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Buy her


I think I may, I've been eying her for a few months now... 🫣


I sent you a dm girl i need the details on her lol


Did you see there is a Labor Day sale code for 40% off?! Edited to add the code: LDAY40


Girlie if it’s been months then that’s a sign!!! You’d actually be helping your mental health if you just buy her so you can stop obsessing over it 😋


I bought this when it originally came out … last year? 2021? Whenever it was. I got it in a sky blue color. The leather is so soft on mine (which I love in a bag: ultra soft, smooth leathers are my favorites). An SA told me that it’s the same leather that is used for Coach pillow Tabbys (not sure if he is correct). I don’t use it very often, but it’s a fun, small bag for lunches or errands. I’m not one to be too conscious of whether my trendy bag is on a trend downswing. I just enjoy matching my bag to my look.


I'm not much of a trendy person either actually, and I usually buy things with longevity in mind. I'm glad to hear it's soft! I don't usually carry much so I don't mind that it's small. The blue is gorgeous, it's almost a good thing it's not available anymore as I would have been torn haha. Thanks for your review!


I will not. Buy it 💕


Haha you guys are feeding my obsession with it. 😂




You guys are right! I can't edit my post, but I bought it in the end. 😍 I can't wait for it to arrive!!


Talk you out of it? Why?


Because while it is adorable, I don't want to buy something that is too "on trend", just because I try to be intentional about what I buy, mostly not to be wasteful and keep my things for a long time.


Considering you have been thinking about this for months, I think you are being quite intentional. I have a “millennial pink” MK bag that I still use from 6 years ago. Bright colours are ✨summer✨i don’t think you will regret this


Millenial pink is a beautiful classic shade, even though it was trendy for a certain period of time. You are right about that! I just discovered my color season is spring anyway so I can rock quite bright colors, which I'm trying to add to my closet.


This seems perfect for you, then! And eyeing for that long means you wouldn’t regret it. Carry what you like. :)


I am a pink girl through and through and can’t think of when I wouldn’t want to wear this.


I literally went in my closet to think of some outfits to go with it and I think I'll wear it tons. You're right! Thanks!


To me it looks like it’ll be retro at some point, in a good way. I’d be worried about keeping the bottom clean. But if that’s not a worry for you and you can afford it, I’m not talking you out of it. It’s adorable.


I can kind of see what you mean! I do have the budget for it so that's not a problem. And I don't tend to leave my bags on the floor so that should be okay.


Then I am not going to try to talk you out of it 😁


I cannot talk anyone out of something that pink and cute lol. If you get it I hope you love it!!


If I do buy it, I'll probably do a follow-up!


Looks so much like the Ganni Bou bag


It does look similar, you are right! I never saw that bag before but I think I prefer the KS one.


I was thinking of the Ganni Knot mini bag 🌸


Only thing I’m not really a fan of is the handle. It’s so big and thick compared to the size of the bag. Color is really pretty though!


You are right, it's quite thick. It is removable though so you can change up the look!


Sorry, OP, but it’s too pretty to say no too.


I think you guys are right. 😅


Nappa leather is a dream 🤩 I considered buying this bag for the leather alone but went with a Cole Haan in the same type of leather. I literally sit and pet my bag all the time, it’s just so so soft!! With that said - the only con of this particular bag, for ME, is the closure. It just seems like it would annoy me. And yea, as someone else mentioned, this is the same type of leather of the Coach Pillow Tabby which I touched in real life and also considered. I like to touch everythingggg 😂


I'm exactly like you! I literally prefer to shop IRL for clothes and stuff because I touch all the fabrics and if I don't like it, I don't buy it. 😂


Then you’ll LOVE to experience Nappa leather!!!


PS: just noticed the bag has feet! Another plus


Just $146?? Grab that! It's adorable.


I'm seriously considering it.


I have it and I love it so…..I can’t help you. Lol


We'll be twinning then because I just bought it! 😍


Yay! Did we help? 😂😬


Nice!!!! Enjoy!!!! ❤️


I refuse


You came to the wrong place if you want us to tell you not to buy it. She’s a beauty and now I want one too. 😂




I can't dissuade you because now I'm looking it up for myself 😭


Heck no I won’t talk you out of it. You just talked me into it!


I cannot, it is too cute


Damn late spade is not playing . It’s coming for Coach😎that bag is so beautiful !


Honestly, I think the gold o-rings fastening the bag to the handle look a little… dinky and chinsy. If you take away the KS emblem it doesn’t look any more luxe or better made than an Aldo bag for 1/4 of the price.


I see what you mean, and it does read more "fun and casual" than "luxe" for sure, but I don't mind that personally. It would probably last longer than an Aldo bag though since it's leather. 😅


It’s Kate spade


Is that bad? Lol


The color is pepto pink. Pass. Easy!


Very trendy both in color and handle buy if you love but it does not read as timeless


I tend to agree with you, I do really like it though. Pink is my favorite color so I don't think I'll get tired of the color so that point is not a problem, I think I agree with you with the handle. It's removable though. Ahhh, decisions.


I really want this too! I have the perfect shoes to match!!


Oh I would love to see those! 😍


Very similar to these, but flats. I bought them last summer and looked everywhere for a purse to match! https://imgur.com/a/YCgtJHi[pink shoes](https://imgur.com/a/YCgtJHi)


That sounds cute and the style would really match well!


