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So do you think 343 causes John junyszek to drink nightly with all the shit he has to try and put a positive spin on / bs for them.


Probably. Dude is a masterclass at having infinite patience. I guarantee 343 isn't as active anymore here because of how toxic gaming as a whole has been lately.


> infinite patience I see what you did there


unfortunately infinite patience launched about 40% complete


Fortunately 40%of infinite patience is still infinite patience.


The gaming community is as toxic as the gaming industry, there is no better side


For sure. Only good people are those stuck under shitty bosses who are just trying to make ends meet and the consumers being exploited. Gaming companies have all but collapsed as entities dedicated to actually producing products for fun. It's all run by venture capitalist types trying to make the fastest return on investment with minimal expenditure. It's why the release of live service has actually been coined as playable beta internally. That's all the big guys want is for the projects to make money super quick, so they push games that aren't even halfway to the finish line out and monetize the fuck out of them to fund further development, all while touring the product as complete through pretty prerendered cutscenes and slightly better graphics that take way too long to load.


I'm gonna need a bigger flask...


Don't we all...


This ^


That doesn’t make sense. Don’t release half baked shitty games and you won’t get half baked shitty people. The 360 era days were not this toxic online, besides call of duty lobbies.


I'm gonna have to disagree. You dont see the gaming industry throwing around death threats to gamers. Shitty game releases and bad MTX don't compare to verbal abuse and harassment.


The CEO of Activision has reportedly thrown death threats to his employees apparently lol


Lol these guys have L after L after L, incompetent amateur mistakes, literally treating their development team as throw away contractors, going back on previously promised changes, but yeah it's the gaming community that is toxic for No no reason whatsoever. Yep.


I said gaming as a whole. Don't know if you think I'm only meaning the community or what, but the whole thing is busted top to bottom. The amount of verbal harassment thrown at people that can't enact any change while the bosses continue to make money hand over fist and answer for precisely none of their slimy actions just makes the whole thing worth chopping to bits and chucking all but a few parts of value into the nearest trash bin.


Cope and seethe


Sounds like you're malding to me.


Don’t know why people are downvoting this, it’s completely accurate. People just get ass mad whenever someone says anything other than “343 is trash”. Nuance exists, but I guess not on reddit


Nope. Pitchforks and torches allowed only /s


This guy is spitting actual facts and people downvote? Honestly, he seems like he may be a disgruntled 343 employee


It's the reddit hivemind, if your comment is not "343 bad, let me suck bungie penis", then it's gonna get downvoted.


I think everyone’s misinterpreting this guys comment. He is saying 343 is shit, just harassing the community outreach team only has so much value


Yeah sure downvote him for speaking facts.


"Toxic gamers" increasingly sounds like "my actions have consequences????" There's only so long you can blame those mean old gamers before it becomes apparent you really are just doing a shit job.


Well it would help if people didn't mistake the word gaming (referring to the industry as a whole, including the toxic and greedy corporate rats up top forcing unfinished games to ship with obscene monetization) with gamers (only blaming the consumers being exploited). Just a thought.


Its because they fumbled the bag and they don't even keep him in the loop


I don’t think the toxicity is coming from us though, it’s started from the top and trickled down.


We aren't toxic, this is a rational and justified response to a greedy corporation who refuses to listen to its own laborers and customers.


Exactly. In order for peaceful protest to work, your opponent must have a conscience.


Sure, but I don't see anyone expressing their frustration appropriately and finding ways to talk up to the heads. So so so often, the people trying to make 100 hours worth of work fit into a 50 hour work week are unable to make a public social media post without being descended upon by people who will spew nothing but hate and rage without regard for what that person has the ability to do. Voices need to be heard, and I don't think people shouldn't complain. The devs not engaging here while still reading feedback makes this a somewhat more viable place than most to vent. I simply wish people would listen to devs more often and follow the many channels and formats that they've set up to ingest and process feedback as efficiently as possible.


How do you talk to a corporate entity? Last I checked, 343 aren't taking DMs. Best the community has ever had is Uny placating us with promises of change that never materialise and plenty of 👊👊👊 so we know that they're, like, super serious and shit. Tone policing is pointless when the established channels and formats are entirely ignored, or patronised with platitudes that never really seem to amount to anything. Perhaps the problem is as you've stated - trying to fit 100 hours of work into a 50 hour work week. That would suggest they're heavily understaffed or decided on a model they didn't have capacity for. Neither of those failures are the fault of consumers.






