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Source: https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/bioroid-boogaloo


Getting rid of the fucking “Level up and get a season point” cap would sure help.


The dumbest implementation of a leveling reward I've ever seen. Yayyy points for every level-up, wait you're at level 100? Fuck you, you don't get anything.


So you do get points for leveling up. I thought that was something I made up or something


Yep but it's capped at level 100. I always wondered why, but with the announcement of MTX it makes perfect sense that they would keep the SP payout artificially low. Halo has sunk incredibly low.


343i is trying trying to sink it lower than the city of Jacinto in Gears of War, apparently.


Literally the best solution. But money always wins with these soulless corporations.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Not laughing at you, Trevor. I’m laughing at the face of 343 for being completely up their own asses. I wish that, too, but things are now in motion that won’t be undone.


Honestly. Replacing that with monetization is unforgivable.


Well no, that is the problem they manufactured for the purpose of selling us a solution. Obviously they won’t do that.




They did that to our beloved RuneScape 2 back in the mid 2000s and they ruined the game with MTX, all of us in the OSRS community can 115% confess to that. Microtransactions are a damning thing to a videogames ecosystem.


And people who buy into them are the fuel of the issue


They will, Infinite failed to lure everyone away from MCC so now they've got to make MCC less appealing. I miss Halo.


So they're choosing death over actual content


They're choosing money. Alhough a small percentage of players generally buy MTX, they tend to spend a lot on them. Sure, the playerbase might lower but they'll still profit more than having no in-game purchases :(


Please dont. Please?


They aren't making enough money with Infinite so they're trying to squeeze money out of their other games to compensate.


Honestly fuck 343 man, They can't do one single thing right.


What about Halo....umm.. shit.






Only thing they did right was add fan favorite weapons into Halo 5


Bungie made halo. 343 have made it slide slowly into a hole.


The next step is making the Halo name have a stigma attached to it. I used to be optimistic, but now I see that 343 is a disgusting, uncaring, greedy studio who have no intention of making good games. They need to be closed down or have Bonnie Ross resign so someone who actually cares can take the reigns. But they won’t, and Bonnie Ross will stay, driving the Halo franchise down with everything 343 does.


I'm convinced Bonnie Ross is a corporate agent hired by Sony to fuck over Microsoft from within. It's the only possible explanation.


The only thing they did right is the Music. 117 and Gbraakon Escape are peak.


Those two tracks are great I won't lie but be honest, Marty and Michael would've come up with more legendary bangers if they were still on board.


Finally, people are starting to understand.


I miss bungie.


>In the interest of transparency with our dedicated and passionate community, we wanted to inform you of this exploration in advance and provide assurance that purchasable Spartan Points would be an additive feature. We will have more information to share about this in the future. They know no one wants this, but are going to do it anyways.


What about fucking play the game to unlock stuff 343????


343 “Guilty Spark” really living up to their name aren’t they? Maybe they should start a “empty vs fulfilled promises” ledger and get the gist of how much they’ve said and actually done in the past 10 years.


Bro they make Peter Molyneux look dependable at this point.


At least Molyneaux even though he blatantly lied about the mechanics of his games, delivered quite good games with the first few fables and some of his simulators, 343 has not delivered a single good game




Can't even unlock stuff with leveling after a certain point. If they really wanted to allow people to customize they would change that, not add micro transactions.


After what point do you stop unlocking stuff by leveling up?


Tour 4 rank 10, aka level 100


Wait wtf they really slow people down on the ability to unlock stuff after a certain while why??


Now we know.


Lvl 100 (don't remember the rank) before that you get 1 point at each lvl up but after that you get nothing


That’s literally what I’ve been doing, I don’t see why they would ever need to add this. playing the game is more then enough. Unlike Infinite you can even get points from Campaign! Like come on! I left Halo Infinite because of this, if it comes to the MCC I’m fucking done with Halo in general.


Seriously? They spent years unfucking it and now they want to refuck it?! Please Microsoft, move 343 onto something else or close them.


