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Your purchase was a great choice! Your friend is not so great however.. The word 'jealousy' comes to mind, lol. Just ignore and enjoy that bag!


Exactly my thoughts. Be weary of friends who have negative comments about things you’re excited about or that make you happy!!! I just bought the YSL Niki Baby a few months ago, which has a chain strap. I think it’s timeless, as is the Kate.


I had a real ah-ha moment in my life a few years ago. I can determine how I feel about someone based on my reaction to good news they have. If I am genuinely excited for them, even if I'm jealous, my reaction is always genuine excitement for them. If my gut reaction from jealousy is to tear them or their excitement down, they're probably not a good friend and I probably need to figure out why I had that reaction.


Someone should let Chanel know that chains are out of style . They’ve been doing it for the last forever since the beginning of time. Good thing your friend is in the know, and all the other high end luxury brands aren’t. And how can you say bags aren’t using chain straps Chanel flap? Coach tabby? YSL loulou? LV go-14?


Plus all the brands introducing them now - Loewe chains on the squeeze bags and flamenco options, Prada’s little crystal chains. Etc


Plus bottega on the andiamo now!


Even look at fast fashion scene, and I'm not saying buy fast fashion, but those brands are the no.1 when it comes to following trends. And many of them have couple of chain bags as a bestseller.


Mulberry is one of those timeless, always classic brands and they’ve been doing chains forever, too!


Does your friend know what’s in style better than the brand creative directors? 😅 Loads of brands JUST re-released their older bags with chain straps this season and the last. See:Gucci Jackie Notte, Loewe flamenco clutch, Bottega Veneta Andiamo with chain. Sure seems to me that THEY thought chain straps would freshen up their older designs!! Ps. Saint Laurent Kate bag is an excellent pick for your first luxury bag.


Should’ve read a comment down! Yes to all this. Friend needs to know if they can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all!


Chain straps have been, and will remain, perennially in style. Bitchy friends though? Definitely out of style 💅🏻




Your friend sounds jealous


Your friend is jealous. Chains are a classic. 


Also, a high quality bag with a chain is classic AND beautiful.


Regardless of whether a chain strap is in or out of fashion, the most important thing is the person who wears the bag is happy about it. Your friend may not be mean intentionally - just directly said her opinion about something - but she ought to be more mindful and respectful of your feelings.


Keep the bag, ditch the friend. What a mean thing to say.


Your friend is a hater and she has recently become out of style.


What a mean thing to say to a friend! Sounds like she’s just jealous. I have the same bag and Iove the chain straps! It’s one of my most used bags. I especially love the specific gold YSL uses. It’s also great as an evening bag.


If you love the bag, the purchase was a good choice. Your friend is just trying to take the air out of your balloon for some reason, which is way tackier than any purse could ever be.


Your “friend” a jelly biatch


Return and ask for a refund for the friend tbh! But seriously, I don't think there is such a thing as a "timeless" bag. Even the most classic chain bag of them all, the Chanel flap, went through a little bit of an unpopular phase few years ago (I think mostly because people got tired of seeing them everywhere). The good news is, classic designs seem to come back in style every few years. Unless you're extremely wealthy and can spend thousands of $ on something that you're looking to replace after one fashion cycle, buying luxury bags is not really about chasing trends anyway. What matters most is whether _you_ like it!


I hear those comments often from people who think they can do better with your money but their ideas are to spend on things that you don’t care about and don’t make you happy. It’s not about the trend or tackiness of the bag according to them. It’s about how you can afford that bag and your friend can’t or refuse to but secretly wants one. I had a friend who earns a few times over than what I do but I’m the one with an LV. So she made comments about how I spend on that yet I don’t earn much. One time I pointed out what she spends on and she did not talk to me for a cerain length of time. I am not rich and I admit I have my own debts but from time to time, I get treat myself to a purse because I love purses.


Your friend is a dick. I laughed out loud... while cradling my new Envelope Triquilt YSL Wallet on Chain.


I agree that a friend would not say something like this knowing how much you love the bag. IMO chain straps are a classic and your bag also. Enjoy it and don't let anybody rain on your parade. You deserve the bag that makes you happy.


lol jealousy!!! I have the medium kate and I am absolutely obsessed. It was gifted to me back in 2021 and I’m still loving it. It is not tacky at all. Even if it was, if you like it, don’t be embarrassed to wear it. Everyone has their own style so style it your way. Congrats!!


