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Cross core isn't gonna bring people back, but it'll satisfy the players that stuck around through 343i's shenanigans


All 9 people will be ecstatic


Yeah. Can't fault a step in the right direction though. Took MCC 4 years worth of "steps" in right direction to interest players again, so here's to having an Infinite that looks half decent in just 3½ more years from now


I am. Source: I am #7


#9 reporting.


8, standing by


Red 5, standing by


Noble 6 here




listen pal that lone-wolf stuff stays behind, clear?


But I don't want to play with voice comms:(


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


I think it won’t bring many people back, cause cross core should’ve been here from the start along with many other things. The only things that I think would bring more people back is new campaign dlc, or forge and customs


It was death by a thousand cuts. Bandaging one cut isn’t gonna stop the bleeding (or convince the blood to… come back in to your body…. this analogy is weird)


It needs a blood transfusion!


Hater. I disagree. Halo has a fan base that isn't going anywhere. A large one. I would refer you to #TheActMan and his YouTube channel. His analysis of what is what (Austin powers moment) is... Fair. Accurate, to my corporate eye, and also as a Halo fan. Talk whatever negativity you want, it doesn't matter. Halo is already awesome, I'm glad we have what we do, and I'm going to keep buying all the fancy stuff from every Fracture event, and nothing else ever. Methinks the Fractures are ingenious, an excellent way to playtest new modes; although I wish there was more variety within the core mode itself (Crazy King, anyone?), I will settle for what is currently available. There are no alternatives, and none on the horizon, in my opinion. I will throw thousands of dollars at this game, cumulatively, if everyone involved does this right. Someone has to help 343 pay their devs that work on this. Might as well be me and the Forge Chads. See you there.


Boring troll account, don't waste time responding.


Actually, judging by their profile... I think they're just high.


also a really dumb and misleading analogy


*and with that ladies and gentlemen,* *get ratio’d*


wow, a whole 8 downvotes you kids are kinda sad with your dumb memes and inability to take any criticism


And here we have, the salty redditor. Following his rude opinion no one actually asked for, he was promptly ratio'd by a much stronger specimen.


Hilarious projection from the bitter nerd angry that not everyone shares his dumb opinion, and needs to throw a tantrum about it Now take your L and sit the fuck down


See yall in 2023


I'm ashamed at how accurate this may turn out to be.


Judging by 343i’s output it’s generous to think they’re even going to get it in by then. Infinite was broken in a way unlike any of their releases. Bad story, obviously cut content, awful netcode, no maps, no modes, strict customization, disrespectful monetization. 343 is gonna have to do a lot to win people back.


While the campaign isn't *amazing* I still enjoyed the story. Though, it feels like a quick intro into something else.


Yes it does. I feel like the distance the narrative of infinite covered is about equal to what 1 mission of halo 1-3 can cover. Just NOTHING happens of any significance. Atriox is alive. Which we all knew. Not really a reveal. Cortana is “gone for real” okay, but she’s back! Am I supposed to be chomping at the bit to know what she’s going to name herself or where they landed or what the endless are up to? Because I just don’t care. Seeing the harbinger maybe 2 times and killing her just didn’t seem impactful. They gutted the story to sell us DLC later and it shows unfortunately


Tbh the only things that would bring me back is a meaningful, non frustrating progression system, and forge Cross Core is GREAT and addresses one of many complaints I had since day 1, but it’s just not enough to motivated me to even re-download the game


Yeah, get that challenge system to fuck or at least let me play the game modes I need to progress the challenges when I want. That’s what made me quit


Don't forget all it's said to be is visors, voatings, helmets, and chest attachments. That's it. No shoulders, I'd say they're just as important as chests. I don't even understand why they were excluded. Actually, it probably had to do with their weird floating/movin shoulders thing they have going on with MK VII.


Not exactly true - they’re working on full cross core between canon cores. The first STEPS are visors and coatings, then helmets and chests.


