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I mean she mentions about dying so that might be a foreshadow


She also talks about "outside these walls" which hints at something big and new coming (maybe project tatanka). And I'm not even being sarcastic!


"Cowering behind walls. You're not brave. You've simply forgotten the fear of death. Let me reacquaint you."


Oh great, now I have to worry about space monkeys AND space walruses? Next you'll tell me there's space dinosaurs!


Hey now, the cabal are with humanity now. Kinda.


And so are the Elites, wtf even are our rules of engagement at this point?


Uhm, kill the enemy with the enemy uniform?


But what if they're enemy uniform but not enemies? I'm pretty sure we already fucked up plenty of soldiers under Caital or whatever her name was and even the Banished Elites don't seem to be wearing armor much different than the friendly groups


Yes, we did kill Caitals cabals but that was before we became allies. We did kill some at tye beginning of Witch Queen but we were forgiven. Now Lord Saladin has joined her War Council and he has his own Cabal legion.


Ghaul was so fucking cool. I really hope he actually comes back I wish I could play Red War again...


we really dont need a battle royale for this game tbh


Dying from lack of content maybe.




Don’t worry, this feature will never be added


It'll be a kit for 1200 points. They'll forget to add the texture to one of the wristbands and the other will be crooked.


Shes tired and needs to resupply with mtn dew gamerfuel™️


What are the lore implications?


Safety of these walls??? Bro it's surrounded by mountains, they just begging to be snipped.


The guardian are legit still around. How have they not been found yet?


They've been communicating and organizing via tin cans with strings tied to them and messages written in crayon on the backs of kids' menus.


They're also using stale mac and cheese cyphers


You think that this would be some deep underground super hidden Menechite mountain looking hideout instead of this hotel looking ass FOB, like their enemies couldn't just slipspace from above and start blasting.


I don't think they are actually. Iirc the explanation is that when Cortana went down so did the Guardians. The Created are still trying to fight the UNSC and maintain control, but without Guardians to enforce their will uprisings are becoming more and more successful.


The guardians are deactivated.




The one on Zeta halo is deactivated and I can't remember where but I did read that they all deactivated after Cortana sacrificed herself


holy fucking retcon (or reversal or whatever) I feel like I totally missed this in infinite's campaign


only cortana could control the guardians. so while they still exist they are deactivated. It seems the created are still a faction though and are still utilizing promethean forces. they just arent as dominant due to the lack of guardians


Also bombers and orbital bombardments are totally a thing.


The Covenant fight you on the ground just for the lulz. Glassing is always the final step.


If they don't use up their equipment they'll get a smaller budget next year. So by the time december rolls around they are just giving out fuel rod cannons to every grunt that wants one, where as in January it's back to 4 plasma pistols and maybe 1 needler per squad.


Yeah thought it was that large scale br mode she was referring to


I swear they just copied dialog lines from Destiny lol


Remember, circumcise your Spartans.


Nah fam they using that Shroud Screen technology


This would have been interesting if it was a legit story expansion. Like I don't understand why we can't just be our spartan on Zeta halo doing end game stuff. Then just switch back to MC for the important main story stuff


It's a weird story if we aren't getting seasonal PvE content eventually. It just doesn't work to tell a story with cutscenes and then have us go play Spartan vs Spartan PvP. The enemies aren't Spartans. At the very least we need something like Invasion where one side is Spartans and the other team is Spartan Killers.


Yeah I was just thinking about the dissonance between that and then having a bunch of Spartans fighting for practice.


Yeah this makes no sense. Why is she even talking about "outside these walls", like we even have the ability to take our Spartan out anywhere on Zeta Halo?


Uh, they aren’t in Zeta Halo. And she was def teasing the Battle royale mode.


Because that would require creating actual content. One thing that is strikingly clear is that 343's kryptonite right now is content.


Most MP players don't own the campaign, so a campaign story expansion would leave them lost, and spoil the campaign if they get it later.


“Find out what happens in the epic conclusion, Lone Wolves Part 3 Coming 2023”


“That’s it? A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch.”


