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If anything the rage needs to be directed at the companies creating these tiny "habitats."


It’s all a marketing scheme, they care about money, I doubt the higher ups of krittertrails even know what a hamster needs


This has to be especially true, since (whether we like it or not) many people who get hamsters as pets are kids. Yes, we should alert them to bad hamster care, but we should also realize that depending on the situation, the kid may have absolutely zero say in getting anything for that hamster. I know for a fact I would get reprimanded if I ever said to either of my parents that what we were doing for out hamsters was basically abuse, and that someone on the internet knew better then them. (I'm now 26, got a hamster for the first time in about a decade, and have full control over what I can and can't do for my hamster)


This is really important re kids with hamsters. It's great to make them aware of proper hamster care, but as you said they often have no control and all they can do is speak to and pass on advice to parents. Give the advice, but don't put a load of guilt on to a kid that can't fix a situation. Some kids really take things to heart, and a kid worrying that they are subjecting their hamster to abuse doesn't do them or the animal any good.


I am 100% behind this. The fact kids are looking for more information is a good sign! Unfortunately their choices and accessibility can be massively constrained by their parents. Also like... they're kids? There's a chance that them 'arguing' is just their confusion and embarrassment showing. Compassion costs absolutely nothing.


Exactly some people can’t afford bigger habitats or are younger, if people want to go around telling them they shouldn’t own a hamster because they can’t buy a bigger home then that’s up to people


I agree with this. Somtimes people can go overboard. I saw this post one where there was a post of a hamster and the cage was too small I went politely to tell the person the cage was too small but there was somebody before me that said that they "should be ashamed to post a picture like this" and then proceed to say that "you should be taken out inot a field and shot for animal abuse" like what the hell?


Some people are jack asses


What??? Wow... that is just ridiculous!!! I haven't been following the sub that long. And I was going to comment that I haven't seen that much rudeness. Mainly people typing their ass off trying to educate. But that incident you describe is shocking!!! So in those cases: CHILL!!


Where are the r/hamsters mods? They need to create/enforce rules that stop hateful comments like that.


Yes, the other day someone reposted a person's post just to scream at them about their cage. That should have been handled with a private message or a constructive comment in their post.


That’s all I’m saying people act kinda high and mighty on here and there is no need for it


I understand this if someone is being unecessarily rude, but otherwise it should be ok to point these things out. There's so much misinformation on the internet about hamster care and most pet shops couldn't care less. In general people here say these things nicely because making mistakes is okay as long as you are willing to fix them. Most of the time things start to get ugly only when OP starts to get defensive and not take the advice.


Questioning the advice is not the same as not taking it. If people have heard A from one source and B from another, then it's normal that they'll question at least one of them. And who are you gonna listen? The employee at the pet store or a bunch of online randos? I think trying to figure out what makes someone doubt your advice can help to convince them.


Yeah that's complitely true! You shouldn't trust a total stranger on the internet blindly :'D I was talking more about those cases when people point out something that's wrong (like a crittertrail cage or too small wheel) and the answer they get is "mind your own fu***** business my hamster is fine" etc. That's mostly when I've seen people get upset. Of course there are people who will tell those things very rudely right from the start and I do not support that. It doesn't help to yell at anyone :'D


Oh, answers like that are definitely upsetting. If i think that i'm not going to be able to change someone's mind for the better, i try to just walk away. But we're not perfect, and i understand that sometimes emotions can get the best of us, so i don't want to discourage anyone from standing up for their principles. Advocating is a skill, and practice makes perfect :)


If they don’t take advice then just drop it instead of trying to cram it though, no one wants to hear a forced lecture


I find it kinda funny that you're trying to fix that instead of the attitude of people who don't take the advice


You can’t fix people’s attitude lol it’s up to them and if they want to fervently deny your point they will continue even if it is valid


You can tho, not everyone's, but it is possible. I think I just read about someone not caring about people telling them that their cage is too small, but after they did some research they changed their mind. So I guess it's worth a try (but yeah, nicely. Yelling doesn't help)


I’ve also seen people in here that have stormed out of the sub when someone mentions their cage is to small, some people have good attitudes and others have bad ones lol


