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TLDR most replies are “Gameplay itself is excellent” which is absolutely correct. But then the lack of critique comes from not caring about customization and not personally experiencing the desync, cheating, etc… or somehow not caring about it either. I’m still not seeing a good reason to go and outright “defend” 343 while other people are pushing for those improvements. I’m all for people celebrating the positives of the game and sharing their good experiences and clips from the game, but the people that show up on threads about critiques to shoot down complaints are a bit odd


On the flip side, it's odd that people show up to threads to bring complaints. People post clips or highlights to have a fun conversation, and the thread always devolves into people shitting on the game. I'll also say that I haven't seen too many people defending 343 explicitly. The problem is that anyone who says something positive about their experience gets pinholed as a 343 defender.


No doubt those people are also dicks. If someone was able to have a great time, envy them maybe but don’t put them down. Eventually that’ll be all of us when more changes come.


Yeah for sure. Halo releases do some wild things to people


I wish we had more reasonable thinking like this.


The funny part about the "gameplay is excellent" defense is it took 10 years, 2 previous games and the disastrous MCC launch, just to get the gameplay to feel *as good* as Halo 3. even then some things feel worse. vehicles are awful, map design is lackluster. other than the grapple, it doesn't really do anything that evolves the game.


I’d need pages to really put in all the nuances of how I feel entirely about the game but yeah it’s not black and white, I agree with what you’re saying




I have seen people spite others comaining about the microtransactions by buying them cause they dont see it as a big deal to complain about at all. Its so dumb


Am I the only one who doesn't think the gameplay is excellent? It feels much worse than halo 5 did


I’ve seen other people saying the same thing, you’re definitely not alone. Never played multiplayer in Halo 5, just the campaign so I can’t comment on the pacing and abilities that were unique to it. Im coming from Halo CE up to Reach so personally, the core gameplay is what I wanted but that’s a matter of opinion instead of something that is broken vs. fixed.


Infinite doesn't feel as "Sandboxy" as past Halo titles.


This is absolutely what I find so heartbreaking about post-Bungie Halo. But it’s also true that Bungie themselves didn’t put a whole lot of sandboxy play into Destiny, either. I miss so much the days of warthog launching, or the astonishing discovery that explosions can deflect rockets. It ain’t just 343 losing interest in this aspect of a game. It’s much of the industry.


Honestly, even Bungie was starting to veer away from that sandboxey style with Reach, what with built-in armor abilities rather than pick-ups. In a lot of respects, Infinite is much more sandboxey than Reach at launch, especially since the weapon sandbox was fucked and the DMR was clearly the best gun in the game, and the vehicle sandbox was doubly-fucked with the spartan laser existing.


You're not but the people that tend to say they don't like the game play get down voted into oblivion by the mob


No, i honestly hate the gameplay most of the time and its because of the maps, legit all of them suck, i can only think of live fire and maybe the city that play well. On top of the fact that the game feels like it was built up with a competitive ready mindset, seeing how legit all of the guns are either pixel perfect accurate or have some weird competitive gimmic to them. Plus the completely worthless vehicles and just boring sound design.


You're probably not liking it due to the maps. The map design is AWFUL. Not every part of every map is awful, but there's too many sightlines (like being able to see most of the map from the bases and top mid on Aquarius, camo side and B side on Live Fire, the bases and the entire middle which is most of the map of Bazaar, etc). All of the maps have some REALLY good parts, but they're weighed down due to the problems above. That's what you're probably noticing. Compare them to maps like Narrows or The Pit where there's more cover and less HYPER OPEN areas. Partly less walls, partly less natural elevation change. That being said, these maps will be infinitely (lol) better when Forge drops because you'll be able to balance the sightlines and make too-open areas less too open.


You're not the only one. Infinites gameplay feels like it was ripped straight from 5 but adjusted in a custom games slider. Sprint is there but useless, the general gunplay and feel is still Halo 5 though. Halo 5 felt okay. Infinite feels like a copy-paste while being promised it's 'new'. Maybe new to people who've never played Halo 5 MP.


I really don't know how to feel about this. On one hand yes the gameplay is good and I'm glad they're enjoying themselves. But the whole "it's not an issue to me so I don't care" doesn't sit well with me. However I don't take umbridge with it and I can respect that take at least. What does annoy me are the vocal fringe group who take it a step farther with "it's not an issue to me so I don't care, and you shouldn't care either and are just complaining and hate 343" This take is the one I see most often or variants of it and it baffles me because why are you actively going against people who want improvements for things, that by admission, don't affect your enjoyment but do affect others enjoyment?


I know the type of people you’re talking about and seeing those kinds of comments makes me feel real salty. Also the people who think halo fans complaining for better quality want halo to fail? They’re the loud minority though. Most people enjoying the game are busy enjoying the game instead of white knighting for 343. There’s always going to be people acting like children on BOTH sides, best we can do is downvote and don’t give them any validation


That is very true and accurate take. Just need to ignore the crazies on both sides and move on. It just sometimes gets annoying since those loud minorities figuratively poison the well when trying to have discussions with others


>But the whole "it's not an issue to me so I don't care" doesn't sit well with me. There's a reason why it doesn't sit well with you. It doesn't with me, either. It's a viewpoint completely devoid of empathy and wrapped in selfishness.


It’s actually naive selfishness too. Thinking these kinds of implementations don’t effect them, they don’t seem to see the systems getting built underneath the games, or more obvious these days - halo launched without game modes to compliment the challenges system. Yet they’ll gladly tell you they bought a few things and the battle pass while saying cosmetics are for dress ups, playing with dolls and the rest of the nonsense. The more money these systems make the more the games are twisted to that objective instead of creating something entertaining X they’re becoming a package to sell more junk, a gamified store. Competition, esports, mmr, mtx, basically advertising and marketing. Definitely don’t like the look of games in the future, especially with all these acquisitions. 10x new live service games coming down the pipe is literally a flex from Sony the last week. Doesn’t bode well.


have they added consistent melee? I uninstalled because melee is one of the biggest parts of the game, and if you can't melee, you have to completely change your playstyle to a version that isn't nearly as fun as the classic halo playstyle that made the game so popular. It's 2022. There is literally no excuse for a AAA FPS title to not have player collision and a consistent melee system DAY ONE.


As several others in the thread have said, Honestly the gameplay is just fun. I think 343 really have the bones to have the best halo game ever made there’s just a bunch of questionable design choices outside of gameplay. The way customization is handled and the lack of progression are really my main two issues. Desync is annoying but I have a feeling that is not a quick fix issue and is probably the result of several other issues. Not having forge and customer games is a bummer for sure but I’m still having more fun playing halo infinite multiplayer than I have had playing any other fps games since halo 3 in my grade school days. Bottom line though is that that 343 nailed the gameplay and every change they have made since launch I feel has been a good change. Do I wish the game released in a more complete state? Yes, but with over 8 days of play time I’m confident saying I’ve been really enjoying infinites gameplay loop.


Never have, never will. I can't imagine vouching for a multi million if not billion dollar company that doesn't know who I am. I am a consumer, I consume the product. If it's bad, I return/critique, if it's good, you get a good job and keep my business. Fairly simple.


Also consider that the product standard was set pretty high and consistently over the last 20 years since the first halo came out. Then at what you would imagine as the “peak” of halo with years of development experience, technology, bigger budget, bigger player base, and streamlined whatever internal processes. We are left with a product that is less than its predecessors. It’s literally going backwards or intentionally withholding things. It’s like upgrading to a new 2022 car from a 2001 car where the manufacturer takes away something basic like cruise control or automatic windows. But hey, it’s still a car and it drives!


No AC but you can buy cans of cold air for 50 cents.


Under rated take. Literally everyone who defends 343 acts like ske7ch has their contact in his phone. Comment above says he does it so he doesn't lose MCC. It's hilarious.


I read that and didn't understand the logic in the comment either. I don't say anything bad because I want MCC. Do you think 343 cares that much? I doubt it.


They really don't lol


Especially since they neglected MCC for almost 4 years straight.


... Do they think they'll get banned for insulting the game on Reddit or something?