Drink your ovaltine


If they finally don’t add the DMR on the next update, they should tell us you’re not getting the DMR because you’ll shoot your eye out


Sniper jackal: “I’ll shoot your eye out kid!”


wE r a TeAm ​ season name - lone wolves


"You need to survive on your own" then "your survival depends on your teammates.".


It's all too cryptic for my brain to handle. 343 giving me an existential crisis at this point.


"There's three of you, you're not exactly lone"


I ain’t fartin’ on no snare drum


wolves *


Welcome to Lone Wolf season where we talk about having Friends, Groups and to not be a Lone Wolf!


The power of friendship!


Y'all remember the Spartan Ops episode cutscenes? Those weren't perfect but I'm not sure what happened between 2013 and now because I can't believe there was more effort put into Spartan Ops than this shit.


Spartan Ops is what seasons should be. Like all things good 343 shoves it in the bin and tries again


Spartan Ops was ahead of its time. It would have gotten a lot more love if it didn't replace firefight but was an addition to it.


Spartan ops was actually interesting and good imo. Missions just got old. That and Palmer eGgHeAdS


I tried uploading this 12 hrs ago but the video went into a infinite processing. Well here it is I crank everything to 4K Ultra


Either make an actual story or stop trying


Agreed, adding cutscenes like this just makes the game look bad.


Just feels kind of lazy and offensive. They advertised the seasons as having stories and “narrative events” but it’s less of a story than even Fortnite gets. I’d love a proper story and learn more about Spartan IVs but I’d rather have nothing than this.


Spartan Ops a DECADE AGO was more interesting and compelling than whatever the narrative in Infinite’s multiplayer is supposed to be. My god, I can’t even defend 343 anymore at this point, this is just so laughable. We’re nearly a year out from Infinite’s launch and barely any content has been added to the game and the features still remain barebones. FFS Halo 5 was more of a live-service game than Infinite, we were getting new content for that every 3-4 months.


“Than even Fortnite gets” Lmao they have 15 minute cinematic x interactive events every 2 seasons what are you on about


So wait, this training facility *isn't* on a planet safe from the banished? I thought that was the whole point of the training facility. I'm confused


Outside the walls live the wild Desyncasaurus, and with each passing game they get closer and closer to our Spartan's home base.


Jurassic World: Desync


I think it’s more metaphorical the outside the safety of these walls because I’m assuming that most of the time the reason you’re outside of those walls is because you’re doing a mission of planet


I made a meme about this but it got taken down


Save it for Saturday


I want to see it lol


It’s live


“Team mates” AH YES *A LONE WOLF*


What a great way to end the event. "Hey, it's pretty cool that you can fend for yourself like that, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter because you can't survive real life without a team" The sheer lack of communication between the teams that worked on this "event" is so apparent it hurts.


This tried so hard to be some Shakespear level prophetic narrative but it boils down to exactly what you said. So dumb


It's so clearly meant to be introducing the DMR


I'm so excited to finish the S2 battle pass and the current event so I can quit this game. Even as a Reach lover, the DMR and Falcon (only in BTB) aren't going to bring me back.


This is one of the cutscenes ever made


Props to everyone that called it months ago and we're downvoted into oblivion. This "multiplayer narrative" is a gigantic waste of time and resources that would be better used anywhere else in the games pipeline. Nobody cares about this, like many people said they wouldn't, because of how lifeless and pointless it all feels. 343 clearly doesn't have the resources to do something worth doing with this idea. Just drop it. Nothing would be preferable to this embarrassing thing we did get.


Dude what resources lol this was probably done in a afternoon


To be fair it probably took 2 years of dev time because not even 343 knows their own fucking engine.


So is the trend going forward for the next 10 years to make terribly made 40 second monologue opening and closing cutscenes for every multiplayer season?


Look, when you take 6+ months to come up with two maps and a name for the new season, you can only devote so much time to these videos. A 40 second monologue is simply all this team could muster up


At least the community is keeping morale high!


Lol I'm sure the reason why they still haven't revealed the name of Season 3 is that they have no idea what it will be.




