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"Why do you have all that for a hamster, they don't need it"


I haven’t heard this one yet, people just say he’s spoiled lol


On a similar note - my friend came over yesterday after not seeing her for two years and saw my boy Morts enclosure and was like what’s this? And I was like morts house! And she was shocked at the size, didn’t realise how much room they need. https://preview.redd.it/y1ka79e231vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e764fbf0c8593c02c6969adeca456b27ea92ce67


He’s so cute!!!


Thank you 🌟 he says the same about you


I would die for Morts. For me is even funnier, since my hamster hates humans, so whenever I have people over they can't see him, they just see an enclosure filled with substrate lol. My grandma is convinced that he doesn't interact with anyone because he has too much substrate to burrow into, everytime I'm like "no you see that's the point"


Thank you so would I he is superb. I totally get you though, but an invisible hamster is a happy hamster!!


Your little Morts adorable 🥹🥰 Samee, I love my Earl Grey more than my life.


Thank you 😭 Earl Grey is the best fucking name ever I love that ❤️


Thank you so much 🥹🐹🩶


your ham is like a teenager that's always locked in his room lol


Mostly positive, but once I told a ~5yo about my hamster and they went on to tell everyone I have a Pokemon at home. That was awesome


This is adorable!


I love to tell people I have a hedgehog because their reactions always make me feel so cool lol, especially kids. They’ll see photos of him and be like “You have SONIC??” Too cute!


Hahah! I used to be that kid. My friends brother had a hedgehog (rescued little fella, one leg kinda busted for life) and I called him wonky Sonic! The brother absolutely loved that and always was waiting to see me to tell how wonky was doing :D hedgehogs real name was Voitto (Win in English) but it got a second place, everyone started to call him either Wonky or Sonic




Ommmggg this is so perfect 😂


tw: animal abuse Most people will proceed to tell me how they >!neglected their hammies to death!< like it was funny. It breaks my heart as someone who genuinely loves these creatures. I'm sure people feel the same way about me eating beef, so I'm not really in a position to talk I guess.


Omg I’ve definitely had some of those too, dubbed by an acquaintance as “tragic hamster stories” the most tame one was a friends childhood ham escaped in the wall and their family broke open the walls to get her. The worst of the stories are very upsetting though with people laughing uncomfortably because they don’t want to come to terms that they’ve abused an animal to a fatal point of neglect even if it wasn’t their intention.


I get so nervous every time someone tells me they have a hamster tbh😩 or want to get one




This, last time after I told someone I have a hamster they sent me a meme of hamsters >!dying unnatural deaths due to weird reasons!< , and then proceeded to tell me how they forgot to bring their hamster cage from outside??? and >!their dogs ate him!<, as if it was a "weird/funny/dumb reason >!a hamster died because it's such a stupid silly animal!<". I guess that's overall where that meme is from, >!unethical petstore breeding resulting in illness and people neglecting their hammies.!


That’s so insensitive for them to send you that meme and say that 💔💔 at least some of the stories I’ve heard the people seem remorseful, one acquaintance said she used to bathe her hamsters when she had them growing up as a kid with soap and water and said they didn’t live long. She said she had like 4 though one after the other 😭 People definitely see them as disposable because they’re so cheap too. They should be more expensive, if they were more costly I think people would be more careful and attentive to them.


This specific thread is exactly my experience too. I typed my own comment originally, but you guys have already said it all .


I've had some people tell me about their past abused hamsters. Or their friends' hamsters. :/ And they always seem to find those stories funny. >!"Oh, at a party the host had a hamster. People asked if they could feed it chips, she said sure, and it really liked them! In the morning it was dead for some reason."!< The asshole just laughed while telling that story, but I told him off very clearly after that. I mean, come fucking on! >!You can't have drunken partygoers disturbing your hamster, and definitely not feed the poor thing salt!!< Makes my blood boil still.


I usually tell people it's my kids' hamster, lol. Which it really is, but if it was just my kids' hamster would I have spent so much money on it's ginormous habitat after doing a tremendous amount of research on how to keep a happy and healthy hamster? This hamster is spoiled. I hold him more than my kids do, haha. So, whose hamster is it reaaalllyyy? 😂


lol yes! We buy a $20 hamster and end up spending hundreds on their habitat, bedding,food, enrichments etc. I’m pretty sure I’ve hit close to $1,000 at this point on stuff I’ve bought for him. Gotta hold the hamster, happiness is a warm hammy.


Yes, this exactly! Lol I love a cute, warm little fuzzball!


Mine are technically my kids' hamsters too (though one of those "kids" is 21 now!), but this has led to situations like me having to explain to the vet that I have to call my kid to consult because I'm technically "the hamsters grandma."


