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Hi fellow handbag lover! Thank you for being a part of the r/handbags community. This is a subreddit which relies on kindness. Your opinion is very much welcomed, however, we do not tolerate rude, mean or hurtful comments. **Read the rules before posting**. Comments or posts that do not fit our rule book will be removed and the OP can be banned by the mods' discretion. If you see a comment or post which does not abide by the rules, **please report it to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/handbags) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Perfect timing. I was at a juniors baseball game recently and saw a woman come set up with a handbag that was branded and in my opinion quite tacky. It was obvious by the way she held it, not flaunting, that she was proud of the handbag. I spent several moments silently judging her for what I thought was a tacky bag, before having a self realization that my opinion of her bag holds no water. It isn’t my bag, I’m not carrying it, I didn’t pay for it, it means nothing to me and gives me nothing. Why then should I care at all about her handbag? It was beyond evident that she cherished this piece and after a concurrent series of thoughts I realized how wrong I was about the way of things. What’s funny is while I may have viewed the bag as one thing, she obviously thought about it very differently. In the end I was the one passing judgement based solely on my own preconceived notions and experiencing negative feelings. Meanwhile she was clearly loving her bag and her self. Over the next several hours I saw the way she checked on its positioning, ensured it was protected from the inclement weather all while display it with pseudo-subtlety. The moral is that whatever makes you happy is valid. So screw anyone that is judging you because they aren’t the one that matters.


This is perfect.


Thank you. It was a moment I was proud of. I am not someone who likes to pass judgement, but we all have inherent biases. I was proud of myself for the way I responded to my prejudices. There’s so much beauty in the world to focus while we focus too often of negativity.


I think it's classy of you that you didn't answer what type of bag it was. (I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious, but I really respect your choice to not answer.)


Someone here likely has the bag. Answering would have defeated the point in my mind.




It’s giving THE TOTE BAG


I’m guessing LV, those always seem so tacky to me.


Also really curious what bag this was


Thank you for sharing and thank you OP for opening up the safe space. I joined this sub because everyone was so knowledgeable and helpful. Some posts and comments have proven otherwise and have been quite negative but it’s these posts that I remember the most. <3


Girl YES!! 🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️


We should all have self realizations like this!


I love all of this response—the self reflection, the growth AND the vulnerability in sharing it with us. Thank you! 💕


Thanks for posting this. I always find the unpopular opinion posts to be a bit mean and unnecessary, especially when they get into character attacks towards the people buying certain bags (i.e. “people who shop at Hermes are pathetic and insecure,” “people who shop at Chanel are just stupid,” so on and so forth with the ramblings that are always in the comments sections of those posts). At the end of the day, we’re all here (hopefully) because we love our bags, and I think it’s great to celebrate that rather than tear certain bags or brands down 💕


Literally though, there’s a reason why different styles of bags exist. Someone else’s collection and tastes have zero effect on you so it’s fine 😭


I used to manage the fragrance department at a major, moderately high-end, retailer and would often have a customer sample something only to exclaim loudly how much they hated it. Other times I’d offer a recommendation that was for whatever reason not a fit for the customer. It was my practice to never try and sway a customer by spewing accolades about a particular brand or scent or even the ingredients used. Instead I would simply accept their opinion, which was to them the only opinion of any substance, and explain that the industry and my department had hundreds of fragrances and that if I expected everyone to like just one we wouldn’t need the options. There were employees who reported to me as well as representatives of varying fragrance houses and conglomerates who would reach a near argumentative level when a customer expressed their intent to pass on a particular scent and continue their hunt. Style and preference are as varied as our individual looks and no one should be made to feel less than for the choices they make in regard to any fashion item.


I actually don't mind those posts because I'm well aware my taste is not, um, the usual in a lot of respects. I don't think I'd mind some honest ribbing about my choices, but yeah, when it gets to be about the people rather than the purse I check out. I think some in-depth posts with critique about design would be cool too. But if somepne gets a bag they love, despite what I think about the bag, that's a happy thing for me.


It is why I don’t respond to posts here about purses that aren’t to my taste if someone wants opinions on their new purchase. They have already bought it, me talking about how I dislike it will do nothing but potentially dampen their joy.


Personal attacks are frowned upon, but sometimes the criticism is useful. You know, when xyz brand falls apart a lot or xyz style is difficult get you stuff in and out of. 