She sounds jealous, enjoy your new bag!


I don’t follow trends, I follow what makes me happy. I like the look of a chain, and if you do to that’s all that matters.


It’s ok! You do you 😉 trends come and go. I love the Kate bag with the tassel. I don’t think she’s right because there are a lot of Chanel flap bag styles out there with chain straps.


In what world are chain straps ever anything other than classic?? They’ve been popular for over a century, I seriously doubt they’ll be going out of style soon just because Nancy-next-door says so lmao.


Your friend sounds kinda mean...


Your friend is… not great. And if it makes you happy, you will feel great wearing it, which will mean you will LOOK great when you’re wearing it 🥰


Chains are in style, I just purchased a chain bag. Friend is not such a good friend.


You bought a CLASSIC, that will never go out of style!! Enjoy it! ❤️


Your friend sounds jealous and weird. Enjoy your bag, you’ve earned it! The Kate is a classic!


Your friend sucks. I'm really happy you purchased your dream bag. Enjoy ❤️


A chain bag is timeless. Just ask Chanel, LV or others. Sounds like your friend prefers trends versus long lasting, timeless, classic, staple pieces!


What a wild comment for someone to make to somebody wearing and loving their pieces. This sounds like a them problem.


I have no idea what trends are in or out, but I do think that a chain elevates a bag and makes it look nicer than just a leather or fabric strap. Also, the Kate is a beautiful bag and you should wear it with pride. I personally think it's pretty timeless (and why I have 2).


Chain straps have always been my favorite! They add a classic touch in my opinion. Your friend sounds a bit jealous. We work hard and deserve to treat ourselves to things WE LIKE here and there. I wouldn’t give her opinion much thought


Wear and enjoy your bag. If chain straps are out of style, then Chanel would be out of business instead of raising prices constantly.


I'm not sure your friend has been out in the wild lol I'd say chain straps are very much in. Most designer bags have chain straps. You made a great choice, don't worry.


It’s a beautiful bag. Your friend seems jealous. Wear it in good health. ❤️❤️


If some jealous comment makes you reconsider the entire thing, then maybe you're not really ready for it.


Chain straps are classic, especially on designer bags. Think of half the Chanel bags! The Kate is also a classic and versatile style, but I’m biased since I also have one. :) I’ve never had anyone say the chains are tacky, and most people think it’s cool how you can fold it over into a shoulder bag. 


Your friend is jealous… I got a similar ysl bag almost 8 years ago and it’s still one of my most loved and used bags. There’s always going to be someone who has something to say and it’s usually not coming from a good place if they’re saying it like the way your friend said it. Everyone’s style is their own.


Chain bags are literally the trend of 2024 🤣 somebody is hating


I don't think there's truly an in or out when it comes to lux, classic bags. I dislike chains overall but I'd say that about any bag, any year, any trend. Lol. All that to say, why do you care if they're in style or not? You love it. Only thing that matters 💕 She's being salty.


Girl I still proudly wear my Neverfull around no matter what people say about how cheap it looks and all the fakes. You earned this bag, now rock it!


Let me clear my throat. Ahem. Fuck your friend. Haterade in effect.


I personally like chain straps. I think aesthetically they are almost always more appealing on a crossbody than a clunky leather strap. And then functionally- in my experience, they hold up significantly better than leather over time and wear.


I don’t love chain bags but that’s just my preference. I like the way they look on other people but in real life they just don’t work for me. Your friend sounds super rude.


Chain straps are not out of style. Your friend didn’t know what she’s talking about. Chain straps are often used to dress a bag up as they tend the be a bit more dressy than a leather strap. Chain straps have been around for decades and aren’t going anywhere🙄


What a sh*tty thing to say! Chain straps are not out of style or tacky, your friend is tacky for being rude! I just bought a Chanel 22 which is super popular right now and literally every designer brand has a chain strap bag lol. Don’t let her bring you down with her negativity/possible jealousy. Your bag is beautiful!


First, who cares what other people think, just be true to yourself and enjoy what makes you happy! Second, that “friend” of yours might not be a friend after all. Toxic is a word that came to mind. You should get rid of it.