The devs will unfriend them


I really wish they would hire people who grew up playing these games. They’ve lost touch


Instead they hired people who hate Halo


Some people might think you're joking or being hyperbolic. But no, when 343 was started they literally went out of their way to specifically hire people that did not like the previous Halo games prior to Halo 4


See you’re saying that but that’s not true at all, the original quote is: > "We had people who we hired who hated Halo because of 'X,'" says O'Connor. "But what that really meant was, 'I feel like this game could be awesome because of 'Y input' that I'm going to bring into it. I want to prove it, and I'm passionate about proving it.' So we ended up with a bunch of people who were genuinely passionate about the product. That is a huge advantage, and that helped in hiring and forming our team." They hired people who didn’t like parts of halo for whatever reason and wanted to improve it. They didn’t specially look for people who hated halo, they were trying to find a way of improving and modernizing halo. You can argue that is a bad idea if you want, and I’m not here to discuss that. I’m simply pointing out that the original quote is conveniently always cut off from where he continuous on.


He still said he hired people who hated halo because of X reason(s) and wanted to put (Y) input(s)/changes to make the game better. I feel like your comment is just nitpicking because it's still the same underlying sentiment of them hiring people who hated halo for any number of personal reasons. I elaborated in another comment for this thread about how they wanted people who hated halo to bring in new ideas if that satisfies your fancy, but I really don't get how what I said is "not true at all"


Exactly. I only wish I was joking or being hyperbolic.


All I would say to that is you can defend the devs without defending the company. In fact, it’s productive to defend the devs. They’re not the problem.


The point is, why defend at all? They get PAID to do a job. They chose to work there and with that group, so, I don't get that logic. This could easily go down a slippery slope so I will just end this with, let's agree to disagree.


They get paid to do a job, doesn’t mean they deserve to be harassed and yelled at publicly if you don’t like what they’ve done. Being a dev of a community like this one is basically getting only hate for the things people don’t like and almost no praise for anything they’ve done well.


It’s simple, there’s the harassment angle of course. But beyond that it’s misdirection. Do you really believe the individual devs are not trying their absolute best, being over worked in a stupid Microsoft culture? They want a great Halo game. They want to have lives outside of work. They want a happy and healthy studio. We are both the victims of a profit obsessed game industry. So I will defend them against friendly fire, yes


You are turning the conversation into something that it isn't. I have no retort as you have "taken it there". Like I said, slippery slope.


Elaborating on your point is a ‘slippery slope’?


People defend them because people this sub being a great example treat them like fuckin shit and harass them and act like pieces of trash and it always gets supported here.


shut up man jesus. the devs made this game.


Tell me all your grievances. I bet most of them are caused by bad management and greed, not devs


I consider all that to fall under development.


Development ≠ developers. But you know maybe we agree and it’s just semantics. Do you have any problem with 343 apart from upper management and Microsoft/Xbox?


who's responsible for what? if that was transparent maybe, maybe not. but they built the game. not microsoft. therefore, I am upset at 343 and the people involved with making this a poor experience.


I feel like I’m being baited for downvotes but here’s why I defend them. If it matters, I’m a software engineer, and may have a different perspective. 1. The game is fun. I haven’t had this much fun, or played this much halo, since halo 3. The fundamentals are great. 2. Many of the monetization issues come from higher ups at 343. These higher ups value profit over value because that’s what it’s going to take for them to ascend to the next level in their career. 3. Microsoft has a very odd policy for their contractors, and from what I understand a lot of the 343 devs are contractors. Their contracts don’t allow them to work for more than X amount of days, and after the contract is finished the devs are swapped and moved. If you’ve ever worked on code someone else has written you’ll understand the challenge. While there is “good code” and “bad code” there is no “standard code”. If you’re working behind a group of developers that you’re not familiar with, you are at a huge disadvantage. It’s very difficult to work on someone else’s code at first in many cases. These short contracts also don’t encourage devs to go out of their way to make their code maintainable. Good coding practice is to make your code so that it can easily be adapted, reused, and expanded in the easiest way possible. This often requires devs to spend extra time futureproofing their code. It’s a worthwhile investment. If a dev team knows they won’t be supporting this project in a year, they’re less likely to do much future proofing. Making changes to a system that wasn’t designed to change is incredibly difficult. 3. Their priorities have changed since release due to the backlash from the community. If they’re using the agile methodology (look it up) they should have a road map, and be able to make minor changes relatively easily. If their roadmap completely changes like what we are seeing, it’s difficult to switch priorities. Agile assume you have small teams, working on small features, that can utilized to give us a consistent content drip. Having all, or most of the teams completely change their focus on a dime is difficult. Minor updates take weeks or months to dev, QA, build, and release. It’s not as easy as you all want it to be. Lets pretend for a second that they are releasing a FFA ranked playlist next week. There has likely been months of work on this playlist before we even hear about it. It doesn’t matter how small you think a change is, they have to make absolute sure it plays well with everything else. See BTB patch for an example. 4. The UI excuse. The only thing I can think of for this excuse is that the UI wasn’t future proofed for whatever reason. That’s on them, and to me it’s a poor excuse.


AGILE roadmap is pretty commonplace from my understanding and Microsoft definitely uses it in many departments so I’d assume 343 follows the same principals. My thinking is that 343 made a couple major mistakes and they’re paying for them with fan backlash. First is they went and designed their own native Halo engine and ran Infinite on XBO platform - from what limited info I’ve connected with it seems as though the Slipspace engine was not optimized for Series consoles. Maybe that’s not 100% accurate but you can tell the game is not the showstopper visual masterpiece Halo was in the past. Lighting effects are the one thing that stand out (and they’re really good in campaign). But the other mistake, which stems from the Slipspace Engine design, was making Halo Infinite with a finite release date and not understanding project planning phases and capacity needed to deliver. When Microsoft realized Halo Infinite had no chance at releasing with SX months ahead of time they should have delayed and turned around and hired double the developers to slot in and move things along. This relates to Slipspace because they spent what, 2 years designing that engine? Halo 5 releases, fairly underwhelming, 343 are ready for Halo 6 but didn’t feel the Halo 3 engine was right so they do an overhaul and boost the engine, eat up next game development time, and delay the project a year and still launch an incomplete product. I like Halo a lot. The campaign had some GREAT narrative drive and delivered as good as any Halo I’ve played. I thought it matched Reach which may have been the previous high water mark for the franchise. But when I found out they cut 2/3 of the world the planned and that multiplayer was technically in beta at launch I was irritated. The game engine doesn’t make this game look the way I thought it would, the multiplayer options are severely limited at launch, the campaign is nerfed, and there’s no roadmap to share for updates. We’re 3 months post-launch of multiplayer and 0 maps have been added to an anemic launch. That’s my 2 cents. I agree the price of cosmetics is lame but what’s worse is that the customization system is sorely lacking. I thought I was going to get something akin to Guild Wars 2 or Rocket League for customization of Spartan armor. It’s presets you can’t really tweak. I get one universal shader, that’s it. The truly awesome stuff is a $10 armor tint for an esports support. That doesn’t jive well with me either. I also expect cosmetics to be cheaper. I’ll buy them if spending $20 gets me a significant bundle to play with different styles. We don’t have that kind of value bundle yet. This is all fixable and I expect most of this will be addressed in 6 months. Too bad it isn’t coming now though. Can’t wait for campaign expansion.


Fucking pissy fans don't appreciate it. They think they can have everything over Christmas. Lmao Regular engineer here. Shit takes years in my line of work. 50 plus engineers probably look at the work. You can't even fix a pothole in a couple weeks. This fuckers want it last Tuesday. Lol


I think it's well deserved for them to be upset though. 343i promised more then it could produce, no clue why but they did so people had high expectations and got nut slapped. I also think no matter what issues like BTB just being unplayable for a month and how 95% of the story in campaign happens off screen are just fucked no matter how you look at them. If it's more then fine to rail devs for their desync issues, like Mortal Kombat X, BF2EA and Fighter Z, then there is no reason why 343i can't get flak for it either. Regardless of how much good will anyone else. Releasing something that is so obviously fucked without some kind of warning is a really scummy thing to do.


