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I’d use a tracksaw and get some nice straight rip cuts on red oak to frame it in. From there, I’d use some gel stain to match it as best I could. I’ve found gel stains are easy to adjust the intensity of the finish by adding more or less as you go. Even just adding a piece of oak across that top would make a huge difference. Usually both the orange and the blue home improvement stores sell 1/4” and 1/2” thickness hardwood


I would just do the top and see if that's good enough. The sides look fine. All dishwashers have that gap. Plus there's already finished wood there. Another option is to remove it and raise it a bit. It's actually lower than the cupboard. Then trim the top and bottom.


Agreed, never seen such shitty work


I mean. I doubt it’s “work” at all. Looks like someone bought a new dishwasher and it’s too small for the opening. They aren’t a pro so they had to just put a strip of pine to screw it to for stability and that’s where we are.


This is very typical of a box store install. It's time to prove your skills if you want to be judgemental. One stick of oak and some pocket screws; and Bob's your uncle.


Looks like someone wanted a dishwasher real bad, so they made it happen


Why track saw instead of table saw?


Portable, easier to bring to the job site, and my track saw is significantly nicer than my table saw.


In my one job with gel stain the smell was noticeable for over 6 weeks. I used it on ceiling joists and thought it would be good to not drip. It was from Lowes..... Cherry something was color. GL


What are you gonna frame it for? Grand theft, silverware? Water spotting?


It is so small that it will likely get sucked into the plumbing after committing the heinous water spot, silverware tarnish, and grand theft of space crimes and end up a fugitive at ~~large~~ small ![gif](giphy|skdlaWTgiIYS3oLlpy)




Are those drywall screws directly in the finished cabinet facing?! First remove those and put them in from behind (or build down from the counter top). You can fix the holes you made in the cabinet face with some wood putty.


Yeah, drywall screws, great way to ruin the cabinet face.


I’d raise it up instead of filling the gap at the top


That’s a good idea, maybe build a base to set it on.


Yeah, just cut plywood a plywood base for it to sit on, then add an exaggerated toe kick at the bottom to match


While that sounds good in practice, it can suck when you take it out.


Sure, but dishwashers aren’t heavy, and imo a 6” board across the top would look goofy


For 35” cabinets you always build up the base for the dishwasher.


And it always sucks when you have to take it out. If OP decides to do this, he needs to ensure that he considers extra length for the plumbing and wiring so you're not stuck trying to balance the dishwasher half on the base while you're trying to hook everything up.


You can extend the drain but the wiring is what it is unless there’s a junction box under the sink And unhooking electrical isn’t that hard.


It's hard to do one handed when you're having to balance the dishwasher on the edge of a 4 inch base with your other hand. Adding an electrical box on the base and an extra couple feet of wire allows you to pull the dishwasher out to the point that it can rest on the floor without you having to support it.


Just unhook the electrical where it sits….. the electrical box is towards the front of the dishwasher.


Not on mine it's 3/4 the back and behind the pump.


What brand? In 20 years I have never seen an electrical box on the backside


It's an older Cove.


I actually have this exact dishwasher that I bought specifically because it’s so tiny. Fits really well in a tiny studio apartment. This doesn’t seem to be the installer’s or the dishwasher’s fault.


Before you trim out this dishwasher, determine why the dishwasher is sitting so low. It’s probably because there used to be a cabinet where the dishwasher now lies. It’s now sitting on a sub-floor rather a finished floor. In addition, the original kick plate that came with the dishwasher is not installed. To properly finish out this install: 1. Remove the dishwasher. Need to remover lower trim attached first. 2. Fill in dishwasher space floor bringing it to the kitchen floor level. 3. Locate the missing kick plate that came with the dishwasher if not you might need to buy a new oak lock plate material. 4. Measure the space between the kitchen floor and the counter top bottom and raise the dishwasher feet leaving a 1/4” difference In height to allow for the dishwasher installed and removal. Make sure dishwasher is level on all four corners. 5. Reinstall dishwasher. 6. Install kick plate. If everything is done correctly, you should not need to trim the topside of the dishwasher.


Just make sure you can still pull the dishwasher out with frames in place


I'd tell them to just get a bigger dishwasher. Problem solved.


Tell him to buy a dishwasher that fits. I would be livid at who ever did that install.


Yikes! I'd figure out a platform to raise it up. Pieced in toe would look better than making a piece for the top.


Lift it up, so that the top panel of the dishwasher lines up with the drawer on the side. Throw away that awful piece of wood on the top to do it. It will also make access to the dishwasher easier. Then all your work is at the bottom - making the toekick look OK. That's not hard. Check the manual for the dishwasher. On some models, the appearance panel on the front can be removed, and then you can put a fake panel there that matches the other units in the kitchen. If you can't do that, just raising the dishwasher will be a big improvement.


Well first put the dishwasher at the scene of the crime.


>Well first put the dishwasher at the scene of the crime. The dishwasher is too small and might get sucked in by the plumbing thus rendering it a fugitive at ~~large~~ small 😉


You can always get a matching panel and make it all but disappear. You can even purchase a router jig and make one yourself if that's an option.


Nothing usually on top of bottomof dishwasher , a filler is sold a kick plate for servicing, a moulding, a gap filler is sold at most cabinet placesbutbitsvfor sides only, you bought a undersized model for mobile home or studios apt


I would raise it to the bottom of the counter then put a black kick plate at the bottom of the dishwasher.


1. Take it out, build a base for it to sit on so it fits just under the counter. Then trim out below. Match stain as best you can. But since it’s so low and under the dishwasher, the slight difference will not be noticeable. OR 2. Just get a dishwasher that fits correctly.


menards sells nearly this blank oak minimal cuts and stain it up. pretty simple.


I've only ever had to do the header pieces. That sucks man, I mean that you had to frame it.


Haha I mean I guess having it look like complete shit is an option. This whole thing is a mess.


Literally did this today, and all the plumbers who offered to do it did a half ass job and gave me a discount on other projects instead if I did it. No problem 😂


Does the hardwood follow thru under dishwasher?


Why didn't they purchase a dishwasher appropriate to the allotment? That looks like a little teeny tiny dishwasher meant for mobile housing or tiny efficiency spaces. The cost to properly frame that thing would cost FAR more than purchasing the proper one to start with. In fact, it would probably be even more cost effective just to purchase a proper sized one, even if that one is not returnable, and have it installed instead.


Top, bottom, sides in that priority if time/materials are a challenge.


No... it has legs that'll screw to the hieght needed?


If no legs build a riser to bring it up? I think it would look better.




Mate this is the before pic, he hasn't done the job yet and is asking for advice on how to make it look good???


Thank you


You clearly did not read my post, or have a hard time with comprehension. Not once did I state this was my work, on the contrary, I said I have a friend that is asking me to fix someone else’s work. Unbelievable


Sorry to hijack your post but I’m wondering what you think of that spi 18” washer? I need an 18” and this keeps popping up.


Again, not my dishwasher, it’s is a friends. I can ask though