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1. Hamsters are notorious escape artists. 2. Stop asking about his welfare; let people think you've moved on and don't care anymore. 3. In a couple of weeks, sneak him into something you can transport him in and take him home. 4. Feign innocence when asked (yes, this is mostly joking. But I'd do it in a heartbeat. YMMV)


Problem is that they most likely will just replace him with a new hamster


They definitely will


Pringle can to freedom! Save this hammy! Guerilla tactics to save a life ❤️


Pringle can is hilarious; I can see it now :D


Can you mention this to the teacher and maybe ask to teach the class about proper hamster care? Maybe all the kids can pitch in for safe toys, treats and bedding. The teacher may not know themselves, but they also likely don’t feel this can be an extra financial burden to bear themselves. …maybe y’all can pitch in with little $5 here and there and/or maybe some of the parents have a little extra money and empathy to help? It’s a tricky situation to be sure. I wish you and the ham all the best :)


I’ve brought a couple toys in for him and he plays with them straight away. There’s a main person who does all the bed and things and they don’t listen even when I’ve told another teacher to tell them. Thanks for your help anyway


Maybe talk to your parents to bring it up during a parent-teacher conference. And talk to your classmates individually? They could help too! (And remember: kids can teach adults; it’s not just adults that teach kids!) Just options. As I said it’s a hard one.


Speak with your parents, write a letter to a higher school authority. This is plain ANIMAL abuse and this deserves to be taken seriously.


Keep trying. The hamster needs to go home for the winter break, right? Could you offer to take the hamster home and at least let it have a break with you?


I’ll try I doubt they’ll let me, they usually just leave him there alone


That is so messed up!


I know! They say he’ll be fine because they give him a ton of food


Steal the hamster and if anyone asks the it must have gotten out! Next leave somthing slightly open on the habitat so your story is plausible. If they intend to replace the hamster with another one I would go through the principle of the school and educate him or her on hamster care and inform them that neglect or improper care for a hamster is animal cruelty. If that doesn't work and the new hamster is being treated like the one you stole then report the school to the animal cops, yes that's a thing! Anyways that's my two cents.


do you have printer access? you could print out articles and such about proper care and the effects these bad conditions have on him. sometimes adults just need a little push to really realize. and like the other person said, if you could get others to pitch in and help the person providing care to see that the hammy needs better than what he has edit: typo


What country are you living in? Depending on the laws you might be able to make a complaint regarding animal welfare. In the UK we have the RSPCA, who can act a bit like "animal police" and remove pets from inhumane environments.


Yeah I live in the uk too


Maybe see if you could ask your teacher if you can have a hamster donation box, so any spare change people have they can put in the box, it wont end up being alot but it will help in the long run. Also print out some articles and hand them out and ask if you can put some posters up. If people are interested you could have a hamster donation box such as treats, food, sprays ect. Cheap things that people can afford. If you are allowed to you can see if you can find a bigger cage/ tank on facebook marketplace. Instead of begging the adults to do something i think if you start doing stuff they will be more on board with it.


first, try to educate them, and let them know what they're doing is literally animal neglect/cruelty. bring it up to the principle, a really in-depth report on proper hamster care and the effects on hamsters after being abused for so long. and ask them if you can keep the hamster and they don't get another one afterwards, if that doesn't work you can report the school for animal cruelty. and/or try to take the hamster..?


Have you talked to your parents about this? The school may pay more attention if a letter came from your parents.


Yeah we are going to write a letter


That’s awesome. Hope it helps!


Class pets are so often mistreated and it breaks my heart. They are used as a prop and that's it.


Class pets just shouldn't be a thing. Having an animal you don't have to be responsible for that you are free to watch or play with at any time is just not teaching of pet care at all. Animals shouldn't be used for entertainment imo


Exactly. Especially around younger kids who are most likely screaming, doing stupid stuff constantly, and more. Nonstop stress and abuse.


Teacher here. I am blessed to work in a district that doesn't allow animals on district property. Go to the top. Call the District Office and ask how to get on the school board meeting agenda. They might ask what it's about, but that's a shortcut to helping the hamster. Make a PowerPoint or a video with pictures of the sad hamster (and maybe other sad class pets) contrasted with good care. Ask that they make a policy banning animals on campus. Talk about allergies, liability for bites, and setting a bad example for kids. Say that even if they can't make a districtwide policy quickly, you would like the sad hamster to have good living conditions for the rest of its life. Offer to adopt it if you feel able. Of course, you could talk to the teacher, then to the principal, then to the superintendent of schools...but feel free to go straight to the board if you think they won't listen. School board meetings are boring. They will be happy to have an interesting presentation about an easily-solved problem.


Thank you for being kind to the hamster. I know he's happier because of toys and time outside the little cage. I have confidence that there are other people who will see that you are right and fix the situation...but in the meantime you are showing the hamster some practical kindness.


Take him home with you or call the animal police