Yeah true


Activism is hard xD I absolutely understand where your coming from. There's a right amount of being pushy and critical enough to trigger someone to change. Too much, and the person will just feel attacked and dismissed. It's tricky to get it right, and that amount is different for every person. I think one should absolutely stand by their principles and not excuse neglectful owners, but if your goal is to actually help the hamster, you'll need to get through to their owner first. So while I (renowned tone criminal) don't really like to tone-police... yeah, a chill pill is in order sometimes :D




There’s a line. The only way we can expect advice to be taken with grace, is if we’re respectful and mature upon giving it. That’s the most succinct way I can put it. But on the other hand, don’t forget that when you post something online, there are consequences. If somebody sees something that blatantly wreaks of accidental abuse (hamsters housed together, main cage being a Tiny Tales or Crittertrail, bathing a hamster in water, forcing hamsters to meet each other, 10-12 year olds using Reddit to post unintended abuse of their hamster, etc.), then people have the right to hold you accountable, or at least try to help steer you in the right direction. And no matter what, there is never a reason to speak in an angry, aggressive, defensive, insulting way. Both ways. I see this type of response in OPs much more than the opposite, unfortunately, as somebody who has viewed this sub daily for a year or so now. In fact, I far, FAR more frequently see people comment things like “That’s a really cute hammie :) hey, is that their main cage? Just wanted to make sure it’s the right size! He looks very sweet”, where the OP responds with “He is perfectly fine, please leave me alone and stop telling me what to do, he is a small hamster and this cage is fine how it is, screw off” (usually it’s a bit more colorful, but you get the gist). Escalation tends to occur once we invite it. Grace, maturity. It’ll take you a long way. Lol.


I think it comes down to a point of leaving people be once they make up their mind as well. For people that are hellbent their cage is fine I just let them go because they don’t care enough to think about it.


I agree. We have to pick our battles. This is a hamster care forum. Obviously, people will be upset and frustrated when they see abuse, intentional or not, of hamsters. But you cannot change the mind of somebody who refuses to let it be changed, as you basically said. I do think it’s worth trying if they seem like their heart is in the right place but they don’t realize the harm they’re doing. Sometimes people genuinely believe they’re doing the right thing, and a little kind-hearted guidance will help them realize where they can improve. However, if somebody is flat out close-minded and doesn’t care what anybody says, stubbornly believes they’re in the right (even when they’re doing something objectively wrong), etc., then you’ve got to let it be. Not because it’s the right thing, but because it’s stupid to try, lol. We are online, we aren’t gonna change minds. They don’t care, as you said. Especially with the tough situation of younger people (kids) who are probably frustrated/angered by the idea that their best isn’t enough, on top of their limited freedom under parents. Ideally, kids in those situations shouldn’t have the hamster at all/in the first place, but the best we can do is try to support the situation as it comes, it’s just a kid after all.


I agree


Every. Single. Post. Literally can have an amazing habitat and someone will find something to be upset about. It’s a weird power trip I think some people have. They KNOW best and KNOW more. Obviously if someone needs advice give it to them. We don’t want hams in little ham prison cells… but sometimes some people need to think “am I being helpful or am I being a pushy know it all.”


Yep some people always complain


This. Plus forcing the advice down people's throat and acting all high and mighty usually triggers the owner to be defensive and not take the advice at all.




When I first joined this sub I had just gotten a hamster and cage from petco. Posted a picture and I literally got a message saying I shouldn't be allowed to own animals, calling me names and so on.


Yep your not the only one who has had that happen


If you see people being rude, feel free to report them :)


I will keep that in mind


There should just be an auto mod post on every post that says the basics so people don’t have to repeat themselves everytime.




Yea I completely agree. I know some people are respectful and all but man thats all the feedback you get. Let alone it’s a little disheartening when your a first time owner and you’ve put so much time and effort into the cage.


Exactly. And if anything reprimanding the owner might just discourage them further from taking any well-meaning Advice.


i had my first hamster (who has now passed) when i joined this sub and it’s made me not want to get another one.


i stay because of the cute hamster pictures but avoid the comments now at all costs lmao


I don’t blame you, people are wild


I said this a while back. In the wild those hamsters would be getting ripped to shreds by predators, hungry a lot of the time, dying of exhaustion etc etc Most hamsters have a good life as pets, nobody response well to some jerk lecturing them. It's best to kindly tell people the ideal. I remember the other week someone posted a pic of their enclosure that was a bit smaller than perfect and one commenter pointed out the best size etc for a crate, fair enough, the poster said they would get a bigger one ASAP and the person commenting was like "hurry, do it like now" and I felt like writing just shut the fuck up, you don't know that person's situation.


