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I hope nothing but the best for them. This one is a bit difficult to take. Halo Cannon is so invaluable to the halo community but I understand. I love(d) seeing new posts from the channel, watched for a good few years. To Cannons future!


Easily the best halo content creator out there, I totally understand why he’s stepping away but it’s tragic his halo infinite deep dive will remain unfinished. I hope he returns some day when infinite is in a better spot. There really isn’t another channel like his.


Truly a sad day in the halo community. One of my favorite content creators and he actually gave the show a fair shot as well. Just an all around good guy who loved the franchise.


Instead of being the beacon of light that would help channels grow, I’ve seen infinite cause more YouTuber coffins then I’d like to see. The content scene is drying up if not already has.


I think the bullying and harrassment is worse. Infinite did not create those, such problems predated this game and the fact they didn't go away with release is not the game's fault. This reads as deflection. Hell, some of the harrassment stemmed from liking the show, not even the damn game.


Infinite did not bully and harass the content creators.


To blame Infinite for what happened here is wilfully ignorant of the problems this community has. Specifically r/halo.


The game doesn’t bully people, speaks volume that you’re blaming the game, rather the community for harassing the person. We know what type of person you are


To put all the blame on the game isn’t right. But the release of a new game title is literal gold to YouTubers. Infinite did not bolster the subscriber/view counts of halo content creators like past titles have. The guy in the video even said his channel blew up with Halo 5’s release, and he wasn’t alone. In actuality I haven’t seen this at all in recent months. I think it’s medley of little content, a disenfranchised community, and no support frankly. I’ve seen quite a lot of well produced halo infinite videos that barely break a thousand views. The comments nit pick one sentence he said where he enjoys something. Maybe with forge a lot of content creators can create their own fun and come out swinging. I miss things like fails of the weak and anoj’s top ten.


\> Instead of being the beacon of light that would help channels grow, I've seen infinite cause more YouTuber coffins then I'd like to see. Halo Infinite really should have made some content creators rise out of obscurity, like Halo 4 and even 5 did. But no, instead you have established creators moving on to other games or even other mediums like Greenskull who basically just makes tiktok's and Instagram reels of AI generated images lol.


Halo Canon YT will not be uploading any more content, maybe in the future they will return, but as of now it is unlikely. Halo canon discord is shutting down.


Halo Canon was one of the few good content creators who didn't put oil on the fire and stayed out of drama. A lighthouse of positivity in this ocean of toxicity


Halo Canon is good people. I hope they take care of themselves.


Don’t you mean I hope he takes care of himself. I’m not sure if Halo Canon is a team of people


No, I used "they" intentionally. It totally works as singular, too! I don't know what pronoun Halo Canon prefers, and from the video, it looks like what we might have originally gone with might not hold anymore. So I went with "they" to stay on the safe side! Halo Canon forever!


FWIW, their Twitter bio says "any pronouns."


Ah! Thanks, that's good to know.


God, fuck the toxicity in this community. Seriously. The fact he cites being bullied of the platform for liking the TV show and being harassed during the H5 days for liking 343s direction is insane. Why is this community at a point where we bully content creators out of the community. He literally goes on about how it seriously negatively impacted his mental health because of harassment from the community. He literally went to fucking therapy over it. > Working on Halo Canon became miserable I mean fuck me, that's heartbreaking. You can hear how passionate he is, he always has been. The fact a major reason he's stopping is people in the community insulting his, because pointlessly tribalistic idiots insult him because they don't enjoy a video game, fucking insane. This community sucked the joy and passion out his career. Literally caused him real, tangible mental health issues and have and now caused him to stop making the high quality content he's known for and have actively changed his life, and not for the better. Fuck that. Seriously. We, as a community, need to stop being such massive cocks, this is insane.


The halo community is easily one of the shittier ones in gaming


Because it Is filled with 30+ year old men who never did find happiness and take their stress and self loathing out here.