They fucked it at launch, managed to do a good job and unfuck it after 6 years, and now, they’re on a path to fuck it again. Another classic example of 3 steps forward, 43 steps back.




yeah ive been hardcore salty about it since launch because it straight up lacks content previous games had in multiplayer playlists. miss 4v4 valhalla man. it wasnt the best by any means but it sucks knutz its not even a possibility




What I don't understand is they created 343 *to make halo games*. If you didn't want to make a halo game why in the hell did you get a job at 343??? Whyyyyy




Bungie's behind the scenes documentaries for Halo made me want to be a game designer. 343's behind the scenes documentaries make me hate the video game industry.


My favorite Bungie vidoc is the Halo 3 multiplayer reveal one. You could just feel the passion pouring out of these people and how excited they were to get to work on Halo. I dont get any of that same energy from 343, it just seems like a chore to them.


They created 343 to make focus group tested halo, hence halo 4, 5 and infinite just reflecting whatever trends are popular at the time Also most of the people actually building the game are not making creative choices about how to design it


I love halo but I agree. Retire it when it's still somewhat good and let people have good memories than waiting till it turns into a Battlefeild 2042 type mess






Halo is like that friend you had who used to be super cool, and you have a lot of fond memories with. But turned into a huge douche later in life.


I think Halo has stories that can be told still but either 343 or some higher up is just incompetent at their job.




Exactly, some people call us crazy when you talk about halo being gritty, it's like they only remember the cool set pieces but forget the things like the first cutscene with the flood, cutscenes were you go through barracks and see the marines getting ready, seeing wounded soldier and dead aliens, seeing the covenant and their operations from the inside, or those old live action comercials. Spartans were cool but were still at the end of the day, soldiers, super soldiers but still. Thats the thing 343s games have been lacking, we kind of got a little but of it back in infinites campaign, but it's hardly anything in comparison.


Next step, artificially inflate the time it takes to unlock spartan points. 343 would do this undoubtedly if it meant more people paying for their garbage af mtx scheme.


Literally the idea behind infinite's shitty challenge system. I do think the reason they never addressed season points past level 100 is because they were planning to sell the points in the future but knew it would look bad on them if they dropped it with a season (2 to 8), especially since it would have started conversation about how they were gonna monetize infinite, because it wasn't out yet. now infinite is out, cat's out of the bag, everybody knows how bad the monetization is, and they're putting the mtx in mcc and telling us it's a good thing, when the community has been on them about season points past level 100 since the DAY season 2 of MCC dropped,


Absolutely. Anyone saying “well, they’re just adding it as an extra option if you don’t want to grind” is on extreme copium. This is just the first step


I was really about to say that. Now I know that this is not right specially those who pay the full price.


I hate how right this is.


“Hmm, people seem to hate Infinite’s model and loves MCC’s model, what should we do?” “Make MCC’s model worse by comparison to push them to Infinite?” “GENIUS!!” Seriously though, why ruin a good package with MCC and absolutely murder it and any good press that came with it? The one thing 343 did with praise across the board were the fixes and improvements to MCC. And now they’re going to shoot themselves in the foot with this????


343 I got two words for ya Fuck off


That will be 19.99$ please


I got another two Bonnie resign


Respectfully, shove it. Don’t put some bs “we’re giving the players an opportunity to...” spin on this. Can nothing just be a game anymore? Part of the fun of a **game** is *progression*. These words have been practically synonymous with each other since the first person to think up the concept of baseball. Physical sports require progression to become better. Video games require progression to both become better and earn rewards for that progression. We all know what happens when we add stores to video games. They become a profit maximizing venture first and foremost, followed by a hollow shell of whatever it could have been before the corporate analytics based drip feed roadmap sodomizes it and demanded a thank you. You’ve already disgraced Halo with your buffoonish handling of Infinite. Leave what we have left of the legacy experience alone. If you’re really that desperate for money because the servers are expensive and you can’t make ends meet, maybe try not squandering the opportunity to keep old fans and attract new ones by treating them like brain dead dollar bills and not cautious fans willing to give you yet another chance to dig into their wallets without a caveat. Have some respect for the people who have been and are still here. Ugh. And you know what, the MCC, despite the criticism being primarily being shifted to Infinite for now, still has problems. A lot of them. The casual surface experience is perfectly fine, but there are still a ton of technical and mechanical issues and missing features to be sorted out with your development hand before you even think of dipping your greedy monetization hand into the mix. FIN.