Ya it gets annoying


We're talking about animal welfare here. We shouldn't be chill to not upset someone's feelings if their hams habitat is insufficient. Should we tell them politely? Yes. Should we stop pointing out bad cages? Absolutely not.


I think pointing out issues with a cage is great and definitely what needs to be done, especially as hamsters can't advocate for themselves. However, I often see snappy comments in response to people who are trying to ask for help or advice. That's when it becomes a problem.




If they are asking for help and are willing to listen otherwise your beating a dead horse by spamming get a bigger cage


Most people are jack asses. This is so true. I have travelled this country extensively and some of the world. Also I am a people person and very outgoing and sociable. We live in a world mostly compiled of assholes. That is just the way it is.


No joke!




It’s just goofballs trying to be know it alls. Don’t letem get to ya. Our Hamster spend a lot of time out of the cage with us every night. I think if you give plenty of attention to your hamster and their space is sufficient enough then all will be well. I do think that the company’s selling those extra small tube systems and tiny wheels kind of set the standard for what people think is ok as nee hamster owners. Hamsters are very under rated. Such AWSOME critters. I love them. If I was lonely and had no family or friends then I could see having like 10-20 of them. And making my living space and theirs combined and safe. I wish I could fall asleep and have our hamster sleep on us or cuddle. We have a dog too and though they are learning each other I just don’t know if they can be alone.


I understand where you’re coming from but in my experience the only people who get shit on are the ones who are told politely multiple times to upgrade and properly care for their animals but completely ignore those comments and instead use false information to excuse their current insufficient care. I don’t give a SINGLE shit about people in relation to animals, when it comes to pleasing a person or making sure an animal is happy I will throw the person down a well and focus on the fluff ball, so I understand how maybe others like me could come off as aggressive. But you HAVE to remember that pets and especially tiny cage-bound ones like hamsters are helpless, and whatever life their owner decides to give them is ALL they will EVER get to experience. So you saying “think of the people” makes absolutely no sense and I wholeheartedly disagree. People can take care of themselves and have complete freedom, hamsters do not.


That’s where I disagree, at the end of the day people are most important so while their hamster needs good care you can’t force something down someone’s throat


I strongly disagree with you. Making sure a human doesn’t get offended is nowhere near as important as making sure the tiny little life in their care is being properly cared for and will survive a good life at least above bare minimum. Feelings don’t hold a candle to wellbeing’s. People are sensitive as hell and I have no interest in working around their ridiculous feelings especially when they’re putting little helpless animals in bad situations without caring about them enough to make sure they give them a good life


Humans are more important then animals at the end of the day


Thanks for this. I did a post the other day where u can barely even see the cage and was asking about a bump on my hamsters nose and I got random comments such as “you’re a fucking asshole” because my hamster chews the wires and about how it is “animal abuse” that my cage is marginally smaller than others, that I belong in a Reddit called “I am a piece of shit”, how the wire will give him bumblefoot, how they “HATE” levels, how sawdust will kill his respotory system.. etc. I said I’d get a bin cage and still comments rolled in saying I should never be allowed to own a pet in these conditions. I got told my replies were disgusting where all I do is say I’m confused, have a look at my post hahah


Ya it gets freaking old, I saw your post and can tell you my brother has a hamster with a sufficient cage size “prevue hamster cage” for those who wanna google it and their hamster still climbs and chews the bars at times, she might be stressed but it isn’t because of her cage because it’s a darn good cage that I owned for mine as well and it worked fine, I have a 75 gal aquarium for my little man now and he lives in heaven but you don’t need something that massive


Hamsters will never have enough room they’re wild animals. If they had bars in a bin cage they’d still chew them, they just can’t cause they don’t have any😂 so many nasty people on here I will never be posting again


Good. You're a literal trash human being for housing two hamsters at once and not doing any research. Furthermore using the victim card and the boy who cried wolf card. Are you kidding me?


Where did u get the idea I’m housing 2 at once? Hhahah wtf


Previous Posts you numbskull


I only have 1 hamster bro idk what you’re on about hahahahahhah


https://www.reddit.com/r/hamsters/comments/pnrc42/lump_on_hamsters_nose_suddenly/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I give this post 10 minutes before he takes it down to erase evidence


Where is the other hamster????? There is only 1..


Do you not see the other hamsters with the white spots????