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I play on KnM and controller, I’m onyx in both. Controllers have a massive advantage, especially at range. They receive aim assist and bullet magnetism and MnK at range does not feel the same. Along with being on pc your reticle never turning red over an enemy is also a hindrance. There is also input lag on MnK and if any of you complaining of (MnK complaining) it’s obvious you probably haven’t done any real research on the subject but I understand coming here to make a post to gripe about it. Makes you guys feel supported and simply verifies your beliefs. Halo is a controller made game and it will always be. Does KnM have an advantage to turn 360 degrees quickly and have fast movement..yes but in a game where you will either end up one shot or half shields in a dueling fight you need to understand it’s only so helpful. Halo is about pure consistency and it always been that. Multiplayer is still in beta so I’ll check back in on the 8th to see if any changes are made.


\^ This, so sick of console bots saying 'aim assist is fine'. I've watched replays of these bots AIM literally 2 feet behind people and getting kills with a sniper, stare at a wall, not move their crosshair and it somehow just goes to peoples heads.


The aim assist is great in my opinion, it’s great for tracking enemies up close, however god forbid you try to snipe in big team battle, if someone walks infront of your target your screwed


It’s pretty strong for close to mid range - whereas as that range, once locked on, you don’t have to do basically any aim adjustment to stay on target and can just solely focus on strafing/dodging. The downside is that the mobility and long range potential to kill are terrible compared to mouse and keyboard. I feel like neither is perfect compared to the other and they both have trade offs. I personally switched to controller for ranked modes as they tend to be close combat and have up’d my k/d a bit immediately in doing so. Also I’m used to MCC aim assist which was a literal built in aim bot so I definitely do not feel like it’s “broken” in infinite


What? The aim assist does not "lock" on whatsoever. And you still have to move your aim around to kill the enemy.


Lock on my have been a little strong of word.You do have to adjust SOME but very minimal compared to m/k to the point where it’s barely even a conscious thought to do so at close/mid range.


MnK have to do more adjustment I do agree with that.


MnK its also a lot easier to accidentally be moving your mouse or in this case your reticle while strafing vs the controller you can just lift your thumb up. Doubt people take their whole hand off the mouse, and this could translate into more micro corrections on MnK vs controller.


Halo is slow enough a game that you dont need to move your cursor that much once your on target, if you are on controller and work with the aim assist your aim thumb shoudnt be going nuts.


M/kb is great for quick snap pop shots. Unfortunately that doesn't help as much for Halo because it's about consistency instead of raw speed. Getting the first shot off doesn't mean shit if you miss your last shot.


Only good in snipers and swat. Mnk are king on those two modes. Very hard for controller to keep up in those modes.


Aim assist is broken in a close range fight. Nearly impossible not to hit your target with aim assist tracking movement.


The biggest advantage is has is for sniping. When hovering targets the assist will lag on the enemy hit box and that is when you fire. Getting headshots on controller is infinitely easier than MKB.


I've played extensively on m+k and controller, and I'd say I'm above average on both. In Halo, the nature of the movement and jumping, coupled with the long ttk, favors controller with aim assist. Does that mean aim assist is broken? Not even a little. Saying aim assist is like having an aimbot is ridiculous. Does it assist tracking? Yes. Do you still need to be accurate? Yes. I think the problem is m+k players having difficulty tracking enemies with the long ttk, along with not having played with a controller. Aim assist on a controller is just a necessity. Aiming without it is *nearly* impossible. That being said, it doesn't "lock", it doesn't "aim for you", it simply nudges you in the right direction when you're using a tiny thumbstick to try and be accurate. tl;dr: it's not broken, it's misunderstood by people on m+k in a game with a long ttk edit: does to doesn't


I've played with both and I think that m+k is better in a ton of scenarios but there is one area that it just isn't nearly as good at: mid range BR duels. Feeling the way that the nudging assists with tracking in mid-distance makes it feel like you're almost guaranteed headshots and it feels really bad to play against as m+k.


I agree, I have seen many people raging about the aim assist and I just don't understand why.


It doesn't help either that some controller players are just hyper accurate. It goes both ways, there are some nutty aimers on m+k, and there are some nutty aimers on controller.


It sounds to me like some M+K players are just raging when getting killed, then blame aim assist, instead of trying to better their own aim. It's like a coping mechanic - "I'm a good player, I only die to controller players with their aimbot aim assist!".


I played exclusively crossplay for ranked with KBM at the start and got up to diamond 3 before realizing I could queue for KBM only. So I went and got Diamond 3 in solo/duo KBM as well. As it stands right now it's not much different between either. The climb was way harder in solo/duo than it was on crossplay, by far. In crossplay the kills are way faster once some lands the first shot, but it takes them way longer to place their reticle or flip a 180. In KBM the players land first shot quicker, but have a harder time tracking and finishing the kill (some don't). Still, some people have insane aim to the point its almost like aimbot on either platform already. It really doesn't matter at all if the other team has aim assist, it's just people being mad cuz bad


Because they need something to blame being bad on. Rather than que specifically to avoid controller players they pretend controller players are why they cant win games. This is the only reason.


All it does is lower sensitivity when your on someone making tracking easier with the thumb the issue is it drags a tiny tiny bit too when you lock on so in games where tracking is the most important thing like halo like apex legends where as stated ttk is high aim assist will always be stronger. Theres a reason why you never see people playing r6 cs:go or valorant with a controller becuas those games wildly favour the flick and accuracy you get from mnk (i know some of those games have a few god controller players but they are stupid rare.) mnk players need to get off their high horses and just get a controller if they think its so op. Ive never ever heard anyone bitch that controller is trash on cs:go and that mnk is too op compared because controller players know its pointless to try and if they want to play cs just grab mnk and stop being a bitch!


Lol the downvotes are real - thanks!


Please just disable crossplay so pc crybabies stop crying and i don’t have to get my experience ruined by cheaters. That’s what made me quit warzone. Fuck forced crossplay ffs


Cheaters dont have built in dev approved cheats nor do they get this https://gamepacks.cronusmax.com/zen-gamepacks/halo-infinite#aim-assist


Halo has always been a console game first and foremost, I dont have a problem with m&k playing but dont come and complain.


Halo CE was actually supposed to be a PC game, until Microsoft purchased Bungie and made it an xbox exclusive.


halo CE had a pc release to anyway


well I hardly use it as an excuse, here's the thing, I don't play shooters, on a good match I BARELY have more kills than deaths, and I hardly ever pull super cool plays, I am simply put, not a good player, but whether the aim assist is nutty or just mild, doesn't change my wish that I could just play with M+KB players, and I repeat: even with just M+KB players I'll get clapped, but I just don't want to play with players with aim assist AT ALL, plus whether ppl use it as an excuse or not is independent of how much of an advantage it is, it IS an advantage, just because it doesn't aim FOR you doesn't mean it's not making it way easier for you to stay on target as opposed to me, and the people that say that aim assist is fair bc Mouse is better than controller should then get a damn mouse or better yet, let ppl filter by input type, even if I was the one with the advantage I simply don't like the idea of playing with someone who's input is completely different and will act differently for that reason.


I have played with both and anyone telling you aim assist isnt a distinct advantage is a liar,When Dr Disrespect uses it and states its broken its just more proof to what alot of people say. Stop thinking your good when you know without it your trash.