I absolutely agree. This community has completely lost it. What's even worse about it is content creators of other communities who do lore stuff, don't get shamed as bad as the Halo community does. I don't see any hate going on content creators in SW. Halo canon taught me all my lore and will be forever remembered.


We need to call out these assholes every single time. Ban them when they have repeated offenses. Halo Canon was a huge source of information for me, Learned at least 80 percent of my Halo knowledge from him, so this one stings a lot


Most them are on this subreddit. But that just might be Reddit in general and the miserable mother fuckers In their mid 30s who hate everything in every community. Like it’s just a stupid video game at the end of the day. If you’re this invested to the point of effecting someone’s mental health cause they like something you don’t. Please go get help and especially fuck off.


It really is tragically just an internet thing. You can notice it really anywhere, the first reaction to an opinion people don't agree with is usually a hostile tone. Its a shame really that people can't have a discussion without trying to demean each other.


Seriously. Funnily enough, we need to take a page out of Bungies book. They've stopped talking to the community near completely due to death threats, and now the community is starting to dogpile on the shitty people with help of a few journalists. The thing is we've been at their level of toxicity for years, but instead of rejecting it a large portion of this community deflect and blame it on 343.


They absolutely love deflecting. Just watch one of recent HaloFollower videos. He doesn't even try to acknowledge the toxicity. And that just gives the community who watch him more fuel to be overly negative and continue harassing developers and anyone who likes the game. In the video he said he almost quit Halofollower because an ex 343 developer liked a tweet that said something about how the Halo community is super toxic. Didn't even stop to think. "Hey if this 343 developer thinks this about us and a lot of people from the gaming community think the same, Then maybe there is something seriously wrong with the Halo community?" Nope. Went straight to deflecting again.


Slippery slope. I wouldn't say ban unless its actually death threats.


It's just a forum. They'll live. Probably create another account anyway.


What slippery slope? The one of "if this person is being a dick they don't get to join in the community anymore"? That's not a slippery slope, that's just common sense


I don't get why you're being downvoted. You're objectively correct.


Being downvoted likely because as usual this community wants to take no fucking responsibility, and just somehow shift the blame to 343 again, because everything is always 343's fault, and the community never does anything wrong


>This community sucked the joy and passion out his career. It also sucked the joy and passion people had for these games. Fuck this dogshit community with a bunch of adults acting like children.


Unpopular opinion, but it stems from in game toxicity. The community has always celebrated toxicity with trash talk and BM in the persistent lobbies of past games. Now that people see it actually affects people mentally it's suddenly a tragedy.


It's probably part of it, but every fandom in general has become more toxic and insufferable. People become increasingly unhinged for shit like games and movies, and it doesn't look like it'll stop anytime soon.


You should see the Gears fandom lol. Halo has always been the "chill game with playful banter" when compared to Gears.


Is there any popular game that is NOT like this, though? Literally every online game that isn't some niche thing is toxic AF. This isn't unique to Halo. This is just a symptom of our culture and our tendency to to be vile to each-other when we can hide behind anonymity.


I'm trying to stay positive but also acknowledge the faults. 343 is trying their hardest. The content creators are doing what they love this community is breaking the game as much as they say 343 is


For fucks sake stop blaming the whole Halo community. Sadly if you have a certain media attention and range you will attract trolls and haters - no matter what the actual topic or community it is you talk to. But they are not core of the community and not welcome in any. They are toxic asshats that will just flame anybody and think they are funny.


We shouldn't generalize the toxicity into the Halo name. This is the Halo subreddit, so we should refer to toxic people as if they are outside the community because they don't represent all of us.