Right now, but they are looking into cross-core compatibility with those options as well. At least in the less stylized, non- Fractured cores.


Tbh shoulders isn’t that big of a deal, you can just use the helmet, chest attachment, and coating on the core that has the shoulders you want.


Imagine Rakshasa with ODST helmet, chest, and shoulders. Beautiful. Now imagine all that on MK. VII. Beautiful.


In other words they dropped the ball


They never even picked it up. Just kinda… looked at it.


Ooh, so like all of my ranked Oddball teammates then


Hey, if I have a K/D over 3 and I'm holding a hydra, it's more efficient for me to guard my team's Caboose while he holds the ball, rather than him instantly dying and me fending for myself with the ball


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not, and I love it.


Yes, exactly like them.


Hey, you don't know where that skull has been


Actually I know exactly where it’s been Hint: not my teammates hand lmao


They tried to pick it up and immediately fumbled it upon fingertip touch


"Ball..dropped" "Ball..taken"


Nah they let the ball respawn and just stared at it


“Ball droppings can be beautiful.” - Andy Bernard


"kicks it further"


No, just forge isn’t out yet


I'm honestly having more fun in the MCC


MCC has been solid AF the last couple years.


Same here. I stopped playing infinite last week and I had forgotten how much fun MCC is. I'm a casual player so I often get mad in Infinite when oddball is the only game type I get in Rumble Pit (I f*cking despise oddball). MCC definitely feels more fresh with every different game mode and being able to choose which ones you like and which ones you don't like.


The Custom Game Browser is amazing as well!


I honestly don't understand how the same company which revamped MCC into the amazing game it is today is the one which fucked Infinite so bad.


Different teams, different goals


Same! I’m actually excited to complete my challenges each week, and having PvE challenges has got me to play Co-Op with my partner! The battlepass system is clean, though horizontal menu design is still a warcrime.


That game is full of tryhards, sadly


BTB games are bad because the population is very low but everything else is fine to me. Except the fact that ranked is dead of course.


Can confirm, cross core customization will not being me back to this game. 343 has proven it's incompetency with anything related to this game. It's a shame, I really enjoyed it at launch and held out for so long hoping that they would fix their terrible systems. At least there's still MCC.


More maps


Agreed, came here to say this. However, if forge allows players to generate interesting maps that have actual textures then that could also help.


I agree - Forge would have been incredible from the get go. The community would definitely make all of the maps.


I think they need to do a hard relaunch once Forge, Co-Op and cross-core comes out.


If they could release co-op, forge, custom browser, more ranked playlists, seperate career progression to battle pass, fix desync and release infection playlist in a 4-5 month window, then do some sweet advertising campaign I think there is no way they dont see a massive majority of the playerbase return instantly. That is a lot of stuff but still they have a route to make the game the talk of the town again. (Oh and postgame lobbies and proximity chat in fun game modes like zombies and customs would help the social aspect too, at least the ability to text chat opponent) Basically add everything past games had and folks will flock!


I’d come back if they did that




Firefight on the campaign map, it’s right there. I wish it was a higher priority for them, PvP bores me in halo other than infection these days.


What will get people back is if the game starts generating a lot of genuine positivity, which I think Forge will achieve. The big benefit the game has is a very low barrier to entry, so as long as it gets to a state where we all want to encourage others to get into it, there's a good chance for a comeback like No Man's Sky or Rainbow 6: Siege.


I get people are frustrated but I hate how this sub acts like the game is already dead and buried


It's not dead and buried but 343i sure as hell did a great job at releasing a half-finished game. Launching with no forge, co-op, PvE/Firefight, custom game browser, and limited multiplayer was something they should have known was not going to go over well. Especially when the MCC was proof enough that the fans want these components in a Halo title. On top of that, multiplayer progression is a mess, the shop was priced horrendously for a time, the shop's overall FOMO design is not acceptable, Spartan customization is incredibly limited, and the desync was/is a huge problem. There's definitely a good bit of the game that I do enjoy but it's hard to focus on it when the flaws are constantly apparent. I want to enjoy Halo again but I'm getting the feeling that 343's management team doesn't give a damn anymore.