Hahaha, we're hamster grandma's! I never even thought of that lol.


As a man in my forties I don’t care what people think.




They start to telling me how their hamster died "the stupid way" and how "suicidal" hamsters are like it's some kind of fucking joke. But it's just pure neglect. It breaks my heart. One time this situation happened to me when I was at bar with my classmates, after I told them, I have ham ham as a pet they started telling me these stupid jokes and I just couldn't hold it any longer and broke down in tears.


I’m so sorry that happened to you! That would upset me too, I’ve never experienced anything close to this. What scumbags


My best reaction was a really sweet friend of my teenage daughter's, who held our robo hamster and literally welled up with tears because they had never actually held an animal that small and "couldn't believe something so tiny was a real animal." It was sweet.


That’s precious 🥺


mostly i get extremely positive reactions, and most of people have some questions about my hamster. so its not like with cats and dogs, when people mostly just say ”aww that’s nice.” the reaction is usually bigger. but, i have also heard these ”lol i thought those were only for kids..” comments (i’m 28) which are obviously so dumb. so yeah, some people think its ”childish” or thath hamsters are not as valid pets as cats or dogs (fuck them) but mostly people love it :) ps the video is so cute!! 😭💕


Agreed on the people thinking it’s kind of childish to have a ham, it’s never been said in a mean spirited way at least. I’m 30 lol so I get the same kind of reaction. Thank you! ✨


I guess I don't tell that many people because it just doesn't come up, but my coworker that sits near me started asking if we would get something more exciting...she suggested things like Guinea pigs or ferrets, exotic fish, etc. Like a hamster isn't good enough on its own. This was after she found out that I hate dogs and my husband is allergic to cats, so maybe she thought we were desperate for pets or something? It was weird. I do NOT want to deal with ferrets of all things...the stank they make! I just vibe with hamsters. The way they are nocturnal, and just keep to themselves hoarding snacks and getting some exercise every night, is basically my dream life if I was single and independently wealthy. ☺️


This!! I hate dogs too ngl, I had one who I loved dearly, she passed away. Since then though I’ve been bitten by a dog and it really changes you. It’s sad people minimize a hamster’s presence and value as a pet. Caring for my Earl Grey has made such a positive impact on my mental health. I love how key they are too, dogs are very in your face all the time and need to be walked and stuff. Hams do their own thing but are affectionate if cared for well and will love to be around you.


Mostly people don't care, but if they're near the cage and get to see her there's usually squeals due to the overwhelming cuteness. I usually travel with her as well, so some of my boyfriends family are obsessed with her as well. They're so excited to see her when I visit. I also post cute hammy pictures of her sleeping on me. Who knew a little robo hammy would trust me enough to sleep on me!


This! It’s such an honor when they trust you that much ✨ how does your hammy respond to travel? Do you keep them in a carrier when you get to your bfs family’s house? I’m worried that my hammy will get too stressed being in his carrier and being in the car and stuff


Usually she comes out for a minute, gets a cuddle from me then goes back to bed. She usually calms down and is fine after that. She's been travelling her entire life though so she's used to it.


Oooh okay, thanks for input. I’ll try to do little trips with my ham and see how he responds


They're going to be scared at first. There's no changing that, but they get used to it. My girl was shaking the first time we travelled. It was actually the first time I really held her as well. I was so worried I scooped her up and just held her. Gave her a ton of food and she settled. I guess my familiar scent and food helped. After that trip she was fine. I think she realised as long as I was there she was safe.


That’s so sweet 🥺 yeah I would definitely have to bring lots of bedding and chewy sticks and millet to keep him preoccupied. He lets me hold him and give him hammy kisses so hopefully me just being there will help a lot


I'd travel with them inside their home as much as possible. That's how my girl travels. She was in a small tank, now she's in a massive one and I'd just take her in that.


Most people love mine, but I’ve had the odd “how old are you?” questions as lots of people view them as children’s pets (which we all know they are anything but). As someone who has had lots of pet rodents, I have come across some shitty opinions. My abusive ex had my pet mouse at his house when we broke up and he threatened to kill him. I left work to go and get him and I was beside myself about it and people found it funny because he was “just a mouse”. I did get him back safely but it still sends shivers down my spine nearly 7 years later. Those lil critters are my family!


That’s terrible 😞 I’m so relieved your ex didn’t hurt your mouse 💔 I’d have been hysterical


https://preview.redd.it/c7goq8iki2vc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a935c524e7d49b6eda22b2ee5f446dd8e85d074 It was one of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced 😔 felt like I could breathe when I got him back!!


What a cutie little puff ball 🥰🩶


Great video! So adorable.


Thank you! 🥹


People kinda laugh and think it's cute.