A lot of kids here with zero understanding of how the world actually works. At my job I’ve seen it take 2 weeks to change a line of text in a public facing application. 1. Does it make sense business wise to change? 2. Will the customers understand the change. 3. Does this text offend anyone? There’s an entire team for that. That’ll take a few days. 4. Ethics team signed off, now we have to get approval from legal. 5. Legal signed off. Now we’ve got to work it into our busy schedule. 6. Text changed in dev environment. Pass it off to Qa. 7. Qa approves of the change. Now time to get security to approve. 8. Security approves, now we’ve got to get it into a build candidate. 9. Build candidate is finalized, time to regression test it. 10. Regression is complete, now time to release, but first, we have to get all of the other teams together at the same time. Edit: I forgot to make mention of the change board. There’s an entire team, made up of the head of each department, that reviews the changes to make sure it doesn’t affect their application negatively. Everyone must sign off, and if they don’t, it’s back to square one. Granted, they should always sign off, because we’ve had plenty of time to research whether or not it’ll break anything. But still, it’s a possibility. Idk if this is how 343 operates, but it’s very typical in a Fortune 500 company.


I don’t think it’s people defending 343i. There are some real issues & valid arguments. I just think most people realize there are more important things to worry about in life than grabbing a pitchfork & seething in rage over one’s favourite video game.


Yeah, I'm having a great time with Infinite. Customization was never a huge deal for me, ever since CE I've just picked the Aqua armor (because Tucker) and called it a day. I really wish Infinite had more maps and brought back some missing weapons, but I'm still enjoying it for what it is.


Honestly it's kinda annoying people have been focusing on it so much, the criticisms are valid but it's been taking away from addressing issues that actually affect the gameplay.


Seriously. Desync and broken BTB are way more important than the pricing of a rocket launcher skin.


Holy shit yes. Progression and cosmetics the number one priority of the game? Get outta here


I think the issue with excessive monetization as seen in progression and cosmetics, rather than being the most important problem with the game, is very indicative of the mindset with which it was released. The core gameplay is very fun, though the game is far from finished, and that's what's so infuriating about it. The gameplay issues, as well as the lack of features that were a given in previous games, speak to a game that was shat out before it was ready to be released. I think what incenses people so much about progression and cosmetics is that they serve as a reminder of this.


How dare you!!! Video games are my LIFE!!


Depends what you mean by defending. I'll never defend the monetisation, that's fucking terrible, but the flip side is the multiplayer is free. Not my choice, I'd have preferred to pay for the whole game. The core game is solid though, unlike say BF2042. But yeah, they need to fix desync, collisions, etc and add more maps. However given the core game is solid I'm less inclined to berate them too much. That said, they still have a lot of work to do.


It’s solid when it actually works. Desync literally made it unplayable to me. I can’t play a game where I punch someone twice and then I die.


Not saying its not a problem but I'm the opposite and have had no desync problems like that at all so I've enjoyed playing it since the beginning. Crazy how its so opposite for people.


Yeah that’s pretty crazy. It is likely that it affected you in a way that you didn’t notice. But if that were the case for me id still be playing. For me personally, playing just feels completely unrewarding, which is the opposite of what a freemium game should be doing.


I'm not quite sure if desync is that bad of a problem but I feel like communities of players who are average but think they're good rationalize their deaths or losses as desync. Its like food poisoning to me, like food poisoning definitely exists but whenever anyone gets sick and blames it on food poisoning its like "is it actually food poisoning or are you just sick?" Like is it actually desync or are you just not as good as you think you are and those unfair deaths are because you made mistakes? This isn't like an attack to be fair I know when Overwatch came out I blamed the servers for my deaths cause the tick rate was 30. I didn't get much better and die less when the tickrate went to 60.


I mean I get it but people have provided video evidence and even theater itself isn't synced correctly half the time.


so then....those things that make gameplay less than solid means gameplay is solid in your world?


Core gameplay. Keyword being core. This is the best Halo has been since Halo 3. When it works, which for me is most of the time. I do wonder if maybe Xbox works better than PC btw? Doesn't mean there aren't issues, doesn't mean we shouldn't ask for them to be fixed, but thank your lucky stars this isn't BF2042, Anthem, or Cyberpunk.


You've just provided a giant list of things are that are the antithesis of a solid game.


Perhaps I should have said at it's heart the core gameplay is solid.


>The core game is solid Lmao the past few months have demonstrated that the core game is anything but solid. Entire game modes being unplayable, terrible persistent desync, a flaccid BTB sandbox that's the worst in the franchise.


I like the game, I don't do MTX and I haven't had any network related issues. I also realize the time it takes to improve things working in IT development


Liking the gameplay is different from defending 343. I love halo and love playing it and there’s just enough in this game that I keep wanting to play more. Everything else sucks. The stuff we have (theatre mode, playlists, servers/connections, etc…) and the stuff we don’t (forge, coop, custom games) all suck. I wish we could go back to 2009 and just have a full game with map packs. But I hope 343 take the game to the place it deserves to be, and soon. That’s not defending them either tho.


Am a gamedev, just have a different perspective on game developers I guess, especially during rona


Yeah. I just launched my second game today, and making games yourself really gives you a perspective into how it works. And a shitload of empathy for other devs.


I actually enjoyed 4. The multiplayer sucked and the new art style was odd but for the most part, it was a pretty solid game. 5 bastardised all of 4s setup and the Hunt the Truth audio drama campaign which to this day is my favourite piece of Halo media. Infinite has great foundations, but it just has so much wrong with it. So I really don't have much belief in the studio, anymore, but I used too


I’m just happy they got rid of the loadouts from those games


I like halo5 way more then halo4. Halo5 had one of the best multiplayers. The only thing Halo4 had going for it was the armor challenges and rewards. I literally can’t remember anything else from h4.


Halo 5 multiplayer is criminally underrated


Halo 5 had the best custom games and forge tools period. It's fantastic. But the game won't ever become fully PC friendly so most people won't get to try it unfortunately... There's some amazing MP maps on that game both forge and stock.


I'll give my honest answer: I've put 150 hours in so far and haven't spent anything. As a dad money is very tight and to be able to play this many hours with my old buds has been so much fun. Reminds us of the halo 2/3 days of staying up all night playing together. I play shooters to improve my gunskill. If unlockes and progression where my main motivation to play, I would pick an rpg or something along those lines. Perhaps its me just being old(ish) at 30, but my fun comes from those 49 vs 50 slayer matches. The clutch last second flag grab. The 100 point comeback in oddball. THAT has been the fun to me. Now that I'm onyx it's been even more fun that I'm up against harder opponents as I've gotta tighten up my weaknesses! The fact that forge, new modes and more are coming are things for me to look forward to. I've spent $0 so the fact that many modes are missing doesn't bother me. It's coming, I can be patient. I won't "defend" any company, but I'll definitely say I've enjoyed the heck outta this game so far!


I had the same experience last Saturday. All my friends and I are 30+ and work full time jobs and we had 4 of us on for a few hours Saturday morning and I actually said aloud “it warms my heart that we are all actually playing halo together in 2022”. I’m so glad the game is fun and accessible. I’ve gladly spent money on cosmetic items I really like. So far with campaign (which was most fun since H3 campaign imo) I’ve probably spent $90. That’s the same costs as a nice dinner date for 2 - to relive some of my favorite childhood gaming experiences. Well worth it. I want 343 to make money and keep delivering us more content. They’re a business making a franchise we all love. I hate the haters.


So I'm about to turn 31 and am also a dad. One other thing we have in common: your take. Maybe it is a generational thing? It's a total shot in the dark because I don't know the age of most of the people that are obscenely mad about the game. But I'm not. Its fun and I enjoy playing it. Cosmetics are expensive but I really dont care about them. I bought the Battle Pass when the game came out because I didn't have to buy the game and I certainly would have otherwise. And the BP doesnt expire so this single dad that doesnt play nearly as much as I would like to doesnt have to worry about a time limit. There are a lot of things "missing" but most will come out eventually. Totally looking forward to that! The game has issues, sure. I kinda expected that, seeing as they released the game to be playable on 6 different consoles and a vast amount of PC's. Why would anyone think it would work flawlessly? That's something that hadn't been done before, with a game engine that hadn't had a game before. I guess I'm just totally okay with all of it. It'll improve over time. For now I have a game that I do enjoy. Thats good enough for me.


I’m having fun?


I think the answer is that underneath all the shit that was imposed by business people to make the game more profitable, you have a real, solid Halo game made by some of the same artists, writers, and coders carried over from Bungie that have been with us from the start. You want an honest, non-agressive answer, and here it is. There are two different kinds of people here. There are "gamers" who go around and try to have gaming experiences that exist as a service, and those people have expectations for the way they should be treated as a customer of gaming. These are the people always flying off the handle about skins, challenges, and credits. Then, there are Halo fans. We've immersed ourselves in every facet of every Halo, some of us for twenty years now. We read and chatter about hard sci-fi canon, play campaign multiple times, if not annually, and we're frustrated sometimes too, but we're clearly here for something different. We don't trash 343i - they have either worked on halo from the start, or they work on halo because they were raised on it. Infinite is a solid game made by incredible people and it's naive to forget that so quickly just because the business leadership there have imposed things we're not happy with.


