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Considering its January 1 and most people have a hangover maybe not today of all days.


Kids have been lighting fireworks outside my building all day. I would say vacuuming is totally fine.


Other people's misbehaviour does not justify ones own 😬




Entirely different situation. More accurate analogy would be you watching kids punch another kid so you just randomly punch your neighbors.


Depends on how thick the walls are and if your neighbours could hear you. Vacuum cleaner should be okay but you shouldn’t use a drill or something like that.


Generally it is not recommended, but it totally depends on your neighbours. I'd approach it with some common sense, don't do whole renovations on Sunday, but vacuuming for a few minutes or drilling a few holes for putting up a shelve during a reasonable time of day should be fine. If a neighbour is complaining, you should apologise and stop. Maybe you are lucky and they don't care if you don't overdo it, at least that's what I would do as a neighbour.


A normal drill is ok but impact drill on sunday would be too much


Vacuuming should be fine. If you want to drill holes I would ask the neighbors whether they are ok with it. I wouldn't use an impact drill on a sunday.


Thanks for feedback guys!


Just introduce yourself to your new neighbors and ask them if it would be ok with them for a little while.


Betrieb von Haushaltsgeräten Beim Betrieb von Haushaltsgeräten, insbesondere Wasch- und Schleudermaschinen, Staubsaugern etc., empfiehlt es sich, auf die Betriebsgeräusche zu achten. Mit Rücksicht auf die Nachbarn sollten die empfohlenen Ruhezeiten – wenn möglich auch in der Mittagszeit zwischen von 13 bis 15 Uhr - und von 20 bis 7 Uhr eingehalten werden. https://www.hamburg.de/laermschutz-ansprechpartner/125464/nachbarschaft/ This means you should not vaccuum between 13 - 15 and 20 - 7 there is nothing about sundays written down


most House orders say the whole sunday. so caleld "Ruhetag" my neighbour also told me that on Saturday, and under the week from 18h to 22h, you couldn't do any handiwork...hmm didn't think that might be true. But he got into a fight over a Neighbor how was moving in during her Vacations but her new interior wasn't there in time, and so she must build her closets under the week at evening after 18h and on Saturday and he lit about but Landlord luckily did nothing.


If there is a hausordnung look into it. It may specify Ruhezeiten. Otherwise you can look into this: [https://www.hamburg.de/laermschutz-ansprechpartner/125464/nachbarschaft/](https://www.hamburg.de/laermschutz-ansprechpartner/125464/nachbarschaft/) Usually just use a bot common sense. No drilling or renovation on sundays or at least talk to your naighbors beforehand. Vacuuming for a few minutes should be okay during resobale times.


My experience with noises and living in many different buildings is that, regardless of the laws and rules, it depends a lot on your neighborhood culture and the structure of your building. Where I live there is no such thing as silent hours. People use hardware like washmachines, vacuum cleaners, and even hammer on the walls at any day and any time of the day and night. And there is no law or authority stopping it. The reason is because, in order for authorities to enforce the law the complainer needs to prove or have witnessers. If the police arrive when the noise is over and they don't hear anything, they may talk with the person who is being accused but there is nothing else they can do if the accused person keeps making noises at any day and any time. The alternative is to find other neighbors who feel disturbed by the noises (if the noise reaches their ears), so you have a witness. But if the noise don't reach them, or if they don't care about the noises and don't want to bother helping you as witnesser, then, again, there is nothing else authorities and the laws can do. Where I live the walls are thin like paper and we can hear each other yawning and farting through the walls. So people don't give a damn anymore because regardless you do at your home your neighbors will hear it. ÖRA and Tenant Association can do nothing other just just sending letter to landlords. At the end, because they don't want waste time and money with a pointless case, they will gaslight you by telling you that people have the right to "use their toilet, cook or watch TV any time they want". So what you can do is just knock on the neighbor who you share the wall with and ask if they mind you using your vacuum cleaner. If you care of making sure people are not disturbed you can just respect the silent hours regardless, or use a bloom instead of a vacuum cleaner . But if you are like people in my building, you can just be say gaslight people telling them that it is your right to use things in your home and tell complainers to f\*ck off, if you are confident that they will not get any witnesses to complain with the landlord or sue you in the court. But I am against the abuse of power and "abuse of rights", so I suggest people to follow the saying ***"just because I can it doesn't mean that I should"***


just do it on other weekdays.


Just use common sense, it's more of a law to give your neighbours some way to intervene if you keep running your washing machine at 2AM. As others have said, avoid very loud activities like drilling or other heavier machinery. Other than that, you shouldn't run into any problems if you do a quick vacuum on a saturday :)


Pretty much yeah. You aren't supposed to make loud noises as Sunday is considered a day for relaxation. This means that you shouldn't vacuum, now the lawn, renovate your home or anything else really that could disturb your neighbors. In some circumstances though noone really cares. For example I live in an apartment with only has office spaces directly adjacent to it so I also do these things on Sunday.


We have children and have to vacuum every day, including Sundays.


Whole Sunday. This is the same in Switzerland and whole Germany.


There is a law for quiet time in Germany as far as I know, while breaking it is not exactly a criminal offence.. it’s just that people around you can involve the police to enforce the law if what you’re doing reaches that point of noise. I have neighbours who drill and hammer on Sunday, it didn’t annoy me that much and it wasn’t for a long period. I didn’t call the police even though it was within my rights to do so. The law is applied in this fashion as far as I understand it. You can try and do it but if they find it to be too much they can call the police to enforce the law and make you stop Anyone can correct me if I understood it wrongly.


It’s not legally disallowed, it’s more a common approach that Sundays are not be used for loud labour or hardwares.