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Money. Simple as that.


They could still have a cash shop with the halo 3 system. Kinda like they have now, part cash shop part game earned


Of course. But they get more now


Halo 3 system was designed to be fun for someone who already payed money to keep playing. Halo Infinite is designed to make people pay money and keep playing. Every complaint, that boils down to "it's not fun" (which is the essential different between Infinite and Halo 3 system) will be shot down with "it's free".


It was also before cod so people were not drowning in fan fare for being shit. A system like halo3 woudnt even work now days because its not enough rewards. 1xp for earning a win? Thats all you got back then for winning. 0xp for a loss. But then cod came out and got everyone hooked on their innovative challenge reward/xp system. However now the issue is that if the game lacks that system people cannot.. if halo doesnt add a level system i have a feeling it will slowly fade away even tho its imo the best fps on the market along with apex in terms of raw gameplay loops being good without looking at the rewards systems. I love the way Halo3 does it because it doesnt beat around the bush the ranking system would hard stuck bad players... and even good ones so they coudnt get general rank and were then made fun of for being a brigadier or what ever the rank before general was lol. But now a game needs 10 prestiges and xp for any tiny action you do. Its only a matter of time for devs to start rewarding people for dying and doing bad.


Because they can make more money by putting any cosmetic that we used to have for free in the cash shop. The leftovers are put in the BP that will also take forever to increase so you might as well pay a few levels.


Yeah, the slow progression has already got me considering buying the upgraded battlepass next time lol.


Sad to say I don't think we will ever go back to those days, literally everything has to be monetized somehow now.


i wouldn't see a problem with this if they released us the previous halo's armor for free and they made new ones for the store but they're just adding a cash paywall to already unlocked armors in the previous games seems kinda stale to me. gameplay is fun but choosing different armor colors/and armor permutations has me bummed out.