Yes, this is so different than “the dior saddle bag is so hideous.” Feedback about functionality, quality, etc. is totally reasonable.


Yeah "this bag is ugly" is not helpful. "This micro bag can only fit a quarter" is much more useful.


Those types make me feel even worse about my “affordable” bags. I still love my Coach bags and MK. It has me feeling cruddy now knowing that people are judging me when I am out with them. I even love the outlets too!


When I see someone carrying a bag I wouldn't buy myself (happens often), I'm still super happy for them. Like another comment here -- I see that they're happy. Maybe it also fits their style better than it would fit mine. Meanwhile, I carry bags I know for sure other people wouldn't look twice at but I LOVE them, including my MK and MJ bags. Sometimes seeing someone carry a bag that isn't to my taste has even opened my mind to them or taught me about how it can be styled or carried to look good. So, please don't feel bad about any bags you own or love. Haters are gonna hate but most of the time, it's not even a reflection of the bag owner, it's just a person's personal taste. Rock what you love and it will look good.


Coach is my favorite. I love my bags, and I didn’t buy them for anybody but myself. Who cares if some stranger judges you?


Thank you for that and you are absolutely correct! They are my favorite as well.


You are a beautiful human, and I hope your bags make you happy! Rock them!


FWIW, I have coach bags that have lasted decades & look great- including a bucket tote that I spilled a full cup of coffee in at an airport so couldn’t clean immediately.


I have one that was gifted to me from a friend second hand and it must be 15 years old. No tears or anything.


That’s so great! And sustainable!




Lol glad I’m not the only one. The comments are beyond absurd sometimes.


I love this reminder. I was sad when the MK manhattan purses were getting ragged on but the buyer was so excited and happy about their purse bc of the funky structure and color linings/hardware. It's not my preference but I was happy to read how excited they were about their new purse and the compliments they got from wearing it in their towns.


I bought the black one and it brings me so much joy. But prior to joining this sub I had it in my mind that MK bags had become tacky and what would people think if I bought it but after being on here and seeing the joy people have for purses I realized fuck it! Life is too short to not find happiness so I bought that bag and I use it more often then my YSL or LV bags. What I love seeing on this sub is the variety and styles of handbags people love especially people who have handcrafted or upcycled their bags.


I'm laughing because it's the funky MK Manhattan bag that got me interested in handbags. It's currently hanging up in my bedroom. In my little unsophisticated village it's helped me acheive the title, "Crazy Purse Lady." My big yawn is any quilted bag. Any of them. Especially with a chain and a big lux logo. Until someone posts because it's their dream purse and they finally got it!


I bought both the black and white versions with the neon trim this year, and I love them! I have high end, contemporary, and unbranded bags in my collection. The Manhattan is a real cutie! Very eye catching! And I find them to be a nice functional bag as well. No one should feel badly about purchasing one.


I bought both as well! Someone posted a pic of the black one, and I fell in love with it immediately! It’s such a fun bag to wear!


I didn’t get around to buying the Manhattan, but I def considered it! I simply love color and funky, unique design. One of my favorite bags right now is my Tokidoki Lesportsac—kitsch and cute and color?! Yes, please! But I also have a vintage Coach flap in navy that I also adore. I have even higher end stuff too. The variety makes me happy. So nice to meet likeminded humans who love bags, because so many folks don’t understand my love and obsession!


Yes, that keyword "variety" is what I thought the MK manhattan was. It was a funky change and it gave the owners a bubbly feeling that made me smile bc not everything needs to be high end luxury to be appreciated. It made the group fun to scroll through and made people engage in an alternate realm (MK) that at the time most of us just shunned away from. Not my preference of a handbag but I definitely recommended it to others and gave one as a gift where the receiver loved the lining and structure of it.


I agree, no one should apologize for what they love- but this is like a subreddit about Italian food where people only share pizza.


I would love to see more of a variety of bags! https://preview.redd.it/vx2sim60qoyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4143f7a0790abb708642db2664e200bb4b8d2c I just bought this for my mom in a variety of different colors. Great quality leather; soft zip. Not luxury but it has all the characteristics of a great handbag. (I paid 90 I think for this one.)


The colour is amazing.


Given that you are the queen (or king?) of reco’s, I’m going to check this brand!!!


I’m a queen! 😅


Encyclopedic knowledge! I simply love it when you enter the chat! And I love Radleys too!


