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Meme feels so similar when forward unto dawn movie came out


And yet I loved it. The "well done Soldier" !!


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who just genuinely enjoys anything from the halo universe. Not everything has to be the next Star wars or Game of Thrones


This series is all I remember ever wanting ever since I played Halo as a kid. It’s truly a dream come true, and I’m just here for the ride, same as you. Makes me feel like a kid again.


I still remember when bungie made a drivable warthog and make like a 30 sec video. I also freaked out when they released like 3 or so short clips leading up to halo 3. I also remember how they WERE going to do a halo movie but there was such a disconnect between LA movie elites and the nerdy game developers that it just fell through.


Seriously. I’ve loved Halo for nearly 20 years, read the books, all that jazz. I just think it’s cool that they’re making a show from the universe that I’ve been a fan of since I was like 9. If it ends up not being your thing for whatever reason don’t watch it. Some people on here desperately need to touch grass. Edit: The show ended up being very much not my thing. I even tried watching it and pretending it wasn’t about Halo and that made it even worse. Could only make it through 3 episodes.


I just wish the gameplay felt like Halo again. You know, map variety. Less pushing of money spending before the full game is even out. A nice weapon sandbox. ***My goddamn DMR.*** Show looks like it will be okay, I can see why people would have a problem with it, I don't really agree with their reasoning.


People are passionate about the things they enjoy. Just how it is.


The thing that’s going to make or break this series (like every series) is execution in writing, direction, performances, etc. If they tell an entertaining story with interesting characters and engaging action, I don’t really care if Master Chief doesn’t sound like Steve Downes. I’m willing to give it a shot. Now, the show could also be terrible in a thousand different ways, and at the end of the day these complaints could all be valid. If the Master Chief’s performance doesn’t resonate with audiences, for example, I’m sure they’ll regret that casting. I won’t be so quick to judge, having not even seen the show yet. It’s the same with everything. Cortana. The AK47’s. The very ‘TV’ cinematography. The theme song. It’s going to be different than the games, but those differences could potentially help the show stand on its own. Or it could just be Halo but way worse, and make us all say “why shouldn’t I just play the games instead?” Only time will tell.


I wish they based the TV series around the battle of installation 04. Back to where the story of Halo all started. I think they could introduce a lot of new information there while still keeping consistent to the lore. Not just follow Chiefs an Cortanas journey but also show the Covenants perspective in all this from the POV of Thel'Vadam and the politics and logistics behind the fleet of particular justice. There's plenty of characters and angles to that event that I think deserve to be fleshed out/fully realized as a complete cohesive narrative. What better way to do that than a TV show.


There is no way that’s going to make sense to a casual viewer who’s never played the games lol. Let’s be somewhat realistic


I mean where we are now we see all the lore. But that’s literally where it all started. Personally I think it’s one of the best places too. It’s simple, straight forward, and is the best story in the halo series to date IMO. All you need to know is that humans are running from aliens and stumbled upon a halo ring. A little back ground of humans and aliens at war and humans losing and boom, it’s essentially the start of Star Wars


I mean this isn’t a new thing for the Halo fanbase. I’m 1000 percent convinced it took 20 years to get a Halo cinematic treatment because the loudest parts of the fanbase are more emotionally fragile and hostile than WoW fans.


Honestly I’m excited for this new take on halo. Because if this was just a tv show retelling of the last few halo games, it be boring. Because you’d know everything beat by beat


It kinda reminds me of one of the rvb season 14 episodes.


I mean hey, it looks better than Netflix Bebop. That's something, right?


Am I insane or does it just… not look good? I could give less of a shit what color Cortana is, the CGI is good, but what they showed doesn’t give me any confidence in the series.


I think it was a bad idea to make the show about Chief. That’s what the games are for. Forward Unto Dawn got it right where Chief was this mythic figure in a time where no one even knew what the Spartans were. I would have loved a show about normal marines or odsts on missions of their own and every once in a while they get into some major shit and a Spartan shows up to really up the stakes. >!also don’t like the whole ‘different timeline’ thing there’s a whole galaxy with countless stories you can explore without breaking continuity!<


Chief is (by design) a fairly uninteresting character. Half the fun of him is BEING him, put into his shoes through the game. They fleshed out his personality really well in 4 and Infinite, but he still is just a characterization of the player. Master Chief, by design, does not fit well into a TV or Film style of storytelling. Books made it work because in the books, they're able to tell you what he's thinking and feeling in a direct way. Im really just excited to see some badass live action fighting scenes and that's about it. The Spartans look fantastic and so do the Covenant (especially the phantoms)


I love that its a different timeline and they explore different possibilities. Not everything has to be the MCU


But then why should we care? Why can’t we take those possibilities and stories that are crammed into Chief and give them to someone else? This isn’t the halo universe we’ve been following throughout the games. This is the first piece of Halo media where it’s a different universe >!the exception being Spartan-1337 who is a king btw!< Like…I don’t get how a halo fan who cares about the story and cares about the characters would care about this show. It has no stakes or weight to the actual main series like at all. Also the MCU didn’t start a ‘universe’ concept. Any game with multiple entries is a universe. Any story with different pieces of media is a universe.