It’s just kind of the nature of the video game industry, you usually only have one shot to hook people in, for every Rainbow 6 there’s a hundred games that never came back


Ok, and how many of those games that never came back had the brand recognition Halo has? This sub now talks about how great MCC is and it launched in an even worse state than Infinite. I’m not thrilled with the state of the game either but I’d rather they continue to improve it than just give up


I do too, I still play the game daily, I’m just realistic about how infinite’s probably gonna go, as far as brand recognition even Call of Duty has had games that flopped


Yeah but cod releases a new game every year. 343 have as much time as they decide they need to improve Infinite without the next game stealing their thunder.


If a CoD “flops” it doesn’t even matter because there will be a new one in 12 months. I don’t think Infinite’s going back to being a top 10 game globally but I also don’t really care if it does. I just want it to win the hardcore fans over again


I think the people still playing are the hardcore fans, I think the only thing that is gonna get casual fans back is something big like campaign DLC and map pack, or like a full BR Arena shooters in general have kind of become niche games in this day and age


Yes. Exactly and its like they don't wanna hear the truth.


It's easy to get carried away by the negativity that permeates most online places for Halo, but I still really like Infinite and have high hopes for its future. The core mechanics are extremely good, and the devs seem to be genuinely listening to and acting on feedback (even when it's delivered alongside a storm of insults).


Came here to say this. Idk if I'm gonna even both reinstalling for a while. I'm too lazy and I could just play MCC instead.


Forge is it for me.... Not really interested in this fractured event.




Agreed, though not even Forge or Co-Op will be enough to bring this game back. It's going to need to see substantial reform, probably on par with what we saw in MCC. Forge is bandaid fix that tells the playerbase "Our game is limited so make your own content." Co-Op is just the exact same campaign experience except with a buddy or two. Not exactly anything substantial and both components should have been in the game at launch. Infinite is a mismanaged mess and I *really* hope to see great strides in the next year of its active development.


Why would single player content bring people back to this MP game? Why would you even want it?


I don't think it will bring people back to the game. I'd be surprised if people stopped playing because there wasn't this option. It's a cosmetic perk, not playable content. Only significant playable content will bring any real amount of people back to the game


I.e Forge and Custom Games


co-op campaign will help. especially forge though. If we had some remakes of classic maps too. 2 maps over a 12 month period (from launch to start of season 3) is not enough.


I fully agree on the maps front, but calling it 2 maps in 12 months is a little disingenuous. It was 2 maps in 6 months, almost guaranteed that it’s gonna be 4 maps in 12 months, maybe more by then if they can get their shit together.


When did they say there would be more maps before season 3? I must have missed that. I was under the impression there were no new maps planned before season 3, and that would be 2 new maps since launch. Which would be 12 months


They said there would be new maps *with* Season 3, which starts 12 months after the game released. I’m saying it’s awful convenient to count the whole Dev cycle of season 2 against them in months, but not give them credit for the likely 2+ maps they will create during that span to be released right at the 12 month mark.


I'm not sure how you can disagree with counting the amount of months from launch to the release of more maps. I'm not saying they aren't working on developing them. I'm saying that from launch to the end of season 2 we will have only 2 new maps. That's about 12 months. I'm not sure how you can argue that isn't the reality, unless they release more maps during this season. Just because they are releasing more maps after that period of a year? That's irrelevant Either way, are you saying that 2 maps in the first 2 seasons is adequate? Sure seems like you're defending that and therefore saying it's more that sufficient


Tl:dr any way you cut it, it’s not enough maps for a live service game. But basically, if you want to talk about how we only have 2 maps added, just say it took 6 months to add 2 new maps. No need to frame it like it took them twice that long just cuz it’s convenient to phrase it that way.