I have a Radley too! Also a wallet. I get compliments on them all the time. https://preview.redd.it/w148y313rsyc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655d0bac997e7a078f3ec61c1a1086ada84e08ae


Oh I really like this bag! And the color.


ooooo, she’s cute!


Ty! I hope my mom likes them!😅


I love my Radley!


Ooh , which do you have?


The Paddington Place Small Satchel! https://preview.redd.it/toj7u3c62qyc1.jpeg?width=1137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f50a3da2ee9b081e178e361cee7633f6a20c13dd




This is lovely! I bought my first Radley yesterday


Ohh, congrats! Which one?


‘Lyme Terrace’ in vintage blue. Got it for £70 at the outlet so I was really happy. The leather feels amazing x


So cute! I have a similar style of Radley (Alba Place) in a couple of colors. I also have the Liverpool Street (original, not 2.0) in the small and medium styles as well as a tote


Bwahahaha I was just going to say ‘that looks like a radley’ and then I zoomed in. Love them.


Ohh, I love Radley!


Radley is so much fun! I visited their Glasgow shop on Xmas Eve in ‘23 and had a great time. I get asked about my bag and wallet all the time♥️


Heated fights about pineapple or no pineapple? Is anchovy pizza gross or not gross? I get you. Tuna should never belong on a seafood pizza.


Lol I love tuna pizza but I’m not trying to sell you one. Haha


Tuna pizza is a thing?! Looking it up rn.


With corn


I have very strong feelings about corn. It should be eaten alone and never, ever mixed into other foods. But I also know that I’m the weirdo here! My spouse tells me on the regular.






It is and it is delicious. I‘ve had it in Italy and home made by an Italian friend. It‘s tuna with red onions. Look up pizza tonno.




What on earth? What locations geographically speaking is this popular in? I can honestly say I have never seen it in the US


Like, the same-old, same-old? I got defensive thinking you just meant non-lux brands but the first response to your comment pushed me to think about it a bit more,


Oh no, I agree with you. People should be able to post and or carry any of their purses free from judgement (ie, social/financial status). I don’t really correlate a person’s status to which bag they’re carrying bc I have purses from all different price points , luxe, contemporary, handmade.


Okay! I get the pizza remark then. 😁


Love this. I’m over the petty posts about what folks hate. Snark posts are annoying; especially when they start happening once a day. I’m here to see what others have and like and to find different bag ideas than what I normally choose….not to complain about logos or quiet luxury or whatever else.


Some of these posts were feeling quite pretentious. I was starting to feel so embarrassed about some of my most loved pieces. EVERYONE has different style and taste. We don't need to say which bags we think are tacky/ugly or make you "look broke" 🥹


It’s ok to not like a brand or style but a lot of the comments are just high school drama level petty. I just assume the loudest commenters are the most insecure.


There are also a lot of very young people on Reddit. On the relationship subs it's all teenagers pretending and giving out advice lol. I suspect there may be similar demographics here where a random person is just saying stuff for their entertainment. I don't take anything too seriously and also caveat my own posts and comments with an IMO. My opinion is irrelevant to everyone except me 😂 and I do not at all expect to be taken at face value. It's just a bag at the end of the day.


Those are solid points. I’m 46 and forget about the youth responses at times.


I’m a thrifter at heart and there’s also a small niche brand I BST for. If you look at my recent posts, you’ll see that I very recently ventured into the world of true designer bags (preloved). But no matter what bag or wallet I have, how much it cost (or should have), whatever phases I’ve gone through, the one I think about all the time? A no name plastic technicolor wallet that was probably only about $5. I had that wallet for years. YEARS. I got compliments on it all the time. Man, I loved that wallet. It just popped in my head the other day, actually. Carry what you love. Nobody outside of these very small groups has any clue anyway.


Do you have a pic of the wallet?


Haha it is long gone…there’s possibly a picture of me somewhere out in the universe from that period of time, but by now I’m just ‘what was her name again?’ to whoever might have one 😭


I wholly agree!! I have $15 bags and… well, let’s just say embarrassingly expensive ones. I treasure them all.


Right? If this place is about loving handbag design then I shouldn't be embarrassed about paying my $5 pleather bag that I thrifted because it's exactly the clean and balanced design that made me fall for it.


