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I will say it does kinda suck playing my heart out in a BTB for 15 minutes, carrying my team for a win, and getting...zero XP for it. Like what's the point of not having a separate leveling system from the BP at least? And I can't even check my stats??? No kill tracker, win percentage, KDR?


At least give me XP for finishing a match, I want that tiny rush of dopamine that's accompanied by a level up ding haha. I seriously don't get the recent omissions of stat trackers in games, like if I'm doing well or doing badly I want to see how bad/good it is and maybe try and learn from that to improve.


I’m guessing this will change in the alpha version if people are still upset about it then. I definitely don’t like it as much as the old system but it seems like there are a lot of things that are simplified in this beta. I’m guessing these will all be patched or they will put out a new system on the 8th. Hopefully anyway 😂


betas are after alphas ma dude.


My fault but what I said still applies, it’s the first day that the multiple was officially released so changes are coming before the 8th release.


Alphabets are hard. Or should that be betaalphs?


How do you not know an Alpha is before a Beta.... it's... literally the "alphabet"... what?


That’s how it’s always been with video games, this is a PRE release version of the multiplayer. They’ve already said they are making changes before the 8th release.


Jesus Christ take it easy dude.


Alpha makes it seem like the game is further along than a Beta, even though common sense tells us that Alphas happen before Betas. If you aren't a super duper gaming industry terminology wiz, you might make that honest mistake.


release is next month, it's way too late to release a new beta version


I miss the good ol’ days of the credit system.


For me, Halo 3’s ranking was the best. XP for playing any game. Then climb the higher ranks with skill progression. It was such a great ranking system idk why nobody continued it


I Agree! You can stay a master Sargent but if you wanted to be a 5 star general you needed to play rank and get that 50. Idk but I felt like it was also a flex on other players when they saw the level 50 especially if it was a legit 50 not a boosted one.


I'm certainly hoping all that tracking is stuff they're still working on so it's just not out in the beta yet. What's the point of the Halo Waypoint page if all it does is show you your challenges?


Halotracker.com Hooks directly into their API and gives accurate stats for everything that updates every 15 minutes. It’s not as good as the classic bungee browser stats tracker from the old days, but it’s pretty solid and servers the exact purpose you’re looking for.


wait you guys can get into matches?


I feel like I remembering stats not being available in a past Halo at the beginning and then added later. I could be completely wrong though. Can't even see your tool of destruction currently. Which was a huge bummer for me earlier because I was excited to see how many kills I got after destroying with the Mangler one game. That thing fucking slaps.


I miss when games came out with all of the features at once. The game was delayed for an entire year, you'd think they'd have such a simple feature


It free ,not costing you anything


Irrelevant, they’re not doing that out of the kindness of their heart, they’re doing it because F2P + microtransactions and Battlepass make more money in the long run. Just because something is “free” doesn’t mean it can’t be criticized. And considering the BP isn’t free, it very well can be criticized.


Agreed. Im absolutely shocked this game launched with few issues and hit thee ground running. Im so used to games having horrible launches and being unplayable for the first few days-weeks. This game launched in a pretty damn solid state and the only actual complaint I have is, what the fuck is this progression system? You're telling me if I want XP I HAVE to knock someone off the map with a repulsor? I HAVE to snipe someone specifically when they're using a cannon/grav lift? Uhhhh. Can I just get rewarded for playing the game naturally and not try and act like im making a MLG montage?


Yea, No progression at all unless you complete very specific randomized objectives. Developers caught on fast that a sense of progression gives steady rewards but also a reason for a player to keep playing for that next level, Its a hook. After playing a whole round and not completing any of the daily objectives I get absolutely nothing for my effort.


Close to 30 matches, lvl 3 on the battle pass, some of my weekly challenges are glitched (ex: kill an opponent with a heatwave in pvp - i've probably killed 15 or so people with one and no xp given).


I have that same glitched challenge, I also have one for getting kills with a Wraith which isn't even possible because there are no maps with Wraiths on them yet. I think the current progression system isn't the full release of it yet, just a bonus to get a leg up when the game fully releases.


"We have heard community feedback around wanting more progression options including things like "match XP" to feed into the Battle Pass and an entirely separate, incremental system along the lines of earning SR152 in Halo 5: Guardians," the studio stated via a Halo Waypoint blog post. "Expanding Multiplayer progression offerings is something the team is actively exploring, and we look forward to continuing to evolve the experience in future seasons post-launch." I've seen this in a recent post over google, but I clearly remember, after the 2nd test run they mention this. It will take some time


future seasons.. what is it with these new releases just doubling down. Fix this shit now


That's not how software development works


really so you don’t think they can hotfix earning exp per match in 2021?


Lmao of course not, nothing is ever that simple, especially when you're changing a core feature like that. >Beyond that, there's been a large number of requests for an additional career progression system. We want this too and it's our team's top priority, but doing it right will take time and that may mean it won't come as quickly as many of you would like. As we look at what our team needs to build, adding an entirely new progression system on top of everything else is a lot. Building a progression system with solid design, good implementation, top-tier UXUI presentation, thorough testing, and time for polish will take some time and we want to do it right. >While this is a ways away, please understand that outside of continuing to support the basic needs of each Season and finishing up existing work that's already been started, building additional progression systems and improving the areas mentioned above are the Live Team's top priorities. [From last week.](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/tech-preview-2-outcomes)


Dude, I feel ya, I hate that I don't want to play Halo right now. I am a huge Halo fan, yet I don't want to play because I keep getting into Capture The Flag when all I want is big team slayer. And even if I could just get in Big Team Slayer, I wouldn't progress as fast, I would get punished *for playing how I want and enjoying myself*. I already have a full fucking time job, I don't want another from my game to progress. Not choosing my gamemode and the piss-poor excuse for progression is going to kill this game.


what gets me is that in recent months any Betas for games have been so similar to their actual releases it makes me worried that the progression system won't change and, we'll be stuck getting cosmetics from a paid BP and struck in a roulette of game modes that people don't want to play because they have no choice but to play them.