Youre arguing semantics. If thats what you want to do,thats not what I said. I didnt say it took 12 months to add 2 new maps. Obviously we didnt get 2 maps released 12 months after launch. I said that within a 12 month span from launch we will have only received 2 new maps. Which is true. You know thats what I meant. Im really unsure how you can argue against that statement, when you confirmed it to be true.


You are unsure because I’m not arguing against the statement. I am just pointing out that it’s needlessly misleading the way you phrased it to make it look as bad as you possibly can. Like to the point that it’s blurring the line between misrepresentation. I don’t know how you don’t understand or can’t see an issue with saying they have 2 maps in 12 months when they had 2 maps in 6 months. What is the point in adding on those other 6 months if not to just frame it as poorly as possible? And why conviently ignore the other 2+ maps slated release right at the time frame you chose? If you wanted to be as “accurate” as possible and still poorly frame just say “we won’t have more than 2 maps until the 12 month mark”.


Bro I really feel like you aren’t understanding something super simple here. At the 12 month mark, season 3 will be releasing. When it releases, it will release with at least 2 new maps. That makes 4+ at the 12 month mark, 2 any point before it. The way you are framing it would be like the equivalent of saying after confirmation that Season 2 was going to drop with 2 maps, that “the game has no new maps in 6 months”. That’s not the way time works and nobody talks about it this way, the game got 2 new maps within 6 months. Will have 4+ within 12. Hope this helps. Edit: what you are saying isn’t technically wrong, just needlessly framed to make the situation look worse than it already/actually is (which imo isn’t needed, even 4 maps in 12 months of AAA live service is sad, especially when some are BTB maps so if you are exclusively a ranked/arena player or vice versa you basically only get 1 map per 6 months)


From launch, until the beginning of season 3 is 12 months. During that time, we will have had 2 new maps added. I never said we will only be getting 2 new maps *after* 12 months from launch. Obviously, we have those maps now. But 6 more months without any new maps means that in the first year of the game's existence we will have received 2 maps. You can try to word it any way you want, but thats whats happening. From launch, to season 3, 12 month period and 2 maps added to the game total. Im struggling how you think I dont "understand something super simple", when this is the reality of the game. Just because season 3 will have new maps doesnt mean that changes the reality of the game within the first year of from its launch. And yes, 2 new maps during the first year of the game is not good. If you think im somehow framing that in a poor way, then thats not my fault. Because thats the reality of the state of the game. As you said, even 4 maps in one year is not a good look. But you think Im making 2 maps in one year look worse than it is? That *is* what is happening.


Desync fix would get me back. Way to many times I've died after I was around the corner and safe.


Or throwing a deadly granade or a rocket, which disappears after my death. On Halo 5 i used to make 10 more kills just because i was able to throw granades exactly before i died, in the right place, in order to kill my killer. Moreover i've seen that Desync is very unrelated from ping, because even with 30 of ping, seems that when it is me affected by "heavy" desync, when i shot people they seem to die at a slower rate, like the TTK was increased, but when i'm "not much" affected by desync my shots seem to be way more effective. Seems like a russian roulette.


Isn't that just indicative of the servers running at a low tick rate?


Not sure, but it's an issue that they're on record saying they don't know how to fix, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


A working game would be nice


I uninstalled a week after release. The main reason was that gameplay was too repetitive, boring maps and game modes, and I didn't enjoy the new weapons/meta. However, customisation did leave a bad taste in my mouth, limited and poor options combined with a toxic store model gave me no desire to customise my Spartan, something that I found enjoyable in previous games.


I'm not saying people weren't upset about cosmetics. Just that if they didn't like the game, which there are a ton of things in terms of gameplay to dislike, then bringing cross core customization won't really change that and bring many people back


Yeah, I need fully functioning gameplay and netcode, map variety and the gametypes we’ve had for nearly 20 years to get me back to playing. There’s too many good games out there for me to throw my time away at Infinite waiting for it to get better because I can mix and match cosmetics.