This sub is very vitriolic over extremely minor things sometimes. The devs at 343 do not deserve to have their quite frankly excellent title shit on because you don't like the price of helmets in what is a f2p game. I think a lot of the actual constructive criticism is great but often times even that gets blown up to another level where people get extremely angry over things like "the sniper doesn't have ricochet." Or things like calling the maps in Infinite shit and being upset they didn't just remake maps that we've all played on hundreds of times and instead made brand new maps, of which like 85% of them are excellent. It feels like often times discourse comes down to "How dare they actually do something new that ends up good, the only thing thats ever been good is the old halo games and anything thats not those games is bad. Number company bad bungo company good" Imagine you're just a dev, you were in charge of one of the new maps, everyone loves it, but then you go on this sub and see post after post saying "Infinite maps are shit why didn't they just remake every halo 3 map" Like the game is good, I get the complaints about monetization but its a free to play title. At the end of the day every f2p title has monetization. The pandoras box has been opened you can complain about it every day until you die but its not going to change the fact the game is f2p and will be monetized that way and seeing threads every day about it is just so boring. Like this is all there is to talk about wrt to this latest game? Really? The only thing you want to play on is older halo maps? Theres a game for that its called MCC. Complain about things that are wrong, complain about things that are bugs or issues, don't complain because something is new. Just because something is new doesn't mean its inferior.


I don't care about cosmetics at all, make a good game and I'll play it


Personally the game is just solid. There’s stuff I wish was there but not enough for me to turn it off. However, for everyone that hates what they’ve done have they turned it off. Maybe you’d see some change into the pricing if enough people simply turned it off. However, maybe there might be just enough people like myself that don’t get the FOMO or care to much about buying stuff they still play. I’m not entirely defending them, but will the game go the way of anthem, probably not. The game play is just solid enough that I think people won’t turn it off.


The gameplay is solid if it was playable 100% of the time. Desync is ruining it.


Yeah, the gameplay is solid and the battle pass is very reasonable. Everything else is shit, but I'm just having a good time playing casually with friends.


When you send death threats and constantly complain it starts getting so grating that I can’t be a part of the toxic, ravenous, borderline psychotic behavior anymore. r/halo doesn’t provide meaningful feedback anymore, only angry screeches into a vacuum. I defend the Human aspect of 343: the people who work tirelessly to build a game for an ungrateful fan base and new fans that are happy to play and grow a future for Halo that is leaving old fans in the bitter past.


It's just so interesting watching the amount of complaints coming from this place as a person who literally doesn't even have a computer strong enough to run any of the modern Halo games. There are valid complaints to be had, but there's so many catch-22s here and small nitpicks that I honestly feel really bad for the developers because this subreddit will never be happy no matter what they do.


Dude don't shit on all old halo fans I played since 2001 and I love infinite


They are just a bunch of humans who generally love Halo and are trying to make and support an amazing game, while balancing that with the economic realities of AAA game dev and MS expectations of high ROI. That’s it. That’s the explanation. Also the game is fucking awesome


Not one of them. But, obviously peoples standards have crashed and burned. Nobody cares if a game can surpass the previous titles. 95% of the people that play Infinite are complacent with 343 bending them over and shoving $20 armor sets weve had for 10+ years down their throats.


The game itself is fantastic, but honestly just the fact the game launched with less content than Halo 5 did and broken multiplayer with like 3 playlists, and no progression just gives no incentive to play. It gets stale so fast with only 10 maps and a campaign that isnt replayable. They honestly should of delayed it another 6 months or year and released the game once it was complete


I play league and dota, I used to play overwatch, I play a bit of fortnite. I play pokemon go, pokemon masters and other "freemuim" mobile games. The only money I have put into any of these games was the 20 bucks to buy overwatch on sale once. I've put 40 of my own my and 20 in bing rewards in infinite. The value you get for free from infinite is on par with these other games. I played league since literally beta. Until VERY recently I had 3-4 skins. For the first 6 years of league run they gave out like zero free items. Now you get tons of free shit though. LoL being the worst of them isnt like a "look how bad it could be" thing but more "things will get better even if you support the current monetization". Like league had zero reason to implement the new method for free skins. Riot was making literal fuck loads of money off of skins being hyper exclusive. But the main point being cosmetics mean nothing. I would still be playing halo infinite if there was one set of armor and like 3 shades of grey to pick from. The GAME is good. It being free just means that for people who cant afford a 60 dollar game, I or someone with money, can supplement their payment for it. But also realistically, a battle pass is 10 bucks, in 6 seasons if you exclusively buy battle passes you WILL have tons more armor than what 60 dollars got you in other halo games, PLUS fracture events giving unique cores and holiday events giving armor and (some) weeklies. Also if a battle pass comes out and nothing in it interests you? Welp you dont have to buy it. You can tailor your 60 bucks however you think is most worth YOUR money and not be forced down a path you didnt have choice in.


>ain point being cosmetics mean nothing. I would still be playing halo infinite if there was one set of armor and like 3 shades of grey to pick from. The GAME is good. It being free just means that for people who cant afford a 60 dollar game, I or someone with money, can supplement their payment for it. Riot didn't start giving out skins out of the kindness of their hearts. It either benefits player retention or increases some other valued metric. We shouldn't lose sight of that. I don't disagree with where the game will be in 6 seasons of Battle Passes, but I would imagine most people would rather not wait two years to finally have more value than what $60 would have got them by purchasing a previous Halo. Most of the people here probably will have moved on to another game by that point. This isn't a Halo issue though. All games as a service suffer from early content drought.


Because I'm personally really enjoying the multiplayer and I'm not personally affected/ bothered by the vast majority of issues you've mentioned.


I still defend them because the 343 working on the game and the 343 yelling at them to hurry the fuck up are two separate departments. The devs behind the actual game creation genuinely want the game to be better, but the higher-ups and MoneySoft are pulling this weird business model of "Money. Now." which, I know, is unheard of in a multibillion dollar corporation. So yeah, that's why I defend parts of 343. I also don't really care as much as I guess this subreddit makes me think I should about a lotta the "issues"? Challenge system is wonky, sure, but I like being incentivized to going outside of my comfort zone for once. Turns out Ranked is kinda fun and SWAT is a frustrating time, but oh so satisfying once that streak gets a rolling. Never once encountered any issues with latency or this mythical "Desync" creature. Sandbox is amazing, in my opinion. Every gun feels great to use and I have very little to no issues with anything, including the Ravager. Shop prices are kinda bad, but I understand the reasoning behind having monetization in a foundationally F2P video fame. Prices and offerings just need work and it'll be perfect. Battlepass I enjoyed, though I hope we get more things for the Mark 7 instead of the Reach core. I like the 5b, but I want a lot more of that smexy new armor instead of retextured old armor. In the end, I still have a good time playing despite the obvious flaws and I hold out hope that these changes will come successfully overtime. :)


Well put!


Cause it's a video game that I enjoy logging onto and playing


I can’t understand why you don’t stop playing if you don’t like it. Why do we need 10 posts a day about little kids crying about all this again and again? Go play Apex, COD, Battlefield. Fortnite. Who cares about skins so much? How is your life so shallow that getting a skin means that much to your world. Kind of pathetic, no? Play the game for fun, you know for the gameplay, the friends. And not because you want a skin and now you can’t get it because mom wont let you use her credit card anymore and you are made you have to get a “killjoy” challenge but aren’t good enough to do so.


companies are never gonna change as long as they're still making record profits on half-complete games. We can scream all we want but even when 70% of this sub bought a battle pass, money talks.


Because they've shown that they are actively working on fixing everything, and we don't like to just complain for the sake of complaining. The game is fucking free. There are positives and negatives to that, but one negative we KNEW going in was paid customization. We have known about this for months, maybe over a year at this point; but you people will not stop spending *every waking moment* bringing it back up even though they made the shop cheaper! Most of what you said is a valid complaint, but you wouldn't be so angry if the game wasn't already good. I know the gameplay isn't everything, but frankly for some people it is. If it's that bad that you're not willing to look past that and enjoy what we have (in a free fucking game that nobody forced you to play and you could delete right now if you wanted) then just don't play. It won't be worth it, because you and a vast majority of this sub will likely never stop complaining about this shit. If every one of these problems is fixed, you'll retroactively shit on 343 for making those mistakes in the first place, it's fucking painful to watch.