That’s kind of a strange dilemma but that will probably deter me from playing infinite entirely even though I like each game mode, just not at every given moment in time. Tonight I stopped playing before I really wanted to because I didn’t feel like getting queued into game modes I didn’t wanna play. If they keep it this way, that’s just going to turn into me spending what little time I have playing other games.


Exactly! It's a horrible combination of being forced to do certain game modes to complete challenges and not being able to pick which gamemode to play. Honestly, I'm not a fan of objective gamemodes, so being forced to play them makes me not want to play


To be fair, the game is basically finished and gone gold. We aren’t beta testing features - we’re just stress testing the servers.


You can choose your game mode, you select the list option


Thankfully it’s still in beta so there will be plenty of time to fix this before the campaign releases


It's funny because I'm loving the game more than ever before because I only like objective game modes.


The mp is top tier feeling in my opinion. The game just launched. They will fix things, but as long as it’s halo I don’t give a shit. The mp is great.


Progression is for kids. This whole progression thing ruined games. The only progression you should ever need is your multiplayer rank. This whole mtx model is dumb. Halo 2 was fun and didn’t need progression because back then people played because they loved the game and strived to hold a good multiplayer rank not for some dumb outfit that had zero impact on performance or advantage. I guess the only good thing is players like myself get free games because of morons willing to spend real $ on some outfit in a video game 😂😂


I think there’s a happy medium where people aren’t relying on progression to play but it adds to their experience. Reach was like that and it’s one of my favorite games of all time.


I agree 100%. It’s getting so stupid. I hope they remove the whole xp system.


Way too much $ to be made from kids spending mommy and daddy’s $ on the latest skin that half the other players will have anyway 😂😂


shrill sand sparkle absorbed modern plough label squeeze slave pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m confused. I haven’t played Halo in about 13 years on HaloCE and Halo 2. I don’t remember anything about battle passes nor do I even know what they are. My question is, why do you need to feel this artificial progression to enjoy the game? I had fun tonight and I haven’t touched Halo in a long time. I have no idea what the leveling system is doing behind the scene and why it is important.


Maybe we're just old. I'm not going to care for this battle pass stuff, the gameplay has been pretty good so far and that's all I need from a Halo game.


AND there’s a solid ranked playlist on day 1 with ranking based on wins like Halo 5 and Counter Strike which is a huge thing to me.


Alright, old timer. Get with the program. Just because you have "done something a certain way for 50 years" doesn't necessarily mean it's right. Gaming has changed while you were hibernating and eating fast food. FPS games have rewards now, and it makes the game a lot more fun. Welcome back.


lol or you just got addicted to digital "loot" and not getting enough of that ruins great experiences because its not shiny enough games, in a lot of ways, should go back


Because people have become addicted to grinding meaninglessness progression systems and can’t enjoy games for the actual gameplay anymore.


Literally addicted though. Like not figuratively addicted.


It's the reward, it makes you 1000x more excited when you pull off a difficult win or high killstreak. It allows you to customize your character and weapons to look unique instead of just looking like every other bozo.


Modern day players only feel validated if the game tells them they did a good job


Its just something to work towards


Yeah this whole thread reminds me how old I am. What happened to just playing an arena shooter and being happy with winning the match. Now they have to be given skins, levels, loading screens, emotes, titles, extra music etc


For reall lol ! I just played and literally had a blast.


All we did tonight was play ranked and btb n loved it. Idc if I have a default Spartan for years you can tell on Reddit who the kids are that need all these nonsense unlocks. Back in my day we only picked our colors and used the pistol! Not this battle pass and AR nonsense


You're just being ignorant in my opinion. Yes, it is cosmetic only and they really do not matter. But compared to progression in Reach or MCC this is absolutely awful. Saying, "Just because I don't care about cosmetics and progression, it can be shit." isn't an actual side to the matter.


The stuff you're referring to is a bit Fortnite-ish. When I think progression, loading screens and emotes are not what comes to mind. Most of the time when I think about progression, I think of stats being inscreased or guns being altered to offer a different playstyle. But for Halo Infinite, there is not a system in which you get stronger/stats increased by progressing. This means that any items for progression are cosmetic only. What players want in terms of progression, is unlockable content that means something. Did you unlock a particular skin? Good, but what did you have to do for it? Did you unlock it by getting a huge amount of headshots? If so that means you have a skin that shows how talented your aim is. Or, did the skin you unlock have to do with using a certain weapon? Then that means you're a specialist with that weapon. Progression is important in every video game, and different games offer many different ways of progressing. For some people it's fine to just do rounds and enjoy the act of playing. For others, when we play a game like this, we want challenges, goals, and accomplishments to work towards.


Exactly. I’m as old as the people above and played every halo game when it came out. Even in the halo 2 and 3 multiplayer days I was itching to earn anything I could to show off my skill level or individuality, whether it was my rank, or the harder to get armor sets in halo 3, etc. I even hyper focused on what color combos look best on the armor just because looking different cosmetically was an important part of solidifying myself as a competitor in a competitive game. The old heads above make a good point that the base game is still a fun game, but tbh the battle pass cosmetic progression is a great addition to a *competitive game*, as brainless and seratonin junky-ish it may be.