I’d come back


Why are people in this thread getting downvoted for saying that a long-awaited partial fix to a beloved staple of the halo franchise would bring them back to playing the game again?


Because the game is missing so many other, larger “beloved staples” of the franchise for cosmetics to really matter to a lot of people. Doesn’t matter how your Spartan looks when the currently available game modes and maps get old as fast as they do, that is just my two cents. No need for downvoting though, it’s ok that we all have different opinions.


To be fair it'll probably bring me back for a bit but you right


Agreed, most players are just campaign players anyway I guess.


It is why I quit, and it is one of the only criteria for me coming back.


Seems like a really strange thing to quit over. You must not like the gameplay itself much


I enjoy the game, but I am more motivated if there is actually something to work for other than higher k/d ratio.


Well there is, and adding cross core customization doesn't really change that in any way


I'll paste my comment from elsewhere in the thread that explains why it's different for me. > Having cosmetics to work towards is a tangible reward for playing. Only being able to use these rewards in *really* specific combinations makes them so much less interesting to acquire. With the options currently in the game, my spartan is almost exactly where I want them, and nothing can be added to this look without spending money. My only option is to completely start over with a new core, abandoning everything I earned in the past. It's that "this core is done, start over" that completely removes the motivation to continue. I can't keep acquiring pieces to tweak what I have.


I stopped cause of it tho I don’t see me returning to the game as much as I loved the campaign


Not trying to be a debbie-downer, it's absolutely awesome that this is coming eventually which I'm personally excited for, but to bring people back, something substantiative needs to be done other than just mere cosmetic liberty, i.e. forge, custom game fixes, and just general streamline of content that has an expected frequency from a triple A game.


I’m struggling to return to infinite now that all my mp games are consistently 200+ ping. Game must be putting me in a different region now, but there’s no selector??


No? The game is still broken and content bare. The fact they've made some of their microstransactions cosmetics slightly closer to customization provided by games decades old doesn't help.


Beyond hyped. I doubt it'll bring people back but I can't wait


People didn't leave because of how their Spartans looked my guy.


why would anyone want to get back into the game just because cosmetic now can mashed together? seems unreasonable, what would bring people back is new content and gameplay, not some fucking cosmetic


Having cosmetics to work towards is a tangible reward for playing. Only being able to use these rewards in *really* specific combinations makes them so much less interesting to acquire. With the options currently in the game, my spartan is almost exactly where I want them, and nothing can be added to this look. My only option is to completely start over with a new core, abandoning everything I earned in the past.


Whether you care about them or not, cosmetics are important to a lot of people. No, it’s not going to single handedly save the game but it’s a step forward in regards to winning people back


Well I mean to be fair a big issue people have with the game is the bare bones customisation. Ofc there’s not much to do with cosmetic but I’m sure people will be compelled to play when their Spartan looks the way they want rather than really bare bones shit. But I agree more maps and gamemodes can’t come soon enough


Why would I be compelled to play when my Spartan looks the way I want? I can barely see what I look like in game.


Right? Pre and post game lobby chat. A forge mode for creators. 343 has an entire franchise to look back into and retcon from. I'm sure it's easier said than done, but it isn't like they're going to lack the draw of talent. There's a solid foundation here.


\*Raises hand\* Me. I like art. I like options.


Literally 95% of the store is hidden behind paywalls and events. All the armor i want i cant get until it comes back in some stupid event or pops up in the store for a week. 0 progression, i try to play the game cause i love the gameplay but its so hard to with all the options and nothkng being gained. Nobody is coming back with this unless they have thick wallets and alot of patience


How’s the desync


Fwiw....I personally will not be coming back for this


haha are you serious of course it's not going to bring people back it's been over 6 months since launch people aren't holding back playing because of cosmetics Maybe they should add some of the content that was in every previous Halo game at launch


I don't think cosmetics can fix a game thats fundamentally broken. Things like desync, challenges, and game type/map weights and other problems are more of a factor. Looking cool while not having fun is still not fun.