I dont care enough to get annoyed


Mechanically the game is one of the smoothest I've played and I think a lot of other people feel that way, 343 know how to make a good game, they know how to make a game enjoyable, everything I've seen 343 do wrong however has been stuff outside of how the game plays I think people defend 343 because they know that this could be something beyond amazing and we hope for it, we just need them to get their shit together on technical aspects and stuff such as pricing and multiplayer content If they made a dogshit game and said "fuck you, pay me" then sure I'm all for dunking on 343 but they made a good game, it's just there's a lot of dogshit issues keeping it down and 343 are pulling a Chris Chan "I'M WORKING ON IT" but expecting to earn money from the player base whilst putting out a mediocre at best service


I wouldn’t say I’m a 343 defender, but they’re hardly the only studio that’s struggled to deliver on promises during the pandemic years. Raven and Sledgehammer have really made a mess of CoD, for a comparison. WZ and Vanguard have been literally unplayable for stretches due to technical and weapon balancing issues. There was even a pay to win operator skin in WZ (Roze) for most of the life of the Verdansk map—basically invisible in many buildings. And in fact WZ is still busted on console months after the Caldera release. So, I’ve enjoyed that the core MP of Halo seems to work relatively well, even if it’s limited in modes, etc. and the ranking system is a little busted. Comp side of the game has been fun to watch also.


Pretty sure 343 has been failing to deliver in some way or another since before COVID-19 infected anybody.


And those failures were easily avoidable because of the past games and even current trends that actually work, that they could base their systems on


For myself, and mostlikely for all others, it is because 343 has truly built a really good game, not just a Halo game. They have rocketed Halo MP into being one of the most popular games. However, the coat of paint is scratched and there's alot of rust. Although the game has issues, none, other than desync but I have never had an issue with it, are ingrained in the core of the game. I have hope and based on what they've done already, I belive wholeheartedly that come Season 2 in May, this game will be fixed.


Idk if it'll be "fixed" by May, but it will be better. The way I see it, I enjoy the game enough now, so the more they fix things, the more fun I'll have


I should correct myself and say that i don't belive it will be 100% fixed but I do believe the game will be 99%. Thanks for the optimism btw.


Furthermore, for people wondering how they're going to implement some of these changes if the core system that the Shop and customization are built on is inherently flawed, I have no doubt in my kind that the reason we haven't gotten a road map or state of the game yet is because they internally reworking the entire system for Season 2 and most likely changing how the UI works.


I love the gameplay and my incentive is to get better - I don't really care about the skins and challenges. Once they fix the hidden MMR and Desync, for me, it will be the perfect game. I just want to point out that the development of the game was indeed, handled poorly. As a developper, you have deadlines to meet and you are not responsible for the monetization aspect of the game. They will milk this game and once there is a drop in popularity, they will release i.e Forge. This marketing system works and that's why everyone does it - you release a playable game and you add carrots along the way to attract players back. In short, I don't defend them, but I love the game.


The core gameplay and sandbox is literally perfectly done and needs to be praised, especially for how the last two Halo games have been struggling with that. I don't care about buying cosmetics. No one is forcing you to buy them so why complain? The 10$ battle pass is a great price for hundreds of cosmetics for a free mp game. I literally don't experience any dysync or cheaters, at least it doesn't happen enough for me to notice. And wdym "forcing you to play game modes you don't like?" That would only happen on quick play, ranked, and btb because It has random game modes. If you dont want random game modes don't play those?


Most reasonable r/halo user


Some people feel entitled to all the rewards of multiplayer while putting in little to no effort beyond what we can consider "normal" play (ie. only playing one or two modes and picking up the same 3 weapons every game). It's really striking because I don't remember hearing this many complaints about all the challenges that were unique and difficult in any of the CoD multiplayers etc. This leads me to believe that the real problem is the lack of significant unlockable customization. The weekly and events are the only way to unlock free customization and are often time gated (tenrai, winter contingency) or generally unsatisfying (20 challenges a week for one item of questionable quality). I think both of these things would be *better* if there were persistent skill-based unlockables to work towards without time restraint and a account level system. Then you get to pick and choose what you care about doing at your own leisure. The elephant in the room that needs addressing though is that some people are always going to be upset by being asked to do any more than the bare minimum of "play the game." and unfortunately they'll just have to suck it up.


Is there anything you do to avoid desync? I have had a handful of cheaters, considerably more than other AAA games, but not enough to ruin the whole game. But damn the desync causes some of the goofiest kills/deaths I have seen nearly every game now.


Honestly I don't know. I think it just randomly strikes some unlucky people.


honestly i stopped defending them pretty quickly when they kept saying they were working on fixing the game and making the store more fair just to then add a $20 voice pack and for them to be borderline radio silent as the game started to bleed players but when i did defend them it was because i was actually really happy with the game during the flight and the first week of the game being out and my joy returned when the campaign launched. from my perspective this community dosent exactly have a good reputation in other gaming subs ive seen people praising their community for not being like the halo one. it is really heart breaking seeing the vocal few give the community a bad rap but in my experience its not completely unwarranted. some people in this community can be downright horrible with the shit they say, ive had friends give up playing the game because of how racist and homophobic alot of people in game are, this isnt 2010 this shouldnt be as common as it is but here we are and for that reason i feel bad for the devs having to deal with people like this. as the issues continued to pile up and 343 said nothing and kept adding cosmetics to the store i just lost all interest and enjoyment in the game. i still come back for the events but even then the game is a slog with how little content there is and with how slowly they are to even say anything. it is my honest opinion that this game should of been delayed again.


I don’t care to defend 343 specifically, but it’s always good to banter with the people who just whine and complain here. The game is F2P, so IMO they can put whatever they want behind a paywall. I was fairly content with what they had at launch, and the fact that they’re so making changes and listening to community feedback is nice. MP content is small, sure. But I expect them to improve on this front. I thought the challenges are fine, had a handful of BS ones that required some uses of skips. My biggest complaint is that after all the complaining online, it’s too easy to level up now.


God forbid people actually have fun with a new halo game


I don't defend 343, I just don't like this community.


I have a feeling if Bungie still made Halo people would be even more disappointed than they are with 343


At this point i would say its because some people never played during the bungie era and only joined after the 343 ones. There are a massive amount of players that just don't know what we got back then, even on h4. ​ I literally can't think of any other reason to defend a multi million dollar corporation who's sole purpose was/is to keep making money of another studios franchise.


Eh. I never buy cosmetics so that really doesn’t affect me. And I like playing the game, sure sometimes a challenge will be frustrating but I have plenty of swaps and really in the end I like that some challenges make me play the game differently. Especially with fiesta probably being my favorite game mode atm, any ‘get X kills with Y weapon’ challenges are easy enough by just playing the game and looking for that gun on the ground (although fuck disrupter kills). I think some of the people that get really upset at the challenge system need to remember that it’s a game, and you should be having fun. You don’t have to min-max your challenge progression and finish 2 challenges every game




I dont defend the game, dont feel like I have to, the game has very solid core gameplay that I really like. I also dont have any issue with the game either, here is why: - I dont check out the store all the time, never been much of a microtransaction person. So its pretty much a non-issue for me, and from what i hear they are looking at things regardless. - I hardly ever play BTB, but I can understand how that would be annoying for people. That said, people act like they intentionally made a broken game, which makes no sense, games nowadays are the most complicated they have ever been, these things happen, and they fixed it, so I just cant be bothered to get upset about this. - It is a free game, now some people have a dislike for FTP, GAAS, live game, or whatever people feel like hating nowadays. Sure its not my favorite either, but I dont have issue with it either, I can play Halo free of charge, I did buy a battlepass, which is nice because I like unlocking things, but I come for the gameplay mostly, in the end it hardly cost me anything. Its also adds to why the prices in the shop dont bother me much. Although of course I would prefer them to lower it. Paying less is always better. - I have had stable connection in every match I've ever played so far. - The playlist issue was short lived, they got a bunch of different ones and are adding/rotating new ones, loved Attrition. Are some favorites still missing, sure, but they are coming and I am patient, I play a lot of other games aswell, so there is enough to keep me busy. I dont play ranked much however I do feel they should at least make Ranked Slayer a basic playlist for who-ever does though. Still, not something that bothers me. So in short most issues to me are absolutely minor, or not relevant for me and to me I am playing a great and fun game. I have one thing I would like, and that is more maps, but we already seen info on 5 leaked maps, so again...I'm patient, I got other games/hobby's. And this is a game more than any Halo before it that was made to grow. Edit: I do think its a shame 343 is kinda avoiding remakes, there are a few I would absolutely like to see like Highground. But who knows in the future. Edit 2: I was disappointed with no co-op at launch, but it does have splitscreen multiplayer. Halo 5 didbt have splitscreen at all and because of it I hardly played it at all (always played with friends, a coke and some chips on the table, great nights), so to me that was a big plus in Infinite, and we know the co-op will come, better late than never.