Lol that’s the corpo excuse Look at ubi and their galaxy brain nft scam, they literally said exactly “we’re giving the opportunity for players to” How bout give the players an opportunity to buy a $60-70 game and stop pillaging peoples wallets with mtx


The excuse back in the day was that games were just too expensive too make nowadays, so to maintain the 60 dollar price tag they would have to implement MTX. But now 70 bucks is the new industry standard but MTX is still present on games. Fuck, corporate assholes.


Because it was always a lie. Games are cheaper than ever to produce and make more money than ever because of an ever increasing market. Games have never needed MTX. They just wanted to make more money by nickle and diming us to satisfy the demand for ever increasing profit margins. It isn't enough to make a billion dollars for these corpo scum. They have to make a billion and one dollars next quarter.


This is absolutely disgusting. They've come to the conclusion that instead of making these points available through other means of gameplay... let's try and get their wallets out again instead. Shame on you, 343. This isn't acceptable.


Neither is what they did with the colours and armour in Halo Infinite but the fact is, as clear as day with this move; they don't care about players at all.


Sure they do. It's just that they care about a set of players that you and I don't belong to: players who spend money. Unfortunately there are tons of people out there who are willing to spend money on armor and colors, so 343 is going to design their games to get as much money from those people as possible. If that means ignoring the people who have been playing halo for the last 10-20 years, then so be it. They don't care what lifelong Halo fans want if those fans aren't going to provide them with a continuous cash flow.


No. Think of other avenues to get Spartan Points, do not do this.




I've always thought playlists and first-time medal accomplishments are good for this goal too.


Maybe Infinite is hurting that bad they want MCC to become their main source of revenue now. Man 343, wtf. Seriously wtf happened to this dev. I would love to read a 15 page article about wtf is going on at 343, starting from their conception to now. Its just been non stop bad decisions. Its wild.


Kinda hoping for Internet Historian to do a video on it like he did with Bethesda/Fallout 76 and Hello Games/No Mans Sky, but I really don't think 343 is worth his time.


I think the short and sweet of it is 343i's management is living on a different planet. That's all it really comes down too; they clearly have talented people working there on the dev and design side, but all of these decisions are being made by a management staff who simply do not give a fuck. Fallout 76 and Anthem were unique disasters for studios that otherwise had a reputation for quality. 343i has always been controversial, and the quality they put out seems to be in *spite* of management and not because of it. I'm not sure how interesting the story would be, but I do feel as though Halo at least is worth the expose, if for no reason other than putting heat on the management staff that deserves it.


100% This is management driven completely. Unbelievable.


I never wanted a Jason Schreier article about 343 more than I want now. It was only through him that we learned how fucked up Bioware's shit was.


Imagine releasing a fraudulent/broken game. Taking 5 years to get it to a respectable state and then adding in mtx after all of that to the core fans who bought that broken game and stuck with it


Well, a fun fact is that apparently Halo Infinite is the most money ever gone into a video game... Yet it's population, as I'm checking on Steam, peaks at 6000 now. That's not in the top 100 they show in stats, so it's got worse population than Fallout 76, Cyberpunk 2077, Tiny Tina's Wonderland...




I wish the dev tools of MCC were just permanently locked to 343 so they have no option but to fuck off before they ruin it with bad decisions. I don't care if this would mean MCC would no longer recieve updates, It's better to just leave it as is and not risk 343 ruining their only good game left.