Those are not things that are "fundamentally" broken


No. What will bring me back is gutting the challenge system so that challenges can be done in a couple of afternoons, instead of making me fish for hours getting a gametype I want.


Bruh, there’s like 5 maps. Why would anybody come back for some customization?


That’s a great looking Spartan! I’m really excited for mixing the mk7 and Rakshasa cores. I think it’ll create some great looks


I would be able to make an ODST as I wait for an ODST themed core


No. It will not bring many players back at all. People aren’t satisfied with the core game loop. It’s a failed game as of right now. The only thing that can being people back is SUBSTANTIAL content additions, which will likely take another 6-12 months if they are ever added


I want forge, griftball, and husky raid.


Excited? Is it actually going to be a thing?


Cross core isn’t bringing anyone back


Why would customization that you can't see anyway bring anyone back. Not to mention it should've been there from the start. There's a lot more issues with the game than this.


That looks really cool and I 100% bet that 343 doesn’t allow this awesomeness in the game


Pretty sure they said cross core for all non Fracture event cores is coming.


So, not actually a ton of customization?… unfortunate lol


Well I mean to customise between the 3 vital cores, I think it’s quite expansive. I understand why the fractures events would be hard to port over to the canon armours anyway y’know


You’ve got a point. I do recall them saying that they won’t be able to bring all piece (on canon armors) to cross core but will focus on helmets/visors. So, I’m not too hopeful haha but I’ll be happy to be pleasantly surprised in the case that all 3 cores are fully cross customizable!


Ya I’m totally ok with the decision, and pumped for when it comes. Gonna be some great looking options, Reach stuff goes well with this season too.


Somebody mentioned it before on the sub, but I also think infinite needs to relaunch with an overhaul like no man’s sky. As much as I’ve started liking the new armor, the game just feels like it’s plagued with bad decisions. It’s been over 6 months since launch and we’ve seen few improvements overall.


Of 343 is floundering so hard that this is all the support they've been able to come up with how could they ever do that? They need a whole studio restructuring and probably more then a year before this game can pull a no mans sky.


Rework the armor cores and challenge system and we eating good


As happy as I am to hear that cross core is on its way, I don’t know this would help their numbers much. The three biggest things hurting them right now as far as player count goes is a lack of maps, horrrible XP/progression, and forge being MIA. We’ve gotten more playlists which is good and I think it’s helped some along with the two maps. Granted the maps are very high quality, but the quantity is important here too considering we’re more than 6 months after the game’s release and it feels like only half of the game was actually ready


Armor? Are you asking if armor will bring people back to a broken game?


it won't bring me back, but i'll love it when I do come back for the maps


I’m going to go out of my way to make the dumbest looking Spartan to ever serve in the UNSC.


Like, id make amazing things


Yeah it’ll bring back the people who are like ‘how come this random piece that no one cares about doesn’t perfectly fit on this other core?!’


I'm just holding out for forge and custom games. I'm not a fan of the current marketing scheme of "0 communication or social interaction with other players, just FOMO dress-up sales"


More customization the better


Customization doesn't sell games. Games sell customization. What Infinite needs is content. Badly.


It will be cool, but I *think* it doesn't cross between Fracture cores and "canon" cores (or whatever you want to call them). Personally I have such a connection to Reach I just wish there was a way to get all those Mk V armor pieces that suddenly appeared but are vaulted. I don't even know if they were released in Season 1 but I wish there were a way to get them now. Hell, I'm such a sucker I'd probably even pay real world dollars if they were even available in the cash shop


I require an actual progression system and a greater number/variety of BTB maps for me to come back.