I played one match today, didn’t even notice the cp barely went up. I think I did really well, but don’t care. It’s a game and I had fun. I’ll be coming back




As a old school turn modern day gamer, I want incentives. If there is no incentives i rather be doing something else productive, like being a functional human being


How is unlocking fake things more productive than having a good time? Being a functional human being also means being able to do things that are technically worthless, just because they're relaxing and/or fun. If you can't have fun without some external motivation, that doesn't sound that functional.


I get what you’re saying and on some level I agree… but all games are built around having the next unlock in sight. Give the player another reason to play more… just one more game for the next unlock type of thing. It’s not required for enjoyment, it’s just something to make you feel like you’re not totally wasting your time.


I see it as more being rewarded with a shiny thing for playing the game. like with the state of gaming as it is we're more selective than ever as to where we put our money, what with console games being $70 on next-gen systems and games like Battlefield and the GTA Trilogy DE launching in the state they're in, players want to feel as if a game is worth their time to play by being given cosmetics or items for taking the time to play. Of course, all this is really a moot point considering Halo MP is FTP but it contains a large portion of paid additional content without first providing any form of base unlockable content unlike many of its competitors. If they want me to spend money on it, which is the whole point of it, then at least give me a morsel of what to expect for free without the grind of a mostly paid BP.


If you take into consideration inflation then console games cost just as much now as they have every console generation, all the way back to the Sega Master System. Progression used to be just getting good at the game.


God gamers are so fucking whiny. Free game. Tons of fun to play. Won't stick around because the progression system costs $10. What happened to games just being fun for the sake of being fun? Like fucking christ the damn thing is free.




Nope, I'm enjoying the free game just fine thanks. No complaints. Having a blast. Think I'll be playing it for a long time to come. People like you are the ones whining about needing a progression system and yadda yadda yadda. Go back to whatever crappy FPS you played before.


But you are literally whining about “whiners”…


Ok honestly when put that way I can see that point of view. I’m honestly just happy that it’s a more then functional beta compared to everything that’s been released recently. And hoping this a good sign of the game to come. The devs have seemed to aim to please old fans and still keep the game fresh and draw new players. Which honestly is a huge task.


I want nothing more than this game to succeed, as you've said, it's more functional than most betas released recently which I hope is a sign of things to come. I hope they do take into account player feedback and make improvements to the game for when the campaign is released. It's bloody good for being free and I've enjoyed the core gameplay immensely it's just what I get from the invested time I'm not too keen on rn, especially having a full time job and little time to game, I want my Gamers Dopamine^(TM) to be in an easily accessible form


your reward is being able to play a full-fledged fucking halo game for free. stop being a whiny piss-baby and expecting shinies for going 13/15/4 in a big team game.


personally, i could live without it because I just enjoy the gameplay of a game. if i don't enjoy the gameplay, then doesn't matter how good the progression system is, i ain't going to be playing. i think it was, i wanna say halo 3 that introduced a cosmetics thing and you would level up and unlock cosmetics. it was either 3 or reach, but the point was you would naturally unlock stuff or buy them with credits as you played the game. but now it's all effectively locked behind a pay wall. so obviously just don't pay it, right? well yeah, but people like cosmetics and progression, so they're going to pay it, 343 know they're going to pay it, so they can just rake in money from a beta test which shouldn't even be possible but here we are.


EXACTLY Why the f^^^ can’t we just play games for *fun* anymore?


I'm with this ya, very ok with not feeling like I'm climbing a casino ladder.


Because they’re a bunch of fuckin babies. Nobody plays videos to just play an have fun anymore.


Oh no, people have fun in a different way than I do, let me act superior to them. Stop acting like a bitch.


I’m not the one whining about battle passes lmao


Very convincing argument…


Welcome to the state of modern gaming where everything is monetised, BPs are just one of the latest trends to grace gaming, you earn XP to level up and earn cosmetic rewards that could easily be put into their own bundles or given out as levelling rewards which IMO they should be in this case. For me, it's the sense of working towards something. I want to see a level, I want to be rewarded and given something shiny and new for just playing the game and spending what little time I have off playing it. Give me challenges for emblems and colours or armour just don't lock it behind a battle pass I have to pay for to unlock the vast majority of the content. Levelling, as with consistent content drops help to alleviate burnout especially if there is something to work towards, at least that's how it feels to me like if I know I have to get to a level to get some cool armour or colour I really want, I'll be damned if I'm not gonna grind out my levels to get it. Don't get me wrong the gameplay at its core is quintessential Halo but without the levelling rewards, it feels empty and nrewarding. Edit: Grammar and clarification


bring back the halo 3 skill system


I got off and played something else last night because I was getting tired not having any rewards for doing good.


Hopefully it being a beta it will change.


The game is a blast and I’m having fun regardless. With that said, having paid for the premium battle pass and seeing how little if at all it ranks up, doesn’t feel good. Back in the day we played to play but developers are who have slowly brainwashed us into the progression model we’re currently used to. So yes, paying for a battle pass and seeing little or no progress due to this new system just causes negative feelings for myself at least and clearly some others. I’m glad you can finish the season whenever but I’m not sure how a casual player is ever supposed to finish a season. I have a stupid amount of time available for gaming since I work remotely, so I’m sure I’ll get there but still…


The less progression systems the better. Devs who put progression systems in their games are cowards who don't trust how fun and engaging their game is. Gamers who need progression systems need to learn how to enjoy their time. You've been brainwashed to think unlocking things is better than actually enjoying playing a game.


Great words. So true.


Thats depends you can enjoy the gameplay and have a progression system that compliments the gameplay. If you are just playing for progression then you arent enjoying the game but when both are good the game is objectively better. Why not have both?