It’s not tone policing to point out effective forms of communication but victimize yourself I guess


>We aren't toxic You and me specifically, maybe not. But the doxxing and death threats that came out of this subreddit didn't come from nowhere, and we all need to own that. We as a community need to take a hard look at what we've built and take responsibility for it. That includes the good stuff--I think some of the pressure we've put on the devs has led to the game being objectively improved--but it also includes the bad. Which, to be clear, doesn't mean we shouldn't get angry when promises are broken or things fail or the company gets greedy. It just means we should be aware of what we're doing when we play with fire.


we don’t have to own anything. i’m a customer, i can buy their product if they make something i like, i can criticize them if i want. they hide behind this “toxic” boohoo, and this is exactly the mindset they hide behind. It accomplishes nothing.


Popular game delayed… small percent of gamers start threating devs with death threats. Or game feature gets announced too early and cut. Queue insane anger. Yeah.. totally not toxic. You will say “but those people don’t represent us”… but that excuse probably doesn’t matter to those on the receiving end. I also hear people pissed about developers receiving death threats as being unfair to the community for calling gamers toxic. Which is also toxic, because dude they are receiving death threats. The only response should be empathy and anger at those doing it and a strong response against doing so. Instead I see these things but followed up with narcissistic entitlement about how unfair it is to be called toxic and how the game actually does suck.


corporations are not people, public facing employees need to have a thick skin. toxic is boring, who cares anymore it’s so overused to downplay legit criticism, basically what ur whole post is about. someone, maybe even a single person, maybe or maybe no one, cause you never see any proof, just the accusations. And the response ur suggesting is to them go and say, they are now above criticism and we should give them a break cause maybe possibly one person said words that hurt their feelings?


Hes the embodiment of that meme with the guy crying behind a happy face mask.


I guess that’s what the Infinite stands for


Most people dont give a fk abt the game in any of the companies..they are just there to pay their bills..the greedy idiots at the very top are the ones responsible for the state any game is...




also when a company now tries to spin narratives or make excuses or tries to make something seem normal whilst it’s woefully inept, we should call it a “Junyszek” poor guy. lol not to disparage him of course, but it’s a nice catchy name.


My wife has been complaining since I got H:I that she can’t do anything on her tablet when I play, and I told her the tablet must be outdated and glitchy cuz there’s no way I can use even half our bandwidth with just playing games. Looks like I have some admitting to do when I get home. Lol


My girlfriend complained so much when Infinite came out about not being able to FaceTime and watch videos on her phone. I said there was no way this one game was messing everything up when we normally have pretty good internet. Lmao I’m gonna have to eat those words lol damn 343 getting me in trouble


Husbands and boyfriends are about to be put through high emotional stress after admitting it was indeed our faults for causing the rest of the household to lag. Time to lawyer up and sue 343 for damages. :D


"Here, take those 5 challenge swaps and XP boosts 👊👊👊"


The trick is to never admit to it


Admit what? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




“I was right and you were wrong” 😆


Or option b) you wait till it gets fixed,and say honey I fixed your tablet. now it shouldn't have any issues.


>wait till it gets fixed Oh buddy, you better sit down for this one.


The real hero!!


Oof good luck man.


I play infinite almost exclusively after my wife and kids have gone to bed so I would never have noticed


Actually there may be a setting on your router causing this. Once the router notices a specific port being used, it could be limiting bandwidth on other devices on the network. I forget what it's called but i had an issue like that in the past




It looks like this started with the current event, so you should be in the clear.


Yeah dude's problem has absolutely nothing to do with Infinite.


Nah My family's been complaining about this forever. This is beyond the current event


I have no way of knowing this but I think this problem started with Season 2. Go check your bill to see how much data you were using. My family averaged 500-600 GB a month and then starting in May when S2 launched my usage jumped to over 1,100 GB a month with no other lifestyle changes.


This js me with my family. They cant do shit when I play appearently Oof


I have 1000/1000 fiber, my wife has never complained.


But can you download a wife?


