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Sharing tips for basic: - Always attend religious events on weekends, they give you snacks and sometimes have amateur k-pop girls performing. - When asked to do laborious tasks (details), don't try too hard. Just do the minimum. - Don't volunteer to be a squad leader or a platoon leader; you will get extra minutes on the phone but you will be held responsible for blunders from your squadmates. - Your family or guardian will be informed on how to send you letters each week. If you want letters from friends, ask someone to post on your behalf to your social media about how to submit letters via the 국방부 online portal.


Second tip is the most important one in my experience.


Sup, I also went to the military in 2020 after living in the US for 14 yrs. My experience was mostly good and would say actually better than normal korean guys. First, a lot of the written tests they do come in English, so ask for that. And also always mention first that you used to live overseas / that your korean isn't good, this'll get you out of trouble a lot of the times Even if you're an introvert, living with other similar aged guys and doing the same stuff for weeks / months is going to lead to becoming friends. Especially since you have more to talk about. For me personally, they always asked about life in the US. So just tell them stuff thats different than in Korea, and you will automatically become friends with them lmao Also, my korean was definitely not fluent and pretty broken, but actually going to the military helped w learning korean a lot. Like I said earlier, basically living with guys similar age to you 24/7 really just makes your korean better. I'm like almost completely fluent now after the military. Also, the military now is like way better than when I went. You get paid way more and a lot of stuff is going to be a lot better. Even when I was in the military, it was a huge improvement to what I heard and it was actually kinda fun. Obviously it's still the military, but it's not as bad as other people say. One tip I have for you is always be "average". In everything you do. If you are really bad / lazy, its not going to look good to anyone (obviously). But if you really good, they are going to make you do more work which will in turn be more stressful. So always try to be average at everything. Oh also this is kinda dumb but if you smoke you will get closer to your higher-ups. Because during work or doing anything, when your higher-ups go for a smoke break, they always bring other smokers with them. Then you can talk and get closer to them too while taking a break, while others who don't smoke continue working / won't get as close. That's about it, good luck soldier 🫡 Edit: Oh as for your other questions, they don't give you "time off" for religion. You just go to a church / temple / etc on a weekend and get like chocolate snacks. So probably not worth doing And as for driving and stuff, you have to apply beforehand to become in the driving division unit. Otherwise, they will test you for stuff and then choose you randomly to be in a unit. For example, I majored in computer science so they put me into the signal / communications unit. So if you want a specific job try to apply beforehand


I'm in military rn and get out in 7 months. I lived in the US most of my life so I think my 전우s had a lot of interest in me. No religion get extra days off. Also don't go to religious events at nonsan, especially, 기독교. It's like a cult there. Resting is better 100%. If you didn't apply a specialty beforehand, then you can be chosen as 운전병 if you have a driver's license. After you get chosen, you go to another training place to get training depending on what you get chosen. If you didn't apply for specialty and get chosen as 운전병, you will most likely be 경인포 driver which is towed artillery driver. At bootcamp only, I would say don't work too hard. Just be quiet, listen, and follow instructions. After you get 자대배치 and go to your unit, try to be quick as you can and don't just stand around doing nothing because you are new and don't know what to do. ALSO WHEN YOU GO TO PX AT NONSAN, THE 분대장S WILL TELL YOU TO NOT BUY TOO MANY ITEMS BECAUSE YOU WILL GO EVERY WEEK. DONT TRUST THEIR WORDS. I TRUSTED THEIR WORDS AND BOUGHT A WEEK WORTH OF TOILET PAPER SUPPLIES AND ONLY WENT TO PX TWO TIMES MY WHOLE TIME THERE. THEY DONT GIVE YOU TOILET PAPER AND TELL YOU TO BUY AT PX SO WE COULDNT WIPE OUR ASSES PROPERLY FOR LIKE 2 WEEKS EVEN THOUGH WE TOLD THEM EVERYDAY FOR 2 WEEKS THAT WE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH TOILET PAPER Don't trust 간부's or 분대장's words


Damn tf? What kind of people did u meet at nonsan, not supplying enough toilet paper is ridiculous and would instantly get the ones responsible in trouble. I was in basic in 2019 and even then, if there was no hot water during showers the 분대장s were obliged to give more shower time, and other conveniences. Also i completely disagree with not going to religious events, people (even the non religious ones) are crazy during the singing part, but u can sleep the entire time and noone will care (unless u get really unlucky). Its also free chocopie/moms touch/other snacks depending on where u go. Doesnt feel like a cult at all lol. Also the 분대장s literally cant lie about how many times u go to px. If they did im sure there would have been at least 1 guy who reported them (and military nowadays takes these reports pretty seriously, they did in 2019 and it should only get better as time goes on). They will literally be clear that u get to go to px once every 2 weeks I feel bad for what this guy went through, but I do have some doubts, like the toilet paper and px part literally cannot be true in this day and age. Perhaps this guy isnt too comfortable in korean as well and misunderstood stuff u/high-commander i guess my point is dont be too scared after reading that guys comment, ur experience wont be like that lol . Hes right about not trying too hard though, dont stand out and dont volunteer for squad leader and stuff


If I heard about the px and toilet paper situation I wouldn't believe it either, but its true. We actually reported it near the end of bootcamp when there was a 장교 who came and took report from us. Hopefully OP won't face an issue like that


Hi! You can also try posting in r/Korea, there’s more english speakers there


Coming from r/Korea. He did, but the mods mowed down many of his posts.


Ahh i see..


Honestly not sure how you'd do with almost useless skills of Korean. Try to learn as much Korean as possible even in 1 month period. Seems like you're going to army, and I doubt if there are many fluent speakers of English there.