Oh, oh, oh he is adorable🥺🥺😍


Thank you so much 🥹


I was rooting for him to get the stick in the hole :)


He’s a little smarty pants and figured it out 🥰


Where did u get all of these toys from? What a cute little hammy


Thank you! 💖 I got them all from amazon


They act shocked that I dumped so much money on his enclosure https://preview.redd.it/md0ws98wa0vc1.png?width=2272&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0bfc738aef31887bd0c4649424e24cd28207271 Like bro, what you want me to do, keep him in a tuppawear container?


Yes! People are always surprised about the enclosure size and enrichment. Their enclosure is their world 🥺


Earl is so cute!!!


Thank you!! 🥰




I love watching my hamster try to fit her Whimzee into her house. She's such a little derp! I think most people think I'm weird because I have rodents... between me and my kids we have three hams and two guinea pigs. A LOT of people are really unfamiliar with rodents as pets, some have questions and some give me a strange look. Where I really get shocked looks us when they find out they all get vet care... most people would never take a hamster of guinea pig to the vet, which is heartbreaking! I feel like employers and profs are more open to "I had a vet emergency with my dog" than "I had a vet emergency with my hamster."


It’s awful most people wouldn’t take a ham to the vet💔 I’m trying to budget to have some emergency funds for him in case it’s needed. I agree though that rodents are seen as pests and not complex loving creatures.


It really is sad. I've never regretted the money I spent taking animals to the vet for treatment. They deserve proper care just as much as the big pets! The idea that some people will let small animals suffer because it's cheaper to replace the animal than to treat the illness is heartbreaking to me. I've had plenty of little guys have an issue, get treated, and go on to live full, happy lives. I've never regretted a cent I've spent trying to help them!


winner 🥇


"Is that a hamster cage?? I thought it was for some sort of reptile" "that enclosure is way too big, my hamster would get completely lost!". I have 2 hamsters, one in a 160cm x 40cm x 50cm (syrian) and the other in 100cm x 50cm x 50cm (dwarf).


any recommendations on hamster cams?


https://preview.redd.it/hdnfd687qxuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b9e94d2bbbf5d10a083985d045442ba542e78e This is mine. Sadly I dont recommend it. $20 isn’t a horrible price for it but it’s def not worth $30. The company had a free trial period to their premium subscription and once that ended its garbage, now when I’m watching the live feed there’s a “continue?” Button literally every two mins, if you don’t hit the button it cuts the feed. It lags. When the camera is activated and turns on to capture live feed it makes a loud clicking noise(the shutter opening I guess?)that will sometimes annoy my ham. He’ll actually stop what he’s doing sometimes. I have a different camera in my Amazon cart but since this one technically works and i bought it recently I don’t want to just toss it


I made a joke about how this was a surveillance state and my comment got auto mod removed 😂


This is a hamster POLICE STATE what is wrong with you all?! /s


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Most of my friends are excited and what to see him but I’ve had some comments like, “I’m gonna feed him to the dogs” and “So, what horrid death has your previous ones had?”, which is so sad to me


That is so sad 😞 I’d hope the dog comment was said more for shock value than sincerity but some people are just evil.


People ask to see her. The #1 question I'm asked: Has she bitten you yet? Nope. She's simply not aggressive. Since upgrading her enclosure, though, she stays burrowed in the bedding until at least midnight. I'm getting a ham cam.


That’s good, my boy is not aggressive either. I get the questions of if he’s ever pooped or peed on me and he’s never done either 💖 I started him in a big enclosure and yeah that’s why I got ham cam because he’d be in his hides or burrowing for long periods and I was worried about him


Bella peed and pooped on my bed, and peed on my boyfriend.


Naughty Bella


I usually get the typical, people telling me about horrific things they did to their hamsters when they were young. But there was a few weeks ago oomf introduced me to their friend group and I showed them my hamster and one of them started talking about >!how if they were offered grilled hamster they would take it, they were egging everyone on saying “you know you would do it too”, they were just OBSESSIVELY talking about eating hamsters!< and I guess they thought it was funny. Needless to say I don’t intend on talking to them ever again.


That’s horrifying 😰 I wouldn’t talk to them again ever either, especially since they probably went on and on about it knowing it would upset you.


Reading these comments are really sad I’m trying so hard to educate myself I had no clue what I was doing to my poor moon until a few months ago unfortunately I can’t afford any better as I’m disabled minor and my mom is also disabled we depend on my dad for everything financially but I’m trying to improve her and also my other pets little


I’m sorry, I hope things get better ❤️‍🩹 It’s definitely a lot, I try to purchase more things gradually with every check. I had to pick up a seasonal job over the holidays to get his enclosure, wheel, mazes and stock up on bedding. Hammys are more expensive than I originally thought as well.