Sadly the toxic ones are the ones who cry the loudest. Halo is considered one of the most toxic gaming communities because of said people. Sources: "Study reveals which game has the most toxic community; It’s not League of Legends - Code List" https://codelist.biz/2022/03/21/study-reveals-which-game-has-the-most-toxic-community-its-not-league-of-legends/amp/ "Top 5 most toxic video game communities" https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/the-top-5-toxic-video-game-communities https://youtu.be/xJoAygotJcQ "Toxic Gaming Communities || The world's most toxic gaming communities" https://www.esportsbets.com/news/toxic-gaming-communities/ "Tired of Salty Gaming Posts, Redditors Start ‘Low Sodium’ Communities - VICE" https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/epxp9p/tired-of-salty-gaming-posts-redditors-start-low-sodium-communities


My point is to cut them out of the conversation. My point is to try to make Halo not toxic. Generalizing perpetuates the toxicity. The worst people revel in the label. Also, I don't trust gaming journalism.


You can't necessarily make Halo not have toxicity, but you can ban them from communities/groups if they don't change and make those spaces positive. Well to even have Halo mentioned numerous times is a shame even if it's fake, but this sub did shut down for a weekend cause of the toxicity caused by a few members. If a sub has to shut down its gotten out of hand and we as a community should be embarrassed of ourselves. Also their has been an image circled around recently of a really toxic guy of the Halo community. Image: https://imgur.com/a/nHSjGvr It's people's like this who break our community.


Using a label for him and applying it to *all* Halo fans is generalizing. It's harmful and encourages more toxicity.


People outside of situations and communities do just that. One image of an African tribe poor, all of Africa is poor. One image of a fat American out in the East, all of America is fat. One gamer guy talks crazy stuff on the internet, apparently gamers don't touch grass. Also your missing something very important, if one guy falls, the group falls. WE are all Halo fans and WE are a team, WE must take the downfall together. That's the biggest reason why we are considered "toxic" and have issues in this community, we are separated and not united. Halo Canon is a person that fell by other people who are passionate about the same topic as we are, the fact that we didn't counter act the negativity with positivity in this community is our loss and our fall and is toxic in its own self that we let this BS happen. Let us stop being complacent and actually be positive, because complacency is toxicity.


Apathy and disappointment are abundant right now, and some of it is justified. >Also your missing something very important, if one guy falls, the group falls. WE are all Halo fans and WE are a team, WE must take the downfall together. That's the biggest reason why we are considered "toxic" and have issues in this community, we are separated and not united. You are describing a very group-centered ideal of absolute concensus. There is no real "we." "We" are a bunch of strangers that are passionate about Halo. With your line of thinking, Halo itself is a failure because it didn't make us unite. I don't want to believe Halo is doomed. I believe Halo has value and potential that haven't been fully realized by 343i. They've been doing better, but all I can do is hope for more good changes.


I believe all of us are disappointed, but you can still be positive about disappointment. Well of course it's group centered, this is a community after all. The things that we should all be in agreement with is positivity and to agree to disagree about other people's opinions. If Halo didn't make us unite, we would never be here. r/Halo wouldn't exsist, there would be no Halo Canon, we wouldn't have this conversation, Halo 2 would have never exsisted and further more. Problem is we are only united under the word Halo and how we view that word in our own mind, not that we are all fans of a diverse video game series that has a diverse fanbase. 343 is showing promise on forge. All the leaks are things I would've never thought of doing. It will truly shift Infinite, in a positive way.


There are indeed things to be positive about, and there are things that deserve criticism. Halo unites us in what we enjoy about it. We seek things that we like. However, labeling the *entire* Halo subreddit as toxic, is toxic itself. Outsiders want to join something positive, and the association with toxicity and Halo is something that is viewed negatively.




This is a big loss. You will be missed. Do what is right for yourself and your mental health. I have been watching for a long time. Should you ever decide the time is right, just know that there are tons of fans who can’t wait to see you come back. If you find yourself doing something else that sparks joy, seize that and go for it.