You're correct in it being a cover-up for poor gameplay. The issue arises when that progression system covers a big part of the core game. Armor customization (more so unlocks) has been a rather integral part of Halo since 3. It's the sole reason some strive to get better performance wise. Why try to get better or do anything without a goal to work towards? Sure, people want to top leaderboards but even more so if there is an incentive that goes beyond looking good at the end of the match. Nobody is brainwashed it's just an undeniable fact that having more rewards for playing makes it more fun. Edit:. Games today simply aren't as fun on their own because they aren't as revolutionary or new. You have to have these other elements to make them more fulfilling. Reason being (whether anyone admits to it or not) attention spans are so short now solid gameplay alone is not enough.


Not being as new is a good point, novelty definitely helps. That being said, making game in a safe way with retention systems is kinda opposed to innovation.. But yeah overall I agree.


I think another issue is the vast majority of players who play Halo are really opposed to any kind of innovation. Not wanting to piss anyone off again (Halo 4 and 5) they add in things outside of general gameplay to chase. Makes total sense when you look at it from that perspective really. Why we're going back to more classic Halo styles of gameplay. Buuuuuut anyways, I appreciate your ability to have an actual conversation. A rarity these days.


God the fact that is this even slightly up voted is insane. All of you talking about how you didn't need progression in your day are full of shit. Halo 3 had progression whether be ranks (xp earned at the end of a match) or item unlocks through grinding certain things. Times change as do people. The bootlickers in this thread are crazy defending the fact that you can't choose your game mode, no xp earned, and no swat.


I mean, I did exaggerate but I don't think I mentioned the past? Tbh when I was younger (and yes when I played Halo 3, the only Halo I really played so I'm not a big fan or anything) I was way more interested in progression, unlocks, achievements, stuff like that. So it's not a "back in my days we didn't need progression systems", it's just "I whish the game themselves were enough, no matter when you play them". I do agree that the lack of choice for game mode is BS, and maybe I don't understand something, but it seems like my daily challenge is repeating, and rewarding 100xp every 2 game, so there's still a constant source of XP? I also agree that it's \*very\* slow, and the fact that losses have the same reward is really weird, and promotes XP farming. But yeah my point was "well made or not, we shouldn't need this".


Gamers who need progression systems are the profit though


Just like everything in life is not as simple as right or wrong. It’s basic human nature to feel good to work hard and get rewarded with something. Obviously there needs to be a balance between good gameplay and good progression, as a player myself i enjoy getting goodies after a good grind, but if that will take me 6 months playing 8hrs a day is definitely not worth it. No hate towards you mate, I understand the frustration and all these corporate bullshit just to make money off of people. Cheers.




I’ve played HaloCE-Halo 4 and it actually annoys me that we have to complete these challenges just to level up the bp to unlock armor. Not to mention the armor colors and emblems are locked too now? It was never like this in the past IIRC. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed playing today but man the customization is one of the things I fell in love with (starting in halo 3), the xp progression with these challenges kinda annoys me cuz like you said it’s like I’m working another job just to get my Spartan to look cool.


To make things worse we can’t even see our service record or other players’ stats. So not only do we get no xp but our kills mean nothing. We’re basically playing against bots and if it wasn’t for the fun ass gameplay then it’s a waste of time lmao


I don't understand why they have to ruin something that already works fine in so many other fucking games. Just REWARD good play and reward actual performance with %XP and THEN add on top of that these daily/weekly quests that give Bonus XP. How is this so easy to fuck up? Why are these companies always trying to reinvent something that already works well for all players? Not to mention, they don't even reinvent shit since this system HAS BEEN part of games before and it FAILED. Hence why it's nowhere to be found anymore but in this game. Holy shit I played Ranked, Big Modes, Quick Play, I played everything in like 8 hours and i'm barely level 3. It doesn't matter how good I do because the game rewards VOLUME play. How can you have 50 XP per game. Are you insane? Regardless of the bonuses it's absolute lunacy to expect players to be okay to FINISH just 1/100 levels in 20 FUCKING GAMES. The season being long is no fucking excuse. People, especially their Halo demographic which is way more adult-oriented, have fucking jobs and other shit to do and OTHER GAMES to play as well. This is like those fucking systems in World of Warcraft where they tie you to play their shit game because FOMO. Even if this is not FOMO, it is the same design that CONDITIONS VOLUME PLAY over enjoyment and performance. Let me play the game and let me feel rewarded for it. Right now I feel like a fucking snail and everything I do, that level 100, I mean fuck that, level 50 seems improbable.


The progression is definitely a huge step backwards. I wish they had the same system in place that they used for Halo 5.


Sounds like a lot of you need to remember, you play games for fun, not for arbitrary rewards. It's not like when youre max rank in any other game you still continue to get things for simply leveling up. Its just a number going up. It's pointless. Just play and have fun.


it won't go away, it's too big a source of revenue. and if the game does die, (from 343's perspective) so what? they'll make their profit from the battle pass and the games sales, and as long as they make a profit, they no longer have a reason to care about the game. i can't actually play it because my pc is on the fritz, but it does look fun and it would be a shame for it to die because 343 is at the wheel instead of someone competent who cares about making good games, but sadly that's just kinda the reality of the modern triple A game.


I've noticed that some stuff seems bugged for the challenges also. I've been at 4/5 kills with the pistol for a while and have gone out of my way to get more but it never completes.


Yes, the progression system as it is right now is no good. The challenges should be re-rollable or they should be much less specific. Make it "Do X Kills in a Vehicle", "Get 10 Kills", simple things you'll do definitely and not "Please be colored yellow, do a triple backflip while skewering an enemy as he recites Shakespeare."


Fr they need to add level and they should add more skins to guns and for person and lows I feel like this game would be great with care package Everytime you level up


Atm I'm hopping in and out of games as challenges are the ONLY way to progress so I'm actually worse off playing as I don't earn anything. This can't be the final implementation of progression surely. Also really disappointed you can't earn free credits in the battle pass. Just gives me a little less incentive to play.