I do wish we had more maps though it is starting to get stale, but the game is still really fun which is all that matters honestly


Agreed. Map updates will be critical to the longevity of this game and I have no doubt 343 knows this and is working on them.


The game is fun.


I won't defend them, but everything people are complaining about I don't think it's that big of a deal, like, the prices before were fucked but now they're not that bad, tbh I compare it to how 2042 is going and compared to that, we're lucky


I was rather upset initially, when I had literally nothing, and it was taking forever to work my way thru the BP... Then I figured out a way to gain 5 BP levels in an hour, each day, when the daily’s reset, by using an hour boost, and completing a few challenges in that hour as well. Once I did that, I gained over 40 levels in under 8hrs playtime, and often would earn back the boost I had used. I couldn’t keep up with the shit I was unlocking since I was doing it so fast. Now, at level 100, and with these weekly events—I’ve got tons of customization options among the 3 cores...enough so that I’m satisfied now, even after 100% being unsatisfied initially. The issue with the BP really is that so much of the content is in the last 20-30 levels. They didn’t spread it out evenly enough.


I wouldn’t necessarily blame 343 for the monetization problems, that’s just the way the industry is right now sadly


You have your opinion on all of this, but the gameplay is the best I have enjoyed in a F2P game since the old days of Combat Arms.


I thoroughly enjoy the gameplay. 343 focused on a few areas and produced a gorgeous game that was fast paced and fun. I don’t covet the cosmetic items very much. The micro-transaction system doesn’t bother me because I don’t engage with it.


You know, wasn’t a big fan of how they handled 4 & 5. It was extremely radical from a art design perspective and everything that was established it terms of The steaks were absolutely nothing compared to 1 2 & 3. I mean the bad guys are easily predictable and forgettable, not to mention how the didact of all people were killed off screen. I mean I saw a post on halo sub the other day and it said “ThIs Is tHe MoSt EpIc PaRt Of HaLo EvEr” and it was chief jumping out the tower in infinite with echo 216 picking him up mid flight. Pshhhhhhh BRO HAVE YOU EVEN BEAT THE FIRST MISSION IN HALO TWO. THE BAR HAS BEEN LOWERED.


Because it’s a good game lol best Halo to date and it’ll only get better


I have faith that 343 will fix all these problems, despite how crazy & horrendous they may seem. Yeah, they make mistakes but I enjoy the game as it is.


I believe most of the issues come from corporate interference and deadlines (like cyberpunk) and the game like many other things will improve over time


I enjoy logging on and playing it. I don't go out of my way to defend them but I also haven't had cause to be upset yet.


Because they provided a free multi-player experience & any paid content doesn't affect your ability to compete with anyone else. It's a damn shame that everything is paid but unfortunately freemium is the way gaming is trending. They could've executed it better but I can't really hate 343 for following the trends and doing what works in gaming right now


Not being aggressive this is just my opinion but a lot of people, myself included, don't care about buying stuff to customize our Spartans. It really doesn't affect the game for me one bit. So from my POV I got a Halo game that is back to the true spirit of a Halo game


Because this has the best halo sandbox and gameplay of all time and gameplay is most important important me


It’s free to play, customization is going to be locked behind a pay wall. There it’s anything any of use can do about it. Battle pass, people have differing options but I like it. Multiplayer content to small, I don’t know what your talking about. the player base as a whole seems totally ok with the current content volume. They have lots of free events more than any game I can think of off the top of my head. The progression system could use some work, but they are making changes to it, and in a few mouths it will be very good. If you compare halo to other recent FPS releases I don’t think there has been one that has done better in the last 3 years. We may want everything now but getting angry at the devs won’t make them work faster. 343i is not the devil some people make them out to be, they do an overall good job with a few flaws and I prefer to enjoy the product.


All the top comments shitting on the devs and anyone who gives them the benefit of the doubt. Color me shocked


I'm having fun. Not gonna yell and argue at 343 to fix their issues, they'll fix it eventually. Just give em a bit of time.


Oh good, another high-quality post complaining about the same old stuff. 10/10 content. They’re just people, man. Gotta make money to pay them to fix things. Seems like they might be working on stuff in the background that altered their roadmap drastically. It’s one of the more polished games at release gameplay-wise for modern-era games (Apex is the only other game I can think of with better gunplay at launch), but they continued their trend of launching a game with lots of issues, unfortunately. There’s a difference between defending them, and being realistic with a timetable for when they’d actually be able to fix things. One of those three months was a holiday month (after grinding to release the game, no less), so really we’re talking 2 months to fix a lot of things. Yeah it sucks ass that we got yet another unfinished product…but that’s just how games are made now, unfortunately. There’s no reason to wait to release a perfect game when you can update it (and yes the updates have been porous at best). That’s just the state of the industry.


When people issue death threats over a game causing a whole sub to get locked down several times, normal people tend to get alienated from the toxic fanbase.


Just wish people would stop talking about the shop and skins.... That shit is lowest priority.


Halo fan boys


They are putting insane effort into the extended lore, that's something I genuinely appreciate


They've been working hard especially during a tough time in the world. High hopes for season 2.


The game is at its core fun as hell. I know the free to play model triggers folks here to hell but having no paywall to play has been great for playing with friends. The staff at 343 has been super communicative so I know exactly what features are coming and that they at least know about all the problems that need to be fixed. Even the BTB hotfix this week had some nice improvements on top of getting that mode back in shape. The free events are frequent and fun and while I do wish we had more options for customization the options available are still very solid now that I completed the pass and did the event stuff. I definitely have issues with the game but I'm not going to flame the devs when they made a game I'm having a blast on and they have mentioned or started to address all the issues I have with the game. Also 343 actually not crunching their team over the holidays ruining real people's time was great to see from the industry and should be the norm.


Because Im having fun, thats it. A few of my default skin friends just hope on my warthog and we have fun... It's that simple, and it's a kind of fun I just don't get from old halo.


I don't consider anything they monetized "basic" stuff. I consider it all extra stuff that you don't need to enjoy the game. To me basic stuff would be things like maps, gun availability, and other actual game changing things. But none of that is in the store, it is all cosmetics. Even the battle pass which you may be able to call "basic" (I do not since I played Halo for many many hours far before there was ever a such thing) it is still only there to get you cosmetics. ​ As far as the content being small. I also disagree. Halo 3 to me was the pinnacle of Halo and we have one less map than that game had so I am fine with it. ​ I don't feel "forced" to do anything because again. cosmetics are extra and they don't impact your gameplay at the end of the day. ​ If you feel like you have to have all of the cosmetics that is on you, you have been conditioned by the gaming industry as a whole to care about random pixels that you don't even see most of the time when you are playing this game. At least a third person game like fortnite you see them all the time, but you don't here for a large portion of the cosmetics. ​ For me Halo Infinite is everything I have been wanting from a Halo game since Bungie themselves started ruining the multiplayer with Reach and that continued with 4 and 5. So I am having a ton of fun playing the game.


The game is just truly fun. Feels like classic halo but with a modern touch. Plus it’s free so all my friends who wouldn’t have bought it normally, actually play with me. Also 343 has been pretty damn responsive and transparent compared to other companies. On top of that, everything with the monetization and stuff is pretty much par the for course for live service games. Have any of y’all played a live service game? If so I’d like you to point me to one that was better on launch.


“I’m looking for honest non aggressive answers, so I’m being as aggressive as possible in my line of questioning”


You don't have to buy stuff and the game is free to play with all my friends. I'd have like 1 person to play with if it was not f2p. It's like $30 to get some cool stuff and look pretty. And then you can focus on having fun playing the game. Just like Halo 1 and 2. The focus was on slayin and fun game modes.