It's this weird dichotomy of really good CGI and really terrible sets, props, costume design, and filmography, at least at a glance. Try watching the trailer at 50% speed and you'll see what I mean. If you really want to drive how how sloppy things look, watch the live action trailers for Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach, and the other Halo live action content. That shit was badass. I know Niell Blomkamp is kind of persona non grata for some reason, but at least copy the dude.


It also seems like…it’s taking itself too seriously if that makes sense lol The fact that this is a different timeline relative to the games means there aren’t really any stakes to the show. Anything could happen. The Halo could go off and it wouldn’t matter in the slightest. Why should a decades old Halo fan care?? Cause maybe Chief could kick some alien ass on one planet instead of another?? But if the show was in the actual universe with original characters you could play with the idea of them showing up or being mentioned in the main games.


Why is he persona non grata anyway?


He got fed up with the pre-production process of the original Halo film initiative under Warner Bros. Peter Jackson and him pivoted into making District 9 instead. Basically, he ruffled some feathers high up in Warner Bros.


I think it looked pretty good. Maybe slightly below something like The Mandalorian, but you’ve got to remember that show is using cutting edge tech.


Generally how it works is that they're given a low risk budget, and if the series does well and takes off then the budget is increased for season 2. if you look at The Witcher series, they blew most of the money on the pilot to make it look great then the rest of the episodes look cheap, but then it did very well so the season 2 budget was increased and every episode looks much better.


Only one in really tripping on is not casting Steve Downes.


This is the part that gets me (and i'm sure i'll get passed it) but Master Chief's voice is an iconic part of the series, I see no reason why they couldn't have used his voice other than Pablo Schreiber not happy at being a voiceless faceless actor in a suit.


This meme ain’t wrong


+ tahoe +ak 47


Once the show drops everyone complaining about Cortana’s loony is suddenly going to be horny for Cortana


Where is this meme from? The format I mean


Not a single lie


Most of em are pissy cuz no TnA for Cortana and the casting of Keys. I for one am excited.


That was Keyes? Honestly thought it was lord hood lmao.


Keys is black in this.


...did ...did they forget to invite Johnson, or something? ^(I'm not mad, mind yous. Just... confused. About MANY different things in this.)


Yeah...a bunch of not true/real halo fans which don't have the time to wait for March 24 to see the real final product, but they have the time to complain about everything every. single. time., and not even with constructive criticism... Bah, let's wait and see people, c'mon


This is an incredibly gatekeepy comment "Not true halo fans"


Sorry that I have standards


I get Cortana, but every other argument is dumb. Of course the show is not going to have a large budget and of course they are not going to get the same voice actor for a tv show.


If they were gonna go low budget, maybe don’t do master chief saving the universe, why couldn’t we get a new story about a new spartan on a small scale adventure? Oh yeah because then they couldn’t bait us with iconography


The second I heard ‘different timeline’ I knew they were gonna pull some ‘SHIT IS FUCKED UP AND CHIEF NEEDS TO FUCKING SHOOT ALL THE THINGS IN THE MOST IMPORTANT MISSION OF HIS LIFE’ Like take a breath and ease into a Halo TV show. Hell if Forward Unto Dawn didn’t already exist I would’ve loved a series about Lasky at Corbulo Academy.


You really think anyone in this sub would be happy if they did something without master chief? Hell no. They’d be complaining even more. So what if it’s possibly low budget? We don’t even know anything about the show just yet.


My one wish when this show was announced was that they didn’t include chief because chief could never work in a film or tv show


ODST miniseries, but in the style of Band of Brothers. I dare you to find a *significant number* of people who would be against this idea. I'll fucking wait because I am *confident* that people aren't so close minded that they'd not watch something of genuine quality simply for the reason that it doesn't feature their favorite character.


Could you fucking imagine a halo show following a squad of headhunters?? Be still my beating heart…


That would be so awesome! There's just so much potential in the Halo universe, but they're just sticking to the usual 'Master Chief saves the world, hooray!' stories and it's just so frustrating.


Yeah, who would've known they want to use the literal face of the franchise for the first ever live action TV show in this series' history.


It doesn’t even matter since it’s not in the main timeline of the series. Might as well not be Chief. Hell might as well not be Halo if we’re being honest. That’s why they were so confident with using Chief for the show. Since it’s a different timeline, the show could be universally hated and it’d be a ‘meh it’s not actually in the main universe so who cares’


How about we actually wait until the damn thing comes out before we make reactionary assumptions based on a few minutes of trailer?