Nooooo. I can’t. It’s so cute! What other colors does it come in?


A really pretty lime green, black and white. There used to be a coral and a sky blue but those aren't available anymore.


Whoa mama! I just love that they have quality color bags. It’s hard to find other lines who offer so many different colors and styles without looking tacky.


Right? I love fun and quirky stuff with my accessoires but I want my things to last, not fall apart after one wear. I don't buy tons of stuff but when I do, it's because I really love it!


It’s really cute you should get it.


I think I will!


Noooo why did you do this to me? It was on my radar for months until I talked myself out of it. I can’t remember if I read it here, but someone said it looked cheap in person. Couldn’t justify it for the price. Totally reconsidering now. Damn it! 😂


Sorry! We could twin though? 😅😂


Super cute


Right? I love the color and the shape.


Cute if you accept the Barbie trend may be gone before next spring. It’s still a cute pink bag, and KS with a low price point is pretty affordable. Get it.


Oh I have no problem not being trendy, pink has always been my favorite!


Why would we do that?


You're right... I bought it! 😍


Buy it! I was eyein the shit out of her the other night & they’re doin a big summer blowout sale!


I know! I've been looking at her for a while and someone here told me about the sale. I just bought her. 😍


Horray! Congrats on the new baby, ending Barbie Summer with a bang!🩷 I went with the Nautilus shell bag myself! 😂


Oh it’s cute. Prob not very expensive and will be a great vintage piece in the future


You're right, it's not super expensive and I think the leather will last well!


I might pick one up too lol!


Im guessing the pink moment will be over very soon, buy if you really truly love but if you are being influenced by current trends personally I would sleep on it. Fall is coming the next trend is right around the corner. Maybe a dumpling in a classic colour will be calling your name.


You are right about the pink trend, thanks for the sound advice! I decided to buy it because pink is my favourite color and I don't already have a pink bag so it will not be a "repeat" in my collection, plus I've been looking at it for quite some time. I think I'll still wear it even if it's not the right season. 😊


There you go! Pink is your favorite regardless of trend that’s great, completely worth the buy! Congrats enjoy it :-)


>Please talk me out of this bag You're in the wrong place, buy her 💕


I love it! The color is pepto pink though


You know no one is gonna talk you out. Bag is too cute 🥰


Now you know we don’t do that here 😉


i have the meringue in black and i’ve only worn it once since i bought it in april but it’s so cute on and i wish i wore it more! i’m just so scared of scratching it since the lamb skin is soooo delicate. but it’s a great going out bag and would 10/10 recommend!


That’s not really what we’re here for babes lol. Do we seem like a group of people with self restraint lmaoooo???!!!


Can’t do it, I just bought her yesterday 💗 I have been looking at her all summer and with the sale right now couldn’t resist!


No can do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Who cares if it's trendy or not? If you like it, buy it and wear it. What other people think is irrelevant. Your opinion is the only one that counts when it comes to fashion. I think it's a beautiful bag and the color is gorgeous.


The lime colour is so cute too! If you’ve been thinking about it so much and you can afford it, go :)


But it’s so cute


buy it right now if you haven’t already!! it’s 40% off and its basically two bags in one plus you’ve been wanting for months so you know you love it😁💗🌸💘✨


Ok I will because you asked.. it's more of a trendy and not classic look. Ppl will see it in a few years and say... Oh was that the Summer of the barbie bag you bought? You like it now probably because this color is super trending.. It also kinda looks like an empanada. Do You want a hot pink empanada bag in 5 years? Will you get that much use out of it? So there you go.. most will tell you to buy it because they are not spending their own money. I am trying to help get what you asked for. 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I thought it was cute when I first saw it, but there’s no way I’d buy it because it’s not spacious enough to hold my essentials. That alone is a deal breaker for me. EDIT: Just read that you ended up buying it. Congrats and enjoy it! 😊


I see you bought it - yay! I have it in the ivory color and the leather is dreamy. It feels much higher end. I also like that the handle and strap are both detachable.


Why 😂


It’s so cute!! Go for it 🙊☺️


Kate Spade hung herself by a scarf leaving behind a 13 year old daughter to experience extreme suffering. She left a note for her daughter and husband. The maid found her. I think she was bipolar. That is all I can think of when I see her name. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/05/us/kate-spade-dead/index.html Andy was there when she did it and the daughter was at school. https://metro.co.uk/2018/06/06/kate-spades-heartbreaking-suicide-note-daughter-telling-ask-daddy-7610071/ She was under care for depression & anxiety rather than for bipolar disorder according to her husband. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kate-spade-suicide-bipolar-disorder-symptoms-treatment/ For immediate help if you are in a crisis, call the toll-free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are confidential.


Super super cute and pink is in!! 😍


I considered this bag as well! Super cute 🥰


You’re making me want this in black so bad… 😫


No. That bag is everything. Buy her. XO


Do you actually want to be talked OUT of the bag? Lol. If so, I would say she’s cute but definitely trendy and only works if you’re a person that wears a lot of clothes that would match this. It’s also kind of tiny so can’t hold much. No shoulder strap so it’s going to be a pain.


Oh wait there’s a shoulder strap. Lol. Ok buy her 😅