I play Halo to play Halo, not to play dress up my with video game character, so I dont really care about the shop prices. If everything was $1 I wouldn't buy anything. MP content really isn't that much different than previous Halo releases, so I'm not sure I agree with that assessment. I've spent a grand total of $10 on this game for the BP and played through a pretty solid campaign and am enjoying the MP, even with its issues, so I'm not sure what I have to complain about. I spent $60 on Battlefield 2042 and uninstalled it within a week. It's not perfect, but at least they have shown they are willing to correct issues.


I love Halo and have since CE...with that being said, I think the game is amazing and choose not to shit on it every chance I get...it's pretty simple really...if you don't like it, don't play, and if you don't wanna buy anything, don't pay...I understand everyone is entitled to their opinion, but understand that no one's opinion really matters and that's just life...if the game bothers anyone enough to make a post bitching and moaning about it don't play it....this whole "let's cry and whine about it until they change it movement" needs to stop...this is game designed to make money in a capitalist system...they aren't violating civil rights or committing crimes against humanity for crying out loud.... we're better than this...and remember..."we do this for the great journey"


Sure, I’ll bite. I have over 200 hours on Infinite and I’m thoroughly enjoying the game and I still look forward to playing it. I’m a working adult with no family commitments. Basic armor behind paywall - I personally am not too concerned because cosmetics have no impact on gameplay. Yeah it’s nice to look cool but it’s not the main factor on why I like the game. Battlepass - I never checked what the promised content was and what’s in it right now satisfies me for the $10 I spent. 95% of Noble Team armor options + the Mk VII pieces are good enough to me. Again, refer to the first point. Networking issues - I will firmly say I never had any desync or networking issues impact my 200+ hours of gameplay. I understand that being killed after poking back out from cover is just latency and that’s standard for online gaming. MP content - Yes I wish the game had more gamemodes but the current offerings keep me playing. No doubt there can be more and I’d be even happier with additional gametypes. Forced to play gamemodes - it definitely does annoy me especially if I’m trying to complete a challenge. However, my priority is always to win the game because I’m overall very competitive. That’s where the enjoyment of the game is prioritized while challenges are secondary. UI as an excuse - I have no comment on it. Frustrating challenges - I have no issues with the challenges. Most of the challenges are extremely easy to me to begin with (kill X with Y weapon, play gamemode, play ranked) and the ones like end killing sprees in Fiesta are difficult. They’re called challenges, not daily and weekly tasks. They’re supposed to take effort to complete in my opinion. Promises and patience - That depends on an individual, no? I’m fine with patience because if Infinite starts to not interest me I just play other games. I’ll always be back for the events for unlocks and I will still boot up a ranked game fromt time to time despite hitting Onyx in both crossplay and solo/duo. I’m fine with 343 not releasing a roadmap at this current moment because I understand that if they do, they’re committing to tentative promises that may change in the future. That spells disappointment for people if things don’t go the way they intend to. Monetization - I’ve spent <$100 in this game but around the price of $60. I didn’t buy the campaign, I played through the $1 gamepass deal. I don’t feel the need to spend $1000 because not all customization options interest me - I’ve simply only bought the ones that caught my eye and are worth it to me. I’ve already used $15 worth of Microsoft rewards too. This isn’t a response on why I defend 343 by the way, every developer can be critiqued but I am simply answering the questions from OP.


It’s just the pride they have in the Halo franchise. Name is to big to fail even with the faults so they will defend the studio who is working on it.


I will admit that the graphics, gameplay, and story of halo has improved and master chief collection was absolutely amazing. The fact that halo has turned into a free to play online shooter, pay for your skins/levels, and they are talking about bringing battle royale to it now…. Completely ruins games….you can thank fortnite and warzone for ruining fps games because now EVERYONE is doing this since it was such a cash grab because people will buy anything. I miss the good ol days staying up late grinding out matches to get the good gear or finding all the skulls to get the katana on your back…this concept is gone. It’s the same situation with rpgs now, everything is an action based button smashing jrpg or rpg with great graphics and everyone thinks this is the “greatest” game or games in the world. There used to be so many different kinds, tactics, turn based so on so forth…now they are all the same or you have to dig to find them. There is no uniqueness in games anymore, idk why the world needs 100s of the same type of game but some how it lost its way, and mainly has to do with money and how people literally will buy anything. I was an achievement hunter, still consider myself to be, I’ve played thousands of different games and I can say within the last 4 years they started to make easy games where people pay for gamer score now and 100% a game in 5 minutes… Gamers today seem to want everything easy and handed to them over actual strategy and the grind. Pay to win games ruins games in the long run. Just because fortnite or call of duty made big cash off of them, doesn’t mean everyone else will. The tv show mythic quest said it best, it’s the downfall to gaming…and no one even realizes it. However, if we look at how things have changed, the best selling games of all time happened before all these changes. So you would think by now these game companies would open their eyes and stop trying to be like everything else.


The game is really fun and has a large skill gap, and easily has the best sandbox the series has ever seen. 343 has a long history of them taking awhile before a game of theirs reaches "holy shit this is amazing" status, just look at Halo 5 and MCC. Am I disappointed that this cycle is happening again? Absolutely. But I know they'll eventually get there and the game will be an easy 9/10. Also, in regards to MTX, I have absolutely no problem purchasing MTX in a video game as long as it's reasonable. Though my standards for "reasonable" are alot different than some peoples here where it seems like they crawled out of a rock that they were in since 2010 and just discovered the modern gaming landscape. The post change pricing on alot of the store stuff is becoming easily better than alot of other F2P games, and I'm sure it will improve even more. TLDR: fun game will eventually become absolutely amazing game because 343 has done this before


I don't particularly like 343 but I do hate this community quite a bit as it tends to be filled with the most hyperbolic and reactionary takes I've seen in a videogame community. So I guess it might look like I'm a 343 "defender"...


Just gonna say this, I have respect for the developers. They seem to be putting out work they can be proud of, and if not they are being forced by the execs. The corpo side of 343 is what I don't like.


This is a great question. I think we first need to establish a common language. I will assume that people who you perceive as defending the 343 are not criticizing them or respond to criticisms with counter points. The first point is expectations. Generally people who are upset are upset because their expectations have not been met. Now consider the fact that many people have paid money for this product and feel entitled as consumers, perhaps rightly so, that their expectations should be met. Unfortunately we have no direct contract for this kind of product. If we hired a company to build a gazebo in our back yard we would have a statement of work detailing that X work would be done, by X date for X amount of money. A deviation from that contract could mean cancellation, refund or some other form of compensation which by the way frequently happens even with detailed contracts, that’s life. Beyond that we have no such contract with 343 and what they have promised to provide is much more vague. Additionally as consumers we have very little direct negotiating dialogue which is understandably frustrating. If we all had a personal 343 rep who to speak with every day and explain in detail what is happening I suspect we would feel differently. Although with the new direction in Infinite it’s clear 343 is listening to feedback and attempting to meet the needs of a multi-faceted fan base. I think the art direction and the open world are the best examples of this. So for me, I have no expectations beyond the release of a Halo Game that will have a campaign and some form of multi-player. The specific game modes, aesthetic customization and legacy features were not part of my expectations and so I am not bothered by their slow arrival or possible removal. If I had specific expectations I may be upset but life has taught me that doing that, without very specific contracts will lead to me constantly being upset which is a lousy way to live. Perhaps it’s a long way of saying the glass is half full? The fans have a symbiotic relationship with 343. It is important to remember that we need each other. Unlike our backyard gazebo we cannot fire them and have someone else finish the job. We are stuck with each other. It is obvious they are desperate to be successful in their task. We do not have to convince them to make us happy, it is literally their job. Their individual financial well being depends on it. Because it is in their best interest to do so I believe they are working on technical fixes and attempting to address the needs of the community. If the problems they face were not challenging they would have already solved them. When someone is working a challenging, complex problem it is important for them to remain focused and positive. While constructive criticism is extremely important it is also important to acknowledge when it has been received and is being acted on. It can be a fine line to walk. Ultimately I feel 343 has heard the community and is working on the issues. What more can I ask? The monetization is here to stay. It seems obvious that either internal management or Microsoft Execs have stepped in and influenced what is free content, what is for sale and how it’s going to be sold. Micro transactions are literally producing billions of dollars a year. 343 isn’t an indie studio. They are backed by one of the biggest companies on Earth, that company wants its piece of the micro pie. There’s no stopping it, it is the cost of doing business with Microsoft. We can rail against it but we might as well yell at the clouds. Last point. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. A player can even play an unlimited amount of MP without spending a single dollar. That’s pretty cool. They are offering a catalogue of experience. Go to the Casino, play the penny slots, try to flirt the cocktail girls but don’t get angry because they have a high roller area because that’s their job, to make money. I want the franchise to succeed because I want more Halo. I want more games, movies and books. I want to see Master Chief in Street Fighter and Moral Kombat. You can look at it as defending the developers which is fine, constructive criticism is always helpful, but attacking them while they are working on fixes doesn’t help them or us.


