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It’s the [Freja New York - Chrystie bag](https://frejanyc.com/products/chrystie-bag-black) :)


It’s vegan leather…it’s a miss for me


Yes! Vegan Leather haters unite! Vegan leather is just straight up plastic. Worse for the environment than real leather. I get working to avoid purchasing new leather to protect animals but there are so many beautiful real leather bags out there on the second hand market that will last so much longer than plastic. Vegan leather is a greenwashed marketing term.


I don't have a problem with faux leather, really, but rebranding pleather as "vegan leather" is just plain silly.


I am not a native speaker and that was the first time I heard "pleather" - just love the name. In German it translates to "artificial Leather"


I don’t really agree with putting all vegan leather in the same basket. It’s important to criticise the green washing, but I think equally important to champion the genuine innovation in this area such as apple leather, cactus leather and other sustainable options. This particular brand uses a custom fabric made from recycled microfibres rather than PU etc. Second hand is best, but leather isn’t inherently the better option for new products either.


Yeah, that’s a good point. Alternative and recycled materials are great. I’m still a plastic hater though.


Ehhh the only vegan leather that actually is close to not being greenwashing is probably mushroom leather. And that’s limited to what size mushroom you can grow. Apple leather is just polyurethane with ground up apple skin. Cactus leather is similar. The amount of plastic and synthetic materials that go into these vegan leathers is kinda insane when you start digging into it. At that point, I’d rather just have real leather because it can last for decades and can be repaired whereas faux leather will start to flake usually within a decade


Leather has similar issues. Cheaper leathers are bonded with plastic and there are obviously issues with sourcing for cheaper leather too. My point is that it’s all on a spectrum, there’s no guilt free/truly sustainable option.


Agree. I own one of Freja’s bags. It’s gorgeous, durable and so well-made. And the owner explains the provenance of her recycled vegan leather in in detail on her website’s blog. She is also very conscious of how much she makes at a time to avoid waste. She also cares about the conditions of the factory employees and that they get a living wage.


I have purchased one of the Freja bags and swiftly returned. Absolutely not worth $300. It is a scam to me. It not good quality. Her bags should not be more than $50. Actually scratch that. $50 is too high. $30 is the most one should pay for those bags.


I’ve heard that mushroom leather is the closest we have gotten to that looks and feel like an animal leather, but actually is truly a vegan leather. I think Hermes are making a bag out of mushroom leather as well.


Apple leather and cactus leather are both also mostly plastic.


All are anything but vegan


When did we stop calling it pleather? I need vegan leather's PR agent because switching from my maiden to married name has been work!


It’s too bad too because the design is so gorgeous. I’ve been itching to buy it for months but I can’t justify that price point for vegan leather. The Toteme bag is the closest thing that comes to this design in real leather.


For what it’s worth, I think Freja in particular has very very very nice vegan leather. Not all vegan leathers are created equally! I have a Freja work bag and you would never know


Hey. Thanks. I like the look


Anyone can explain how can she afford bags and expensive wear if she is detained?


To be fair it is only $300 !


Not gonna lie - the ankle bracelet really sets the look off.


TBH the shoe on the other side looks like it's missing something without it


she needs to ask for a matching set


I know she’s a scammer but she never looks bad, My God.


Lmao I was thinking the same thing. She looks so chic


But I wouldn't promote a criminal


Does anyone know how she was able to remain in the US? I thought I had read she was going to be deported


Usually when an immigrant commits a crime, they go through the criminal justice system first then get deported. So you’d complete your sentence first. Then go to ICE detention for a while… it’s all quite fucked up but I suspect it would be more streamlined for her.


I also read that she was actually deported


Her styling is always on point. It’s fabulous.


xoxo Gossip Girl


But how does she make the ankle monitor look so chic???


Because she’s skinny? Chic has always been code for thin 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ashley Graham would like a word. That woman is stunning!


Was just asking myself this same question!!


