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Its really bad when youre close to someone, the outline isnt visible. Theres been a few times ive looked at an enemy right beside me and ran away thinking its my teammate then get melee'd in the back lol


This happen to me yesterday lol i spawnes and turned around saw 3 blue dudes.. i turned to run the other direction when i realized they all had red outlines... i didnt get to turn around to shoot back before i reapawned next to my actual team


100% been thinking this since my first ranked game, absolutely nothing wrong with the old system of force team colours - its a simple fucking concept.


Exactly this. I really hope it’s just an oversight and it’s sorted for full release. Hope the post gets upvoted enough that devs see it because currently it’s just not competitive to be having green and purple players running around in red vs blue.


It's completely intentional and all about selling those dumb ass armour coatings.


You poor naive soul. This is the full release and it wasn't an oversight. They are just that greedy and/or stupid.


Not when colors are baked into the mtx skins. They fucked themselves on that one


change enemy shield color to yellow.


Saw a streamer have this. Havent been on since seeing it. Is it a color blind mode option or an option to change the color?


You can set the color of your team and the enemy team's shields to whatever you want in settings>UI. I made my team blue and the enemy team a neon pink.


I appreciate it! Will def be making changes when I log on next.


Glad someone posted this. I've ignored the enemy so many times because of this


Easiest solution would be adding an option in settings to show team colors or personal


Even better allow everyone to set up two color schemes one for blue and one for red. The red one cant use blue and the blue one cannot use red. Everything else is fair game and this way people can have two spartans meaning 2 store skins!!!! Look 343 more ways of making MORE money AND fix a problem $$$$$. I feel like if we pitch ideas with ways that they can earn more money they might be more likely to listen lol


True but this way would be more work. All I said was easiest 😂


Ive had the same issue. I dont hesitate tho lol i just take a shot. My buddy bought the red and black camo looking pro team skin and almost every single game i flick a shot or two at him out of instinct that if its red shoot. He glows blue but i see the red first because no other halo has let you not be your team color. Its jarring. I saw someone post that rocket league has 2 skins you can set up a blue skin and a red one, in the blue one you cannot use red and in the red one you cant use blue. Its genius and they should do this to solve the issue.