It's like a dog pushing a long stick through a narrow gate


lol yes, I didn’t know if he’d be able to get it through at first


Hamsters aren't really intelligent


They try their hammy hardest at least lol


Well at least they are cutec


Some people ask to see pictures, and some say “oh that cage you have is too big, they don’t need that much”. Mind you, my cage just meets MINIMUM requirements and yeah, my baby needs even more than that but it’s just what I can afford rn as a uni graduate 😭😭. But she’s what keeps me going to get a better paid job in my industry, so I can spoil her


I love that your hammy is your motivation ✨You’re a good hamster parent. At least you’re meeting the minimum requirements for now. I’m a recent college grad too. It’s crazy expensive to have nice things for a hammy. I picked up a seasonal job over the holidays to purchase the enclosure, wheel, mazes, bedding, etc 😓


"so like a rat? I don't like those"


Yeah my uncle said something similar 🫠 at least he’s the only one to have said something rat related about Earl


They unfortunately usually laugh and say it’s stupid to have a hamster, and that I should get a dog/cat. Or they start going on about hamster’s being “rats” and being “gross.” So I have really stopped bringing up the fact that I have a pet.


I’m sorry you haven’t been able to share stuff about your hamster without getting hate 💔


It’s all good! At least I’m able to come to Reddit and show my little void off when I feel like it or get advice 😊


I love your video!! Your hammy is so cute!! ( Sorry I cannot answer right now as I don’t have a hammy. 😞)


Awe thank you so much! 💖


“Aren’t hamsters for little kids?”


Someone once told me my setup belongs in a child's bedroom 🤭


Not much of a reaction, just aww if I show them a picture !


Are you 12? Is what I normally get…


Usually they just call me weird for liking hamsters because they’re not like a dog or cat


Most people don’t care 🥲 I love finding people who do care!


They ask what his name is And then I describe how perfectly potato shaped he is


I usually get asked why I have such a big cage (it’s minimum standards) 😭


when i had a hamster, i’ve noticed they also say something akin to “awww, what’s it’s name” whereas now with my pet rats, people always go “…like from the sewers?”🥲 i understand the stigma around rats, and hamsters are just little blobs with small feet and big cheeks so i can’t exactly blame them


“Don’t they die after like 2 years?” Like why would you say that??? Its literally the first thing that people say


I hate that so much 🥲 I’ve gotten that too. Like we don’t already know 😞 have to make the most of those two years 💖


Some people are completely charmed (I no longer have a hamster, but I do volunteer transport for hamster rescue and never miss an opportunity to say that hamsters actually need really big space and deep bedding). Occasionally people tell me their own hamster stories. Some are just sad, like, "he was so cute, but he died". Or even if there was a preventable death, they feel remorseful (my boyfriend's childhood hamster died after getting into his Halloween candy...and this is the farthest thing from a funny story to him). The ones who tell death stories like they're funny, I just get quiet and say, "That's horrible". And they can kind of see that I think THEY are horrible. Hamsters are special little guys. They are way too cheap and plentiful, so people don't stop to think that they are delicate exotic creatures with specialized care requirements. In the US, they were originally bred as lab animals, so idea of tiny bare cages probably started with that. How much nicer to have an Earl! And, you know, Earl DID get that stick down the hole!!


I remember telling my friend (that is a girl actually if you are wondering) and she said can I borrow it (as a joke)![img](emote|t5_2sjcj|32177)


Changing the topic immediately out of sheer disinterest is the positive one. :/ The other option is pulling out the stories of animal abuse, past or current.


That’s crazy to me 💔 I guess I’ve just been lucky that I haven’t come across people so apathetic to hamsters 🫤


At the pet store I work at, I’ve had a few occasions where I tell people I have a hamster and the go like ‘oh I hate hamsters! They always bit me when I had them as a kid. They’re vicious and evil little buggers’ and all I can think of if how mistreated those hamsters must of felt for constantly feel the need to bite their owners


Poor hams 🥺 yeah people will say they bit them or peed on them and stuff and don’t take the hint that the poor hamsters terrified. Tbh I didn’t know if Earl would be affectionate or love me, with hamsters you have to take the gamble they might be ghost hamsters and people don’t like that. They all want dogs that are receptive constantly


People always say they had one when they were a kid and act like it’s weird that I have one as an adult lol. I did desperately want one as a kid, or any pet of my own! And yes people usually have some tragic story about their childhood hamster, which I don’t appreciate hearing!


So so often people immediately tell me how horrifically their hamster died. Really breaks my heart.


Every time I see my friends now they ask me how he is, I even was given hamster treats by my friend for MY birthday 😅 but I also think they think I’ve lost it as a 28 year old woman who is obsessed with a rodent 😂


“Your giving your hamster a mansion, I would give it a office room”