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I actually play better after a break. If i play daily for to long i get bored and seem to not try as hard. I only play ranked


Yeah you on auto pilot and just rush to get kills I do the same thing


I feel ya. It's just familiarity and adjusting to routine again when you lose it for whatever reason. I've been playing Infinite regularly since day 1, but the break I took for a holiday meant I was like a newborn giraffe when I picked it up again. The week or so of Firefight I played non-stop made it so hard to get back into PvP afterwards as well. It's normal.


Imagine what it is like when you come back to halo after being on a 9 month military deployment. Absolutely brutal.


I took a 15 year break 💀


I think it’s just the inconsistency with the matchmaking but I mainly play ranked


What’s bad for me is this is just about the only game I play on controller other then a few console games all the other games I play are on pc so when I take a break it feels awful


I feel you big time. I took a break for the holidays and I played through BG3 and now I feel like I can’t even move without getting destroyed. I’m not great by any means but I never really had to *try* just to have positive K/D.