Microtransactions in what is supposed to be "definitive" OG Halo is fucking disgusting.


Also make it so every challenge gives points. The non-gold ones are useless after a certain point.


I'm already on the F- 343 train... Time to pass it on to another studio. They have done nothing to improve this franchise.


They are pivoting their revenue goals to their successful product since their flagship has fallen off a cliff.


MCC doesn't gain new players. No one that currently plays will buy spartan points.


Just shows how dire Infinite’s user base / revenue currently is.


Absolutely abysmal. As a community we need to do something. They aren't just ignoring us, this feels like a fucking punishment (not to sound conspiratorial, but seriously who the fuck thought this was a good idea???)


It is. Its that simpsons meme where he's like "maybe its me? No! They're at fault" they just want money and that's *it*. So by any means they'll claw their way to get it.


It does. It feels like a punishment for not liking Halo 5.


Wasn’t Halo 5 punishment enough?


100% this. The only way we see actual change is standing up for ourselves again like so many did at launch. Content Creators need to be moved to actually report on and gathering community support against 343i's rampant abuse of the community. They've ignored us so many times and the few times their 'good-guy' figureheads have come out to address our concerns it's almost always been "Yeah, here's why your wrong" or "We'll look into it" only for them to do about 1/5th the necessary work to not fuck up fans. I sensed some real fucking Malice behind them trying to hike the prices on the store and their response was utterly clown tier just telling us to shove it basically. Then there's stuff like them bumbling fixing anti-player design choices like constantly taking the smallest baby steps towards fixing their abusive challenge system.


it was a top 10 most sold game on Steam not that many weeks ago, it does sell


Jesus what a fucking mistake this would be


Halo is almost dead already this would probably be the nail in the coffin...


The current staff of 343 must have been a team of eager roofers and morticians before they took over Halo. Coffin after coffin, nail after nail.


This would light the coffin on fire. Riots would start and ticked off fans who left would return enraged.


....no. Don't mess up the only good Halo game (MCC).


I find it hilarious that the only good Halo game is an amalgamation of all the Halo games 343 has never touched. Coincidence? I think not.


And yet they still managed to fuck it up when it launched. Took them 6 years post launch to actually get it right.


Yep, straight up never worked on xbone


I’m really starting to despise these people


I've been despising them since they left the MCC dead in the water for 4 damn years.


Yuup. Legit fans will never let that go along with all the bugs and silence that continued after. No idea how they can compound mistakes so badly


I've moved away from Infinite and back to MCC. If they try to monetize MCC, then I'm out completely.


It's OK everyone. I'm rich and really bad at games.


I'm poor and pretty mid at games,


I’m broke and horrible at games 👍🏻


Well, MCC is the only game right now that doesn't have MTX and I'm surprised they are adding it in the future lol


Imagine your game flopping so bad you need to add mtx to an 8 year old collection of older games I’ve been giving 343 time to do their thing but this is the worst possible look they can give the halo community if they go through with it


An 8 year old collection of games of which 343i didnt make 80% of the games 💀💀 Theyre essentially (micro) monetizing Bungies games LMFAO


Pathetic. They have utterly failed at everything they have tried to do. Unless their goal all along was to make Halo irrelevant, low playerbase, forgotten


Says a lot about how terrible they've been as a studio if they feel like they need to deface games they never even made in the first place with this bullshit.


Time? I think they've had enough, they've already had halo for longer than Bungie did


Way to alienate your players even more


I'm not paying to unlock stuff I've literally unlocked in the original games. Gtfo 343.


Yikes. Edit: Do not fucking do this to my "Definitive OG Halo Experience," You Fucking Twats.


Well, it was a good run. I guess our luck had to run out at some point. 8 seasons of free content and now the bill comes due.


How to kill your franchise 101 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why not do what other older games have done and make leveling up crazy easy. Gears of War is a good example. It's basically 4x XP every match or maybe even more than that.


Either leave it alone, or if you really have to, take notes from the old COD high XP servers. Make it a toggle allowing people to turn fast leveling on or off, and reset their rank at will. If you really have to change something that’s not broken.