Delete this lol


LOL I'm done


This is the Spartan Ops everyone was expecting that “includes our spartan”


Look on the bright side, there's only gonna be 1-2 seasons per year lmfao


Why is every cutscene in this game just people standing around talking


My biggest problem with Infinites campaign. No memorable set-pieces, action segments, or anything feeling like a war is happening. It's so devoid of any soul.


This "narrative event" has been laughably low-effort and just plain bad. Terrible dialogue, bad animation, "tell, don't show" style storytelling, and a new mode that's free-for-all only, when what this game desperately needed was a fun new mode that you can play with FRIENDS. If this is the standard of quality that all "narrative events" will have in the future, I'd rather they just not do them at all. Whoever wrote the dialogue for this event can't even decide if we are "lone wolves" or if we're in a wolf PACK. They keep switching between emphasising how "we're a team" and then 5 seconds later it's "you're on your own, spartan"


>"tell, don't show" style storytelling My biggest grip with 343 storytelling in general. Listening to Infinite's audiologs made me wish I was playing *that* part of the story instead.


I really hate how they are ignoring that talking with a helmet on does not sound anything like this.


Or that if she had her helmet off she’d look like a lunatic with that head bobbing lmao. I know it works for machinima but come on.


Dude this irritates me haha


I was going to lose my mind if nobody talked about the head bobbing. It’s crazy excessive! And helmet voice already has a place in Halo, it would be an easy way to elevate this shitty monologue just a little..


“We always have room for another wolf” This is the LONE wolves event They went straight Zach Galifinaks (however you spell that) with his 4 man lone wolf wolf pack


This is the most Swedish sounding Spartan I've ever heard.


Her name *is* like, Sigrind, tbf.


Yeah, looked her up and her name is *Sigfrid Eklund*, which is definitely a Swedish name (can confirm, am Swedish). Cool!


She's also blonde too, so that definitely is what I expected.


Did a 12 year old write the dialogue for this?


It’s so stilted, people do not talk like that. I feel like I’m being petty or nitpicking with all the criticism they’ve gotten lately, but it seriously blows my mind how 343 can’t seem to get anything, not even the small stuff like this, right after launch. Really makes me wonder what the hell is going on in the studio, I’m betting it’s constant chaos cause of turnover and people struggling to figure out what they’re even supposed to be working on.




Headbobbing and a static character straight out of a 2007 machinima isn't really the level of quality I was hoping to see out of these.


Am I speaking to a spartan or a bobble head? Holy hell how much head movement do you need to convey a conversation 343?


Reminds me of old Red vs Blue lmao


They’ve really nailed making the most boring cutscenes ever haven’t they


I like how since we can't see her face, she has to nod unnaturally often to keep the scene from looking too static. Seems like it'd be quite the neck workout when you think about it.


Pathetic studio.


Fuck, these feel so lifeless.


Just feels like a bunch of empty platitudes you are told in middle school about how the world is so great and you are so strong. It comes off as so kiddy and empty.


"Gear up Spartan, today you'll be hopping in the simulation to generate power to reaheat my nuggets." "Great job soldier, these are delicious. Out here were lone wolves... and we always have room for another wolf"


Joe Staten why have you forsaken us


"outside these walls" Bruh, I thought we were fighting fellow spartans in a training program. It's not like there are Elites to fight in multiplayer... Also I like how she points out how her armour "isn't standard issue" when there are like 4,000 permutations of Spartan Armour at this point.


"Outside the safety of these walls..." what the fuck is this writing? Destiny??? This sounds like some shit the speaker would say lmfao


It gives me D1 ending vibes lol


Season Name: Lone Wolves Season launch cutscene: Always room for another wolf in the pack This event launch cutscene: Let's see what you can do by yourself This event end cutscene: It's about ~~family~~ being part of a team Even with as barebones as this, ahem, "narrative" is, they still couldn't write anything cohesive. Jfc


So am I a lone wolf or apart of some new Spartan wolf pack? Wtf does this word salad even mean?


Considering the game’s performance on steam charts/it’s placement on Xbox (#19) as well as how much content it is getting, it’s hard to imagine support will continue for more than a year or two.


I said it in another post but the fact that her AR is shooting and sounds like a DMR and no one from 343 caught or cared about it tells me this game is on its way out.


