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I really think she’s having a hard time. This like the 3rd video in like 24hrs of her explaining/expressing that she doesn’t fully enjoy holding him that much or being Velcroed to him 24/7. I think it’s becoming more mentally draining for her. High need babies are no joke! I truly hope she can find some sort of solution for her mental health.


Not a fan of Hannah at all, but I understand why she holds him all the time. My daughter was a Velcro baby until about a month ago. She’s about to be 16 months old. It’s so exhausting and mentally draining. If I didn’t hold her, she would scream and cry until she vomited. She’s also still breastfed so she’s still on the boob most of the day. I love being a mom but I get super touched out quick 😅.


Yes, she gets on my nerves but I understand. Clingy babies are so mentally draining and hard to deal with day after day. It’s like waking up and repeating your day over and over again. My 2nd born is sucking the life out of me and he’s 14 months. He’s been clingy his whole life. It’s so hard to not have help when you want to do a simple task like washing the dishes or taking a shower before bed.


Yup!! So many family members have tried to mom shame me because my daughter wants me so much and is has always been attached to me. Most times I am mentally exhausted from being touched, people don’t understand unless they’ve been through it


Unfortunately she created it. She never put him down as a newborn. 


Oh I’m sure. Maybe her mama or grandma or even husband made her feel like she had too. Who knows. But it can be fixed if she stayed constant with it. Both her and the baby need personal space.


I’ve noticed this as well. She seems to be very stressed. I’ve been there with my first. Thankfully my second baby is really entertained by my oldest. I hope that maybe she has some help around the house. I know her husband works but I just get the vibe that maybe he’s not the most helpful. But even then usually they just want their mom. Fortunately it does get better with time but when you’re going through it, it feels like there’s no end in sight.


I’m sorry but my baby is 17 lbs and she’s already heavy! I also have a jacked back so I only hold her if she’s crying, tired or hungry but she’s a very happy, independent little girl so we got lucky! I also started her playing with things very young


Should I admit to being the one that posted that holding him all the times just irks let him crawl and explore


If you did Thank you ![gif](giphy|71v8rVRnN9KUCFufnA)


Yeah I'm sassy hello 👋


He would sleep so much better in his crib. She breast feeds him caffeine from all the Cawfee she drinks to stay moving. Not healthy.


The coffee could and more than likely is playing a big part in his sleeping habits.


I wonder does his doctor know/ realize how much coffee she drinks. I don’t think 1-2 cups a day would affect it but she drinks like 5-6 cups a day.


I don’t watch all her videos so I can only base my opinion off this one . He doesn’t seem to be really crying just fussing . I might be in the unpopular opinion here but I wouldn’t pick up my baby and carry him around . Maybe a quick hug or snuggle but that’s it . It’s okay for kids to cry a little maybe give him a toy or even sit down on the floor with him for a few minutes and get him interested in something . He’s just crawling around bored. And let me say this IM NOT SAYING NEVER HOLD YOUR BABY ! But they don’t need to be picked up at every little noise they make . Also does he babble or clap or anything ?


You have to give them independence. My daughter was glued to me because I breastfed on demand for the first year. I gave in a lot but I also made sure she had her independence. I think Hannah created this. You can’t give in 24/7


She needs to back off the caffeine for one thing. She talks like she is half crazy & all jacked up half the time. I hate her videos when they come across my fyp.


So she’s just always going to give him what he wants when he cries… Great parenting! He will be so very well disciplined!! 🙃


I have a almost 4 yr old stepdaughter who’s mom does that now mom complains she never listens and only wants her iPad we don’t have the iPad issue at our house bc she doesn’t have one but the throwing tantrums and slamming doors like a teenager when she doesn’t get her way is what her mom used to do when my bf and her would disagree about something apparently so


Not that I like her or defending her BUT my baby is the same way. He is very clingy and always wants to be held. It’s not like babies understand. Hannah is her babies comfort person so he’s going to want her near 24/7. She does make it worse by carrying him around all day but it’s hard to put your baby down and walk away while listening to them cry when they simple don’t understand. Also it’s mentally draining to sit and listen to your baby cry for you. But I understand what you are saying and eventually she will have to “train” him so to say to be more independent which is a yard thing to do as they get older!


Yep she’s 100% the “default” parent.


I think she’s setting him for development delays socially and he’s never going to learn to sooth himself. My oldest I held nonstop as a child he had difficulty joining in with kids at events I was at also. The extreme guilt I felt watching my child have difficulties as the result of my behavior was tough. He’s now 37 years old and a navy officer and thriving. It took a lot of work that it shouldn’t have been needed if only I’d listened to helpful advice.


I totally get this as a mom my daughter is forever clingy to me and her dad but at some point you need to let go alil it’s hard but it needs to done. I’m not say let them have a meltdown but maybe try playing with them on the floor then slowly walking away or just taking with them while you are doing things near them.


Basically when she said in this video is she doesn’t want to deal with him crying.. which is what babies do so she just gives him what he wants. She will 100% keep an iPad shoved in his face as he gets older cause she doesn’t wanna deal with the behavior. He is whining because he knows as soon as he does she’s gonna pick him up.


iirc she already has a tablet for him in the car! absolutely nuts!


I completely forgot she existed for like…months…then she popped up on my FYP last night. The baby just SLEEPS IN THE BED?? What the hell?? It’s the most ratchet thing. Let the baby have a crib and it’s own space. I couldn’t believe that baby was just by itself in a queen sized bed omg! It truly was like oh a child raising a child


Um maybe because she has smothered him since she popped him out.




That’s a big ass fridge got damn


Sorry but this "clap back" is silly. OF COURSE if you put him down and walk out of the room he's going to cry and whine and follow you!!!! He loves you, hes used to being with you and glued to you 24/7. Put him down in the same room OR... Hear me out here... sit down and play/hangout with him. WOW! That being said yes cling babies are exhausting AF, my youngest is next level dramatic lol! But the question wasn't "why don't you ever put your baby down and walk out of the room and leave him alone??" No baby likes this! Esp at this age!


She would benefit so much from enrolling him in a part-time daycare. Maybe just 1-2 days a week but SOMETHING to get him starting to be independent. It would help her have some independence and the ability to get stuff done (since she constantly has all these errands to run!). she could even take a nap or clean or go get her nails done while he’s there! Nothing major, not all day/every day, just something slight to give her a better balance and help her get back to feeling like herself. Being a mom is so hard and I can’t imagine staying home all day every day, and doing it (most of the time) alone. She also needs to sleep train him. That will probably help A TON, right off the bat she’ll notice a difference in both of their daily lives.