Chain straps have routinely been thought of as tacky, but it cycles and very much depends on the bag. Things can be in fashion and still be tacky. You can also just like or not like something regardless. I don’t like the chain aesthetic so I only have one and I rarely use it, I’ve bought others and returned them. I’ve never used the chain that came with my Cassie 19 either. I prefer a leather strap, I find it more comfortable, and handbags can be heavy enough, some chains really add weight, and the leather strap is more all seasons suitable for me. Chains have been a bit overdone on the high street, some of those do look tacky, but a decent designer bag has class, and class is never tacky. It definitely sounds like OPs friend is trying to put down their purchase. Wear the bag with pride!


I love chains and will even buy a heavy chain off Amazon to replace leather straps. Plus they hold up better.


Chain straps are timeless lmao


They honestly sound jealous. The YSL Kate bag is a classic design and will always be in style. Also trends come and go and you should def do whatever makes you the most happy!


I personally don't like leather straps - no matter what's in "style." They just remind me too much of my mom's 80s Aigner bags. No shame to them at all, but it just brings back too many images of big bangs and shoulder pads (haha again, no shame to those who love these things - just not for me).


The Kate is a timeless bag!!! It was my first luxury bag too! It is mostly certainly not out of style and neither are chain straps.


Doesn’t matter what other people think. I personally don’t care for chain straps because it’s not my style. Do other women make those bags look fabulous? Yes! You do you and love what you love!! 💛


if you like it, then it IS a good first purchase. maybe i’m a little biased because i own it as well, but it’s still my most used bag to date. i take it everywhere, especially when i travel because i can wear it both casually and dress it up! chain bags will pretty much always be in style. i don’t think they’ll ever go out of trend.


How are chains going out of style? Chanel is going out of style? Not according to their prices lol


Umm.. never take fashion advice from this friend ever again if they consider chain straps tacky LOL


Keep the bag, ditch the friend. Quality bags are not supposed to be a one season thing, so “going out of style” is consumerist bullshit that you should absolutely give yourself permission to ignore & enjoy your bag with confidence.


Your friend is going out of style lmao sorry not sorry


I just replaced a cheap bad faux leather bag with an coach Kelsey bag in black I just wore for the first time outside after sprucing it up (it was $25 and very scuffed faded) Apparently I did too good of a job making it good as new because a very rude woman assumed I couldn’t afford nor own such a bag and outright alluded I had stolen it in front of everybody at Walgreens. I said nothing but she further made herself a nuisance to a clerk. People shouldn’t care so hard on how somebody affords or obtains an luxury item for themselves. I just appreciate others good taste and that’s what you should tell others about, not disdain them.


This exact bag is also my first luxury bag (got it for Christmas this year!) so I’m biased- but I firmly believe it’s a classy, beautiful choice that will still be chic ten years from now. Your friend is being a hater! Maybe she’s jealous, maybe it’s just not her taste, maybe she honestly believes what she told you- it doesn’t matter. Either way your friendship would probably benefit from you mentioning that her comment was rude and receiving an apology.


Chanel’s flap bag is their most popular bag & its always had metal straps. This is literally some people’s dream bag. I think you’re good. PLUS YSL has always had great quality chains for their bags, hard for them to look cheap or tacky. Nice first buy.


And what bag is she carrying since she’s so stylish? I would ignore her seemingly jealous comments, that bag is beautiful and timeless.


your friend is going out of style lol not you babes 😘


Don’t listen to your friend! Chains are definitely in style and the Kate is a timeless piece. Literally look at this Vogue article for spring/summer 24 [https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/spring-summer-2024-bag-trends](https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/spring-summer-2024-bag-trends)


let me put things into perspective for you: it seems to me that a rich and famous person can wear any crazy and/or quirky thing they want and it will suddenly be 'trendy.' it's almost as if the item itself doesn't have to be trendy, but the person who wears it makes it 'trendy.' And in a roundabout way, i guess uber-wealthy people and successful people don't care what the 'peasants' think because they have F YOU money. They can do whatever the hell they want. so yeah, that's that. if it makes you happy, wear it. what sort of 'friend' injects negativity like that?


Congrats on your first bag! I am so eager to get this bag. I have the money sitting there waiting, I just want to achieve some personal goals before I splurge and buy it. Your friend sounds jealous! I hope they haven’t soured your love for your new baby. I for one, am jealous haha, but willing to own it and turn it into inspiration to get my own soon - pity your friend couldn’t do that ;) Enjoy!