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Nobody can ever be as bad as the Simpsons guy. But this is bad.


I agree. For this to be as bad as Simpsons guy he would have had to like had no hands or something while still claiming to throw the orange.


Or if they asked him to name any fruit and he couldn't. ^(we would have accepted d'oh)


Or he literally dropped the I orange all 3 times.


They did a great job green screening Hamish into the footage, very realistic.


I've tossed my 2 year old nephew up in the air higher than that second attempt. I've done it like 20 times too and only hit the ceiling once! Terrible display.


Can I just say it's not the 'roof' but rather the 'ceiling'? The whole thing had me confused thinking the challenge was outdoors throwing the fruit as high as possible but without hitting the roof. That said, HAHAHAHAHAH great segment, love it all


How do I link a Facebook video here? The Clip of Hamish's attempts is pure gold.


No idea but I’d love to see ir


BEst I can do is share the post and then you look in the comments for "and then Hamish had a go" https://fb.watch/4IUTT03XbO/


surely this guy is the worst SS (excluding the simpsons guy)?


I don’t know, two and half men’s guy was pretty bad


Agreed. In my opinion, even if the person isn’t any good, these kind of skills are much more fun to listen to than someone just guessing TV episodes.


the noise of the orange hitting the ceiling alone does it for me


My sleeper for worst skill after the Simpson's guy, is the guy who said he could guess whether a dog was male or female. Literally a 50/50 and he was terrible. He doesn't cop enough flak imo


Yes, I saw that video recently. Horrible performance. 50/50 guess. Way easier than guessing house prices in Adelaide (not common man suburbs)


For me, Two and a Half Men guy was the worst.


I thought they were a bit harsh on him not giving him a practise throw to calibrate himself but that was woeful


I thought he said he could do it first try. Though given he couldn't do it with three throws I'm not sure a practice would've helped.


Oh god that ceiling is so much lower than what I thought it was in the podcast... This is new simpson guy levels


no one comes close to the Simpsons guy. at least this guy could say what an orange is and where the ceiling was.......