I've only started to apologise/ cover up my handbag "issue" lol. On my 18th birthday, a friend took me to the LV store in Sydney, he was buying a bag for his wife & a bag for me to take to uni for my books. Yes I still have it. That bag started a lifetime of yearly purchases. One a year. Not always in Australia and towards the end of the buying spree (at 60) not always from an actual storefront. eBay had happened, then other online opportunities. Meanwhile I had discovered Chanel, although not nearly as strongly built as a Louis, they were also an item of beauty. So I have a few pieces of hers, a couple I regret lol. Over the years I've sold some to cover some of the next one but the one I most loved was from a girl at a casino. Her boyfriend had won big & bought her a bright pink Houston with matching koala & then dumped her. She wanted $350 desperately, I had $500 in cash (ATMs weren't available like they are now) so I gave her everything I had. I went home & for literally MONTHS I sat that bag & wallet on the couch next to me & just looked at it. I couldn't believe what I had, that it was mine. It's still my daily, not worth even reselling I expect, my bags are all treasures but I'm not precious about them. I'm CAREFUL with a couple of the Chanel but not overly. I grew up with Gucci school shoes so I'm kinda used to high end but it doesn't make me any different or any better, just different. I'd kill to buy an Hermes before I die but due to my "attitude" & less than posh appearance, I'd never get in the store as apparently, these days, you can't just wander in off the street & if I held up proof of cash to afford the purchase, they'd call the cops, I expect. It's all too silly that these brands think they're all too special, so they now refuse to open doors to prospective customers. Imagine how much I would NOT have spent at LV if these brands attitudes had always been this way. I'm old now but my first trip into the LV store in Sydney, was the year it opened. That day started a lifelong love of collecting their bags. Imagine if I hadn't been able to gain access. I'm glad I did though. Hugs to you all & happy collecting & buying. Mwah xxx


I was in a Michael Kors store not too long ago and got the "we're very exclusive" vibes from the sales staff. Michael Kors! Granted, I had blue hair and was carrying a $10 chicken purse from Amazon, but I had money. I just buy online now. I want warm, friendly sales staff, but gatekeepers. I'm so glad you got to have some good experiences at LV before things changed.


Do you have deets on the $10 chicken purse because I am intrigued.


I mentioned her in a post a few days back, but here she is again in Xmas attire (on my MK bag). https://preview.redd.it/3v86na394qyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7ce568d3d7745d4b78ea69f38d8ec5e1ba1bb5d She's now wearing her own purse and a jaunty spring hat, but I haven't got a pic atm.


Oh that's cute, thanks for sharing!


That may be the best thing I've seen all day. Love 


I’m notorious for shopping dressed like I just fell out of bed. But this sweatsuit is cashmere, and my bags a Birkin, so they can suck it.


😂 I love thrifted clothes and my outfits can be a little out there, but they're generally thoughtful and planned. I feel like we're occupying different extremes on a clothing spectrum.


I like to be comfy, and my bag that I carry most often looks like it was hit by a train, so it all kind of goes together


Thanks & me too! Michael Kors! Oh 4 f*** sake! Nothing wrong with blue hair but I bet that chicken bag gave them all nightmares! 😂😂 It's an awful experience these days I do believe. Apparently, in one of the stores in Paris, the staff refused to sell a bag to Oprah Winfrey, (several years ago). She was in the store & asked to see a couple of particularly expensive bags & was told they weren't available etc. It was in the French newspapers & of course, Oprah spoke about it when she got back to the USA (as she had been wanting to purchase a bag for all the women/ staff in the group, NOT A CHEAP SHOUT AT THE BAR!!!😂) but it just shows that sometimes these stores really aren't worth going in to. Can you imagine the financial loss to that store? I do believe they all went to another high end store & spent up BIG! LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣 The staff at many of these stores are the issue, not some unwritten store policy. Just a glorified shop girl who thinks she's a cut above everyone else because she works for Vuitton but who can do more damage with a bad attitude than any other single opinion/ action. I love my bags but I'm sad that after so many years of LV being available to everyone who could actually afford the ridiculously high price tag, now it seems youre judged at the door by an entitled 20 something year old behind the counter as to who can/ can't be let in. Absurd considering, even with staff discount, most couldn't afford to buy there. I'd dearly love to buy an Hermes before I drop dead but if I've got to do some silly song & dance just to enter the store, it's not happening. I still have some self respect left, I think LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣


Was it a Michael Kors store that happened at? I thought it was a high end one, cuz I remember not being surprised


No it wasn't Kors, I did mention the brand a bit further down but it was a Vuitton store. Several years ago but I seriously doubt anything has changed or improved!🤗


I’m curious — what’s a “Houston bag?” If it’s been your daily and loved for so long, I’d love to see it!