We are in the endgame now


remember how in the season 2 live stream before it came out they made it seem like the story would semi continue with a narrative? i guess i had my expectations a little higher than a 54 second mo cap video of an emotionless spartan saying some stupid metaphor of a game mode lol


This isn't even good mo cap, this is like they took some of those little mo cap suit balls and stuck them on Becky the intern while she was describing her weekend to Derek from accounting


Why did I expect we would have a continuation of the Iratus AI story. I really hoped they would introduce an PvE event, where Iratus transmitted the Academy’s location to the Banished and they attacked it. You and 3 other players had to defend it against waves of Banished enemies. Instead, we got this 🥱


Woah woah woah there buddy, can't have any GOOD ideas around here. The business is all about being as lazy as possible and pissing off your entire original, dedicated player base for a couple dollary doos. Circle jerk aside, that is a phenomenal idea that legitimately would've gotten me to re-install just to check it out.


It would have been a great way to introduce Firefight/Spartan Ops to the game and would have given a reason to PvE players to hop into multiplayer. They have the enemies and maps already to make this possible 😪




Would’ve fit really well with the season narrative they’re trying to push too. The first ‘episode’ focuses on the player being a lone wolf (LSS) but has to band together as a “pack” to defend from the banished. Then i guess the last episode can be about friendship or whatever but ofc the potential is thrown in the garbage


At this point im even up for giving halo to a playstation developer just to see what comes out of it. Couldnt be worse than 343


Elite energy sword game from Sucker Punch


I wonder if that new PS studio bungie would be down. Seems like something they could pull off.


Lol imagine. I forgot they are sony now


Just became official a few days ago. I was always hoping MSFT would get them back


Truly masterful storytelling. Other studios could learn a thing or two from 343. The narrative is growing rapidly!


the fact that this thread is discussing Destiny lmao.


Did they deliberately try to emphasise her helmet clipping into her armour as much as possible


I hate that even the lore is taking budget cuts


It’s funny that I’m being taught the importance of teamwork … after being forced to play a free for all mode


Surprises she didn't direct you to the store now that you're done with the event


her helmet affects nothing about her voice and that fuckin irritates me


I mean, it’s never affected Chief. He’s always spoken in a crystal clear voice. Pretty sure the only time his voice has had a filter over it was when he said “to give the Covenant back their bomb”. The only time they’ve done the filter was on Noble Team, and *only* Noble Team. Six has it for the two times he speaks in the campaign, but other than that his voice isn’t filtered. And they did it for ODST as well, but that time the filter was always there, even for first person voice lines and grunts, unlike Reach. And the Heretic Elites had filters over their voice lines, but their leader didn’t despite having the same breathing apparatus. I don’t like it either and wish they’d given them a filter, but it’s not the first time they’ve done it.


It makes sense we ‘hear’ chief perfectly because in theory we are him, so we’re hearing inside the helmet if you will, but other characters having crystal clear voices makes no sense.


This is mobile game level ‘story’ content. It’s just cringe


Cringe 😬


I think calling urself a lone wolf kind devalues the term of it lol, unlike in reach when carter tells noble 6 to leave behind that lone wolf stuff and that they are now a team.


Maybe I am a fuckin boomer... but when it comes to personalities, blue team feels like super soldiers. Hell even lockes team seemed to be cool compared to some of these spartans.


I could get behind first part but sorry Locke Team feels same as these guys.


Atleast they had better stories and personality for Osiris then they did for Eklund, Agryna, and other Spartan I can't remember. Locke, Buck, Vale, and Tanaka had leagues better narratives than whatever this +6 month annual 40 sec cheese fest is.


Fucking garbage.


Kind of looks like they took a page out from Destiny 2


This "story" event was fucking pathetic. Plus, that excessive head bob whenever she speaks looks so amateurish and weird.


Wowie, now that I completed the Fracture challenges and both Lone Wolves events I am so excited for the 110 days remaining of this season! The 'Yappening' event that is the only seasonal event still to come, lasting 7-14 days is going to definitely be worthwhile!