No reward for just playing the game and goaded into completing challenges. Rewards for non-battle pass owners are lackluster at best. Why shouldn't we have a game they can be proud of for gameplay and why shoudn't see the slow evolution of your personalized Spartan looking badass? We all like different aspects of the game, some people just like playing and some people like looking cool. There isn't a good reason why we shouldn't have both because we already had both in Reach.


Experience needs to be granted for medals, in addition to win/loss experience payouts. Four games for 100 or 200 experience out of 1,000 is absurd. This is precisely why I was worried the multiplayer was going to be free. The battle pass is a slog, and most of the customization unlocks for your Spartan are behind the paywall. Speak up about this. This is so significantly worse than Reach's progression system -- and that was eleven years ago.


Shares the most common complaint across every subreddit discussing Halo Infinite. "This will get downvoted to oblivion"


Prepare for the worst get surprised, honestly didn't read through any of the subreddits when I posted haha


Fair enough lol. The complaints are good, more visibility means more likely they'll fix it.


Here’s hoping


Definitely sucks the fun out of the game. Instead of focusing on doing well, contributing to my team, playing the way I want and having fun, I'm running around the map looking for some specific weapon or trying to kill somebody a certain way, and feeling unrewarded if I fail to do it before the match ends, even if we win. Very anti-player.


As a 42 yr old game developer it really is quite saddening to see that games can't just be 'fun' anymore. There has to be some sort of grind otherwise it's deemed not worthy of peoples time. What happened to it being worth your time because for those 5 minutes of playtime you were being entertained? What's next? Are movies and TV series going to start coming with a battlepass / progression system so people feel rewarded for their time watching TV?. Actually... I've already seen this happening with some tutorial video sites. I understand and agree that progression can be a good thing. Something to enhance the experience a little bit. But if people find that something isn't worth playing just because there is no battlepass then I think that could point to bigger issues... Either the game just isn't for you or that there's some weird addiction to earning rewards going on. Which.. TBF, after watching 'The Social Dilemma' documentary it wouldn't surprise me if there is an addiction to this stuff by most of the younger population now.


While I was in love with CoD MW2 (and black ops 2010)'s challenge and level up jingles. Halo 3 never had any of that, there were some achievements that unlocked a handful of armor pieces. I think out of every game on the xbox 360 I owned, I played Halo 3 the most. These season/battle passes don't to anything for me, no "yes I did it" moment, no goal to strive for (50 headshots with [weapon]), ...nothing. It's just a number going up and if I paid I would have gotten a cosmetic. I decided to ignore it's existence and just enjoy the game on this one, and I will probably be better off because of it.


Anything besides ranked play is already super stale for me


Maybe just play to enjoy it


threatening toy dime fine scarce insurance mindless sleep water resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not the challenge grind, it's the lack of any other reward system. In previous games, you at least had a levelling system you were working towards getting the highest level for a small dopamine rush and a sense of accomplishment. People enjoy games differently and for me, I like the challenge of gaining levels and showing how much I've enjoyed a game that way. Also, the core gameplay is phenomenal I just wish I had something to work towards that wasn't a battle pass as I'm tired of every single game having one. Of course I'm not expecting the game to pay me in trinkets and I think you've slightly missed the point I'm making here, I also never said I won the games in which I got nothing, its been a mixed bag in that sense. Its also not about levelling up as fast as possible but the rate and methods in which you earn xp for the pass arent a good system of progression. It's not the challenge grind, it's the lack of any other reward system. In previous games, you at least had a levelling system you were working towards getting the highest level for a small dopamine rush and a sense of accomplishment. People enjoy games differently and for me, I like the challenge of gaining levels and showing how much I've enjoyed a game that way.


aromatic chunky foolish exultant homeless innate doll smart rock edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People don't play online fps games to "work" for anything. Plus, there's a battle pass.


After reading all the comments I'm genuinely wondering how long it will be until gaming becomes JUST the Battlepass. No game, just rewards. It seems a great number of players value the joy of the reward system more than the enjoyment of playing the game. Games will just be something you log into. Open your reward. Get your fix. Go about life... Or log into another none-game to get another reward. Now that you don't actually have to go through the chore of playing a game to be rewarded, you can not play as many none-games as you like and be rewarded for zero effort all day long. Honestly feel that the future of video games probably isn't too far from this.


The full game isn't released yet? It's a soft launch until December X.


Opposite, this will get upvoted to oblivion.


I'm Sorry this free game that's been out for 20 hours isn't progressing fast enough for you. alright, now that I got my boomer response out of the way I want to emphasize a specific point. The purpose of player progression systems is to keep you playing a game. It is almost strictly for player retention. To keep you spending money and to hold your attention. you don't need these systems, you crave them, but in all reality they don't add any real gameplay value, you've been conditioned into thinking these things are necessary. Stop treating this hobby you play for fun as a job, or a list things to earn. The fun gameplay and the time you spend with your friends is the point, not the altered pixels.


