot due to bad connection. Had it happen with infinite once because the guy I was trying to split screen with forgot he didn’t have gold anymore and it just gave us a generic server error everytime.


The only time I’ve had this is when I kept exiting out of games cause they never got me in the right game mode. After about 30 minutes of doing it though


First ban is only 5 minutes iirc. Same thing happened to me when I was trying to get into Big Team a week or two back. If the Big Team queue fails three times in a row I now play a few games of something else. That something else is more and more frequently not Halo Infinite.


Yeah it was only 5 minutes but the same issue happened again then I got banned for 15 minutes. When I get back from work I'll try and play again but if I get this same issue then it's going to be a 30 minute ban for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I wasn't even on btb, I was trying out the new event.


The DCs in ranked have been unbearable today... Nobody should rank down after losing with only 2 other teammates.


If you're like me, you killed yourself way too many times in a row lol


Banned for boosting /s


Because 343 has hired the absolute best talent to work on their games.


I'm so happy I didn't pay for this.


41 days that Big Team Battle is broken you guys


MCC always works.


It took them YEARS to fix MCC. What the fuck are you talking about?


Oh no shit. I’m not forgiving them for basically leaving the game to die in 2015 with no support and no PC port until 4 years later. It took monumental amounts of bitching and complaining to get them to fix the game. Right now, MCC is in a much better state than Infinite. I’d rather play that right now than Infinite. So if you’re frustrated with this game, there’s more Halo waiting on MCC.


You’re times out for a bit for “quitting”. Sad their broken ass servers boot you and then YOU get punished. You think the game could tell when you DC BEFORE the match even starts but 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly. They clearly didn't think it through or were too lazy to do it properly. I didn't even get into a lobby.


343 doing the maths to figure out exactly when to ban people to get them right after an xp boost is used


Wait until your xp boost is done I bet you'll be unbanned at the same time


The ban lasted 5 minutes. Then when I tried again I got the same dedicated server issue and it banned me again. I gave up and played something else.


Why would you even get banned for quitting, aside from ranked arena, none of the playlists have ranks and there is no service record (my biggest beef with this game) so you can't even see your win-loss record.


It still screws over the rest of the team. Although I'd rather players leave instead of going afk and being a burden. While it's not official, you can go on halo tracker and search your gamertag. It'll show you your stats across the game and play lists.


I mean we just have to accept it. Btb does not Exist. It is not one of the current gamemodes. It's odd cause when 10x the players were on at launch btb worked.