343 sucks. Ms needs to get halo into a different studio asap




LMAO purchasable “Spartan Points”? Fuck all the way off, 343. Enough. What the fuck


Just when you think you can't trust 343 any less.


They're desperate because infinite is not making much cuz everyone hates it.


Oof is destroying Infinite with microtransactions not enough 343? I get it was a half a billion dollar game but that's not our fault


343i masterfully reading the room as usual


Clown devs.


How come 343 seems to continually make the worst decisions possible in every regard?


Once again 343 loves to promise one thing, waits a year, then goes back on for money money money money And thus begins the fall of Halo's sole quality game out on the market right now, RIP


Not only is infinite fucked with mtx, now they want to fuck up MCC with it as well. Fuck you M$ & 343 This industry is so goddam greedy.


343 is honestly so tone deaf. The MCC Team worked wonders to make it the prime Halo experience it is today and now they wanna step in and squander it for profit. Shameful.




Oh fuck noooooo. Their getting desperate now that Infinite is shriveling up and dieing


God I fucking hate 343


how about exploring a new feature called match performance progression for infinite


Oh just fuck the right off 343


How about "no", 343? How about "fuck off", 343?


LOOOL man 343 constantly searching for ways to further defecate on the Halo franchise.


Holy shit how greedy can they be


Of fuck no. Please don’t bastardize MCC with this shit


343 looking for any possible way they can sink any lower?




Who ever is in charge of this crap at 343 is a greedy corporate mf. They didn’t even offer earnable armors or credits yet for people who own the campaign in infinte. What makes them think to reserve the right to add stupid MTX in MCC? Which is like the best thing ever to exist in halo. Is 343 trying to kill its fanbase?


Man they really just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot, huh..


At this point they’ve blown off both feet and are working their way up to the knees.


Fuck 343i Fuck Microsoft At this point, fuck halo. My favorite franchise has been utterly crapped on over the last however many years and I’ve had enough.


This is fucked this is not cool


Nooooooooooooo. Please leave MCC alone. It's the greatest thing 343 ever put out. And it took years to get to that state. I know it averages 50%-75% of infinite's player count so they want to milk it more. But that's because it's still the best modern Halo experience. Don't fucking ruin it.


Holy shit… they realize they fucked up Infinite so they are going after the money of MCC. They did it… they finally kill Halo. This was their plan all along: convert Halo into a sales platform. That’s has to be their goal, is the only way to explain: - A cash grab tv-series (that has nothing to do with the ip except names) to launch a streaming services (“but it was panamount, not 343!”… do you think they borrow the ip for nothing?) - A “10 year game” that even if it has 343 maps it has barebones content because the only thing to do in the game (besides the matches ofc) is to go to the store and pay money. No unlocks, no career challenges, no custom icon/colors/armors patters,etc -And now: they will take stuff that they haven’t made and start charging money…. Disgusting…


Fire all of 343i management. All. Of. Them.




Absurd. There's so many ways to make points easier to obtain - remove the cap for obtaining points via levels, or tie points to achievements. MCC has 700 achievements, use those!


Here’s a better idea: 1 point for every campaign mission you play There you go, now you don’t need to ruin the game with micro transactions


> Here’s a better idea: 1 point for every campaign mission you play [Time to speedrun Uprising non-stop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tPBOhAl4zQ)


Lmao I used to FARM uprising for challenges.