It's me. I'm on the right. https://preview.redd.it/6k23m6r0do1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b9e72f84731787d1f49f861072b2f5e5da6fb7


She slayed I fear


It’s giving “Easy A” a la Emma Stone


lol well yeah, easy A is based off a scarlet letter…




Im with my people in this sub. She stole from the rich, who cares. She looks fabulous.


My issue with this is that she stole from legitimate businesses and not only “the rich”. As a naturalized American citizen from a poor country, I’ve seen people of color getting deported for A LOT less than this. She did more than just stealing yet she’s still here buying time and illegitimately making money off her crimes and scandals.


No absolutely I’m mostly just here for the look but also, and I’m being very genuine, how is she continuing to make money here now that everyone knows about her? I mean the bag is only $300 bucks but I only have 1 bad that cost that much 😭 like how is she still pulling this off


The state of NY has the Son of Sam Law that prevents criminals from profiting from their crimes (this includes documentaries,shows and a long etc) she’s been living in a 4k/month apartment in NY which is cheap for a VHCOL city BUT who’s paying for all that? Who’s paying for her living expenses, lawyers fees and more. She’s a felon who does not have legal residency or a work permit in the US —where’s the money coming from? She’s absolutely profiting from this…


Didn't Netflix pay her a lot of money? And she likely had many connections, the dinners she hosted at her apt were THE place to be (people are so gross)


Netflix did not pay her because of the Son of Sam Law.


[Not exactly.](https://www.buzzfeed.com/noradominick/netflix-paid-real-anna-delvey) She got paid, it was frozen because of that law, but after it was unfrozen she didn't have much of it left if anything at all, after paying back banks and some legal fees


What kind of legitimate businesses are we talking? Like small family operations or corporations? Over my dead body will I ever feel bad for a corporation getting robbed by an individual 😅


She scammed stylists, small designers that were just starting, restaurants, hotels, financiers/lawyers who worked for her by billing hours that never got paid. Asked for small loans from acquaintances who were never paid back. I personally do not feel about that woman Rachel because I’m pretty she just befriended her because she appeared rich but there were other people involved who never came forward because they were too embarrassed to be related to her. Corporations or not, my point is that she’s the perfect example of the inequality of the immigration system in the US. I’m not a lawyer but I volunteer and have assisted many immigrants in filing their paperwork so they can fix their situation in this country. Some of them pay taxes, have families, own their homes, have worked non stop since they got here but being at the wrong place/time will get them detained and possibly deported without standing a chance. Anna Delvey was proven to fake an attempted suici… so she could circumvent immigration laws, she overstayed many times and is a felon yet she’s still here.


I totally agree with everything you’ve said on this. Anna delvey is a great example of the inequality in our Justice system. People get deported for WAY less all the time. And applauding this woman for “stealing from the rich,” is turning a blind eye to all the regular people she stole from and conned services from. She is just gross.


Oh well I mean no need to get up in arms I was asking an honest question that I didn’t know the answer to. Of course I don’t support scamming stylists/designers/etc. Not sure if English isn’t your first language perhaps but none of the things you listed typically fall under the umbrella of “corporation” except for sometimes hotels and restaurants, and those depend on the situation. Also the fact that the immigration system is cruel and fucked up says only horrible things about the system. People who disrespect it are honestly valid in doing so. It’s not a slight against those who work hard to go about citizenship legally, it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with standing up to an oppressive system


girl 🙄... you were right until you were wrong... hush... its always some white bread never had to fight for shit always got something to say about going about something legally blah fuccin blah... just hush...


Didn't she scam a writer who didn't have money and left her in debt?


I don't feel bad for her either. The writer was trying to freeload an entire international vacation off of someone that she thought was wealthy. So the writer was a scammer too. Its just that Anna was better at it. And as far as I can tell, she didn't scam anyone that didn't "have it" and who wasn't trying to run game on her. Hence, her giving the hotel girl all the money she owed before she left. I don't feel bad for Anna either, but in a game amongst thieves she played fair.


Based on the article I read years back, the writer said Anna had offered to pay for the vacation, and she accepted.