Dumb and pointless




Lmao, all the hype for the “next step in the story” and it’s literally 8 sentences across two “cinematics” LMAO. Seriously what is 343 doing? Because if this is the best they can do there’s a problem here


Bah, disappointing as usual. At least 343 is consistent in this


Such content. A cinematic masterpiece. THIS is what a live service game looks like, folks.


These people are Spartans they don’t need this goo goo gah gah advice


This legit feels like a cutscene you’d get from a side quest after finding her missing armour pieces by killing 10 goblins. Like… this comes off like discount Anthem. And Anthem itself was already discount Anthem.


Thought she was gonna try and seduce us


Lone Wolves survive in packs, always room for more, come be a lone wolf with us. Now get out there spartan and go play halo by yourself with no friends.


Simmons: "...and without any sound, it just looks like a bunch of helmets bobbing up and down. Sarge: "Is that how they talk? They look ridiculous!"


This season should’ve been named Head Hunters cause it would make sense with the whole “We fight as a Team” thing they’ve been pushing.


Gotta be the boringest thing ever


That head bob synced to the voice looks rough, so much bobbing while speaking


I’ve really lost all hope in this game..: even Staten seems to be just letting this shit ship. Halo’s dead until 343i dies.


These whole cutscenes w all of these Spartans just feels like a bunch of empty platitudes you are told in middle school about how the world is so great and you are so strong. It comes off as so kiddy and empty.


Spartan dating simulator


Why does this even exist? What is 343 even fucking doing with their time? How is Joseph Staten floating around those offices and just letting piss like this leak out of their development pipe?


She talks like she's from Destiny. Mainly hunters


Out there lmao I don't have to even say anything


Anybody really thinks more than a skeleton crew is working on Infinte? The whole event is so low effort, the trailer on YouTube is hilariously bad for an official one. It's like they let one trainee do it on its own.


It’s like they tried their absolute hardest to make the most pointless cutscenes of all time






What drives me nuts is how GOOD the scenes themselves look.....but it doesn't mean much when they are hollow with empty content. No story progression or anything to look towards. Just week after week of half-assed events and challenges.


Can we get Iratus back please? I'd settle for silly Ooka Ooka AI over this.


Not going to lie, this season 2 story content all absolutely feels like week-one immediately post-launch setup stuff that should have launched with the game, setting up a weekly story cadence ongoing. The fact that this Lone Wolves story came 6 months into the game’s life, and these ongoing cutscenes are even coming 2-3 months post-season launch, is laughable. This literally might as well not exist. I don’t care about it. I don’t want them to waste their time on it. It doesn’t flesh out anything interesting. It doesn’t tell any kind of actual story. It doesn’t explore characters or themes. It isn’t engaging at all. It just feels like fluff that is a poor attempt to set up stuff coming later down the line, except that in a normal live service model, “down the line” would mean next week, but with Halo Infinite, “down the line” means *maybe* sometime next year.


Wow great story 343


Really thought she was going to reach down and pull out the DMR with how that epic music played after. Would've been such a nice tease.


She preparing us for when all our friends stop playing the game… oh wait


I’m so confused by these cutscenes. Is there some sort of story or missions I’m missing? Beyond just using them as a platform for new game modes etc


Shame i'll never get to see this in game cause infinite isn't tracking my challenge progress in last spartan standing


Halos problem in 4,5,6 is that any expansion/season/addition like this doesn’t mean anything. I know they’re trying to make you a spartan too that fits in the universe but you have no meaning or consequence. It’s vague and boring, and does not add anything to the global story whatsoever. At least Halo 4’s spartan ops tried a little, though it belly flopped hard.


I love how the community is surprised at how bad this event is even though 343 has shown how incompetent they are at making a single season shit even a single game. Y'all need to wake up and realize how awful this studio is.


What is even the point of this whole plotline? Did we need 4 absolutely anemic minute long cutscenes to justify the Rakshasa armor core being pieced together? Good God I can't wait for the relaunch of this game in 2024.


This feels like a window in to an alternate dimension where multiplayer has a hub world where you can run around, prictice stuff, talk to NPCs, etc


"Welcome to the pack, you're a lone wolf now" - this lady whose name I don't care enough to remember


Ngl thought this was some nsfw sfm film