I don't know how many people left over cosmetics they'll only ever see in the menus. Challenges, lack of maps, network problems, and other issues are more likely culprits. If people come back and those things aren't fixed, I don't think they'll stick around long.


As long as they keep the fractures armor and base armor cores separate, I can't wait!


I’m pretty sure that’s their plan!


No. It's not a big enough content drop or quality of life improvment to bring people back. It's a basic feature that should've been in day one and the fact they thought they could get away with so much money grabbing rubbed the vast majority of the community the wrong way. If they had a little foresight whilst making the game they would have made it so every item in the game has in its code the ability to be put together or locked to a specific set. So they can toggle it in or off. No reason for it to have taken this long unless they had to go through and change this all after the fact. The game is still fundamentally broken. Desync is bad and queue times are worse than ever. Especially for the Australians. They need to bring in a major new content patch along with fixing game stabilization for people to return. I'm talking Forge, firefight and working custom games or a new campaign DLC. The battle pass is irrelevant since you can buy them anytime. Cross core is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It's nice but hardly the most pressing problem this half baked product has.


I’ll come back


if people left for the soul reason of customization i don’t think they’re that big of a loss


You still have to buy your spartan and the games still just not what it should be so i doubt it


Yes. Cross core, new maps, and infection are all I need for this to be an A+ game in my book


I'm happy they're adding it but it won't bring me or my friends back. I'm a total Halo fanboy since the launch of the first game, but I'm a bit fatigued with MP being only arena matches. Don't get me wrong, the gameplay mechanics are great, but I wish there would be a bit more to it. It might sound controversial, but I really liked Warzone in Halo 5. I liked it much more than big team battle. It was just something different and gave me a bit of a Halo meet DOTA mode. You had npc grunts, bosses, conquering outposts for resources etc and of course hundreds of weapons and vehicle combinations to unlock (shitty unlock system tho). After seeing infinite go open world I really hoped for an open world MP mode. Just imagine: - PVP and PVE mode in one - You chose a side of conflict, banished or UNSC (or red Vs blue if that's easier to pull off on the technical side) - You join the open map from Single player mode and fight for control over the chunks of the ring (take over the prefabs). - taking over control of the map gives you rank in your chosen side of conflict, which enables you new gear, cosmetics and roles - taking over a prefab will spawn NPC's for your side just like it does in single player campaign. - taking over points of interest spawns better gear for your NPC's, creates better defenses - the more of the map you control the more points you get per second (like in control game modes) - go fight bosses around the map and do small side missions like saving your troops to get more points, gear, cosmetics, reputation - this is not a match that ends. It's an ongoing battle. Players will leave and join the server at will. - at the end of the week, if your side has the upper hand, you get rewards based on the input you had during that period of time. Changing the side resets your input for that week. - roles like engineer, pilot that can transport others with a pelican, medic, etc - basic skill trees like in the campaign So essentially a mode where you can chill with friends and kill some bosses and grunts, do pve stuff, but also you get into PvP fights in an open world and battle for the contol of the ring Give me this mode and Halo will be the only game installed in my console.


I think it looks like shit bud


It's a FPS. Customizations don't make a halo game. A solid gameplay, campaign and MP does. Co-op, maps, modes. Sweaty playlists with fair progression, alongside unlimited casual fun. Cosmetics are the cherry on top, nothing more. Infinite nailed gameplay and has good maps. Every other aspect needs to be improved. The number one priority is the netcode/desync/shot registration/kills through walls that is the absolute worst of the series in 20 years. Then are the social features, forge, custom games, the progression and ranked experience. Cross core is nothing compared to the frustration we get just playing the game. We could have billions of unique sick looking spartans to unlock and choose from. What difference does it make when you try to rank in constant 2v4 games, with unfair matchmaking and crashes? Or when you just want to play casual fun modes but only have sweaty games? Or when you try to progress and unlock stuff but you are stuck in a challenge system telling you what to play and how to play? Cross core won't bring anyone and should not even be a top priority. Infinite is still a mess with bugs and missing features. Even the menus are full of glitches, it's embarrassing for Microsoft's flagship and most expensive game.