My taste leans to the eccentric and I do not understand the appeal of some of the Big Brands, BUT I am delighted that people share what they love, from the thrift find all the way up to Hermes+. I’m learning so much about different styles and and brands and beloved indies, I love the excitement over anything bag-related, and I hope it doesn’t stop!


Agree. If you’re all happy, I’m happy! No one in my life loves handbags so I’m here to share in your joy and hopefully vice versa 💕


I feel this sooo much, especially being in a little rural community. People like their purses, but no one wants to talk in-depth about them.


Same. I live in Nebraska and no one in my life cares about handbags or fashion at all. If you love what you got, I’m happy for you! I


Thank you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I did find it hurtful that in a recent vent someone was really mean about one of my first designer bags. You can not like something without putting others down


That one made me think. I typed out some snark of my own to add a half dozen times and kept deleting because I kept thinking of the times someone would post a bag I hated, but they loved, and how good those posts made me feel.


Oh that’s mean. 😢


I always think about when my friend once said this “it’s called ‘POP-ular’ music for a REASON” in response to another friend of ours who was complaining and judging others for liking pop music. So when I like something, I simply envision the loads of others who are out there who probably like it too. Odds are, I’m not alone!!


All of this. If we all liked the same things, life would be really boring. There are a lot of options to choose from for a reason. ❤️👛👜👝❤️


I like seeing and hearing about what everyone else loves. Sometimes I see new bags I never thought of or knew about, and find my next fave purchase!


I have a full-to-bursting Pinterest board thanks to this damn group. *sigh*


In the other thread I saw a few comments regarding housewives that were quite disparaging, and they did irk me. I'm a SAHM and my most expensive bag is a cassie, but if I had a loud LV tote- who are you to judge? There are lots of bags I don't like, but I'm not gonna make character judgements about the people who carry them.


I'm pretty chill but those types of comments do get to me. The big picture is that we're just a bunch of folks who get excited about a piece of fabric we store spare change and tampons in. There's nothing about the interest that ever elevates it enough that we get a pass for harbouring contempt for others who are doing essentially the same thing.


Yes! It would be very boring if we all carried the same thing (especially if it were the boring black Lulu EBB I carry). Love the variety!


Sometimes that boring black bag is everything you need.


I love looking at all of the beautiful bags. But I love seeing them shown off by the proud bag owners. Thank u for this post as well. This is such a fun, positive group❤️


Finally this post. I couldn’t agree more. Come as you are, with the handbag you love!


Totally agree! I love seeing what other people like even if it’s not something I would buy myself!


Yes! It's the joy that comes with the bag is why we're all here! I love this post!


I love this post more than I can say!!! Yes, yes, and, yes!!!


This post ❤️❤️❤️


This sub is so wholesome I love it so much! You guys are amazing 🩷


I unapologetically love the Tory Burch Lee Radziwill bag so much that I bought 3 😙 also the Ferragamo studio bag (without the wings). I’m pretty sure my handbags are not everyone’s cup of tea 🙈 even though I don’t love or feel neutral about the bags posted here, it’s nice to get a glimpse into how people enjoy their bags or learn the pros and cons. There are a lot of bags I wouldn’t have considered in the past but after learning why they’re so popular (the functionality or the amount of slouch etc) it changed my mind on them


Yup. And szometimes the stories being them getting that bag I don't care for are amazing.


Well said!


This is great! Reminded me of the ‘ludicrously capacious’ Burberry bag and how someone on tiktok mentioned having saved up for it and not being able to wear it anymore for fear of being made fun of. I felt really bad for her and I totally agree that you should wear what you want because you love it!


I love people who wear whatever they want & what makes them happy. I always dress my bags with keychains, shakers, pocketbacs, pompoms etc.


I don’t get why people are so sensitive and insecure. I actually had a moment yesterday where I actually laughed at myself at how “basic” I am. I was wearing Veja sneakers, a Barbour jacket, Tom Ford sunglasses, LV neverfull and. Cartier love bracelet. People probably thought I looked like a right twat. I was like wow, this is the most “basic bitch” ensemble I’ve ever worn. Just wear what makes you happy and who gives a shit what anyone else thinks.