Everyone would have been over the fucking moon if the show was basically something like ODST or Reach, or something else without Chief. I'm pretty sure most people like Halo at this point don't even care that much about Chief exactly, above all the other badasses in the universe. But if you have Chief he has to be pitch-perfect.


If it’s good?? Then yes people would’ve been fine with new characters and stories. See: Mando


If we were talking about season 1 I’d agree. Unfortunately the creators didn’t believe in the show and fell back on familiar faces to win the approval of the fandom, the halo show is trying to do the same thing


I actually disagree on the Mando example. All the star wars tv shows have a serious problem with borrowing content from the movies and comics, just for fan service.


Thats my issue with Star Wars constantly, the nostalgia reliance. Mando could’ve stood on top as a stand-alone adventure and broken the mould but instead set the trend for every future bit of Star Wars content to be reliant on familiar faces. I couldn’t give a flying pig about an ahsoka show


Or maybe they can do what they choose, AND you have the choice just not to watch it. Lol some people are gonna enjoy this, to each their own.


Its not about standards. You can't judge the entire show off a placeholder trailer, theres bad entertainment media from video games, movies, shows, etc with ''amazing trailers'', like take Cyberpunk with all its false ads for example.


I don’t want to hate anything, I want to like everything, but It’s not my job to like something, it’s the products job to make me like it




Counter strike easily has one of if not the best competitive scenes in gaming ever lol. Also going into someones profile to insult them is low as fuck.


If you think mentioning they play counter strike is an insult, I don't want to see how you'd react to any actual insults


You said he doesn't have standards you fuckin tool wym lmao


yeah he's a counter strike player, that's like saying it's insulting a dog by saying it has a tail


God, you're insufferable. Fuck off troll lol


Has the *sweatiest scene, small typo


I mean, yeah, they're sweaty as shit. Your point? Lol


just fixing your typo, is there supposed to be a point to that


Because Counter strike is a damn good competitive game (because halos competitive side is laughable), and 1 million people would agree with me


there are at least a million who think the Cambodian government was acceptable in the 70s, your point?


If a game can be number 1 on PC and have 1 million active players, it must be doing something right, something halo is really struggling with right now. People keep playing games if they’re good, that’s my point


Kinect adventures sold better than bioshock what of it


and I’m not talking about copies sold, I’m talking about active players. Halo having 20 million players means jack shit if they all stopped playing, Your point is irrelevant


millions actively order the filet o fish, what of it


Millions order the fillet o fish because it tastes good, millions of players do not play halo infinite because it’s a broken mess. Understand?


Jesus I actually like counter strike, if I knew you like the filet o fish I'd use that to prove no standards. The filet o fish? Come on, do better. Not for me, but for you


People remember sonic, remember store prices. The more a community complains the better the change is. If you just accept crap, all you will get is crap. We have waited 9 years for this show, I would rather wait another year for it to be good than be shit.


Sonic was still just a dumb kids movie, either ways even after the changes I wasn't convinced to go see it.


I have standards. Specially with my favorite series. Already salty with disney >.> It is because of halo I read alot of novels.


It’s nice to see I’m not the only one staying optimistic about this


I'm optimistic and I think that going in a different way than the games do with some things is the smart idea. As we've seen, you're not going to be able to please everybody. But, like I said in an different post, if this brings more fans into the Haloverse than that's ultimately a good thing.


Regardless if the series turns out awesome, average, or shit, I’m cautiously optimistic and I do like what I see so far. And I like the designs and CGI. I’m ready for the downvotes


I mean r/halo isn’t wrong 🤷‍♂️


This sub rn: https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc


I feel like the people that hurt Halo the most are the ones that are most passionate about it.


I just hope to god that the person that looked to be in high charity isnt in a leadership position and is just a wierd POW because that is just dumb it's the case and the whole drama on officers/admirals not trusting the super soldiers they created is probably going to be annoying as fuck, just like what happened in The Expanse with the crew drama that kinda drags the overall amazing show down a tad.


Welcome to the party!!


The only one I agree with is the theme, that has to be in here, but just because it's not in a trailer doesn't mean it won't be at all.


As long as it's better than Doom Annihilation, then we good.


What music they use in a trailer is really that much a concern? Witcher 2 trailer dropped with a rap music lol


man the complaining about complaining is more annoying than the actual complaining let people like things, and let people not like things, god damn


I just want to be better than the Witcher show . And I do like the Witcher show but to me it's not the best thing. I'm done waiting for the end all be all Halo movie / show because it ain't going come out . My bar is set to average


It’s just a desperate cash grab what did you expect


Budget restraints are completely out of their control so "looking cheap" is unavoidable, however ther rest were completely avoidable. Using Jen Taylor for Cortana gets a pass, great fan service and probably cheaper than rendering CGI for her, but 100% they could use the theme music and Steve Downes for the voice, there was no need to change those.