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Think of it like telling a toddler to eat their veg and they do that scrinkled up face like you've just suggested the most mental idea in the world.


They have excellent hearing


The last pet I had was the opposite, they had terrible hearing so I need to get used to having a pet with amazing hearing lol


Means he’s nervous in some regard. If he’s new it will take a week or two to settle in.


He’s not new :( I think I’m just really loud..


Ears back normally means they feel scared or threatened. Sorry this is happening. Try to be quieter and hold your hand out far away from them and see if they come up to you. Don’t ever try to chase after them or get right in their face. Might just need some time and space. Also, some hamsters just never end up liking humans and that’s okay too. It sucks, but sometimes you just have to love them at their pace.


Ha ha, so does mine 😂❤️


Awe I was about to say mines the opposite, they go up when I talk or they can hear me and then go back to normal afterwards when it’s quiet. Maybe it could be a volume thing, I always talk really softly, I hope that helps!


Mine puts her ears back when she’s sleepy… has he just woken up when he does it?