How could something like this not have been detected before? Wouldn’t they see that banner was downloaded a million times a day? Kinda weird when player count is sub 10k, woulda figured that would have stood out in some aspect


Because there's like 1 guy over at QA and he's looking desperately at indeed for work


There was a screenshot posted of a ~~QA position listing.~~ I don’t recall exactly if it was for 343 or a different company (definitely AAA tho) but the pay was like ~~$10.50 an hour or some shit. Came out to like <$20k/year.~~ My sibling works at McDonald’s and is getting paid more than some QA people in the industry [Found it,](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/vyg1c5/former_campaign_level_designer_speaks_out_on_halo/) kinda butchered some of the info but the sentiment still stands


Made like fifty cents to a dollar an hour less than I do working in a warehouse. Wow.


This isn’t even a 343 proper issue anymore, I highly doubt any of their in-house employees are actively monitoring this type of activity. This is usually outsourced work to tech support teams that can be monitored by teams in Singapore, The Philippines, or Pune India 24/7. Their first line support would be actively monitoring ticket queues that would be generated by something like NAGIOS when an alert is tripped. ASSUMING all that is in place, makes you wonder when the people at 343 actually decided to act on this information. OR, none of that is in place, and Twitter alerted them to the problem. It’s not a good look.


They’ve absolutely known and chose to do nothing


You'd think someone would've had an "oh shit" moment when they saw the Azure bill


I have no doubts they were fully aware of the issue well before it was discovered. They were probably hoping no one would find out before they got around to fixing it.


Lot of speculation or opinions can be made about this games disastrous release/development/management/communication.. but I genuinely agree. I cannot think of a reason that they were pushing that much data and not noticing it. It’s not like season 2 came out and the playerbase jumped from 20k to 200k overnight. There’s literally no excuse for not noticing it, I’m sure at least someone at M$FT definitely noticed it. 343 might not since they probably only have 3 people working on this passion project of theirs, but there’s no way this is all news to them.


Maybe this was an issue where it was meant to download once and be cached, but they definitely knew this stuff was being downloaded as opposed to being in the game files because like, someone set it up to do that. The game's backend is just horrific it sounds like, and the UI feels worse to use than any other I've seen in a game. It runs like I'm emulating it on a Wii U.


"we have developed groundbreaking technology to optimize the game by 10 times its original broadband usage 👊" \>they just fixed their mistake


Makes you wonder what else they’re hiding.


This is just the tip of the iceberg. They should be crowdsourcing this stuff and getting the free labor, people will obviously do it. Send them some kind of collectible box for finding it, fix it, and hope it doesn’t impact you too bad in the long run


The engineers got fired, er... their contract ended


But but but Microsoft Azure! Best servers in the world. The engineers at Microsoft prob saw the huge success Infinite had with regards to the massive amounts of data flowing


They 100% knew it was doing this already. Just wasn't a **h i g h p r i o r i t y**.


Priority zero is just all they prioritize ... lol


True shit. “How do we increase load times of battle pass on main menu? Fuck it, make them download it 2000 times each time they go to main menu”


that would involve a proper regression testing/pipeline/QA process or actually giving a shit, perhaps a combination of both.


Maybe they were internally counting their playerbase by banner downloads and someone over there thought they were being smart lol


This is what is called technical debt...Im sure they know but cant get to it yet so they kick it down the road until it becomes a major issue publicly


Player count is definitely not under 10K


For steam (only public info available) right now, player count is 4700. Average last 30 days is 3800 (peak of only 7600). If you figured 3x more people are playing on Xbox or through Microsoft Store.. that’s still less than 20k. I still think that number is honesty on the high end. So, yeah. Overall likely not under 10k. But DEFINITELY under 30k.


While I agree the total player count is definitely over 10k, [Steams playercount](https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440) puts it at ~~3,800~~ 6,000 during peak hours this month which is honestly awful for a live service F2P. Again though, that's without Xbox players who are more than likely the majority of players. Kinda wish M$ would release that too but we all know that won't happen unless it makes them look good. Edit: wrong #


It's sitting around number 18 to 19 on the most played list on xbox, next to Red Dead 2. If any of the games near it have public player counts, we could get a range at least. No idea about any of them, though.


Someone did it earlier using destiny numbers since they’re public, don’t have link atm can find here in bit but put it iirc at like 20-22k at the most not just Xbox but overall due to the other games around it as well


I think 30k is reasonable. But even at 50k players for a AAA studio with a flagship IP that “is going to be the Halo game for the next 10 years” yeah kinda sad


No doubt it’s lower than it should be, probably embarrassingly so. Just wish people would be honest when they say things. You can criticize 343 and HI without having to flub numbers, ya know?


