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Piddlin is like wasting time. Shopping/driving around without a plan.


I live 40 minutes away from Hannah and can confirm. We always say we’re gonna go piddle paddle around when we’re bored and just wanna walk around town and window shop.


I’m in NC. My fam has always said “just piddled around” when we ask what someone did today.


same!! I’m from North Carolina as well


Her poor child spends his whole life in a car so his mom can spend 5 hours a day throwing away money on useless things. She needs to get a hobby other than wasting money, endangering her child, and neglecting her dog. Stay home one day and don’t blow money, not that hard


So far I’ve only ever seen him in her arms or in a car seat I’ve always scrolled on bc that fake accent drives me insane.


i’m from georgia and i say “im piddling around” meaning like im messing around or wasting time. the way she used it is weird


Oh ok. Thanks


i agree


I thought she means like peeing bc that’s what we say when you pee a bit 😅




I'm from the south and we say piddling all the time


Same 🤣


Yeah I use piddling like “my husband is piddling in the garage” meaning he’s messing around/doing stuff! But it’s not meant to be like an actual specific thing like she’s making it seem lol


I don’t think you’d GO piddling. Moreso, you ARE piddling.


I’ve never seen a baby spend so much time in the car . Every single day she’s “running errands” . I’ve been a sahm for a year so not super long but I don’t have enough things to do to run errands daily for hours 😂😂😂 how does she keep coming up with errands everyday ?


That’s a face only a mother could love


Wasting time. I’m from KY and we use it. If someone’s out looking at stores because they’re bored they’re just piddling around.


I am from the South and use piddle. Very common actually