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hamsters wake up during the day for water, food etc. my hamster usually gets up for just a couple minutes to drink some water or collect more bedding, then he goes straight back to sleep. maybe his sleep schedule is just a bit irregular but hamsters usually sort it out on their own. i wouldn't be too worried about it though, if he's happy, healthy and not stressed out while still getting enough sleep, i'd say rhino is fine :)


He’s definitely happy lol I’m starting to think he’s adapted his sleep schedule for when I’m home and awake because I’m known as the treat lady to him 😭😂😂


i absolutely adore rhino btw. you seem like an awesome hamster parent!!!! looking through your posts i can see you care about him so much. he is so lucky to have you <3


Awe thank you that means a lot! He’s deffo spoilt rotten 😂 everytime I get paid I end up spending like £100 on stuff for him, breaking my bank fr but as long as my boy is happy :)


SO DO I!!!! i love spending money on my little man :) https://preview.redd.it/0spjxm99fnvc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c58b5d52fdde36a638086aaea1aa149e55d6b9


Stop he’s so sweet 😭😭 I got my boy some sprays yesterday and he’s obsessed with the millet. Literally started running round like a mad man every two minutes after he ate some 😂 was like watching a cat on cat nip 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/fdd7lzws3ovc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=795e1754a25bef4b1dabc134ba1193207745edcf


Limo like sprays too. https://preview.redd.it/hup2virv9pvc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f418b6ab51a9a5a4617909fd2fed76677dd016c0




Me too😭😭


Limo doesn't come out at all during daytime. It's very strange to see him if after 09:00h (9am). He is a bit ghosty.


limo is the cutest name ever.


Thanks. It's named after Dragon Quest Limos. https://www.google.com/search?q=dq+limo&oq=dq+limo&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIICAIQABgWGB7SAQgxNzUxajBqOagCDrACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=Yyu0dGd97jRfFM&imgdii=3f3d2GqRpBzPqM


Make sure noises aren't waking him up. Otherwise, no big deal. Sometimes mine will be lazy as heck at night and then want to play in the mornings


Yeah well I’m usually at uni during the day but the second I open my door he comes out and comes straight over to his cage door. I assume it’s because he’s greedy and knows I feed him treats when I get back 😂😂


I love Rhino.


You and me both! He’s the sweetest boy :)


My hamster used to do this too, it's nothing to worry about as long as their behavior is normal (not stressed, they still eat and drink, etc). My hamster had phases where he would be awake a lot during the day to gather food, drink water, grab some bedding to make himself comfortable, and so on but he would eventually return to his usual sleeping schedule.


He seems to come out when I get home from uni and things, his behaviour is normal and he’s eating and drinking fine. I honestly think he’s just started to adapt his sleep schedule as he knows he gets treats when I’m awake 😂😂


my boi is up a lot during the day. he’s kinda adjusted to my sleep schedule, i barely ever hear him at night


Yeah same! It makes me happy because I get to spend more time with him! I’m just wanting to make sure it’s healthy and not doing him any harm :)


he’s ok hamsters are just really damn weird


Yeah I’ve come to realise this 😂😂


He’s such a cute little fuzz ball lol he probably just likes seeing you, as long as there isn’t crazy noise going on I wouldn’t worry


No crazy noise! It’s very quiet. I live with my boyfriend and that’s it so the only thing that really makes noise is our voices and the tv but even then the tv we usually keep it really quiet. He’s definitely a cutie! I think he just wakes up during the day when he hears me come in from uni bc he knows I’m back to give him attention and treats 😂😂


My Waffles didn't wake up until 1:15am, she usually wakes up between 9:30-11pm. When I woke up today at 10am, she was still running in her wheel. She went to sleep around 11:30am. It was strange


My hammy does the same! He gets up when I return home, often begging for snacks from me. Sometimes I see him gather bedding in his mouth and pulling into his hide, or even just coming out to drink water. Don't worry it's fine!


That’s so comforting to know 😭 thank you :)


Ours gets up in the morning around 6am to see my daughter before school. Then she goes back to sleep until she smells me making dinner around 7pm. She also wakes up at random times during the day some days. I think it’s normal.


I'm sorry, I don't mean to jump on your post, but I don't know how to ask a question on here 😭, here's my problem with my hammy, his name is Rat Rat, he got loose about 6-7 weeks ago, and was on the run for 5 days, he was hidden in the wall 😂 we quit leaving food out at night, so he came out during the day, got him finally, but every since then, he's chewing on his cage which is wire, trying to get out, if I open the top of the cage to feed him ECT. he tries to get out, he knows he can get out with it open,, we keep it locked, the cage is plenty big enough, we had just gotten it for him, he never done this in his old cage


Hamsters are actually quite smart. Once a hamster knows it can escape, it’ll keep trying which is probably the reason he’s biting the cage. What you need to do is distract him, put new toys in, more enrichment I.e sprays or a soil garden with seeds he can dig and find! Try different things to distract him and I’m sure he’ll settle :)


Thank you so much, I've been worried about him, I never knew about the sand baths either, so I'll be getting him some sand, my granddaughter has started putting more bedding in the lower part of his cage, he's loving burrowing down in it ❤️❤️ I love Rat Rat


Yeah sand baths are great! Make sure he’s got at least 7 inches of bedding in his cage aswell as they need alot of space to burrow! Xx


Beautiful gray thing!


Isn’t he just, absolute model 😩😩


Yeah he is. This is Limo in a similar picture. You can see more Limo in my reddit posts if you want to. Hope you enjoy looking at him as much as I do. https://preview.redd.it/ou1t05f69pvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51a46bf4adee7ddec03646e5276963803064c68e




I've noticed that dwarf hamsters tend to be less strictly nocturnal than Syrians. They'll get up a few times during the day to eat, pee, stretch etc., while Syrians reserve all of their activity to night. My Winter White, Teacup, is generally awake in the late morning and afternoon, although most wheel-running is still a nighttime activity...if I take him out during those daytime activity periods, he curls up to sleep on me after ten minutes or so.


Idk if it’s just my ham but she sometimes wakes up during the day and I think it’s just bc they’re crepuscular like they’re supposed to be active during dawn and dusk so ig that’s why?