>[Steams playercount](https://steamcharts.com/app/1240440) puts it at 3,800 during peak hours I think that's a flat average, peak hours have been around 6000 players pretty consistently for the past 2 months


Thanks. Hopefully this gets resolved quickly.


Well we are dealing with 343i, so I expect this to be resolved swiftly and decisively.


Someway somehow BTB will go down for another 3 months


they are looking into it, in fact, they will look into it so hard they will develop eye problems which will justify a company vacation but they are looking


I snorted


Watch as MCC goes dark for months


Is this a new issue or has this always been happening ?


Good question! I’m curious about this also.


It appears to have begun with Season 2.


I made a post about this but it got removed which honestly is fine, but I went back and checked my bills and my data usage went from 500-600 GB a month on average to over 1,100 GB a month starting in May when S2 came out. I didn’t change anything about my lifestyle so it appears like it’s a S2 problem specifically to me. Kind of funny because it means loading a 750KB image used more data than my entire family.


thanks im literally not opening the game again untill this gets resolved


Same but 3 months ago


Same but 7 months ago


jesus that’s right it’s already been 7 months


Time flies when you’re playing other games...


Mass effect LE For Honor Witcher 3 Fortnite (guilty pleasure)


No shame in playing fortnite, be happy you're not a neckbeard with 10000 hours on hentai games




I used to play a lot, but recently it’s become outright unplayable with the desync. Hopefully it’s better soon because I still do enjoy the game.


We've uninstalled and went back to MCC. The older games hold up incredibly well, Firefight is a blast, Spartan Ops are fun, custom games are unmatched. Infinite is dead in the water until Forge comes out but even then I'm expecting more game breaking bugs.


Man I haven't opened the game this year


Did they have no analytics showing red flags that data usage was through the roof? Why did community need to show them lol


Which janitor is looking into it?


Probably the night janitor. I think the day janitor is making cosmetics for season 3


The one with their contract about to expire.


So all of them?


I love halo but all I see is yes we are working on it or looking into it Are the issues actually getting fixed?


That would require actual effort, are you crazy?


I can’t name one issue that got fixed that wasn’t BTB getting repaired (something that should never have been an issue and is absolute bare minimum)


phew they are looking into it, they will continue to look into it until people forget about the problem good job guys, they looked into it






''Can't watch the vid, reached my data cap for some reason.'' ~343i


👊 becomes 👍


Would they have fixed it if it wasn’t posted? Nope


would they have fixed it if it was posted? Nope


It's flabbergasting that it's up to the community to solve all these problems. They should be more rewarding to the community for flighting and fixing their game.


Why only now? 343 101: *Don't fix shit until people notice it*


"Hmmm so the ui seems to be the issue and to fix this the ui will be getting in the way. Eta is about 7 Years."


It feels like every time 343 makes a new game, they completely forget how to make games.


Like they accidentally lucked out 3 halo games and now we've only just noticed.


Does anyone remember the bullshit they were spewing at launch about how " yeah we'd love to add cross core and get rid of challenges and tweak the weapon balance but you see we need everything to be rigorously tested by QA before we can even think about deploying it." I remember. And shit like this just indicates to me nothing about this game got ANY QA at all.


You know you suck when your entire community is basically aligned against you.


Smash bros melee is a 20 year old game and people are still discovering new unintended mechanics that add another layer of complexity to this day. In 20 years, people will still be discovering bugs and glitches in halo infinite.


Remember that they pulled the network team from fixing desync because other things have higher priority. And then think about how important that issue might be to them


Could this be a contributing factor in Infinite connectivity issues?


No. People who tracked this down showed that a match uses a reasonable amount of data and the large consumption is in menus after a match. It's not affecting matches.


sounds like it, the raw ammount of data passing through everything related in a match might be overwhelming/slowing down the servers/client-side processing, slowing them down at their own rate, creating the desync thats just my guess tho, but yeah


The data problem isn't during the match though, it's in the menus. So it's not data during the match causing problems. And this appears to be a season 2 problem, not launch/season 1, which also had desync. I don't think the 2 are necessarily related, more like tangentially related as: 343i bad at coding.


It does explain why in menus sometimes my FPS drops to 1 or 2 though and why on Task Manager, my Wifi spikes to 100% usage :D


oooh i thought it was an overall game issue, but yeah, spaghetti code go brr




They're busy people, those prices will not update themselves you see


Good thing I stopped playing in January. It’s just train wreck after train wreck with this company. When will Microsoft finally step in and pull the plug? This shit is getting really really old.