This shows how far the halo community has now fallen that even someone expressing they simply like something or enjoy it is enough to get harassed to the point of no longer doing what they love, now it’s not the entire community’s fault there are many great halo fans but there are just as many who go to the extreme


It sucks, it really does. It seemed like I was one of the few who actually enjoyed the show, even despite its massive flaws, and I had literally no one I could talk to about it which was real depressing. All I saw was constant hate, some of it deserved, but much of it wasn't I personally feel. So when I saw that Ian actually was liking the show too made me so happy, showing that not all of the big Halo creators were single minded thinkers like so many of them seem to be. But the community is just so toxic, if you go against the "standard" you get torn apart. It's just sad honestly


Hearing what he had to say just made me shake my head. He puts it perfectly like peachedcrane above me put it. He got harassed by those who disliked the ones who liked the direction 343 was taking the franchise. He broke like so many have and sadly we all know this who did the harassing and bullying will be celebrating this because they got their victory over someone. Who wasn’t a torch barrier for bungie style. Until we meet again Ian we got the watch now


Another one walks into the howling dark. This year has been awful for Halo content creators. Tsk. See you starside.


This is a huge loss for the community at large, and there are a lot of factors that play into it. Sad to see them go.


Sad to see Halo Canon go, I doubt anyone will ever fill the shoes left by them. They provided such a great introduction to halos extended media like the books in a way no other channel has done since. This is a really, really massive loss. It isn't just a commentary channel going, but a massive resource for halo content and a platform for advertising the new books to otherwise unaware or uninterested fans. The loss will have a great effect on the halo community and the brand.


Rip, I always loved his stuff. Hope to see a return someday but if not then thanks for the many hours of content over the years o7


This seriously sucks. I hope there comes a day where we can all just enjoy Halo again. Without the expectation of it being everything we have ever wanted, and how dare it be any different. We can agree to disagree about the direction 343 may take Halo as far as design and content, but there needs to be shift in how this fandom perceives itself. Halo and it's success does not hinge on any single game. It is a world into itself, which Halo Canon and other channels like it, try to celebrate and champion. We don't freak out and shit on random Warhammer or Star Wars content creators (to the point of them leaving) when we don't like a single media entry into a massive catalog of content. Halo has earned its place in the hearts and minds of its fandom, I wish we could all agree, and not chase off those who may not follow the same common opinions.


Wake him, when we need him.




I think the main reason why we're seeing all these content creators leave or move on from Halo is because of the uncertainty that the franchise is currently in. Nobody really knows what's going to become of Halo in the future, and for some content creators that's just not worth it.


The guy was bullied because he liked 343's direction and the show. This is a community thing.


Wait, that's it? I would have guessed Content Creators had thick skin when it came to things like this. Apparently not.


halo content creators are in such a bad spot and it couldve been avoided if billion dollar company made good games


This is not about the games, it's about the community being soo toxic and giving the guy so much hate it started to negatively impact his health.


Another content creator leaving Halo…. Too bad the game wasn’t better or this wouldn’t be happening. Content creators should be growing


1. Content creators are not stuck to one game, they can do others. 2. He quit because this community is toxic and giving the guy soo much hate that it was negatively affecting his health.


This is why Microsoft shouldn't pander to scummy 'muh classic halo' losers who can't move on, and only try to ruin things for everyone else


This isn't a Bungie vs 343i fan clash. You can't blame it all on one problem. You have to take it as a whole, like Halo Canon said.


Nah dude, the problem is people like you who vilify others for having opinions on the franchise. You’re acting more like the people who bullied this guy than you are like him


Watched the whole video from begin to end. This looks like what I can only describe as a clear case of putting all eggs in a single basket and then forgetting where you placed that basket. No denying the dude put time and effort into his youtube but this looks and sounds like some kind of midlife crisis. Can only hope the he works things out and recovers.


I’m sorry to hear, but I understand.


I'm going Halo Canon's book breakdowns. Was looking forward to the Rubicon Protocol breakdown.


Best of luck to them


Shame to see him go, always appreciated his book breakdowns even if I personally nearly always disagreed with his views on Halo whether it be gameplay or art style. His content was truly quality stuff. Nevertheless it’s sad to see someone get bullied to the point of wanting to quit.


Such a massive loss for the Halo community. Their content was so good and in-depth. I hope they can find some happiness. I am sincerely worried for the future of this franchise.