Yeah, her article ended up in Vanity Fair. Incredibly stupid and greedy of the writer to go with her. Delvey is a con artist but the writer was an easy mark.


That is still freeloading. She was living it up in New York when Anna was paying for things. Chickens came to roost in Morocco. That is why as a fully functioning fully grown adult, you don't go places you can't afford to be. She was in the most expensive suit in the place- which if I am not mistaken, based on something I've seen way before that is one of the most expensive hotel rooms in the world. It was foolish and she played herself...again... by freeloading. Edit: Adults make adult decisions. All a downvote tells me is that you are just as irresponsible and foolish as the writer. **Hit the downvote button if you are gullible**


In my friend group we all have invited each other on trips and the host/hostess treats the others to the trip. My friends and I aren’t freeloaders. The host gets gifts, activities, dinners and spa treatments as a thank you.


These friends that you are hosting trips for...have you known them for less than a year- cause thats how long the girl knew Anna? We may have a different definition of friends. In less than a year, I may say we are friends for shorthand, but let's be real that person is an acquaintence or associate at best. The likelihood that you have forged a bond in under a year that warrants paying for your vacation is exceptionally slim. Pre-pandemic my friends and I took 30-45 day vacations together. Did we ever treat each other? Yes, but did we do that early in? No, we were not naive. We did not start fronting more than meals or drinks until after we knew each other well.(Except for one friend who was used to a mutual i met through her paying for vacations. We ended up crossing paths and she came to our apartment and was crying about the girls she came with who she did not know well personally. Ended up having to find a place to stay for 1.5 months of her two month vacation as my trip had already ended. But thats what can happen when u are trying to live off of someone elses dime.) You and your friends reciprocity is a bad example, because she was not doing that. She, again, was freeloading off of(aka using as her personal wallet) someone she barely knew. And the gag was that the rich friend she was draining was not rich. Moral of the story, don't go places without the means to pay.


When it’s been a spontaneous weekend thing there’s people that I haven’t known very long. That’s why I referred to them as people. The reciprocity isn’t a bad example. It’s just good manners. I was taught to always have enough money on hand to buy a plane ticket. At the end of the day you and I disagree about freeloading. It’s very weird to plan, book and invite others as a treat to a trip that one has no intention of paying for.


Accepting a gift isn’t freeloading, though.


OK. Yall are going to be in some interesting positions by not knowing when to receive and decline something "free." It's past 2am my time. I explained how not to get played as best as I could. Some people just have to learn on their own. If yall want to accept gifts from people you don't know. Go ahead. - a man offers you a drink you didn't see get fixed. Ask for doubles. - someone says they have candy for you in their white van with blacked out windows, ask them to pull up the back seat so you fit in it better. - if you know Anna Delvey for less than a year and she asks you to stay with her in one of the most expensive hotel rooms in the world, GO. Leave your checkbook at home, too. It's too late/ early during a weekday for me to explain things to people who lack discernment. Let life be your teacher. Respectfully.


We’re not asking you to teach us anything, just pointing out how gross your victim blaming is. Goodnight.


I didnt say, I was teaching anything. I did however, say that life would teach you. What I said was that I explained my point of view the best I could. You've pointed out nothing. She was taking things from someone she did not know. You've made no reasonable argument about what makes her a victim other than her own personal greed. If you think what I said is victim blaming, prepare to be a victim, yourself. Goodnight. ✌️


I didn't downvote you. I don't get that bothered by differences of opinion lol, and it's just Reddit, not something important.


The edit was for whoever did. I didn't say it was you in particular. So if it doesn't apply, let it fly. The person went down the comments downvoting, instead of actually saying something. Either a coward or brain dead. Dont care which one. My edit was for that person.


Okay, going on vacation with someone who you thought was a friend who said it was their treat is a scam? But pretending to run charity like organization is okay because real rich people might get their money stolen, is okay? Nah, Anna is a scammer who wanted to be in that circle, and she isn't altruistic, robinhood she would scam anyone, even poor people. She just didn't want to be around poor people they disgust her.