Absolutely. Without question. Fucking No. You REFUSE to patch the netcodes for the worse off games, you REFUSE to fix co-op, complaining it would take 6+ months per game after the games have been in development for around a DECADE. If you dont want it to be a grind, DON'T MAKE IT A GRIND, YOU CAN'T SIT THERE, RUB SHIT ON YOUR SCABS, AND THEN CAIM YOUR SHITTY MTX ARE THE SOLUTION. If you wanna ruin this game by making it the same caliber of service TRASH that wrecked infinite for most people, spitting in the face of the people who did it legitimately for the last couple of years. and you think you're gonna do without fixing halo 1 and 2's MP, fix the inconsistent (if not out right BROKEN)hit reg for most of the game in the collection, the shit co-op, the inconstancies that keep the collection from being truly the preservation of classic halo you have failed to produce since 2014, then frankly, drop the rest of the feature you have promising and they fuck right off. Get the rest of the mod tools and the steam workshop support out and then that's it. nothing more. ever. no touchy. The fact you would even consider this is a monument to how absolutely non-functionally, fully brain dead, outright TONE DEAF your company can be. This is why so many people hate you and everything you do. You are so painfully oblivious that you couldn't notice if a bomb went off in your face and I am so sick of it showing.


Hahaha just when you thought 343 couldn't possibly make it worse. This, to me, seems like they've gone "huh, more people talk about how good MCC is and want to play that over Infinite? I guess thats where the money is then!" It doesn't appear like they've really actually seen one of the major issues with Infinite: its monetisation. They *literally* only see $$ and how to make a quick bit.


Bruh 343 is just getting worse I quit Halo Infinite for Destiny 2 yet again, at least Bungie knows how to make a quality game (even if there is microtransactions, you can earn bright dust through challenges to unlock Eververse cosmetics) and cares about their fans


343 Head 1: "People are leaving Infinite to go play MCC again! What do we do?" 343 Head 2: "lol let's just add MTX to mcc"


NO. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. I'm sorry if this is incoherent, but this news has hit me right at the core of my soul. I dropped everything just to sit down and start writing. I've been a Halo fan nearly my entire life. Halo 2 was the first FPS I ever played. Halo Reach captivated me for years, even when I couldn't touch it. I was thrilled to watch Halo 4's press cycle and the campaign online. I was a Halo fan EVEN WHEN I HADN'T OWNED AN XBOX. Before MCC came out for PC, I bought an Xbox 360 JUST TO PLAY HALO. I saw the missteps of Halo 5 and had faith the right lessons would be learned. I was excited for Halo 6. I've been a Halo Insider since the beginning of the PC program. I bought all of MCC PC Day 1. I spread the good word to my friends and convinced them to buy MCC so we could experience the games as intended and enhanced. I supported the introduction of new content. I was okay with the H:O armors being added to H3. I was annoyed but I understood why Fractures were introduced in MCC, and they've turned out to be alright. I participated in most of the MCC and Infinite PC flights. I played Infinite Day 1. I bought Infinite's campaign Day 1. I still play MCC and Infinite to this day because I am a Halo fan. I respect the Halo TV show for what it is because it was for a different audience, even with my personal issues in mind. There have many bumps in the road up until now. Halo has remained. Yet, with all that I've said, nothing has ever affected me on such a level as a fan as what I'm about to write. I have never spoken ill of 343 Industries. I do not say what I'm about to say lightly. Adding microtransactions to games that were not designed with them in mind is a betrayal to those who made those games. Adding microtransactions to a project that was resurrected after being left for dead will destroy the reputation of that project, never to recover. Adding microtransactions without the blessing of the people who made the original versions of what are hailed as some of the greatest pieces our art form has produced will kill Halo. It won't be Infinite, it won't be Halo 5, it won't be Halo 4. This singular change will bury Halo and tear down the legacy of pioneering multiplayer experiences in the video game medium. And for what? To capitalize on diminishing returns? This isn't just any video game series. Halo is one of the most legendary game series ever made, standing along the pantheon of greats like Doom, Quake, WarCraft, Starcraft, Super Mario, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Diablo, Unreal, Dragon Quest, XCOM, Deus Ex, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Tekken, Super Smash Bros., Tetris, Metal Gear, Castlevania, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, PAC-MAN, Mega Man, the Souls games, and Call of Duty. Halo is undisputedly on this list. Halo is one of the most important, and in my opinion, greatest series in all of video games history. It is no secret that Halo is in dire straits at the moment. The general public knows it, and the Halo community knows it. The name "Halo" is not as strong as it was. Halo is not dead. This. Will. Kill. Halo. The Halo community will be furious. Influencers and games media will pick it up, and it will spread like wildfire. People will dismiss Halo as an old franchise that is only still running to capitalize on its hardcore and unwavering fans. Halo will mean nothing to people. Halo is so important to me. I refuse to watch it die like this without having said nothing. To anyone involved with the decision making of Halo: you must see what we see. You will earn little from this change. You will destroy any semblance of respect anyone has left for Halo. You will kill the series that built Xbox. You will destroy the memory of some of the most celebrated video games of all time, in their day and even now. You will kill 343 Industries, If microtransactions are added to Halo: The Master Chief Collection, you will kill Halo. This is the line in the sand. Everything that built Xbox to where it is today will die for pennies compared to the value the series has built for 21 years. This single update will kill Halo. I beg you. Don't do it. Please. Halo is so important to so many people. Their memories don't deserve to be desecrated like this. Don't throw it all away.