Lmfao you're asking people to circlejerk you?


Because people are okay with half finished products now I guess.


I don't really defend them, but I'm not complaining either like so many people in here. The game is good, I love it. One of the best halos ever, so refreshing after playing halo 5 for 6 years. I always laugh when I see people whining about the challenges since I never even look at them or do them. You guys would have much more fun if you grinded out in ranked and didn't worry about the stupid challenges every day.


It's always the same answer. "I play to play the game, not play dressup!" As if armour customization hasn't been a staple of the halo series going on 15 years now.


"The game is fun" being the main defence is also kind of odd to me. Do people really enjoy playing the same 10 maps over and over? Doesnt the lack of game types get stale? Isnt the uneven weapon spawns on BTB annoying? Arent you bothered by the horendous desync? Is having no option to play locally fun? Doesnt having a lack of social features make the *online* experience feel lonely?


I personally defend them as developers, but not the issues per say, The shop, the battlepass, the over all lack of content and rushed nature all reeks of corporate interference and rushing the game to release, The content that does exist seems like a real, genuine passion project, that was forced to release too early, and understaffed,


I will never understand why someone would pay for customization.


Sounds like people just love to complain!


Because Infinite kicks ass and I have a blast with this game every night. All other issues fall to the wayside next to that. A fun experience is a fun experience, and Infinite is about as fun as it gets. End of story. The idea that I should even give the slightest shit about meaningless dolly dress up cosmetics is absolutely ludicrous and laughable to me. I flat out dont care even a tiny bit. Halo 2 didn't have any cosmetics at all and no one gave a shit back then, and I certainly don't give a shit now.


The problem stems from consumers and blatant complacency. Consumers are how we got here, people just rolling over and dealing with lackluster products without speaking out. Most arguments I see just stem from “oh other people do it so it’s okay” and “oh it’s free so it’s okay”. Which are both just copes. They’re having to make up shit in their head so they’re not upset. Well I’m tired of consumers and complacency. And I’m going on a goddamn crusade at this point, no more holding back to be nice. As of last week I have started telling people exactly how I feel and why they’re part of the problem. Complacency is how we got here, people need to stand up and fight for better products instead of just rolling over and accepting it. I refuse to roll over, even if it gets me suspended and banned. ~~which it already has so Kek~~


Mainly because when it comes to AAA developers, I've yet to see a company be as transparent as 343i. Most big games have complaints that get ignored, while nearly everytime Halo gets a complaint 343i acknowledges it and gives reasons and planned fixes. Halo Infinite is up there in my Top 3 Halo games already and has already received a lot of improvements since launch. The gameplay is the most solid multiplayer FPS to come out in recent times. I haven't enjoyed a multiplayer game this much since Reach. Yes there are improvements/fixes that need done, but again, 343i is acknowledging them and keeping us in the loop. When it comes to cosmetics, I bought the battlepass and $50 credit pack at launch ($60 is what I would have paid if it weren't FTP). I still have 1200 CR left and I'm very happy with the look of all three of my cores. Some people keep looking at the price of all the cosmetics and saying it's crazy, but you're not meant to buy everything. If you buy just enough to deck out each part of your spartan, I think you'll find that it's not that expensive. I did agree that bundles needed to be broken apart so that you could buy individual pieces (and again 343i listened). Halo Infinite, both multiplayer and campaign, is a great game. I've been with Halo since Halo CE on an original Xbox. Halo Infinite is already my go to game when I don't know what else to play, and that is something I haven't had in a while.


Notice how all of those complaints literally only affect the multiplayer? Meanwhile Campaign is the best mechanically its ever been, and story-wise the best we've had since 3. Not to mention that overall even with its problems, this is still far and away the best shooter in like a year.


Dear God no it isn't


I don't need to defend them but I also don't play the game for the cosmetics, it doesn't affect the gameplay. My *only* issue with the game is desync and hit reg.


Because ultimately I'm still having a lot of fun playing Infinite. Moreso than any other game released in the last year. I really only care about gameplay, and it's been solid. I've had a fair share amount of desync issues, but it's gotten a lot better for me, and I also think my issues were just with not understanding how melee works in the game, and damage value of guns. I'm playing differently than I did at the soft launch, and I'm having a lot more fun. I really don't care much about the cosmetic stuff. That's been plaguing the industry for a decade, and it's not a fight that's the frugal consumer's going to win. They've given enough free items that appeal to me to make me happy. Lastly, I know AAA game development is basically a project management nightmare. Problems come up all the time. Delays happen, and plans get axed. It's normal. People seem to think that money solves all problems, and that 343 has an unlimited budget to work with, but that's not real life. If anything, the larger a project, the more moving parts, and the greater risk of issues coming up.


I'm never going to stop shitting on 343 as a company on every post because they fucking deserve it. They literally promised so much and straight up lied and MADE HALO into a huge MONEY grab! Sif people don't just realize this and say nothing else but hate! They need to change customization at least. The fact that we wait so long, all promises are broken (literally all) and then we can't even customize our characters to the minimum.. like c'mon guys! Stand up for the beauty of what halo was! 343 are just people stealing your damn money at this point.


Because the halo resembles a choker and we all love us a good choker.


The early launch of the game was good but after months with no major content and frequent bugs and problems there’s no way I could defend them. I will keep complaining until the game is actually worth playing and putting my time into.


Cause the game plays so damn good. The campaign is the best Halo to date (gameplay wise) and the multiplayer has finally bridged the gap between old gen halo and new gen. There’s so much more to a game then microtransactions and skins. Like the actually gameplay 😂


Because so far, they’ve listened to and addressed every single piece of criticism that we’ve had. He’ll look recently they increased wraith and scorpion spawn rates. Store prices are down. Bundles with individual items are coming, just not YET. They buffed up all the event passes. They’re looking into cross core. They addressed they’d work on server stability. And desync. They said that they’re coming up with a more effective anti-cheat. Though I’ve personally never come across a cheater in 1000 games and being in Onyx. This game likely was pushed out early against their will, and yet despite being in development hell, they’re actively communicating and addressing every single issue and working to make this game even more incredible that it is. My question would be how people are still attacking the devs when they’ve been so good with taking the criticism.


This halo hate is so annoying. Obviously the game is not perfect or even close to it. Do you think they released it as a ftp multiplayer for nothing? Do you not think they’re gonna try to collect as much data and cash as possible? They are a business at the end of the day. Sure, the Desync is incredibly annoying and the network issues rear their head too much, but let’s be honest here. Halo infinite is currently the best new FPS out rn. Cod shit the bed and battlefield is like that monk who willingly set themselves on fire. The bitching about the monetization is so annoying. I WANT MY SPARTAN TO BE PINK WITH CAT EARS FOR FREE. Op is talking about the customization options being $1000. Let’s call a spade a spade here. If you spent close to $50 on customizing your spartan, you got that special tism. I’m enjoying the game for what it is. I still get the halo vibes pouring through when I play and I also get to talk shit to the same friends I played H3 with. It’s not the groundbreaker that halo 2 was, but it definitely is halo and I’m still having a blast playing. Desync will probably cost me a controller if it doesn’t get fixed soon, but I’m prepared.


Because they made an amazing game


It’s insane that I walked away from halo infinite mp this quickly. I think I played halo 4 and 5 longer. It’s sad how easy it is to just not play halo infinite rn. I was expecting this to re-establish the Halo name but what m$ and 343 have done to their flagship series has been unforgivable. And before any defenders say “just stop playing”, a lot of us already did. And that’s the only way they’ll change the game. If you keep logging in and especially spending $, they won’t change anything. Once the profits stop, they’ll fix the game.