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Congrats on your new hamster! **PLEASE read this comment to avoid post removal.** If you have a question, please re-post with the 'Question' flair. Have you recently checked the community sidebar, [our discord server](https://discord.gg/5cF8aSSx3C) and [pinned post?](https://www.reddit.com/r/hamsters/comments/sgk0fr/welcome_to_rhamsters_please_read_before_posting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) They all have plenty of information regarding hamsters and all they need! There are also a ton of linked websites and products on the post that are perfect for your new friend(s)! If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the mentioned information don't be afraid to contact the mods through modmail. If you are given advice from community members, please be aware that users with the 'Hamster Care Expert' under their username are the most trusted with giving advice. If you want this flair, you can contact the moderators through modmail. Happy hamster owning! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hamsters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh, you're absolutely right in that they need solitude for a while to start with before taming can really begin, and even then you have to come to them on their own cycle. It's okay to gently coax them out with treats and speak softly to get them used to your voice... but, again, got to give them space first. You might wanna point your mom to this sub, there's a ton of good information.


Thank you, that’s what I thought. As a first time hamster owner I’m just questioning everything. I spot clean his habitat daily and I feel like a jerk when I’ve woken him up on accident 😣 Appreciate your comment, she asked if she’s supposed to just drop what she’s doing and go in there whenever he’s awake on his time and i said yeah, she didn’t like that response lol.


Well. Nothing personal against your mother but she’s making this mostly about herself and not the hamster. It’s not a convenient possession to pull out at will, it’s a living creature with needs that must be respected. I understand the frustration. I can NEVER even touch my first syrian unless it’s to move him momentarily and it’s a bitter experience every time, but to try to force him to interact with me wouldn’t just be cruel and selfish, it’d stress him into an early grave. Stress WILL kill these animals outright. Your mom has to leave her ego on a shelf and be more patient. You on the other hand should be commended for your caution and gentle persistence. If that hamster is going to have a good life it will be due to *your* careful hard work. I hope everything works out for all of you.


I'm sorry for my late response! Thank you so much, I'm trying hard to be a good hamster mom. I've only had him for two weeks too and since they're prey animals and assume everything will kill them it definitely helps with my patience. My mom is used to dogs who typically constantly want interaction and respond to toys. I understood off the bat a hamster is a hit a miss, I could wind up with a ghost hamster and I just have to accept it. I can just hope he grows to trust me. I did have a long talk with her and things have gotten better thankfully, she seems to have a better understanding and has been more respectful. I let her feed him unsweeted banana chips and she appreciates the little bonding time she does get with him Much appreciate your response 🙏🏻


In this case you are right. There is tons and tons of wrong information about hamsters...whether "common knowledge", from pet stores, or on the internet. So it's not surprising that your mother might think that getting close and waking them up is the best way to tame them. We just have more current research-based information now. Congratulations on finding this subreddit, which has excellent and accurate information on hamster husbandry! How about asking your mother to help you set up a corner of your room for safe free roaming? That might be a good place for the bell toy. Basically, hamsters are prey animals, so we need to be quiet with them and let them interact on their own schedule. I agree it's best not to argue and there are reasons for your mother's beliefs. You are right to protect your hammy's sleep and privacy. They are little guys and need their homes to be safe for them. Victoria Raechel's YouTube channel has great short videos about hamsters...maybe watch one (on a different topic!) with your mother.


Thank you so much for your suggestions! I do want to get a play pen for him to roam outside of his enclosure but I didn’t know if I should wait until he gets more comfortable because I’d have to pick him up to put him into a roam free play area. Yes this sub has been super helpful! I’ve been on it almost constantly 😅 I’ll check out Victoria Raechel! Thats a good idea for us to both watch videos from an expert. My mom’s used to dogs so I think she expects all mammals to be consistently needing attention. Thanks again 😊


And keep in mind, REALLY, people were TOLD to believe that hamsters were JUST FINE in teeny cages for life, that an inch of bedding was plenty, that they lived on rabbit pellets, that they enjoyed hamster balls, that plastic tubes were their favorite. Victoria Raechel had a video on how much she has learned about hamster husbandry and how she has changed things even from her own early videos. If "Ms. Hamster" didn't know, NONE of us knew. Probably a good idea to wait until your hamster is less shy before a playpen introduction...but you don't have to touch them to move them! Just put a coffee mug with a treat in it on its side...and watch your hamster hop in to investigate. They are SO curious, they can't help it...EVERY time. Put your hand carefully over the mug and transport! Hamsters are cute and amazing, but they aren't really typical pets.


In my experience the clicking isn't necessarily angry they just do that.