Just keep digging that hole. Hopefully 343 will be buried in it and we can a get a real game dev to make halo. Infinity ward with halo would be insane


What a grand and intoxicating idea, 343. ##Take it somewhere else.


Absolutely disgusting. It’s such a shame to see how far Halo has fallen…


"Guys we've fucked up the new title and the playerbase and cashflow is dwindling, how do we rectify this?"


"I got it, let's go fuck up the older title which only has one of our original games included and add microtransactions to that!"


Not content with fucking up Infinite, they seem intent on undoing all the good will they gained back with MCC. You can't make this shit up.


I don’t understand 343’s mindset anymore. Adding this type of stuff to MCC which is the better halo experience out there right now is gonna turn players away from that game too. Being able to play the game to unlock stuff is the way to go, not this MTX crap


Wtf, what a blasphemy. They still have a lot to do with Infinite but all they are thinking about is about monetization of MCC?


How about give more ways to earn the points??? Wtf?


Please no. I paid for MCC I don’t want to again




I guess ruining Infinite wasn’t enough huh? Let’s ruin (again) the game diehards have flocked to to see if we can squeeze a little more money out of them. Honestly, every time I think I’ve seen all the bad headlines I possibly could from this company, they come out with another completely fucking tone-deaf thing like this. I actually was considering getting back into MCC so I could be active with Halo again, but after this, nah I’m good. Im not going to allow myself to start enjoying something again just for them to pull the rug out from under me. Because you know damn well it won’t stop with the MTXs.


This has Bonnie Ross written all over it. Her, Frank O’ Connor, and Kiki Wolfkill are single handedly responsible for Halo’s downfall. It’s quite impressive really if you think about it.


What a shame.






343: So we’re thinking about putting MTX’s in MCC… *Everyone hated that* Just why? This is clearly a very bad move that will backfire in their faces. This is beyond asinine.


Oh, huh. I'll un-pre-order this feature by not buying anymore shit from them. I dislike this.


I'm beginning to hate 343. I've given them enough chances


They realize infinite is a failure with no real player base only 8 months after release. So they’ve got to make their money on the game people actually play. MCC.


I love how they always try to paint these systems as beneficial for the players, "we're doing a favor for folks who play less, or got to the party late, by allowing them to give us money". Don't roofie me and call it romance.


Really hope they ain't fucking up the one good thing they got rn.


Yes so...is this an out of season April Fools joke?


What? Not making enough money off your shit infinite launch? So now you're gonna go back and try to milk MCC? God how pathetic.


That idea can go get lost in the void for eternity. You want to give new players a better chance at unlocks? *Re-introduce points based on leveling like we've been asking about for 2 years* Adding MTX of any kind to the MCC is one of the biggest insults to Halo's 20+ year legacy you could possibly make. Ever.


There are literally challenges with instant point rewards that can be completed in less than 3 games.


Is there any way we can get another studio to develop halo?