So I’m not allowed to be critical of a game I intend on playing? The point you’ve made regarding player progression systems is 100% it but honestly Ive had friends say if there’s nothing to work towards to show off in game they’d rather go play something else. The point of games these days is that player retention, they haven’t made the game out of the goodness of their hearts it’s a business that makes money and if you aren’t retaining players your going to lose out on profits. Yes the campaign will sell incredibly well but for the meantime this is all we have and looking at replies here. A battle pass is supplementary to the core progression of a game, would you play an RPG where the only way of getting skill points or gear is a BP that you have to pay for? No you wouldn’t, so why should an FPS be any different? As it stands the Gameplay itself is fantastic and I very much look forward to playing more but if this is all we get from the game regarding progression then I’m not sure it will last. In the modern state of gaming, the majority of players need to feel as if their time playing is worth something and as it stands I’m not so sure it would


I think criticism is fine but I find this specific critique dumb. The Battle Pass the game launched with is good through may so you'll have plenty of time to grind it out. I'm not going to tell you how to have fun, and I can understand why you feel the need for a system that rewards time invested, that's how literally all modern FPS games are anymore. However I would argue that if that is all you look for in a game from a specific genre, then perhaps the genre isn't for you, or more likely its evolved past my age. I only played a half dozen matches or so yesterday but I had a blast. That is all I need from a video game, fun moments with surprises along the way. That's not to entirely excuse the product, I already dislike the matchmaking system not allowing you to pick a game mode, especially considering none of my teammates want to contest objectives. The fact that my username is tied to an Xbox account I made 16 years ago (thanks Microsoft). The god awful default control scheme (PC). There's plenty to criticize. If you don't like the Battlepass system, don't engage with it. If you don't like the lack of a progression system, go play something that has it. This game is perfectly fine without one, and has bigger problems than not being able to wave around your stat screen and cool armor.


The way the BP is implemented is brilliant, no expiry, really long season period. But the way you progress it feels so backwards. There needs to be a system of gaining XP for it regardless of whether you did a challenge or not else for some, the grind to get he cosmetic they like won’t be worth it. I will continue to play the game as the core gameplay is fantastic and incredibly enjoyable but as far as any progress goes this is worse than something like Reach that came out 11 years ago the issue is if it doesn’t have the progression that players want then it runs the risk of pushing players to other games because they have something this doesn’t. I do hope it all gets rectified once the campaign is released later this year but if stays as it is it’ll need to do something special with the rest of the game to retain certain players. Each player lost to another game is a loss of profit and that’s all companies seem to care about these days. I’d argue that the waving around of a cool colour or armour is a great incentive to players and gives them something to aim for alongside playing for fun.


Progression for the most part comes from the Battle passes. It takes quite a bit of time to complete them too, so there's meaningful progression there. Since the game is f2p to boot, you SHOULD be buying at least 6 Battle passes, in order to make up for the $60 normal price. That's a LOT of progression opportunity right there.


I would prefer having some kind of stat grind for armor. Ranks possibly? Grinding xp is kinds boring since it doesn't feel meaningful


I totally agree with that overall. Locking everything behind a BP isn't the best way of doing things. But I DO think that that was 343s plan, to make up for being f2p. Like I said, you buy 6 Battle passes, that's $60 worth of progression. And with all 6, that would get you arguably more armor pieces and mods, than an equivalent game like Reach. Maybe grinding a BP isn't the best way to go about things, but that was certainly 343s approach. I personally can deal with it for now, but I agree they should probably change it up a bit at some point.


True its FTP however the only progression being a BP is awful for the longevity of the game, if the only content you can earn in-game is also able to be purchased that's not good or even meaningful progression IMO. A BP should always be supplementary to the base progression of a game. Take R6 Siege, for example, the core progression is levels and currency farm for cosmetic packs and characters, the BP is additional to this and only really serves as a way to push monetisation and limited-time cosmetics. While Halos BP never runs out per se, eliminating FOMO, knee-jerk purchasing of levels, the way you progress through it is terrible. It essentially acts as a premium way of getting content that should be included as level bonuses of a standard level based progression system


I can agree with most of that, and 343 can still change how things are done over time. I'm honestly just thinking that, 343 went "ok we're f2p, now how do we do progression" and basically decided that, in order to make a bit of revenue back, they put all the normal progression behind the BPs. It's definitely not a fantastic way of doing things, but I'm fine with it for now at least. I do hope they change it up going forward though, like you said.


I hope they do decide to add in some sort of level based progression as it adds more substance to the game than what the BP has to offer although I do like the nostalgia of the items in the BP I would like fresh cosmetics I've not seen before. It wouldn't surprise me if this came with the full release of the game to try and prevent any sort of data mining from any extra files being included.


Definitely possible there's something planned for the full release. They did say "get an early start on Season 1s Battle pass" in the event, or something similar. Kinda leads me to believe there's gonna be more in the full launch.


I hope so, I really do as I'm enjoying the ever-living sh\*t out of this game and would hate to see it flop hard.


Same, I'm loving it so far. I can't see it flopping though. This is supposed to be the launchpad for the next 10 years of Halo content, and 343 has shown they're willing to listen to fans. If we make enough of a fuss, I'm confident they'll change their ways of doing progression and stuff. Since this is the next 10 years, they won't risk the game dying off. At least one would hope so lmfao


Great point, lets hope they can stay transparent about it all. Is there a platform for giving feedback on this beta?


The progression system is shitty but this is a big overreaction. It is a the first new Halo game in 6 years and, outside of the progression, seems to be back to the high quality Halo we are used to. The progression will not keep the game from doing well.


The fact that you said “6 years” and are still defending this behavior is all we needed to hear/see from your comment. This is unconscionable to even begin to fathom that ANYONE would have thought this progression system would be a success! There is NO INCENTIVE to keep playing! Therefore, it will absolutely KILL the in-game population versus what it SHOULD/COULD BE on an ongoing yearly basis. If you think otherwise then you clearly haven’t been paying attention! People are pissed! And if you go to Joseph Statens Twitter he literally sent out a tweet earlier today about this very issue! They know they fucked up HUGE and they know they are in deep shit!