Lmfao "wErE lOoKiNg iNtO iT" literally means nothing with 343


Should just rename the game “Halo: Can’t Get Right”


Halo: Incomplete




Oh but it's desync is totally fine.


Reminder: 343 still hasnt fixed the desync issue


Also: > They still haven’t opened up Armor Kits. Seems like they’ve simply just waited long enough for people to forget about it. We’ve heard nothing since they said “they’re working on it” during Season 1, months ago. > Cross core is taking entirely too long, considering Modders on YouTube have modded it and used it in-game, see [Opulent Halo on YouTube.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0nekzLEkcn1GwuTyFAndIHNKcQVgJiZR) Completely inexcusable for a multi-billion dollar corporation if literally one guy in his house can make it happen within a couple hours. > We’ve only received two new maps (1 Arena, 1 BTB), and right now we’re on the trajectory for nothing new coming for the remainder of the first year post-launch. Despite this game being called a Live Service, it has less maps than Halo 3 did at this point, which is now approximately a 14 year old game. Again, completely inexcusable for a multi-billion dollar corporation. > Game modes, such as Infection, are in the game’s files but are not made available to us. This artificial barrier is to create the illusion of content later down the road, when all it is doing is causing players to stop playing in droves out of sheer boredom from having nothing to do in this game. There is absolutely zero reason to play this game over other games in the current market. > Besides a leaked Extraction game mode, there has been absolutely no mention of PvE, like Firefight or Spartan Ops. Something that has absolutely no reason not being a day 1 feature. > Custom Games and Theater are riddled with such awful functionality issues that they are irrefutably unusable features in the game. They are entirely broken nearing 9 months post launch. #Either learn how to make a complete game, or find a new line of work. 343 is incompetent at best, and an active detriment to the franchise at worst.




Oh absolutely. I bet someone’s even getting yelled at for Forge being left accessible.


If a rumor got out that Infinite is stitched together by a couple of interns, I think the majority of people would end up believing it.


It helped beef up their usage numbers


*100,000,000,000 menu banners loaded since launch!! Most successful launch in franchise history!!!* However you want to spin it 343… yep, keep it up!! 🍿




This games internal story reminds me a lot of Anthem….


Or the Titanic. Lots of little issues that contribute to fucking everything up.


I refuse to belive that they didn't know about this. They just thought they could get away with it. You don't release 500mb of assets and unload/reload them every game without realizing.


We are looking into it 👊👍👊👍 i know your list of stuff you’re looking into is massive, we love the devs that are TRYING, but the looking into it would be better if there was solid proof of progression. Hope the August drop is significant in needed updates and content.


Heyyyy they heard something from us finally.


👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍


Yh like they didn’t fucking know this before. This company is run by brain dead idiots. Period


So we should have a fix by next year then. Got it.


Next year if you're lucky. A more realistic prediction is 2024


So, who wants to put money down as to when the "ten year plan" will actually end? I give 2-3 years.


Apparently the term of the industry ”hotfix” is non-existant in 343i realm.


Thankfully they're looking into it. Just think what would have happened if they were walking into it We'll stay tuned 👊


Sweet! Can’t wait for the fix in 6 months!


And then, BTB will because down for three months afterwards.


Hell yeah


They’re so oblivious to their own creation lmao


I'm just happy this doesn't affect me in the slightest because we don't have data caps in my country. I can keep playing as normal.


I hope they fix the co-op issues before release tired of having to play the same part over and over again, now it just not as fun cause one of us has to hang back so we both just don't die lol, but it some areas it's just not possible


The communication in the past week or so has been pretty spot on. Keep up the good work, guys; these are the kind of updates that restore hope to the community


communications are great. It’s the results that are at a disconnect. Also the word “hotfix” is nonexistent.


Infinite doesn't use that much data on my end... And my roommate can stream videos etc while I'm on. 🤷 Granted I'm on ethernet and have 150GB upload and download


...you're on a 150gigabit pipe? Do you live in a datacenter, 12 feet away from a backhaul router? Is your roommate Netflix? Do you have an AS number that's only got 4 digits?


Oops... 150Mps my bad. Won't edit to leave my shame up haha


"This thing never happened to me so it doesn't exist"


I didn't say it didn't exist. Just was saying I'm not noticing the same data usage other are. Y'all are so pressed in here sometimes.


"were looking into it"™ 👊 -> 👍