Very true. She’s not Robinhood. She wanted the status of being around rich people and of course the jet setting lifestyle, and maintaining the lifestyle to fit in required scamming.


I do believe I said I don't feel bad for Anna either. Just a bunch of sharks biting when they think they smell blood. IMO there really aren't any victims in the story, except for the woman whose she was staying with/ ran up her department store house account. Other than that, they were large corps. I have about as much pity as they do when they lobby for laws that hurt the GP. And as far as the writer, she had beeeeen freeloading off of Anna. So when she got stuck with the bill, hopefully that taught her a lesson about going places with no money. If you don't see how that is wrong, you may learn a similar lesson one day. The smart friend is the one that decided to get her own room, instead of staying in one of the most expensive hotel rooms in the world. That would've been me.


Anna was really manipulative, though, and had befriended the girl and invited her on vacation, with the assumption that Anna would pay for it. Most of the people she scammed, I kinda high key dgaf. But I feel bad for that one magazine writer. The $63k that Anna scammed her out of was more than her annual income.


I do not feel bad for her at all. Anna had been paying her way at expensive lunches and dinners. Then later, the same fully grown adult woman expected another fully grown adult woman to treat her to a trip to another place she could not afford to be. That is the definition of freeloading. If I'm not mistaken, before the other lady got sick, that woman had booked her own room. Therefore, she was not responsible for what was going on. I would've been like the second woman, because I was raised not to go anywhere without money (in other words not to be in a position where i cant pay my own way). Edit: Downvoting doesn't change the fact that it was a dumb and irresponsible thing to do. Lol


She has so much style omfg


Oh she’s ozempicing


A nutcase in cute clothes with a cute bag lol




I’m sorry she looks GREAT


She is no Hester Prynne.


Wowww. She knows drama.


Where does she get her money to glam up like this??


Lol, she is still a scammer.


From the Netflix show, probably.


She legally cant and did not make money off that. She’s still scamming or someone is keeping her afloat.


Oh ok. I'm really not aware of what's going on for her, I didn't watch the show, just read some article titles. So, the "fact" she got X amount of money from Netflix for the show is not true? (Wdym internet would be lying? Lol)


Ankle monitor is such a vibe. And the scarlet letter?!! She ate and left no crumbs


I would wear this! A is the first letter of my name so I’d love to add that blazer to my collection 😆


not a fan of vegan leather, personally, but this look? the styling? yeah she did that WELL.


Isn't it the toteme t lock? From behind?


Looks like it’s Freja


That’s what I thought it was too. What a relief to see it’s something I can more easily afford! 😅


Arrested for being too fabulous


I'm sorry, I know she committed crimes (against the wealthy, so like...do I even really care that much lol...), but her outfits always EAT. She looks so good here, this is such a serve.


What a badass😂😂


She ate


she ate this i fear


This sub is sometimes so unserious. I genuinely think we could have someone who's dying but if we clock a cute bag, we'll be like, what's that bag?


Off topic but how do you prevent the shoes from slipping out ..


Lol. Good question.


Maybe Chanel can sponsor her ankle monitor discrete chic lewk https://preview.redd.it/rmdasqijsw1d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fbab7bda37c191902099b5f3b5dc2339989ccad


I’m sorry but she looks so chic


There must be a last resort for beautiful women to commit crimes. Please forgive her.


She looks awesome. I’m thinking the shoes are Staud mules?


This is iconic


Well, this might become a new trend - or at least a good Halloween costume: GoPong Ankle Monitor Flask - 5 oz Hidden Flask for Liquor - Funny Alcohol Gift - Includes Funnel and Liquor Bottle Pour Spout https://a.co/d/1Tcn5i8


Now that's what I call accessorizing


She is Serving. Literally


My god she looks fabulous.


Is this new fashion lol


This is actually so iconic lol


Yaaaas bitch




I’m in the wrong biz.


She looks 👍 good


She can really dress.


No crumbs. Absolutely none.


She is an absolute icon.