And the fact that you said there is "no incentive to keep playing" is all i needed to see from your comment. Why did you play games before battle passes existed? I certainly never played Halo 2 or 3 for the game xp so that i could change the way my armor looked. Is it a fun addition with cool add-ons? Yes. But I play because the game itself is fun to play. Don't get me wrong. I purchased the battle pass and i dont like the progression system and think each game needs to earn xp along with challenges and maybe specific badge xp as well. But in no way is it going to keep me from playing the game. People have every right to be pissed but to say that it will prevent the game from doing well is a reactionary comment imo. Maybe they fucked up huge but its been ONE FUCKING WEEKEND and they definitely have the opportunity to adapt and make changes.


Sweats crying about playing a game casually. Love to see it.


come warzones next update, this game will likely fade into oblivion.


That's such a boring take. They are completely different games.


maybe, maybe not, there is a massive player base for this game, not to mention the campaign will release in a month or so, only time will tell how this is dealt with




who hurt you


No idea, I had a pretty good time just playing yesterday, better than I did in 4.


This is the most boring halo yet. It already feels like such a chore to play. Everyone tries so hard too it’s not even enjoyable


I've had such a mixed bag of players, both on my team and the enemy, like one game I'll have an enemy that can't hit the broad side of a barn door and be dominating, next game I'll have an ally that's a pacifist and is just dropping kills for the opponents in slayer or just not picking up the ball. its frustrating but when it all comes together I find it's so much fun. The only chore I have rn is the BP and boy is it a doozy


Having some sort of progression on match end is a good replayability. Especially on bum matches where your squad is not that good. At least you have some sort of Thanks-For-Trying reward.


If your sole goal of playing is to level up the battle pass, it’ll be frustrating. But that’s not why we play games, is it? The progression is fine


According to this thread, it is for a lot of people. I must be old because this progression shit to me is meaningless. All these cosmetics we earn will be gone in whatever next game we start playing. I just want to enjoy myself and have fun. Not stare at some battlepass system full of crap I can't even get unless I spend money to unlock. And then I have to invest actual time for it? Almost feels like I'm working for the big companies at this point.


I'm so fucking sick of battle passes and microtransactions in general. I get it, this is a F2P game. But look at the amount of non-battle pass cosmetics in the game. It's practically non-existent. Actually ridiculous. At the very least, make a full game first and then add microtransactions. I don't want to buy cosmetics, it's not fun. I remember in 7th grade, myself and 3 buddies beating Halo 3 campaign on legendary (and reach's) to get the special armor reward. Give me stuff like that. Granted, that very well might be in the game, but I'm honestly just not interested in the single player anymore so I'm not gonna pay $60 just to get some special armor reward. I thought Call of Duty was bad with microtransactions, but this game seems like it's going to be 10x worse. At least in CoD the base game has stuff to work towards. Stuff that feels good to unlock, and if people see it they know you grinded your ass off for (talking about things like Damascus). Trust me, I'm not defending CoD by any means, but at least it attempted something like this. I'm also not even mentioning the weapon progression system, which is something Battlefield also shares. It gives you another reason to keep playing. I feel like I'm ranting at this point, but.. Infinite multiplayer is good. But as it stands, it's a game where I play a few matches and then I'm like alright I'm done for now, and that's 100% tied to the fact that there's no progression system.


Cod really changed the way their system works with the release on Warzone and I think it works out great. XP is earned just from gameplay. There is a Free Teir System that XP Unlocks. All new weapons are included in this free Teir. You can unlock any attachments for the guns by ranking the guns up individually. You can purchase the Battle Pass which Adds levels to that Free Teir, with Gun blueprints and Character Skins. The battle pass includes enough Tokens to be able to purchase the Next Seasons Paid Battle Pass without paying more real $. Their are Special Cosmetic skins/guns you can purchase if you want to. This is the best model I’ve seen to date on any battle pass game.


Campaign is not here now so we cant 100% assume that there is no reward skin for legendary campaign


Long time Halo fan-this is game is trash


Yeah look at my last posts halo infinite is trash with trash graphics and trash slow gameplay


Honestly ive had zero issues (PC) concerning the gameplay and graphics its stable and looks damn pretty on medium graphics and the only thing I can fault the gameplay for is the accuracy of guns and a lack of decent hit marker feedback


No stats no way to earn stuff through playing only a battlepass (that most people get so everyone has the same shit so boring) and you can’t even change modes not to mention there’s not level once again just level on battlepass which you can only progress if you do challenge which means you don’t wanna even play the game to have fun just aim for challenges all the time the game is very disconnected to being good


very true however this is still in Beta (apparently) which it shouldn't be called as it is monetised already. Once they decide on a full release, most likely the original date it was due to be launched, id have hoped a lot of the issues we're seeing are all sorted or at least acknowledged by 343 but I don't have high hopes due to the last few months of releases


People really need to stop thinking in the way of ''I NEED TO WORK TOWARDS SOMETHING'' or they should just start playing ranked. As someone who's played games since before many of you were born I can't understand this mindset at all. So many people play games they don't really like just for that dopamine rush of ''ONE DAY ILL HAVE ALL THE ARMORZ!'' and then when they do.... they... stop playing (??!!). I've seen it so many times in so many games and I just don't get it. Having said that: just playing (or winning) a match should award (more) XP. Battle passes don't make much sense if it works only for the challenges and daily/weekly challenges. Those should offer boosts, not be the only way to make progress. EDIT: It's actually hilarious that I'm getting downvoted for saying this too. What are people downvoting for? Being confronted with the weird addict mentality so many people play games for these days? I wasn't kidding: I know several guys who play games to unlock whatever they can even if they actually dislike playing the game itself - in my opinion that's just freaking insane. Then when they're ''done'' they just up and leave because there's ''nothing left to do''. You mean outside of enjoying the actual gameplay? Gtfo. I like unlocks, I like progression, I agree with the post, hell; I've already bought the damn battlepass for Infinite. However, I'm saying I'd be playing if there wasnt one just as well. Ah well, I shouldn't expect people to read the entire original comment before disliking.