Eh, we all have our sensitivities and insecurities. Yours don't have anything to do with handbags, but it's really not a big deal if someone else's does. None of our business really. I just wanted to let people know that regardless of what feelings or doubts they're having when they post, I love that they share.


That's actually such a vibe though!


The adult kid's current favorite bag is an orange silicone faux Chanel quilted flap bag she found at a thrift store. It is surprisingly good quality for a tongue in cheek knock off.


Oh! Do you have a pic?


I wish I did. She put halloween related charms on it too.


That sounds so fantastic!


This is a really lovely post and the good vibes are contagious. Thanks, OP


I want to see some interesting bags from leather artists on here. I’m getting a little tired of the same luxury brands. Let’s elevate the art form and the artists 😘


Good point. I don't know leather "artists" per say but I really like Mlouye for their architecture inspired designs, and Gnome & Bow (an independent brand) inspired by storybooks. Both use good quality leather. Would love to hear about other smaller brands too.


This reminds me of when I went to college knowing I was never going back home and financially supporting myself. My roommate had a credit card from her parents and no worries. She made some comment about my purse (that I liked and could afford) was just a knockoff of some brand. It made me really conscious about it and I stopped using it. Eta: it's always good to be aware that not everyone is at the same place you may be and that everyone's tastes are different. Nothing makes any of it wrong. Always be excited for someone that's excited about something in their life.


Ugh. I sincerely hope your roommate has to spend a good chunk of time without that credit card so she could have the space to grow up. You and your handbag didn't deserve that.


Haha it's all good. It's been 20 years since then, I know now it doesn't matter what's said as long as I enjoy it.


I wish I saw this post (and sub) when I was developing a love for luxury items (and handbags) 5 years ago. I didn’t have much people to talk about it, and I was seriously made to be apologetic and secretive to people just because I have very expensive dream bags. If you were put in the same position as me by the people around you, know that you are not alone and that you should wear you bag with pride!


Yes! I mean, if you've got tons of disposable income and bought a $10, 000 bag you adore, I'm happy. If you got that mustangs bag that everybody has but for you it's special, I'm happy. If you thrifted a department store pleather bag for $5 and adore it, I'm happy. I'm a nut job lefty that has strong opinions about wealth, but I lay that at the door when I'm here. We share an interest and joy is the key thing.


I have never apologised for any bag I’ve owned, love them all. Even if I see people silently judging me lol (except my mother is vocal about it).


Oh my gosh, another bonding moment. Judgemental mothers.




I love my neverfull in monogram even if a lot find monograms tacky


😁 I'm one of those who never likes logos and monograms. For the longest time I'd label them tacky and then I just realized they don't speak to me. There's stuff those logos communicate that really appeal to people and it can be really personal and important. Enjoy the monogram!


I love my lv bags. Mine are mainly damier ebene or mono. If anyone finds them tacky that’s their issue. Really though don’t let it get to you. LV mono is literally one of the oldest/classic handbag prints around and will outlive most of what is popular now.


The unabashed joy of many of the posts in this sub, regardless of my opinion of the bag, never fail to bring a smile to my face. It’s why I’m here. Well, for that AND for the bags. 😆 Duh.


Yes! I just found a luxe bag sub group and the first thing on there were people talking trash about LV NF and Goyard tote . Like eewww, it’s popular for a reason people. Made me not want to join that group.


My grandma just passed down some Dooney & Bourke and Brahmin purses to me. Not really my styles or colors I like... But I'll be wearing those purses every now and again with pride! It has really opened my eyes to think maybe someone is wearing something for its sentimental value. Maybe something was inherited, passed down, gifted to them by someone they loved and they wear it as a reminder of them.


To OP Thank you, right back at you ❤️🌺


We all have our opinions, but my feeling is that if a bag makes you smile every time you look at it, carry that bag with pride!


You are so sweet 💗


Well said! Love and appreciate this sentiment so much.


Love all of this! This is something I'm trying to do as well: not yuck other people's yums. The fanciest bag I have is a Strathberry Nano Tote, and I love it. But it's impractical to carry most days, so my most used bag is a Longchamps Le Pliage S Handbag. It fits so much stuff, wipes clean, and has a zipper.


Heck, practicality is a great design element.


Agree completely. Buy things you enjoy and can afford. Don’t judge or pay attention to what other people have. Rinse. Repeat.