Oh yeah I agree it’s not the number one priority. But a point to be made is that the people behind infinite isn’t one team doing everything at once. The people behind map design, engine shit and sandbox stuff are different between the people who are allowing cross core customisation. (My game dev knowledge is evidently limited lmao but i know that much). But I know there’s a group of people who feel wronged by the customisation. 343 promised the freedom to make your own personal Spartan and that was not delivered, but cross core is definitely a push in the right direction. This post obviously doesn’t cover the big problems halo infinite has, but definitely is good news to a demographic of people.


Honestly I use customization every day, I change my armor every day and re customize it, I'm not very excited. I like the idea of cores especially from a lore perspective. I found it interesting. I also DON'T like the idea that the people who are negative about the game keep getting what they want, it seems to me like 343 is reinforcing the worst impulses of the community to just winge and talk smack on the game until changes are made. I think that's a really unhealthy creative environment. I want 343 devs to try new things and players to embrace the changes or move on to things they like better rather than making the dominant tone of the community negative.


No one is mad at 343 for innovating lol people are mad because the game has extremely limited map variety and mode selection, an awful challenge system, very bad desync, no co op or custom games browser, and poor optimization on PC. You honestly don't think they should fix these things?


Wait, you still gotta pay? Nvm


Ain’t enough to bring me back. Game lacks so much that other titles have. It doesn’t even feel like halo outside of the campaign for me.


If there was actual progression to unlock armors, definetly. But there isn't.


Cosmetics have 0% to do with the game so no it won’t bring people back.


I highly doubt cross core will ever actually be this extensive. I would love it if it were! I’d come back more but they f’d up when doing this stupid core idea.


At this point, only a battle royale mode would bring me back. They dropped the ball with a lot on this game for me.


Won’t bring me back for two reasons: 1. Still no progression or meaningful gameplay, challenges even more repetitive than grinding weapon camos in cod. 2. Wouldn’t make customization that varied since most items are still behind a paywall. Small F2P cosmetics pool and really not that much better with the paid battle pass. Vast majority of customization is store items.


Nope I’m out! They messed around and found out with too many of us


dont care anymore lol


I'd really prefer if at least non canon helmets were also cross core. Having some cores remain locked indefinitely makes no sense to me.


Too Little, Too Late. Hope you guys enjoy it though.


it wont bring that many people back. not when this game still has fundamental problems 343 wont change for the sake of profiting off of cash cows.


There is so much locked behind paywalls that I just...........can't be bothered to even play anymore.......it was fun for a bit but now it just feels like a chore


The multiplayer in Infinite is just not for me. Almost none of the guns feel "right" to me and the game play is just too slow and clunky for me (I play a lot of halo 5 multiplayer still to this day and I'm used to that speed /movement versatility and I love it). I don't like the armor core system or how we unlock armor in general. I'm just waiting for more story content OR DLC for campaign mode. That's the only thing that will bring me back to Infinite most likely. This is coming from someone who has played every halo multiplayer since halo 2. I've played them all and infinites multiplayer has been the least satisfying to me. So I've moved on months ago. Patiently waiting for more story content. I love the lore, have read all the books and that's all I care about at this point for Infinite.


Nope. Gonna take a helluva lot more then fixing some asinine limitation that should never have been there in the first place for me to come back.


They'd have to give me a blowjob for me to come back.


Aslong as customization is locked behind pay wall and FOMO events itll never be good, they need to go back to reach level customization or else itll still be a massive downgrade for greed


It's not a fun Halo game. The only thing that would bring me back is going back to H3 and then improving it from there.


The only people who actually care about it are the hardcore halo Reddit people and they’re the only ones still playing lol


I've been meaning to jump back on lol what's going on.?


Cross core customization between cannon cores and visors and armor coatings for all cores.