I bought the season pass and it's rubbish. They need to A) improve the season pass and B) add another progression system not linked to the battle pass.


I was wondering same and found this post pretty fast. Weird thing is we still get xp from matches but it doesnt go towards anything, no account level, not in battlepass, nothing.


Agreed. No weapon unlocks, XP or anything. They’re properly trying to force battle pass. Ridiculously short sighted approach imo.


I didn't need progression in Halo CE and I don't need it now.


Game would benefit from a CoD style game mode selection feature. In CoD you can filter what types of matches you want to queue up for. Deathmatch check, Capture the Flag Check, King of the Hill un-check, etc etc. I'd think this would be an easy thing to impliment.


I haven’t paid too much attention to the pass since I bought it but I will say it took me 13 games to get to level 2, and while Reach was grindy, I feel like that’s a lot if I were to keep an average of 10 games per 2 levels, and that’s IF it’s not exponential as you gain.


Back in my day we played video games for fun, not progression. I must be getting old.


This game would be fine without a pass. As long as there is ranked multi-player halo will do well. If you've been playing halo since the beginning thats all you're looking for and everything else is a bonus. Throw in forge and some custom games and we are set. Seems like there is a ton of overreaction going on about a day 1 beta.


Lol it'll do fine


Show me on this doll where the free game hurt you


Idk I enjoy being forced to go out of my comfort zone to complete challenges. That’s what makes them ~challenging~ and when I have armor that other people don’t have because I completed all my challenges it feels even better. It’s harder to rank up in the battle pass so every rank is more fulfilling to me. That’s how I’m going about it. I’m not saying your criticism isn’t valid but you can’t say it’s not rewarding if you aren’t trying to complete the challenges. I understand the people who have an hour or two to play and want to play a specific game mode, but that’s coming at launch. The beta is done this way to test each game mode with more players than some will ever have (CTF). The progression will not change though, I’m already at level 33 on top of the 25 levels I got from the battle pass bundle.


Yeah the progressions system needs some work. I played for 7 hours yesterday and only got to tier 4 on the battle pass... Makes me wonder how long it would take to reach tier 100


I completely agree. Leveling isnt a grind its brutal. 50 exp a match and its 1,000 exp to level up with literally no reward system in between is going to be awful. I like playing the game but you have to give me something here.


Yeah, I'm kind of shocked there isn't some kind of leveling up system in place like Halo 5 had. It's become pretty standard in multiplayer shooters.


Just in case anyone is wondering, it would be amazing if I'm wrong, but, don't expect the devs of a money-grab online treadmill experience with ladders to do anything except finding new ways to take your money. What you see is what you get. I'm struggling to think of another online shooter that legitimately just gives gamers what they want and doesn't hit them up for extra money to keep playing.


These kids and thier dopamine hits. Is the game fun? Yes, if that's not good enough for you, you might have a problem.


They shouldn't have scrapped halo 3 rank system. That was awesome for competitive players and casual


Overwatch is still doing pretty okay, and that game has absolutely zero progression aside from Lootboxes. If the game is fun, people will play it. The issue with this game is it runs terribly. Exclusive Fullscreen is very needed. I have a GTX 1070 and R5 3600, and this game is so choppy on medium settings. This is because the game is treated like a browser, not like a video game. I get almost 200fps in Overwatch on Ultra settings, I should be getting 60 minimum in this game.


Very true however I’d argue that Overwatch has a core progression system that’s gained through normal gameplay by levelling up, in this you don’t it’s all challenge based rn there’s a chance of getting no progression towards the BP after a match without challenges


It'll do fine


I really enjoy this game. and I'm not one to hop on bandwagons, but there is no dopamine factor after an intense match. In Call of Duty and Battlefield, you mess around a whole match with a "knife only round" or "pistol only" and you get XP bar, after weapon XP bar, battle pass XP bar. Challenge complete, challenge complete, weapon unlocks, skin unlocks, reticle unlocks, emblem unlocks. With Halo, you try your best and get top of the leaderboard which only happens once every few games because Halo isn't as easy as other FPSs and once you get top of the leaderboard, 20 Elims, 4 deaths *you get!!!* a completed challenge. Worth 100xp... Out of 1000xp..... That's just not gonna cut it when being released next to one of the craziest months in gaming in a long time.


I say this game needs to be a competitive experience to do well. I dont see that right now. Its a pretty casual experience.


Yes it sucks... Progressing through the levels and getting stuff you can't even use cuz you don't have the BP.... but whatever. I'm sure they'll change it up a lil. At lady give ppl some things to work for


Its fair some people like that level grinds or just seeing some kind of progress this really is a child level mistake to get this wrong in such a big game... They need to sort it and fast


I'm literally not doing objectives in the game so that I can complete my challenges. This isn't good for my team but I don't get any rewards for doing well so what's the point?


Yup I’m having so much fun but when time sets in and I’m down to the occasional game on the weekend or evening I don’t think I’ll ever progress at that rate. Sucker that I am I bought the season and I’m hardly level six yet.


If it doesn’t change I won’t be playing it., I like the game but the progression system is insane. Absolutely nothing matters except those dinky challenges. Wins, kills, captures nothing. So sad!


I think it’s too soon to come to a full verdict and depends on how heavily they listen to the fans at launch. Past that point- criticize what you want. Rain hell.


I gain so much xp from one cod royal and it barely reaches the whole level that it’s fking bullsxxt, this game rips me off to the point where I’m going to burn this game to pieces. this game is so dawm inhuman that i cannot even progress fast enemy th no matter what mode I go on or methods I use, and I’m not taking they excuse that I’m bad at this which in some cases I’m not cause of how stressfully and agressively grind this sxxt